138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)


LOOK PEOPLE, Like i said this is just a list with the TITLES of events that happened. if you want more info on each specific one then just ask!!. THE ACTUAL PREDICTIONS are MUCH MUCH more detailed, the list i gave is just the TITLE of the prophecy NOT the description. if you want more info one each one then like i said, just ask!
JustARide said:
Just some of my favorites:

3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates

So, the two rivers will battle? That sounds interesting. :D Sorry.

it is refferring to the people of the rivers. more info...

"There will be a city called Zawra (Baghdat) between the Tigris and the Euphrates. There will be a great battle there. Women will be taken prisoner, and men will have their throats cut like sheep." (Muntakhab Kanzul Ummal, vol. 5, p. 38)

It is quite likely that the hadith calls attention to the war between Iran and Iraq that took place in the near past in this place.


Soon the river Euphrates will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it. (Sahih Bukhari)

Other hadiths reveal important information on this subject:

God’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not come to pass before the River Euphrates dries up to unveil the mountain of gold, for which people will fight. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

It (the Euphrates) will uncover a mountain of gold (under it). (Sunan Abu Dawud)

As is seen, the interruption of the Euphrates river and the disclosure of the treasure of gold, which are important portents of the emergence of the Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) second coming, are mentioned in many respected books of hadith.

The construction of the Keban dam stopped the flow of the River Euphrates.
Hurriyet, November 4, 1973

Let us examine the important statements about this issue which are revealed in the hadiths above one by one:

God’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not come to pass before (1) the River Euphrates dries up (2) to unveil the mountain of gold…” (Sahih Muslim)

((1) … the River Euphrates dries up…

Al-Suyuti mentions this hadith as “the stopping of water.” Indeed, the Keban dam stopped the flow of the River Euphrates.

(2) … to unveil the mountain of gold…

The surrounding land has become as valuable as gold for various reasons, such as electricity production and higher soil fertility through the irrigation and transport facilities that Keban dam has made possible.

The Keban dam and the others constructed over the River Euphrates following Keban resemble a concrete mountain, and wealth as valuable as gold comes out of it. Therefore, dams take on the properties of “the golden mountain.” (God knows best)
JustARide said:
Just some of my favorites:

3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates

So, the two rivers will battle? That sounds interesting. Sorry.

it is refferring to the people of the rivers. more info...

"There will be a city called Zawra (Baghdat) between the Tigris and the Euphrates. There will be a great battle there. Women will be taken prisoner, and men will have their throats cut like sheep." (Muntakhab Kanzul Ummal, vol. 5, p. 38)

It is quite likely that the hadith calls attention to the war between Iran and Iraq that took place in the near past in this place.


Soon the river Euphrates will disclose the treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it. (Sahih Bukhari)

Other hadiths reveal important information on this subject:

God’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not come to pass before the River Euphrates dries up to unveil the mountain of gold, for which people will fight. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

It (the Euphrates) will uncover a mountain of gold (under it). (Sunan Abu Dawud)

As is seen, the interruption of the Euphrates river and the disclosure of the treasure of gold, which are important portents of the emergence of the Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) second coming, are mentioned in many respected books of hadith.

The construction of the Keban dam stopped the flow of the River Euphrates.
Hurriyet, November 4, 1973

Let us examine the important statements about this issue which are revealed in the hadiths above one by one:

God’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not come to pass before (1) the River Euphrates dries up (2) to unveil the mountain of gold…” (Sahih Muslim)

((1) … the River Euphrates dries up…

Al-Suyuti mentions this hadith as “the stopping of water.” Indeed, the Keban dam stopped the flow of the River Euphrates.

(2) … to unveil the mountain of gold…

The surrounding land has become as valuable as gold for various reasons, such as electricity production and higher soil fertility through the irrigation and transport facilities that Keban dam has made possible.

