138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)

DoctorNO said:
Aw I love that kitty more than I love Bin Laden. How unfortunate. :D
Hey! Nobody dare knock kitty!! He's so cute and fluffy:D. Except when it's 40 degrees celcius and he wants a lap to cuddle on. Then we wish he weren't so fluffy... lol.. :p
Bells said:
I still like number 72. I have always said that George Bush and John Howard (among others) were degenerates. :D

I used to like Bush. But now I cant help but agree with you. ;)
DoctorNO said:
Flores, life is not just living like a vegetable. It is also about love, affecting other lives and making a difference in the world. It is also about what you leave behind and how you are remembered. Make the most of life so that even if there is no Allah your life would have made some sense.(

Life without a creator, originator, sustainer, organizer, ect....makes no sense.

And don't appeal on the remembered crap...?? Who the hell remembers kung tit tat shu the laborer who died 3,000 years ago after busting his chops building the pyramid? Do you think he cares now about how he will be remembered by mere finite humans who will die just like he did.

I don't do the right thing so I can be remembered for it.....I don't do the right thing so I can mark a territory after I die with my dead name all over it. I do the right thing because in the larger scheme of things, in the justice scale of this universe, every action will be judged...Nothing small or big will be lost or escape the justice system of the creator of this universe. I'm accounted for my friend and that is thinking positive, you on the other hand seem to think that you are lost and that your action will go unjudged...that's pretty negative thinking if you ask me.
Flores said:
Anyways, back to the discussion you worthless peace of shit.....Allah in the Quran tells us not to dwell in such questions about the dooms day because knowledge in it's regard is only with god. You on the other hand would rather exceed the limits of your religion and indulge in a PhD thesis over issues that god repeatedly in the Quran have told that we know very little about. You defy Allah who tells you clearly in the Quran that knowledge is only with him and you don't just give us one freakin sign, you indulge in 138.

here you are again thinking you know more about Islam then a Muslim. what a joker :rolleyes: Allah says that the doomsday will have many, many signs. you read one hadith thats says it will come all of a sudden and you think you know it all. you have to go a bit deeper:

It will come all of a sudden becasue of 2 reasons:

1) The world will continue and the more signs of doomsday will come. these signs are being believed now by me and many other Muslims so we know it will happen, but just before the day of judgement there will be a time when there will be no Muslims left on Earth. no one will utter Allah's name. that means these people will obvioulsy not believe in the signs becasue they dont belive in Allah so it will come all of a sudden to them.

2) people will not be prepared for it so it will strike suddenly.
also FLORES remember the actual event of the doomsday, is in the knowledge of Allah alone. but many signs will be apparent, obviously, like i said just before it happens no one will expect it.
Flores said:
Life without a creator, originator, sustainer, organizer, ect....makes no sense.
Life is like an intersection in a huge web. Or like a thread in a pattern. It makes sense to the lives around them. And it makes sense to the lives it spawns. But for you the existence of a creator or originator is not enough for your life to make sense to you. The existence of the creator must accompany a promise or reward to permanently preserve your life. Else your life is as senseless to you as the lives of animals and insects.

Flores said:
And don't appeal on the remembered crap...?? Who the hell remembers kung tit tat shu the laborer who died 3,000 years ago after busting his chops building the pyramid? Do you think he cares now about how he will be remembered by mere finite humans who will die just like he did.
You may be related to that guy. Or your ancestor may have made critical decisions based on the influence that man or that man’s descendants. Who knows?

Flores said:
I do the right thing because in the larger scheme of things, in the justice scale of this universe, every action will be judged...Nothing small or big will be lost or escape the justice system of the creator of this universe. I'm accounted for my friend and that is thinking positive, you on the other hand seem to think that you are lost and that your action will go unjudged...that's pretty negative thinking if you ask me.

I don’t think Im lost. Some people may even think that DoctorNO is more righteous than you because of the fact that I do good out of the pleasure of my heart, rather than by the fear of punishment from an unseen tyrant.

My actions do not go completely unjudged. Most of the time they are judged by the people around me.
Preacher_X said:
here you are again thinking you know more about Islam then a Muslim. what a joker :rolleyes: Allah says that the doomsday will have many, many signs. you read one hadith thats says it will come all of a sudden and you think you know it all. you have to go a bit deeper:

It will come all of a sudden becasue of 2 reasons:

1) The world will continue and the more signs of doomsday will come. these signs are being believed now by me and many other Muslims so we know it will happen, but just before the day of judgement there will be a time when there will be no Muslims left on Earth. no one will utter Allah's name. that means these people will obvioulsy not believe in the signs becasue they dont belive in Allah so it will come all of a sudden to them.

