Long History, Pretty Good Working Knowledge, Q. New
Copy/Paste Quote of last two posts:
“ Originally Posted by AmerEagle
Maybe the discussion about figuring out the Trinity is winding down? ”
Ashura: Yes, I think that's because it's been generally accepted here that the concept of Trinity is not supported by scripture, thus false and purely man made."
Eagle: “ I think "Don't ask; don't tell" may be our only last resort when things may not be meant to be understood until the next world. ”
Ashura: " I think that's a terrible policy. You believe in something, and you don't want to understand why you believe in it? At least with other Christians and their beliefs, they can point to the book and say, it's written in God's book and so I believe. You on the other hand are just willing to believe it for the sake of... what? I just don't understand ....
Registered User (8 posts)
Today, 08:05 AM #171
the topic's a little bit confusing. no man can explain an incomprehensible thing "
Amen, that's all I'm saying, that it may (or may not be) a little incomprehensible. I'm just trying to make it easier for those who're raising the question, which I haven't studied any more than any of you. It's an UNUSUAL question, for some reason.
In 71 years of going to church, more than one denomination, I've never encountered anyone wanting a thorough explanation of The Trinity, and I'm just taking you guys' word for it that it may not be in the Bible, in so many words, maybe a similar word, like The Godhead? I'd have to do a search at BlueLetterBible.org to find if The Trinity is in the Bible, or similar terms are. Which I assume some of you must have already done.
Does that answer your question, Ashura? I don't go on blind faith with no documentation, of course not, but 71 yrs is long enough to pretty much know the generally accepted teachings which have survived for centuries. I'm only interested in this forum because you guys come up with such unusual questions. In the Biblical example (maybe in Acts?) of Peter asking converts if they'd yet received the Holy Spirit, which I heard about on TV last weekend and failed to jot down, the believers did not even question what the Holy Spirit is. (Why not? Don't ask me. You have any ideas why?)
We do know from scriptures that nobody can know the Mind of God. So I'm just asking, maybe this about the term Trinity and the Holy Spirit is in that category? Notice I said asking. Not claiming to know.