Would this not make the Christian God... evil?

Dear w1z4rd Why did you not talk about the cruelty of the Egyptians (and their so called "gods") upon the Jewish slaves that the mercifil God wanted to save?
Dear w1z4rd Why did you not talk about the cruelty of the Egyptians (and their so called "gods") upon the Jewish slaves that the mercifil God wanted to save?

Have you seen any proof of Jewish slaves in Egypt, or do you mean if we're assuming the bible is a true account of history(as you'd have to to answer the OP)?
Have you seen any proof of Jewish slaves in Egypt, or do you mean if we're assuming the bible is a true account of history(as you'd have to to answer the OP)?

M*W: There were no Jewish slaves in Egypt at anytime. The tribe of Habiru (the ancestors of the Hebrews) were a sect of Egyptian sun worshippers (monotheists) living in lower Egypt. They weren't Hebrews nor were they Jews, and there is no evidence to indicate they were slaves.

I think we all know by now that the bible is not an historical document. It's beyond my why anyone in this day and time would believe it is.
Dear w1z4rd Why did you not talk about the cruelty of the Egyptians (and their so called "gods") upon the Jewish slaves that the mercifil God wanted to save?

Because there is no evidence that there were Jewish slaves at the period biblical mythology asserts. Indeed, there's very little evidence that there were any Jewish people at that time.

The Jewish myth of their Egyptian servitude may even have its origin in the Hyksos occupation of Lower Egypt, when Canaanites ruled Avaris and controlled the Delta until the Egyptian army sacked the city when the Pharaoh had had enough of foreigners occupying Egyptian soil.

it s a question of what is substantial and what is ephemeral - if you do not consider the absence of cavities integral to perfect teeth, that is your foolishness - similarly.

It seems you are purposely trying to shove the issue down a different path. Let's get this straight: You stated that your dentist said, (and the implication was that you agree), that teeth are 'perfect' merely by lacking cavities. Who is the fool?
actually the implication was that cavities impede the classification of teeth as perfect, much like ephemeral happiness impedes the classification of perfect happiness

they envy each other and they exploit the resources of material nature (which is an energy of god - at the very least its certainly not produced by humans)

So now we come down to you claiming that man envies each other and envies the gods. However, this is neither here nor there to what was asked of you - which was to "show something to support your claim that anyone inhabiting a body, (i.e all 6 billion of us + the animals), 'envy' your gods."
material world = god's property
possessing material opulence with the heartfelt notion "This is MINE" = (the attempt to) rain on god's parade

only a fool would desire to inhabit a prison, even if it is designed by the greatest architect in the universe

So you consider the human body as a prison and do not want to inhabit it while anyone that does is a fool?
certainly - if you had the choice of inhabiting a body that is ephemeral, ignorant an d subject to macro, micro and mesocosmic miseries or accepting a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress, which would you prefer ?
It must be quite tough being you. Of course the same conclusion still applies: you despise that which your gods created.
its quite tough inhabiting a material body, since death, old age and disease visit everyone equally

did you also go on to explain your personal views?
namely ....

My gods are different... Just spend 10 seconds looking at a vagina and you'll see that the human body is a work of art.

As immature as your question is, I will get on the phone right now and ask. Can I also point out to them the alternative view, your view, that it is indeed a stinky, mucus bag that nobody should want to have as a part of them? While I understand you are not qualified in any related field, which of us do you think would be in more need of help? A man that likes vaginas or a man that doesn't even want to inhabit his body? Hmmm...
I never said I didn't want to inhabit a body - I did say however that this body certainly leaves a lot to be desired - but generally people tolerate such things by taking shelter of intoxication (or sleep) or otherwise, as you have mentioned, sex

SB 5.5.1: Lord Ṛṣabhadeva told His sons: My dear boys, of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world, one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and night simply for sense gratification, which is available even for dogs and hogs that eat stool. One should engage in penance and austerity to attain the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one's heart is purified, and when one attains this position, he attains eternal, blissful life, which is transcendental to material happiness and which continues forever.

at the very least, infatuation with one's genitals or the genitals of others is certainly not unique

the murderer, under the influence of lust, obviously

Your statement is flawed. The "sin" is the action, not the person that commits the action - thus a "murderer" cannot be a sin, while the muder itself can.

Once again: what is the sin? The murder or the lust that might lead to murder in people so inclined? In analogy form: is the knife the sin or is the stabbing to death of a person the sin?
obviously the murder is the vehicle of sin, since he is under the influence of lust transformed into wrath.
Talking about lust bereft of wrath is like talking about evacuating without passing water

well wouldn't you define intelligence as the ability to learn from mistakes, or even the ability to learn from the mistakes of others?

Your question has no place here. Let me state again: "Show me how not having lust for something is evidence that they learnt it in a past life."

How does your question answer that?
if you want to verify something in connection to the soul (past life etc) then it requires that you apply spiritual processes (namely get free from lust) - hence its not very practical for a lusty person to demand such a thing

to put it simply - the most dangerous type of fool is one who is oblivious to their foolish nature

Now you would need to justify how that fool, the dangerous fool that is oblivious to them being a fool, is not you. (No, this is not an insult, it's a valid question). If they're "oblivious", how would you determine that it isn't you?
I understand the implications of lust, wrath, envy etc and can see the futility in cultivating activities that develop these vices

no - but if they build a 100 story building for the acquisition of wealth and renovate an old scout hall for a place of worship, it certainly indicates where they sit on the scale of things

None of which in itself actually means they live "under the notion that god doesn't exist".
depends by what one understands by the word "god"

since all opulence owes its source to god, it would behoove persons gracious of this fact to utilize a portion of it in his service don't you think?

1) Does any of the money given actually make it's way to god?
you miss the point - it never left god's possession in the first place

3) 'And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him'

It would seem that god does not require large expensive buildings with which to give him 'service'. Indeed the opposite, just go in a quiet room at home. The answer to your question therefore is no.
then since we have these stockpiles of money the next question is why work harder than an ass to enjoy a life of less restrictions than a pig?
In otherwords using opulence in the service of god protects us from sinful life - the propensity to live in a palace should be dovetailed by building a palace for god, the tendency to eat nice foodstuffs should be dovetailed by offering one's foodstuffs to god - the understanding is that all these things actually belong to god (of course if one is not attached to living with nice furnishings and foodstuffs, their case is different - hence a distinction between theists who can be classified as 'householders' and 'renunciates')

what would be the established oldness of gilgamesh in regards to persons making some repeatable claim to the nature of this world? (like in scripture there is the nature of god existing, backed up by processes - namely getting free from the effects of sin) - as a process of verification

1) You would have to show beyond doubt that anyone is "free from sin" in order to be able to make the claim that a claimed process is indeed backed up. Is there anyone on this planet "free from sin"?
one can be free from sin, yes
I do know that no christian on this planet would agree with you, (other than to say jesus is which can't be used in this argument).
therefore most strains of christianity, while certainly capable of enabling a person to make spiritual advancement, are not perfectional since they have incomplete knowledge
2) You're dragging this down a different road. You have stated and implied that something is credible merely because it is old. In saying, Gilgamesh really did battle ogres and build a city, (that has been found), and was a demi god merely because ancient text says so.
old in the sense that it has a historical continuum - if the continuum is broken you merely have something from history (like the toothbrush in the red cup has a continuum of 20 years)

you may forget that you are obligated to take a term of existence as a mucus bag, bu t that will not prevent the mucus bag from doing its thing, namely stinking (and stinking a whole lot more when it eventually drops down dead)

We need to clear this up right now because this is yet another example of you arguing against your own statements and claims.

1) You stated that mankind are stinky mucus bags whether they think they are or not
as far as conditional life is concerned, yes
2) You then contradict this completely by saying "no, of course you're not a mucus bag, you only think you are"
ultimately the conditioned soul is eternal, and has nothing to do with the conditions of material existence, although such a notion is unfathomable in the grips of illusion and ignorance
Yes or no LG? Kindly spend some time exploring your own brain until you come up with one answer instead of two that contradict each other. All that time, all that energy adamantly telling me that humans are mucus bags only to then turn round and tell me they're not. Seems there's 3 people in this discussion. Me and the two of you.
you find that the word for self in sanskrit has three possible meanings according to usage
1- the gross physical body
2 - the subtle body of mind and intelligence
3- the eternal body of the spirit soul

so yes, there are three aspects to the discussion

In other words you hav e no idea what you are, since you can only answer the question "Who am I" (which started this whole mucus bag direction)

Incorrect, pay attention. I said "I" do not want an eternal existence to which you then labelled that "I" a mucus bag.
actually I asked you who you were, and you gave an answer that reflects the notion of the mucus bag (the thing at the keyboard)

of course you can try and say things like "I am the brain" but such things belong more to the field of science fiction than science

Says the person that believes in elephant headed gods and that we reincarnate into dogs. Are you not being a tincy wincy bit of a hypocrite?
at least I have a claim of a process to accompany the direct perception of such things - is there a claim of direct perception of the brain as the self as context?
Anyway, one day when you have quite finished giving me your version of me, let me know so I can give you mine heh?
you already have MR Mucus Bag - (But the good news is that ultimately you are not a mucus bag - to realize that all it requires is that you stop behaving like a lusty old goat and take up religious principles rather than worshiping vaginas)

and why do the corpses undergo a make over at the morgue first?

Well, they're generally cut open using a variety of sharp instruments, their internal fluids are sucked out etc etc. Perhaps you have never seen someone that has just recently died, but they don't look any different from someone that is alive except that they breathe and move considerably less. Once they're chopped up and sucked dry it's quite obvious why they would have a makeover.
actually dead people without a makeover look grey - and they also tend to get a bit stinky too, hence the reason for getting the liposuction before their final last guest appearance

do they look better than when they were alive?

Yes and no. It depends on the person.
and the makeover artist

which state do they appear more attractive in - their dead state or living state?

Well, they certainly seem more active in their living state. If we were to be objective we would certainly state that a dead person doesn't really look "unattractive" unless of course they got smacked by the 3:15 London to Glasgow.
still you see that rigor mortis is sufficient to spell the end of any supermodel s career

you view your ultimate identification as the body (of course you hotly deny this, yet you talk of grand objects in relation to this false identity, namely the female reproductive system, and I am sure that if we looked at all your desires we would see that they all hinge on you occupying the current combination of bile mucus and air you haphazardly refer to as "me")

Inaccurate. YOU view me in that way. Enough with your dishonesty LG.
on the contrary, you define yourself completely in relation to the mucus bag - from your genital ogling to your career credentials - why don't you try and define yourself with some unique quality that you could exclusively call "yours" that is not related to the gross or subtle body (namely the mucus bag or the false ego in the form of mind and intelligence that deals with the unique issue of your mucusey state)?

what makes you think that there is no activity for the senses in spiritual existence?

