1+1+1=1? What's Up with the Trinity?

Word Not in Bible, Okay

Ashura, I hadn't thought of that, glad you mentioned it. I never actually said it was in the Bible, hadn't thought that much about it, just responding to the others' posts.

It's like the word Rapture, isn't in the Bible.

Did you find the Delphi forum still open?
Gen 6:3-4
3 And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

This verse shows how God has a spirit.
"Words", Unproven Theories in Many Fields, Not Just Religion

We're all agreed at least that at least three certain words aren't specifically mentioned in the Bible, but some synonymns may be, such as "truth" instead of reality, and that many whole doctrines just evolved from certain groups of mere humans, and this isn't even the tip of the iceberg, right?

Lots of scientific and other kinds of theories have required hundreds of years to become universally accepted. Correct? Galileo's for one example?

Aren't we agreed there are quite a few false doctrines that have evolved from mere humans and their groups? Certain basics always remain, such as that singing and praying, maybe listening to a speech, meeting together, is supposed to be supportive, or we look around for a more compatible group if we're unhappy at one place. We're so fortunate now that there's more than one to choose from, aren't we?

BTW, I apologize for trying out my new prophecy findings, sort of a "shock and awe" I guess, about the heretic who's to be revealed making verbal war on individual saints, just assumed some may be depressed and need a diversion. Too much too soon. Nope, I don't need a blog. It's not vitally important even to me.

Have we really defined the real problem yet?
Aren't we agreed there are quite a few false doctrines that have evolved from mere humans and their groups?

All of them, right? If you disagree tell me how we ascertain real from false.

Have we really defined the real problem yet?

The real problem here I guess is that you're using a discussion forum for your personal rhetoric concerning peoples "depression" and "unhappiness in this church, go to another, oh isn't it so sweet"

Was there anything specific you actually wanted to discuss?
Good One, Snakelord

How to distinguish between a false doctrine and an orthodox one?

If it harms nobody, not even one least person, and is in the Bible, often if not usually validated by more than one writer-witness, I take it to be Holy Writ. Good question.

There are forums for ex-members of one group where they point out a lot of inconsistent rules that aren't authorized in the Bible, tho' they boast "We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent," and complain about the competitiveness and lack of empathy, Christian good will love, for other denominations. It's almost like they've just a business organization competing with other businesses, in our opinions. If you like controversy, there's plenty out there to be found but most Christian religions at least get along with each other and acknowledge each others' right to exist.

By asking if there's anything specific I want to discuss, do you mean stick to the Trinity question? Already said I don't know, about that. I'm just friendly chatting. Isn't that okay with you? Women usually love to chat. You hate that?
Need to Edit

I meant to say the forum ex-members complain about lack of Christian love, not the organization.
How to distinguish between a false doctrine and an orthodox one?

? Let's try again:

How to distinguish between a false doctrine and a real one.

If it harms nobody, not even one least person, and is in the Bible, often if not usually validated by more than one writer-witness, I take it to be Holy Writ.

Oh I see.. It has to be written in the bible to be considered holy? Lol.

most Christian religions at least get along with each other and acknowledge each others' right to exist.

This isn't really evidenced. Not only have they been slaughtering each other for generations, (dare I bring Ireland into the discussion), but time and time again on this very forum you'll witness one particular breed of christian damning the others to hell.

Further from that it is the christians that are condemning mankind - be they homosexual, unmarried and having sex, those that have abortions, stem cell researchers and so on and so forth.

I'm just friendly chatting. Isn't that okay with you? Women usually love to chat. You hate that?

Hate? What a truly bizarre word to use.
Centuries Past

Yes there have been atrocities for centuries or whatever time period you said, and remember I've mentioned, in Sympathy to Godless, the Catholics' burning people at the stake back when they were the only denomination. I don't think they'd try to get away with that now, do you?

But I'm not going to spend a lot of time thinking about it, since there's nothing I could do about it.

Maybe the discussion about figuring out the Trinity is winding down? I think "Don't ask; don't tell" may be our only last resort when things may not be meant to be understood until the next world. I'm not going to worry about that either, just accentuate the positive, an old saying I'm sure you'll probably have a need to make fun of. Fine. I'll not worry about that either. Have a good day.
Maybe the discussion about figuring out the Trinity is winding down?

Yes, I think that's because it's been generally accepted here that the concept of Trinity is not supported by scripture, thus false and purely man made.

I think "Don't ask; don't tell" may be our only last resort when things may not be meant to be understood until the next world.

I think that's a terrible policy. You believe in something, and you don't want to understand why you believe in it? At least with other Christians and their beliefs, they can point to the book and say, it's written in God's book and so I believe. You on the other hand are just willing to believe it for the sake of... what? I just don't understand.
Long History, Pretty Good Working Knowledge, Q. New

Copy/Paste Quote of last two posts:

“ Originally Posted by AmerEagle
Maybe the discussion about figuring out the Trinity is winding down? ”

Ashura: Yes, I think that's because it's been generally accepted here that the concept of Trinity is not supported by scripture, thus false and purely man made."

Eagle: “ I think "Don't ask; don't tell" may be our only last resort when things may not be meant to be understood until the next world. ”

Ashura: " I think that's a terrible policy. You believe in something, and you don't want to understand why you believe in it? At least with other Christians and their beliefs, they can point to the book and say, it's written in God's book and so I believe. You on the other hand are just willing to believe it for the sake of... what? I just don't understand ....

Registered User (8 posts)
Today, 08:05 AM #171

the topic's a little bit confusing. no man can explain an incomprehensible thing "

Amen, that's all I'm saying, that it may (or may not be) a little incomprehensible. I'm just trying to make it easier for those who're raising the question, which I haven't studied any more than any of you. It's an UNUSUAL question, for some reason.

In 71 years of going to church, more than one denomination, I've never encountered anyone wanting a thorough explanation of The Trinity, and I'm just taking you guys' word for it that it may not be in the Bible, in so many words, maybe a similar word, like The Godhead? I'd have to do a search at BlueLetterBible.org to find if The Trinity is in the Bible, or similar terms are. Which I assume some of you must have already done.

Does that answer your question, Ashura? I don't go on blind faith with no documentation, of course not, but 71 yrs is long enough to pretty much know the generally accepted teachings which have survived for centuries. I'm only interested in this forum because you guys come up with such unusual questions. In the Biblical example (maybe in Acts?) of Peter asking converts if they'd yet received the Holy Spirit, which I heard about on TV last weekend and failed to jot down, the believers did not even question what the Holy Spirit is. (Why not? Don't ask me. You have any ideas why?)

We do know from scriptures that nobody can know the Mind of God. So I'm just asking, maybe this about the term Trinity and the Holy Spirit is in that category? Notice I said asking. Not claiming to know.