The Keban dam and the others constructed over the River Euphrates following Keban resemble a concrete mountain, and wealth as valuable as gold comes out of it. Therefore, dams take on the properties of “the golden mountain.” (God knows best)
JustARide said:
Just some of my favorites:

21 The Loss of an Army

No! Say it ain't so!

the FULL prediction is:
There are five portents of the Mahdi. These are a cry from Sufyani, Yemani and Sama, the sinking of an army in Bayda and the killing of the innocent.” (Narrated by Nu’aym ibn Hammad)

... An army will be sent to him. This army will be leveled to earth while they are somewhere in the desert. (Sahih Muslim)

An army comes to fight; once they enter the desert, the one on the front and the back disappear and the ones in the middle can not save themselves. (Tirmidhi Hadiths, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud)

[B](Vatan, April 11, 2003) What happened to Republican Guards? Republican Guards will be the biggest myths of the war. Soldiers who are told to save Baghdad and to fight for Saddam are lost....“What happened to the 60,000 Republican Guards and 15,000 Fedayeen?” is one of the most important questions after the war. Not a trace has been found of the troops known as Republican Guards or Fedayeen.

(Yeni Safak, April 11, 2003) During the hunt for Saddam, American forces discovered a hidden warplane… From the cold war era… According to information from the American ministry of defense, the warplane was buried by Saddam’s regime in the hot sand of the Takkadum airfield west of Baghdad. AFP

(Hurriyet, April 11, 2003)Saddam’s Loyal Men Are Lost
The most important question that is unanswered after the war is,
“Where are Saddam and his men?”

(Turkiye, August 13, 2003) Saddam’s warplane found in the sand.

The way that a large part of the Iraqi Army almost suddenly disappeared was one of the most striking features of the 2003 war against Iraq. Many newspapers and television channels reported that a 60,000-man army from the Republican Guard and some 15,000 Iraqi militia from the Fedayeen got lost. The way that this is indicated in the above hadith indicates that “the loss of an army,” one of the portents of the Mahdi, and hence of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), may have taken place. (God knows best.)

In fact, the finding of some war planes buried under the desert sands reinforces the possibility that the leveling down of an army described in the hadith refers to the Iraqi Army.

Flores said:
The Quran's account on the day of judgement.

[75.1] Nay! I swear by the day of resurrection.
[75.2] Nay! I swear by the self-accusing soul.
[75.3] Does man think that We shall not gather his bones?
[75.4] Yea! We are able to make complete his very fingertips
[75.5] Nay! man desires to give the lie to what is before him.
[75.6] He asks: When is the day of resurrection?
[75.7] So when the sight becomes dazed,
[75.8] And the moon becomes dark,
[75.9] And the sun and the moon are brought together,
[75.10] Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to?
[75.11] By no means! there shall be no place of refuge!
[75.12] With your Lord alone shall on that.day be the place of rest.
[75.13] Man shall on that day be informed of what he sent before and (what he) put off.
[75.14] Nay! man is evidence against himself,
[75.15] Though he puts forth his excuses.
[75.16] Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it,
[75.17] : Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it.
[75.18] Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation.
[75.19] Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it.
[75.20] Nay! But you love the present life,
[75.21] And neglect the hereafter.
[75.22] (Some) faces on that day shall be bright,
[75.23] Looking to their Lord.
[75.24] And (other) faces on that day shall be gloomy,
[75.25] Knowing that there will be made to befall them some great calamity.
[75.26] Nay! When it comes up to the throat,
[75.27] And it is said: Who will be a magician?
[75.28] And he is sure that it is the (hour of) parting
[75.29] And affliction is combined with affliction;
[75.30] To your Lord on that day shall be the driving.
[75.31] So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray,
[75.32] But called the truth a lie and turned back,
[75.33] Then he went to his followers, walking away in haughtiness.
[75.34] Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer,
[75.35] Again (consider how) nearer to you and nearer.
[75.36] Does man think that he is to be left to wander without an aim?
[75.37] Was he not a small seed in the seminal elements,
[75.38] Then he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect.
[75.39] Then He made of him two kinds, the male and the female.
[75.40] Is not He able to give life to the dead?

so you think you understand the Quran better then Muslims now? you idiot. this is just one surah describing the Day of Judgement, there are MANY, MANY more verses. also, this one is describing the ACTUAL DAY and NOT the signs do yer homework next time:rolleyes: .