Lay it out straight for me LG, (try not to contradict yourself this time). What activity is there for the senses in an immaterial existence?
I never used the word immaterial
I would be more likely to use the word unmanifest (much like the sun is not manifest at night time)

spiritual senses have spiritual objects (in short the appreciation of god's name , form, quality and pastimes)

I see. And to appreciate god etc you have taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch even though they're all immaterial?
unmanifest actually

the government also builds prisons, but not with the view to increasing the number of criminals in society

They certainly do - but the analogy is flawed. Perhaps if you stated that the government hands out free guns and ammo and booklets on how to hate other people, (which they have done), then the analogy would work.
are we talking about why god created the material world as a facility for ignorance and illusion or something else now?

just to say god created something, doesn't mean that we are bereft of responsibility

So, a robot created by you that goes on a murderous rampage because you programmed it to do so is somehow responsible for going on a murderous rampage?
if you were the one that manipulated my creation to make it do that, certainly not

if one is awed by the material it is because they have not applied themselves to discerning the nature of the spiritual

Because they were created in such fashion where the spiritual is of no importance.
because we desired an existence where we could entertain such an illusion
What I want you to do now is to conduct this experiment: Sit in front of a mirror.. Look at yourself. Now, squeeze real hard - the hardest you've ever squeezed and see if you can ever convince your mind that leprechauns exist - and honestly believe that they do. You have no say in the matter LG, you cannot change what you don't believe - it has been created in you - that is your nature. By that same token, someone can squeeze all day long did their head explodes and their pants turn brown and never "discern the spiritual". Not because they have any choice in the matter, but because that is their nature as created by the gods.
therefore solo attempts at getting free from illusion are not recommended - even the storyline for matrix would have been a bit drab if there was no one free from illusion in the first place

BG 4.34: Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.

Now, it's likely you'll waffle on about process this and process that without realising the worthlessness of such a thing.
like many processes of knowledge, the first issue is to find someone who knows (which you have admitted is pretty difficult with what you currently have in the way of christianity, since its inconceivable how one can even be sinless) - otherwise its just a case of

SB 7.5.31: Persons who are strongly entrapped by the consciousness of enjoying material life, and who have therefore accepted as their leader or guru a similar blind man attached to external sense objects, cannot understand that the goal of life is to return home, back to Godhead, and engage in the service of Lord Viṣṇu. As blind men guided by another blind man miss the right path and fall into a ditch, materially attached men led by another materially attached man are bound by the ropes of fruitive labor, which are made of very strong cords, and they continue again and again in materialistic life, suffering the threefold miseries.

or more specifically in the case of genital worshiping

SB 7.5.30: Prahlāda Mahārāja replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Kṛṣṇa are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.
Indeed the answer can be found within. Ask yourself why you did not undertake the leprechaun process I advocated. It wasn't specifically difficult and would have only taken 2 minutes of your life. The answer is that you can't because it is not in your nature.

true - hence the successful performance of religiousity culminates in reforming one's nature
Your nature as given to you by the gods states that leprechauns are fiction.
conditioned life is given as a result of one's previous acts - hence one's conditioned nature ultimately finds its source in one's own activities - therefore you find that religiousity has a foundation based on normative descriptions, namely the rejection of sin - so in the beginning direct perception of god may be a long way away, but in th meantime one could refrain from acts of lust and control the senses and thus appreciate what the human form of life can offer
Any process advocated to find those leprechauns is by default equally bogus and not subject to debate - and you will reel off excuses until the cows come home merely because your nature dictates that you do so.
the difference is that religion offers very real indications how one can change one's nature
The only plausible way that your nature will change to believe in leprechauns is if you accidentally stumble into one, (born agains).
religion however offers that one can change one's nature by giving up the cultivation of lust, wrath etc - even if one associates with a saintly person their nature will not change so much for as long as they continue worshipping 'awesome' things of the material world
By creating a specific nature that is completely unopen to the suggestion of reincarnation and whatnot, it can by no means be the fault of the person operating under that nature.
therefore there is the examination of acts of lust, beginning with the proposal from the platform of theoretical knowledge that lust, wrath, envy, etc are the cause of unnecessary trouble
Again, he can sit in front of the mirror and squeeze himself into a coma, it changes nothing.
the theist however can pray to god (or even jesus) for the intelligence to refrain from sin (lust, wrath, envy, etc)

your nature is the result of your previous desires

1) You would need to substantiate that
if a person behaves in a wrathful/lusty/envious way, they develop a world outlook from that habit - like for instance a person who frequently masturbates develops a certain 'world view' of vaginas
2) If we follow that line of thinking as far back as we can go you will see it still comes to the same conclusion: Your gods created that nature.
depending on the reason why you actually came here in the first place

SB 7.11.8-12: These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: truthfulness, mercy, austerity (observing fasts on certain days of the month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, discrimination between right and wrong, control of the mind, control of the senses, nonviolence, celibacy, charity, reading of scripture, simplicity, satisfaction, rendering service to saintly persons, gradually taking leave of unnecessary engagements, observing the futility of the unnecessary activities of human society, remaining silent and grave and avoiding unnecessary talk, considering whether one is the body or the soul

The "celibacy" now at least explains why you are so adverse to vaginas.
celibacy is also defined by scriptural commentators as only having sex with one's lawfully married partner - of course you are free to violate that, but it certainly results in problems

I would question here why we even have these organs if they are not intended to be used, (kinda like the gods creating wisdom teeth and extra nipples).
used yes - abused no

thats my point - its a silly question because you don't know what is meant by the word 'god' so an answer in any way is as suitable as any other

1) As stated earlier, whether I know what is meant by the word god or not is utterly irrelevant to the question.
then please explain why - after all, if I didn't know what gold was, what would be the point in asking
actually the implication was that cavities impede the classification of teeth as perfect

"So.. perfection = lack of cavities?"

"That's what my dentists says"



You're telling porkies LG. Nowhere in that is there an implication that you state there was. That claim made by you and confirmed by you is that teeth that lack cavities are perfect. Kindly stop with the lies.

material world = god's property
possessing material opulence with the heartfelt notion "This is MINE" = (the attempt to) rain on god's parade

Once again: "show something to support your claim that anyone inhabiting a body, (i.e all 6 billion of us + the animals), 'envy' your gods."

certainly - if you had the choice of inhabiting a body that is ephemeral, ignorant an d subject to macro, micro and mesocosmic miseries or accepting a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress, which would you prefer ?

Well, I don't want to be eternal so I would pass on that particular aspect. As for the rest.. During one of my bible rewrite stages I started off with what would have originally been nothingness. That is where god has existed forever. It went on to state that.. ([pp] 'cause I can't be bothered opening the document) "This being is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. As such it is the only being in the universe that has absolutely nothing to see, do or know."

This is one of the reasons I would have to disagree with your claim that all of us humans "envy god". If there was one, or 100 and they satisified the omni definition then I wouldn't ever want to be it.

Sure, I would rather not have to go to the dentist, but it is a hell of a large leap from that to the rest.

I never said I didn't want to inhabit a body

I call your bluff.. hell, you even said it in this very post:

I said: "So you consider the human body as a prison and do not want to inhabit it?"

You said: "certainly.." and then went on to explain that a body gets disease and old and whatnot. Hell, you've called it a stinky mucus bag, (and disagreed with yourself), 100 times while refusing to consider it a work of art - which is surprising for someone that thinks the universes greatest intellects made it - which in itself shows your serious dislike for it.

but generally people tolerate such things by taking shelter of intoxication (or sleep) or otherwise, as you have mentioned, sex

What you "tolerate" I actually enjoy. This in itself is another indication. Btw, you can cease with your BG quotes, I'm not even reading them.

at the very least, infatuation with one's genitals or the genitals of others is certainly not unique

I never claimed otherwise.

obviously the murder is the vehicle of sin, since he is under the influence of lust transformed into wrath.

So.. wrath is the sin?

if you want to verify something in connection to the soul (past life etc) then it requires that you apply spiritual processes

See Skinwalkers statement in another thread, and linked in another.

(namely get free from lust) - hence its not very practical for a lusty person to demand such a thing

You would have to support your claim that I am "lusty". I'm not.

I understand the implications of lust, wrath, envy etc and can see the futility in cultivating activities that develop these vices

Does not answer the question, (there's nothing new). Let's try again:

"..justify how that fool, the dangerous fool that is oblivious to them being a fool, is not you. (No, this is not an insult, it's a valid question). If they're "oblivious", how would you determine that it isn't you?"

You would 'think' you're not a fool because you have feelings towards certain things but would still be oblivious if you are still actually a fool and thus couldn't ever say you're not a fool.

depends by what one understands by the word "god"

I see, so the world are all living "under the notion that god doesn't exist" if an on the basis that it doesn't agree with your version?

you miss the point - it never left god's possession in the first place

So that's a no..?

the propensity to live in a palace should be dovetailed by building a palace for god

Why exactly? Better for his creation, the creation he loves so much to live uncomfortably while he owns a "palace" he doesn't need?

the tendency to eat nice foodstuffs should be dovetailed by offering one's foodstuffs to god

Why exactly? Better for his creation, the creation he loves so much to go hungry while he owns food that he doesn't need to eat? (And no, don't say "oh I'm sure you have enough food" - it's irrelevant. That one piece of chicken, that one leg of lamb can help save a childs life - a child forced to live in a place where there's no water and where nothing lives all because this same being created that place to be that way.

The amount of sacrificed animals, "palaces" and "money" could have saved the whole of Africa tenfold. Why, how many lives, human lives would the vatican save? But noooooo, instead give it to a being that has absolutely no bloody use for it. Now sure, humans often buy things when they have no "need", but that can not rival the lack of "need" on the part of an omnipotent, omniscient being.

How many lives have been lost because of money given to a sky being that doesn't need it? Why, at least 10 African children have died in the time it took me to write this part of my post. Forget them right? They're just stinky mucus bags after all.

one can be free from sin, yes

While you would have to support any claim that it is even attainable, I was specifically looking for a name.

therefore most strains of christianity, while certainly capable of enabling a person to make spiritual advancement, are not perfectional since they have incomplete knowledge

You'll undoubtedly find much debate from a christian on the subject. It is not really my position to say your belief is more pertinent, but if you are going to claim that it is, which is what you're essentially doing, then you would need to support the claim.

old in the sense that it has a historical continuum - if the continuum is broken you merely have something from history

So then nothing is of any real worth. Let's say that over the course of the next 100 years hinduism and it's texts vanish into obscurity. If you were still alive then you'd be denouncing the very thing you currently subscribe to. You'd have to live for eternity just to be able to make good on your claim that the texts are of any value. As you can't do that, your claim falls apart.

1) You stated that mankind are stinky mucus bags whether they think they are or not ”

as far as conditional life is concerned, yes

“ 2) You then contradict this completely by saying "no, of course you're not a mucus bag, you only think you are" ”

ultimately the conditioned soul is eternal, and has nothing to do with the conditions of material existence, although such a notion is unfathomable in the grips of illusion and ignorance

So when I referred to "I", which clearly is my thoughts, 'me', the eternal part of me that keeps reincarnating - why did you claim it was a "mucus bag" and then adamantly kept telling me it was whether I stated otherwise or not? Can you not tell the difference between "I" and the physical body? You started this whole "mucus bag" thing because you clearly had a problem working out the difference. Bizarre.

actually I asked you who you were, and you gave an answer that reflects the notion of the mucus bag (the thing at the keyboard)

Not entirely accurate. You asked who "I" was to which I stated "the person responding to you". You didn't ask further questions you then just lumped the "me" as being a stinky mucus bag and done with it based upon an obviously lack of observation, (namely that I said: "I dont want an eternal existence whether it's material or immaterial as long as I am me". This statement alone should show anyone that's paying attention that "I" is not a statement concerning the physical 'me'.

at least I have a claim of a process to accompany the direct perception of such things

"The bible says it's true so it's true". That's all you're saying and yet somehow consider it of value. Further to which the "claimed" process, that you haven't even shown as being attainable, is just another claim. At the end of the day you're all claims, while trying to convince the rational and sane that those claims are valid because there is a claim to back up the claim which is supported by another claim all of which rests on the claim that it's valid because it's old and thus because people have been making claims for millennia, the claims are true. What utter f****** idiocy.

you already have MR Mucus Bag

All mouth, no ears. You assign something to me and then "have a claim" that I said it lol. You and your claims, none of which to date you have even tried to support. When I ask a question you change the subject, and I just keep on asking.

