Yet another reason why Pakistan should be wiped off the map

Yeah ok... you'd prefer everyone survives, regardless of the hurt, misery and suffering they've inflicted on everyone else.

I say fuck em. they kill, they pay. They hurt, they pay. They inflict, they pay. They do anything to affect everyone elses' quality of life, they pay.

You take, you pay.
You give, you don't pay.

You learn, you gain reprieve.
You don't learn, you pay.

Your alternative?
Not regardless of hurt, misery and suffering. But as the victims don't want hurt inflicted on them, neither do the rapists want death.

If it's murder, then maybe they deserve to be killed. But anything less, and the punishment should also accordingly be lessened.

What would you think if Person X was gang raped or raped as a child or whatever, and got psychologically messed up, and in turn became a serial rapist? You think they would have deserved the original rape that triggered it all? Or you think they should have therapy to help them get over it, stop them lashing out at others? Or just killed?
Oh, stop... you're making me cry.

I think, that in the main I'm very tired of hearing everybody blame someone else for their problems.

"My parents hated me"
"i was raped when i was a kid"
etc etc.

Some of this might be true, and of course is somewhat mitigating. However, plenty of others go through similar experiences and DON'T go off the rails. Where's the difference? A human being is capable of making decisions, including NOT to hurt others, regardless of life experience. The ones who do so have an exuse to be angry, but NOT to take that out on others. End of story.

The later generations refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. It's something which we are encouraging to happen everyday, but allowing light sentencing and weak responses to crime. No wonder no-one accepts blame anymore... we encourage them not to.

We breed our own failures.
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
Oh, stop... you're making me cry.
That was not the intended effect. :rolleyes:

I think, that in the main I'm very tired of hearing everybody blame someone else for their problems.
Yes, aren't you tired of people blaming rapists for being raped, it's all the victim's fault really, why try to deny it? :rolleyes:

A human being is capable of making decisions, including NOT to hurt others, regardless of life experience. The ones who do so have an exuse to be angry but NOT to take that out on others. End of story.
Um, hello, kinda contradictiong yourself there? You "have an exuse to be angry," and yet against your own words you want to kill the perpetrators as opposed to NOT to take that out on others.

The later generations refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. It's something which we are encouraging to happen everyday, but allowing light sentencing and weak responses to crime.
I wasn't saying they're not responsible for crimes they commit, while undergoing therapy or something, they could undergo it in prison, or community service or something. It's one thing to accept responsibility, and another to stop the crimes from generally happening. And killing the rapists that are caught isn't gonna stop more springing up.

And about light sentences - I never said the justice system was perfect, far from it, it is hugely flawed, but that's a whole other matter.

We breed our own failures.
Well, uh, who else is gonna?
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Well, I'm a rather odd person at times. :p

Think we should probably agree to disgree on this though.
who kills those,
who kill the wrong person???

i think this is a valid point would anyone like me to kill thier mother because she is the one that gave the lethal injection to the wrongly convicted girl for rape or murder???

cant wait to see if anyone wants to address the real issues!!!


peace love and chocolate from above :)
"Real issues"? heard it all before.

Now, how is that different from someone who is put in jail or therapy of some description, convinces the authorities they're sane, gets let out for good behaviour, and goes on a killing spree wiping out three families?

That argument works for both "sides" and means zip. try again.
Yep. I hate Pakistan. Not the people necessarily, but the country and culture. I also hate Israel, and often Palestine. I hate Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, I hate Saudi Arabia, and several other countries.
heyya all


"Real issues"? heard it all before.

Now, how is that different from someone who is put in jail or therapy of some description, convinces the authorities they're sane, gets let out for good behaviour, and goes on a killing spree wiping out three families?

That argument works for both "sides" and means zip. try again.

"Society is the Institutional Prevention of Natural Selection"
now you are applying the "lets fix the broken engine with the big sledge hammer" philosophy!
i would also change the systems and types of people running such institutions so dont evaluate new ideas with old faulted pschologicaly flawed philosophys(peddalled by the freaks!)

Yep. I hate Pakistan. Not the people necessarily, but the country and culture. I also hate Israel, and often Palestine. I hate Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, I hate Saudi Arabia, and several other countries.
you are sounding too much like an american arms dealer trying to do some 'social marketing'!!!

ISRAEL was (as i understand it) created by the U$A for a place to dump all the Jews and thier insuing social problems from the 'second world war'
cos who wants people screaming for equal rites in a country that wants to abolish them in light of thier true history(huge profit from slavery).
so ISRAEL are just as much socialy engineered as india and pakistan...
do you see my point?
... where is the nazi gold?
... where are the nazi scientist!!!
i think maybe MOST countrys are guilty of war profitearing and genocide in some manner...
the problem is within the individual who is preaching while feeding !!!
try not to judge with murder as others seek justice by murder!
how can you blame countrys that are being manipulated into war for trying to stop the genocide by what ever resources they have???
there is farr too much mentill ilnes in all governments as it is in all people(which is un-addressed) to use thier strange values to judge sickness by using genocide.

groove on all

peace, love, and chocolates from above :D

Yep. I hate Pakistan. Not the people necessarily, but the country and culture. I also hate Israel, and often Palestine. I hate Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, I hate Saudi Arabia, and several other countries.
what other countries? i am genuinly interested.
Originally posted by spookz
the hated countries appear to be either semitic and/or moslem

I also hate Rwanda, some things about Mexico, some things about the USA, South Africa, India, some things about China, Turkey, Sweden just gets on the list for personal reasons, and maybe a few others I can't think of right now.

My reasons for disliking these countries (with the exception of Sweden) are based solely on their merits or lack of them. To leap to the "RACIST!!!" conclusion is basically small-minded and pathetic.
hey, i wasnt going to judge, i was merely waiting to see what other countries you hate. now i know it cant be a matter of race.
heyya all :)

heyya dude...
just a little opinion of mine...
hate kills love!
try not to hate
it only lets the bad guys win more easily!

adam... think of this...
(sorry all, its kinda weird but try to run with it till you feel the crazzyness calling then go to a safe place!)

imagine you got your wish... as such
and all the pakistan people were tied-up infront of you...
you are given a knife...
how many men,women and children would you stab and slash to death, with blood runnig down your arm with the smell of blood staining your nostrills untill you could smell nothing else, feeling warm from the dying heat as all the warm blood slowly clotted and made sticky your arms and legs,... heavy,warm,wet,stained,drenched in the still warm blood of the dying culture called pakistan!
... how many would you kill before you went crazzy???
or felt some form of satisfaction???
would you stop???
would you start????????????????

peace and light
truth and sight
Originally posted by ripleofdeath

imagine you got your wish... as such
and all the pakistan people were tied-up infront of you...
you are given a knife...
how many men,women and children would you stab and slash to death, with blood runnig down your arm with the smell of blood staining your nostrills untill you could smell nothing else, feeling warm from the dying heat as all the warm blood slowly clotted and made sticky your arms and legs,... heavy,warm,wet,stained,drenched in the still warm blood of the dying culture called pakistan!
... how many would you kill before you went crazzy???
or felt some form of satisfaction???
would you stop???
would you start????????????????

When did I ever mention liking genocide? You make truly amazing leaps of non-logic.