Would you pursue a romantic relationship with someone who has been sexually abused?

Would you pursue a romantic relationship with someone who has been sexually abused?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 89.1%
  • No

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters
c20H25N3o said:
You must be careful that frustration on your part does not lead you to throw around words such as 'lazy' because this will prompt an agressive response and cloud the issue. It isn't lazyness that causes one to reject love. Because love itself has become adulterated, it appears 'right' to reject it but make no mistake it is still difficult to do because of the obvious conflicts. It is natural just to want to remove the adulterants and to hell with it if you lose a bit of the raw product in the first place.
The only thing you can do in your capacity as someone who cares, is to help point out what the adulterants are and offer assistance in removing them trying to keep as much of the raw product intact as possible. Dont be guilty yourself of removing large chunks of love just to get the little speck of dirt out of it.
Your compassion is obvious however.


Thanks. :) And once again, I agree.

To explain the use of the word "lazy": that's only because doing so requires no effort and no facing up to the situation. Doing both of those does take considerable effort and mental energy. Something that many people are not willing to invest.

In that sense it's just like any other problem and the response "if I ignore it maybe it will go away." Unfortunately - just as you pointed out - it won't.
Water : Please state in one or two sentences the meat of the discussion. There is much confusion here and you are right to say that my thinking may be clouded because of personal experience. We all filter words and ideas through the 'World According To I' . It is inevitable. Unmuddy the water for us please ;)


water said:
Online communication is NOT face to face communication.
The things one gets to do or say in person aren't all possible here.
So some kinds of relationships simply are not possible over this medium. This is just how it is.
This is all I wanted you to see. We are limited to online communication, and it is itself limited.

They weren't what I think love is, to say the least.

We're speaking different languages.
We had this discussion before. I asked you to describe love, and then compare your definition with what you were seeing. This is where the distinction between universal love and romantic love was highlighted.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
I don't see why being true to oneself and others caring for one would have to be mutually exclusive.
Because one might be someone who is not compatible with them. If one is true to oneself, he would say for instance "it matters to me whether someone is compatible with me or not". If not, he would attempt to change according to them, to become compatible with them, leaving his "identity" behind. Idenitity might be flexible, but it can't be spineless.

I'm not saying is that there won't be anyone who would care for such a person, only that a person can't - by adapting to people - make them care for him the way he would like them to. This is manipulative, and results in masks, deceptions and endless frustration.

Not at all; the "public psycho-analysis" was meant to be kept general, and not become a case study of me.
If I wanted help, I'd say "I have been abused, someone please help me", I wouldn't post a thread like this.
When you reacted personally to the posts, you injected yourself into the discussion, and it would inevitably become personal for everyone involved. You might have noticed that it isn't just you who came under discussion.

Sciforums doesn't have a help section. But you have probably noticed that some forums have such a section. The same topic, depending on which section it is posted in, will get a very different response, and posters will post with different intentions.
If it is posted in EM&J, it is expected to view the issue from the perspective of ethics, morality and justice, and the intention will be to discuss an issue as objectively as possible. If it is posted in the Help section, the issue will be taken personally, and the intention for posting will hopefully be to help, and not to discuss.

Sciforums doesn't have these things worked out clearly, so clashes happen.
(I remember though that there was once the same topipc on beauty, once posted in the philosophy section, and also in free thoughts, and people responded very differently.)
That's because these categories are superficial. They're guidelines, and so for a reason. But in all of them the same people are involved, so that when it becomes personal, it will leave the boundaries of sciforums and enter the realm of individuals. And an individual is the same person in EM&J as he is in Philosophy section or the Religion section, and would be in a Help section.

If you want proof of this, simply go to my first post here. You will see that I mentioned the Original Poster (OP), and referred to each argument as it occurred in the forum. But the content of it referred to personal interactions (including insults, accusations and allegation), and I inevitably added my personal take on these. (That's what makes a post a post; this isn't a Turing test). A demonstration:
water: "Also, and this moreso, other people upon hearing that a person has been a victim of rape may discard that person and consider them "damaged goods", impossible to repair, forever filthy."

Quantum Quack: "where have those words come from?"

water: "Real life."​
At that moment it stopped being theoretical, and became a matter of personal significance to you. Everybody who did not think of a victim as "forever filthy" would be contradicting you, personally, not just against the statement. You would speak for the "victim" ("I don't think they think so"; "Why do people think they must *help* victims?"), and when Light noticed this, it spelled the end of any objectivity for all concerned. With persistant effort one can maintain an air of objectivity for the sake of argument, but true objectivity is an illusion.

What has one have to do with the other, why are you comparing the two?
Once again because it's personal (relates to a person). Unless you have a split personality, the "two" become one in you. When you state, "I do possess a last shred of decency," this is assertive, and it pertains to your character, not to your avatar (a persona for the particular thread or the particular forum). You may explain the variations as a "fluid identity", but when someone is indecent now, decent a moment later, consistent now, inconsistent a moment later, an observer must reconcile it all under one identity: "you". People expect a certain amount of contradiction, but someone who is both consistent and inconsistent is inconsistent. That's just the way the definitions work.
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I'm sorry that you think I resent you. I assure you I don't, and never have.

Look at your last PM's to me.

I don't know how it's possible for anyone to think their help or advice could ever be "sufficient". I think you are making it harder for yourself, not by rejecting my help, but by enforcing unreasonable standards.

You are enforcing them. You actually told me once that whatever help there is, it is enough, no matter what it is.

