138 Signs Of The Day Of Judgement (list)

Bells said:
Heh, don't ask me why, but I find that hilarious!
Could it be that this child has made the prophecies himself? Actually, I have a prophecy to make myself. One day in the future, we will all die. Yes that's right, we will all die. We were born but one day we will die. But then that's life isn't it? ;)

:rolleyes: This isn't working put a lits of Prophicies becasue all of you dont get any of them. they are not my Prophices they are all Islamic. anyway, ill guess i'll make loads of seperate threads about each prophecy. instead of giving a list, ill focus on each prophecy one at a time, provding the source, the exaplaination, the coming of the prophecy and an explaination.

and where do you get the idea that i think doomsday is round the corner? the knowledge of the day is with Allah alone but it is obviously near. by that i dont mean tommorow, or ten years or what ever because alot of prophicies have yet to fully come although they look like they are starting to come true. alot of big events have to come true aswell.
Another sign.

a major sign of the day of judgement is the coming of the Dajal (anti christ). he will come when the day is very near. the Dajal has ONE eye and will do astonishing magic and leave a path of destruction.

the Dajal isn't here but smaller signs of his presence are. David Blain, who popped up in the 20th CENTURY, does all sorts of magic tricks, and as you know he turns weird sometimes (like he did on GMTV) and shows that ONE eye on his palm which he shows to people.

as for the destruction. A symbol of America is the dollar. America's dollar has the symbol of one eye on top of the pyramid. America, in the 20th CENTURY has left a massive trail of destruction. in Vietnam, Agent Orange destroyed over a 1,000,000 acres of forest, in vietnam America dropped 8,000,000lb's of bombs (three times that of the ENTIRE world war 2 including the 2 nukes). America used 2 nukes in WW2 and has bombed over 21 countries since WW2. what a better example?

also the Dajal lies to make people belief, is there any better example then america; "i did not have sexual relations with that woman!" and Iraqs "Weapons of mass destruction", the watergate scandal, a whole host of illegal wars. etc. etc.

This isn't working put a lits of Prophicies becasue all of you dont get any of them. they are not my Prophices they are all Islamic.
Ahh Islamic – that’s why no one understands them.

anyway, ill guess i'll make loads of seperate threads about each prophecy. instead of giving a list,
Oh hell – please don’t.

where do you get the idea that i think doomsday is round the corner?

the knowledge of the day is with Allah alone but it is obviously near.
Read back what you write – you have just contradicted yourself, or rather just confirmed that you do believe the event is round the corner, from your statement “it is obviously near”.

by that i dont mean tommorow, or ten years or what ever because alot of prophicies have yet to fully come
So it isn’t obvious then, right?

although they look like they are starting to come true. alot of big events have to come true aswell.
So what you are saying is that the significant events that could prove the prophecies just haven’t happened. That kinda blows away the entire argument doesn’t it?

Also, how do you deal with self-fulfilling prophesies, e.g. statements made in a holy book and a bunch of religious fanatics go out of the way to make it happen? For example a prophet, Mohammed for example, says things like the Muslims will eventually be victorious over the Jews – is this truly a prophesy or a blatant encouragement to make war?

Preacher X,

Another sign.

a major sign of the day of judgement is the coming of the Dajal (anti christ). he will come when the day is very near.
But you can’t call this a sign until he appears, and as you say he isn’t here, so you have here is yet another speculative baseless claim. So this isn’t another sign, right?

the Dajal has ONE eye and will do astonishing magic and leave a path of destruction. the Dajal isn't here but smaller signs of his presence are. David Blain, who popped up in the 20th CENTURY, does all sorts of magic tricks, and as you know he turns weird sometimes (like he did on GMTV) and shows that ONE eye on his palm which he shows to people.
Are you really this gullible? He is a showman, a conjurer, he performs tricks, and clearly he is successful since you don’t appear to be able to tell the difference between tricks and reality.

as for the destruction. A symbol of America is the dollar. America's dollar has the symbol of one eye on top of the pyramid.
Riiight, and there are as many conspiracy theories about that symbol as there are dollar bills – that Islamic myths joins the queue is not surprising.

