12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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Baron Max said:
No, it's that laws that are supported by the vast majority of the members of society should not be changed to accommodate the special interests of a select few radicals. Big difference.
Yes but how will changing this law affect those people negatively?

Baron Max said:
So is that to say that you approve of arresting people ...for what they MIGHT do??? ...that you approve of arresting people for something that might happen at some future time/date? And that's a law that you fully support? Can we also do the same for people who MIGHT murder or rape or molest children or ....any number of "might happen" situations? You'd like that, too?
Well I don't know about him but YOU seem to support arresting "potential terrorists" for what they might do, so why is it any different in this case?

Baron Max said:
Perhaps we should enact a new law that prohibits the POSSIBLE transmission of AIDS via male-to-male ass-fuckin'?
I know you're being sarcastic but since Aids is not only transmitted via gays then why is aids transmission an issue?

Baron Max said:
Define "harm" please.

Baron Max

I'm the one trying to figure out what you think harm is, Max. I think folks might be more interested in what you think harm is, as you keep throwing the word around without qualifying it.
SpyMoose said:
I'm the one trying to figure out what you think harm is, Max. I think folks might be more interested in what you think harm is, as you keep throwing the word around without qualifying it.

Well, I don't "keep throwing the word around", you do!

But nevertheless, "harm" is what society is to determine. If they, as a group, decide that something is "harmful" to there way of life, their beliefs, their children, their environment, ....., then it IS harmful. It's as simple as that. If YOU don't agree and/or can't go along with it, then you don't belong in that society!

Spain felt that gays getting married is harmful to their society ....so they made it against the law to do so. And we, the people of the USA, will do the same thing! ..because we feel that it is harmful to our society. ...and we don't give a fuck what YOU think.

Baron Max
I agree Max. Nazi Germany agreed by consensus that the Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals amongst others were harmful. As you so aptly put it, they didn't agree or go along with it, so obviously they didn't "belong in that society" Hell, when you put it like that Max, genocide seems a helluva lot like justice to me!
so john 3 i'm unsure of your position, from reading some of your previous posts i can clearly see that you an max here have an unseperable bond. are you or are you not a fan of licking out your mother
There's an awful lot of licking, fucking and sucking going on here. Just an observation!

Societies change and so do the laws which govern them.

I personally think every kind of marriage should be banned and then we can all chill out. Getting rid of drivers altogether would clear up quite a few problems too.
Why get married at all? Anyone today can live together and share everything with the one they love. If anyone worries about money then a will can be made up that insures the signifacant other that they will receive whatever their lover wants them to have. Other than property and money what else would a marriage be usefull for except for children to have a proper family to grow up with. But today many children are adopted by people so even now children don't have genetic parenting any longer.
Any 2 Legally Competent Adults should be able
to enter into a contract of Marriage.
ayla_z said:
Any 2 Legally Competent Adults should be able to enter into a contract of Marriage.

No, they shouldn't!

Should a father be able to marry his own daughter? Should a mother be able to marry her own son? Should a brother and sister be able to marry?

Baron Max
The purpose of marriage is to create a legal document that identifies the children of the marriage to be lawfully entitled to whatever property the parents leave after they die.
Regarding homosexuallity amoung men, there is normal homosexuallity and pathological homosexuallity. Pathological homosexuallity results from exposure of the newly fertilized egg to certain chemicals. We have just been through a period of time during which there was a massive, world wide exposure by one of these drugs to newly conceived male children that converted the minds of boys from a male type brain to a female type brain. Most people have no idea what this drug was, but we were lucky and stopped using this drug because it caused weakness of bird egg shells. Therefore, its manufacture was discontinued. Want to guess what this drug was? Mammy Yocum had an elixir and gave it to all of the young men in Dogpatch, USA. This story was made into a popular stage show.
Baron Max said:
Should a father be able to marry his own daughter? Should a mother be able to marry her own son? Should a brother and sister be able to marry?
I honestly don't see why not. If they want to, fine, just leave me out of it. Whatever makes ya happy, whatever, as long as it's not harmful.
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Facial said:
The thing is, incest IS harmful.

How? Although I'm sure ye're going to make an issue of children, just be sure to address the marriage, NOT the offspring. There is NOTHING in the marriage laws or contract that requires a couple to have children!

So address the actual issue of marriage, NOT any children ....the incestuous couple might well refrain from having children. So then ...how is incest harmful? And harmful to whom?

Baron Max
Thomas Lee Taylor said:
Aliens speak to me through my wrist watch! (paraphrased)

Woah, dude, take it to the pseudoscience forum! "Female mind", pathological vs. normal homosexuality in men, chemical exposure causing homosexuality? Where are you comming from with any of this? Let me guess - right out of your ass!

Do yourself a favor, don't drink and post on the internet.
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Baron Max said:
So address the actual issue of marriage, NOT any children ....the incestuous couple might well refrain from having children. So then ...how is incest harmful? And harmful to whom?
Well actually marriage between blood relatives (closer even than first cousin or the like) is permitted in some states depending on the fertility or age of the couple (in other words gearing the law toward allowing blood relatives to marry so long as they can't produce children biologically). Also with ancestral situations between parent and child there's certainly a lot of psychological and domination type issues, it's hard to imagine this sort of scenario arising from anything but a history of molestation, not exactly the sort of thing we want to promote.

Also, if your premise is that it’s okay to senselessly deny homosexuals the right to marriage because we deny blood relatives the right to marry with, what you claim is no good reason, I would counter that throwing up your arms and declaring that we don’t need any reason to do anything is kind of a bad place to come from if you want to win an argument. Also, if incest is so tempting to you I suggest that you perhaps seek some form of counseling.
Mystech said:
...we don’t need any reason to do anything is kind of a bad place to come from if you want to win an argument.

Ain't tryin' to win any arguments. But if it comes to a vote, then I'll vote to not allow homosexuals to marry ....that's "argument" enough for me. If the vote is to allow it, I'll abide by it; If it's to disallow it, then I'll celebrate.

Also, I'd like to point out:

Hetero males can't marry males, homo males can't marry males ...there is equality in that law ...there ain't no discrimination in that law.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hetero males can't marry males, homo males can't marry males ...there is equality in that law ...there ain't no discrimination in that law.

Baron Max

Are you serious?

It's not equality if they have different preference. If there was a law to have us both eat shit and not chocolate, would we be equal if you prefered to eat shit and I didn't? Would it be equality to force everyone to be naked outdoors? Would that be fair to the women who don't want to be seen or be sexually moldested by perverted men? See, in all these cases the law abuses the preference of a certain group of people. That's why it needs to be questioned and altered for the preference of all society. This is so obvious, ? : :bugeye:
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