12 reasons why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry.

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Baron Max said:
And your post was NOT petty and mean spirited?

Yes, it was, however I don't let my failures as a human being adversely effect your life. At least I've got some decency.
If I was in a dystopian near-future desertland, I'd get myself a big sword called "the reaver" or something like that, then I'd go around bashing up mutants, and they'd be all like "oww, uggghhh! nuggghhh!" and I'd be all like "kerpow, die you monster! Grrrr!" and then I'd hide in a shopping mall left over from the reign of society like dawn of the dead and I'd be all holed up and then I'd like find myself a weak but clever sidekick who told bad oneliners, and a lady who'd start off all tough and mean to me but who I'd redeem through love. Also I think inter-racial marriage should be banned and homosexuals will steal my child's soul, and as a member of society I feel it is my civic duty to tell others in that society what to do. Excuse me, I don't feel well, I think I need to lie down for a little while...
Mystech said:
At least I've got some decency.

Oh, I've got some now, too! I bought some at Wal-Mart yesterday. :)

Mystech said:
..., however I don't let my failures as a human being adversely effect your life.

Well, maybe you don't. But we, as a society, do the same to drunks and kids under 16 ...we don't let them drive cars. We also don't let kids under 18 drink booze in bars or let them get married. Same thing ...we, as a society, decided to "adversely affect" their lives, didn't we? Yeah, we're a pretty nasty society, ain't we? :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Oh, I've got some [decency] now, too! I bought some at Wal-Mart yesterday. :)
Silly man, Wal-Mart doesn’t have any decency, and if it did it would come from china and be totalitarian Communist decency. Is that the kind you want?

Baron Max said:
Well, maybe you don't. But we, as a society, do the same to drunks and kids under 16 ...we don't let them drive cars. We also don't let kids under 18 drink booze in bars or let them get married. Same thing ...we, as a society, decided to "adversely affect" their lives, didn't we? Yeah, we're a pretty nasty society, ain't we? :)

Baron Max

Again, your remarks beg the question "What is the comparison to 16 year old drunks and a stable same sex relationship that wishes to marry?" I could compare your behavior to all sorts of criminal activity but it wouldn't mean a dam if there was an actual parallel to be drawn.
John Smith III said:
If I was in a dystopian near-future desertland, . . . I'd go around bashing up mutants, and they'd be all like "oww, uggghhh! nuggghhh!" and I'd be all like "kerpow, die you monster! Grrrr!"

You know who else would do that? Hitler! According to this scifi book written from the conceptual standpoint of "What if Hitler moved to America and became a pulp Sci-fi author instead of the dictator of Germany." <a href='http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1902002164/qid=1119304014/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/104-6524639-9023162?v=glance&s=books&n=507846'>This</a> is the book that would result.
John Smith III said:
If I was in a dystopian near-future desertland, I'd get myself a big sword called "the reaver" or something like that, then I'd go around bashing up mutants

I honestly don't know why anyone would live in a desert in a world where all the modern accommodations have been blown up or fallen into disuse. I mean, I live in a desert now, and the summers suck pretty hard even with air conditioning. I think that realistically I'd have to go somewhere where there was actually some water, and maybe temperatures below 120 degrees during the heat of the day.

In a more romantic sense, though I think I'd have to follow your lead, only I'd have to ride a Harley with a shotgun slung into a crude holster on the back, and a big ol' revolver on my hip and travel from little hovel to hovel solving mysteries like scooby do and his gang if they were the type to just shoot all those fun-house monsters, oh and I'd giggle less, but probably have the munchies quite often - mostly because food would be scarce, not because I was high all the time. Meanwhile I'd be searching for a secretive cult-like gang of heavily armed ex-military goons who, before the fall of civilization, I was a part of, but was thrown out due to the gay, so that I could get petty revenge on them for my own reasons even as, through a series of quirky adventures and meetings with other interesting characters, it becomes emergently clearer that this very same group is in some way responsible for the destruction of the world as we knew it!