America, in the 20th CENTURY has left a massive trail of destruction. in Vietnam, Agent Orange destroyed over a 1,000,000 acres of forest, in vietnam America dropped 8,000,000lb's of bombs (three times that of the ENTIRE world war 2 including the 2 nukes). America used 2 nukes in WW2 and has bombed over 21 countries since WW2. what a better example?
And if it wasn’t for this world police force the world would be in a far worse chaotic position. You do realize I hope that the two nukes stopped world war II and prevented the deaths of certainly hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of more deaths.

also the Dajal lies to make people belief, is there any better example then america; "i did not have sexual relations with that woman!" and Iraqs "Weapons of mass destruction", the watergate scandal, a whole host of illegal wars. etc. etc.
And Islamic suicide bombers, Osama Bin Laden, and the Islamic inspired Taliban, are all somehow superior I guess?

So how about a sense of perspective –

In the 20th century – there were 37M deaths from war and 170M civilians killed by governments.


In the first quarter of the 21st century deaths from tobacco related illness is expected to be around 150M rising to 300M in the second quarter.

Americas currently die at the rate of 400,000 each year from tobacco related disease which is comparable to the 9/11 deaths twice each week.

Rates are higher for developing countries.


And another 4 million people die each year through heart disease, a disease that wasn’t known before the 20th century.

And death from cancer may reach 15M per year by 2020.


Our real concerns for the future are not the occasional wars which you list which account for only a few deaths in comparison but disease from tobacco, heart disease and cancer and similar issues. The numbers here are overwhelming compared to war, which I guess gets all the news, and of course religious fanatics love to emphasize those emotional aspects.

The solutions rely on science and certainly not religion that has never in the history of mankind provided any practical help in reducing the suffering of mankind.

Katazia said:
Preacher X,

But you can’t call this a sign until he appears, and as you say he isn’t here, so you have here is yet another speculative baseless claim. So this isn’t another sign, right?

30 mini dajals will appear. and a smaller version of a sign coming is a indication of the bigger one.

Riiight, and there are as many conspiracy theories about that symbol as there are dollar bills – that Islamic myths joins the queue is not surprising.

Katazia said:
In the 20th century – there were 37M deaths from war and 170M civilians killed by governments.


In the first quarter of the 21st century deaths from tobacco related illness is expected to be around 150M rising to 300M in the second quarter.

Americas currently die at the rate of 400,000 each year from tobacco related disease which is comparable to the 9/11 deaths twice each week.

Rates are higher for developing countries.


And another 4 million people die each year through heart disease, a disease that wasn’t known before the 20th century.

And death from cancer may reach 15M per year by 2020.



do any of these people haver one eye by any chance? also the Dajal will play beautiful music to lure people. not only does the US have the most succsusful main stream singers, it owns by far the biggest share of the music market.

and it doesn't matter if the mini Dajal makes a "bigger" path of destruction as long as it makes one.
Katazia said:
Preacher X,
Are you really this gullible? He is a showman, a conjurer, he performs tricks, and clearly he is successful since you don’t appear to be able to tell the difference between tricks and reality.

so is the Dajal.

Katazia said:
Riiight, and there are as many conspiracy theories about that symbol as there are dollar bills – that Islamic myths joins the queue is not surprising.
true. but America meets the requirements for the destruction, the lies, the music, the tricks (david Blaine does alot his tricks from America and is accpeted there)

and notice that America respects David Blaines tricks and watches in awe. Remeber when David Blaine did the box trick in the UK. people swore at him, though he was stupid, egged him,launched fireworks at the box, streaked, did barbcues underneath him. Britain though he was nuts but as the Quran says the Dajal's tricks will be accecpted just as America, another mini Dajal accpeted David Blaine.
James R said:
If that's what you call "doing fine", I'd hate to see him doing badly. ;)

and what is wrong with how im doing? so far i have corrected Flores obvious errors, answered YOUR question about the sources, said all of that century stuff, added more prophicies etc etc. :D

and dont give yourself too much credit James.

the fact that a 14 year old can keep up with, understand and even reply and create arguments against a bunch of middle aged computer nerds shows your obviously not as smart as you think and giving yourself way to much credit, James :rolleyes:.

also this 14 year old has shown that you have no knowledge of enviromental science, on page 6 of sign of the day of judgemt.

