Would this not make the Christian God... evil?

Unbelievable...this is the most long winded set of posts I have ever seen. LG, why don't you just post a link to a digital BG and say "so there :p"?
Unbelievable...this is the most long winded set of posts I have ever seen. LG, why don't you just post a link to a digital BG and say "so there :p"?


on the point though,
My god kills people for sinning, yes. He also kills them for the greater good.

For example, September 11. Many people died, but more went to church because of the event. Consequently more will become saved still because of it. tradegdies happen but only for the good of the planet. The free will you hold so dear is the reason why. You may say "well if god is so powerful, why didnt he just make them become saved?" he couldnt because of free will. Bad things must happen, it's the sacrifice you make for it.
Last edited:

on the point though,
My god kills people for sinning, yes. He also kills them for the greater good.

For example, September 11. Many people died, but more went to church because of the event. Consequently more will become saved still because of it. tradegdies happen but only for the good of the planet. The free will you hold so dear is the reason why. You may say "well if god is so powerful, why didnt he just make them become saved?" he couldnt because of free will. Bad things must happen, it's the sacrifice you make for it.

Please tell me that this 'the end justifies the means' post was sarcasm.
well all you have given us as to why an eternal heaven is the pits is because it would be along side an eternal hell - i suggested what if hell wasn't eternal (which means that the only avenue for eternal existence would be heaven) - you are still yet to say why you think that wouldn't work, or what is seriously wrong with such a notion

I only cited one example, yes. I didn't really consider it worthwhile to cite many considering the point was simply that I do not desire eternal existence. If I must cite further examples I would add..

I) I'd most likely be bored after 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.

II) It's doubtful the company would be the kind of people I like to hang with, and even if those that I do like to hang with were there I doubt I could put up with them for all eternity. Sure I love my wife dearly, but in 50 gazillion trillion billion million years? Yeesh.

ok how about owning a new car

I don't drive and most people I know do not buy a car for pleasure, but out of a need to get to places.

so you are happy to see people die and have your molars rot?

So not being overly thrilled with something means you're seeking perfection? I assume, by mentioning people dying, that the 'perfect' level to attain would be eternal existence - As I've already explained, I do not desire such a thing.

do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

Eh? Where did that spring from?

I thought it would have been quite obvious that reincarnation pertains to the life force in the body and not the body itself

So.. the body dies and then this ghosty spirity thing wafts around and then... What? Attaches itself to someone's sperm?

if you start talking about things like fraud, national security and murder the stakes are quite constant

Not really. Someone who is ignorant of the moral and legal implications concerning murder for instance isn't usually imprisoned but sent for mental help. Different methods are employed for dealing with people of differing levels of ignorance.

hence even in minor affairs ignorance can be no excuse

But it is and can be. I have explained how already. You're making up an answer to suit your own claim.

so its not inconceivable to you that the bible is sacred

Actually it is.

in other words if desecrating scripture is a sin,

To who? Certainly not to me.

- of course you may not think the bible is sacred, but that is just like you thinking that the new changes to the law are no so important

They're nothing alike.

if you inquire how one determined that a person was a saintly person in whom one should invest one's faith and all they can come up with is that he was in a particular institution and wore a particular type of uniform (and if one cannot cite scriptural references as to the qualities of a saintly person) that doesn't come across as intelligent

What isn't intelligent is claiming someone is a 'saintly person' with nothing in the way of proof or evidence of their claims to make your claims.. absolutely bloody regardless to what a book says.

so headache tablets have certain qualities and laxative tablets have certain qualities - they also share some similar qualities too, but those similar qualities are superficial - just like a person familiar only with the superficial qualities of head ache tablet could make such a mistake, a person only superficially familiar with the qualities of god

You still didn't answer the question.... which god?

(in other words does a scripture require intrinsic information of every single facet of material creation to be complete or does it require the necessary instructions on how to surrender to god bereft of material desire to be complete?)

Well, it took the time to tell us we should stone naughty kids to death, (and generally people don't), so why not include something people must adhere to in preference of something people apparently need not?

hence understanding this, an intelligent person can develop the desire to understand things that are eternal and absolute, rather than temporary and phantasmagorial

You like saying "an intelligent person" thinking it's only those that agree with your view on the world. I find it rather naive. However, your statement is still irrelevant to what I said, which I am clearly going to have to keep drumming into your head until you get it.. If a person reincarnates and has no recollection of past lives then anything learnt in those past lives in inherently worthless.

what is different about the gods?
why would different rules involve different results? (for instance there are different rules for different license holders but they all culminate in road safety)

A) Many things. From minor things like appearances. Some have elephant heads, (lol... people actually believe that crap?), some don't, to larger issues such as their intructions and rules etc.

B) Well if you have one rule that said 'don't keep slaves' and one that said ' it's ok to have slaves' you come to a serious problem. Please LG, this has nothing to do with road safety. Take some time out to learn how to use pertinent analogies instead of worthless ones. Thanks.

Well well well... Is this what it comes down to? Fine. You mentioned a "life force" or spirit.. prove it. You mentioned karma.. prove it. You mentioned gods.. prove it. If you want to go down that road LG, there's little point for this entire forum.

However, you made the claim that differences are superficial.. you prove it.

its just a coincidence that they both deal with the nature of the absolute controller of the universe and how to know him?

What are you trying to say? That fairies exist because more than one culture mentions them?

quite a few (obviously you are not a big fan of attending inter-religious dialogs)
I recall seeing the brahma samhita recited by the boys quoir in the vatican a few years ago

Prove it. :bugeye:

preferably from an era that can be sufficiently historically analyzed

So when?

do you know that in the states it is mandatory for lottery winners to attend classes on how to utilize their money just so the lottery companies can be legally protected from being sued by persons claiming winning the lottery ruined their lives?

That's actually very interesting, but certainly not surprising for a country where people can get sued for pretty much anything, indeed it's a fast growing business. But what we are talking about here are people that are unused to a certain lifestyle. People that weren't rich and all of a sudden without warning are in a position that they have never been in before. It's not a surprise that many wont be able to cope. You'll find those born rich will be quite happy with their richness, (how many of them desire to be poor)? And of course there are many lottery winners that are absolutely ecstatic about their new found lifestyle.

The survey uses people infamous for struggling financially and yet expect them to say they are happy spending money?

arm chair philosophers tend to lack a certain something

I'm sure they do, we were talking about "fortunate people", not arm chair people.

hence codes in religion indicate a general principle that an intelligent person can comprehend

Not true at all. This has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with the times. There would be little need to say "don't bonk kids" in a time where it isn't considered immoral. Several hundred years later morality in society has changed, the religious rulebook has not. So in a time when it is ok to marry a 9 year old, any religious text would not prohibit it. That doesn't help mankind now. (I refer of course to the real fundies that take the bible word for word, oh and also the priests that sleep with kids and probably justify it on that basis).

hence they are subject to lobbying by human rights movements

Doesn't change what I said.

is your middle name "lightning"?

It's a hard one to answer without going in depth more as to specific meaning of the word lightning. *end pisstake*

I am also equally unaware how a person can view any printed medium as merely ink on paper

I said the bible was merely ink on paper, as is the same with other books that can easily be replaced if one wants to for a (generally) small cost. At the end of the day, it's not worth anything. If you think it is... prove it.

so if its all about going to the bin why bother taking it to the bank first?

This is descending into pointlessness. You know why that paper goes to the bank, but what I stated was the the bible is just ink on paper that I can replace for £3.99 if I wanted to. To me it is no more than that.

so as a parent you can roar with delight about pedophile jokes involving young girls or does the issue of bad taste arise?

That depends. Some are more sensitive than others. Each to their own.

I am sure he doesn't throw it in the bin, take delight in offending persons who are religious or applaud those who perform heinous acts to recognized saintly persons

O...k, and that's him. Must everyone else be the same as him? No, don't be silly.

if you were truly neutral to the subject, you wouldn't be actively cultivating an adversity towards it, as previously mentioned

Dude sort yourself out. The other day a friend and I were discussing Comic book characters. I mentioned that Batman was a waste of time super hero because he has no actual super powers. This does not mean that I have an adversity to batman or comic books, it's just an interesting discussion about imaginary beings. The same applies here. We're having a.. mildly.. interesting discussion about imaginary beings.

no doubt you are involved in helping...

Most of which don't tend to blame external sources.

one down and another 8 399 999 other species of life to examine

Wonderful. Alas you completely ignored the question. I get the feeling you're struggling.. Here it is again:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"

then your next line is no doubt - "and what did the three year old do to deserve it?"

No, because as I have already stated... twice.. I don't care what he did.
well all you have given us as to why an eternal heaven is the pits is because it would be along side an eternal hell - i suggested what if hell wasn't eternal (which means that the only avenue for eternal existence would be heaven) - you are still yet to say why you think that wouldn't work, or what is seriously wrong with such a notion

I only cited one example, yes. I didn't really consider it worthwhile to cite many considering the point was simply that I do not desire eternal existence. If I must cite further examples I would add..

I) I'd most likely be bored after 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.
why - in other words what do you know about the nature of eternal existence
to pass a value judgment on it (do you think its just like your regular daily adventures with a longer day?)
II) It's doubtful the company would be the kind of people I like to hang with, and even if those that I do like to hang with were there I doubt I could put up with them for all eternity. Sure I love my wife dearly, but in 50 gazillion trillion billion million years? Yeesh.
interestingly enough, that is why repeated birth and death in the material world adds a new angle to the same old story every time

ok how about owning a new car

I don't drive and most people I know do not buy a car for pleasure, but out of a need to get to places.
perhaps you should inform the motor industry this since bringing out a new look model every year certainly doesn't serve such purposes

so you are happy to see people die and have your molars rot?

