1+1+1=1? What's Up with the Trinity?

What if what you teach or believe is REALLY the "spirit of the anti-Christ"? What then?

The same rules must apply to you. What if you are follwing the anti-Christ or Satan and just don't know it. What then??? :bugeye:
Christ is based on Love...
Anti-Christ is based on Fear...

Simple to know...

Btw... good post Randolfo! :)
Jesus the Destroyer?

Christ is based on Love...
Yeah, like that part in the Bible where Jesus says that he comes to destroy families?

Tiassa :cool:
Christ is love!

Yeah, like that part in the Bible where Jesus says that he comes to destroy families?


And in the part where Christ commands us to destroy our eyes rather than suffer the torments of hell for a natural reaction to an attractive woman!

And in the part where Christ tells the Pharisees to stone their disobedient children!

And in the part where Christ tells us that those who offend him will be tortured forever!


I once thought you were a Christian. Either your putting down your own religion, or your getting at something that one could only guess at this point....


Anyway, I think, that as a Chrisitian, I will stay with my beliefs, and since we are all free to choose, I hope that with all this reading you have done, someday you to, will become Christian.

I've often found that the term Christian is often as diverse as the term white man. However, judging from your posts, I find you to be an intolerant, hateful individual. If being a "Christian" means being someone of your stature, then I would perfer to not be a Christain.

However, since you seem to reguard , ahem, human opinion much like one would reguard a cockroach, I suppose my opinion of you is meaningless, and thus we are at peace. :)
Christ is based on Love...
Anti-Christ is based on Fear..

My perception of Christianity is that it is a God-Fearing Religion. Christians are made to Fear God out of respect and there is plenty of scripture to back this up. You take it from there.

Simple to know... :rolleyes:
Do we haaaaaaaave to, Avatar? Couldn't we just lightly toast Christianity?
if you want all those beautiful girls for your sacrifical ceremonies, then yes;)

anywayz I just thought it sounded cool, tht's all.
I have no plan for it, yet Muhahahaaaaa:D
Originally posted by Tinker683

However, judging from your posts, I find you to be an intolerant, hateful individual. If being a "Christian" means being someone of your stature, then I would perfer to not be a Christain.

However, since you seem to reguard , ahem, human opinion much like one would reguard a cockroach, I suppose my opinion of you is meaningless, and thus we are at peace. :)

Hateful? Hateful?

Then what does the following qualify for?:

Originally posted by Avatar
You take it from there.

thanx for introduction. Now who's with me-> DEATH TO STUPIDITY, BURN CHRISTIANITY
I think some people really need to look in the mirror & to quote 'CCR', "before you accuse me, take a look at yourself!"
Anyway, is it hateful that I won't back down?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I'm so un-PC?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I'll disagree with you?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I won't go along with the multitude?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I'm just a Christian, and the very thought of that makes your skin crawl?
Is it intolerant & hateful that, 'horror of horrors', I implied some of you may become Christians in the future?
I'm so hurt! !!WAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Anyway, now that I've composed myself; just out of curiosity, why don't some of you declare yourselves, are you atheists, Wiccan, or what? Or are you afraid to show your true ideology for fear that it will reflect why you hate Christianity so? Let's find out who the players are? You all have a stake in this discussion, so be a little honest about it. And some of you seem to have more animosity, above and beyond just being agnostic or atheist. Come out of the closet, declare yourself!?! Or are you afraid that your true biases and intensions will be exposed in all your previous and future statements? Hmmmm?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I don't accept your arguments?
Where's the Love?
Or is it only reserved for ABC's? (Anybody but Christians?, Anything but Christianity?):eek:

Ok, I will admit I'm a little bit sarcastic!:rolleyes: :D
I think some people really need to look in the mirror & to quote 'CCR', "before you accuse me, take a look at yourself!"

I have exaimed myself, and I continue to do so.

Anyway, is it hateful that I won't back down?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I'm so un-PC?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I'll disagree with you?
Is it intolerant & hateful that I won't go along with the multitude?

No, no, and no.

Is it intolerant & hateful that I'm just a Christian, and the very thought of that makes your skin crawl?

Firstly, the fact that your a Christian means nothing to me. However, I have to question your presumption that it "makes my skin crawl." Do I detect a note of adversity? If so, then I would suggest you calm down, nobody here is out to get you.