THERE are signs all over the Quran and hadeeth about the day of judgement. the list I GAVE was a bunch of headings of signs. AND I SAID, THAT IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE HEADING AND ITS SOURCE THEN JUST ASK.
for example. on the heading; number 2 says "Iran-Iraq" war but the actual prophecy describes the war in much more detail. the prophecy says the dates of war (1oth month of Islamic calender there will be talmut, 11th talks of war and 12th actual war) this is EXACTLY what happened. also on the list it just says Iran-Iraq war but in the actual hadeeth it says that neither side will claim victory and this is true and also it says the Iraqi children afterwards will be peniless and hungry as a result and this is referring to the sanctions.
Where do you classify "honest skepticism"? Honest skepticism like "hey that issue happens regularly throughout time so why make it a prophecy"?
Honest, healthy skepticism is an odd, seemingly rare thing.

It makes draws far fewer conclusions, asserts far fewer definitive realities than atheistic or political skepticism, both of which work toward an identifiable end.

Take a simple response drawn from the topic:
31 War On Streets

*Gasp* We have wars...and streets! How could one argue with such proof?
Wars have been fought in different ways throughout time, but in history it only spilled into the streets at the end. The idea of what takes place in Israel, or in Northern Ireland a few years ago, on down to the WB/IMF and WTO street battles; Lech Walesea's Solidarity movement in Poland was an astounding display of the power of the people in the streets.

The fact of fighting in the streets is historically irrelevant.

I'm tempted to invoke the awful film, The Seventh Sign, but it's been so long since I saw it I can't remember what shreds of its theology are worthwhile. So let's hop over to the fine cinematic stroke of art called The Rapture--if you haven't seen this film, Dr. No, I would advise you to. In addition to blending the simplistic that you're familiar with and the obscure that you don't seem to understand; in addition to speculating reasonably on the born-again mind; in addition to being an inconclusive morality play bent on demonstrating something or another about faith, you, especially, will find a sense of self-superiority in the end. The gunshots should make you cheer.

But The Rapture uses a few simplified indicators for the coming of the End Times.

So let's take a look at it:

• "There are wars, and rumors of wars." Drawn from Matthew 24.6, there's nothing new about a day on the Earth when there are wars and rumors of wars among humanity.

As even a Christian website points out, "throughout all of human history there have been "wars and rumors of wars'."

So the presence of wars and rumors of wars, even as distorted by The Rapture, would not necessarily suffice.

How often does the moon turn to blood? Quite frequently; take a pass through farm country during the burning seasons. Watch the sunset.

People can argue what a sackcloth sky looks like; I have no set opinion.

Add to that a random trumpet from nowhere on a clear day.

Sudden weather phenomena.

Now ... admittedly, any of these things are common. And four horsemen charging down a backroad might seem unusual, but it's not unheard-of. If I have to see them in the sky, however, before I know something unusual is afoot, then I would be just stupid.

Think of it like the game show Wheel of Fortune:

•••• •• ••• •••​

You're looking for a phrase.

Can I have an 'S' please?

•••S •S ••• •••​

If we look at the 138 cues to the Apocalypse, yes ... it's true that we can check them off one at a time and say, "Common. Been there. Done that. Cliché . . . ."

But lining the issues up at once is a separate argument entirely.

May I have a 'T' please?

T••S •S T•• •••​

And that's just the thing. Dishonest skepticism seeks to undermine something out of some kind of spite. Honest skepticism seeks to understand the relationship between reality and what appears to be an attempted projection thereof.

Honest skepticism can read A Tale of Two Cities and move onto, "Is it really that good a story?" Dishonest skepticism will hang itself up on the implausibility of the beginning and end of the text.

Honest skepticism knows when it's time to move despite a lack of knowledge. Dishonest skepticism might have heard the sound (common thud), seen the smoke (common in a suburban/rural area), and the neighbors in their driveway across the street talking anxiously among themselves (frequently happens) and hear the sirens on the main road (multiple times daily) but I'll tell you this much: I heard the thud, I saw the smoke, and I didn't need to see the neighbors in order to know where the fire was. Had I seen the flames yet? No. Did I know what was on fire? No. But I knew damn well it was something of ours that was on fire. Of course, that would be a leap of faith, and were I dishonest skeptic I would have to wait until I got concrete proof that something was on fire. Heaven--no, excuse me ... let's be realistic--I have no need or obligation to find out for myself, right? Hell, two seconds' effort of walking into the next room to look out the window told me that yes, there was a problem, but that was a matter of faith from the get-go. After all, who says the signs of a fire went together? That was my silly, unknowing superstition.