If you want to help someone, then strive to give 100% pure help, and not a help that is filled with your own selfishness and your own problems.

There's no such thing as "100% pure help". It doesn't exist.

I said *strive* to give 100% pure help. This implies that you always keep in mind that you have limitations.

If wishing to help someone is selfish, then what does it mean to be unselfish?

Help per se isn't selfish. Attempting to help someone because one has the need to be needed, is selfish.

You like to ask this question of intentions, but is there any way of answering it that you won't be able to call "selfish"?

Oh yes. Compassion. But not the idiot compassion anyone is instinctively capable of.
Idiot compassion can be recognized when a person speaks out about their "acts of compassion", and possibly, brags about them or tries to justify his position.

I'm not aware of this rule that says always seeking wisdom and goodness is always undesirable, unless it's simply because it's in the form of "clinging to X" is bad, whatever "X" may be. But in this case it's self-refuting, because the implication is that the statement ("As a rule, clinging to wisdom and goodness makes people eventually do something stupid and bad") is good and wise. It would not be wise to cling to this statement as a rule.

You know this rule very well. The Bible is bringing it up over and over again. It's selfrighteousness.
Man's wisdom is foolish, and man can't possess God's wisdom.

So it is you -- the plural -- against me?

C20 and I hold similar views, so it's "us", plural. As far as I know neither of us is persecuting you, so your anxiety is unnecesary (it would be unnecessary otherwise as well, as I explained at the beginning of this post).

My anxiety?

Whew, this just proves how limited online communication is. You'd assess me differently if you had spoken to me in person.

How come you haven't said anything to what I said about posting this thread?

* * *


And since you mentioned subjectivity vs. objectivity, I believe now is the time to finally bring something important out into the open. I had hesitated to do so for a very long time because of the way I expect Water to react, but it's best to go ahead an deal with it.

I firmly believe that you are right about her purpose being subjective.

And it doesn't matter to you what I say?

In fact, this whole thread (and the one about the Golden Rule) had the same purpose. She is seeking confirmation that her approach to dealing with this problem is the correct one. She has rebelled against all of us (just as she will against this) because we are not giving her that confirmation.

And no matter what I say, you will stick to this explanation of yours?

I honestly do feel for her, even if she doesn't believe it, because she's caught in a trap of her making. As I've said elsewhere, it's a fairly common self-protection mechanism that she's using.

She still strikes me as being an intelligent person but her error lies in believing that she can shut out the whole world and find her on solutions to the problem. Without even realizing it, she's made it perfectly clear to many of us that it simply isn't working.

Look. If I am in denial, then so are all consequent Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and many others.
Because we all believe that it is not other people who are to make us happy, and that it is not other people whom we are to rely on for our identity.

Rather than discussing the whole issue in a reasonable, rational fashion, she becomes insulting and obnoxious towards the very ones who care about her the most.

What makes you think that this forum, this thread, and these participants are the ones I wish to discuss these issues with in deep?

And you dare say that you are among those who care about me the most?! You think to know how much other people care about me?

I do not like the idea of anyone having to hurt. It's a sad thing to see someone injured. And it's an even far sadder thing to see someone who has been hurt reject those who express genuine compassion for them. But she fears us, partly because we're male, partly because we're getting to close, and mostly because she's filled with self-doubt.

*Oh Lord, please protect me from this person.*

You really think my world revolves around you, don't you?

It's far too easy (and the lazy way out, actually) to simply shout "You cannot know how I feel so just leave me alone!"

Where have I said that?

The world then becomes an empty and lonely place. Why? Because the ones who DID care will eventually stop.

Then they didn't care at all, and their care was bought.

* * *


You must be careful that frustration on your part does not lead you to throw around words such as 'lazy' because this will prompt an agressive response and cloud the issue. It isn't lazyness that causes one to reject love. Because love itself has become adulterated, it appears 'right' to reject it but make no mistake it is still difficult to do because of the obvious conflicts. It is natural just to want to remove the adulterants and to hell with it if you lose a bit of the raw product in the first place.
The only thing you can do in your capacity as someone who cares, is to help point out what the adulterants are and offer assistance in removing them trying to keep as much of the raw product intact as possible. Dont be guilty yourself of removing large chunks of love just to get the little speck of dirt out of it.
Your compassion is obvious however.

I just wish people would be themselves and let me be myself. We could get along so well.
I am a nice person, but people keep picking on me, *they* want to be the ones to solve my problems. And then I somehow have to maneouver between keeping the friendship and keeping my sanity. I used to try to keep the friendship, but it almost cost me my sanity, so I now rather focus on my sanity -- even if it is at the cost of the relationship.

Instead of people being themselves, and letting me be myself, they try to make themselves useful, be a something to me, not who they truly are, as people. They reduce themselves to helpers, yet want me to see them as people. And this brings about many new problems.

What am I to say to Light? His idea of me and his need to help are more important to him than me. He tells me he cares about me, but there is actually no room for me in his world. There is only room for his idea of me. And it is a static idea that doesn't allow for any change. If I change and stop resembling his idea, then I am in denial, according to him. And then people like him blame me if I don't fit their idea of me. And these things are very frustrating. This is why lay helpers can be so completely ineffective, and worse, detrimental.

Water : Please state in one or two sentences the meat of the discussion. There is much confusion here and you are right to say that my thinking may be clouded because of personal experience. We all filter words and ideas through the 'World According To I' . It is inevitable. Unmuddy the water for us please

The meat of the dicussion, as it is now ... I wouldn't really know, it's quite confusing.
If anything, it is "Some of the things you should not do when trying to help someone" or "Ineffective behaviours of victims of past abuse".

