Yet another reason why Pakistan should be wiped off the map

Originally posted by ssivakami
Oh, really ?
And I wonder how responsible you would feel if it were decided by others that its your country that has to be destroyed ?!

If my country housed and supported a system which promoted and used gang rape as a social control, I'd be quite happy for my country to be invaded, conquered, and entirely rebuilt.
Originally posted by Adam

If my country housed and supported a system which promoted and used gang rape as a social control, I'd be quite happy for my country to be invaded, conquered, and entirely rebuilt.

did you by any chance run that by your mother too?

Yes, actually. My family is well aware of my political views and such.
Originally posted by Adam
If my country housed and supported a system which promoted and used gang rape as a social control, I'd be quite happy for my country to be invaded, conquered, and entirely rebuilt.
Lucky for you that can never be verified. :)
I just dont believe you !

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
Hmm, and your solution of letting the arm rot and the poison spread because you have no idea how to cure it is in some way superior?
You're assuming there is a cure. I'm doing no such thing. But I dont consider myself superior enough to decide who gets to live and who doesn't .... based on purely subjective criteria.
I consider Dubya as dangerous as UBL and I think religion is extremely harmful to humanity as a whole . But I dont think we should bomb all the religious fundamentalists . Because religion is in human nature (at least the 3 basic ingredients of it - objectification, commitment/surrender and myth - are). As much as xenophobia and ethnocentrism are.
If we have to tackle the very root of the problem, we have to change human nature.

Secondly, are you suggesting that a nations legal system should follow different moral guidelines to its foreign policy? Why?
No, I am saying that the same principles should hold. All murder is murder .... whether it is done by people with fancy uniforms or no.

Thirdly, this has less as much to do with the legal system of any country in particular, and more to do with a culture who's beliefs are somewhat... skewed.
And thats relative and subjective. Any culture will never consider its own beliefs skewed and only those of its opponents skewed. Hitler considered his beliefs secure and those of others skewed. Which is why he confidently proceeded to rid the world of what he considered evil - the Jews. What you're suggesting is no different.

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by ssivakami
Lucky for you that can never be verified. :)
I just dont believe you !
So you're calling me a liar? Moron. Pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world.
Originally posted by Adam
So you're calling me a liar?
No, I'm just saying that there's no way for me to differentiate between a liar and one whose comments cant be verified. :)

Moron. Pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world.
Ad Hominem, I see. Last I checked, that was listed as a logical fallacy :)

- Sivakami.
Originally posted by ssivakami

Ad Hominem, I see. Last I checked, that was listed as a logical fallacy
Like I care. You're still an insulting idiot.
Originally posted by Adam
Like I care. You're still an insulting idiot.

So you admit that your stance is an illogical one . And yet you call me an insulting idiot ?
Fascinating ... :)

- S.
Ad Hominem, I see. Last I checked, that was listed as a logical fallacy


"Your argument is wrong because pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world."

Is ad hominem.

"Moron. Pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world."

Is an insult.

Learn the difference between a logical fallacy and an insult before using "logical fallacy" to describe an insult.
Looks like this thread is going nowhere....

But I like the fact that Adam is holding on to it like those cowboys on a mechanical bull....

Keep up the good work Adam....
Originally posted by Xev


"Your argument is wrong because pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world."

Is ad hominem.

"Moron. Pathetic little insular weasels like you, obsessed with borders and cultural isolation and such, are one of the major problems with the world."

Is an insult.

Learn the difference between a logical fallacy and an insult before using "logical fallacy" to describe an insult.

Maybe you should read up on logical fallacies a little ! :)
A personal attack, used during a rational (?) debate, very much constitutes an Ad Hominem logical fallacy. One doesn't have to explicitly state everytime that ... " I think your argument is wrong because you are $#$@!! " .

- S.
You realize that your bickering looks stupid beyond comprehension? Quit your bitching and let's get back to the topic here, and that is especially meant for Adam.
heyya all :)

Hmm, and your solution of letting the arm rot and the poison spread
i understand your intension but there seems to be a basic lack of identification of the bassis of the "stated" situation...
it was a tribal counsel that made the order...
it is the country legal system that is now prosecuting the people who did the raping...
we have seen no representaion from the countrys people that they agree or disagree...
... however...
we need to do 2 things to cure it at the same time...
we need to tech the children and cure the adults!!!
only one of those will not achive a result!
and children need thier parents!!!
and culture is what the parents teach and society allows...
to some points...
just as much...
that has had a person decide to go out and kill or rape another...
groups are no different than the indevidual!!!
its just that the idevidual hides behind the group!
like a cancer building cells around itself!!!
there is always a VICTIM and we need to cater for that!!!
not through them into concentration/re-education camps!!!
its a very difficult and expensive situation!
which... ofcoarse!
no one!!!...
wants to spend any money on!!!

groove on all :)

peace light
truth love
the path to that which we hold above

That's me you're quoting ripple, not Adam. My ego is not small enough to allow it to pass.

On another note, your comments regarding Aboriginals not being served in bars and being shot for sport is ridiculous. The last time they weren't served in bars (In the remote north west where I live) was around the time Martin Luther King was being shot, and the last time they were hunted for sport was before the Maori war in 1846.

You got some catching up to do, Rip Van Winkle.
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heyya all :)

sorry for the miss-quote squid... :eek:

story goes like this...
i have a friend who is maori!
she went to australia in... about... 1996!
she was refused service in bars and a few bar tenders
said to her "we dont want your sort in here"!
when she grabbed one of them (at the end of her teather)
and threatened to punch his lights out he said
"im sorry you look like a aboriginal"!!!
and that is why the bar tenders just ignore you and wont serve you and some will tell you to leave or they ring the police.


i have been led to believe that the law did not recognise aboriginal people as a human species until about 1950 or around then, which meant they could be, ... and were because i have talked to the granson of "one who did it" went abbo shooting
in the late 40s.
it just depends on who you talk to and where you live!
* i am a white european looking male!- and there are parts of this country that i cannot go without protection of firearms, because i would be mugged or killed by "black people"!
so... it depends on what you call racism!
in this crazzy little multi cultured world of ... ? someones...

if you are going to quote nursery rhyms then i suggest you look very carefully at what they mean before they were distorted by
greedmerchants and power freaks!
just a a handy hint :D

groove on all :)