Can I buy a vowel? How about an 'E' please?

T••S •S T•E E••​

Take a look at the list of signs.

Now ... don't go through them one at a time, but try to imagine a world in which all of them are occurring at once.

I would like an 'H' please.

TH•S •S THE E••​

I mean, #35 alone, Fitnah spreads everywhere describes a pretty morbid condition. As I understand it, though, such a tribulation is part of being human; it's just a matter of degrees. For fitnah to spread everywhere, the Ummah has to be huge in the first place; perhaps even the dominant influence on human affairs.

So ... what do you think, Dr. No? A world nearly entirely Muslim deciding to have a lethal, warring crisis of faith right then and there from the top down? It's good to know that you don't find that a sign of the End of the World. But billions of people having a simultaneous, lethal crisis of faith under any paradigm is a very ugly sign, regardless of whether or not you put God in the driver's seat.

I'd like to buy another vowel. I'd like an 'I' please.


Hmm ... you need to spin again ....

The atheistic and political skepticisms are generally dishonest because they tend to assign the meanings of things rather than to search for them. Hence, most atheistic and political skeptics tend to read holy texts far too literally, but according to a strange lexicon. It has the effect of describing the skeptic's intellectual power as near-zero.

Are these skeptics selling themselves short? Some of them, sure. In some cases, it might be the best they can manage.

Is there an 'N' please?


They're all common letters, Dr. No. But when they occur in a certain sequence or grouping, they take on different meanings than they would in other settings.

Are we ready to solve the puzzle? Or do we need to spin again?

Let's solve it:


I've already asked you for clarification. Can you answer my question, please?
What can I say but... wow.

Tiassa -

My apologies. I was unaware of the sense-of-humor ban. Though I'm honored to be quoted in your reply, I'm wondering why it was included in such a serious context. I guess I figured the American Idol/Janet's boob references would indicate the frivolous nature of the post...

tiassa said:
If we look at the 138 cues to the Apocalypse, yes ... it's true that we can check them off one at a time and say, "Common. Been there. Done that. Cliché . . . ."

But lining the issues up at once is a separate argument entirely.

Devil's advocate here...

Wouldn't you then simply have 138 common things happening at once?

If I said the signs of the Apocalpyse include: 1) The rising and setting of the sun, 2) People waking up, and 3) Violent conflict somewhere in the Middle East -- would the fact that I listed three common things at once make my case stronger or more worthy of consideration by an honest skeptic?


PS - Preacher X - The comment about the Tigris and Euphrates was clearly sarcastic (the smiley face and obligatory "sorry" were supposed to be hints). There are others with serious considerations lining up -- no need to bother with the jester. Sheesh.
Preacher_X said:
so you think you understand the Quran better then Muslims now? [deleted]. this is just one surah describing the Day of Judgement,

[Personal insults and threats deleted.]

Anyways, back to the discussion [deleted]....Allah in the Quran tells us not to dwell in such questions about the dooms day because knowledge in it's regard is only with god. You on the other hand would rather exceed the limits of your religion and indulge in a PhD thesis over issues that god repeatedly in the Quran have told that we know very little about. You defy Allah who tells you clearly in the Quran that knowledge is only with him and you don't just give us one freakin sign, you indulge in 138.

The Elevated Places
[7.187] They ask you about the hour, when will be its taking place? Say: The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none but He shall manifest it at its time; it will be momentous in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but of a sudden. They ask you as if you were solicitous about it. Say: Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know.

Which part of Sudden don't you understand...Sudden means with no signs, Suddenly.. You on the other hand are very solicitous on the matter as Allah describe above and I would rather follow Allah in saying, the knowledge is only with Allah.....What should I expect though, Allah says that most people do not know.
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tiassa said:
If we look at the 138 cues to the Apocalypse, yes ... it's true that we can check them off one at a time and say, "Common. Been there. Done that. Cliché . . . ."

But lining the issues up at once is a separate argument entirely.

Now ... don't go through them one at a time, but try to imagine a world in which all of them are occurring at once.
* First of all I would like to greet you.. “Good Job”. That’s the best post ive seen from you.

* Second, I don’t know if it classifies as “dishonest skepticism” on my part but I admit I made the shot first before asking questions, now I understand what the thread is about. All those signs pointing to one great event. I mistakenly thought they were prophecies unrelated to each other. My bad.