So not being overly thrilled with something means you're seeking perfection?
would you prefer perfect teeth or teeth full of cavities?
I assume, by mentioning people dying, that the 'perfect' level to attain would be eternal existence -
well we have brought up the subject several times on this thread

As I've already explained, I do not desire such a thing.
yes, eternity applied to one's material situation is certainly depressing

do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

Eh? Where did that spring from?
remembering things is sometimes difficult

me - don't worry

you - It is in my nature to care and worry about the wellbeing of my kids. You might find it easier not to, or perhaps better not to - pointless trying to lump it on me.

me - on the contrary such an attitude to parenthood is commendable, but even after all is said and done, your worrying will be insufficient to ultimately protect your child, since no fallible creature can offer protection to an equally fallible one

you - An inability to protect someone wasn't really the point.

me - do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

you say you worry about your daughter but not in the sense of protecting her

I thought it would have been quite obvious that reincarnation pertains to the life force in the body and not the body itself

So.. the body dies and then this ghosty spirity thing wafts around and then... What? Attaches itself to someone's sperm?
more or less

if you start talking about things like fraud, national security and murder the stakes are quite constant

Not really. Someone who is ignorant of the moral and legal implications concerning murder for instance isn't usually imprisoned but sent for mental help.
like doctors facing malpractice suits?
Different methods are employed for dealing with people of differing levels of ignorance.
insanity is for cases where it is impossible for the said party to know - like for instance you couldn't plead insanity for a traffic infringement (or perhaps you could, but it wouldn't simplify the court proceedings in your favour)

hence even in minor affairs ignorance can be no excuse

But it is and can be. I have explained how already. You're making up an answer to suit your own claim.
if it was the case, why do claims of ignorance in even small claims get frequently rejected ("but officer, I didn't know it was a 60 zone")

so its not inconceivable to you that the bible is sacred

Actually it is.
your personal value judgments aside, the answer to the workplace scenario reveals otherwise

in other words if desecrating scripture is a sin,

To who? Certainly not to me.
doing 80 in a 60 zone is not a traffic infringement for me, but the officer has a different opinion

- of course you may not think the bible is sacred, but that is just like you thinking that the new changes to the law are no so important

They're nothing alike.
but they are - you are arguing that your value judgments are sufficient to determine merit

if you inquire how one determined that a person was a saintly person in whom one should invest one's faith and all they can come up with is that he was in a particular institution and wore a particular type of uniform (and if one cannot cite scriptural references as to the qualities of a saintly person) that doesn't come across as intelligent

What isn't intelligent is claiming someone is a 'saintly person' with nothing in the way of proof or evidence of their claims to make your claims.. absolutely bloody regardless to what a book says.
so in other words you think it is more intelligent just to look at a persons clothes?

so headache tablets have certain qualities and laxative tablets have certain qualities - they also share some similar qualities too, but those similar qualities are superficial - just like a person familiar only with the superficial qualities of head ache tablet could make such a mistake, a person only superficially familiar with the qualities of god

You still didn't answer the question.... which god?
the one with the correct qualities - just like choosing the headache tablet with the correct qualities

(in other words does a scripture require intrinsic information of every single facet of material creation to be complete or does it require the necessary instructions on how to surrender to god bereft of material desire to be complete?)

Well, it took the time to tell us we should stone naughty kids to death, (and generally people don't), so why not include something people must adhere to in preference of something people apparently need not?
doesn't really answer the question - does scripture require intrinsic information about every aspect of creation or does it require info on how to properly surrender to god in order to be complete? (just imagine the hysterics you would work yourself up in to if you chose the former when you cannot even read the bible with out blowing things out of perspective - BTW haven't encountered many christians into stoning kids)

hence understanding this, an intelligent person can develop the desire to understand things that are eternal and absolute, rather than temporary and phantasmagorial

You like saying "an intelligent person" thinking it's only those that agree with your view on the world.

do you think "an intelligent person who has the human form of life sees no difference between themselves and the animals and thus they devote all their time and energy to sleeping, eating, mating and defending" sounds better?

I find it rather naive. However, your statement is still irrelevant to what I said, which I am clearly going to have to keep drumming into your head until you get it.. If a person reincarnates and has no recollection of past lives then anything learnt in those past lives in inherently worthless.
thats the point - in the human form of life you come to the point of understanding that one is reincarnating (or at least you can ask yourself "what the hell am I doing here?") whereas in the animal life one merely dies like an animal (ever notice goats in a queue at a butchers passing the time having sex)

what is different about the gods?
why would different rules involve different results? (for instance there are different rules for different license holders but they all culminate in road safety)

A) Many things. From minor things like appearances. Some have elephant heads, (lol... people actually believe that crap?), some don't, to larger issues such as their intructions and rules etc.[/QUOTE
some people drive motorcycles, some people cars and some people semi trailers
B) Well if you have one rule that said 'don't keep slaves' and one that said ' it's ok to have slaves' you come to a serious problem.
just as there are different rules for different societies there are different rules for different vehicles etc etc
Please LG, this has nothing to do with road safety. Take some time out to learn how to use pertinent analogies instead of worthless ones. Thanks.
your argument is that different rules give different results - it is a tentative argument, the evidence being that I can swing it around to the exact opposite by using the same premise - namely different rules give the same result - if you have personal issues with road safety can I use the old adage "there is more than one way to skin a cat"?

prove it

Well well well... Is this what it comes down to? Fine. You mentioned a "life force" or spirit.. prove it. You mentioned karma.. prove it. You mentioned gods.. prove it. If you want to go down that road LG, there's little point for this entire forum.
you said the differences between descriptions of god in scriptures are essential - i am saying they are superficial - basically this boils down to a fundamental disagreement on what religion entails - if there are two or more descriptions of an entity that is omnipotent, omniscient they are talking about the same thing - i had a lengthy thread on this subject with cris
However, you made the claim that differences are superficial.. you prove it.
read the link - or alternatively, on what grounds can there be more than two omnipotent, etc personalities existing?

its just a coincidence that they both deal with the nature of the absolute controller of the universe and how to know him?

What are you trying to say? That fairies exist because more than one culture mentions them?
so now you are changing the topic to "god is an imagination" - you do realize the problems with making affirmative declarations about god's non-existence don't you?

quite a few (obviously you are not a big fan of attending inter-religious dialogs)
I recall seeing the brahma samhita recited by the boys quoir in the vatican a few years ago

Prove it.
go to the vatican and make inquiries

preferably from an era that can be sufficiently historically analyzed

So when?
you are in the habit of speculating on historical events bereft of sufficient references?

do you know that in the states it is mandatory for lottery winners to attend classes on how to utilize their money just so the lottery companies can be legally protected from being sued by persons claiming winning the lottery ruined their lives?

That's actually very interesting, but certainly not surprising for a country where people can get sued for pretty much anything, indeed it's a fast growing business. But what we are talking about here are people that are unused to a certain lifestyle. People that weren't rich and all of a sudden without warning are in a position that they have never been in before. It's not a surprise that many wont be able to cope. You'll find those born rich will be quite happy with their richness, (how many of them desire to be poor)? And of course there are many lottery winners that are absolutely ecstatic about their new found lifestyle.
then just turn on the radio and listen to the lyrics (Can't buy me love etc etc)
The survey uses people infamous for struggling financially and yet expect them to say they are happy spending money?
you are the one that said winning the lotto = party

arm chair philosophers tend to lack a certain something

I'm sure they do, we were talking about "fortunate people", not arm chair people.
arm chair philosophers are not fortunate

hence codes in religion indicate a general principle that an intelligent person can comprehend

Not true at all. This has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with the times.
or do you mean everything to do with the miscreants who misrepresent the general principle?
There would be little need to say "don't bonk kids" in a time where it isn't considered immoral.
then why is there evidence of religious principles being introduced to upset established social norms (you know like killing people and sex being the rightful claim of the violent etc)
Several hundred years later morality in society has changed, the religious rulebook has not.
hence religion is eternally being re-established in the material world everytime we go off the rails

BG 4.2: This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost.

BG 4.7: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion — at that time I descend Myself.

BG 4.8: To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.
So in a time when it is ok to marry a 9 year old, any religious text would not prohibit it.

its not clear how religion would bear any social influence if it is always bound to be in agreement with established social norms

hence they are subject to lobbying by human rights movements

Doesn't change what I said.
it does indicate how there is something inherently disturbing about penitentiary programs (for humans) that don't have a foundation of rehabilitation however

I am also equally unaware how a person can view any printed medium as merely ink on paper

I said the bible was merely ink on paper, as is the same with other books that can easily be replaced if one wants to for a (generally) small cost. At the end of the day, it's not worth anything. If you think it is... prove it.
if you think your day ends when you drop down dead, I see your point

so if its all about going to the bin why bother taking it to the bank first?

This is descending into pointlessness. You know why that paper goes to the bank, but what I stated was the the bible is just ink on paper that I can replace for £3.99 if I wanted to. To me it is no more than that.
an instruction manual for a $10 000 dollar machine, even though worth only about 50 cents, has a value a bit higher than that, particularly in its absence in a critical time - similarly a $50 dollar bill probably didn't cost more than 2 cents to manufacture, but in a certain time place and circumstance it can mean the difference between life and death (or food, or electricity, or the latest book by one's favorite atheist author etc)

so as a parent you can roar with delight about pedophile jokes involving young girls or does the issue of bad taste arise?

That depends. Some are more sensitive than others. Each to their own.
probably not a suitable subject for a P and C meeting though

I am sure he doesn't throw it in the bin, take delight in offending persons who are religious or applaud those who perform heinous acts to recognized saintly persons

O...k, and that's him. Must everyone else be the same as him? No, don't be silly.
so we see that even though he may write in his bible, he may not write in it like others

if you were truly neutral to the subject, you wouldn't be actively cultivating an adversity towards it, as previously mentioned

Dude sort yourself out. The other day a friend and I were discussing Comic book characters. I mentioned that Batman was a waste of time super hero because he has no actual super powers. This does not mean that I have an adversity to batman or comic books, it's just an interesting discussion about imaginary beings. The same applies here. We're having a.. mildly.. interesting discussion about imaginary beings.
if you had posted 3000+ statements in regard to batman it would indicate a cultivation of sorts

one down and another 8 399 999 other species of life to examine

Wonderful. Alas you completely ignored the question. I get the feeling you're struggling.. Here it is again:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"
once it has fully experienced everything that a dog has to offer it can move onto another species of life to check out what, say a pig, has to offer - like this there are 8 400 000 options

then your next line is no doubt - "and what did the three year old do to deserve it?"