* * *


This is all I wanted you to see. We are limited to online communication, and it is itself limited.

Did you think I didn't see it? It is what I have been trying to make clear to you for over a year.

We had this discussion before. I asked you to describe love, and then compare your definition with what you were seeing. This is where the distinction between universal love and romantic love was highlighted.

I think that when you are telling someone you love them, you are assuming they understand the word the same way you do.
If you mean "universal love", then say "I universally love you", and not "I love you".
The play of words is all yours.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
I don't see why being true to oneself and others caring for one would have to be mutually exclusive.

Because one might be someone who is not compatible with them. If one is true to oneself, he would say for instance "it matters to me whether someone is compatible with me or not". If not, he would attempt to change according to them, to become compatible with them, leaving his "identity" behind. Idenitity might be flexible, but it can't be spineless.

I'm not saying is that there won't be anyone who would care for such a person, only that a person can't - by adapting to people - make them care for him the way he would like them to. This is manipulative, and results in masks, deceptions and endless frustration.

Please, what are you implying?

When you reacted personally to the posts, you injected yourself into the discussion, and it would inevitably become personal for everyone involved.

Not necessarily.

That's because these categories are superficial. They're guidelines, and so for a reason. But in all of them the same people are involved, so that when it becomes personal, it will leave the boundaries of sciforums and enter the realm of individuals.

That might be so, or not. With some posters, one can have intense discussions about various topics, yet always remain strangers. Some people are handling forum discussions very professionally, strictly separating between real life communication, and online communication.

And an individual is the same person in EM&J as he is in Philosophy and Religion, and would be in a Help section.

True, but what they say, the level at which something has been discussed, is very different.

If you want proof of this, simply go to my first post here. You will see that I mentioned the Original Poster (OP), and referred to each argument as it occurred in the forum.

But the content of it referred to personal interactions (including insults, accusations and allegation).

Welcome to Sciforums.

But it inevitably added my personal take on these. A sample:

water: "Also, and this moreso, other people upon hearing that a person has been a victim of rape may discard that person and consider them "damaged goods", impossible to repair, forever filthy."

Quantum Quack: "where have those words come from?"

water: "Real life."

At that moment it stopped being theoretical, and became a matter of personal significance to you.

This is not true though. Because you know the "story behind it", you interpret things differently, in accordance to that.
To some other posters, it remained a general comment, "Yes, such are things in real life".

Everybody who did not think of a victim as "forever filthy" would be contradicting you, personally, not just against the statement.

Not true. I said:

"Also, and this moreso, other people upon hearing that a person has been a victim of rape may discard that person and consider them "damaged goods", impossible to repair, forever filthy."

I didn't give a statement on what obligatorily happens, but on what *may* happen.

I often find it difficult to say anything here, because I see how often people don't pay attention. I put in clear qualificators in my statements, I say "for example", "this may", "such is possible", "some" -- but so often, these qualificators get overlooked, and my statements taken as absolutes, disregarding the qualificators.

You would speak for the "victim" ("I don't think they think so"; "Why do people think they must *help* victims?"), and when Light noticed this, it spelled the end of any objectivity for all concerned.

It spelled an end of objectivity for those concerned only if they *wanted* or *let* it be so.

Plus, I was only giving my opinion, which could easily be classified as a speculation. I often wondered when someone would actually ask me what credentials I have for speaking the way I did. I waited for someone to ask me, "What do you know about abuse and rape?" No one asked me that. But it is not like everyone actually knows what happened to me either. Assumptions ...

With persistant effort one can maintain an air of objectivity for the sake of argument, but true objectivity is an illusion.

Of course. But one can set boundaries on what one will talk about, and in what manner. This goes both for the afflicted as well as for those who aren't.

Once again because it's personal (relates to a person). Unless you have a split personality, the "two" become one in you. When you state, "I do possess a last shred of decency," this is assertive, and it pertains to your character, not to your avatar (a persona for the particular thread or the particular forum). You may explain the variations as a "fluid identity", but when someone is indecent now, decent a moment later, consistent now, inconsistent a moment later, an observer must reconcile it all under one identity: "you". People expect a certain amount of contradiction, but someone who is both consistent and inconsistent is inconsistent. That's just the way the definitions work.

I'm alright with that. This is just how it is, presently. I wish I could be more consistent, but presently, I don't manage it. I have accepted that. I'm not an easy person, and I don't expect people to like me.
But I think you'll agree that my behaviour is challenging for others, hopefully making them think about how they behave, and whether the way they respond to other people depends on other people.
water said:
I just wish people would be themselves and let me be myself. We could get along so well.
I am a nice person, but people keep picking on me, *they* want to be the ones to solve my problems. And then I somehow have to maneouver between keeping the friendship and keeping my sanity. I used to try to keep the friendship, but it almost cost me my sanity, so I now rather focus on my sanity -- even if it is at the cost of the relationship.

Instead of people being themselves, and letting me be myself, they try to make themselves useful, be a something to me, not who they truly are, as people. They reduce themselves to helpers, yet want me to see them as people. And this brings about many new problems.

What am I to say to Light? His idea of me and his need to help are more important to him than me. He tells me he cares about me, but there is actually no room for me in his world. There is only room for his idea of me. And it is a static idea that doesn't allow for any change. If I change and stop resembling his idea, then I am in denial, according to him. And then people like him blame me if I don't fit their idea of me. And these things are very frustrating. This is why lay helpers can be so completely ineffective, and worse, detrimental.