Is it intolerant & hateful that, 'horror of horrors', I implied some of you may become Christians in the future?

Once again, a questionable presumption. I can't help but feel as if your trying to attack me personnally.

I'm so hurt! !!WAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

I'm assuming your reacting from a preconcieved attack on my part? Do you always respond like this?

Anyway, now that I've composed myself; just out of curiosity, why don't some of you declare yourselves, are you atheists, Wiccan, or what? Or are you afraid to show your true ideology for fear that it will reflect why you hate Christianity so? Let's find out who the players are? You all have a stake in this discussion, so be a little honest about it. And some of you seem to have more animosity, above and beyond just being agnostic or atheist. Come out of the closet, declare yourself!?! Or are you afraid that your true biases and intensions will be exposed in all your previous and future statements? Hmmmm?

My, a little touchy aren't we? For what it's worth, I am an athiest. I was a christian for a good many number of years, but then decided that, after a lengthy ( read- 6 years ) of thought and introspection, I could no longer call myself a Christian.

Is it intolerant & hateful that I don't accept your arguments?

Not at all. Unless of course, that disagreement is based on prejustice toward myself, rather than the disagreement of the arguments I have/may present.
Where's the Love?
Or is it only reserved for ABC's? (Anybody but Christians?, Anything but Christianity?):eek:

Again, with the presumptions. I never said that Christians weren't capable of kindness. I did however state that you weren't a nice person. I base this observation on your seemingly aggressive attitudes toward your fellow man, and toward "non-Christians". However, if I am mistaken in this observation, then please do correct me.

Ok, I will admit I'm a little bit sarcastic!:rolleyes: :D [/B]

As are we all. :)
goofyfish said:
Ok, exactly what is supposed to be going on with the Christian Triune God?


I believe God answered my own questions about the Trinity years ago; where a multidimensional, multitime God, looks to us humans pretty much so alien, that we needed a word to explain the concept & what we saw.

At 17 I left the Catholic church over the doctrine of the Trinity, since I could not understand how 3 could be 1 & thought the answer was that Catholicism was too pagan. At 30 I became a born-again believer. I believe that all my life experiences led to that point, to shake my understanding of logic & science, and see beyond the reality to the truth. Hope your world shakes a little.

BTW, I saved this question on my email, so that when I found the right words I could respond.
goofyfish said:
Ok, exactly what is supposed to be going on with the Christian Triune God? I have heard that the differing persons of the Godhead are really personas, "masks" of the One God--which means they're really all the same person, right? No, I am told, it doesn't mean that.

Water is water, water vapour and ice. therefore it is three things. Yet it is still just water. If water can be three things, and you can understand that it is, then why cant god be three things? Or why cant you understand how? You dont make sense. P.S.-DEATH TO GOD!!! (sorry, calm now)
Any believer can call God “Father” according to the Bible
Jesus, at the end of his mission, made it clear that God is not only his father, but father of all believers.
The writer who is Paul also made it clear that any believer can address God as “Father.” He wrote:
"We cry, Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15 KJV 1611).
Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
According to Matthew, Jesus taught the crowds to call God ‘Father’. He said to them:
“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name . . .’ ” (Matthew 6:9 NIV).

The "trinity" is a false teaching that was promoted by the early catholic church and later passed on to the protestant denominations, to rob the power of God from the people and put all of the power in the church to control the laity...........see the "deeds" of the nicolaitines.
Nico-laitine......nico means "to conquer" , laitine...."the laity"
To conquer the laity.

God is a Spirit......
Jesus came as a Son of God to show us how a Son should live.
He is called the first begotton of many brethren.
To call God his "father" is to identifiy where He originated and what Spirit dwells in Him.
We are to do the same, if we be led of God.
"They that are led of the Spirit of God, shall be called the Sons of God."

Jesus made it clear that he is not God when he said:
“Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.” (Mark 10:18)
A man had ran up and knelt before Jesus and called him “Good Teacher.” Jesus used the opportunity to make it clear to people that they must not praise him more than a human being deserves to be praised.

Jesus is God.
He also said, "I came in my Fathers name and ye received me not.
What then is the Fathers' name....? Jesus.
God as I said is a Spirit. The physical manifestation of that Spirit in it's fullness in the flesh is The Lord Jesus Christ.
There is only one God, and only one person of God.....not three persons, or personalities in one God...........thats a pagan doctrine introduced after the apostolic church compromised the true Word of God with Roman paganism at the Nicine Council in 325 A.D.