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Preacher_X said:
:rolleyes: This isn't working put a lits of Prophicies becasue all of you dont get any of them. they are not my Prophices they are all Islamic.
It's not that we don't get them. I think it's more that we find them funny and basically false, wrong, idiotic, etc.

anyway, ill guess i'll make loads of seperate threads about each prophecy.
Must you? Please don't. This one is more than enough. I don't know how much more laughter I can possibly take.

and where do you get the idea that i think doomsday is round the corner? the knowledge of the day is with Allah alone but it is obviously near. by that i dont mean tommorow, or ten years or what ever because alot of prophicies have yet to fully come although they look like they are starting to come true. alot of big events have to come true aswell.
So which is it to be? You first ask why I'd suggest that you'd think that the end is 'around the corner', but then you state that it's the knowledge of Allah but it's close at hand. So unless you disagree with the prophecies that they are close at hand according to all the supposed signs....? So which is it preacherboy, is it close at hand or not? And pray tell, what does 'they look like they are starting to come true' mean? Are you looking up at the moon each night waiting for the split? :rolleyes:

A lot of those big events that you state have come true as well, came true before Islam was ever founded. Allah wasn't giving you much time was he? :rolleyes:
Bells said:
So which is it to be? You first ask why I'd suggest that you'd think that the end is 'around the corner', but then you state that it's the knowledge of Allah but it's close at hand. So unless you disagree with the prophecies that they are close at hand according to all the supposed signs....? So which is it preacherboy, is it close at hand or not?

the 138 Signs given are all MINOR signs. there are a few minor signs left, once these all finish, the major signs will appear.

and the knowledge is with Allah alone when it will happen. but it will be after all of the signs. thats something you silly people on this board just dont get. juest becasue the signs are coming doesn't mean we know when it will happen. but it will be after all of the signs

"they look like thy're coming true" means they are starting to pop up. such as the Dajal as i've explained on the above post.

more "look like they're coming true ones..."

something similar to the crusades is STARTING to happen, where a lot of Muslim countries are being attacked and will be attacked in the near future. also currently the worlds power is currently owned by the western section of the world and they are attacking Muslim countries and in the Quran it says there will be anotherr major battle between Muslims and the west. this makes sense as the west is starting the battle against Muslims and mini guerilla battles of Muslims are fighting back. the Muslim resistence is growing and will enivtiably boil down to that major battle.

also another sign is the rising sea levels. global warming is contributing to that slowly.

also starting to come is the deteration of the Muslim Ummah. as it is slowly increases and so does the battles against Islam and more time goes on by without the Calipahate system in the Ummah. Allah as he has promised will bring forth the Mahdi who will be the calpiphate (not a Prophet) and restore the Ummah.

also their needs to be more earthquakes and lightning. the past 100 years has seen a VERY sharp increase in the number of earthquakes and Lightining and this is still increasing. this needs to happen even more (and it is starting to increase).

and you said some if the predictions have come true before the Quran. well which ones? and even IF they were the Quran prophisced they would haopen in the future not in the past.

why do you call them stupid. it isn;t exactly easy to predict for example the Iraq-Iran war becaue the Quran prophicsed the countries fighting, the months it will happen, the outcome, what would happen to the Iraqi currency and about the sanctions and the hiudden oil.
Preacher_X said:
... so far i have corrected Flores obvious errors, answered YOUR question about the sources, said all of that century stuff, added more prophicies...

Preacher X and his prohicies: 1
James R and Sciforums: 0

and dont give yourself too much credit James.

What then, Bee-atch?
Preacher X:

Pat yourself on the back all you like, but the fact remains that neither you nor Proud_Muslim (to whom the questions were originally addressed) have done what I asked. Once again, here are the questions:

1. Can you provide ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the NORTH POLE melts?
2. Can you name ONE reputable space scientist who says the sun will rise in the west at some time in the future? (You will need to quote the source of the statement.)

Simple questions, but no answers from you yet.

Let's keep this discussion in one place, shall we? How about the original thread, here?

the fact that a 14 year old can keep up with, understand and even reply and create arguments against a bunch of middle aged computer nerds shows your obviously not as smart as you think and giving yourself way to much credit, James.

You make far too many assumptions, Preacher X. For a start, it is plain that you do not understand the point, or you would freely admit you are wrong. You have created no arguments so far on this matter. I am not "middle aged", though I can live with the tag "computer nerd" if necessary.

also this 14 year old has shown that you have no knowledge of enviromental science, on page 6 of sign of the day of judgemt.