* Third, I have always held to the idea that “lining the issues up at once is a separate argument entirely". And so I agree with you.

So I suppose the proper skepticism for this thread is to question the faithfulness of each claim with regards to its supposed sources. And then we could see which parts of the list are really in line. And if the right claims dont happen in history as a group of occurences happening at once (or very close to each other). Right? Or do you have other suggestions? :)
DoctorNO said:
We will appreciate it if you can give the quranic sources for each of the boldened numbers on your original list.

And can you please do this first....

  • 31 War On Streets

Where in the quran does it say that? Thanks. :)

Do you want to bet that he will return back with hadeeth (saying)....You gotta love those saying.. There is no universal book on them, we don't know when where they compiled, and by who, and none of them are actual prophet's words, they are all narrated by someone who swears he heard everyone who heard noone who heard the prophet say Allahu Akbar three times before he takes a piss.
Justaride said:
My apologies. I was unaware of the sense-of-humor ban. Though I'm honored to be quoted in your reply, I'm wondering why it was included in such a serious context. I guess I figured the American Idol/Janet's boob references would indicate the frivolous nature of the post...
Don't apologize. You happened to provide an excellent example. It's not your fault if "American Idol/Janet's boob" is the appropriate mentality for the poster I was responding to.

But I admit, the Wheel of Fortune gag wasn't really funny.
Wouldn't you then simply have 138 common things happening at once?
Well, it depends on the 138 things.

Check in on Spidergoat's post; I owe that one a decent response:
Spidergoat said:

I'm an atheist, but if someone was able to predict future events with some accuracy, I would have to respect that as a sign of intelligence. However, I don't think it would imply anything about god, since all you need to make reasonable predictions is a keen understanding of the present, and some guesswork. Also, people of other religions can make accurate predictions too . . . .
There is a pseudo-historical context, even a metaphysical context to consider in Apocalyptic prophecies.

Again, I refer to the idea of fitnah spreads everywhere. Fitnah is civil war within the ummah; in order for fitnah to spread everywhere, the ummah has to be everywhere. How crucial will social justice be in that late fitnah? It will be the blazing centerpiece of that conflagration.

So take a look at social justice within the ummah today. Look at the issues that push the desperate end of strife within the Islamic world to seemingly-barbaric methods. What's it going to look like when that's the whole world?

Take #111, for instance: "Time grows short." What the hell does that mean?

But consider for a moment the Western world. In the US, people don't have time for their religion, their education, their children. Time is one thing Americans starve for. Often, this lack of time compels us to bad decisions and bad actions. On the scale of "easy to envision," consider the US budget. No elected representative knows the contents of the entire budget when it is voted on. There's just not enough time. But what about time to read the capsule blurbs about a candidate or a ballot measure in the Voters' Guide, especially when people complain loudly every time it grows thick?

Now, take that idea and look back to the 2000 election. Say what you want about Florida; badmouth Nader as much as it might make you feel good--some people still aren't over it. But one question really bugs me about the 2000 election cycle: Bush and Gore? The so-called greatest society in the world, the so-called bastion of freedom, the so-called beacon of hope; the land of the free and home of the brave; the great innovators and producers ... the hardest-working people in the first world--and this was the best their electoral system could come up with? And what, with studies suggesting that Americans work harder and longer than their European counterparts, we might wonder if some of that obsession with work, that need to fill time with profiteering, hasn't taxed our time resources just a little much. There used to be a phrase, referring to education, called "well-rounded." Now, admittedly, ultra-specialized folks who can't function outside their working environment have come to be a necessity in modern society--e.g. software industry. But doesn't that just beg the question?

People given the time to make proper decisions are less likely to make poor decisions. And, of course, they require the resources.

So let's add to that Sign of the End Times #110: "An increase in literacy."

How the hell could literacy be a Sign of the End Times?

Well, put it together with #111. Literacy empowers people to move beyond sheeplike obedience and think for themselves. As modern humanity shows, not all of this thinking for the self bears useful fruit. Some of the produce is very bitter, indeed.

