Would you let your wife have guy friends?

think it is funny though, how everybody here denies having one jealous bone in their body. I don't believe it for a minute.

I've never said that I wasn't jealous, for I was when I found out she was seeing someone else behind my back. Although for many years I never thought about her cheating and trusted her completely. I do believe that's why she cheated because I did trust her completely so that she thought she could get away with cheating. Once you trust someone, anyone implicitly they can use you to their advantage. That's why the smartest people take advantage of the uneducated, because they gain their trust first then strike but subtly as to not get noticed! :mad:
Maybe she saw your complete trust as not caring?
I don't know, just maybe.
I know I've given my husband a 'raised eye-brow' look before that lets him know I don't like that woman sitting on his lap, but I've never gone into a rant about it, nor have I grilled him.
Maybe she saw your complete trust as not caring?
I don't know, just maybe.
I know I've given my husband a 'raised eye-brow' look before that lets him know I don't like that woman sitting on his lap, but I've never gone into a rant about it, nor have I grilled him.

So she wanted her "independence" and I gave it to her, not questioning her about what she did with others at her job but did ask about her job as a matter of conversation many times. I was always wondering how she was doing within her work and what she was earning as well. Promotions I also asked about as well as many other things job related. Trusting your wife/husband doesn't mean to be prying into everything they do, that's up to them to talk about if they wish to.
You didn't even know what she earned? What kind of partnership is that?

Because we had a joint account and we would both put money into that but she had her own private account as well and that's something I didn't realize for many, many years! :mad:
My husband knows me well enough to know that I would never stay silent with something like that. And he trusts me to always do the right thing.. So he didn't have to say anything. Except when buying a new lounge suite.. then noooo.. he needs to go and plant his backside and give his opinion.:p

Of course my husband knew that my then friend was disrespecting him as an individual and as my boyfriend (we weren't yet married and had just moved in together). But he respected himself more than to get into an argument with another man who was, quite clearly, beneath him in the manner in which he acted. He didn't want to lower himself to trading insults. Since this guy was my friend and had been my friend for years, I told him to naff off (so to speak) and in doing so, sent a clear message to him and to my husband.
I guess in that situation since the guy was your friend, I'd have probably sat back and let you handle it yourself too. But had it been any other guy that knew we were together, it would have been on.
I guess it's just the Marine in me that has that mentality.
And there wouldn't be any insult trading. It would have been me chewing his ass out and him standing there listening to it.
And if he did say something, I'd find something to say (as I have that talent) to push his buttons to the point where he'd want to take a swing at me.
Now granted, everything I would say to him would be addressed in a tactful manner.
It would probably be something like this:
"Hey, you mind telling me why you are not only hitting on my woman right in front of my face, you're also disrespecting me as a person? HUH? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

ORRRR, I could be a bit more sinister and just be quiet as he made his comments and wait until she was out of earshot, then go up to him and say:
Dude, that was most disrespectful, to both me and her. If I hear of you making anymore passes at her and especially if you disrespect me again, you and I are going to have major problems that will most likely result in you getting a beat down. Do you understand me?

Then if he tries to tell her that I said that, I will deny it. And if I stayed quiet during that time he hit on her, she's not going to be inclined to believe him anyway.

But there's nothing you can do about it, is there? You can't prevent it from happening. You can only react after the fact. You can do the whole "I'm the man" thing and beat him up or abuse him, but that just lowers you to his level. After all, what kind of person does something like hit on a woman who is taken while her partner is right there next to her? She should do the right thing and refuse and tell the individual to walk away. The put down is more painful from the woman he's trying to hit on than her partner balking or exploding.. Guys who do stuff like that want the confrontation.. they think have something to prove. I think it's best to deny them that kind of gratification.
I won't deny that I would love confrontation in that aspect, but it's not because I had something to prove.
I'm real big on courtesy, politeness and respect where it's warranted. I believe respect is earned not given. But I am not the type of person that can stand there and allow someone to disrespect me and not say something about it. I just can't. I consider disrespect as a symbolic slap in the face. I dunno about you Bells, but if someone slaps me in the face, I'm not just gonig to stand there. They are getting slapped back.

I also think that is a two way street. There will be some things with her that you will have to work around. Both need to compromise and both need to accept the other as they are.