No, because as I have already stated... twice.. I don't care what he did.
then why the berated discussion on the topic of justice then?
why - in other words what do you know about the nature of eternal existence
to pass a value judgment on it

Well, there are various statements concerning the 'afterlife' that give an indication, but my comment wasn't so much about the nature of an afterlife, but my nature - my feelings concerning an "eternal" existence. Much like I see no value in standing in a hot air balloon for hours, I see no value in living forever.

(do you think its just like your regular daily adventures with a longer day?)

It depends. From a biblical perspective, the afterlife takes place in a new Jerusalem made out of gold and gemstones, where lions and lamb lie down together while dogs and fortune tellers must stay outside. The passage certainly seems to indicate that it is a physical existence that would probably be quite like it is now but without the 'bad' stuff. In any scenario, the thought of existing for eternity is not appealing to me.

interestingly enough, that is why repeated birth and death in the material world adds a new angle to the same old story every time

Interesting but neither here nor there.

perhaps you should inform the motor industry this since bringing out a new look model every year certainly doesn't serve such purposes

Sure it does. An old rusty banger generally fails to get from A to B.

would you prefer perfect teeth or teeth full of cavities?

Who's subjective opinion of 'perfect' are we using? If you were to ask me what 'perfect teeth' are I would say ones that are nicely spaced, not too large, fit the shape of your mouth and never discolour no matter what you throw at them. However, I'm more than happy with normal everyday teeth. Needless to say because I do not desire perfection does not ultimately mean I desire complete anarchy. I find it quite interesting that the only two options you allowed me was either perfection or absolute tooth carnage. Why not include 'would you prefer just normal everyday teeth"?

yes, eternity applied to one's material situation is certainly depressing

Why do you do that? You begin a sentence with "yes" as if you're responding to something someone else said that is in agreement... and then completely change or ignore what they actually said while filling in with something they didn't say or imply?

Of course to see if there is a difference between an eternal existence here or an eternal existence elsewhere, we must come to a conclusion of what that eternal existence involves - something that cannot be done until we're dead and find ourselves in that eternal existence. I just hope there's a get out clause. Being a materialistic weasel as often claimed by theists, wouldn't it stand to reason that I would be more interested in an eternal material existence than an eternal non-material existence? Are there pubs in heaven? Can I get laid whenever I want? Will we have mp3 players? I could certainly put up with a few hundred/thousand years if those things are included. Oh and chocolate ice cream.. Or am I just gonna be a wafty spirity thingy floating around doing sweet bugger all and somehow feeling content with that?

you - An inability to protect someone wasn't really the point.

me - do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

you say you worry about your daughter but not in the sense of protecting her

O...k, and what has that got to do with your statement saying that I worry that my daughter isn't protecting me?

more or less

Which one?

like doctors facing malpractice suits?

They're generally not all that ignorant of the moral and legal implications.

insanity is for cases where it is impossible for the said party to know

We'll label that 'ultimate ignorance'.

if it was the case, why do claims of ignorance in even small claims get frequently rejected

Because if they didn't you'd have everyone frauding the system saying they too were ignorant. It's not so much that "ignorance is not an excuse", (it certainly can be), but that it's hard for people to prove their ignorance. This is court, not church - fantasy wont generally work.

your personal value judgments aside, the answer to the workplace scenario reveals otherwise

You can't start this statement with "your personal judgements aside" because it's my personal judgement that is under question. No, I do not consider the bible as anything more than a book. Do not forget that your question was loaded - (i.e my financial security relied on me not using the bible to write on). It wasn't that I give a shit what this person believes but that my ability to feed and clothe my family was in jeopardy. Furthermore, if I was around this same persons house and the options were Winnie the Pooh and the bumble bees or a telephone directory I would still write on the directory. Not because I think Winnie the Pooh is sacred or holy, or I care if they think Winnie the Pooh is sacred, but because I have manners.

doing 80 in a 60 zone is not a traffic infringement for me, but the officer has a different opinion

You're talking actual laws, proven to have their place in the lawbooks, (the speed limit is set to save lives). This is incomparable to a book written several millennia ago by shepherds unknown. When you mention it being a 'sin' - it is only so to a person that believes in ancient hogwash. It has no bearing on reality. If you think it does... "prove it".

but they are - you are arguing that your value judgments are sufficient to determine merit

Not really, no. One is testable and provable.. The other results in a large nothing other than a burning smell. The book of Lenny says that one must not chop down trees. Are lumberjacks in the wrong because of that?

so in other words you think it is more intelligent just to look at a persons clothes?

Absolutely not, although having said that clothes do tell a lot about a person and their character, (generally speaking). What I said was that it is the absolute lack of intelligence to accept someones claim that someone is "saintly" based upon their claim that they are - that they have direct perception etc etc. Now, if not on their claim, how exactly do you make the statement that they are saintly people while still having your claimed intelligence remain intact?

the one with the correct qualities

Which is... which god?

does scripture require intrinsic information about every aspect of creation or does it require info on how to properly surrender to god in order to be complete?

That depends on whether a certain 'law' is expected to be upheld. If it is, then it is of utmost importance to include it. It doesn't need information about everything - like how to bury your poo, (which the bible does explain), but must include every law that is expected to be upheld - much like the law must include everything it deems illegal otherwise nobody would ever know it was illegal. They might not do that thing from a personal perspective on morality, but then they might and cannot then be considered guilty of anything because it wasn't included in the law book.

BTW haven't encountered many christians into stoning kids

"doing 80 in a 60 zone is not a traffic infringement for me, but the officer has a different opinion"

do you think "an intelligent person who has the human form of life sees no difference between themselves and the animals and thus they devote all their time and energy to sleeping, eating, mating and defending" sounds better?

Actually, most humans do devote all their time to sleeping, eating, mating and defending, (the last of which includes working as it is keeping your family alive and well). However, this isn't really of any relevance to my statement.

thats the point - in the human form of life you come to the point of understanding that one is reincarnating (or at least you can ask yourself "what the hell am I doing here?") whereas in the animal life one merely dies like an animal

So if you come to no point of understanding while being an animal.. what is the value of becoming one? And once again.. in either case what is the point of going through it if you have no recollection of that "point of understanding" the minute you're dead and reincarnated?

some people drive motorcycles, some people cars and some people semi trailers

And... those people are all different and those vehicles are all different. Thanks for making my point lol.

just as there are different rules for different societies there are different rules for different vehicles etc etc

See? "Different" vehicles. Now, if you had different rules for the exact same thing... (keep slaves/don't keep slaves).. you'll see the problem.

your argument is that different rules give different results

Incorrect. My argument is that if two beings give differing rules to people then there is a difference between those beings. So, once again.. which god?

you said the differences between descriptions of god in scriptures are essential - i am saying they are superficial

I am saying "prove it". I have, (and you have helped me lol), show that these beings are different. I would call that essential because we now need to determine which of those if any we should be listening to.

on what grounds can there be more than two omnipotent, etc personalities existing?

On what grounds can't there be? However, this is largely irrelevant. The question is: which one of these claimed omnipotent etc beings is the one we should believe in considering they all have different laws etc etc? If they are all the exact same thing then we have a serious issue because this thing contradicts itself.

so now you are changing the topic to "god is an imagination" - you do realize the problems with making affirmative declarations about god's non-existence don't you?

Sorry... where in my question did I make any affirmative declarations? It stands to reason that there can't be affirmative declarations in a question. Tell me LG where is the affirmative declaration in asking if fairies exist because many cultures have mentioned them... Well?

you are in the habit of speculating on historical events bereft of sufficient references?

Absolutely not. I am in the habit of asking question that you are in the habit of ignoring while stooping into irrelevancy. Your question, posed in the quotes is a response to my question which was just two words.. "so when?"

I asked this question in response to you asking if people can perform paedophilia and others wont blink an eyelid. The reason I ask the question I do is because what is deemed moral or not changes over time. Of course the holy books do not change and quickly become outdated and worthless from a moral point of view except to the serious fanatics. Ergo the stoning kids to death statement earlier. What was once considered acceptable is now not. In none of that has god changed his mind or changed his laws.. ergo I point you at your own statement: [pp] "I consider nothing wrong with doing 80 in a 60 zone".

So, to answer your question I need to know "when".

then just turn on the radio and listen to the lyrics (Can't buy me love etc etc)

Cool, one Beatles song is going to sway my mind while that very same Beatle is the richest singer in the country, (I have met him), and he seems exceptionally happy. (of course not right now that his ex wife is trying to take all his money).

you are the one that said winning the lotto = party

I was hoping you'd get the point. However, how many of those surveyed had won the lottery other than... none?

arm chair philosophers are not fortunate

Never said they were. That's probably why I said: "we were talking about "fortunate people", not arm chair people."

Do you see how I have separated them? What are you trying to tell me that I hadn't already pointed out?

or do you mean everything to do with the miscreants who misrepresent the general principle?

Not at all. I meant exactly what I said.

then why is there evidence of religious principles being introduced to upset established social norms (you know like killing people and sex being the rightful claim of the violent etc)

Several reasons. Exploitation is wonderful. There you are doing as you please while denying everyone that bows at your feet the same. In the early days as seen in the OT, the priests were laughing all the way to the bank. Animals were sacrificed, "given to god" which meant the priests got to eat it. And the amusing thing is people will accept it.