2) people will not be prepared for it so it will strike suddenly.

keep dwelling on irrelevance....You have painted your head with a grand epic movie of how things shall be and you made yourself the hero of the movie. You assigned all casts to their roles, believers in one line, unbelievers in the next, muslims like me who don't really believe in the third line, learned holly muslims like you on top of the list, ect, ect....who the hell needs god with people like you composing our grand epic finale and assigning cast and roles....You even win an oscar for best special effects....who can beat the sun moon picture you painted.

I don't know who you are, but this conversation is sure dejavo...
Preacher_X said:
here you are again thinking you know more about Islam then a Muslim. what a joker :rolleyes: .

Did you forget that I'm a striving muslim...a wanna be muslim....may god accept my islam from me. I wouldn't gloat roo much about the fact that you think you are muslim. God may see you totally differently...and then your self proclaimed rightousness would be really worthless...wouldn't it??
James R said:

I've already asked you for clarification. Can you answer my question, please?

in Sahih Muslim, Tirmighi Hadeeth's it is stated that there will be a war between the Muslims and the Jews.

In Resalatul huruj ul-mahdi, vol. 3, p. 184 Hadeeth it says that there will be peace talks wither in the land of Al Aqsa or concerning Al Aqsa, Al Aqsa is the land of night journey, which is Jeruselum. Al Aqsa is the third holiest place in Islam and the freedom of Al Aqsa is a major part of the campaign aghaint Zionism

Abu Naim (rah) narrated from Abu Umame(rah) that there will also be a fourth period of peace which is referring to the camp david peace agreement.

finally i would like to say. the signs of Doomsday will as the Prophet (saw) said, fall rapidly like pearls from a necklace that has been cut. when the doomsday becomes nearer, that is when, obvioulsy more signs will come rapidly in constant succesion.

many of the people on this thread are saying that some of these events are predictble and will happen anyway. well this is true for some of them. but, if you look all of the signs have come true rapidly in THIS century indicating the day is near. dont you think its funny that the prophiecies are coming rapidly in succsseion THIS century. anyway, answering the question of the haters, if the prophicies were spread out lets say for example if a prediction like the Iran-Iraq war happened 200 years after the prophecy, the prediction of the 2 eclipses in ramadan happened 312 years later, the war on the streets 100, the sharp increase in number of earthquakes and lightinig say 1000 years later. if this was the case and the events were so spread out and random and not in quick succsession then the prophicies then could be said to be fake. but the're NOT. dont you think its funny that Iraq-Iran war, occupationf of Afghanistan(by Russia), the Halley's comet all happened this century along with the 138. Earthquakes increasing very rapidly could be guessed but if you study earthquakes, they only got a RAPID (and very rapid) increase THIS CENTURY. the 2 eclipses was this century, Halleys comet that came from the east after a eclipses was this century.

look at "war on the streets" is easy to predict one can say but Guerilla warfare (war one the streets) was done MUCH MUCH MORE in this century and the full concept of it was really only done this century.

"widespread slaugheter" once again, easy to predict but THIS CENTURY saw a humongoues increase in the number of deaths. over 180 million have died because of war this century alone. the century before nowhere near that figure was reached. i doubt the million mark was surpassed last centruy and definately not over 10 mil (it wasn't even possible then becasue the tools needed for this weren't available)

the men who will come from Medina and take over the Kabbah, killing people could of happened anytime after the Quran but it happened in 1979 in THIS century.

the prophecy that a small part of the world will contain the vast amouunt of wealth while the majority will remain poor only really came into full swing these past 40 years (ofiicaly now 1/6 th of the world is straving and 2 billion people live on $2 dollar/day but one year of American tax profits alone can feed the ENTIRE world in wheat for a number of years) currently America,europe hold mst of the worlds wealth while Asia and Africa hold the majority of world population but a tiny amount of wealth. THIS CENTURY

the sanctions ("no food will be left in the hands of the iraqi children) was this century where 1 million Children died. the peac talks, the killing of the kings in Damascus and Egypt, the war between Israel and Muslims, the killing of the Jordanian king, the 2 eclipses in Ramadan, the halleys comet, the rest of the 138 signs all happened THIS CNETURY
Flores said:
keep dwelling on irrelevance....You have painted your head with a grand epic movie of how things shall be and you made yourself the hero of the movie. You assigned all casts to their roles, believers in one line, unbelievers in the next, muslims like me who don't really believe in the third line, learned holly muslims like you on top of the list, ect, ect....who the hell needs god with people like you composing our grand epic finale and assigning cast and roles....You even win an oscar for best special effects....who can beat the sun moon picture you painted.