And yes, these conditions seem intertwined. It's a matter of priorities, though. If living without a glut of lawyers, an overdose of cable news, and a commercial interest invested in self-centered endeavors is a bad thing, we've certainly avoided it. But these are all symptomatic of the way we choose to live, and any method in any endeavor can only accomplish so much (an abstract boundary for the time being).

But what use is the best haute couture designer if everybody decides that it's enough to be comfortable and clothed? What becomes of the caesars and bobs and beehives and two-hour delays at LAX? Think of how many industries are absolutely useless except for our desires.

Pile on #96: "Increase in worldly ambitions." Suddenly #111 doesn't seem so strange, especially when tied onto #110.

Consider the idea of communism versus capitalism. Either one will suffice, it matters not which you prefer. Both are theories which have never been executed purely. Both are theories which most likely will not be executed purely at any point in the future. But in either scheme, the success of the devices which "make the world go 'round" depends largely on the understanding of the people taking part. "Trickle down" only works if the top of the pyramid allows the wealth to trickle down. Communist production was hammered by a lack of innovation and incentive because many workers--being human--made the simple observation that they worked harder than the guy next to them and got nothing more in return. When the wealth doesn't trickle down, and when production drops to meet the weakest link in the chain, it is because people don't understand the function of their role within the scheme.

So now we have literacy (#110) which empowers an increase in worldly ambitions (#96) while people don't have enough time to do everything or even to do the things they do correctly (#111).

Oh, hey ... take a look at #66 - 81; they're all interrelated. Some might see sixteen conditions there, but they all tie nicely to #35 (Fitnah spreads everywhere) inasmuch as they can, together, describe a single situation.

So if we look at the cycle of the sun, people awaking, and violence somewhere in a given geographical region ... the concurrence of those factors don't seem an intuitive description of a possible end of the world, do they?

But what about a worldwide ideological crisis and war under such conditions as humans are inadequately prepared to make important decisions they don't have time for?

And besides, if Muhammad said the Signs of the End Times were happiness, social union, proliferation of drugs, and world peace, that doesn't mean that we won't be hit by a comet the day after we achieve that state.

An honest skeptic would recognize the magnitude of the issues declared to be signs, would seek the interrelationships. Political and atheistic skepticism start from declarations that the signs are false and proceeds from any perspective which accommodates the presupposition toward any end which purports to reinforce the presupposition.

I can feel heat, smell smoke, see odd light, and hear sirens all throughout the day. But generally, if I experience them all at once ...?

To the other, that the sun rises, and that it set yesterday, and that I am awake, and that there is violence in the Middle East in no way construes that the roof is on fire.

"Skepticism" and "cynicism" are only occasionally--not consistently--synonymous. "Cynicism" and "derision" are occasionally--not consistently--synonymous. A derisive skepticism is neither healthy nor effective.

Lastly, I'll go so far as to say that Apocalyptic religious literature is about my least-favorite part of theology. (Don't get me wrong; Apocalyptic fiction, especially post-Apocalyptic fiction, can be entertaining and even enlightening and inspiring. But Apocalyptic religious literature is generally annoying to me.) But such as it is, I honestly don't understand why it's so hard to look at the humanity in any holy text. So I'll make this a general editorial note:

People too often let their chosen opponents, let "others" set the terms of discussion. This is, admittedly, part of social compromise, but in certain contexts, this can be problematic. As a nominal theist, I tend to try to discuss religious issues purely from the standpoint of how and what I believe and understand. And it seems to do well enough. But many folks of all stripes tend to let the objects of their cynicism set the terms of the debates, and therefore their own perception. Hang up your hangups, people--don't let fundamentalists set your perception of a religion, for instance. If that's all you actively consider, it will dominate your perspective on the issues. Sometimes it seems that what's so confusing to people is that it's 138 indicators of the Apocalypse and not four or ten. Remember that fear derives from ignorance, and if you let what you do not know or do not understand set the parameters of exploration, you are no less superstitious than the next person scrabbling to throw salt over their shoulder or avoid the cracks in the sidewalk.

Or so says me. :cool:
Removed From List. Invalid Predictions.


I have taken these off the list. For each of these occur constantly through time. Each of them is as valuable as predicting that everybody would fart in the next 2 days. No need to provide sources for them, Preacher X.

