Yet another reason why Pakistan should be wiped off the map

Re: A few comments on the topic

Originally posted by tiassa
AdamThat formula is such a successful one, isn't it? Let me know when you've got that strategy worked out.

Adam was talking about eliminating a CULTURE, not a people. Sort of like eliminating murderers really. Before you start frothing, think a bit. This is NOT a bad thing, if the culture is morally reprehensible.
Yes Tiassa, we know.... Murderers and rapists are people too.... Tell you what, we'll put them all on an island somewhere and let you live with them. Would you like that? Maybe you could debate philosophy with them...
Adam: How exactly do you eradicate a culture? There are elements of it in other cultures.

Squid V: forgive me, I'm a newbie. :) (That excuse is valid til I hit 100 posts) :p and your comment to tiassa: you thnk you should just kill murderers and rapists? Not try to understand them, change them? Just eradicate that too?
erradication of a culture................?????????????
lets seeeeeeeeeeeee
you could teach us about that?????
the jews???
the palistinians???
the sudo aerian skin heads???
winnie mandella???

whos for a 'jolly old' book-burning then????

wake up and smell the ganggreen on your soul!!!


i am never less than ammazed at the level of brainwashing in
most people.

:eek: .......... do i have to be called a human?
good luck

groove on all
Originally posted by ripleofdeath

i am never less than ammazed at the level of brainwashing in
most people.
I was actually thinking the same about those who reject the idea with no reason. Consider the example I gave above, about university fraternities.

Ripleofdeath, consider this. What if, in the town where you lived, there was a social club which involved abducting and raping young children on weekends? Should that culture be left to go on about its business? Do you have any children of your own? Or should that little culture be eradicated? Please actually think about it before automatically rejecting the notion.
I agree that something should be done about it, but I don't agree with killing the perpetrators.
We shouldn't judge other cultures values. They did it for a reason.

But a f**cking stupid reason. Kill the Muthas
Originally posted by Firefly
I agree that something should be done about it, but I don't agree with killing the perpetrators.

Such as? Are you going to go to pakistan and teach them all a truer way of life?
Ripleofdeath, consider this. What if, in the town where you lived, there was a social club which involved abducting and raping young children on weekends? Should that culture be left to go on about its business? Do you have any children of your own? Or should that little culture be eradicated? Please actually think about it before automatically rejecting the notion
well there is a difference between self defence and ritualised murder.
if it was me...
in my town...
and i knew about it and where it was happening...
what would be done is only in self defence!!!
although a small problem of psychological conditioning is for you to claim it as a culture!
it is infact a sickness that may be untreatable!!!
so what would i do???
if i knew where and when!
in seeking rehabilitation of the victim.
i will not discuss exactly to a point because it serves no one when you tear out a page from a book and then read it by its'self!!!
unless you need to control someone for slavery.... ???
ive just desribed most universetys!

these cannot be changed!!!
you are dealing with limbic dominated beings!!!
you need to take a class in animal behaviour and mearly apply it to them!
the law of dogs chasing/biting cattle is ideal!
if you catch it in the act
you have the rite to kill it "ON THE SPOT INSTANTLY" INFRONT OF THE CATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you dont then how do you know if you are actualy killing someones innocent PET that just looks like the one that did it!!!

enough anywho
the wall is getting too red....blood red
my head
off to bed
enough said

:) missery to all greedmerchants-may the fires of hell be caried on wings of lightning to thier own backyard...
atleast we could plant a nice crop of hemp and soya beans.
is carbonised protien good for that? :D
Erm, good luck for what? :)

trying to convince those who feel the need to purify thier soul by the stoning to death of a living being.

in an atempt to write all the wrongs done to them in a world they do not seek to understand.
because its ohh soo much effort! :rolleyes:

unfortunately the undelying thought to some things that seem simple to others may not be soo easy to understand.

such is life so i learn as i discover more and more which i have never known that i did not know, ... as i grow.

too many executioners trying to create employment for them selfs!

THE GOOD LUCK is because i see you try to teach what is impossible for some to remember.

keep groovin all

So what you are saying is that if it is small scale and geographically close to you, it is ok to wipe out such a culture. But if it is larger and further away, it's not ok to wipe out such a culture. The only difference is geography and the number of people involved, yet only the smaller scenario deserves response?
Squid V - Well, I think they shoudl be taught the error of their ways. :rolleyes:

ripleofdeath - No harm in trying, I guess. :)
Well, I agree with someone said wiping culture is the same as wiping out people. People are going to defend their culture. Historically no culture has ever been wiped off "peacefully" except there are many cases of cultural fusion which for me is unthinkable. I agree Pakistan has a ass backward culture and so are most Islamic countries. Some may disagree but I think Islam is a lot more backward than Christianity.....But the thing is a culture doesn't just get wiped out but they get replaced. I don't really know what to replace it with.
bring the perps to justice and leave it at that. do not confuse
pakistani law with with the various tribal systems that exist.

if people choose to suffer under a unjust system where their children are raped and do not or cannot fight back, that is their problem. these are adults and not children.the fittest will survive
and time will tell if the islamics make it

hey all
well im kinda almost at a loss...
no wonder there are so many devil worshipping seudo christian
child-raping sociatal assasins when it seems that
is so reddily attributed to
crime(rape slavery torture genocide)
and thats just the obviouse ones.

the british empire maintains slavery and genocide in ireland at this very moment!!!

the israels do it to the palistinians-at this very moment

the U$A does it to the afghanistan people-at this very moment

the U$A did it to the vietamese

i will stop there for now with the list because it just keeps on going
yes even sleepy old backward new zealand did it to the maori's
the maori's did it to the maori-ori's (unsure of spelling)

its kinda so simple that it is made to be a joke and then cast off as an idiological navana
you only have to clean up your own back yard and then the grass is cleaner on the other side of the fence EVERYWHERE!!!
just remeber that the british and american empires have continuosely undermined all the cultures in the world that hold family values as the most important!!!!!!!!!!

speaking of which i need to go and evalute the family fridge :D

good luck all
open your hearts so we may start to heal them.
and then and only then
will some of the true illness be seen so it can be addressed.

who believes everything you see or hear in the media???-
i.e who then says this is real and this is not???
WHEN YOU ARE IN THE CAR between work and macdonalds
just are still living!!! missery to all greedmerchants.
Geez, I shoulda come back to this thread earlier. Well, it would be nice if they were alive to actually wanna change. There's any number of ways, rehab, de-culturising them, therapy (there may be psychological reason why they're so anxious to rape), prison etc etc. Ask a social therapist or sociologist.