Um... no you haven't. My knowledge of environmental science so far seems much more solid than yours.
Preacher X,

the flu is not "Slaughter".

the 6 million (if the jews aren't lying) slaughtered in the Concentration Camps is. so is the ethinic cleaeansing in Ruwanda which killed 1,000,000. so is the Serbs ethinically cleansing 500,000 Muslims. there are loads in this century.
Wait a minute, now I see how you went from 7.5 million slaughtered to 180 million slaughtered- you're a retard :bugeye:

Ethnic Cleansing of 6 million was completly unheard of before this 20th century, it wasn't even possible because the tools of mass mega genoicde weren't invented.
So? I'm trying to get you to justify your point of 180 million being slaughtered last century. You're failing miserably I might add.

also the Dajal will play beautiful music to lure people. not only does the US have the most succsusful main stream singers, it owns by far the biggest share of the music market.
LOL, this is the dumbest thing you've said yet. You think an American record company would sign a person with only one eye? That's about as likely as them signing a grossly overweight female talent.

And you obviously believe there is something more than slight of hand to David Blaines work. I'll admit he's a smart, skilled person, but he doesn't perform "real magic", there is no such thing. Grow up.
Preacher_X said:
the 138 Signs given are all MINOR signs. there are a few minor signs left, once these all finish, the major signs will appear.
Yes, the moon splitting into two is minor. What you don't realise preacherboy is that if one looked hard enough at ANYTHING, we would see signs or what we wanted to see.

and the knowledge is with Allah alone when it will happen. but it will be after all of the signs. thats something you silly people on this board just dont get. juest becasue the signs are coming doesn't mean we know when it will happen. but it will be after all of the signs
Ah so it's up to Allah? So in that case, 'it' can happen at ANY time Allah chooses to turn off the light switch. After all, Allah is not accountable to anyone, so why should Allah wait for all the signs to happen before he/she/it decides that the time has come. Allah could become bored and just say 'stuff it' and end it all without all the signs prophecised actually happening. You better sleep well preacher boy, you might not wake up tomorrow. Oh and don't forget to say extra prayers before going to sleep. I'm sure that Allah wouldn't be too happy that anyone would dare presume or assume what he/she/it has in mind.;)

something similar to the crusades is STARTING to happen, where a lot of Muslim countries are being attacked and will be attacked in the near future. also currently the worlds power is currently owned by the western section of the world and they are attacking Muslim countries and in the Quran it says there will be anotherr major battle between Muslims and the west. this makes sense as the west is starting the battle against Muslims and mini guerilla battles of Muslims are fighting back. the Muslim resistence is growing and will enivtiably boil down to that major battle.
I wasn't aware that Islam came into existence after Columbus discovered America and Cook discovered Australia. After all, in modern terms, the US and its allies are deemed to be the West, are they not? But I shall assume that you mean the West as in Europe as that was all that was known at the time that the Quran was written, and also to try and cover some of your silliness.

And boil down to a major battle? How so? The only mini battles put forth by Muslims to date has been terrorist attacks. Hardly a battle. Just a few demented individuals trying to kill themselves and as many people as they can. Although the West is not doing much better. Tell me something preacherboy, does the Quran predict a stalemate in the so called 'battle'? Because that's where we're heading at the moment. Unless you look at Asia and you have Christians and Muslims trying to hack each other to death, more like village warfare. Again, hardly a 'battle'.

also another sign is the rising sea levels. global warming is contributing to that slowly.
? You are aware that it's not only people who contribute to global warming? That global warming is part of a cycle that has existed since time immemorial?

also their needs to be more earthquakes and lightning. the past 100 years has seen a VERY sharp increase in the number of earthquakes and Lightining and this is still increasing. this needs to happen even more (and it is starting to increase).
Are they increasing? How do you know? Do you know how many earthquakes and lightning strikes that happened 2000 years ago? How about even 500 years ago? So that you could compare the numbers to today to say that they were in fact increasing. Or do you sit by the window with pen and paper during thunderstorms and count how much lightning you see and compare the numbers that way?

and you said some if the predictions have come true before the Quran. well which ones? and even IF they were the Quran prophisced they would haopen in the future not in the past.
Well to start, numbers 6, 7, 9, 11 (all of these would have happened before Islam ever came into being),13, 14, 15 (kings were killed in Egypt before the start of Islam), 17 (think back to ancient Egypt), 18, 19, 23 (I'm sure many houses burnt in the area of what we now know as Bahgdad before Islam existed), 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 125, 126, 127, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136 and 137.