Gee whiz, Water, gimme an break, OK? I have NO "need" to help you - I've already clearly said that I would try to help someone IF they asked for it - and you, just as clearly, have not asked.

Why should I "make room in my world for you"? Because I care about you as a fellow human being? That is the only reason. And never once have I ever said or even insinuated that I thought "your world revolved around me." How absurd can one person be? You have your own world and I'm not trying to become part of it.

And yes - I will change my assessment of you if I see any changes in you. So far, you've only been as consistent as ever, a big mass of self-contradictions. You seem to shift your emotional focus as often as most of us change our socks.

As yet, you've shown no willingness to deal with the major problem that so many have pointed out here - that being Water herself. You retreat into your corner, throw up your shell in defense, hurl insults and twist our words whenever you feel we've come too close to the truth.

Despite all you've said (and continue to say) about "us", your single biggest problem isn't us - it's you yourself.

One more thing: If that business about "bragging about compassion" was directed at me because I mentioned my efforts in New Orleans, you are on the wrong track once again. Just like the trouble you got yourself into be calling me a mind reader, it was nothing more than an answer to you challenge that I had NO compassion. Good grief, lady, get a grip and try to realize that I'm not some sort of ego-monster. I've grown very tired of you attempting to twist everthing into being something bad. Sheesh!
water said:
Look at your last PM's to me.
You mean my attempt at restoring the communication to something acceptable to both of us, stripping it of assumptions, defensiveness and false accusations? How is that resentment?

You are enforcing them. You actually told me once that whatever help there is, it is enough, no matter what it is.
That isn't a standard for all help, it's an urge to accept help even in a limited form. Any amount of assistance is enough to get one started on the road to recovery, which is what any help hopes to achieve. "Help" can never be a substitute for "complete recovery".

I said *strive* to give 100% pure help. This implies that you always keep in mind that you have limitations.
"If you want to help someone, then strive to give 100% pure help, and not a help that is filled with your own selfishness and your own problems."

The implication is that one must deny his limitations (personal problems and motives) in order to give "pure help", because what else can the "striving" be for? What you have given here is a recipe for helplessness: If I must strive to give something that doesn't exist, and meanwhile not not give anything that is less than 100%, then I am effectively prohibited from giving anything.

Help per se isn't selfish. Attempting to help someone because one has the need to be needed, is selfish.
Such help would end up satisfying the "helper" (that's why it's selfish). I certainly didn't take pleasure from being abused in response to my genuine efforts, and neither does Light or C20. So that leaves everybody who stopped talking to you because you didn't meet their (selfish) needs. How much abuse should someone take before they have proven themselves unselfish enough? 10 months?

Oh yes. Compassion. But not the idiot compassion anyone is instinctively capable of.
Idiot compassion can be recognized when a person speaks out about their "acts of compassion", and possibly, brags about them or tries to justify his position.
This is another trap you like to set. Maybe you don't intend it that way, but here's the logic: Someone is accused of being selfish and without compassion (without qualification). That person then has two options: prove the contrary, or retreat in defeat. But when he proves the contrary, this becomes an excuse to accuse him of something worse: "idiot compassion", arrogance, and hoarding it over you.

The implication is that you are only satisfied when someone backs off and shuts up, in which case he becomes one of the faceless millions who have rejected you or abused your for their pleasure. The only conclusion allowed for is:
Then they didn't care at all, and their care was bought.
You know this rule very well. The Bible is bringing it up over and over again. It's selfrighteousness.
Man's wisdom is foolish, and man can't possess God's wisdom.
You're right, I know it well, but it doesn't quite mean what you say here. It's selfrighteousness that allows someone to rely completely on his own wisdom, to accuse others of something they are guilty of themselves: such as lacking complete compassion and wisdom. It is by working through our weaknesses that God showed our "wisdom" as foolishness. The wisdom that is foolish is one that relies only on itself.

But of the wisdom that allows someone to realize his own weakness, and the sufficiency of God to use people in their weakness, the Bible says: "Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse," (Prov. 2:12), "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding" (Prov. 4:7), and "wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." (Prov. 8:11).

How come you haven't said anything to what I said about posting this thread?
You mean, that it's inappropriate? My thought is that this is exactly the kind of discussion people would have if they were thinking about having a relationship where abuse is an issue. These are the kind of things that would have to be talked about and come to terms with to continue with a relationship, rather than simply back off at the first sign of unresolved problems.

* * *​

Look. If I am in denial, then so are all consequent Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, and many others.
Because we all believe that it is not other people who are to make us happy, and that it is not other people whom we are to rely on for our identity.
I have something to ask concerning this. How can you represent all religions and speak of "we all"? From the Christian perspective, I can affirm that our happiness and identity doesn't depend on people, but a relationship with God cannot exist in isolation from people. It's not about our happiness in the first place (that is the essence of selfishness), but about God's approval, understood through moral law and conscience, expressed in the golden rule, and obeyed in our relationship with people - including even (and especially) our enemies.

You really think my world revolves around you, don't you?
This simply does not follow from his statement. You may not agree with it, you may not particularly like it, but that doesn't mean he's being vain in expressing it (although it might be untactful or inconsiderate towards you). You have made much harsher pronouncements concerning him and others. Does that mean you thought their world revolved around you?
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Do you know the saying that goes something like "Too many grandmothers spoil the child" or "Many cooks spoil the dish"? If too many people are working on one and the same thing, they are likely going to spoil it.
This is what is happening to me.

