12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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Facial said:
The thing is, incest IS harmful.
Eventually, after generations of it. But not all the time. Ancient Egypt produced several competant and great rulers from sister-brother coupling.
We're all humans, decended from the first human that evolved from Cro-magnon.
In a certain sense, all living things on earth are distantly related, since we all evolved from the same single-celled organism in the pre-cambrian seas 3 billion years ago.
Baron Max said:
How? Although I'm sure ye're going to make an issue of children, just be sure to address the marriage, NOT the offspring. There is NOTHING in the marriage laws or contract that requires a couple to have children!

So address the actual issue of marriage, NOT any children ....the incestuous couple might well refrain from having children. So then ...how is incest harmful? And harmful to whom?

Strictly in that sense, then it would be acceptable. But it is much too hypothetical.

Yet still, marriage is almost inextricably related to having children. With homosexuals, that is not really a problem- they can just adopt children. But with incestuous marriage, certain sexual tendencies may exist that may lead to a high rate of malignant reproduction, which is of concern.

Thus I don't personally like the idea of incestuous marriage. However, if you can find a way to sever all sexual connections in a incestuous marriage through proper legislation, Baron, then of course it would be acceptable. How would you do that?
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Baron Max said:
Hetero males can't marry males, homo males can't marry males ...there is equality in that law ...there ain't no discrimination in that law.

I refuse to accept this judgement. Because of the lack of comparison to similar circumstances, except the extrapolation of subsituting the mind of a gay man to that of a female, I cannot reinforce my advocacy for gay marriage insofar as the extent that I support it nonetheless.
Hapsburg said:
Eventually, after generations of it. But not all the time. Ancient Egypt produced several competant and great rulers from sister-brother coupling.
We're all humans, decended from the first human that evolved from Cro-magnon.
In a certain sense, all living things on earth are distantly related, since we all evolved from the same single-celled organism in the pre-cambrian seas 3 billion years ago.

You have a point here. But I would like to ask you:

Upon marrying your nth cousin, what the highest number n that you would deem acceptable?
Mystech said:
I found the following posted on another forum that I visit, where it was posted by someone also claiming to have read it somewhere and found it amusing (though giving no direct source). I found it to be too amusing to pass up. I made a few minor spelling and formatting changes from the original.

<b>12 Reasons why gay people should not be allowed to marry!</b>
I couldn't help agreeing with the following:

- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if Gay marriage is allowed, (As if they ever meant anything real to men!)

- Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents mostly raise straight children. (It would be nice to rid boys of the pressures to be heterosexual)

- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay. (Of course, its only because of social hostilities that men do not bond with other men sexually, allowing gay marriages will make a lot of differnce.) ;)

Actually these are all the more reasons I support marriages between two men or two women.
- Straight marriage will be less meaningful if Gay marriage is allowed, (As if they ever meant anything real to men!)
how? and it does mean a lot to real gay men/women.
- Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents mostly raise straight children. (It would be nice to rid boys of the pressures to be heterosexual)
there have been multiple studies that show that is not the case. The same percentage of gay children was seen with straight parents as with gay parents. Face it, homosexuality is NOT a choice. It is either in your genes (a gay gene has been identified in fruit flies) or in the prenatal environment (the environment in the womb)
- Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay
it may encourage people to come out of the closet, but not to be gay. just clarifying...
Buddha1 said:
...the more reasons I support marriages between two men or two women.

I don't support gay marriage ....and in Texas, we've fixed it so they can't marry in this state ...and more states are doing the same thing. Hoooo-rah!

I think gay marriage is state sanction for males butt fucking other males!

Baron Max
Baron_Max said:
I don't support gay marriage ....and in Texas, we've fixed it so they can't marry in this state ...and more states are doing the same thing. Hoooo-rah!

Why not let consenting adults do what they want? What place is it for the government to play cop when no one is getting hurt?

Baron_Max said:
I think gay marriage is state sanction for males butt fucking other males!

And straight marriage is state sanction for men fucking women. Why care?
Facial said:
You have a point here. But I would like to ask you:

Upon marrying your nth cousin, what the highest number n that you would deem acceptable?
How do you mean exactly? As in how many generations would it be acceptable up to? Or what number cousin is the closest to borderline sickening?
If the first one, then I'd put a cap on four. Five maybe, if they have good physical abilites and few disease.
If the second one, then 1st cousin is the limit, as it is in Massachucetts (the only northerner state I like). Brother-sister is really pushing it, and parent-child is just completely right out.
Roman said:
Why not let consenting adults do what they want? What place is it for the government to play cop when no one is getting hurt?

No one is "playing cop" and no one is stopping people from doing what they want (within the law, of course!). All we did in Texas is vote to NOT give them a little piece of paper that says it's okay for males to butt-fuck other males. They can still butt-fuck, but we don't have to give them a paper that says that we approve of the butt-fucking!!