Preacherboy, most of these things happen over and over again all over the world. Twit!

why do you call them stupid. it isn;t exactly easy to predict for example the Iraq-Iran war becaue the Quran prophicsed the countries fighting, the months it will happen, the outcome, what would happen to the Iraqi currency and about the sanctions and the hiudden oil
Refer to above about how people will always see what they want to see in anything they read.
James R said:
Preacher X:

Pat yourself on the back all you like, but the fact remains that neither you nor Proud_Muslim (to whom the questions were originally addressed) have done what I asked. Once again, here are the questions:

1. Can you provide ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the NORTH POLE melts?
2. Can you name ONE reputable space scientist who says the sun will rise in the west at some time in the future? (You will need to quote the source of the statement.)


See the thread "Signs of the Last Hour". I will not repeat myself in two different threads.
fahrenheit 451 said:
what utter rubbish
nobody cant tell the future
anything can be made to fit after the event dont talk wet

Verses In The Quran Describing Future Events

One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within a bedd (three to nine years) after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:

The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4)

Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.(1) At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years. In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive victory of the Romans over the Persians, for the first time after the Romans’ defeat in 613.(2) The prophecy was fulfilled just as God has said in the Quran.



(1) History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, p. 95.

(2) History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, pp. 100-101, and History of Persia, Sykes, vol. 1, pp. 483-484. Also see The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia vol. 4, p. 1036.
atheroy said:
Preacher X,

180 million slaughtered

56.4 million died in WW2 alone (guiness book of world records 2003) and 20 million in WW1. in only 2 wars this century over 80 million have died. then we have the 21 countries the US has bombed post WW2, the we got the communsit invasions of many countires, the fall of the islamic Calphiate and how Sadam and other dicators slaughtered millions of people. then we have the massacres and genocides in Bosnia, Checynia, Kosovo and many more. then we have many bloody cival wars and the independance of many many countries (many due to the fall of the Caliphate)

and i dont understand what you mean by "real magic". David Blaine is a simply magician who does amazing TRICKS, just like the Dajal.
Preacher_X said:
Verses In The Quran Describing Future Events

One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within a bedd (three to nine years) after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:

The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4)

Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.(1) At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years. In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive victory of the Romans over the Persians, for the first time after the Romans’ defeat in 613.(2) The prophecy was fulfilled just as God has said in the Quran.



(1) History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, p. 95.

(2) History of the Byzantine State, Ostrogorsky, pp. 100-101, and History of Persia, Sykes, vol. 1, pp. 483-484. Also see The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia vol. 4, p. 1036.

was or has everything thats written in the qu'ran been written before this time
and have you unrefutable evidence in you possession i dont think so
still absolute rubbish
Preacher X,


56.4 million died in WW2 alone (guiness book of world records 2003) and 20 million in WW1. in only 2 wars this century over 80 million have died. then we have the 21 countries the US has bombed post WW2, the we got the communsit invasions of many countires, the fall of the islamic Calphiate and how Sadam and other dicators slaughtered millions of people. then we have the massacres and genocides in Bosnia, Checynia, Kosovo and many more. then we have many bloody cival wars and the independance of many many countries (many due to the fall of the Caliphate)
You said 180 million people were SLAUGHTERED last century. War is not slaughter.

Many people fought and killed each other last century but you would be doing a disservice to 90% of those killed in WWII by saying they were slaughtered. The same goes for those in WWI.

LOOK at what you've written.

As said by Preacher X,
180 million slaughtered last century.
This is not true. You can't call war slaughter. At least not WWI and II. The Germans didn't all of a sudden drop all their weapons and stand up wearing pink so the Allies could gather them all up and slaughter them. Do you even understand what the word 'slaughter' implies or means?

As for the rest of your stupid predictions and your belief in America being one big conspiracy get a life outside of the brain washed one you live in. You're just as bad as any of the Christians that come out of the private universities of America; where you have to sign a pledge saying that you believe in the literal interpretation of the bible and are taught in a way so that you become even more close minded than you were before. I see no distinction between such fanaticism in theirs or your beliefs. If I were you I would ponder long and hard why I just compared you to a Christian zealot because in my books that is the deepest kind of insult.

Once again. Grow Up.