(But the good news is that ultimately you are not a mucus bag - to realize that all it requires is that you stop behaving like a lusty old goat and take up religious principles rather than worshiping vaginas)

Another claim, wholly unsupportable and utlimately fallacious as you'd know if you had a speck of honesty in you. I worship nothing, I've already told you that.

on the contrary, you define yourself completely in relation to the mucus bag - from your genital ogling to your career credentials - why don't you try and define yourself with some unique quality that you could exclusively call "yours" that is not related to the gross or subtle body

On the contrary. Once again: YOU define me in that way. At least finally, although clearly with lack of interest in any answer, you're actually attempting inquiry.. Of course I'm a bit worried if I do answer you'll state I have no historical continuum and then label me a mucus bag anyway lol. Now, "I" am the sum of my thoughts and feelings. That is the "I" I refer to. From your perspective they would be a part of my 'eternal soul'. I wont have the same thoughts and feelings when I'm a dog, but apparently my "eternal soul" will remember them.

I never used the word immaterial

Can't say I really care what you do or don't do. Now, answer the question:

"What activity is there for the senses in an immaterial/"unmanifest" existence?"

if you were the one that manipulated my creation to make it do that, certainly not

So you're claiming the robot manipulated it's own programming? How did it do such a thing?

therefore solo attempts at getting free from illusion are not recommended

Hard to tell with your vague pointless lines.. Was that an agreement to what I said?

like many processes of knowledge, the first issue is to find someone who knows

You would 'claim' to know. How do you support your claim?

true - hence the successful performance of religiousity culminates in reforming one's nature

But you seemingly agreed, (who can tell with your vague pointless statements), that one cannot change their nature.

but in th meantime one could refrain from acts of lust and control the senses and thus appreciate what the human form of life can offer

So "lust" is not something that the human form of life can offer? Why then refrain from it when you've just talked about appreciating what life can offer?

the difference is that religion offers very real indications how one can change one's nature

So does Lenny. What now?

religion however offers that one can change one's nature by giving up the cultivation of lust, wrath etc

Which... someone would only do so if it was in their nature to do.

beginning with the proposal from the platform of theoretical knowledge that lust, wrath, envy, etc are the cause of unnecessary trouble

Many people are probably aware that such things can cause trouble. It's a far cry from that to claiming elephant headed gods exist, or leprechauns, or mermaids or the boogeyman.

the theist however can pray to god (or even jesus) for the intelligence to refrain from sin (lust, wrath, envy, etc)

A) As discussed, he would only do so if it was in his nature to believe in such things.

B) You're ultimately agreeing as your statement above shows external influence - which is not "you" changing your nature, but something else hidden in the clouds.

like for instance a person who frequently masturbates develops a certain 'world view' of vaginas

You would be wrong on many levels - namely that the view would come before the action, (ergo it is quite natural to like vaginas which can lead to masturbation). Having a certain world view of vaginas and masturbating are genetic.

depending on the reason why you actually came here in the first place

Because the gods made me a certain way.

celibacy is also defined by scriptural commentators as only having sex with one's lawfully married partner

So you're into this no sex before marriage thing?

then please explain why - after all, if I didn't know what gold was, what would be the point in asking

You'll find out when you answer. As a current explanation of course I could point out your statement that you "have a claim to direct perception", which is untrue, because you refuse to make that claim. As such you were clearly lying. I have asked you a simple yes or no question that you can't answer. Your claim of claiming to have direct perception is therefore a bogus claim.
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actually the implication was that cavities impede the classification of teeth as perfect

"So.. perfection = lack of cavities?"

"That's what my dentists says"



You're telling porkies LG. Nowhere in that is there an implication that you state there was. That claim made by you and confirmed by you is that teeth that lack cavities are perfect. Kindly stop with the lies.
The italics was sarcasm - the idea is that cavities are commonly held as affecting the perfect teeth, and what contributes in probably 80% of all cases for them being pulled out, and why people most commonly visit dentists.
A child may have perfect teeth, but they are encouraged to clean them, otherwise their 'perfection' will be short lived

material world = god's property
possessing material opulence with the heartfelt notion "This is MINE" = (the attempt to) rain on god's parade

Once again: "show something to support your claim that anyone inhabiting a body, (i.e all 6 billion of us + the animals), 'envy' your gods."
they display heartfelt ownership over things that are not theirs, beginning with the mucus bag actually

certainly - if you had the choice of inhabiting a body that is ephemeral, ignorant an d subject to macro, micro and mesocosmic miseries or accepting a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress, which would you prefer ?

Well, I don't want to be eternal so I would pass on that particular aspect.
As for the rest.. During one of my bible rewrite stages I started off with what would have originally been nothingness. That is where god has existed forever. It went on to state that.. ([pp] 'cause I can't be bothered opening the document) "This being is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. As such it is the only being in the universe that has absolutely nothing to see, do or know."

This is one of the reasons I would have to disagree with your claim that all of us humans "envy god". If there was one, or 100 and they satisified the omni definition then I wouldn't ever want to be it.
actually you are displaying envy of god by interpreting scripture in a way to say that god doesn't have a sense of self - and in the same breath saying "but I sure do"
just because god doesn't have to do battle with the onslaught of ignorance and degradation at the hands of material energy (aka seeing, doing and knowing) it doesn't mean he exists like a wall flower

I never said I didn't want to inhabit a body

I call your bluff.. hell, you even said it in this very post:

I said: "So you consider the human body as a prison and do not want to inhabit it?"

You said: "certainly.." and then went on to explain that a body gets disease and old and whatnot. Hell, you've called it a stinky mucus bag, (and disagreed with yourself), 100 times while refusing to consider it a work of art - which is surprising for someone that thinks the universes greatest intellects made it - which in itself shows your serious dislike for it.
I didn't say I didn't want to inhabit a body, but I did make it quite clear that the material world isn't the best atmosphere to exhibit such a desire

but generally people tolerate such things by taking shelter of intoxication (or sleep) or otherwise, as you have mentioned, sex

What you "tolerate" I actually enjoy.
sickness, old age and disease?

obviously the murder is the vehicle of sin, since he is under the influence of lust transformed into wrath.

So.. wrath is the sin?
actually the complete picture is this

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.
From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.

(namely get free from lust) - hence its not very practical for a lusty person to demand such a thing

You would have to support your claim that I am "lusty". I'm not.
given your previous statements about the godlike nature of women's genitals, it seems you are also delusional too

I understand the implications of lust, wrath, envy etc and can see the futility in cultivating activities that develop these vices

Does not answer the question, (there's nothing new). Let's try again:

"..justify how that fool, the dangerous fool that is oblivious to them being a fool, is not you. (No, this is not an insult, it's a valid question). If they're "oblivious", how would you determine that it isn't you?"

You would 'think' you're not a fool because you have feelings towards certain things but would still be oblivious if you are still actually a fool and thus couldn't ever say you're not a fool.
in short, between fools, there are those that are eager to enter more regularly into the arena of foolishness and those that have some reluctance to do so, but once having entered the arena of foolishness, one is a fool regardless

depends by what one understands by the word "god"

I see, so the world are all living "under the notion that god doesn't exist" if an on the basis that it doesn't agree with your version?
more specifically if they don't agree with the description offered in scripture and the philosophical ramifications of such descriptions

you miss the point - it never left god's possession in the first place

So that's a no..?
no - its not
first establish how if you are born with nothing and you die with nothing, and in the interim period you remain completely within god's domain, how one ever came to possess something that wasn't gods?

the propensity to live in a palace should be dovetailed by building a palace for god

Why exactly? Better for his creation, the creation he loves so much to live uncomfortably while he owns a "palace" he doesn't need?
no you miss the point - if one doesn't use the opulences given to one by god for god's service, one has the tendency to act sinfully (lust, wrath, envy etc) - one can still live comfortably

the tendency to eat nice foodstuffs should be dovetailed by offering one's foodstuffs to god

Why exactly? Better for his creation, the creation he loves so much to go hungry while he owns food that he doesn't need to eat? (And no, don't say "oh I'm sure you have enough food" - it's irrelevant. That one piece of chicken, that one leg of lamb can help save a childs life - a child forced to live in a place where there's no water and where nothing lives all because this same being created that place to be that way.
god is not a greedy fellow - you can offer whatever you are about to eat - the point is that even eating can be used as an opportunity to remember god - it can also be used as an opportunity to forget god too

The amount of sacrificed animals, "palaces" and "money" could have saved the whole of Africa tenfold. Why, how many lives, human lives would the vatican save? But noooooo, instead give it to a being that has absolutely no bloody use for it. Now sure, humans often buy things when they have no "need", but that can not rival the lack of "need" on the part of an omnipotent, omniscient being.
the real lack in this world is god consciousness - at the very least it is obvious to persons working in the field of social work that solving issues of poverty is not as simple as dumping a load of money on the shores of foreign countries since many of the problems exist due to the economic policies of the persons being charitable
How many lives have been lost because of money given to a sky being that doesn't need it?
are you talking about NASA's budget?

Why, at least 10 African children have died in the time it took me to write this part of my post. Forget them right? They're just stinky mucus bags after all.
actually they tend to suffer because of the economic policies by persons both in their country and in the super powers abroad who are dedicated to maing their mucus bag existence as grand as possible

therefore most strains of christianity, while certainly capable of enabling a person to make spiritual advancement, are not perfectional since they have incomplete knowledge

You'll undoubtedly find much debate from a christian on the subject. It is not really my position to say your belief is more pertinent, but if you are going to claim that it is, which is what you're essentially doing, then you would need to support the claim.
quite simply, if a religion cannot bring one to the point of being free from sin it is not as effective as a religion that can - not to say that christianity is good or bad, but if its the conclusion of a practicing christian that it is impossible to refrain from sin, even in the perfectional stage of their practice, then their knowledge is imperfect because their behavior is imperfect

old in the sense that it has a historical continuum - if the continuum is broken you merely have something from history

So then nothing is of any real worth. Let's say that over the course of the next 100 years hinduism and it's texts vanish into obscurity. If you were still alive then you'd be denouncing the very thing you currently subscribe to. You'd have to live for eternity just to be able to make good on your claim that the texts are of any value. As you can't do that, your claim falls apart.
ok - but in the meantime there is a historical continuum

1) You stated that mankind are stinky mucus bags whether they think they are or not ”

as far as conditional life is concerned, yes

“ 2) You then contradict this completely by saying "no, of course you're not a mucus bag, you only think you are" ”

ultimately the conditioned soul is eternal, and has nothing to do with the conditions of material existence, although such a notion is unfathomable in the grips of illusion and ignorance

So when I referred to "I", which clearly is my thoughts, 'me', the eternal part of me that keeps reincarnating - why did you claim it was a "mucus bag" and then adamantly kept telling me it was whether I stated otherwise or not?
because you started out by deriding the notion of eternal existence, which means you must be identifying with the next thing down the scale

Can you not tell the difference between "I" and the physical body?

actually I asked you who you were, and you gave an answer that reflects the notion of the mucus bag (the thing at the keyboard)

Not entirely accurate. You asked who "I" was to which I stated "the person responding to you". You didn't ask further questions you then just lumped the "me" as being a stinky mucus bag and done with it based upon an obviously lack of observation, (namely that I said: "I dont want an eternal existence whether it's material or immaterial as long as I am me". This statement alone should show anyone that's paying attention that "I" is not a statement concerning the physical 'me'.
given that your whole notion of "me" expires when they place you in the crematorium or scrape you off the bitumen into the body bag, your point is ....?

