wy did jesus have to be concieved without "sin"

superluminal said:

My last post was sincere. No joke. My frustration runs so deep on this subject that it hurts. Can you understand?

Yea, I can understand. I actually admire you for praying with such honesty. I've been so frustrated at times that I've given God a piece of my mind...totally unleashed frustration...cussed Him out. Afterwards, I've felt pretty stupid and guilty and apologized for being disrespectful. He said that He agreed that I was disrespectful in my demeanor, but He also said that it took a lot of faith to cuss Him out. Which made me laugh...made me feel better. That's how He is.

I wish that I could give you all of the answers that you're looking for, but I can't. I can only tell you that I know who can give you those answers. God can. And with a prayer as passionate as the one above, I think you're well on your way.
Lori_7 said:
He said that He agreed that I was disrespectful in my demeanor, but He also said that it took a lot of faith to cuss Him out. Which made me laugh...made me feel better. That's how He is.

God <b>said</b> this to you?
Literally? :bugeye:
take on notice of her she has a brain disfunction,(seriously) she also has an ex who talks to the devil, and proberly one who talks to mother teresa.
geeser said:
take on notice of her she has a brain disfunction,(seriously) she also has an ex who talks to the devil, and proberly one who talks to mother teresa.

Dude, get your story straight. I'm in perfect health and completely sane. I am born again, and have the counsel of the Holy Spirit and a relationship with God. HEY, GUESS WHAT? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT ON PRACTICALLY EVERY FLIPPIN' PAGE! My ex does not talk to the devil. For all I know he doesn't believe in the devil. My ex has had voices in his head that have put him in the hospital three times...strapped to a bed in a locked room. And is now on medication that makes it impossible for him to do much of anything, he's so out of it. YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY? SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT?
I'm in perfect health and completely sane.

YOUR doctor does not agree with you.
Lori_7 said:
Yes, literally.
Huh. And I read somewhere that god's voice is supposed to be so booming your head explodes and your heart implodes.

Okay, it's official: you're insane.