138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)

Another prophecy is that there will be a GREAT battle between Muslims and ROME (the WEST) and MUSLIMS WILL WIN. 600 years LATER after this prophecy, in the 13th century the ROMAN Catholic Pope ordered the Crusades with the help from the WEST to fight the Muslims in Jerusalem. MUSLIMS IN THE END WON this huge battle with the help of Saladin. ALSO it was prophesied that the CHRISTIAN CITY of Constantine pole will fall and become a MUSLIM city. hundreds of years AFTER the prophecy, The city of Constantine pole FELL and became ISLAMIC and is now ISTANBUL, the capitol of Turkey.

§outh§tar said:
Unless you are saying God is not perfect, or that God did not foresee your so called altering by man, so that He had to "reveal" a third book because man had made His PERFECT, UNERRANT Word fallible, I suggest you take your head out of the sand.

Allah is all powerful. he DID know that these books will be altered thats why in the TORAH there is a prophecy of a "messiah" coming to them to save them. well that Messiah is actually Jesus (as) and loads of jews accpeted this and followed Jesus but a few didn't. those people are Jews now.

and in the Old Testamant there is a prophecy of Mohammed coming down (in some other less familar books Mohammed is even said by name). anyway, this next prophet is Mohammed (saw).

it makes sense because thats why the three Abrahamic faiths happen after the other and that's why there is no other Abrahamic faith after Mohammed (saw). that is also why the Torah has prophicies of Jesus and why the Bible has prophices of Mohammed. and that is why all three Abrahmic religions orginated in the same area (around Arabia). and that is why when Judaism came it dominated Arabia and then Christinaty came and it over took Judaism and took over Arabia and that is why when Islam came it dominated Arabia because it was the final religion after Christinaty,

ALSO THE TORAH AND OLD TESTAMANT BIBLE are both prediict prophets to come but the Quran isn't and it is stated that after Mohammed (saw) no prphet will come. also the Quran hasn't been altwered by man and has been promised to be exactly the same until the day if judgemen neither the Torah or the Bible have claimed this.! :eek:
Preacher_X said:
The prophecy stated that tulmult in 10th Islamic month, talks of war in the 11th and actual war in 12th and these ALL happened in this order. also "both sides will be deprieved of victory" and as you know, no side clamied vicotory in the war. also it was stated that after this the iraqi people will be peniless and without food. this is refferring to the 12 years of sanctions.


A nation/tribe will come from the Farsi direction, saying: “You Arabs! You have been too zealous! If you don't give them their due rights, nobody will have an alliance with you... It must be given to them one day and to you the following day, and mutual promises must be kept...” They will be going up Mutekh; Muslims will be coming down to the plain... Mushrikun (idolaters) will be standing over there on the bank of a black river (Rakabeh) on the other side. There will be a war between them. God will deprive both armies of a victory... (Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 179)

Above you see some of the news about Iran-Iraq war.

- Those coming from the Farsi direction: those coming from the Iranian side

- Farsi: Iran, Iranian

- Coming down to the plain: Coming down to the plain, Iranian Plain

- Mutekh: Name of a mountain in the region

- Rakabeh: Region where the oil wells are concentrated. ALSO IT IS CALLED THE "BLACK RIVER" in the Quran refferring to the rivers of black oil in the region. yet another prophecy :D !!!

"You Arabs! You have indulged yourselves to bigotry! Unless you grant due rights to them, no one will agree with you on a plan of action…"

This hadith may draw attention to the outbreak of a racial dispute that would cause both sides to come down to the plain (Iranian Plain) and wage war.

God will not give victory to any one of the armies...

Further, as noted by the hadith, the Iran-Iraq war lasted for 8 years and, despite the many thousands of casualties, neither side could claim victory or a decisive superiority.
Just some of my favorites:

3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates

So, the two rivers will battle? That sounds interesting. :D Sorry.

14 The Emergence of Widespread Slaughter

Whew! Going out on a limb with this one.

18 Destruction of Great Cities

Ah yes, an apocalyptic list staple.

19 The Rebuilding of Ruined Places

Another shocker.

21 The Loss of an Army

No! Say it ain't so!

22 No money will be left to the Iraqis

Does it say "Iraqis"? If so, color me impressed since "Iraq" is a relatively recent invention of the Brits.

24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

Which will inevitably fail. Why? RELIGIONS THAT PUSH APOCALYPTIC LISTS. No irony there.

31 War On Streets

*Gasp* We have wars...and streets! How could one argue with such proof?

32 War Between Muslims and Jews

Well, considering they've hated each other since dirt, I'm not sure if that even qualifies a prophecy.

34 Pervasive Corruption

Stop the presses!

37 Openly Denying God

Yes, and people will also continue taking dumps. What else is new?

40 Days of Anarchy and Chaos
41 Absence of Peace

I think these two should only count as one number.

43 People Flee From One Another in Confusion

And a friend shall lose a friend's hammer!

50 The Killing of the Innocent

OK, this is another repeat.

