Yet another reason why Pakistan should be wiped off the map

Originally posted by Adam
Some nations and cultures simply don't deserve to exist. They should be eradicated entirely. Not the people, but the nations and cultures.
The real question is .... " Who decides ? " :D

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by ssivakami
The real question is .... " Who decides ? " :D
I do. r you do. Anyone can. The idea that we don't have the right to judge and to shape this world is pathetic and ridiculous. Again, in answer to your question: I decide.
The idea that we don't have the right to judge and to shape this world is pathetic and ridiculous.

I decide a pint of Finlandia into my hand, 2 million dollars into my bank account, all the morons in the world to be gone from the world, and Friedrich Nietzsche into my room.

Ain't working.:(
Go buy some vodka. Work harder. Get a gun. Steal a corpse.

Spoken like a true athiest. :p

An Atheist loves his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist knows
that heaven is something for which we should work now--here on earth
--for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist knows that he can get no help
through prayer but that he must find within himself the inner conviction
and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it.
An Atheist knows that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of
his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment.
An Atheist seeks to know himself then and his fellow rather than to know a god.
An Atheist understands that a hospital must be built instead of a church.
An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said.
An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death.
He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated.
He wants man to understand, love and accept all of mankind. He wants
an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god, channel
action into prayer, or hope for an end to our troubles in a hereafter.
He knows that we are not only our brother's keepers--but keepers of our own
lives foremost, that we are responsible persons and that the job is here
and the time is now. [Murray vs. Curlett]374 U.S. 203

And I add:

An athiest digs up the corpses of dead philosophers in order to discuss the will to power with them!

Only pity is....well, I'd like Freddy alive, if you know what I mean. Rwwwwwl.
Originally posted by Xev

Only pity is....well, I'd like Freddy alive, if you know what I mean. Rwwwwwl.
The other day you were talking so much about necrophilia, I wondered... :p
The other day you were talking so much about necrophilia, I wondered...

You big meanie head! I was just getting back for all those Bushatrix comments!

I can't even watch him on tv or hear him on the news now. :( "Oh Bushatrix, destroy my civil liberties"

*Xev sulks*
Originally posted by Adam
I do. r you do. Anyone can. The idea that we don't have the right to judge and to shape this world is pathetic and ridiculous. Again, in answer to your question: I decide.
You apparently did not get my point. If you ask a Pakistani, he/she would obviously say that Pakistan deserves to exist. But India might not say so. Palestine might say Israel does not deserve to exist and vice versa ! China might say that the USA did not deserve to exist. So what do you do ... take a world vote ?! And does every nation have an equal weightage ? How do you decide ?!

Noone's saying that we dont have the right to judge and shape the world ... but you're partisaning the world and letting one part decide for the other ... !

- Sivakami.
I, personally, make the judgement that countries like Australia and the USA and Japan, have the right to crush countries such as Pakistan. Why? Because Pakistan houses a culture which promotes gang rape as a social control. My country does not. Now, apart from Australia's complete lack of military might, I personally judge that my country has the right to wipe out that other culture which promotes and uses gang rape as a social control. Every person on Earth has the right to decide that, or not.
in the english justice system there have been several instances in which rape victims were routinely blamed for the crime. sexual history,attire,,class were taken into account.
thus in an indirect manner; if women transgress from societal norms, the
courts say that they deserve to be punished by rape

what do we do about jolly old england ai??

on the other hand we have usa with a prevalence of false accusations of rape and the resulting convictions
Originally posted by Adam
I, personally, make the judgement that countries like Australia and the USA and Japan, have the right to crush countries such as Pakistan. Why? Because Pakistan houses a culture which promotes gang rape as a social control. My country does not. Now, apart from Australia's complete lack of military might, I personally judge that my country has the right to wipe out that other culture which promotes and uses gang rape as a social control. Every person on Earth has the right to decide that, or not.
That isn't a right by any stretch of imagination.
Thats the "might is right" attitude. :)
Every culture has, at some point of time, condoned and blatantly encouraged atrocities.

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by ssivakami

That isn't a right by any stretch of imagination.
Thats the "might is right" attitude. :)
On the contrary, it is the "I take responsibility for my world" attitude. Refusing to judge others is irresponsible and weak.
Where might is right there is no right
You went to death with open eyes

--Chorus to Antigone, Sophocles, Antigone.