You go off to some religious meeting and that "saintly person" you keep mentioning reaps all the benefit. He gives you something that keeps you happy while actually gaining "real" value for himself. In churches where they take donations do you honestly think the money is handed to god? Does jesus come down and say "Yo, thanks for the £1000"? To quote the film 300.. "give them nothing, take from them everything". And do not for one second doubt that it is a huge, vast business... need I point at the Vatican? Exploitation of the idiotic. It's no different to these people that email you and say you've won the lottery please hand over your bank details. In both cases you're willing. And by fuck do/did they have some power. Theyve had people killing others, (while saying don't kill), for absolute millennia.

hence religion is eternally being re-established in the material world everytime we go off the rails

Actually no, my statement hinted at the exact opposite.

its not clear how religion would bear any social influence if it is always bound to be in agreement with established social norms

The pope declared with a loud voice that evolution is true. Clearly it's not clear why he would do such a thing.. because in doing so he wouldn't get any social influence... right? Do me a lemon. How much more accepted would religion be by one acceptance of a social norm? The guy is conducting business in a proper fashion. It's all about control and profit which sometimes mean you have to stoop to the level of others to attain the customers. He didn't accept evolution on the basis that he understands it, or agrees with it, but that it would bring him big business. He'd gain all those people stuck between theism and science by trying to amalgamate the two. The door swings both ways. Sometimes it is best to go against the norm, sometimes it is best to go with it. That is business.

it does indicate how there is something inherently disturbing about penitentiary programs (for humans) that don't have a foundation of rehabilitation however

Not really, no. There's absolutely no point trying to rehabilitate someone that is on death row.

if you think your day ends when you drop down dead, I see your point

If you think it's otherwise.. prove it.

an instruction manual for a $10 000 dollar machine, even though worth only about 50 cents, has a value a bit higher than that, particularly in its absence in a critical time - similarly a $50 dollar bill probably didn't cost more than 2 cents to manufacture...

Certainly. Alas we're not talking about either, but some irrelevant book written by shepherds a few thousand years ago. That doesn't buy the food or fix my TV.

probably not a suitable subject for a P and C meeting though

Probably not but it's irrelevant. It doesn's stop someone being able to tell paedophile jokes.

so we see that even though he may write in his bible, he may not write in it like others

The point?

if you had posted 3000+ statements in regard to batman it would indicate a cultivation of sorts

If those 3000+ posts were made in response to people that thought batman was real then it wouldn't come down to an adversity to batman, but an adversity to the idiots that claim batman is real. Do you understand that?

once it has fully experienced everything that a dog has to offer it can move onto another species of life to check out what, say a pig, has to offer - like this there are 8 400 000 options

Truly wonderful but not an answer to the question. Here it is for the third time:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"

then why the berated discussion on the topic of justice then?

You seemingly misunderstand "what did a child do to deserve it" as "a child doesn't deserve it at all if he has no recollection of his former life". Even then I would argue that a new life deserves a clean slate so that one can cultivate the most from it. If you start off life by dying you're not going to learn much. Tell me.. considering my son, (who wasn't my son but some reincarnated fool who'd probably whacked someone in a past life), died at 6 months and wont have any recollection of that in his next life.... what did he learn? Well?
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why - in other words what do you know about the nature of eternal existence
to pass a value judgment on it

Well, there are various statements concerning the 'afterlife' that give an indication, but my comment wasn't so much about the nature of an afterlife, but my nature - my feelings concerning an "eternal" existence. Much like I see no value in standing in a hot air balloon for hours, I see no value in living forever.
true - the material situation is inherently disgusting

(do you think its just like your regular daily adventures with a longer day?)

It depends. From a biblical perspective, the afterlife takes place in a new Jerusalem made out of gold and gemstones, where lions and lamb lie down together while dogs and fortune tellers must stay outside. The passage certainly seems to indicate that it is a physical existence that would probably be quite like it is now but without the 'bad' stuff. In any scenario, the thought of existing for eternity is not appealing to me.
true - that description doesn't sound particularly appealing

interestingly enough, that is why repeated birth and death in the material world adds a new angle to the same old story every time

Interesting but neither here nor there.
certainly explains how an eternal living entity can tolerate living in the material world

perhaps you should inform the motor industry this since bringing out a new look model every year certainly doesn't serve such purposes

Sure it does. An old rusty banger generally fails to get from A to B.
but why change the curves of the old rusty bangers every year if its all simply about A to B?

would you prefer perfect teeth or teeth full of cavities?

Who's subjective opinion of 'perfect' are we using? If you were to ask me what 'perfect teeth' are I would say ones that are nicely spaced, not too large, fit the shape of your mouth and never discolour no matter what you throw at them. However, I'm more than happy with normal everyday teeth. Needless to say because I do not desire perfection does not ultimately mean I desire complete anarchy. I find it quite interesting that the only two options you allowed me was either perfection or absolute tooth carnage. Why not include 'would you prefer just normal everyday teeth"?
ok - would you prefer teeth that are full of cavities, teeth that get get cavities regularly, teeth that get cavities occasionally, teeth that get cavities rarely or teeth that don't get cavities at all?

yes, eternity applied to one's material situation is certainly depressing

Why do you do that? You begin a sentence with "yes" as if you're responding to something someone else said that is in agreement... and then completely change or ignore what they actually said while filling in with something they didn't say or imply?
you said it and i think it is true - you said you don't aspire for eternity and if all anyone had to go by for understanding the nature of the eternal as you indicated, probably not to many other people would either
Of course to see if there is a difference between an eternal existence here or an eternal existence elsewhere, we must come to a conclusion of what that eternal existence involves - something that cannot be done until we're dead and find ourselves in that eternal existence. I just hope there's a get out clause. Being a materialistic weasel as often claimed by theists, wouldn't it stand to reason that I would be more interested in an eternal material existence than an eternal non-material existence? Are there pubs in heaven? Can I get laid whenever I want? Will we have mp3 players? I could certainly put up with a few hundred/thousand years if those things are included.
you don't have these things already?

Oh and chocolate ice cream.. Or am I just gonna be a wafty spirity thingy floating around doing sweet bugger all and somehow feeling content with that?
Considering that most people spend their lives doing sweet bugger all in the pursuit of intoxication, sex and buying useless overpriced lifestyle cluttering crap without much contentment, it doesn't leave us with much of an alternative

you - An inability to protect someone wasn't really the point.

me - do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

you say you worry about your daughter but not in the sense of protecting her

O...k, and what has that got to do with your statement saying that I worry that my daughter isn't protecting me?
it was just an attempt at humour to get you to rephrase yourself as to why you worry about your daughter (since you didn't wan to take the 'protection' angle)

more or less

Which one?
the general idea is ok but you are out on a few details

like doctors facing malpractice suits?

They're generally not all that ignorant of the moral and legal implications.
in hindsight, yes

if it was the case, why do claims of ignorance in even small claims get frequently rejected

Because if they didn't you'd have everyone frauding the system saying they too were ignorant. It's not so much that "ignorance is not an excuse", (it certainly can be), but that it's hard for people to prove their ignorance. This is court, not church - fantasy wont generally work.
the only reason we ar e discussing this is because you brought up that a person who performs crimes in ignorance is (or somehow should be) innocent when it comes to sin

your personal value judgments aside, the answer to the workplace scenario reveals otherwise

You can't start this statement with "your personal judgements aside" because it's my personal judgement that is under question.
not really - you understand that scriptures are sacred but you don't understand why people would want to hold them as sacred
No, I do not consider the bible as anything more than a book.
yet in the scenario you could distinguish between the bible an d the yellow pages
Do not forget that your question was loaded - (i.e my financial security relied on me not using the bible to write on).
if you didn't know that scripture is prone to occupy a position somehow higher than the yellow pages, you would have answered differently
It wasn't that I give a shit what this person believes but that my ability to feed and clothe my family was in jeopardy.
hence you could call upon your knowledge that scripture is sacred to save your butt
Furthermore, if I was around this same persons house and the options were Winnie the Pooh and the bumble bees or a telephone directory I would still write on the directory.
ok then - what if there was winnie the pooh, the telephone directory and the bible - would you write in the bible then?
Not because I think Winnie the Pooh is sacred or holy, or I care if they think Winnie the Pooh is sacred, but because I have manners.
is it possible to have manners without knowledge?

doing 80 in a 60 zone is not a traffic infringement for me, but the officer has a different opinion

You're talking actual laws, proven to have their place in the lawbooks, (the speed limit is set to save lives). This is incomparable to a book written several millennia ago by shepherds unknown. When you mention it being a 'sin' - it is only so to a person that believes in ancient hogwash. It has no bearing on reality. If you think it does... "prove it".
regarding the police as an imagination also doesn't work

but they are - you are arguing that your value judgments are sufficient to determine merit

Not really, no. One is testable and provable.. The other results in a large nothing other than a burning smell.
until you get caught of course

so in other words you think it is more intelligent just to look at a persons clothes?

Absolutely not, although having said that clothes do tell a lot about a person and their character, (generally speaking). What I said was that it is the absolute lack of intelligence to accept someones claim that someone is "saintly" based upon their claim that they are
I agree
- that they have direct perception etc etc. Now, if not on their claim, how exactly do you make the statement that they are saintly people while still having your claimed intelligence remain intact?
scripture can help define such qualities as free from envy, etc which are prerequisites for saintliness as opposed to clothing or learning scripture by rote

the one with the correct qualities

Which is... which god?
omnipotent, omniscient, etc

does scripture require intrinsic information about every aspect of creation or does it require info on how to properly surrender to god in order to be complete?

That depends on whether a certain 'law' is expected to be upheld. If it is, then it is of utmost importance to include it. It doesn't need information about everything - like how to bury your poo, (which the bible does explain), but must include every law that is expected to be upheld - much like the law must include everything it deems illegal otherwise nobody would ever know it was illegal. They might not do that thing from a personal perspective on morality, but then they might and cannot then be considered guilty of anything because it wasn't included in the law book.
so therefore you see that there are general indications in all scriptures about the futility of material acquisition at the expense of comprehending one's spiritual nature, dallying with the ephemeral at the expense of the eternal etc etc

do you think "an intelligent person who has the human form of life sees no difference between themselves and the animals and thus they devote all their time and energy to sleeping, eating, mating and defending" sounds better?