66 The Rejection of the True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur'an

Janet Jackson's boob appeared on the Super Bowl! Oh my God! It's true!

68 Muslims' yearning for non-Muslims

Probably because of stuff like the aforementioned boob incident.

82 Social Deterioration

American Idol!

92 People who value their pets more than people

But what if my cat is cooler than everyone else I know?

102 The Collapse of Moral Values


110 An Increase in Literacy

Hey, a good one! And people say the end of the world is all bad.

111 Time Grows Short

What the hell does this mean?

Here's a new one for the list:

1,004,975,256 Pat Robertson will say something stunningly stupid and offensive in the next three months. And Jerry Falwell will nod in approval. Oh yeah, and it's gonna rain in London sometime in the next year.

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Preacher_X said:
Allah is all powerful. he DID know that these books will be altered thats why in the TORAH there is a prophecy of a "messiah" coming to them to save them. well that Messiah is actually Jesus (as) and loads of jews accpeted this and followed Jesus but a few didn't. those people are Jews now.

and in the Old Testamant there is a prophecy of Mohammed coming down (in some other less familar books Mohammed is even said by name). anyway, this next prophet is Mohammed (saw).

it makes sense because thats why the three Abrahamic faiths happen after the other and that's why there is no other Abrahamic faith after Mohammed (saw). that is also why the Torah has prophicies of Jesus and why the Bible has prophices of Mohammed. and that is why all three Abrahmic religions orginated in the same area (around Arabia). and that is why when Judaism came it dominated Arabia and then Christinaty came and it over took Judaism and took over Arabia and that is why when Islam came it dominated Arabia because it was the final religion after Christinaty,

ALSO THE TORAH AND OLD TESTAMANT BIBLE are both prediict prophets to come but the Quran isn't and it is stated that after Mohammed (saw) no prphet will come. also the Quran hasn't been altwered by man and has been promised to be exactly the same until the day if judgemen neither the Torah or the Bible have claimed this.! :eek:

Ironically enough, you went on an on without even addressing my statement. How quaint.

And now you say God ordained THREE religions to worship Him? Do you dare imply that He did not "think" ONE "religion" would be "ENOUGH" for Him?

Tell me where in the "OLD TESTAMANT BIBLE" prophets have been predicted to come. Apart from Jesus, show me these prophets, and they must be PROPHETS, as you have said. And THEN, show me where the "OLD TESTAMANT BIBLE" describes Jesus Christ as merely a "prophet".

Once again you have blabbered on and on without even ADDRESSING my statement, and in effect have only pretended to reply. Show me where in the Bible there are prophecies of Mohammed coming as a prophet OF GOD.

Obviously, there only way you have been "able" to tie all this in is state that the father of Judaism, Islam and Christianity is Abraham. Since I have already mentioned in one thread what the Bible SPECIFICALLY says regarding Judaism and Christianity, I won't mention it again. I am sure you will stumble upon it if you haven't done so already.

The only reason I did not argue with your statement about these religions branching from Abraham is that God DID promise Him descendants numbering the sand on the beach and the stars in the sky. I would assume that is what you mean when you call Islam an "Abrahamic faith", since logically his seed "introduced" or "revealed" these faiths.
Preacher X:

24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

Show me the verse in the Quran which predicts this specifically.

I am very interested that the Quran could predict the existence of two states which did not exist when the Quran was written.

Preacher_X said:
The prophecy stated that tulmult in 10th Islamic month, talks of war in the 11th and actual war in 12th and these ALL happened in this order. also "both sides will be deprieved of victory" and as you know, no side clamied vicotory in the war. also it was stated that after this the iraqi people will be peniless and without food. this is refferring to the 12 years of sanctions.

Even though I can refute those I would like to know first where in the quran it says these things.
spidergoat said:
Preacher X, where are these predictions found in the Quran?

The Quran's account on the day of judgement.

[75.1] Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection.
[75.2] Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul.
[75.3] Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?
[75.4] Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips
[75.5] Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him.
[75.6] He asks: When is the day of resurrection?
[75.7] So when the sight becomes dazed,
[75.8] And the moon becomes dark,
[75.9] And the sun and the moon are brought together,
[75.10] Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to?
[75.11] By no means! there shall be no place of refuge!
[75.12] With your Lord alone shall on that.day be the place of rest.
[75.13] Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off.
[75.14] Nay! man is evidence against himself,
[75.15] Though he puts forth his excuses.
[75.16] Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it,
[75.17] : Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it.
[75.18] Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation.
[75.19] Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it.
[75.20] Nay! But you love the present life,
[75.21] And neglect the hereafter.
[75.22] (Some) faces on that day shall be bright,
[75.23] Looking to their Lord.
[75.24] And (other) faces on that day shall be gloomy,
[75.25] Knowing that there will be made to befall them some great calamity.
[75.26] Nay! When it comes up to the throat,
[75.27] And it is said: Who will be a magician?
[75.28] And he is sure that it is the (hour of) parting
[75.29] And affliction is combined with affliction;
[75.30] To your Lord on that day shall be the driving.
[75.31] So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray,
[75.32] But called the truth a lie and turned back,
[75.33] Then he went to his followers, walking away in haughtiness.
[75.34] Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer,
[75.35] Again (consider how) nearer to you and nearer.
[75.36] Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim?
[75.37] Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements,
[75.38] Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect.
[75.39] Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female.
[75.40] Is not He able to give life to the dead?
Thanks, Flores.
These predictions don't seem to coincide with the specific predictions that preacher x cited.
Could someone please assign quranic verses to each of the numbers in x preacher's list?