You take the package as it is and work around it.. you don't try to change who the person is.
You are very correct. That's exactly why I'm not married. I know who I am and refuse to change. Unfortunately, women tend to expect you to change (they disguise it by calling it 'compromise') when you are in a relationship.

You should never settle.
Many, many people do Bells. I've seen it firsthand. Some settle because they are afraid of being alone. Some settle because they don't have the patience to wait for someone who is compatible with them. Some settle because they have a low opinion of themselves and think they can't get any better. Very sad.

Look, we are all different and would all react differently to that kind of thing. At the end of the day, if you can't trust her to do the right thing, then that proves that there are bigger issues in the relationship that needs to be dealt with.
Yes we are. But if I was in a relationship and was as far along as you were when that happened, I think I'd be at the point of knowing whether or not the girl was trustworthy.

Now, all that off topic stuff said, if I can trust her to have guy friends, she better damn well show me the same trust with female friends.
who can stop some one haveing guy freinds?

seriously, i have lots of guy friends and i am more relaxed around them than i am women
Would you let your wife have gay friends?

I think that would worry my husband more than a guy friend. I am much more touchy feely with a woman than I am with guys. I can also spend the night at a female friends house (in the same bed), where spending the night at a guys wouldn't be ok. Let alone in the same bed.
I think that would worry my husband more than a guy friend. I am much more touchy feely with a woman than I am with guys. I can also spend the night at a female friends house (in the same bed), where spending the night at a guys wouldn't be ok. Let alone in the same bed.

Why, afraid they'll no longer be gay just for you? I think my boyfriend used to think that about my best friend that he'd somehow one day no longer be gay and that I would want to run off with my ex-gay best friend. :roflmao:
I think that would worry my husband more than a guy friend. I am much more touchy feely with a woman than I am with guys. I can also spend the night at a female friends house (in the same bed), where spending the night at a guys wouldn't be ok. Let alone in the same bed.

I don't understand this...:confused: So are you saying gay men are like women?
i am not a jealous person, My Bf has lots of female friends and he comes home to me at the end of the day, he is even friends with ex's and it doesnt bother me, and in fact i get on well with them aswell i even go out for drinks with them,
he is even friends with ex's and it doesnt bother me, and in fact i get on well with them aswell i even go out for drinks with them,

That would be really strange for me, the going out for drinks part. Do you ever end up talking about him?
That would be really strange for me, the going out for drinks part. Do you ever end up talking about him?

yeah all the time, she mentioned that he looks a lot happier with me than her, and i end up telling her all about his new habits and stuff and we just get along so well, i just got nothing to be jealous of he comes home to me and sleeps with me and thats it
i am not a jealous person, My Bf has lots of female friends and he comes home to me at the end of the day, he is even friends with ex's and it doesnt bother me, and in fact i get on well with them aswell i even go out for drinks with them,

A friend of mine, who is married, is also very, very close to his ex. And I mean very close. So much so that they sit and talk about old times all the time. Now that is not weird at all in and of itself. What is weird is that she is now going out with a guy who looks, talks and thinks like him (her ex). And they constantly keep reminding the poor guy that he is the exact replica of her ex (my friend).

His wife just laughs it off but the rest of us feel uncomfortable. Not because of their still very close relationship, but because both have admitted that the feelings they had for each other never really waned and the only reason they broke up was because she wanted to live in one place and he did not... His wife does not know that he still loves his ex as much as he did when they were together and when she's not around, he has commented that he misses his life with said ex. Which usually results in our telling him that he needs to stop acting like a turd and be more respectful of his wife and his marriage and to move on.

That is wrong in my opinion. It's one thing to stay friends with your ex. It is another thing altogether to keep pining for them or to have said ex then go out with a guy who is so much like you that he could be your twin, even personality wise.
Why, afraid they'll no longer be gay just for you? I think my boyfriend used to think that about my best friend that he'd somehow one day no longer be gay and that I would want to run off with my ex-gay best friend. :roflmao:

Oh, I was thinking gay female friends. They are interested in women like men are, so that's what I thought he was asking about.

Stranger, were you asking about gay men? Did I misunderstand the question? I think my husband would care the least about them.