Actually, most humans do devote all their time to sleeping, eating, mating and defending, (the last of which includes working as it is keeping your family alive and well).
and we have the hide to call ourselves an advanced society

thats the point - in the human form of life you come to the point of understanding that one is reincarnating (or at least you can ask yourself "what the hell am I doing here?") whereas in the animal life one merely dies like an animal

So if you come to no point of understanding while being an animal.. what is the value of becoming one?
the fulfillment of material desires
And once again.. in either case what is the point of going through it if you have no recollection of that "point of understanding" the minute you're dead and reincarnated?
once you have exhausted one's material desire to participate in the activities of a dog one can progress on to the pig an d in this way gradually move through all the species of life until they reach the human form of life

some people drive motorcycles, some people cars and some people semi trailers

And... those people are all different and those vehicles are all different. Thanks for making my point lol.
seems you have forgotten my point - but they all participate in making contributions to road safety despite the variety

just as there are different rules for different societies there are different rules for different vehicles etc etc

See? "Different" vehicles. Now, if you had different rules for the exact same thing... (keep slaves/don't keep slaves).. you'll see the problem.
but the societies can still progress towards god consciousness despite the differences, just like the motorists can make contributions towards road safety despite the differences

your argument is that different rules give different results

Incorrect. My argument is that if two beings give differing rules to people then there is a difference between those beings. So, once again.. which god?[/QUOTE
the government gives different rules to motorcyclists and truck drivers - does that mean there are two different bodies of government in the country?

you said the differences between descriptions of god in scriptures are essential - i am saying they are superficial

I am saying "prove it". I have, (and you have helped me lol), show that these beings are different. I would call that essential because we now need to determine which of those if any we should be listening to.
depends on whether you identify as a motorcyclist or a truck driver, so to speak

on what grounds can there be more than two omnipotent, etc personalities existing?

On what grounds can't there be? However, this is largely irrelevant. The question is: which one of these claimed omnipotent etc beings is the one we should believe in considering they all have different laws etc etc? If they are all the exact same thing then we have a serious issue because this thing contradicts itself.
then you can gradually go through them - like for instance if an omnipotent god that is the father of all living entities says that it is okay to kill people from a particular race or creed, that raises severe issues

so now you are changing the topic to "god is an imagination" - you do realize the problems with making affirmative declarations about god's non-existence don't you?

Sorry... where in my question did I make any affirmative declarations? It stands to reason that there can't be affirmative declarations in a question. Tell me LG where is the affirmative declaration in asking if fairies exist because many cultures have mentioned them... Well?
do you see any problems with these premises?

many cultures mention god
many cultures mention fairies
fairies are not real
therefore god is not real

you are in the habit of speculating on historical events bereft of sufficient references?

Absolutely not. I am in the habit of asking question that you are in the habit of ignoring while stooping into irrelevancy. Your question, posed in the quotes is a response to my question which was just two words.. "so when?"
just as I gathered -lol
I asked this question in response to you asking if people can perform paedophilia and others wont blink an eyelid. The reason I ask the question I do is because what is deemed moral or not changes over time. Of course the holy books do not change and quickly become outdated and worthless from a moral point of view except to the serious fanatics. Ergo the stoning kids to death statement earlier. What was once considered acceptable is now not. In none of that has god changed his mind or changed his laws.. ergo I point you at your own statement: [pp] "I consider nothing wrong with doing 80 in a 60 zone".
so in otherwords if anyone does anything in the name of religion they are absolutely correct because they say so?
So, to answer your question I need to know "when".

then just turn on the radio and listen to the lyrics (Can't buy me love etc etc)

Cool, one Beatles song is going to sway my mind while that very same Beatle is the richest singer in the country, (I have met him), and he seems exceptionally happy. (of course not right now that his ex wife is trying to take all his money).
I guess money cannot buy him love, or even peace of mind

or do you mean everything to do with the miscreants who misrepresent the general principle?

Not at all. I meant exactly what I said.
your speaking may have been a fact but what you said may not be

then why is there evidence of religious principles being introduced to upset established social norms (you know like killing people and sex being the rightful claim of the violent etc)

Several reasons. Exploitation is wonderful. There you are doing as you please while denying everyone that bows at your feet the same. In the early days as seen in the OT, the priests were laughing all the way to the bank. Animals were sacrificed, "given to god" which meant the priests got to eat it. And the amusing thing is people will accept it.
and the result was that such a so called 'religious society has turned out persons such as yourself - given that such apparently religious behavior can be condemned by the scripture they are apparently representing, it gets back to my original inquiry .....

or do you mean everything to do with the miscreants who misrepresent the general principle?
You go off to some religious meeting and that "saintly person" you keep mentioning reaps all the benefit. He gives you something that keeps you happy while actually gaining "real" value for himself. In churches where they take donations do you honestly think the money is handed to god? Does jesus come down and say "Yo, thanks for the £1000"? To quote the film 300.. "give them nothing, take from them everything". And do not for one second doubt that it is a huge, vast business... need I point at the Vatican? Exploitation of the idiotic. It's no different to these people that email you and say you've won the lottery please hand over your bank details. In both cases you're willing. And by fuck do/did they have some power. Theyve had people killing others, (while saying don't kill), for absolute millennia.
corruption aside, do you think that if god does exist, there is work for god to be done in this world?

hence religion is eternally being re-established in the material world everytime we go off the rails

Actually no, my statement hinted at the exact opposite.
I indicated thousands of years, you indicated hundreds

its not clear how religion would bear any social influence if it is always bound to be in agreement with established social norms

The pope declared with a loud voice that evolution is true.
and the irony is Christianity is waning in its practices
Clearly it's not clear why he would do such a thing.. because in doing so he wouldn't get any social influence... right? Do me a lemon. How much more accepted would religion be by one acceptance of a social norm? The guy is conducting business in a proper fashion. It's all about control and profit which sometimes mean you have to stoop to the level of others to attain the customers.
hence we have a tendency to take religion off the rails
He didn't accept evolution on the basis that he understands it, or agrees with it, but that it would bring him big business. He'd gain all those people stuck between theism and science by trying to amalgamate the two. The door swings both ways. Sometimes it is best to go against the norm, sometimes it is best to go with it. That is business.
In religious philosophy,much like the art of cooking, it tends to indicate folly when one is constantly asked "did you create this yourself?"

it does indicate how there is something inherently disturbing about penitentiary programs (for humans) that don't have a foundation of rehabilitation however

Not really, no. There's absolutely no point trying to rehabilitate someone that is on death row.
hence such institutions are frequently petitioned by human rights activists

if you think your day ends when you drop down dead, I see your point

If you think it's otherwise.. prove it.
by empiricism you mean?

an instruction manual for a $10 000 dollar machine, even though worth only about 50 cents, has a value a bit higher than that, particularly in its absence in a critical time - similarly a $50 dollar bill probably didn't cost more than 2 cents to manufacture...

Certainly. Alas we're not talking about either, but some irrelevant book written by shepherds a few thousand years ago. That doesn't buy the food or fix my TV.

so you don't see the value of it - thats all you are saying

so we see that even though he may write in his bible, he may not write in it like others

The point?
he is not acting offensively - just like a thief has a knife and so does a doctor, but one can save your life and the other can finish it

if you had posted 3000+ statements in regard to batman it would indicate a cultivation of sorts

If those 3000+ posts were made in response to people that thought batman was real then it wouldn't come down to an adversity to batman, but an adversity to the idiots that claim batman is real. Do you understand that?
actually to say that god is not real is not a statement said by the philosophically cautious and here is why
.... to know that God does not exist requires perfect knowledge of everything (omniscience). To gain this knowledge requires simultaneous access to all aspects of the world and beyond (omnipresence). Therefore, to be certain of the atheist's claim one would have to possess godlike qualities. Obviously, our limited nature runs short on these special qualities. therefore your dogmatic claim is unjustifiable. It is the atheist's attempt to prove a universal negative that is a self-defeating proposition.

and whats worse is that you are cultivating this

once it has fully experienced everything that a dog has to offer it can move onto another species of life to check out what, say a pig, has to offer - like this there are 8 400 000 options

Truly wonderful but not an answer to the question. Here it is for the third time:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"
and here's the answer for the third time
you can begin life as a pig after going through everything that a dog has to offer

then why the berated discussion on the topic of justice then?

You seemingly misunderstand "what did a child do to deserve it" as "a child doesn't deserve it at all if he has no recollection of his former life". Even then I would argue that a new life deserves a clean slate so that one can cultivate the most from it. If you start off life by dying you're not going to learn much. Tell me.. considering my son, (who wasn't my son but some reincarnated fool who'd probably whacked someone in a past life), died at 6 months and wont have any recollection of that in his next life.... what did he learn? Well?

actually there are numerous possible causes for karma - at the moment we are just examining the previous activities of the child involved - but since death affects everyone in the extended family, there is also the question of their activities - so in other words it can also be an issue of what you learned.

Regarding your son, or anyone in the material world, they may learn or not learn, but all instances of happiness and suffering are determined by one's previous pious or impious activities - every material act demands a material reaction - in this way we are exhausting our stockpiles of pious and impious credits, and of course manufacturing more as we go along the way
true - the material situation is inherently disgusting

I neither stated nor implied anything of the sort. Indeed my later statements go on to say the exact opposite. I love my material existence. No, I wouldn't want to do it forvever for reasons stated, but it would be a preference to some immaterial floaty nonsense.

true - that description doesn't sound particularly appealing

And given that the bible is true, it would seem you're also adverse to an eternal afterlife. Welcome to the club.

but why change the curves of the old rusty bangers every year if its all simply about A to B?

Many reasons. The shape of those curves determines wind factors and how changing them can speed up a journey and help you consume less petrol. A sat nav would help you find B faster, the speed changes would help you get to B faster, (even if the law prevents it), improved tyres etc etc all help you get to B faster and more efficiently.

Sure, there are people that do buy a car for pleasure, (racers etc), but then I wouldn't describe the eventuality as ultimate "pain". The 'pain', (not a word I would use), generally pales in comparison to the pleasure that is gained. Two weeks ago my computer started having issues. It would switch off whenever I put a game on - but with nothing else. It was annoying, granted, but cannot compare to the months upon months of pleasure that was gained from that computer. Being quite "computer literate", I managed to figure out the problem and fixed it. More pleasure arrives, the pain dwindles into insignificance.

ok - would you prefer teeth that are full of cavities, teeth that get get cavities regularly, teeth that get cavities occasionally, teeth that get cavities rarely or teeth that don't get cavities at all?

So.. perfection = lack of cavities?

you said it and i think it is true

Not really, no. You said it. I don't desire an eternal existence regardless to how it is.

you don't have these things already?