Roman said:
And straight marriage is state sanction for men fucking women. Why care?

Oh, perhaps it's just a "thing" that's been passed down through a gazillion years or so and we've found that we like it. And not only that, but we like the idea of holding someone responsible for all the little brats that might be created by all that fucking!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I don't support gay marriage ....and in Texas, we've fixed it so they can't marry in this state

Glad to hear it?

Baron Max said:
...and more states are doing the same thing. Hoooo-rah!

I guess thats America for you!!! :) i can see why your a proud american. ;)

Baron Max said:
I think gay marriage is state sanction for males butt fucking other males!

Baron Max

Well then i suppose you wont be among the ones celebrating when Elton John gets married?? :D
john smith said:
Glad to hear it?

I guess thats America for you!!! :) i can see why your a proud american. ;)

Well then i suppose you wont be among the ones celebrating when Elton John gets married?? :D
It's your world guys, and you can do whatevery you like with it. I've got the message clear-cut today. There is no room for a discussion or for reason. Who calls the shots wins.
Buddha1 said:
It's your world guys, and you can do whatevery you like with it. I've got the message clear-cut today. There is no room for a discussion or for reason. Who calls the shots wins.

It's always been that way ...ye're just now learning it? Human history and pre-history is loaded down with the principle of "He who wields the most power wins the battle." Ethics and morality come from the muzzle of a gun! Always has and probably always will.

Baron Max
Baron_Max said:
Oh, perhaps it's just a "thing" that's been passed down through a gazillion years or so and we've found that we like it. And not only that, but we like the idea of holding someone responsible for all the little brats that might be created by all that fucking!

There's also lots of evidence that some men enjoy butt sex. What a gazillion years half to do with it, anyway? There's not a gazillion years of evidence that people like to drive fast cars, but we let them do it anyway. We even give them little pieces of paper!

Well, won't be any brats from butt sex. Besides, how much fucking really occurs in marriage, Baron? And what about extramarital sex, outlawing that?
Roman said:
There's not a gazillion years of evidence that people like to drive fast cars, but we let them do it anyway. We even give them little pieces of paper!

Yes, but we set limits, don't we? I.e., speed limits or they must be on a legally designated race track or such racing courses NOT open to the public. If we did such with homos and butt fuckin', would you go along with that??? :)

Roman said:
Well, won't be any brats from butt sex.

That's one of few things that's okay about it. But then they want/expect to be able to adopt children, for god's sake!!! Pretty soon, homos will want to be able to butt-fuck and suck dick in public!!

Baron Max
Baron_Max said:
Yes, but we set limits, don't we? I.e., speed limits or they must be on a legally designated race track or such racing courses NOT open to the public. If we did such with homos and butt fuckin', would you go along with that???

There are limits for marriage, as well. Like how many people you can marry. (In Brunei you used to be able to marry as many women as you wanted, but the Sultan passed a law limiting it to the number of women your banker would allow.)

But then they want/expect to be able to adopt children, for god's sake!!! Pretty soon, homos will want to be able to butt-fuck and suck dick in public!!

What's wrong with adoption? It doesn't create any new children, and it takes a child who would be raised by parens who don't want it (unwantedness increases the chance of the child becoming a criminal) and giving it to parents who do want it.

And how do you get from adopting children to sex in public? Even heterosexuals aren't allowed to do that.
Okay, so lemme get this straight (no pun intended):
You thinks it's OK for heterosexual humans to adopt children, wives suck men's dicks, and men buttfuck thier wives...
...but you don't think it's OK for homosexuals to do those things.
You are an idiot.
Okay, so lemme get this straight (no pun intended):
You thinks it's OK for heterosexual humans to adopt children, wives suck men's dicks, and men buttfuck thier wives...
...but you don't think it's OK for homosexuals to do those things.
You are an idiot.
lol, I like that.
on the abortion issue, it's been proven that the children don't turn gay, and they turn out completely normal. So you can't say that. Many children would also rather be adopted by a same-sex couple than not be adopted. It's just stupid that with the many thousands of children in the US alone waiting to be adopted, that you deny completely competent people the right to adopt just because they're the same sex.
TheAlphaWolf said:
on the (adoption) issue, it's been proven that the children don't turn gay, and they turn out completely normal.

What proof? Where? Provide a few links or documentation for that assertion, because I've read several articles that seem to show otherwise!

TheAlphaWolf said:
...waiting to be adopted, that you deny completely competent people the right to adopt ...

The key word there is "competent". And there are no studies that show that gay males are always so "competent" as parents. I will say, however, that lesbians seem to be overwhelmingly competent as parents and it's been shown in several studies/actual instances.

Baron Max
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