12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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What proof? Where? Provide a few links or documentation for that assertion, because I've read several articles that seem to show otherwise!
Glad you asked. At least someone here isn't COMPLETELY stupid.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_adoption says "Numerous studies conducted by the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and other groups have found there to be little if any difference between the effects of parenting conducted by same-sex couples and that of heterosexual couples."
"The statement says there is a considerable body of professional literature that suggests children with parents who are homosexual have the same advantages and the same expectations for health, adjustment and development as children whose parents are heterosexual." http://www.aap.org/advocacy/archives/febsamesex.htm
(and just if you wanted THEIR sources for that statement, here they go)
Perrin EC. Children whose parents are lesbian or gay. Contemp Pediatr.1998; 15 :113 –130
Janice Ann Delong v Fredrick Joseph Delong III, Guardian Ad Litem. Brief of Amicus Curiae American Psychological Association. Available at: http://wwwpsyclaw.org/delongbrief.html. Accessed February 15,2001
Kimberly Y. Boswell v Robert G. Boswell. Brief of Amici Curiae American Psychological Association and National Association of Social Workers. Available at: http://www.psyclaw.org/boswellbrief.html. Accessed February 15,2001
Gold MA, Perrin EC, Futterman D, Friedman SB. Children of gay or lesbian parents. Pediatr Rev.1994; 15 :354 –358[Medline]
Tasker F. Children in lesbian-led families: a review. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry.1999; 4 :153 –166[CrossRef]
Patterson CJ. Children of lesbian and gay parents. Adv Clin Child Psychol.1997; 19 :235 –282
Benkov L. Reinventing the Family: The Emerging Story of Lesbian and Gay Parents. New York, NY: Crown Publishers;1994
Parks CA. Lesbian parenthood: a review of the literature. Am J Orthopsychiatry.1998; 68 :376 –389[Medline]
American Academy of Pediatrics, Perrin EC, and the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Technical report: coparent or second-parent adoption by same-sex parents. Pediatrics.2002; 109 :341 –344[Abstract/Free Full Text]
The key word there is "competent". And there are no studies that show that gay males are always so "competent" as parents. I will say, however, that lesbians seem to be overwhelmingly competent as parents and it's been shown in several studies/actual instances.

of course they're not always so competent, neither are heterosexual parents.
Baron Max said:
The key word there is "competent". And there are no studies that show that gay males are always so "competent" as parents. I will say, however, that lesbians seem to be overwhelmingly competent as parents and it's been shown in several studies/actual instances.

Baron Max
Heterosexual parents are more often than not extremely incompetant at raising a child to be a proper human being, as evidenced by yourself.
That's right, Hap, and many, many hetero couples are not permitted to adopt children either! As I said, the key word is "competent". And our society has appointed adoption authorities who usually feel that homo couples would not provide the proper environment for raising children ....and so refuse to allow them to adopt.

Baron Max
Well, I as a woman think that men who like ANAL SEX (with women) are closet homo's anyway. As long as gay people don't "try to make you" agree with their ideals, who cares what they do in their own home? I think the guys who have anal sex and try to pass it off as a "better sex" with women are the ones who have the real problem. they hide their closet sexuality. I know some of you will say, I'm a man and I love anal sex w/ women but actually, your showing that you have gay tendencies.....It is like the square peg in a round hole assumption. heh, ass sumption. hehehe
Baron Max said:
That's right, Hap, and many, many hetero couples are not permitted to adopt children either! As I said, the key word is "competent". And our society has appointed adoption authorities who usually feel that homo couples would not provide the proper environment for raising children ....and so refuse to allow them to adopt.

Baron Max
Then gauge specific parents, not an entire group, just as adoption agencies do for hetersexuals. Judging an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals is nothing short bigotry and closed-mindedness.
I think the guys who have anal sex and try to pass it off as a "better sex" with women are the ones who have the real problem. they hide their closet sexuality.
I'm a man and i DON'T like anal sex (heh, never even tried it but i think it's nasty), but what does liking anal sex have to do with being gay? Homosexuals are attracted to the same sex, not to anuses (is that even a word?) like hapsburg said, "Judging an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals is nothing short bigotry and closed-mindedness. "
Hapsburg said:
Judging an entire group based on the actions of a few individuals is nothing short bigotry and closed-mindedness.

So? What's wrong with that? If someone wants to do that, are you saying that they shouldn't be permitted to do it? ...that you'd take away some of their freedoms to prevent it?

Tolerance, Hap, should go both ways. If you want to have others accept your own ways of thinking, then you should also accept theirs ...even if you don't like it or want to do it.

Baron Max
I'm tolerant of closed-minded idiots...doesn't mean I like them, and it doesn't mean I won't try to do anything about it...but since I deal with morons every day, I learn to tolerate all but the extremes of stupidity.
Now, as to what is wrong with judging groups of people based on stereotypes: often, stereotypes are quite false, and simply lumping all of a certain type of people into a certain stereotype based of the actions of a few is just plain ignorant. It shows that you do not understand the situation in it's entirety and complexity, and opt to just lump entire peoples into a false preceptions.
Hapsburg said:
..., and simply lumping all of a certain type of people into a certain stereotype based of the actions of a few is just plain ignorant.

It's also ignorant for us to continue to pollute the atmosphere and the water, yet we do it every day.

Hapsburg said:
It shows that you do not understand the situation in it's entirety and complexity, and opt to just lump entire peoples into a false preceptions.

Yeah, sorta' like pollution, huh? We don't understand the complexity, so we just continue to pollute. ...LOL!

You said it yourself, Hap, ......you deal with morons every day. And you'll likely continue to do so until the day that you die. Get used to it.

Baron Max
So you are comparing homosexuals to pollutants?
Breathtaking, simply breathta-...you know what, fuck it. Fuck you and fuck everything you do. You will just never fucking learn, will you? Nothing is ever going to sink in, will it?
Hapsburg said:
So you are comparing homosexuals to pollutants?

...LOL! I just knew that some idiot would make that comment ....but I must admit, Hap, I really thought it would be someone like Duendy!

Read it again, Hap, this time think a little when you read it. Perhaps, just perhaps, there's a chance that you'll understand the analogy ...but I doubt it! :)

Baron Max
Hapsburg said:
Pollutants = children?

Keep re-reading it, Hap, and keep trying to understand it. I'm hopeful that, after a few hours of careful thinking, you might, just maybe, be able to figure it out. I'm hopeful, at least. But if not, I'm gonna' have to rate you waaaay down there with Duendy for intellectual comprehension.

Baron Max
I'm not very good with metaphors...with pretty much everything else, yeah, but...metaphorical phrases ain't my forte'.
Gays,blacks,single parents, old people

:mad::mad:You have some major issues on so many levels. You have no idea what you are talking about. Gays, blacks, single parents, old people! Where do you get off! These are normal regular every day people. Just because they are not just like you and the way you think the world should be, it gives you no right to judge! They are human beings with feelings like anyone else! Leave them alone and do something productive with your life!

I'm sitting on the fence here. I couldn't help but say 'fair enough mate' to every one of the 12 reasons. Although, I still don't see why gay people need to get married.
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