Uuh wait, I'm not sure what the hell I'm talking about, anymore. . . and I was never in any armed service, but I think my point is that the post-apocalyptic genre is a great opportunity to make a non-steam-punk scifi/oldwest type blend, so naturally swords would be right out, you ninny!

Oh, and also I'd be able to talk to fish, like aqua man, but nobody would know that, because fish had all become extinct due to over-fishing, and I can't breath under water, so I dont' spend much time trying to stay underwater in lakes and rivers.
SpyMoose said:
Again, your remarks beg the question "What is the comparison to 16 year old drunks and a stable same sex relationship that wishes to marry?" I could compare your behavior to all sorts of criminal activity but it wouldn't mean a dam if there was an actual parallel to be drawn.

You keep trying to deflect that issue, don't you? ....LOL! It is, of course, about LAWS. The parallel is NOT about the type of people, but about LAWS.

YOU think that the law against gays marrying is a "bad" law ...you think it's discriminatory to gays. But then, at the same time, you're willing to allow a LAW which discriminates against some drivers just because of their age or their social habits. Why?

If society thinks that underage kids and compulsive drunks shouldn't drive, why shouldn't they also be able to say that guys who suck cocks and slurp down semen shouldn't be able to marry?

Baron Max
Descrimination against drunk drivers stems from how frequently leathal they are to themselves or others. I don't think I've yet heard of what letting gays marry is going to do to endanger them or others. The presence of reason is a pretty important factor that you like to dance around, maybe because you are embarassed about lacking a rational component for disliking homosexuals
I know some women that suck cock and slurp too...should I not be able to marry them? Damn, hear that guys...you cannot marry anyone who gives oral sex. Damn, damn...I guess I gotta keep looking. I am sure I will find me a decent obedient God fearing woman somewhere, just no oral sex...okay, got it. Thanks for the bit of morality.

- KitNyx
KitNyx said:
I know some women that suck cock and slurp too...should I not be able to marry them?

No no no, you're missing the point. It's only a sin, and should only be illegal if the straight white Christian men in charge of things wouldn't want the exact same thing done unto them.
SpyMoose said:
Descrimination against drunk drivers stems from how frequently leathal they are to themselves or others.

From what I've read, there's a vast number of drivers who drive drunk and NEVER cause any accidents! The laws were written for only a select few who've been in accidents ...the vast majority continue to drive drunk and never have a problem or an accident. So, see ...once again the laws are discriminatory, yet you have no problem with THAT discrimination.

And why didn't you mention the discriminatory laws about under-16 drivers? Or will you again try to make the usual claims that since a few of them can't drive properly, then it's okay to keep them all off the road??? Hmmm?

No, I don't dislike homos ...I just don't think ANY special-interest group should be permitted to make or change any law of society at their whim. Society makes laws, not special-interest groups. It's sorta' like terrorism ....if we give in to their demands once, what happens the next time? And the next time?

Baron Max
KitNyx said:
I know some women that suck cock and slurp too...

Ya' didn't read my post, did you? Is it 'cause you can't read or didn't want to or what? Wanna' try again?

Baron Max
Mystech said:
No no no, you're missing the point. It's only a sin, and should only be illegal if the straight white Christian men in charge of things wouldn't want the exact same thing done unto them.

No, I don't think cocksucking is a sin ....but I do think that those men should NOT be permitted to MARRY the men their sucking off. Cocksucking is a wonderful sensation and every man should enjoy it, whether they want a man to do it or a woman!

But marriage? What's marriage got to do with cocksucking? This thread is about male cocksuckers marrying other male cocksuckers ....and I don't think they should be permitted to do so, that's all.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
So, see ...once again the laws are discriminatory, yet you have no problem with THAT discrimination.

Drunks cannot drive therefore homosexuals may not marry. You are a beacon of rational thought in these dark times, Max. With your expert logic you will be lucky if they don’t say “Dirty old bastards cant use public toilets. Sorry about the discrimination max, but you know, drunks cant drive either so I don’t know why you are upset.” There is a direct causal relationship between drunkenness and poor driving. There is no direct causal relationship between homosexual marriage and <insert catastrophe>. You can't win this argument because you can't describe any harm that would come from homosexual marriage, you can't even quantify how people other than homosexuals would notice the difference!
SpyMoose said:
Sorry about the discrimination, max, ....