I have about 5, sometimes a dozen "helpers", who all try to help me. I don't want to belittle their efforts, and so I try to go along with what they tell me. I try to go along with each of them counselling me through the issue *their* way, at *their* pace, with *their* understanding.
So, often, I am going over the same things several times, but each time with a different person, at a different pace, with a slightly different focus. Of course, this gets tiring and boring. Then, when I get bored sick of this and refuse to go along with it any longer, I am told that I am "resisting", or that I am in "denial" or some such. I simply can't keep up with all their "help", so I get pissy.

Helpers, at least try to think yourself in my position. Not only does a the person you are trying to help have some troubling things to deal with from their past, but they also have to deal with the trouble all this "helping" is causing them. I simply don't have the strength to deal with all that at once.

What my helpers could do is get together and discuss the matter amongst themselves, choose a strategy, divide duties amongst themselves, and cooperate -- whew, that would be splendid! I tried to organize them this way myself for some time, trying to focus on a particular aspect only with one helper, but overlapping and repetition is inavoidable.

Helpers, please keep in mind that the person you are trying to help may have several other people like you who also try to help, each in their own way, and that sometimes, this can become too demanding to keep up with, and frustrating.
I have before, a couple of times actually, both before and after I got raped myself. Not everyone who has been abused turns into an abuser. Then again I suppose that even though I know better, I still can't let go of my ability to trust humanity and give a person a chance. It's not always something you feel the need to reveal early on in a relationship. I don't talk about my experiences until I know for the most part how that person will react to what I say. If you fell in love with someone, and they told you they had been abused, would it change how much you loved them? I don't think people realize how common molestation and rape really are these days.
I don't talk about my experiences until I know for the most part how that person will react to what I say.

Are you ever wrong about their reaction? What are the reactions you have come across?



EDIT: Welcome to Sciforums !
water said:
Did you think I didn't see it? It is what I have been trying to make clear to you for over a year.
It was clear enough from early on, but the fact that it still comes up - even now in this thread - means that something about the fact hasn't been accepted. I think it has to do with that list (you have always had such lists in your head, covering various topics), and how you it filters out what is possible from indirect communication. And I have been guilty of overestimating its abilities. There is a golden middle somewhere.

I think that when you are telling someone you love them, you are assuming they understand the word the same way you do.
If you mean "universal love", then say "I universally love you", and not "I love you".
The play of words is all yours.
It's not a play of words, it's a valid and crucial distinction. There is nothing to be gained by treating it as merely a clever play on words.

One generally doesn't have to say "I universally love you", because the words "I love you" never stand in isolation. There is always something preceding, and something proceeding from it. It simply cannot mean romantic love between family or friends, unless there is an overlapping of contexts.

Please, what are you implying?
Once again, I must point out that the meaning of the words don't depend on what I implied (as if the real meaning is somewhere between the lines). If you don't understand what I said, just say so, and I'll try to clarify it.

In short, it meant that someone may not be compatible with all aspects of a particular group, and an effort to become compatible with them in those aspects (in order to be liked, accepted, or even honoured) is to assume their identity, and not one's own.

Not necessarily.
Maybe not in a controlled environment, or an environment where more self-control is expected, but here on sciforums? Yes necessarily. You've said yourself that in order to fit in you've felt it necessary to compromise on some things. And when everyone is dictated by everyone else, the pendulum swings from political correctness to mere anarchy, and will never settle for academic discussion. That's just the kind of place this is.

That might be so, or not. With some posters, one can have intense discussions about various topics, yet always remain strangers. Some people are handling forum discussions very professionally, strictly separating between real life communication, and online communication.
I bet that these are people are independent of the forum. They don't try to fit in, be particularly liked or disliked, so they don't become involved in the politics and struggles that dictate these things.

True, but what they say, the level at which something has been discussed, is very different.
If they maintain that difference.

Welcome to Sciforums.
If you understand this, why did you say "But, for some reason, it was read subjectively", as if you were surprised by a typical sciforums debate?

This is not true though. Because you know the "story behind it", you interpret things differently, in accordance to that.
To some other posters, it remained a general comment, "Yes, such are things in real life".
But you can only assume it remained a general comment - and it didn't stand in isolation. It seems likely that people would interpret your confident assertions that the scenarios you described accurately reflects "real life" (which can only be "real life" according to your experience) as things you personally believe to be true. That people do not take your observations for granted is not a sign of their ignorance, it means your observations have to be qualified. (For interest: do you still believe it is representative for a rape victims to be considered "impossible to repair, forever filthy"?)

Not true. I said:

"Also, and this moreso, other people upon hearing that a person has been a victim of rape may discard that person and consider them "damaged goods", impossible to repair, forever filthy."

I didn't give a statement on what obligatorily happens, but on what *may* happen.

I often find it difficult to say anything here, because I see how often people don't pay attention. I put in clear qualificators in my statements, I say "for example", "this may", "such is possible", "some" -- but so often, these qualificators get overlooked, and my statements taken as absolutes, disregarding the qualificators.
Maybe the difficulty arises out of the direction of your posts, rather than the qualificators you use. For instance, this particular premise wasn't simply an option for your argument, it was necessary for it. It's obvious that someone who considers another person "filty" wouldn't want a relationship with them, but that you associated this aprticularly with victims of abuse, and specifically with their romantic partners, builds a case on an (unlikely, according to the poll) possibilty.

It may not be so, but it seems that you would be unwilling to let your argument fall like a house of cards once this assumption had been disputed. That you thought it reflected "real life", enforced this perception, since what can contradict "real life"?