Feel free to ask questions. :D

  • 11 The Solar Eclipse
    14 The Emergence of Widespread Slaughter
    18 Destruction of Great Cities
    21 The Loss of an Army
    23 Flames Destroy Homes in Baghdad
    28 Tribulation (Fitnah) in Damascus
    33 The Killing of Innocent Children
    34 Pervasive Corruption
    38 Taking other gods as Deities other than God
    39 A Sign of the Spread of Materialism
    40 Days of Anarchy and Chaos
    41 Absence of Peace
    42 Revolutions
    43 People Flee From One Another in Confusion
    44 Pervasion of Chaos and Conflicts All Around the World
    45 The Occurrence of Great and Astonishing
    46 The Situation of Some Muslims
    48 Wars Between Muslims
    49 The Violent Woes to Which Muslims are Subjected
    50 The Killing of the Innocent
    51 People Killed for No Reason
    54 Poverty and Hunger
    55 Drought
    57 The Cutting of Trade and Roads
    58 Decreased Earnings
    62Conversion of Homes into Graves
    63 Winds and Tornadoes
    64Violent Rain
    67 Not Pondering over the Qur'an in the way it should be pondered
    68 Muslims' yearning for non-Muslims
    71 Hypocritical and Fraudulent Clergy
    72 Degeneration amongst Politicians
    74 Good Is Confused with Evil
    75 Close People Will Encourage One Another to Evil
    78 Appearance of People Who read the Qur'an for Personal Benefits
    80 Performing the Hajj (the Pilgrimage to Makkah) for Purposes Other than God's Good Pleasure
    81 People's Proneness to the Desires of their Lower Selves
    82 Social Deterioration
    83 Adherence to traitors, Considering the Righteous as Treacherous
    88 Spread of False Testimony and Slanders
    89 Giving Positions of Responsibility to Incompetent People
    90 Considering the Superiority to be in Wealth Rather than the Fear of God
    91 The Decay of Human Relations
    92 People who value their pets more than people
    93 The Decay of Family Relations
    94 Diminishing of the Love and Respect Among People
    96 Increase in Worldly Ambitions
    97 Prevalence of Hypocrisy and Ostentation
    98 Spread of Curse and Abuse
    99 Spread of Forgery and Bribery
    100 Increase of Gossip and Derision
    101 Some Young People Turn Away from the Morality of Religion
    102 The Collapse of Moral Values
    103 Spread of Adultery
    105 Epidemics
    107 An Increase in Murders
    108 Increase in Suicides
    109 Civil Wars and Conflicts
    110 An Increase in Literacy
    111 Time Grows Short
    112 Increase in Urbanization
    113 The Construction of Tall Buildings
    115 Speaking by Means of the Whip
    116 The Speaking of One's Own Voice
    121 The appearance of false Messiahs foretells the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
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Yes these things are yet to happen so Preacher X, make this your last priority. :)

  • 10 A Sign Out of the Sun
    17 The Enslavement of the Egyptians
    22 No money will be left to the Iraqis
    30 The Division of Iraq into Three Parts
    35 A Fitnah (tribulation) Spreads Everywhere
    52 Corruption that Cause Conflicts Everywhere
    61 Collapse of Earth
    84 Diminishing of the Reliable People
    85 Diminishing of the Trustworthy People
    106 Reports of Sudden Death Will Multiply
REASONABLE PROPHECIES (when taken together)

Preacher X, please provide the sources for each. Thank you very much. :)