What has that got to do with anything?

Considering that most people spend their lives doing sweet bugger all in the pursuit of intoxication, sex and buying useless overpriced lifestyle cluttering crap without much contentment

I wont speak for those depressed about such a situation, but I personally like all that intoxication and sex.

it was just an attempt at humour to get you to rephrase yourself as to why you worry about your daughter (since you didn't wan to take the 'protection' angle)

Your attempt at humour [?] wasn't a very good one. Find yourself some better material. While doing so also note where this came from. I stated that it is my nature to worry about the well being of my children in response to you telling me not to because ultimately I can't protect them, (they're going to die and become someone else). I said that protection wasn't the point. The point was that I worry about them even when you tell me not to, it is my nature. So, regardless to whether you have delusions concerning multiple lives is irrelevant to my concerns for the well being of my children. With me now?

the only reason we ar e discussing this is because you brought up that a person who performs crimes in ignorance is (or somehow should be) innocent when it comes to sin

Not really. My concern is that the punishment is given when they are a different person - when the person that they were that committed the crime has long since died. They have absolutely no recollection of those events, (being a new person), and will not learn anything from it given that they will have no recollection of it in their next life. Thus it is utterly pointless. If someone was in a hypnosis session and said he was Hitler in a past life, do you think it justified that the legal system imprison him for the crimes Hitler committed? This scenario is incompatible with traffic violations and the like.

It is where you generally go astray. You use analogies that do not fit the discussion.

not really - you understand that scriptures are sacred

Completely inaccurate. Let me reword it in a more appropriate manner:

I understand that scriptures are nonsense but that some deluded people might believe they are sacred.

Now, as is always the case with you, you used an analogy that was faulty. You stated that my financial security was at stake, (thus the question was loaded). I would have no moral issues with setting fire to a bible where my financial security was not at risk. The only reason I wouldn't write on the bible in your analogy was for self interest - i.e me making money.

yet in the scenario you could distinguish between the bible an d the yellow pages

Because you made a complete mess of it. What I could distinguish was that this guy, (as you stated), was a serious bible thumper and that my financial security rested solely on me not writing on that bible. The question was idiotic as is your conclusion.

if you didn't know that scripture is prone to occupy a position somehow higher than the yellow pages

You told me he was a devout christian. It's not hard to figure out that he deems it to be important. It's also not hard to figure out that I deem my financial security as important - not the book.

hence you could call upon your knowledge that scripture is sacred to save your butt

Inaccurate. I could call upon my knowledge that this guy likes that book and considers it important. I wouldn't have written on it if it was Winnie the Pooh's Summer Adventure if my financial wellbeing relied on me not doing so.

what if there was winnie the pooh, the telephone directory and the bible - would you write in the bible then?

What's the scenario? Still a devout religious christian right? Lol.

Let's try a new analogy.. Let's say I need to write down some information a 6 year old is telling me. There are only two things I can write on, either his favourite bed time book - Mickey Mouse and the cloudy day or the bible. I'd write the information on the bible.

regarding the police as an imagination also doesn't work

Which is why you cannot compare real policemen and laws vs ancient idiotic books.

until you get caught of course

There is no law prohibiting the burning of a bible.

scripture can help define such qualities as free from envy, etc which are prerequisites for saintliness as opposed to clothing or learning scripture by rote

And you determine scripture as valid.. how?

omnipotent, omniscient, etc

So.. which god?

so therefore you see that there are general indications in all scriptures about the futility of material acquisition at the expense of comprehending one's spiritual nature

? I said the bible must include that which the gods deem illegal so that people are aware of what they deem illegal - and if they don't make note that something is illegal they cannot hold anyone guilty that does that thing. From what orifice did your irrelevant quote spring from?

and we have the hide to call ourselves an advanced society

I'd tend to agree, but that's humans for you. They think they're chosen and special but at the end of the day they're just animals.

the fulfillment of material desires

How does being an animal for a brief time and then never remembering that occasion fulfill material desires?

once you have exhausted one's material desire to participate in the activities of a dog one can progress on to the pig an d in this way gradually move through all the species of life until they reach the human form of life

So.. people have a 'material'? desire to be a dog and a pig?

seems you have forgotten my point - but they all participate in making contributions to road safety despite the variety

That's great, but they're all existing different entities. Are you saying that all the gods exist and contribute despite their variety?

but the societies can still progress towards god consciousness despite the differences

Which god?

the government gives different rules to motorcyclists and truck drivers - does that mean there are two different bodies of government in the country?

Can you please desist from your pointless analogies? We're not talking truck drivers, we are talking gods. When two gods give differing rules who's do we listen to? Which god is real? Are they both real? Who's the one to follow?

Do we listen to the elephant headed gods, (lol), that tell us that we live multiple lives as dogs and cats, the largely insane jewish god that currently ranks number 1 on the human slaughter list or the christian white hippy man god that preached love and kissed blokes?

depends on whether you identify as a motorcyclist or a truck driver, so to speak

What about those that are still on foot, unsure whether they should but a car, bike or truck? Which god?

like for instance if an omnipotent god that is the father of all living entities says that it is okay to kill people from a particular race or creed, that raises severe issues

Why does it?

Surely, given everything you've said, these people are just being punished for sins of their past lives? What was it you said to me?... don't worry, it's only temporary.

do you see any problems with these premises?

many cultures mention god
many cultures mention fairies
fairies are not real
therefore god is not real

I see one big problem: You've got it upside down and inside out. What you were saying is:

many cultures mention gods
therefore gods exist.

I then asked that if, because many cultures mention fairies, that fairies also exist. I didn't say anything didn't exist, I merely followed your line of reasoning. If you see issue with it, blame yourself.

just as I gathered -lol

Thank you for making my point.

so in otherwords if anyone does anything in the name of religion they are absolutely correct because they say so?

Where is such thing implied? I am saying the opposite - but that they cannot be faulted for doing something that god does not prohibit.

I guess money cannot buy him love, or even peace of mind

Well, they're both emotional states. However, that money can buy him a much more comfortable life.

and the result was that such a so called 'religious society has turned out persons such as yourself - given that such apparently religious behavior can be condemned by the scripture they are apparently representing

Where does religious scripture condemn animal sacrifice and priests eating it?

corruption aside, do you think that if god does exist, there is work for god to be done in this world?

I would have to say no. I'm not into thinking that humans are the special species with their own little fairy godfather to cater for their desires and remove their fears. If there was a 'god' I don't see why it would give a shit.

and the irony is Christianity is waning in its practices

Got any figures? Of course as mankind progresses religion will dwindle. It's inevitable.

hence such institutions are frequently petitioned by human rights activists

Generally the non-religious that think killing someone is not an answer to the problem. Of course they shouldn't really care, it's only temporary.. The guy will be up and walking a year later. Could even be one of those activists pet dog.

by empiricism you mean?

You can prove it in whatever way you want.

so you don't see the value of it - thats all you are saying


actually to say that god is not real is not a statement said by the philosophically cautious and here is why
.... to know that God does not exist requires perfect knowledge of everything (omniscience). To gain this knowledge requires simultaneous access to all aspects of the world and beyond (omnipresence). Therefore, to be certain of the atheist's claim one would have to possess godlike qualities. Obviously, our limited nature runs short on these special qualities. therefore your dogmatic claim is unjustifiable. It is the atheist's attempt to prove a universal negative that is a self-defeating proposition.

Here's where you go wrong yet again. I made no such claim, I merely stated that if my 3000 posts were made in response to people that made the claim, (batman is real), then it wouldn't indicate an adversity to batman, (your claim), but an adversity to people making claims that they can't support.

Did you not notice that I'm not making claims, you are and they are?

and here's the answer for the third time
you can begin life as a pig after going through everything that a dog has to offer

That's not an answer. Try reading the question several times. Once more:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"
true - the material situation is inherently disgusting

I neither stated nor implied anything of the sort. Indeed my later statements go on to say the exact opposite. I love my material existence. No, I wouldn't want to do it forvever for reasons stated, but it would be a preference to some immaterial floaty nonsense.
the reason you don't want to maintain your material existence eternally is because it wears thin and is inherently disgusting - why else would a person give up an apparently 'good thing'? If you buy something you like do you throw it in the bin before you open it?

true - that description doesn't sound particularly appealing

And given that the bible is true, it would seem you're also adverse to an eternal afterlife. Welcome to the club.
true in essence - I disagree about the notion of eternal hell, and can even cite historical references to the development of the bible that gave rise to the whole 'eternal hell' trip

but why change the curves of the old rusty bangers every year if its all simply about A to B?

Many reasons. The shape of those curves determines wind factors and how changing them can speed up a journey and help you consume less petrol.
then why do manufacturers
develop retro designs?
A sat nav would help you find B faster, the speed changes would help you get to B faster, (even if the law prevents it), improved tyres etc etc all help you get to B faster and more efficiently.
then why do have to redesign the shape of the car to more closely resemble a ladies backside if it just has a new set of wheels and a gizmo?
Sure, there are people that do buy a car for pleasure, (racers etc), but then I wouldn't describe the eventuality as ultimate "pain". The 'pain', (not a word I would use), generally pales in comparison to the pleasure that is gained.
camels who think thorns are tasty because of the taste of their own blood probably think the same thing
Two weeks ago my computer started having issues. It would switch off whenever I put a game on - but with nothing else. It was annoying, granted, but cannot compare to the months upon months of pleasure that was gained from that computer. Being quite "computer literate", I managed to figure out the problem and fixed it. More pleasure arrives, the pain dwindles into insignificance.
I am sure you look forward to many more pleasures/pains in the future

ok - would you prefer teeth that are full of cavities, teeth that get get cavities regularly, teeth that get cavities occasionally, teeth that get cavities rarely or teeth that don't get cavities at all?

So.. perfection = lack of cavities?
thats what my dentist says

you said it and i think it is true

Not really, no. You said it. I don't desire an eternal existence regardless to how it is.
given that the only existence you can fathom is a material one, I agree
you don't have these things already?

What has that got to do with anything?
if you have them here and reject heaven because they aren't there, why are you disgusted by the notion of an eternal material existence?