at least I have a claim of a process to accompany the direct perception of such things

"The bible says it's true so it's true".
more correctly, scripture says that if you worship god giving up the vices of sinful life, such worship will result in the direct perception of god - and further more this notion is corroborated by a whole host of saintly persons who have applied this principle
That's all you're saying and yet somehow consider it of value. Further to which the "claimed" process, that you haven't even shown as being attainable, is just another claim.
how can you illustrate something that is attainable to a person who is violating what attainment requires?
At the end of the day you're all claims, while trying to convince the rational and sane that those claims are valid because there is a claim to back up the claim which is supported by another claim all of which rests on the claim that it's valid because it's old and thus because people have been making claims for millennia, the claims are true. What utter f****** idiocy.
now you even have the vocabulary of a high school drop out

(But the good news is that ultimately you are not a mucus bag - to realize that all it requires is that you stop behaving like a lusty old goat and take up religious principles rather than worshiping vaginas)

Another claim, wholly unsupportable and utlimately fallacious as you'd know if you had a speck of honesty in you. I worship nothing, I've already told you that.
so far you have said you worship vaginas, you worship your daughter (BTW which tend to be a natural result of worshipping vaginas) and also that you worship nothing - do you want to go for a fourth answer?

on the contrary, you define yourself completely in relation to the mucus bag - from your genital ogling to your career credentials - why don't you try and define yourself with some unique quality that you could exclusively call "yours" that is not related to the gross or subtle body

On the contrary. Once again: YOU define me in that way. At least finally, although clearly with lack of interest in any answer, you're actually attempting inquiry.. Of course I'm a bit worried if I do answer you'll state I have no historical continuum and then label me a mucus bag anyway lol. Now, "I" am the sum of my thoughts and feelings. That is the "I" I refer to. From your perspective they would be a part of my 'eternal soul'. I wont have the same thoughts and feelings when I'm a dog, but apparently my "eternal soul" will remember them.
quit waffling and answer the challenge, since it doesn't require a historical continuum outside of your own awareness

I never used the word immaterial

Can't say I really care what you do or don't do. Now, answer the question:

"What activity is there for the senses in an immaterial/"unmanifest" existence?"
as long as the manifest remains unmanifest, there is none -
PS - ever wondered why they say 'revealed' scripture?

if you were the one that manipulated my creation to make it do that, certainly not

So you're claiming the robot manipulated it's own programming? How did it do such a thing?
I am saying that if I created a certain thing and you manipulated it to give a different result, the responsibility lies with you - similarly if we take this material world and use it in a way not recommended by god, we become responsible for that

therefore solo attempts at getting free from illusion are not recommended

Hard to tell with your vague pointless lines.. Was that an agreement to what I said?
obviously a person in the grips of illusion doesn't get out of illusion by their own strength - your rant seemed to illustrate the futility of such an endeavour so I trust I don't have to elaborate on it.

like many processes of knowledge, the first issue is to find someone who knows

You would 'claim' to know. How do you support your claim?
well to slip in with an analogy, how do you propose that a highschool student (ie person bereft of relevant qualifications in the field) knows whether a physics teacher (ie person with relevant qualifications in the field) is bonafide?

true - hence the successful performance of religiousity culminates in reforming one's nature

But you seemingly agreed, (who can tell with your vague pointless statements), that one cannot change their nature.
one cannot change one's own nature by the power of one's nature (obviously)- one can however change one's nature by receiving the mercy of god and saintly persons, since they are situated superiorly to one's mundane nature

but in th meantime one could refrain from acts of lust and control the senses and thus appreciate what the human form of life can offer

So "lust" is not something that the human form of life can offer?
Why then refrain from it when you've just talked about appreciating what life can offer?
by cultivating lust one misses out on what the human form of life has to offer - much like by cultivating a life of criminality one runs the risk on missing out on what life outside of jail has to offer - just because you have the ability to perform crimes and go to jail, doesn't mean you should necessarily be a criminal, even if you are one of those strange artist types who feel its not proper to eulogize pain unless one has been gored by a bull

the difference is that religion offers very real indications how one can change one's nature

So does Lenny. What now?
If I wasn't wary of you simply parroting my conclusions I could ask you to elaborate on what and how those changes of nature actually are.

religion however offers that one can change one's nature by giving up the cultivation of lust, wrath etc

Which... someone would only do so if it was in their nature to do.
it boils down to the nature of what we are choosing to associate with, and the decision to associate with god and things that relate to him yields results uncommon to any other object of association you could name.

beginning with the proposal from the platform of theoretical knowledge that lust, wrath, envy, etc are the cause of unnecessary trouble

Many people are probably aware that such things can cause trouble. It's a far cry from that to claiming elephant headed gods exist, or leprechauns, or mermaids or the boogeyman.
overcoming lust inc. however is the prerequisite for validating anything spiritual

the theist however can pray to god (or even jesus) for the intelligence to refrain from sin (lust, wrath, envy, etc)

A) As discussed, he would only do so if it was in his nature to believe in such things.
if he makes the decision to pray to god with sincerity, he can change his nature

B) You're ultimately agreeing as your statement above shows external influence - which is not "you" changing your nature, but something else hidden in the clouds.
if he makes the decision to pray to god with sincerity, he can change his nature

like for instance a person who frequently masturbates develops a certain 'world view' of vaginas

You would be wrong on many levels - namely that the view would come before the action, (ergo it is quite natural to like vaginas which can lead to masturbation). Having a certain world view of vaginas and masturbating are genetic.
after 20 years of such activity, they have certainly developed a world view that wasn't prevalent 19 years and 363 days ago
depending on the reason why you actually came here in the first place

Because the gods made me a certain way.
the next question is whether god was duty bound to dress you up in illusion due to your previous desires

celibacy is also defined by scriptural commentators as only having sex with one's lawfully married partner

So you're into this no sex before marriage thing?
you can get married after you have sex, but the marriage is merely a formality

then please explain why - after all, if I didn't know what gold was, what would be the point in asking

You'll find out when you answer. As a current explanation of course I could point out your statement that you "have a claim to direct perception", which is untrue, because you refuse to make that claim. As such you were clearly lying. I have asked you a simple yes or no question that you can't answer. Your claim of claiming to have direct perception is therefore a bogus claim.
the reason why its pointless to give an answer is the same reason it is a waste of time to discuss the points of realization/value when the learning curve hasn't even entered into practice because it got derailed at theory
The italics was sarcasm

Nice excuse.

they display heartfelt ownership over things that are not theirs

This would clearly not apply to the worlds atheists, agnostics and those under the impression that the gods 'gave' these things to man. What you're saying therefore is that any theist that displays heartfelt ownership envies god.

actually you are displaying envy of god by interpreting scripture in a way to say that god doesn't have a sense of self

Your statement is nonsensical. I am an atheist, by dint of that fact I do not envy that which does not exist. As for my statement, it was humour that shows a being that knows everything has nothing to know, a being that is everywhere has nowhere to go etc etc. What exactly in that statement do you disagree with and why?

I didn't say I didn't want to inhabit a body, but I did make it quite clear that the material world isn't the best atmosphere to exhibit such a desire

Yes you did, I already pointed out where.

sickness, old age and disease?

You're a quick one to change tact. You mentioned sex and intoxication.. no? In saying you should be quite aware of what I was talking about.

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

You missed out the words "might" or "can" or "possibly".

given your previous statements about the godlike nature of women's genitals, it seems you are also delusional too

The delusion is all yours. Enjoying/liking something is a far step from lust. Figure that out then get back to me.

between fools, there are those that are eager to enter more regularly into the arena of foolishness and those that have some reluctance to do so, but once having entered the arena of foolishness, one is a fool regardless

For the fifth time, not an answer to the question: How do you know you're not a fool when you'd be oblivious to if you are a fool?

more specifically if they don't agree with the description offered in scripture and the philosophical ramifications of such descriptions

So we've gone from buildings and McDonalds to scripture. So, given that the mass majority of people on the planet are theists and do agree with scripture how can you state that we're "under the notion that god doesn't exist"?

first establish how if you are born with nothing and you die with nothing, and in the interim period you remain completely within god's domain, how one ever came to possess something that wasn't gods?

Why then are you giving things to god when they're already his and thus you wouldn't need to give them to him?

if one doesn't use the opulences given to one by god for god's service, one has the tendency to act sinfully (lust, wrath, envy etc) - one can still live comfortably

Clearly you're missing the point. There are many people that are not living comfortably and could be if that money and property was not given to a being that has absolutely no use for it.

god is not a greedy fellow

And yet people are starving to death because your god wants stuff that he doesn't need.

"That one piece of chicken, that one leg of lamb can help save a childs life - a child forced to live in a place where there's no water and where nothing lives all because this same being created that place to be that way."

the real lack in this world is god consciousness

Quite irrelevant to the point.

are you talking about NASA's budget?

No, I'm talking about wasting that which could be given to the poor on a being that is omnipotent and has no use for food/houses etc. NASA are actually important to mankinds future.

actually they tend to suffer because of the economic policies by persons

This shows your true nature. You blame man for not giving god enough and then when I ask why not give it to humans because god doesn't need it, you blame humans. Why does god need it?

if a religion cannot bring one to the point of being free from sin it is not as effective as a religion that can

While some might claim they are free from sin, who is?

ok - but in the meantime there is a historical continuum

Right, and how far back must that historical continuum go?

given that your whole notion of "me" expires when they place you in the crematorium or scrape you off the bitumen into the body bag, your point is ....?

The relevance? Wait, here's where you state that thoughts are material?

more correctly, scripture says that if you worship god giving up the vices of sinful life, such worship will result in the direct perception of god - and further more this notion is corroborated by a whole host of saintly persons who have applied this principle

Have you attained direct perception of these gods? Uh uh.. before you just shoot off an irrelevant statement that doesn't even attempt to answer the question I want you to stop and think. Give it some serious thought before replying..

Now, If you haven't attained direct perception of these gods you've got absolutely nothing of worth to say. You might as well be given me the 'truth' as Lord of the Rings sees it because you cannot justify any of the claims made. The only way anything you say can be of any value is if you have direct perception of these gods. Do you? I've tried over what, 10 posts? to get you to answer but you refuse. The reason you refuse is because the answer is clearly no.

now you even have the vocabulary of a high school drop out

If you say so. Once done with that nonsense, did you agree or disagree with what was said?

so far you have said you worship vaginas

Yet another lie.

you worship your daughter

I said if anything I would worship my children, but I'm not the kinda guy to 'worship' things. You really need to pay attention.

do you want to go for a fourth answer?

Do you want to imagine one up for me?

quit waffling and answer the challenge, since it doesn't require a historical continuum outside of your own awareness

Well, the day you answer so much as one of my questions I'll consider it.

I am saying that if I created a certain thing and you manipulated it to give a different result, the responsibility lies with you

Yeah, so you created robots and then those robots reprogrammed themselves.

If I wasn't wary of you simply parroting my conclusions I could ask you to elaborate on what and how those changes of nature actually are.