I don't know who you are, but this conversation is sure dejavo...

thats a fancy way of admitting im right. totally evading the actual topic of my reply.
Preacher_X said:
many of the people on this thread are saying that some of these events are predictble and will happen anyway. well this is true for some of them. but, if you look all of the signs have come true rapidly in THIS century indicating the day is near. dont you think its funny that the prophiecies are coming rapidly in succsseion THIS century.

Again not a single Quranic verse....All you bring is sayings narrated by strangers and compiled by god knows who...

But let's give you the HUGE benefit of the doubt and assume that everything you bring is A okay and that dooms day is nearing....THEN WHAT?

Don't you realize that dooms day is much nearer than you think and that it has already taken place for many billions that have lived and died and will never wittness the signs you speak of. If I die today, then today is my dooms day. For all I'm concerned, the day you die, it's pretty much over ....the fat lady has sung....Over, done..complete...Adious.
tiassa said:
But consider for a moment the Western world. In the US, people don't have time for their religion, their education, their children. Time is one thing Americans starve for. Often, this lack of time compels us to bad decisions and bad actions. On the scale of "easy to envision," consider the US budget. No elected representative knows the contents of the entire budget when it is voted on. There's just not enough time. But what about time to read the capsule blurbs about a candidate or a ballot measure in the Voters' Guide, especially when people complain loudly every time it grows thick?

Of course any number of meaningful contexts could be situated around a statement like "Time grows short," but so could anything else... How is this unlike, say, the highly selective practice of numerology or astrology? Yes, Western civilization has seen an exponential increase in speed, from transportation to communication to commercialism. But I could also say "Time grows short" literally refers to the speed of time--and that a minute today is shorter than it was in 1900.

I understand your post--and largely agree with its premise--but I'm surprised this is a battle you would pick to fight. I wonder, must an honest skeptic assume everything is equally likely and then move from there? I'm not certain honest skepticism is even possible unless one has his entire memory erased and starts over every time he examines the validity of an issue...

Hang up your hangups, people--don't let fundamentalists set your perception of a religion, for instance. If that's all you actively consider, it will dominate your perspective on the issues. Sometimes it seems that what's so confusing to people is that it's 138 indicators of the Apocalypse and not four or ten. Remember that fear derives from ignorance, and if you let what you do not know or do not understand set the parameters of exploration, you are no less superstitious than the next person scrabbling to throw salt over their shoulder or avoid the cracks in the sidewalk.[/i]

Agreed. Perhaps we unbelievers suffer from comparable prejudices, but if we're talking shelf life or damage assessment, I wonder if our distaste for fundamentalism could ever cause more ignorance-inducing fear than Apocalyptic religions... After all, how many lists will it take before a true believer in high office somewhere decides he is the ultimate catalyst?

"There will always be war. The Bible says so." -- Anyone else smell a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Flores said:
But let's give you the HUGE benefit of the doubt and assume that everything you bring is A okay and that dooms day is nearing....THEN WHAT?

Don't you realize that dooms day is much nearer than you think and that it has already taken place for many billions that have lived and died and will never wittness the signs you speak of. If I die today, then today is my dooms day. For all I'm concerned, the day you die, it's pretty much over ....the fat lady has sung....Over, done..complete...Adious.

oh my God, more ignorance of Islam. you know nothing of Islam Flores. why do you think its called the day of ressurection aswell? it doesn't make a difference if you live or die before doomsday becasue EVERYBODY who ever lived will be ressurected on doomsday(infact, before the actual day of judgement, everybody will be dead anyway so EVERYONE will be ressurected). these signs are there just to warn the people who are alive at the time of seeing the signs (signs started coming since the Quan was revelaed)

Flores said:
If I die today, then today is my dooms day. For all I'm concerned, the day you die, it's pretty much over ....the fat lady has sung....Over, done..complete...Adious.

Yet again, you know nothing of Islam. the day you die you are dead but far from over. you are over in the sense that you cant do anything else to gain good deeds but this is just the begining. when the actual day of judgement happens (which maybe tens and thousands of years after you die), evrybody is ressurected and judged. then they will be given heaven or hell. so it is just the begining.

and i thought you said you were Muslim or becoming, so you dont belive in the afterlife? then how are you Muslim or contemplating to be a Muslim if you dont believe in life after death? :eek:

theres a lot you dont get about doomsday. first off it wont happen until the mahdi comes, the golden age comes, the caliphate comes again, the Dhajal comes. loads of events will lead up to it.

well, i hope i haven;t offended you bro/sis, but you have a lot to learn befrore you can actually critisice obvious truths in Islam such as the signs of the last day or the afterlife etc etc.