Considering that most people spend their lives doing sweet bugger all in the pursuit of intoxication, sex and buying useless overpriced lifestyle cluttering crap without much contentment

I wont speak for those depressed about such a situation, but I personally like all that intoxication and sex.
certainly passes the time

it was just an attempt at humour to get you to rephrase yourself as to why you worry about your daughter (since you didn't wan to take the 'protection' angle)

Your attempt at humour [?] wasn't a very good one. Find yourself some better material. While doing so also note where this came from. I stated that it is my nature to worry about the well being of my children in response to you telling me not to because ultimately I can't protect them,
actually I was telling you that you are incapable of actually protecting your children no matter how much you worry - and that was in relation to you taking the stance that you are so magnanimous and charitable to others that you worry about them - my point is that your so called magnanimous charity is just another device of self aggrandizement since it doesn't actually benefit anyone
(they're going to die and become someone else). I said that protection wasn't the point. The point was that I worry about them even when you tell me not to, it is my nature.
indeed, it is the nature of all parents - still you find that religious spirited parents can understand that they are deputed protectors of their children

the only reason we ar e discussing this is because you brought up that a person who performs crimes in ignorance is (or somehow should be) innocent when it comes to sin

Not really. My concern is that the punishment is given when they are a different person
what makes you say they are different - if a person wears different clothes than the one they performed the crime in, are they innocent
- when the person that they were that committed the crime has long since died. They have absolutely no recollection of those events, (being a new person), and will not learn anything from it given that they will have no recollection of it in their next life.
they can understand all this in the human form of life -
Thus it is utterly pointless. If someone was in a hypnosis session and said he was Hitler in a past life, do you think it justified that the legal system imprison him for the crimes Hitler committed?
That is god's jurisdiction and there is no need for others to lay any extra punishment
This scenario is incompatible with traffic violations and the like.
it does however indicate how ignorance is no excuse even in mundane affairs of law - it is a matter of policy
It is where you generally go astray. You use analogies that do not fit the discussion.
and it is your tendency to over look the general principle that an analogy gives with nit picking - just like if I indicated a constellation by saying it was at the end of a tree branch on the nights sky you would probably say "how could you be so foolish as to say a star is on the end of a tree branch?"

not really - you understand that scriptures are sacred

Completely inaccurate. Let me reword it in a more appropriate manner:

I understand that scriptures are nonsense but that some deluded people might believe they are sacred.
hence the knowledge that scripture is sacred allows you differentiate between it and the yellow pages and winnie the pooh

Now, as is always the case with you, you used an analogy that was faulty. You stated that my financial security was at stake, (thus the question was loaded).
so in other words I gave an example where a person would not hesitate to exhaust the extent of their knowledge
I would have no moral issues with setting fire to a bible where my financial security was not at risk.
but not when your financial security is at risk, because you know that scripture is sacred (you may not accept that it is - thats a separate issue)
The only reason I wouldn't write on the bible in your analogy was for self interest - i.e me making money.
hence you could call on your knowledge that scripture is sacred to save your butt

yet in the scenario you could distinguish between the bible an d the yellow pages

Because you made a complete mess of it. What I could distinguish was that this guy, (as you stated), was a serious bible thumper and that my financial security rested solely on me not writing on that bible. The question was idiotic as is your conclusion.
It was not to point out that you think from t he core of your heart that scripture is sacred - the whole thing was to point out that you could not claim ignorance, as you did with the traffic infringement, since you know that scripture is sacred - it s just that you choose not to accept it as sacred

if you didn't know that scripture is prone to occupy a position somehow higher than the yellow pages

You told me he was a devout christian. It's not hard to figure out that he deems it to be important. It's also not hard to figure out that I deem my financial security as important - not the book.
of course - but because you know that scripture is commonly held as sacred, you could act accordingly - in the scenario you could lose your money by writing on the telephone directory if the boss's friend said "What the hell are you doing - that is a rare mint condition phone book from pre ww2 worth thousands of dollars" - such a mistake on your part, would have been made in ignorance because you had absolutely no idea what the phone book was.

hence you could call upon your knowledge that scripture is sacred to save your butt

Inaccurate. I could call upon my knowledge that this guy likes that book and considers it important.
all without him telling you - note how you could not do that in the case of the pre ww2 vintage phone book
I wouldn't have written on it if it was Winnie the Pooh's Summer Adventure if my financial wellbeing relied on me not doing so.
if your knowledge was sufficient for you not to detect a fault in writing on it, yes

what if there was winnie the pooh, the telephone directory and the bible - would you write in the bible then?

What's the scenario? Still a devout religious christian right? Lol.
of course - for some reason you thought that introducing winnie the pooh would drastically change things

Let's try a new analogy.. Let's say I need to write down some information a 6 year old is telling me. There are only two things I can write on, either his favourite bed time book - Mickey Mouse and the cloudy day or the bible. I'd write the information on the bible.
even then, as evidenced by the previous analogy, you would know that the bible is sacred - its just that you don't care

regarding the police as an imagination also doesn't work

Which is why you cannot compare real policemen and laws vs ancient idiotic books.
given that you are yet to approach the point where transgressions of scriptural law are determined, its not clear how you have escaped from Alcatraz at this point in time
until you get caught of course

There is no law prohibiting the burning of a bible.
so you and other foolish persons might say

scripture can help define such qualities as free from envy, etc which are prerequisites for saintliness as opposed to clothing or learning scripture by rote

And you determine scripture as valid.. how?
the same as any other field of theory - practical application

omnipotent, omniscient, etc

So.. which god?
the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient one

so therefore you see that there are general indications in all scriptures about the futility of material acquisition at the expense of comprehending one's spiritual nature

? I said the bible must include that which the gods deem illegal so that people are aware of what they deem illegal -
and he does so through presenting codes of behaviour in the mode of goodness that enable a person to come to the right decision after ruminating on whether it is ok to have sex with an anaconda despite there being no specific mention on this in the bible

and if they don't make note that something is illegal they cannot hold anyone guilty that does that thing. From what orifice did your irrelevant quote spring from?
you can find quotes like that all over the place - even find them in pop song lyrics too

and we have the hide to call ourselves an advanced society

I'd tend to agree, but that's humans for you. They think they're chosen and special but at the end of the day they're just animals.
lower than animals actually - even sparrows don't have to work a night shift or take sleeping pills in their nest at night time

the fulfillment of material desires

How does being an animal for a brief time and then never remembering that occasion fulfill material desires?
the living entity has a material desire to fulfill and when they exhaust that they can begin another chapter in foolishness by applying themselves to another

once you have exhausted one's material desire to participate in the activities of a dog one can progress on to the pig an d in this way gradually move through all the species of life until they reach the human form of life

So.. people have a 'material'? desire to be a dog and a pig?
certainly - you can see them exhibit such desires even in the human form

seems you have forgotten my point - but they all participate in making contributions to road safety despite the variety

That's great, but they're all existing different entities. Are you saying that all the gods exist and contribute despite their variety?
no - I am saying that despite the variety of time places and circumstances, a unified cause can be met, just like despite all the varieties in eras and participants of motor transport, road safety has been a singular issue

but the societies can still progress towards god consciousness despite the differences

Which god?
the omnipotent one that all societies are existing under of course - just like all the different rules for all the different vehicle drivers are existing under the same road traffic authority

the government gives different rules to motorcyclists and truck drivers - does that mean there are two different bodies of government in the country?

Can you please desist from your pointless analogies?
only if you desist from having fallible premises for your conclusions
We're not talking truck drivers, we are talking gods.
the reason we are talking about trucks is because you have a few incorrect ideas about god
When two gods give differing rules who's do we listen to? Which god is real? Are they both real? Who's the one to follow?
which brings us back to this issue - when two sets of differing rules exist for
both motorcyclists and truck drivers, which set is real? Are they both real? Who's the one to follow? (answering this analogy, which I trust you are sane enough to give the right answer to, gives the same answer to your puzzling query)
Do we listen to the elephant headed gods, (lol), that tell us that we live multiple lives as dogs and cats, the largely insane jewish god that currently ranks number 1 on the human slaughter list or the christian white hippy man god that preached love and kissed blokes?
Do we have to check our air brakes if we don't even have air brakes - how the hell do they expect you to use a lower gear when you are driving an automatic? No doubt the road traffic authority are so rat arsed that they cannot even scribe a coherent thing

depends on whether you identify as a motorcyclist or a truck driver, so to speak

What about those that are still on foot, unsure whether they should but a car, bike or truck? Which god?
if you don't know whether you are in a car, motorcycle, truck or on foot, the issue of road safety will be quite bewildering

like for instance if an omnipotent god that is the father of all living entities says that it is okay to kill people from a particular race or creed, that raises severe issues

Why does it?
Its not obvious?
Why would he create them?

Surely, given everything you've said, these people are just being punished for sins of their past lives? What was it you said to me?... don't worry, it's only temporary.
but the sins are relative to an individual and not everyone of a particular race or creed

do you see any problems with these premises?

many cultures mention god
many cultures mention fairies
fairies are not real
therefore god is not real

I see one big problem: You've got it upside down and inside out. What you were saying is:

many cultures mention gods
therefore gods exist.
actually it was more like many cultures mention god, therefore its not exactly clear why this invalidates god
I then asked that if, because many cultures mention fairies, that fairies also exist. I didn't say anything didn't exist, I merely followed your line of reasoning. If you see issue with it, blame yourself.
so do you want to say why it is exactly that many cultures mention god that it is a cause for deeming the claim invalid?

so in otherwords if anyone does anything in the name of religion they are absolutely correct because they say so?

Where is such thing implied? I am saying the opposite - but that they cannot be faulted for doing something that god does not prohibit.
it appears that the only way you discriminate between a person who is religiou s and a person who is not is according to their claim

I guess money cannot buy him love, or even peace of mind

Well, they're both emotional states. However, that money can buy him a much more comfortable life.
or a higher grade of suffering

and the result was that such a so called 'religious society has turned out persons such as yourself - given that such apparently religious behavior can be condemned by the scripture they are apparently representing

Where does religious scripture condemn animal sacrifice and priests eating it?
I think you were harping more on the issue of greed and gluttony, rather than eating things, even though I am sure you would prefer a religion where the priests starve to death

corruption aside, do you think that if god does exist, there is work for god to be done in this world?