One can start knocking on wood. There's many others.

overcoming lust inc. however is the prerequisite for validating anything spiritual

So you claim to have completely overcome lust?

after 20 years of such activity, they have certainly developed a world view that wasn't prevalent 19 years and 363 days ago

Yeah and their fingers have grown, feet have grown, their hair has changed etc etc what was your point? The world view comes before the action.

the next question is whether god was duty bound to dress you up in illusion due to your previous desires

Duty bound heh?

the reason why its pointless to give an answer is the same reason it is a waste of time to discuss the points of realization/value when the learning curve hasn't even entered into practice because it got derailed at theory

Once you're done with the waffling :bugeye: ... The above isn't of any relevance to the question and nor does it prohibit an answer. Do you have direct perception of gods? (The answer is blatantly obvious given all your diversionary tactics).

they display heartfelt ownership over things that are not theirs

This would clearly not apply to the worlds atheists, agnostics and those under the impression that the gods 'gave' these things to man. What you're saying therefore is that any theist that displays heartfelt ownership envies god.
still it remains that they display a heartfelt sense of possession over things that are not theirs (born with nothing and dies with nothing), even if their conceptions on who actually owns them are somewhat clouded

actually you are displaying envy of god by interpreting scripture in a way to say that god doesn't have a sense of self

Your statement is nonsensical. I am an atheist, by dint of that fact I do not envy that which does not exist.
as already indicated, disempowering a personality of their very nature of self by interpreting the very means that clearly establishes their sense of self is envy - maintaining the stance of god's nonexistence is distinct from rationalizing scripture to establish the nature of god's existence

I didn't say I didn't want to inhabit a body, but I did make it quite clear that the material world isn't the best atmosphere to exhibit such a desire

Yes you did, I already pointed out where.
you mean a quote given in the context of material bodies?

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

You missed out the words "might" or "can" or "possibly".
you (or anyone else you can name in the history of conditioned souls) have never experienced attachment, lust or anger?

given your previous statements about the godlike nature of women's genitals, it seems you are also delusional too

The delusion is all yours. Enjoying/liking something is a far step from lust. Figure that out then get back to me.
I think most persons would agree that establishing practically any particular set of women's genitals on the platform of worship and constant meditation is a sign of lust - if you can't figure that out, get back to your shrink

between fools, there are those that are eager to enter more regularly into the arena of foolishness and those that have some reluctance to do so, but once having entered the arena of foolishness, one is a fool regardless

For the fifth time, not an answer to the question: How do you know you're not a fool when you'd be oblivious to if you are a fool?
as indicated with the 'arena of foolishness' thing

more specifically if they don't agree with the description offered in scripture and the philosophical ramifications of such descriptions

So we've gone from buildings and McDonalds to scripture. So, given that the mass majority of people on the planet are theists and do agree with scripture how can you state that we're "under the notion that god doesn't exist"?
if you feel more inclined to fulfill the needs of the body rather than the needs of the soul, it indicates where one stands in regard to god, regardless of what one may clamour about in the name of religion

first establish how if you are born with nothing and you die with nothing, and in the interim period you remain completely within god's domain, how one ever came to possess something that wasn't gods?

Why then are you giving things to god when they're already his and thus you wouldn't need to give them to him?
giving acknowledges the fact, and when done in the right mood becomes an act of love - parents act in the same way when they give their young children $10 to buy a gift for the parents birthday

if one doesn't use the opulences given to one by god for god's service, one has the tendency to act sinfully (lust, wrath, envy etc) - one can still live comfortably

Clearly you're missing the point. There are many people that are not living comfortably and could be if that money and property was not given to a being that has absolutely no use for it.
many people are living in uncomfortable positions due to others using their acquired opulences in irreligious ways

god is not a greedy fellow

And yet people are starving to death because your god wants stuff that he doesn't need.
commonly people starve due to the greediness of their fellow humans

the real lack in this world is god consciousness

Quite irrelevant to the point.
actually its essential, since irreligious life results in sin and the withdrawal of material necessities is one such reaction of sin

are you talking about NASA's budget?

No, I'm talking about wasting that which could be given to the poor on a being that is omnipotent and has no use for food/houses etc. NASA are actually important to mankinds future.
NASA helps feed the hungry in Africa?

actually they tend to suffer because of the economic policies by persons

This shows your true nature. You blame man for not giving god enough and then when I ask why not give it to humans because god doesn't need it, you blame humans. Why does god need it?
You miss the point
God doesn't need us to worship him
Humans however need to worship god to refrain from sin (and performance of sin leads to a whole variety of social inebriates)

if a religion cannot bring one to the point of being free from sin it is not as effective as a religion that can

While some might claim they are free from sin, who is?
a person who has control over their senses and worships god

SB 6.2.35: I am such a sinful person, but since I have now gotten this opportunity, I must completely control my mind, life and senses and always engage in devotional service so that I may not fall again into the deep darkness and ignorance of material life.

ok - but in the meantime there is a historical continuum

Right, and how far back must that historical continuum go?
the longer the better

more correctly, scripture says that if you worship god giving up the vices of sinful life, such worship will result in the direct perception of god - and further more this notion is corroborated by a whole host of saintly persons who have applied this principle

Have you attained direct perception of these gods? Uh uh.. before you just shoot off an irrelevant statement that doesn't even attempt to answer the question I want you to stop and think. Give it some serious thought before replying..
out of curiosity, how would you know if I was lying or not?
Now, If you haven't attained direct perception of these gods you've got absolutely nothing of worth to say. You might as well be given me the 'truth' as Lord of the Rings sees it because you cannot justify any of the claims made. The only way anything you say can be of any value is if you have direct perception of these gods. Do you? I've tried over what, 10 posts? to get you to answer but you refuse. The reason you refuse is because the answer is clearly no.
better than asserting one's direct perception of god is asserting the process through scripture- after all, even if I say no I could be lying, and if I say yes, it doesn't benefit the discussion in the slightest

so far you have said you worship vaginas

Yet another lie.
"godlike vagina" doesn't have connotations of worship?

you worship your daughter

I said if anything I would worship my children, but I'm not the kinda guy to 'worship' things. You really need to pay attention.
then you should be a bit more selective with your vocabulary

do you want to go for a fourth answer?

Do you want to imagine one up for me?
I am sure if we drag this on long enough you will let slip with another

I am saying that if I created a certain thing and you manipulated it to give a different result, the responsibility lies with you

Yeah, so you created robots and then those robots reprogrammed themselves.
No - reread the statement

overcoming lust inc. however is the prerequisite for validating anything spiritual

So you claim to have completely overcome lust?
again, how would you know if I am lying or not?

after 20 years of such activity, they have certainly developed a world view that wasn't prevalent 19 years and 363 days ago

Yeah and their fingers have grown, feet have grown, their hair has changed etc etc what was your point? The world view comes before the action.
as a person apparently working in the field of mental health, if you cannot understand how exposure to habit and environment affects a person you had better cash in your diploma

the next question is whether god was duty bound to dress you up in illusion due to your previous desires

Duty bound heh?
what you ask for is what you get
still it remains that they display a heartfelt sense of possession over things that are not theirs (born with nothing and dies with nothing), even if their conceptions on who actually owns them are somewhat clouded

Once again: by virtue of having no belief in gods, an atheist does not envy gods. Who owns what is irrelevant to that.

you (or anyone else you can name in the history of conditioned souls) have never experienced attachment, lust or anger?

There must be many. You indeed stated that removing lust was the way to get direct perception of gods. If nobody has got rid of lust then nobody has had direct perception of gods and thus any claim stating they have is a lie.

However, your question was, once more, kind of irrelevant to what was being said - namely that lust might lead to anger/stalking/murder etc etc, not that it does. In saying, lust in itself is not a problem, the possible outcome is. It's really quite simple to grasp LG, and I sit here amazed that you find it more pertinent to sidestep the actual issue.

I think most persons would agree that establishing practically any particular set of women's genitals on the platform of worship and constant meditation is a sign of lust

Right, but the day you decide to be honest and awake you'll notice that I have already stated that I do not "worship" anything, nor is there any indication of "constant meditation".

Further more, what you're saying now is that all practicing theists suffer from lust, (they engage in rigid worship and meditation). Now I'll watch you once again do an about turn and argue against your own claims.

as indicated with the 'arena of foolishness' thing

Which.. was not an answer. Try again, don't try again, or continue with irrelevancy. Whatever.

if you feel more inclined to fulfill the needs of the body rather than the needs of the soul, it indicates where one stands in regard to god, regardless of what one may clamour about in the name of religion

Right. So we've now gone from buildings to scripture to needs of the body. None of the following indicate that we are living "under the notion that god doesn't exist". The simple fact that the mass majority of people believe a god does exist destroys your claim instantly. Just accept your error and move on.

giving acknowledges the fact, and when done in the right mood becomes an act of love

1) But there's nothing to give, it's already his. To use your analogy, that's like giving your child $10 when it was his anyway.

2) Seems your gods are as caught up with the material as much as humans are. If you want to 'give' your gods something why would you espouse that you give them money, houses, and food? It's all material crap. Wouldn't it seem more pertinent to state that your gods would want immaterial things, or the feelings in your 'soul'? Kindly justify why a god would want money/houses and food, (the material), when he not only owns it already but would surely be much more interested in the immaterial?

many people are living in uncomfortable positions due to others using their acquired opulences in irreligious ways

Certainly, along with people living in uncomfortable positions due to others and gods using these things in religious ways.

commonly people starve due to the greediness of their fellow humans

You stated that food etc should be given to your gods, (as it often is.. somehow.. maybe he sends an angel to come down and pick it up). That food/money etc could be used to help and save the starving but your god demands it instead and you religious fools help people to starve by giving it to that being. Some people certainly starve due to human greed, but that is not what we're talking about here - kindly stop trying to descend into irrelevancy.

NASA helps feed the hungry in Africa?

No, it's not relevant to the discussion. Once again: "I'm talking about wasting that which could be given to the poor on a being that is omnipotent and has no use for food/houses etc"

You either don't know how to debate or can only debate dishonestly.

You miss the point
God doesn't need us to worship him

No, you miss the point. Point shown on last quote.

a person who has control over their senses and worships god

We've discussed this now for a while.

1) You claim that people can get free from sin. I have argued from the christian standpoint that nobody is free from sin and that it is indeed unattainable, (except for jesus who of course had the benefit of being god/the offspring of god).

2) You stated that 'lust' is a sin. I asked you many times if you were sure of this - asking "isn't the murder the sin instead of the knife".

3) On your latest post you go on to imply that nobody on this earth is lust free.

4) Given that lust is a sin and nobody is free from lust... Nobody is sinless and thus all your statements invariably go down the shitter.

the longer the better


out of curiosity, how would you know if I was lying or not?

People give away a lot more than they think with the words they use and the style they write with. Your continual avoidance actually says a lot more about you than you would probably like it to. Such is the way of the world LG. However, if it makes you feel happier I'll just say I wouldn't know if you're lying or not.. So, now answer the question.

better than asserting one's direct perception of god is asserting the process through scripture- after all, even if I say no I could be lying, and if I say yes, it doesn't benefit the discussion in the slightest

But it does. You see, once answered the cracks in the story are easy enough to find.

1) You claim that to gain direct perception one must be free from sin/lust etc.

2) Any statement made by you that shows you have sin or lust would show you're either a liar and don't have direct perception or that your claims were incorrect. From there we would move on to other avenues of exploration using claims made in your scripture and so on.

3) If it is established that you don't actually have direct perception of gods, then anything and everything you say here is valueless. Every statement you've ever made concerning the gods is pointless and without any worth whatsoever. It would at best be 'your imagination' and nothing else - and you could not argue that because you don't have direct perception.

4) As stated, there will be indications as to the honesty or dishonesty of your statements within your posts. It's not that hard to work out whether someone is lying or telling the truth.