It spelled an end of objectivity for those concerned only if they *wanted* or *let* it be so.
Quite so. But when walls tumble they don't do it neatly.

Plus, I was only giving my opinion, which could easily be classified as a speculation. I often wondered when someone would actually ask me what credentials I have for speaking the way I did. I waited for someone to ask me, "What do you know about abuse and rape?" No one asked me that. But it is not like everyone actually knows what happened to me either. Assumptions ...
Assumptions don't appear fully formed out of thin air. You give away more than you realize in your posts. Your "opinions" sometimes have a force or a threat behind them that say more than the opinion would have on its own.

That people don't ask you for your credentials may have something to do with the fact that not everybody is of the opinion that only qualified professionals have valuable contributions to make to their knowledge and understanding of things. Or maybe they were also interested in an impersonal discussion themselves.

I'm alright with that. This is just how it is, presently. I wish I could be more consistent, but presently, I don't manage it. I have accepted that. I'm not an easy person, and I don't expect people to like me.
But I think you'll agree that my behaviour is challenging for others, hopefully making them think about how they behave, and whether the way they respond to other people depends on other people.
Honesty like this is how people get to know you in spite of anything else you might do or say. What will make a difference now is whether you reienforce this, or contradict it - in other words, whether you make it clear you were sincere about who you wish to be.

I may be wrong, but I don't think these controversies have such an effect on people as you think. People learn more from restraint and example than from conflict. They may notice some patterns, but behaviour is only fixed when it is consciously reinforced, not so much when it flares up instinctively. How people acted when they were agreeing, disagreeing, happy or angry with you is more or less how they act usually under such circumstances, and I don't think this is where they'll see themselves that way for the first time.

And aren't you playing the "lay helper" yourself if you do this?
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Gee whiz, Water, gimme an break, OK? I have NO "need" to help you - I've already clearly said that I would try to help someone IF they asked for it - and you, just as clearly, have not asked.

Then what are you doing here, saying that I am rejecting your help?

Why should I "make room in my world for you"? Because I care about you as a fellow human being? That is the only reason. And never once have I ever said or even insinuated that I thought "your world revolved around me." How absurd can one person be? You have your own world and I'm not trying to become part of it.

So ... you are one of those who "care for me the most", yet you are not trying to become part of my world?

And yes - I will change my assessment of you if I see any changes in you. So far, you've only been as consistent as ever, a big mass of self-contradictions. You seem to shift your emotional focus as often as most of us change our socks.

Does it make you feel powerful to speak this way? Do you feel good speaking this way?

As yet, you've shown no willingness to deal with the major problem that so many have pointed out here - that being Water herself. You retreat into your corner, throw up your shell in defense, hurl insults and twist our words whenever you feel we've come too close to the truth.

Despite all you've said (and continue to say) about "us", your single biggest problem isn't us - it's you yourself.

Has it ever occured to you that people like you and the things you say are keeping me back?

One more thing: If that business about "bragging about compassion" was directed at me because I mentioned my efforts in New Orleans, you are on the wrong track once again. Just like the trouble you got yourself into be calling me a mind reader, it was nothing more than an answer to you challenge that I had NO compassion. Good grief, lady, get a grip and try to realize that I'm not some sort of ego-monster.

Says the ego-monster.

I've grown very tired of you attempting to twist everthing into being something bad. Sheesh!

Then be tired of it!

* * *


You mean my attempt at restoring the communication to something acceptable to both of us, stripping it of assumptions, defensiveness and false accusations? How is that resentment?

The things you've said, I wouldn't say not even to a stone.

That isn't a standard for all help, it's an urge to accept help even in a limited form. Any amount of assistance is enough to get one started on the road to recovery, which is what any help hopes to achieve. "Help" can never be a substitute for "complete recovery".

And all my helpers are always putting me back at the beginning, wanting me to do it *their* way, at *their* terms.
No wonder it's so hard to get anywhere.

“ I said *strive* to give 100% pure help. This implies that you always keep in mind that you have limitations. ”

"If you want to help someone, then strive to give 100% pure help, and not a help that is filled with your own selfishness and your own problems."

The implication is that one must deny his limitations (personal problems and motives) in order to give "pure help", because what else can the "striving" be for?

Not DENY one's personal problems and limitations, but know them, work on them. Only if you know what is hindering you, can you take it into account and try to minimize its impact.

What you have given here is a recipe for helplessness: If I must strive to give something that doesn't exist, and meanwhile not not give anything that is less than 100%, then I am effectively prohibited from giving anything.

You misunderstood me then.

All I'm saying is that when you're trying to help someone, try to keep in mind that you are human.

Help per se isn't selfish. Attempting to help someone because one has the need to be needed, is selfish.

Such help would end up satisfying the "helper" (that's why it's selfish).

Selfish helpers are rarely happy, rarely satisfied. They are only satisfied when the other person succombs to them, making herself completely dependable on them.

I certainly didn't take pleasure from being abused in response to my genuine efforts, and neither does Light or C20. So that leaves everybody who stopped talking to you because you didn't meet their (selfish) needs.

I didn't say one single bad thing about C20. He has been the most helpful in this thread.

How much abuse should someone take before they have proven themselves unselfish enough? 10 months?

That depends on what this person, this helper, wants.

This is another trap you like to set. Maybe you don't intend it that way, but here's the logic: Someone is accused of being selfish and without compassion (without qualification). That person then has two options: prove the contrary, or retreat in defeat. But when he proves the contrary, this becomes an excuse to accuse him of something worse: "idiot compassion", arrogance, and hoarding it over you.