When one embraces the fact that right is dependent on power, one loses the protection that the belief in absolute rights once gave.

If I say it is perfectly ethical for me to start shooting strangers, because I have the power to do that, I lose the protection that having them not feel the same gave me.

Or I can be a hypocrite....not an appealing option.

I think that people like Adam and I, who accept this responsibility, "go to death with open eyes".

BTW, a statement like "there is no right or wrong, only power" is as silly as saying "there are no invisible purple unicorns, only invisible pink ones".
Originally posted by Adam

On the contrary, it is the "I take responsibility for my world" attitude. Refusing to judge others is irresponsible and weak.
Oh, really ?
And I wonder how responsible you would feel if it were decided by others that its your country that has to be destroyed ?!

- Sivakami.
heyya all :)

# please note; Australia is not connected to New Zealand!

please target navigational systems carefully!!! :D

Australia still refuses to serve aboriginals in some of thier bars!!!
up untill a few years ago it was considered sport to go out and shoot them!

Australia now imprisons women and children for being refugees and treats them like cattle [#cattle would be treated better]
just like the americans in cuba!!!
treating people like unwanted animals ready for slaughter!

and they dare to call them selfs humans!
it makes me embarrised to be considered a human!!!

adam... your indonesian friends are just above your head!!!
3rd largest army in the world .. i think?
and run by the lust for money!
you better carry a big stick to protect your uranium mines!!
i dont want your bad wind!!!

peace light
truth love

Getting a little tired of doing this same argument over again, but Adam is essentially correct... WE decide what is right. If we do not, we may find we are no longer in a position to do anything.

You follow a point of view stating that none of us has any right to alter others beliefs because nobody knows what truth is. If this is so, why do you not allow a murderer to do what he does? because you KNOW what kinds of behaviour are detrimental to humanity as a whole. Because without some basic controls, humanity would sink further into the morass it is currently already in. Scale is incidental.
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
You follow a point of view stating that none of us has any right to alter others beliefs because nobody knows what truth is. If this is so, why do you not allow a murderer to do what he does? because you KNOW what kinds of behaviour are detrimental to humanity as a whole. Because without some basic controls, humanity would sink further into the morass it is currently already in. Scale is incidental.
Its different for a legal system. Because for one, it operates within the same country/state. And secondly, noone destroys an entire state just because its legal system has become sloppy.
You're solution (and Adams) involves cutting off a limb if there's a wound in it ! Thats not how it works :)

- Sivakami.
more like chopping the head off

the issue here is specific, gang rape in pakistan, assumption that it is condoned by the pakistani state and as such the eradication of the culture
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Originally posted by ssivakami
Its different for a legal system. Because for one, it operates within the same country/state. And secondly, noone destroys an entire state just because its legal system has become sloppy.
You're solution (and Adams) involves cutting off a limb if there's a wound in it ! Thats not how it works :)

- Sivakami.

Hmm, and your solution of letting the arm rot and the poison spread because you have no idea how to cure it is in some way superior?

Secondly, are you suggesting that a nations legal system should follow different moral guidelines to its foreign policy? Why?

Thirdly, this has less as much to do with the legal system of any country in particular, and more to do with a culture who's beliefs are somewhat... skewed.

Australia still refuses to serve aboriginals in some of thier bars!!!
up untill a few years ago it was considered sport to go out and shoot them!
I'm sure you can provide some evidence of this. It is quite a surprise to me.

Australia now imprisons women and children for being refugees and treats them like cattle [#cattle would be treated better]
just like the americans in cuba!!!
treating people like unwanted animals ready for slaughter!
I would say they are being treated exactly like people who are carrying diseases we don't have in Australia, and like people who could be serial killers until we confirm they are not, and so on. I'll start a thread on this matter - again.

and they dare to call them selfs humans!
it makes me embarrised to be considered a human!!!
Please feel free to call yourself something other than human.

adam... your indonesian friends are just above your head!!!
3rd largest army in the world .. i think?
and run by the lust for money!
you better carry a big stick to protect your uranium mines!!
i dont want your bad wind!!!
And now you support the need for military forces? Good.