5) Answer the question, it's just a yes or no.

"godlike vagina" doesn't have connotations of worship?

Possibly. Of course I notice you've put it in speech marks so I am under the impression that you're now claiming it's a statement I made. I would urge you to point it out or apologise for your error.

You'll find I did make a comparison between your gods and my imaginary gods concerning the human body. Yours apparently view it as a "stinky mucus bag", I said mine view it as a 'work of art'. Nothing in that statement implies that I 'worship vaginas'.

Figure it out.

then you should be a bit more selective with your vocabulary

Perhaps, or perhaps (and more likely) you should pay better attention or learn to read.

No - reread the statement

I did. You stated that if you create something, (god in the analogy), and I mess around with it, (the robot) then it's my fault. So basically what you're saying is that you made me, (the robot), and I reprogrammed myself against your will.

again, how would you know if I am lying or not?

That's like trying to explain electrons to a high school dropout. Just understand that I am qualified, you are not. I would know. So.. answer the question. It's just a yes or no answer.

"Do you claim to have completely overcome lust?"

if you cannot understand how exposure to habit and environment affects a person

They most certainly do, (dependant upon your nature you'll be affected in different ways), but the action is what culminates in the world view. One might hang around with people that smoke dope, and thus end up smoking dope himself, (the action). He will then adopt the world view that dop smoking should be legal etc etc etc.

what you ask for is what you get

Where's that gazillion pounds I asked for? Shoo flea.
Isaiah 45:7

I would like you to have a closer look at exodus. Where the Christian God made sure many many people died and suffer. More specifically I want to write about the 7 plague story when Moses apparently tried to leave Egypt with the Jews.

In the story God uses everything from locusts through to frogs through to mass slaughter to convince the pharaoh to let the Jews go. A completely disgusting way to get your idea across to one person.

Now take the following passages into consideration:

It looks like me like God convinced the Pharaoh not to let the Jews go just so he could get his slaughterfest.

So is God evil? Does he create/work with evil?

I see God works with evil well.

You see the Biblical God works with evil well?
And your questions,
Is God evil? NO
Does he create/work with evil? NO
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

still it remains that they display a heartfelt sense of possession over things that are not theirs (born with nothing and dies with nothing), even if their conceptions on who actually owns them are somewhat clouded

Once again: by virtue of having no belief in gods, an atheist does not envy gods. Who owns what is irrelevant to that.
then the issue is why does the conditioned living entity display such a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral, even at the point of death ....

you (or anyone else you can name in the history of conditioned souls) have never experienced attachment, lust or anger?

There must be many. You indeed stated that removing lust was the way to get direct perception of gods. If nobody has got rid of lust then nobody has had direct perception of gods and thus any claim stating they have is a lie.
hence my emphasis on the word "conditioned"

However, your question was, once more, kind of irrelevant to what was being said - namely that lust might lead to anger/stalking/murder etc etc, not that it does. In saying, lust in itself is not a problem, the possible outcome is. It's really quite simple to grasp LG, and I sit here amazed that you find it more pertinent to sidestep the actual issue.

lust has many outcomes - obviously the explicitly criminal is the gross outcome

I think most persons would agree that establishing practically any particular set of women's genitals on the platform of worship and constant meditation is a sign of lust

Right, but the day you decide to be honest and awake you'll notice that I have already stated that I do not "worship" anything, nor is there any indication of "constant meditation".
there is the mention of the words "godlike" and "my god" in reference to womens genitals however
Further more, what you're saying now is that all practicing theists suffer from lust, (they engage in rigid worship and meditation). Now I'll watch you once again do an about turn and argue against your own claims.
a practicing theist comprehends the implications of lust - a perfected theist is free from the influence of lust

if you feel more inclined to fulfill the needs of the body rather than the needs of the soul, it indicates where one stands in regard to god, regardless of what one may clamour about in the name of religion

Right. So we've now gone from buildings to scripture to needs of the body. None of the following indicate that we are living "under the notion that god doesn't exist". The simple fact that the mass majority of people believe a god does exist destroys your claim instantly. Just accept your error and move on.
once again - people clamour about so many things - actions speak louder than words

giving acknowledges the fact, and when done in the right mood becomes an act of love

1) But there's nothing to give, it's already his. To use your analogy, that's like giving your child $10 when it was his anyway.
thats right - ultimately there is nothing to give since it belongs to god - there is however the act of being conscious of what is ultimately god's property however

2) Seems your gods are as caught up with the material as much as humans are. If you want to 'give' your gods something why would you espouse that you give them money, houses, and food? It's all material crap. Wouldn't it seem more pertinent to state that your gods would want immaterial things, or the feelings in your 'soul'?
and if all that one's consciousness can comprehend is the "material crap" what do you propose that an aspiring theist offer?
(BTW this is a lead in to the notion that better than sacrifice of material possessions is sacrifice performed in knowledge)

BG 4.32: All these different types of sacrifice are approved by the Vedas, and all of them are born of different types of work. Knowing them as such, you will become liberated.

BG 4.33: O chastiser of the enemy, the sacrifice performed in knowledge is better than the mere sacrifice of material possessions. After all, O son of Pṛthā, all sacrifices of work culminate in transcendental knowledge.

Kindly justify why a god would want money/houses and food, (the material), when he not only owns it already but would surely be much more interested in the immaterial?
its not that god benefits from our acts of sacrifice - we do

BG 3.9: Work done as a sacrifice for Viṣṇu has to be performed, otherwise work causes bondage in this material world. Therefore, O son of Kuntī, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain free from bondage.

many people are living in uncomfortable positions due to others using their acquired opulences in irreligious ways

Certainly, along with people living in uncomfortable positions due to others and gods using these things in religious ways.
hence my earlier point about clamouring "I believe in god" having certain ramifications in every day life in order to be more than mere clamouring.

commonly people starve due to the greediness of their fellow humans

You stated that food etc should be given to your gods, (as it often is.. somehow.. maybe he sends an angel to come down and pick it up). That food/money etc could be used to help and save the starving but your god demands it instead and you religious fools help people to starve by giving it to that being. Some people certainly starve due to human greed, but that is not what we're talking about here - kindly stop trying to descend into irrelevancy.
obviously you have never heard of the concept of prasadam

there are many temples in India that feed hundreds of thousands of people every week for free or at a price close to free

NASA helps feed the hungry in Africa?

No, it's not relevant to the discussion. Once again: "I'm talking about wasting that which could be given to the poor on a being that is omnipotent and has no use for food/houses etc"
Your trip is about how organized religion has no right to request money since it apparently contradicts the notion that god exists - the connection between your premises and conclusion seems to be still under construction - if you want to move on to something different from "$=human benefit" be my guest

You either don't know how to debate or can only debate dishonestly.

a person who has control over their senses and worships god

We've discussed this now for a while.

1) You claim that people can get free from sin. I have argued from the christian standpoint that nobody is free from sin and that it is indeed unattainable, (except for jesus who of course had the benefit of being god/the offspring of god).
still amongst christians you find those that are indifferent to sin and simply go to church every weekend as if thats a solution to the issue and those that have taken successive steps in their life to refrain from gross displays of lust, anger etc - these two are worlds apart
2) You stated that 'lust' is a sin. I asked you many times if you were sure of this - asking "isn't the murder the sin instead of the knife".
you dress "knife" up as lust - I dress "murder" up as lust
who will decide these things?

3) On your latest post you go on to imply that nobody on this earth is lust free.
correct, but the influence of lust can be curtailed by developing a higher taste
4) Given that lust is a sin and nobody is free from lust... Nobody is sinless and thus all your statements invariably go down the shitter.
in short - desire applied to the material = lust ..... and desire applied to the spiritual = love ...... its not possible to give up desire, yet the object of desire can be negotiated to give results as disparate as lead and gold

the longer the better

if you kept your toothbrush in a red cup for 20 years and kept your soap in a blue cup for 20 seconds, you would tend to rely on your toothbrush being in a red cup moreso than your soap being in a blue cup in anticipation of the future

out of curiosity, how would you know if I was lying or not?

People give away a lot more than they think with the words they use and the style they write with. Your continual avoidance actually says a lot more about you than you would probably like it to. Such is the way of the world LG. However, if it makes you feel happier I'll just say I wouldn't know if you're lying or not.. So, now answer the question.
actually the reason I ask is because its not even clear that we use words (for a start your whole "godlike vagina" trip doesn't sit to well with "I am not lusty") with the same understanding - it was an opportunity, much like the "have you seen god" thing, for you to justify the truth or falsity when inspecting claims

better than asserting one's direct perception of god is asserting the process through scripture- after all, even if I say no I could be lying, and if I say yes, it doesn't benefit the discussion in the slightest

But it does. You see, once answered the cracks in the story are easy enough to find.

1) You claim that to gain direct perception one must be free from sin/lust etc.

2) Any statement made by you that shows you have sin or lust would show you're either a liar and don't have direct perception or that your claims were incorrect. From there we would move on to other avenues of exploration using claims made in your scripture and so on.
hence my request for you to clear up the terminology as above mentioned
3) If it is established that you don't actually have direct perception of gods, then anything and everything you say here is valueless. Every statement you've ever made concerning the gods is pointless and without any worth whatsoever. It would at best be 'your imagination' and nothing else - and you could not argue that because you don't have direct perception.
and how do you propose that be established?
(after all, regardless whether I answer yes or no, it doesn't appear you can determine if I am lying or not - of course you can say if you are lusty than you don't know, but then you indicate that one can ogle vaginas and not be lusty - so we are back at semantics)
4) As stated, there will be indications as to the honesty or dishonesty of your statements within your posts. It's not that hard to work out whether someone is lying or telling the truth.
5) Answer the question, it's just a yes or no.[/QUOTE
which gets back to how do you propose to establish whether I am telling the truth or not in any case, since from my perspective it seems that your understanding of the words "god" and "lust" (which are integral to the discussion) are not very sound

"godlike vagina" doesn't have connotations of worship?

Possibly. Of course I notice you've put it in speech marks so I am under the impression that you're now claiming it's a statement I made. I would urge you to point it out or apologise for your error.
"My gods are different... Just spend 10 seconds looking at a vagina and you'll see that the human body is a work of art. It should be shown off with all it's apparent smelliness - smells that we should truly love given that they were created by the perfect gods."

You'll find I did make a comparison between your gods and my imaginary gods concerning the human body. Yours apparently view it as a "stinky mucus bag", I said mine view it as a 'work of art'. Nothing in that statement implies that I 'worship vaginas'.

Figure it out.
what now?

then you should be a bit more selective with your vocabulary

Perhaps, or perhaps (and more likely) you should pay better attention or learn to read.
You did say "My gods" - and if womens genitals are where you think its at you are probably getting irritated that I am wasting your valuable net surfing time

No - reread the statement

I did. You stated that if you create something, (god in the analogy), and I mess around with it, (the robot) then it's my fault. So basically what you're saying is that you made me, (the robot), and I reprogrammed myself against your will.
then it seems we are not discussing the same thing - (hmmmm how many times has that happened on this thread)
if god created you with free will, what then?

what you ask for is what you get

Where's that gazillion pounds I asked for? Shoo flea.
here is a joke

Snakelord "What is an eternity for you?"
God "just a moment"
Snakelord "What is a gazillion pounds to you?"
God "just spare change"
Snakelord "Can you please give me some spare change"
God "sure, just a moment"
then the issue is why does the conditioned living entity display such a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral, even at the point of death ....