What would Jesus do?

The implication is that you are only satisfied when someone backs off and shuts up, in which case he becomes one of the faceless millions who have rejected you or abused your for their pleasure.

The only conclusion allowed for is:
Then they didn't care at all, and their care was bought.

You like doing this, don't you?
Set up an absolute which would take me a book to refute -- since I'd have to provide for all the possible implications...

You're right, I know it well, but it doesn't quite mean what you say here. It's selfrighteousness that allows someone to rely completely on his own wisdom, to accuse others of something they are guilty of themselves: such as lacking complete compassion and wisdom.

What does the word "lack" mean? Does it mean "complete absence" or "not much of (something)"?
I was using it in the latter meaning.

How come you haven't said anything to what I said about posting this thread?

You mean, that it's inappropriate?

I don't understand. Do you think the thread is inappropriate? The way it turned, I don't find inappropriate, but the OP is.

I have something to ask concerning this. How can you represent all religions and speak of "we all"?

I am not representing all religions, what makes you think that? I have only pointed out something that all those religions have in common. And I have pointed it out because those values have previously been branded as denial.

This simply does not follow from his statement. You may not agree with it, you may not particularly like it, but that doesn't mean he's being vain in expressing it (although it might be untactful or inconsiderate towards you).

I think he has been vain.

You have made much harsher pronouncements concerning him and others. Does that mean you thought their world revolved around you?

No. I said those things in defense.
I wouldn't because sooner or later the same shit may spread on to me, i've learned its usualy better to avoid trouble altogether unless the person is extra special or a goddess like scarlett johansson.
devils_reject said:
I wouldn't because sooner or later the same shit may spread on to me, i've learned its usualy better to avoid trouble altogether unless the person is extra special or a goddess like scarlett johansson.

Let's suppose the person is extra special. After a while of getting on ok together, she breaks down and curses herself for not being honest with you earlier. There is obviously a whole load of stuff under the surface but even as she breaks down she scolds herself again and tells you that its not your problem and she doesnt want to discuss it. You ask what? She says 'I was raped eight months before we met but I dont want to discuss it.'

Would you respect her right to not discuss it or would you feel that she probably needed to talk about it with someone she could trust, knowing that you are someone she could trust?



It was clear enough from early on, but the fact that it still comes up - even now in this thread - means that something about the fact hasn't been accepted.

Hasn't been accepted by whom?
Clashes due to a lack of non-verbal communication happen all the time here, and they are unpredictable, so one brings up the lack of the non-verbal every now and then.

(you have always had such lists in your head, covering various topics)

I feel frustrated reading this.

I think that when you are telling someone you love them, you are assuming they understand the word the same way you do.
If you mean "universal love", then say "I universally love you", and not "I love you".
The play of words is all yours.

It's not a play of words, it's a valid and crucial distinction. Do you have any particular interest in treating it as merely a clever play on words?

Do I have any particular interest in treating it as merely a clever play of words ...
It's confusing, your use of words. I have to translate it into the way most people I know use the word "love". For example, I spoke to someone about you, and he said "If he would have truly loved you, he would have pursued the romance". I then realized I should have translated your "love" into "care" or "sympathy", and then the other person would have made different conclusions.

One generally doesn't have to say "I universally love you", because the words "I love you" never stand in isolation. There is always something preceding, and something proceeding from it. It simply cannot mean romantic love between family or friends, unless there is an overlapping of contexts.

One doesn't always know one's friends form those who aren't.

Once again, I must point out that the meaning of the words don't depend on what I implied (as if the real meaning is somewhere between the lines).

It sure seems to me that the meaning is somewhere between the lines, as I couldn't find any connection to the context there.

In short, it meant that someone may not be compatible with all aspects of a particular group, and an effort to become compatible with them in those aspects (in order to be liked, accepted, or even honoured) is to assume their identity, and not one's own.

Yes, I think this is pretty clear; it's stating the obvious. But what was the point of saying that?

Welcome to Sciforums.

If you understand this, why did you say "But, for some reason, it was read subjectively", as if you were surprised by a typical sciforums debate?

Welcome to Sciforums! A "typical Sciforums" debate is completely unpredictable. It can be purely academic, and then in one moment derail completely, or the other way around. Granted, the usual Sciforums mode is ego-blasting, but it can also be anything else.

I wasn't surprised by the way the debate turned, I just wondered how come ...

This is not true though. Because you know the "story behind it", you interpret things differently, in accordance to that.
To some other posters, it remained a general comment, "Yes, such are things in real life".

Admit it: You assume this.

I don't assume this. It is my experience. I wasn't implying that "this is *all* that real life is".

(For interest's sake: do you still believe it is representative for a rape victims to be considered "impossible to repair, forever filthy"?)

No, I don't think this is representative for them.

Maybe the difficulty arises out of the direction of your posts, rather than the qualificators you use. For instance, this particular premise wasn't simply an option for your argument, it was necessary for it. It's obvious that someone who considers another person "filty" wouldn't want a relationship with them, but that you associated this aprticularly with victims of abuse, and specifically with their romantic partners, builds a case on an (unlikely, according to the poll) possibilty.

It may not be so, but it seems that you would be unwilling to let your argument fall like a house of cards once this assumption had been disputed. That you thought it reflected "real life", enforced this perception, since what can contradict "real life"?