Thank you.

This is the same skepticism with which Sciforums receives the Biblical prophecies of the End Times. Well, there's also Dr. No, but we're not sure what his mission is.

Remember that you're dealing with two kinds of skepticism, primarily:

• Atheistic
• Political

These are the worst conditions of skepticism against which to voice prophecy. The critics may well be right or wrong, but they'll never know it either way. Life, the Universe, and Everything just aren't important enough to them to try.
tiassa said:
Remember that you're dealing with two kinds of skepticism, primarily:

• Atheistic
• Political
Where do you classify "honest skepticism"? Honest skepticism like "hey that issue happens regularly throughout time so why make it a prophecy"?

Can you please elaborate on atheistic and political skepticism. Give us an example on each.

tiassa said:
These are the worst conditions of skepticism against which to voice prophecy. The critics may well be right or wrong, but they'll never know it either way. Life, the Universe, and Everything just aren't important enough to them to try.
That is just your opinion. I love life more than anything. The universe is important to me which is why I constantly recycle.

tiassa, perhaps it is you who gives no importance to everything. :cool:
DoctorNO said:
That is just your opinion. I love life more than anything. The universe is important to me which is why I constantly recycle.

Why do you do that? Don't you know that your half life is much shorter than any of these material that you are very concerned about recycling. You are a drop of water in the ocean...If I were you I would rephrase from saying, I love life more than anything....You should say I love the "idea of life" more than anything...An idea that applies to you for mere 70 years if you are lucky.
Life is not just an idea. So what if its just a drop? Its all everybody has. Each life is unique. Each life is precious. Life is the very reason im concerned about the universe. Im sure you can figure out why.

Half life? What do you mean?
tiassa, you are usually quite lucid, but I wonder what you are talking about.

I'm an atheist, but if someone was able to predict future events with some accuracy, I would have to respect that as a sign of intelligence. However, I don't think it would imply anything about god, since all you need to make reasonable predictions is a keen understanding of the present, and some guesswork. Also, people of other religions can make accurate predictions too;

“When the iron bird flies, and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red faced people”

(Padma Sambhava, eighth-century Indian guru and founder of the first Tibetan monastry)

In the case of Islamic predictions, it seems reasonable to attempt to pin down exactly what was predicted, since most are so vague as to apply to many situations.
DoctorNO said:
Life is not just an idea. So what if its just a drop? Its all everybody has.

Do you see how narrow minded are you....You hold such hopeless view so high and you mock hope and truth. You mock religions which are practically and fundemntally the same in stating that everything was created by supreme universal order and that life is but a sorting machine and death is but a transition to eternal deserving orderly life.

DoctorNO said:
Each life is unique. Each life is precious. Life is the very reason im concerned about the universe. Im sure you can figure out why.

Without my faith, I can't figure out why...Your prespective is narrow and quite depressing...I see no reason to even lift a finger if life is merely a meaningless aimeless drop.

DoctorNO said:
Half life? What do you mean?

Didn't you ever get a chemistry class? The half life concept is used to measure the rate of decay. It is the time that it takes for certain material to decay to half it's weight or volume. For example, Plastics have a very long half life.....You on the other hand have a relatively shorter half life.

Flores said:
Do you see how narrow minded are you....You hold such hopeless view so high and you mock hope and truth. You mock religions which are practically and fundemntally the same in stating that everything was created by supreme universal order and that life is but a sorting machine and death is but a transition to eternal deserving orderly life.
Why not? Am I being narrow minded or are you just being so pessimistic? I never said that this life is the only one we have. If there is an afterlife nobody knows for sure. All Im saying is that I love the life we have on earth. And I think each one is precious and unique. So what is the mockery in that? Flores, you are the one who is so narrow. And the only religion Im mocking is Islam. I know the value of religion. And many people cant find happiness in life without it. Like you…

  • “Without my faith, I can't figure out why...”- flores”

Flores said:
Your prespective is narrow and quite depressing...I see no reason to even lift a finger if life is merely a meaningless aimeless drop.
You are the one being so narrow. You don’t know how to give value to life if its just a tiny drop that completely ceases to exist after a short period of time.
Flores, life is not just living like a vegetable. It is also about love, affecting other lives and making a difference in the world. It is also about what you leave behind and how you are remembered. Make the most of life so that even if there is no Allah your life would have made some sense. Think positive my friend. You are fortunate to have the stuff (by being american) to make your life a meaningful one. :)

Dont grieve for your life, grieve for those unfortunate souls who are sick, loveless, or have nothing to eat, wear, or inhabit. :(