Jesus depends on God for Authority: God depends on no one.
Jesus said:“I can do nothing of my own authority” (John 5:30).
“I do as the Father has commanded me” (John 14:31 RSV).
Needless to say, God does not receive commands from anyone. Jesus said:
“The words that I say to you I do not speak of my own authority.” (John 14:10 RSV)
“I do nothing of my own authority but speak thus as the Father has taught me.” (John 8:28 RSV)
God has full authority, and full knowledge. He cannot be taught, but He teaches.

Sure Jesus depends on God for authority, He is the Son, or the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God..............and does nothing till the "Father" .....or the "Spirit of God" tells Him first.
He showed us this as an example so we would know to come to the same place as Sons of God , to do nothing till the Father shows us first.

Jesus is not Equal to “The Father”
Jesus said:
“The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28 RSV).
People forget this and they say that Jesus is equal to the Father. Whom should we believe—Jesus or the people?

I John 1:1-14 says; "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
Jesus is the Word.
Jesus was received by God and filled with the fullness of God, at the age of thirty at the Baptism.
The eastern custom of Adoption shows this as the time a son is judged to be worthy to take over his fathers bussiness.
God spoke and said this is my beloved Son, and his ministry started.
This Spirit had to also leave him at the cross so He could die as a mortal for us.
He had to come and fullfill His own law as a kinsmen redeemer.
God didn't send His Son, God came Himself, AS the Son.
The people said to Jesus; "Show us the Father........."
His answer was ; "Have I been so long with you and you still don't know who I am...?
He said........my doctrine is not my own, by my Father's who sent me.
Remember the Father is a Spirit, and is manifested through flesh in Jesus and also in us as we surrender ourselves to Him.
All the world groaneth and travaileth for the "manifestations" of the Sons of God.
This is what Jesus purchased for us.....a return to the condition before the fall in Eden.
"Redeemed" means to be brought back to where one once was.

The doctrine of the trinity is a false teaching that is against the Word of God.
Since Christ is the Word, to be anti- Word is to be anti-Christ.
By their "fruits" you shall know them..........Fruits are thier teachings.
As it was then so is it now, by teaching for comandments, the doctrine of men.....they make the Word of God of non effect to the people.
This is a prime example of how they have done this.
The teaching of the trinity is completely anti-christ, and also results in the followers of it to be baptized in empty titles, instead of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said baptize in the "NAME"......singular, of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.
There is one name for these titles, but it takes revelation from the Father to see what that name is.
Jesus never just came out and revealed these things to the multitudes.
When Peter called Him the Christ the Son of the Living God, Jesus said to him; "that flesh and blood had not revealed this to him, but the Father in heaven had revealed it".
Peter then on the day of pentecost, stood up and said; "Be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ......
Because that's the name of God, that was revealed to him to be that "name" of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.
To take that name away and teach a doctrine of three Gods is absolutely anti-christ.
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Randolfo said:
IAt 17 I left the Catholic church over the doctrine of the Trinity, since I could not understand how 3 could be 1 & thought the answer was that Catholicism was too pagan. At 30 I became a born-again believer. I believe that all my life experiences led to that point, to shake my understanding of logic & science, and see beyond the reality to the truth. Hope your world shakes a little.

BTW, I saved this question on my email, so that when I found the right words I could respond.

You were so right when you were 17, it is a pagan religion silly. All your holidays are pagan as well as all the rituals of it. :(
No, specific day can be considered "owned" by paganism. The fact that Christians celebrate many of their feast days on what were pagan holidays is to avoid paganism....