So ...that's all you have to say when you discriminate against a sector of the population? Well, okay ....I'm sorry about discriminating against gays on the marriage issue. Feel better now? ...LOL!

See? Discrimination is a fact of life ...we do it all the time, in all kinds of situations, in all kinds of laws and rules. As noted by your posts, some of them even homos agree with ....like drunks driving cars and underage driving.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, I don't dislike homos ...I just don't think ANY special-interest group should be permitted to make or change any law of society at their whim.

Uuum so does that mean that the radical right-wing Christian evangelicals should stop amending state constitutions to limit the ability of homosexuals to enter into a civil contract?

Also, your whole argument that "laws shouldn't be changed, because they're laws" is utter bullshit. I could argue just as effectively that they should be changed because they are laws! It means nothing, you're not taking into account a single relevant factor such as what the law does, who is effected by it, and what is it's purpose.

When a law exists to limit the rights of a harmless group of people in a capacity which wouldn't even effect any other group of people in any measurable manner, then why should such a law stand? As has been stated many times by serveral posters in this thread, your analogies reguarding age limits on drivers licenses and prohibitions on drunk driving simply do not pass this qualification.

Also, regarding drunk driving, I'd very much like to know what study you're referring too which claims that the vast majority of drunk drivers are completely safe and never in an accident, as I find this to be the very heith of stupidity. The fact is that driving while intoxicated makes you extremely accident prone and if you don't believe me, then please go spend the night at a bar across town and take the freeway home, I'll be glad to be rid of you.
Max, not all laws should be written in stone. http://www.wanderworks.com/chilichokers/dumb_laws_4.htm

Below are a few:


State laws
If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested.

It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup


State Laws
It's still "legal" to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.

City Laws
Elko: Everyone walking the streets is required to wear a mask.

New Hampshire

State Laws
You may not tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way keep time to the music in a tavern, restaurant, or cafe.

Any cattle that crosses state roads must be fitted with a device to gather its feces.

On Sundays citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up.


State Laws
Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.

Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger.

City Laws
Tulsa: You may not open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. Elephants are not to be taken into the downtown area.

I think you get the point, at least I hope
Mystech said:
Also, your whole argument that "laws shouldn't be changed, because they're laws" is utter bullshit.

No, it's that laws that are supported by the vast majority of the members of society should not be changed to accommodate the special interests of a select few radicals. Big difference.

How does it feel to be amid a society of people who don't want you to be in their society? How does it feel to be an outcast? How does it feel to think of yourself as so special that you should get whatever you want ...even while the vast majority of people around you are against it?

Have you seen the vast demonstrations in Spain AGAINST gay marriages? Have they passed that national law yet? ;=) See? Spainards don't want gays in their midst either. Maybe y'all should find a spot somewhere on Earth where you're actually wanted ...settle down and be happy ....for one lousy generation. And then the whole world would be happier.

Mystech said:
The fact is that driving while intoxicated makes you extremely accident prone....

So is that to say that you approve of arresting people ...for what they MIGHT do??? ...that you approve of arresting people for something that might happen at some future time/date? And that's a law that you fully support? Can we also do the same for people who MIGHT murder or rape or molest children or ....any number of "might happen" situations? You'd like that, too?

Perhaps we should enact a new law that prohibits the POSSIBLE transmission of AIDS via male-to-male ass-fuckin'?

Mystech said:
When a law exists to limit the rights of a harmless group of people in a capacity which wouldn't even effect any other group of people in any measurable manner, then why should such a law stand?

I agree with that sentiment .....but allowing gays to marry DOES affect many people ...they don't like it and don't want it to happen! Yeah, it does affect them, it affects their society, it "harms" their society.

Mystech said:
...I'll be glad to be rid of you.

That's not very nice, is it?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Yeah, it does affect them, it affects their society, it "harms" their society.

I find that unlikely, being that this conversation has been going on for ten pages now and there has yet to be a single material example of harm that you or anyone else has provided.
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