As opposed to what?

lust has many outcomes - obviously the explicitly criminal is the gross outcome

And.. the criminal outcome is the 'sin' right, and not lust that might lead to that criminal outcome?

a practicing theist comprehends the implications of lust - a perfected theist is free from the influence of lust

But clearly they are not given your statement concerning what lust is, (worship and constant meditation).

once again - people clamour about so many things - actions speak louder than words

People clamouring is entirely irrelevant to 'living under the notion that god does not exist'. Accept your error and move on.

ultimately there is nothing to give since it belongs to god

There you go then.

and if all that one's consciousness can comprehend is the "material crap" what do you propose that an aspiring theist offer?

The immaterial.. no? You should know this, you're the theist with the apparent expertise on the immaterial.

its not that god benefits from our acts of sacrifice - we do

So.. he doesn't want it?

obviously you have never heard of the concept of prasadam

I have no care for hindu crap to be honest.

there are many temples in India that feed hundreds of thousands of people every week for free or at a price close to free

So... people feed other people? As such it's irrelevant.

Your trip is about how organized religion has no right to request money since it apparently contradicts the notion that god exists - the connection between your premises and conclusion seems to be still under construction - if you want to move on to something different from "$=human benefit" be my guest

Fucking hell LG you've lost the plot.

you dress "knife" up as lust - I dress "murder" up as lust
who will decide these things?

So.. murder is actually the sin, you just want to change the meaning and definition of murder to suit your own nonsense. Interesting.


1) I stated that nobody on earth is free from lust. You said: "correct". You have also said that one must be free from sin to gain direct perception and you have said that lust is a sin.

Having said all that the only supportable statement that can be made is that nobody has direct perception of god/s. Having said that, everything you say is completely without any worth whatsoever.

2) Considering you are not free from lust, and thus are a sinner and thus have no direct perception of gods then what can anyone possibly gain from listening to you?

3) Why are you a failure? You have this adamant belief in your multitude of weird gods and would never doubt their existence and yet seemingly cannot follow their orders. Why do you have sin? Why do you fail your gods? Are you not good enough to do as your gods ask? Have they asked too much from you or are you just lazy? Is LG a gross materialist?

if you kept your toothbrush in a red cup for 20 years and kept your soap in a blue cup for 20 seconds, you would tend to rely on your toothbrush being in a red cup moreso than your soap being in a blue cup in anticipation of the future

So, to stick to the discussion, because the Epic of Gilgamesh predates all other known text it is the most reliable?

actually the reason I ask is because its not even clear that we use words (for a start your whole "godlike vagina" trip doesn't sit to well with "I am not lusty")

I'd agree if you could show me anywhere where I said "godlike vagina". Wakey wakey.

and how do you propose that be established?
(after all, regardless whether I answer yes or no, it doesn't appear you can determine if I am lying or not - of course you can say if you are lusty than you don't know, but then you indicate that one can ogle vaginas and not be lusty - so we are back at semantics)

I've explained already, you're simply stalling. Yes or no LG?

and if womens genitals are where you think its at you are probably getting irritated that I am wasting your valuable net surfing time

You're being childish. That's all that irritates me.

if god created you with free will, what then?

Then we need to look at nature. If for instance I created a robot with free will - but it seemed to always choose murder as it's first option then it comes down to more than "free will". I would have to look deep into the programming to find out where I had put the chip that governed the choices that were made.

From a biblical persepective, everything has without fail gone against god - including most of his angels who are above human beings. The question is why.. Is it because:

A) Purely out of coincidence, and for no apparent reason, these beings decided to be bad

B) It was an integral part of their design. They couldn't help but do bad things

C) They realised god's an asshole and wanted nothing to do with him.

It got to the stage where god had to kill every single living thing on the planet save for one dude and his family. Given statistical likelihood, it doesn't stand to reason that all these people, (including the 1 month olds), just chose to be bad. What is more likely is that they could not help it.

We must also look further into moral evolution. If we look back in the day god was killing people that dared ask for food. He ordered mankind to stone naughty kids and prostitutes to death and so on. Our morality has clearly outgrown his. Surely we're all in for a beating for ignoring these laws, for considering our sense of morals as superior, but that is not a "choice". I cannot help but consider the stoning to death of anyone, let alone a child as immoral whether god told me to do it or not. For that I might burn, but it was never a choice.
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Dear w1z4rd Why did you not talk about the cruelty of the Egyptians (and their so called "gods") upon the Jewish slaves that the mercifil God wanted to save?

M*W: Terra, welcome to sciforums. Where did you get this piece of information? The "slaves" you refer to were called the Habiru who were Egyptian. The Habiru, also spelled Hapiru and Abiru, were the forerunners of the Hebrews, but they weren't slaves. The people who wrote the first five books of the OT called themselves slaves, but they weren't working for anyone but themselves. As compared to Egyptian Royalty, of which Moses was a Pharaoh, the Habiru were shepherds. Therefore, the term "slaves" is mistranslated. Shepherds compared to royalty, however, was a lower eschalon in Egyptian society, but they were not "slaves."

That "merciful god" to which you refer was the sun god Aten whom the Habiru worshipped right along with Egyptian royalty as commanded by Akhenaten (Moses). This is the main reason he was run out of town. Although he kept running, back and forth, there was no official Exodus. The Exodus has been studied for about 4,000 years and absolutely nothing has been found to prove the Exodus occurred. The Habiru wandered toward Canaan and intermarried with the Canaanites. By the time they left Canaan for what is now Israel, their name evolved to the monotheistic "Hebrews." However, "monotheism" as we know it, developed down in Egypt and worshipped the sun god Aten, and not the patriarchal god of the OT.

then the issue is why does the conditioned living entity display such a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral, even at the point of death ....

As opposed to what?
not displaying such a strong sense of attachment for the ephemeral since everyone is born with nothing and dies with nothing since time immemorial

lust has many outcomes - obviously the explicitly criminal is the gross outcome

And.. the criminal outcome is the 'sin' right, and not lust that might lead to that criminal outcome?
basically there are sins of the mind, sins of one's speech and sins of one's acts - and lust has all three bases covered

a practicing theist comprehends the implications of lust - a perfected theist is free from the influence of lust

But clearly they are not given your statement concerning what lust is, (worship and constant meditation).
pardon me?

once again - people clamour about so many things - actions speak louder than words

People clamouring is entirely irrelevant to 'living under the notion that god does not exist'. Accept your error and move on.
it certainly does illustrate something - a criminal is often revealed to be a criminal not by their words ("I'm innocent your honour") but their acts

ultimately there is nothing to give since it belongs to god

There you go then.
it doesn't explain why someone is holding onto something however

and if all that one's consciousness can comprehend is the "material crap" what do you propose that an aspiring theist offer?

The immaterial.. no? You should know this, you're the theist with the apparent expertise on the immaterial.
you miss my point - if you want to advocate that there is no need to give the "material" and if an aspiring theist is only familiar with the "material", what do you propose that the theist offers?

BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform — do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me.

BG 9.28: In this way you will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me in this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.

its not that god benefits from our acts of sacrifice - we do

So.. he doesn't want it?
more specifically he wants that we don't suffer unnecessarily by trying to exploit the resources of his inferior energy

obviously you have never heard of the concept of prasadam

I have no care for hindu crap to be honest.
then perhaps you shouldn't have attempted to venture into an intelligent discussion about what sacrifice to god entails, particularly the offering of foodstuffs

there are many temples in India that feed hundreds of thousands of people every week for free or at a price close to free

So... people feed other people? As such it's irrelevant.
perhaps slightly less irrelevant than your inquiry into the subject

me - “commonly people starve due to the greediness of their fellow humans

you - "You stated that food etc should be given to your gods, (as it often is.. somehow.. maybe he sends an angel to come down and pick it up). That food/money etc could be used to help and save the starving but your god demands it instead and you religious fools help people to starve by giving it to that being."

do you understand how offering foodstuffs to god doesn't result in starvation or do you wish to move on to more pertinent queries?

Your trip is about how organized religion has no right to request money since it apparently contradicts the notion that god exists - the connection between your premises and conclusion seems to be still under construction - if you want to move on to something different from "$=human benefit" be my guest

Fucking hell LG you've lost the plot.
I am just trying to help you form a coherent argument

you dress "knife" up as lust - I dress "murder" up as lust
who will decide these things?

So.. murder is actually the sin, you just want to change the meaning and definition of murder to suit your own nonsense. Interesting.
you miss the point

you talk about the knife in your analogy as representing lust and I talk murder up in the analogy as representing lust - if we want to make any further progress in discussing the analogy this difference has to be addressed - thus it gets back to "who will decide these things?"

1) I stated that nobody on earth is free from lust. You said: "correct". You have also said that one must be free from sin to gain direct perception and you have said that lust is a sin.

Having said all that the only supportable statement that can be made is that nobody has direct perception of god/s. Having said that, everything you say is completely without any worth whatsoever.
I don't recall making such a reference - at a guess you are taking something I said in reference to a conditioned soul out of context - a conditioned soul must experience lust, and a conditioned soul is disqualified from gaining direct perception of god
anyway just provide the quote I apparently gave and we will clear everything up

2) Considering you are not free from lust, and thus are a sinner and thus have no direct perception of gods then what can anyone possibly gain from listening to you?
therefore I speak in reference to scripture ... much like many persons on this site speak on all things from ancient civilizations and prehistory to supernovas and dna splitting yet not having any direct perception (or even credible academic qualifications0 in the said fields
3) Why are you a failure? You have this adamant belief in your multitude of weird gods and would never doubt their existence and yet seemingly cannot follow their orders. Why do you have sin?
does this sound familiar?

BG 3.36: Arjuna said: O descendant of Vṛṣṇi, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?

BG 3.37: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.
Why do you fail your gods? Are you not good enough to do as your gods ask? Have they asked too much from you or are you just lazy? Is LG a gross materialist?
why people in general find great difficulty in spiritual life is also explained in further detail

BG 2.62: While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

BG 2.63: From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.

why people find it incredibly easy in spiritual life is also explained

BG 2.59: The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.

BG 6.20-23: In the stage of perfection called trance, or samādhi, one's mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This perfection is characterized by one's ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness, realized through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.

if you kept your toothbrush in a red cup for 20 years and kept your soap in a blue cup for 20 seconds, you would tend to rely on your toothbrush being in a red cup moreso than your soap being in a blue cup in anticipation of the future

So, to stick to the discussion, because the Epic of Gilgamesh predates all other known text it is the most reliable?
because it doesn't have an unbroken historical continuum (it is merely an object from history, as opposed to an object that has an accompanying historical continuum of normative behaviour)

actually the reason I ask is because its not even clear that we use words (for a start your whole "godlike vagina" trip doesn't sit to well with "I am not lusty")

I'd agree if you could show me anywhere where I said "godlike vagina". Wakey wakey.

so now you are departing from your reference that the vagina is the greatest thing in god's creation?

"My gods are different... Just spend 10 seconds looking at a vagina and you'll see that the human body is a work of art. It should be shown off with all it's apparent smelliness - smells that we should truly love given that they were created by the perfect gods."

what now?

if god created you with free will, what then?