may Allah guide you towards Islam.
JustARide said:
Of course any number of meaningful contexts could be situated around a statement like "Time grows short,"

Like i said, the list is just the title of a prophicy, for more info just ask. well since you were wondering this is what it means. well first, read my article above this about all of these signs happening this century.

well it just means time will pass quicker and peoploe will travel quicker and be able to do much more in short times; "a year being like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, a day like an hour, and an hour like the lighting of a match". in this cnetury with ionvention of the microchip, the computer, microwave, planes etc. things can be don in hyper speed. you can do a sum on a high digit claculator in seconds without a claculator these can take MONTHS (seriously) you can travel from one corner of the globe in hours as a pose to years of foot,horse,sea etc. Just look at what im doing now, i can get my message across by the web to loads of people in minutes while in the past to get a message from one coener of the globe to the other took months and even years.

i'll admit this isn't a good example of prophecy to use becuse it is easy to prophicise this and i can even prophisice this will happen in the future (Allah knows best)

thanks for you message Josh. you're one of the few people here who is actually being skeptic in an unbiased way. you are looking at things open minded. everyone else, just becasue they dont like Islam they critisce all of the threads on Islam unfairly
Preacher_X said:
thanks for you message Josh. you're one of the few people here who is actually being skeptic in an unbiased way. you are looking at things open minded. everyone else, just becasue they dont like Islam they critisce all of the threads on Islam unfairly

Really? I thought I was being a real smartass. :cool:

But seriously -- thanks at least for your patience. My initial post did not approach your list in an "unbiased" fashion at all, but then again it wasn't meant to. But as long as I'm here (and posting for reasons other than shits and giggles), I must say you're a good sport for fielding all these questions/jokes/criticisms.

Hats off.

No one seems to have picked up on crazy Preacher X's little slip of the tongue...

in this century alone well over 120,000,000 have been killed!!

I feel it is my duty to inform Preacher X that this century has so far been existing for about 4 years. In that time period I would like him to explain to me when and exactly where 120 million people were slaughtered.

If he was actually meaning last[ century (which I believe is the case), the same question applies as to where and when this 120 million people were slaughtered.

I feel it is also my duty to inform this crazy Preacher X not to try and justify this point because I'll shoot him down in flames if he does.
Preacher_X said:
here you are again thinking you know more about Islam then a Muslim. what a joker :rolleyes:
aaarrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh she IS a Muslim you nitwit! :mad:

Flores said:
Don't you realize that dooms day is much nearer than you think and that it has already taken place for many billions that have lived and died and will never wittness the signs you speak of. If I die today, then today is my dooms day. For all I'm concerned, the day you die, it's pretty much over ....the fat lady has sung....Over, done..complete...Adious.
Well said Flores!
Preacher_X said:
and i thought you said you were Muslim or becoming, so you dont belive in the afterlife? then how are you Muslim or contemplating to be a Muslim if you dont believe in life after death? :eek: .

Of course I believe in the afterlife and I believe in the last hour and the judgement...That's the backbone of my believe. What I don't believe or dwell on is a list of signs of last hour. I really could care less to monitor such things and I think whoever is dwelling too much on these issues have a royal political agenda.....Much like how Bush also believe that the signs are here and that he is the messiah's helper and that the Arabs are the antichrist, ect....Don't you see the real danger and evil in dwelling in such subjects.....It's perfect breeding grounds for hate and evil.

Preacher_X said:
theres a lot you dont get about doomsday. first off it wont happen until the mahdi comes, the golden age comes, the caliphate comes again, the Dhajal comes. loads of events will lead up to it. .

I don't think so. I live my life much differently than you. I think dooms day may come right this minute very suddenly with absolutely no leading events. I wouldn't give a shit if a Mahdi came...Prophet Mohammed is the seal of all prophets, I'm not awaiting anyone or anything else. I'm satisfied with what god have shown me so far and I need not dialate my eyes further with grand epic lies like the one you seem to aspire to.

Preacher_X said:
may Allah guide you towards Islam.

Your wishes are not well taken, because you are not sincere and level with me. I have asked you before to restrain from calling me Sister......and you can't even abide by this simple wish.....when your tone is more truthfull and I feel as if you leveled with me in the discussion, you'll find me more responsive......right now my defence shield is way up toward you.
Preacher_X said:
here you are again thinking you know more about Islam then a Muslim. what a joker :rolleyes:

Dear brother:

As salamo Alikum,

Please ignore Flores comments, she is very confused and does not know the ABC about Islam as religion, I have been here long enough to know her, she attacks every muslim who comes here with horrible insults....she is not even a Muslim, she once insulted Islam by describing it as false religion, so please brother, dont take her seriously, just ignore her.