  • 1 The Splitting of the Moon
    2 Iran-Iraq War
    3 A Great Battle between the Tigris and the Euphrates
    4 The Occupation of Afghanistan (1979-88 by Russia)
    5 Afghanistans vast natural resources (discovered lately)
    5 Stopping the Flow of the Euphrates river
    6 Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Ramadan
    7 The Rise of a Comet from east AFTER the eclipse (1986 halleys comet)
    8 Storming the Ka`ba and the Subsequent Bloodshed (1979 and 86)
    9 Sighting a Flare in the East
    12 Change of the Systems
    13 A Tribulation of Dust and Smoke
    15 The Killing of the Kings of Damascus and Egypt
    16 The Killing of Abdullah, the FormerKing of Jordan
    19 The Rebuilding of Ruined Places
    20 The Fourth Peace and Arab-Israel Peace Agreement
    24 Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
    25 An Embargo against Iraq and Damascus
    26 The Restructuring of Iraq
    27 The People of Iraq Flee to Damascus and the North
    29 Chaos in Damascus, Iraq and Arabia
    31 War On Streets
    32 War Between Muslims and Jews
    36 Religious Prohibitions Gaining Acceptance
    37 Openly Denying God
    47 The Current Situation of the Islamic World
    53 Loss of Hope in the Mahdi
    56 A Weakening Economy in Specific Years
    59The Division of National Wealth Amongst the Rich(big increase in 40 years)
    60An Increase in the Number of Earthquakes (very big increase within 100 years)
    66 The Rejection of the True Religion and the Moral Values of the Qur'an
    69 Fitnahs (tribulation) Alienating People from the Qur'an
    70 Propagandists Distancing People From the Morality of Islam
    73 Abandoning "Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Wrong" as an Act of Worship
    76 The Number of True Believers Being Very Few in Number
    77 Use of Mosques and Masjids for Different Purposes
    79 Faith in Horoscope and Refutation of Fate
    86 Abandonce of Giving Alms
    87 Abandonment of Salah (Prayers)
    95 Weakening of the Family Structure (i in 2 marrages end in divroce now)
    104 Acceptance of Homosexuality (california allows them to get maried)
    114 The Close Approach of the Markets
    117 A Hand from the Firmament
    118 Increased Productivity
    119 The Greening of the Deserts
    120 Increased Life Expectancy
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Preacher_X said:
so you think you understand the Quran better then Muslims now? you idiot. this is just one surah describing the Day of Judgement, there are MANY, MANY more verses. also, this one is describing the ACTUAL DAY and NOT the signs do yer homework next time.
Hey preacherboy, are you aware that Flores is a Muslim? Maybe it's you who should do your homework... hmmmm? Twit!

And as for the little list. All of them were highly amusing, but these ones would have to be my personal favourites....

1 The Splitting of the Moon
LOL! Oh that's a classic. You made a funny preacherboy.
11 The Solar Eclipse
So how many doomsday's have come and gone since all the solar eclipse's we've had?
37 Openly Denying God
I openly denied God the right to take my last chocolate cookie today. So does that mean that the end is near?
58 Decreased Earnings
63 Winds and Tornadoes
Really? Gasp!! Oh my God, it's windy outside right this minute and it's even raining :eek:.
64Violent Rain
Oh man, really pouring down outside. Hang on, I have to call the spaceship to come and beam me up before the end arrives... :rolleyes:
72 Degeneration amongst Politicians
LMAO!... wipes tears of laughter from eyes..
92 People who value their pets more than people
You're trying to tell me that kitty is not a person now? HOW DARE YOU!
100 Increase of Gossip and Derision
Psssst.. did you hear about how ... I best not go on now, don't want the world to end...
110 An Increase in Literacy
And this is bad because?
111 Time Grows Short
You know, I was just thinking that today after I had scrubbed the bathroom and realised I wouldn't have time to protect myself from number 64.
113 The Construction of Tall Buildings
At least the Hobbits wont have anything to worry about.
114 The Close Approach of the Markets
Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!! They just opened a new supermarket about 10 minutes from my house :eek:... please say it isn't so.. ppppllllleeeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeee
116 The Speaking of One's Own Voice
Should we sing in our own voices instead? Doe a deer... a female deer.. ray a drop of golden suuuuunnnnnnnnn...
119 The Greening of the Deserts
Oh how purdy... Oh and by the way, that happens in many deserts after a big rain..
120 Increased Life Expectancy
Imagine that. Oh the horror... the wrinkles.. the grey hair... aaaaarrrrggghhhhh..
Bells, they think the moon was plit when Niel Armstrong brought a couple of moon rocks back to earth. What do you think?

How about you Tiassa?
DoctorNO said:
Bells, they think the moon was plit when Niel Armstrong brought a couple of moon rocks back to earth. What do you think?

How about you Tiassa?
I thought he meant it as when someone bends over and pulls their pants down and the unlucky viewer gets to watch that 'moon' split wide open revealing it's dark center... :confused:
Bells said:
You're trying to tell me that kitty is not a person now? HOW DARE YOU!

Aw I love that kitty more than I love Bin Laden. How unfortunate. :D
I still like number 72. I have always said that George Bush and John Howard (among others) were degenerates. :D