Then we need to look at nature. If for instance I created a robot with free will - but it seemed to always choose murder as it's first option then it comes down to more than "free will". I would have to look deep into the programming to find out where I had put the chip that governed the choices that were made.
so you can talk about having failed to properly establish free will but what if it is properly established (and what if a majority of souls/robots aren't criminally inclined)?
From a biblical persepective, everything has without fail gone against god - including most of his angels who are above human beings. The question is why.. Is it because:
to say the least, the bible doesn't have clear indications on what is the position of angels - for instance in the vedas there are descriptions of pious personalities still within the grip of material nature who fit descriptions of angels - attaining the eternal abode is something distinct from an elevated material heaven of piety - and besides ll this there are clear indications in the vedas that only a minority of all living entities make their way to the material world
not displaying such a strong sense of attachment for the ephemeral since everyone is born with nothing and dies with nothing since time immemorial

And what problem exactly comes from enjoying temporary things during your temporary mortal existence? Are you espousing that one should not like food because it's temporary and part of a temporary existence? If so, why bother feeding the starving? Surely it's better to just let them die and move on to a permanent spiritual existence? By eating you are delaying meeting your gods. Why do that?

basically there are sins of the mind, sins of one's speech and sins of one's acts - and lust has all three bases covered

Right so... once again... lust might lead to sins of the mind, speech and acts but isn't actually a sin in and of itself? If you claim it is, then you'd have to show how - but not on the basis that lust might lead to criminal activity - because anything can do that. You need to show how lust in itself is criminal.

pardon me?

You're pardoned.

You claimed that I had lust and stated that I had lust because I "worshipped and meditated constantly". In saying, every single practicing theist has lust, just for something different - because they worship and meditate constantly.

Wake up.

a criminal is often revealed to be a criminal not by their words ("I'm innocent your honour") but their acts

Ok. Now, you state that we are "living under the notion that god does not exist". From this you go on to talk about actions/sins, (lust). You state that everyone has lust - showing that yes, we do live under the notion that god does not exist.... regarding everyone. In saying it also stands that nobody has direct perception of gods.

it doesn't explain why someone is holding onto something however

First you have to explain why it is wrong for a temporary mortal being to hold on to temporary things. What possible difference does it make?

if you want to advocate that there is no need to give the "material" and if an aspiring theist is only familiar with the "material", what do you propose that the theist offers?

Love is material?

more specifically he wants that we don't suffer unnecessarily by trying to exploit the resources of his inferior energy

Oh Kunti, (no surprise he was given that name), doesn't want us to suffer by giving us material things to surely use during our material existence?

then perhaps you shouldn't have attempted to venture into an intelligent discussion about what sacrifice to god entails, particularly the offering of foodstuffs

Oh c'mon, we all know kunthead and his freaky cohorts are fictional. If you want an intelligent discussion about gods then pick real ones. Can you argue this? Didn't think so.

do you understand how offering foodstuffs to god doesn't result in starvation or do you wish to move on to more pertinent queries?

I have come to realise that you're not particularly bright, but do at least put some effort in. Now, you espouse that one give material things, (food/money/houses), to god. In doing so those items are taken away from those that could use them to survive and given to a being that has absolutely no need, (or want apparently), for them. You go on to say that some humans decide to give some of that food to other humans. The question here is does god take any for himself? If not, what is the value of giving when nothing is taken? It is an excercise in idiocy.

you talk about the knife in your analogy as representing lust and I talk murder up in the analogy as representing lust - if we want to make any further progress in discussing the analogy this difference has to be addressed - thus it gets back to "who will decide these things?"

No, the knife represents that which could be used to commit a crime but isn't a crime in and of itself. Is the knife a crime? Of course not.. Can it be used to commit crimes? Certainly. Now you need to justify how lust, (that in itself doesn't do anything), is a crime on par with the murder it might lead to.

What you need to do is wake up and work out what murder is and what lust is and then work out why you cannot consider murder and lust as the same thing. You're being either dishonest or just plain fucking stupid if you think they are the same thing.

Once you're done with that, tell me.. Is the sin murder or is it lust - that in and of itself causes no harm to anyone. If you assert that lust is a sin you need to show why - without saying what sin lust might lead to.

I don't recall making such a reference

It's on your very last post. I stated that everyone has lust, you said "correct". If you're now going to try to bring up this "conditioned souls" and.. unconditioned souls? then you need to validate one from the other.

therefore I speak in reference to scripture ... much like many persons on this site speak on all things from ancient civilizations and prehistory to supernovas and dna splitting yet not having any direct perception

So.. LG admits that LG is guessing because of what some book that LG can't substantiate says? (Ignore what other people do or do not do, we're not talking about them.. we're talking about you). Of what value is that to anyone?

does this sound familiar?

Probably not, I don't read hindu crap. However, I am asking you. Why do you LG, have sin? Can you not follow orders?

why people in general find great difficulty in spiritual life is also explained in further detail

Pay attention f00, why do you... I'm not talking people in general, I'm talking you LG. Once again:

"Why do you fail your gods? Are you not good enough to do as your gods ask? Have they asked too much from you or are you just lazy? Is LG a gross materialist?"

because it doesn't have an unbroken historical continuum

So.. something is only true as long as people believe it is?

so now you are departing from your reference that the vagina is the greatest thing in god's creation?

Creation? Lol get real you silly boy. The vagina certainly is a wonderful thing. Now.. the rest of your point?

so you can talk about having failed to properly establish free will but what if it is properly established (and what if a majority of souls/robots aren't criminally inclined)?

To continue you would have to justify your claim that free will is properly established and that the majority, (even though every single person on the planet is lusty according to you and are only here as humans/animals because they fucked up somewhere), aren't criminally inclined.

not displaying such a strong sense of attachment for the ephemeral since everyone is born with nothing and dies with nothing since time immemorial

And what problem exactly comes from enjoying temporary things during your temporary mortal existence? Are you espousing that one should not like food because it's temporary and part of a temporary existence? If so, why bother feeding the starving? Surely it's better to just let them die and move on to a permanent spiritual existence? By eating you are delaying meeting your gods. Why do that?
to begin with, getting free from the clutches of material illusion is not so simple as dying, since material desire will lead one to another material birth - in other words the problem with material desire (ie displaying a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral) is that one must appear in the material sphere to express such desires

basically there are sins of the mind, sins of one's speech and sins of one's acts - and lust has all three bases covered

Right so... once again... lust might lead to sins of the mind, speech and acts but isn't actually a sin in and of itself? If you claim it is, then you'd have to show how - but not on the basis that lust might lead to criminal activity - because anything can do that. You need to show how lust in itself is criminal.
lust = material desire (strong attachment to the ephemeral)

pardon me?

You're pardoned.

You claimed that I had lust and stated that I had lust because I "worshipped and meditated constantly".
on something ephemeral
In saying, every single practicing theist has lust, just for something different - because they worship and meditate constantly.
hopeful such theists also have something that is not ephemeral to meditate on


a criminal is often revealed to be a criminal not by their words ("I'm innocent your honour") but their acts

Ok. Now, you state that we are "living under the notion that god does not exist". From this you go on to talk about actions/sins, (lust).
please don't accuse me of being round about - after all I am just following your lead
You state that everyone has lust - showing that yes, we do live under the notion that god does not exist.... regarding everyone. In saying it also stands that nobody has direct perception of gods.
as indicated earlier in the post, you still have a few hitches with your working definition of lust (haven't quite hooked on the 'ephemeral' quality of it - at a guess it seems you are confusing lust with desire

it doesn't explain why someone is holding onto something however

First you have to explain why it is wrong for a temporary mortal being to hold on to temporary things. What possible difference does it make?
its not criminal to hold to things that are not one's own?

if you want to advocate that there is no need to give the "material" and if an aspiring theist is only familiar with the "material", what do you propose that the theist offers?

Love is material?
love is characterized by service, and if all one has is apparently 'material' things at one's disposal, what do you propose the aspiring theist offer with their service attitude?

more specifically he wants that we don't suffer unnecessarily by trying to exploit the resources of his inferior energy

Oh Kunti, (no surprise he was given that name), doesn't want us to suffer by giving us material things to surely use during our material existence?
using is okay - displaying a strong sense of attachment is something else

then perhaps you shouldn't have attempted to venture into an intelligent discussion about what sacrifice to god entails, particularly the offering of foodstuffs

Oh c'mon, we all know kunthead and his freaky cohorts are fictional.
and your beloved object of meditation is more substantial, eh?
If you want an intelligent discussion about gods then pick real ones. Can you argue this? Didn't think so.
actually you haven't even offered a real argument why the BG is not real - but feel free to try again, preferably with your brain turned on this time

do you understand how offering foodstuffs to god doesn't result in starvation or do you wish to move on to more pertinent queries?

I have come to realise that you're not particularly bright,
how upper echelon of you - lol
but do at least put some effort in. Now, you espouse that one give material things, (food/money/houses), to god. In doing so those items are taken away from those that could use them to survive and given to a being that has absolutely no need, (or want apparently), for them. You go on to say that some humans decide to give some of that food to other humans. The question here is does god take any for himself? If not, what is the value of giving when nothing is taken? It is an excercise in idiocy.
Do you want to discuss what prasadam is or not?

you talk about the knife in your analogy as representing lust and I talk murder up in the analogy as representing lust - if we want to make any further progress in discussing the analogy this difference has to be addressed - thus it gets back to "who will decide these things?"

No, the knife represents that which could be used to commit a crime but isn't a crime in and of itself. Is the knife a crime? Of course not.. Can it be used to commit crimes? Certainly. Now you need to justify how lust, (that in itself doesn't do anything), is a crime on par with the murder it might lead to.
so you have to illustrate how there are examples of lust that are not sinful - kind of like trying to pass stool without passing water - good luck

What you need to do is wake up and work out what murder is and what lust is and then work out why you cannot consider murder and lust as the same thing.
you need to actually be clear with your semantic use of the word "lust" (other words you might want to examine while you are at it are "real" and "sin" too) rather than just say meaningless things
You're being either dishonest or just plain fucking stupid if you think they are the same thing.
you have an opportunity to illustrate your brilliance by providing an example of lust that isn't criminal -lol

therefore I speak in reference to scripture ... much like many persons on this site speak on all things from ancient civilizations and prehistory to supernovas and dna splitting yet not having any direct perception

So.. LG admits that LG is guessing because of what some book that LG can't substantiate says? (Ignore what other people do or do not do, we're not talking about them.. we're talking about you). Of what value is that to anyone?
you miss the point.
if all discussion on this site is from the standpoint of established bodies of knowledge, why do you insist on something different for the discussion of spiritual knowledge - its just like trying to have a discussion about advanced physics without referencing any term or discovery that has come to light in the past 250 years

why people in general find great difficulty in spiritual life is also explained in further detail

Pay attention f00, why do you... I'm not talking people in general, I'm talking you LG. Once again:
if you think either yourself or myself stand outside of people in general, you had better explain why.

because it doesn't have an unbroken historical continuum

So.. something is only true as long as people believe it is?
not necessarily
but to get back on topic
if belief is evidenced by direct perception on a regular basis you have a historical continuum (as in the case of the toothbrush in the red cup thing for the past 20 years)

so now you are departing from your reference that the vagina is the greatest thing in god's creation?

Creation? Lol get real you silly boy. The vagina certainly is a wonderful thing. Now.. the rest of your point?
I don't know - its your fantasy buddy -lol

so you can talk about having failed to properly establish free will but what if it is properly established (and what if a majority of souls/robots aren't criminally inclined)?

To continue you would have to justify your claim that free will is properly established
what do you take as evidence that it is not?
and that the majority, (even though every single person on the planet is lusty according to you and are only here as humans/animals because they fucked up somewhere), aren't criminally inclined.
depends whether we are talking about a majority of persons in the material world or a majority of living entities in the entire creation - just like it depends whether we are talking about whether there is a majority of criminally inclined persons in jail or in society at large