Young Iraqis leaving Islam?

Is it, yes or no, the choice of the USA to not trade with another country?
It's that simple.

If we choose not to that's called "sanctions". It means, we don't want to do business with you anymore.


Yeah, MUCH better to have malleable dictators who use chemical weapons on their own people. Yup, great argument there.
Is it, yes or no, the choice of the USA to not trade with another country?
It's that simple.

If we choose not to that's called "sanctions". It means, we don't want to do business with you anymore.


Smartening up because they are getting fed up with the violence or because they are blaming their religion, according to you?
BTw, sam how many people died because of this barbarity? but hey, i guess Michael supported that as well
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Smartening up because they are getting fed up with the violence or because they are blaming their religion, according to you?

Actually relative to Americans, anyone can look smart. Especially in Iraq. :D

Yeah, MUCH better to have malleable dictators who use chemical weapons on their own people. Yup, great argument there.

Chemical weapons?

I simply asked, do you agree that each country has a right to not trade with countries that are hostile to them?

Do I think the use of CHM weapons is acceptable? NO. I never said that at all.

Nothing would make me happier than to see the USA have absolutely nothing to do with the ME, its dictators and it problems.

Let the Russians, Indians and Chinese deal with that mess.

Smartening up because they are getting fed up with the violence or because they are blaming their religion, according to you?
No they are realizing that scripture is not perfect and can be used to justify anything. I think the Xians went through a similar phase right before they kicked Xianity out of political power.

Basically, you have to hit bottom before you can go up again.
No they are realizing that scripture is not perfect and can be used to justify anything. I think the Xians went through a similar phase right before they kicked Xianity out of political power.

Basically, you have to hit bottom before you can go up again.

Uh no, thats not what happened. Read the article again.
No they are realizing that scripture is not perfect and can be used to justify anything. I think the Xians went through a similar phase right before they kicked Xianity out of political power.

Basically, you have to hit bottom before you can go up again.

First of all the link to the article is broken methinks. Anyway from your quotes that is not what they want. They are merely doubting some of their clerics who they used to trust.
When you doubt a cleric you usually go find a better one - not quit the beleif altogether. Leavening Islam suggests they are "leaving Islam" not leaving a particular cleric.
When you doubt a cleric you usually go find a better one - not quit the beleif altogether. Leavening Islam suggests they are "leaving Islam" not leaving a particular cleric.

Where can they go? IIRC there are strict curfews in most parts of Iraq and travelling from here to there, unless youre a politician or soldier or that sort of stuff is very hard. But you do accept that they are not saying the scriptures are wrong, merely that they dont like some of the clerics anymore?
Does that mean Saddam was an atheist?
probably - maybe not in the end.

... was atheist ... my dear not .. an atheist. YOU are atheist too remember? :) unless you started worshiping Xenu :p

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Where can they go? IIRC there are strict curfews in most parts of Iraq and travelling from here to there, unless youre a politician or soldier or that sort of stuff is very hard. But you do accept that they are not saying the scriptures are wrong, merely that they dont like some of the clerics anymore?
Yes, I accept that.

I sometimes wonder if it's even genetically possible for a majority of the population to become that skeptical after a life time of neural-reenforcement. Maybe it's just not a physical possibility - altering those connections may take a critical level of specific proteins that are never going to be present.

Still, it seems many young people in Iraq (and Iran) don't want to live under religious rule. That's at least a start.
Yes, I accept that.

I sometimes wonder if it's even genetically possible for a majority of the population to become that skeptical after a life time of neural-reenforcement. Maybe it's just not a physical possibility - altering those connections may take a critical level of specific proteins that are never going to be present.

Still, it seems many young people in Iraq (and Iran) don't want to live under religious rule. That's at least a start.

Do you usually confuse outliers for means ?
Yes, I accept that.

I sometimes wonder if it's even genetically possible for a majority of the population to become that skeptical after a life time of neural-reenforcement. Maybe it's just not a physical possibility - altering those connections may take a critical level of specific proteins that are never going to be present.

Still, it seems many young people in Iraq (and Iran) don't want to live under religious rule. That's at least a start.

So now you are somehow superior than them :rolleyes: the thing is, that article, or the parts you quoted, doesnt say they dont want to live in a religious country. The only thing that the quotes tell us is that they have become incredibly disenchanted with the way things are going. And why shouldnt they be? After all, they are young students, their lives are just beginning and their country has been ruined beyond repair for no other reason than their oil being sold in Euros instead of Dollars.
I qualified the statement with it seems

The sample size was all of 40.

As for Iran, that's just what Reza says. Young people would rather listen to American Pop and drink and have sex than worship on God. You know, like normal kids everywhere.
I still think faith should be a part of society in order to set a moral code and optimism. Otherwise, the liberals will just get their way and ruin society.
However, I am opposed to extremism. So, I really don't know what to think of this........I would've been far more happy if they had said "We know that they lie about God's word, and we are going to worship our interpretation" or something along that lines.
So now you are somehow superior than them :rolleyes: the thing is, that article, or the parts you quoted, doesnt say they dont want to live in a religious country. The only thing that the quotes tell us is that they have become incredibly disenchanted with the way things are going. And why shouldnt they be? After all, they are young students, their lives are just beginning and their country has been ruined beyond repair for no other reason than their oil being sold in Euros instead of Dollars.
No I don't think I'm superior. I just have information they don't. Also, it may be true - it's certainly not easy to learn a second language after a critical age. Maybe it's the same sort of thing?

Anyway, it's hard to say what they really want. Perhaps they want to live in a country with a secular government and Islamic culture? I don't think these guys are in the mind to put their trust in religious leader as politicians! That much seemed to come across to me. They don't trust the religious leaders and they don't trust their politicians either.