As to the answer how three can be one. It's Love, and it's clear that God who is loving must create love, yet love cannot be created without division into what we would call persons. But there's no contradiction in what the Trinity says. The Church does not say three persons are one person, but there the three persons share one divine nature. Christ said, however, not that his will be done, but that the Father's will be done.
okinrus said:
No, specific day can be considered "owned" by paganism. The fact that Christians celebrate many of their feast days on what were pagan holidays is to avoid paganism....
M*W: So, you are saying that if one celebrates Catholic feast days, it is to avoid Christianity?
As to the answer how three can be one. It's Love, and it's clear that God who is loving must create love, yet love cannot be created without division into what we would call persons.
M*W: What's love got to do with it? How is this "clear" to you? Please explain. I don't see where God "must create love." That's a human emotion. Since the emotion is human, it only dwells within humanity. I understand that "God IS love," but God doesn't "create" more love. Love is positive energy, and we've already learned that energy can only change what's already there in existence. It can't diminish or increase.
But there's no contradiction in what the Trinity says.
M*W: I didn't know the Trinity could talk! What language does the Trinity speak?
The Church does not say three persons are one person, but there the three persons share one divine nature. Christ said, however, not that his will be done, but that the Father's will be done.
M*W: Funny, but when I was Catholic, my priest always said it was "three personalities in one God=the "triune." If JC was really God, he should do his own will, because allegedly JC was an extension of God on Earth (just like we are). JC made it quite clear that he, like all humanity, is the child of God. The ONE thing we share is the One Spirit of God. There is the Creator=God, the Created=Humanity (Son of God), and the One Spirit of God which dwells within all of Creation, most especially, the human race.
M*W: What's love got to do with it? How is this "clear" to you? Please explain. I don't see where God "must create love." That's a human emotion. Since the emotion is human, it only dwells within humanity. I understand that "God IS love," but God doesn't "create" more love. Love is positive energy, and we've already learned that energy can only change what's already there in existence. It can't diminish or increase.
The reply that I made was to Visitor. The bible says "God is love" and "God so loved the world," and we are led to believe that the only rational reason for our existence is that God loved us. But without assume the bible's validity, someone should be able to come up with a similar conclusion.

God must be the sole creator of everything. If God was not the sole creator of everything, then there exist something that God did not create. But if there exists something that God did not create, than that something is no longer a creature, but another god. Yet someone could say, then, that God created Evil. However, evil is only the abstence of God, chosen by our free will.

M*W: I didn't know the Trinity could talk! What language does the Trinity speak?
The Trinity of persons can certainly talk together in one voice, for example, in Revelation, but what I meant was that the doctrine of the Trinity does not contradict itself.

Funny, but when I was Catholic, my priest always said it was "three personalities in one God=the "triune."
I think both are correct, though I would not describe the Trinity's relationship as always composite.
The reply that I made was to Visitor
Three personalities in one God, or three "persons" sharing one divine nature........is pagan.
It did not originate from the Word of God, but is a false interpretation of the scriptures.

I believe my previous post explained this in detail.
Go back and read it again if you must.
It takes divine revelation from God to put the scriptures together properly.
Jesus said; on this rock - the foundation of divine revelation from the Father to each and every Son of God He would build His church, and the Gates of hell......(the churches that teach false anti-christ theology) would not prevail against it.
They say the days of miracles are over,
They believe in the "apostles creed" that only the apostles had such power.
They teach the "trinity" three in one godhead as such a mystery even they can't explain it and no human can comprehend it....
Such lies...........they by teaching the comandments of men, attempt to make the Word of God of non effect.
I have volumes of scriptures to show the error of the trinity teaching as anti-christ doctrine.....but if the Lord has withheld the understanding of it from your eyes there is nothing I can say that will make you see it.
It has to come from Him.
Because the truth of it reveals who He really is.
He is one God.
God is a Spirit, that Spirit manifested in flesh was Jesus, the Son of God....same God....only in flesh.
The flesh was created....there is no contradiction here with the scriptures.
He was called the beginning of the creation of God for this reason, also the first begotton of many brethren.
The Lord (father, above us) Jesus (Son, in flesh among us) Christ (the anointing, in us).
One God, one person only.......
The Lord Jesus Christ.
Don't think because millions of denominational christians believe in the trinity that it must be right.
The scriptures say "All the earth shall be deceived and worship the image of the beast who's names are not on the Lambs book of life".
Revelation chapter 17 and 18 speak of this great harlot system that call itself by His name but have denied His Word for thier own false creeds and in them is found all the blood of the saints and martyrs throughout history who have died standing against them and for His truth.
They are the majority, the gates of hell.....with the names of blasphemy on their forehead, or in their "revelation".
These names are Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, ect....any name that denies the truth of His name which is the Word of God, and teaches their false creeds for truth.
Because they received not a "Love of the Truth" , I will send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie and be damned by it.
There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the ends thereof are death.

Your trinity doctrine is only the tip of the iceberg in their turning of the truth into fables, okinrus.

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