I think you are complicating this. Besides, my assumption hasn't been disputed; a certain part of the population does apriori reject those who have been abused or raped.
Unfortunatley, these people aren't participating much so that we could find out the range of their arguments for rejecting those who have been abused or raped.

Quite so. But when walls tumble they don't do it neatly.

Whose walls?

Assumptions don't appear fully formed out of thin air. You give away more than you realize in your posts. Your "opinions" sometimes have a force or a threat behind them that say more than the opinion would have on its own.

So? Some people really like to "read between the lines".

Honesty like this is how people get to know you in spite of anything else you might do or say. What will make a difference now is whether you reienforce this, or contradict it - in other words, whether you make it clear you were sincere about who you wish to be.

In what time frame, at what pace?
Kotoko gave me two days, for example.

I may be wrong, but I don't think these controversies have such an effect on people as you think. People learn more from restraint and example than from conflict. They may notice some patterns, but behaviour is only fixed when it is consciously reinforced, not so much when it flares up instinctively. How people acted when they were agreeing, disagreeing, happy or angry with you is more or less how they act usually under such circumstances, and I don't think this is where they'll see themselves that way for the first time.

And aren't you playing the "lay helper" yourself if you do this?

Yes, but mostly for myself.
In your response to Light,
water said:
So ... you are one of those who "care for me the most", yet you are not trying to become part of my world?
This is manipulation, water. You are structuring more arguments for which you know there can be no right answers. He is not personally involved in your life, and you know you won't let him. That doesn't mean he can't care.

Does it make you feel powerful to speak this way? Do you feel good speaking this way?
More provocation. Light, please don't respond in kind.

Has it ever occured to you that people like you and the things you say are keeping me back?
It doesn't depend on him, or me, or c20 or anyone. You can't let people keep you back when you want them to influence you badly, but then ignore them when their influence might be good for you.

Says the ego-monster.
Read my previous post. You're accusing him after something you set him up for, and it reflects badly on you, not on him. Continuing the offense is not going to justify it.
* * *​

The things you've said, I wouldn't say not even to a stone.
But you would say and accuse me of much worse things nevertheless. Stones don't get hurt, people do. Stones tolerate manipulation, people don't.

And all my helpers are always putting me back at the beginning, wanting me to do it *their* way, at *their* terms.
No wonder it's so hard to get anywhere.
Only if you are trying to please everyone. That's not help, and you've said this over and over. What you're saying is that you respond blindly to manipulation, thrown about like a leaf at people's whim, but you refuse to be moved by logic.

People don't have the power to "put you back at the beginning", but if you find yourself rebuilding foundations in response to genuine help, that's a good thing. You can't expect genuine help to please you every moment, because then it's not help, just a clever way of reinforcing the status quo using external means.

Not DENY one's personal problems and limitations, but know them, work on them. Only if you know what is hindering you, can you take it into account and try to minimize its impact.
What if you know what you're accused of isn't true? How do you propose one goes ahead then?

You misunderstood me then.

All I'm saying is that when you're trying to help someone, try to keep in mind that you are human.
But the same goes for the person being helped. If they don't keep in mind the person helping them is human, the consequences will be the same.

Selfish helpers are rarely happy, rarely satisfied. They are only satisfied when the other person succombs to them, making herself completely dependable on them.
That's not help, it's manipulation. And it doesn't just come from helpers.

I didn't say one single bad thing about C20. He has been the most helpful in this thread.
I have great respect for him, but you have verbally abused equally honourable people. If C20 puts a foot wrong, should he expect the same treatment?

That depends on what this person, this helper, wants.
Is insulting someone a good way of finding out what they ("really") want?

What would Jesus do?
If you set such a trap for him? Take the abuse, most probably. The question is whether you would benefit by his silence, or by his words?

You like doing this, don't you?
Set up an absolute which would take me a book to refute -- since I'd have to provide for all the possible implications...
If it will take you a book to refute, it means the contrary isn't obvious. I'm not the only one who's come to this conclusion. The most recent evidence is in how you treated Light, and I for one know this isn't the first time. It goes beyond disagreeing with someone, it villainizes them.

What does the word "lack" mean? Does it mean "complete absence" or "not much of (something)"?
I was using it in the latter meaning.
That would mean they're still no worse off than you, but you made it seem that way.

No. I said those things in defense.
So did he. Why is it okay when you say things in defense, but when someone else defends himself they're "vain"?
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water said:
For example, I spoke to someone about you, and he said "If he would have truly loved you, he would have pursued the romance". I then realized I should have translated your "love" into "care" or "sympathy", and then the other person would have made different conclusions.
But it wasn't care or sympathy - it was love. It just wasn't romantic love.
Once there were a brother and a sister. Both loved playing marbles with their friends. One day the sister came home saying somebody had stolen her marbles. The brother was sad for his sister because he knew how he would feel if someone had stolen his precious marbles and he also knew how precious his sisters marbles were to her before they were stolen.
The sister was upset about her marbles but remained philosophical about it and said she would pay it no more mind, her marbles were gone but 'such is life'. The brother still felt the injustice of it all and because he loved his sister and wanted justice for her, he would not let it go. This angered the sister because she was proud of her philosophical attitude and sensed she had acted in a mature way. She could not understand why her brother was still angry about it all and began to hate the fuss he made. She argued 'I dont have to be angry about it if I dont want to!' , 'But you cant say that it isn't wrong to have your marbles stolen!' said the brother. 'I havn't said it wasn't wrong!' said the sister, 'I have just said I am not going to let it bother me.'

Bless both of them.

