wy did jesus have to be concieved without "sin"

Apparently we are all born into the world sinful... which has boggled my mind as well, I didn't steal or rape or murder when i was in my mother's womb, and God forbid I kill my own mom in childbirth, but that wouldn't be intentional. Neither are our parents sins "inherited" (so to speak :bugeye: ) that makes us sinful. Rather it is the knowledge that we WILL sin, sooner or later, that makes us sinful (Don't quote me on that, it is merely my interpretation.) As for Jesus, my feelings are that he is not a human being (he was born from a virgin), rather, more like a divine being in a human shell. I mean, what if he WAS conceived with sin...
Well, the only difference I see is that there was no fucking. No vaginal penetration of any sort. God just put a divine sperm right up against Mary's egg and poof! God boy. So yeah. Pretty sure it's the fucking part that's sinful. But then there's IVF. Are they sin free babies? Guess not since they still implant up the vagina... Hmm... not so sure now. What if we inject some sperm right through the lower abdomen, into the oviduct, like alien abductees, and there's NO vagina involved. Makes ya think...
I think it has to do with our genetics...we're "programmed" to be sinful. I think that the fall of man was a genetic alteration, and so is the mark of the beast, which will finish what the fall started...like the final nail in a coffin.

So, it's not the "fucking part" that's sinful. God designed fucking...made it so we had to do it in order to survive as a species...and made if feel really awesome (if I remember correctly)...and meant for it to mean a hell of a lot to those who are doing it. And God has confirmed this to me personally, and through my experience in life, as well.
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superluminal said:
Well, the only difference I see is that there was no fucking. No vaginal penetration of any sort. God just put a divine sperm right up against Mary's egg and poof! God boy. So yeah. Pretty sure it's the fucking part that's sinful. But then there's IVF. Are they sin free babies? Guess not since they still implant up the vagina... Hmm... not so sure now. What if we inject some sperm right through the lower abdomen, into the oviduct, like alien abductees, and there's NO vagina involved. Makes ya think...

if sexual intercourse is the part that's sinful then how should we "fullfill" our nature to propagate? Right in the first chapter of the bible there it is the fact that God created man and women to advance and populate the earth.. loll..
Lori_7 said:
I think it has to do with our genetics...we're "programmed" to be sinful.
Sin is a state of mind, an illusion, a delusion. Same as justice, and the sense of "good" and "evil". We can't be 'programmed' to be something fake, except by the Media.
Just more contradictory, mindless, fantasy bullshit from that all time best selling appeal to ignorance, the bible.
God designed fucking...made it so we had to do it in order to survive as a species...and made if feel really awesome (if I remember correctly)...and meant for it to mean a hell of a lot to those who are doing it.

While sneakily inventing a whole plethora of other forms of life who's express duty is to kill those that have sex.
Does the Bible say that Jesus was born without sin?
I am unaware of that verse, please fill me in.

As for people being born WITH sin...
It just has to be that way.

"Original Sin" is the Bible's way of explaining why we are mortal.
It is a fable that explain why humans are mortal.
Once humans recognized their own mortality, they came up with this story explaining why that is.

If anyone was born without sin, they would be immortal.
Since no one is immortal (save, perhaps Mary), we must all have sin.

"Adam and Eve" were without sin and immortal.
Since they did not know the difference between "Good and Evil" until they ate the fruit, they were innocent.
God was so pissed off that they disobeyed him (thusly shedding their innocence by acquiring the knowledge of Good and Evil and grasping Free Will) that he cursed them and all their offspring (which would be every human born on Earth thenceforth) with the yoke of mortality.
It was a trade off... You get Free Will in exchange for giving up immortality and eternal paradise on Earth.

I think it was a fair deal (if made under false pretenses by a lying manipulative God).
one raven:

It is a fable that explain why humans are mortal.

How, pray tell, does that explain anything? Does it speak of telomeres? Of free radical degeneration of mitochondrial DNA? Of apoptosis?

It is a fable for children, told by adults that know no better. It illuminates nothing.

Oh mon. can ya stop writin in Jamaica speak for us mon. It make me feel like I ben hit on de head wit a hamma you know.
superluminal said:
How, pray tell, does that explain anything? Does it speak of telomeres? Of free radical degeneration of mitochondrial DNA? Of apoptosis?

It explains it in exactly the same way that other silly fables explain why Owls are nocturnal, why the moon has different phases and why leaves change colors.
It has nothing at all to do with scientific understanding.
In the same way that people invented Gods who controlled the forces of nature that scared them, they invented fables that gave some explanation about what they did not understand.
I think maybe you misunderstood what I was saying.
I don't believe it is a valid explanation, nor do I accept it as fact or truth anymore than I believe in the historical significance of the talking animals in Aesop's fables.

All I was trying to do is explain why I think the story goes as it does.
SnakeLord said:
Stop right there! Hmm..

That being the case does the fault not lie with the programmer?

It was voluntary. They wanted to "be like God", remember?
superluminal said:
Just more contradictory, mindless, fantasy bullshit from that all time best selling appeal to ignorance, the bible.

That was harsh, and I'm not ignorant.
I suppose it was. But if you read the bible with a critical eye, can you resolve the plethora of unsupported and contradictory statements and the complete lack of foundation in what actually happens in nature? Do you take the stories and statements in the bible literally or as parable? Jesus seems to have multiple personality disorder in the new testament.

How do you read it Lori?

I'm sure that I can't explain each one that you might point out to me. There are many things in and about the Bible that I don't understand, and may never. I do know this though, that it is much more than a book...it's a spiritual tool. I said tool.

I've found the Bible to be multi-faceted or layered in meaning. Meaning, the same scripture can mean many different things, all true, and depending upon who is reading it and for what purpose. It's to be interpreted to you by the Holy Spirit Himself, who is of course the author, so it's personal.

I haven't picked up the Bible in a while, except a few times to cite scripture out here. If I'm not being led by the Spirit to read it, then I usually don't. I don't know if that's such a good thing, but it's the truth. There have been times when reading it felt about as exciting as reading an accounting text book, and I got about as much out of it. Then there have been other times when it was like it came to life right in my hands, and I was reading about my life all of a sudden, and I got a butt-load out of it...it changed my life forever. I've had God reveal prophecy to me...and it blows my mind.

Maybe you could tell me about why you think Jesus must have had a split personality?
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