I would have to say no. I'm not into thinking that humans are the special species with their own little fairy godfather to cater for their desires and remove their fears. If there was a 'god' I don't see why it would give a shit.
its not so much about humans have their own special creator, but more that the human form of life affords the opportunity to know things not available to the animals, and the nature of gratitude follows.

and the irony is Christianity is waning in its practices

Got any figures? Of course as mankind progresses religion will dwindle. It's inevitable.
hence waning religion gives rise to reformations and re-establishments of religion

hence such institutions are frequently petitioned by human rights activists

Generally the non-religious that think killing someone is not an answer to the problem.
whatever - still the notion of punishment bereft of rehabilitation for humans is alien
Of course they shouldn't really care, it's only temporary.. The guy will be up and walking a year later. Could even be one of those activists pet dog.
there is also the question of one's own involvement in the issue, since the laws of karma cast a wide net in terms of duty and responsibility and their absence

by empiricism you mean?

You can prove it in whatever way you want.
that is empiricism?

actually to say that god is not real is not a statement said by the philosophically cautious and here is why
.... to know that God does not exist requires perfect knowledge of everything (omniscience). To gain this knowledge requires simultaneous access to all aspects of the world and beyond (omnipresence). Therefore, to be certain of the atheist's claim one would have to possess godlike qualities. Obviously, our limited nature runs short on these special qualities. therefore your dogmatic claim is unjustifiable. It is the atheist's attempt to prove a universal negative that is a self-defeating proposition.

Here's where you go wrong yet again. I made no such claim,
yes you did

me - if you had posted 3000+ statements in regard to batman it would indicate a cultivation of sorts

you - If those 3000+ posts were made in response to people that thought batman was real then it wouldn't come down to an adversity to batman, but an adversity to the idiots that claim batman is real. Do you understand that?

what else are you saying if not batman is not real, with a direct parallel to god?

I merely stated that if my 3000 posts were made in response to people that made the claim, (batman is real), then it wouldn't indicate an adversity to batman, (your claim), but an adversity to people making claims that they can't support.
so you know that god is not real simply because anyone who says so is obviously wrong?
Did you not notice that I'm not making claims, you are and they are?
you are not saying not that god is false but that all claims regarding the nature of god are false - still begs the question, on what basis do you base such knowledge (given that you are not omniscient etc)

and here's the answer for the third time
you can begin life as a pig after going through everything that a dog has to offer

That's not an answer. Try reading the question several times. Once more:

"how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?"
here's the answer again
there comes a point in a dogs life where they think "You know this dog business is not all its cracked up to - I mean sure the eating shit and having sex with anyone and everyone is really cool, but this fur really sux since it tends to itch and gets crap stuck all over it - If I could be a pig with hardly any fur, wow, that would be swell"
the reason you don't want to maintain your material existence eternally is because it wears thin and is inherently disgusting

Inaccurate. There's nothing "disgusting" about material existence, but yes - material things do have a shelf life. I wouldn't eat a tin of beans that was ten years old, but it doesn't ultimately make beans "disgusting".

The same however would be true if that eternal existence was material or immaterial if I was 'me'. I don't want an eternal existence regardless to the form, but if I am no longer me, (I'm just a wafty wispy thing with no recollection of who I am), then it doesn't matter because I wouldn't be 'me' and thus we have nothing to discuss. If I am 'me', and aware of that, then I don't want an eternal existence regardless.

true in essence - I disagree about the notion of eternal hell, and can even cite historical references to the development of the bible that gave rise to the whole 'eternal hell' trip

We weren't talking about hell. You were seemingly quite put off by the biblical version of heaven - thus I said welcome to the club.

then why do manufacturers
develop retro designs?

Two reasons: 1) People like to make things, and like to make them look cool and 2) Some people like to buy things that look cool.

then why do have to redesign the shape of the car to more closely resemble a ladies backside if it just has a new set of wheels and a gizmo?

The shape of a car is very important in many ways.

I am sure you look forward to many more pleasures/pains in the future

Pleasures certainly, but unlike you I do not perceive a slight computer/car glitch or indeed life as 'pain'. Well, I guess we all differ emotionally. Of course it's unsurprising that someone that has a seemingly clear hatred for the material would use the word 'pain' when referring to it. Right about now I'd ask you about your childhood, but I'm not going to.

thats what my dentist says

Does he indeed?

given that the only existence you can fathom is a material one, I agree

As stated on my first response, it is irrelevant if I am still 'me'.

if you have them here and reject heaven because they aren't there, why are you disgusted by the notion of an eternal material existence?

I am not 'disgusted', I simply do not want to participate. I do not want to participate in the London marathon, I am not "disgusted" with it. Get over that hurdle and we can move on.

certainly passes the time

It does more than that.

actually I was telling you that you are incapable of actually protecting your children no matter how much you worry

Duh. That kinda goes without saying, no?

what makes you say they are different - if a person wears different clothes than the one they performed the crime in, are they innocent

We're not talking clothes here or anything even remotely resembling clothes. We are talking about the punishment of a child because of something it did when it was a dog, or the punishment of a dog when it did something as a rabbit. These are not clothes, they are completely separate lives - with no knowledge whatsoever of those lives we have apparently lived when we've moved on to the next one. You might well have been Hitler in a past life, it is absolutely nonsensical to get given leukemia at 3 in this life because you were once Hitler when you never killed anyone or hurt anyone, but someone else did. Someone else you don't know and never will. Someone that doesn't share the same looks, thoughts, beliefs or even sperm as you.

they can understand all this in the human form of life -

Who can? Where? What?

Look.. do you disagree with: "They have absolutely no recollection of those events, (being a new person), and will not learn anything from it given that they will have no recollection of it in their next life."?

Will a human have recollection of his past lives, the actions he performed in them and the lessons he supposedly learnt from being in that existence? If you say yes I will have to say it is not evidenced.. I don't remember being anything before. If no, they can't remember anything, then what has been learnt exactly by going through it?

That is god's jurisdiction and there is no need for others to lay any extra punishment

Let's just be thankful that society disagrees with you.

it does however indicate how ignorance is no excuse even in mundane affairs of law

But ignorance can be an excuse, we've been through it already.

and it is your tendency to over look the general principle that an analogy gives with nit picking

Utter nonsense. You just use crap and largely irrelevant analogies.

hence the knowledge that scripture is sacred allows you differentiate between it and the yellow pages and winnie the pooh

Wrong again. It could be someone's cheque book, someone's wallpaper, someone's toilet roll, but not writing on it does not mean that anyone has knowledge that it is 'sacred'. You're talking out of your rectum. What you're trying to say is that it's someone else property and most people have manners, there's nothing 'sacred' about it.

but not when your financial security is at risk, because you know that scripture is sacred

Inaccurate. I wouldn't write on wallpaper if my financial security was at risk. That's not because I know wallpaper is sacred.

It was not to point out that you think from t he core of your heart that scripture is sacred - the whole thing was to point out that you could not claim ignorance, as you did with the traffic infringement, since you know that scripture is sacred - it s just that you choose not to accept it as sacred

Wrong again. Scripture is not sacred, just like wallpaper is not sacred. I wouldn't write on that either.

in the scenario you could lose your money by writing on the telephone directory if the boss's friend said "What the hell are you doing - that is a rare mint condition phone book from pre ww2 worth thousands of dollars" - such a mistake on your part, would have been made in ignorance because you had absolutely no idea what the phone book was.

Sure you would, (at least here). They are handed out freely and I'd know what it looked like. Of course the scenario is kinda silly. If it came down to it I would most likely write on the paper in my wallet because the property is mine. That does not mean his phonebook is sacred, his bible is sacred, his toilet paper is sacred, it's just his property. The reason you mentioned phonebooks is because you're well aware they're freebies that most people forget they even have.

I have a phonebook here sitting on the shelf and on the other side of the room where the printer is I have some plain A4 paper. When I'm on the phone and need to write something down I don't write on the phone book.. I walk across the room and get a piece of paper. No LG, the phonebook is not sacred.

all without him telling you - note how you could not do that in the case of the pre ww2 vintage phone book

Nonsense. You told me he was a devout christian. If you had have told me he collected rare antique phonebooks then the answer would have been different. No LG, phonebooks are not sacred.

of course - for some reason you thought that introducing winnie the pooh would drastically change things

No, as highlighted above it depends upon the person. If you had have told me this guy collected rare antique phonebooks then I wouldn't write on it - not because it's "sacred" but because it's someone elses property that he wants. In saying, if we were talking to a 6 year old it's likely that Winnie the Pooh is of more importance than the adventures of jesus and thus - if I had to write on one of them it would be the bible. The same is true if this guy was a rare antique phonebook collector as opposed to a devout christian.

even then, as evidenced by the previous analogy, you would know that the bible is sacred - its just that you don't care

Incorrect. You really need to get over this hurdle. My tea cup is not sacred, but I wouldn't expect someone to come round my house and throw it against the wall.

so you and other foolish persons might say

It's not illegal here. That's not foolish, that's fact.

the same as any other field of theory - practical application

So.. you met these elephant headed (lol) gods of yours? You witnessed that there are multiple lives? You remember being a dog once?

the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient one

Which is... which god?

and he does so through presenting codes of behaviour in the mode of goodness that enable a person to come to the right decision after ruminating on whether it is ok to have sex with an anaconda despite there being no specific mention on this in the bible

But there is:

Leviticus 18: "Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it"

Along with that we have the following:

"Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."

"Of the animals that move about on the ground, these are unclean for you: the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard"

So basically what you're saying is that this god decided to tell you not to eat weasels and not to wear clothing made of more than one material but did not bother telling anyone not to sleep with kids and consider this perfectly rational and sane?

lower than animals actually - even sparrows don't have to work a night shift or take sleeping pills in their nest at night time

Utter nonsense. Food collection, nest building etc. They work a hell of a lot. (Surely that's the reason people work the night shift - food collection/nest building)?

the living entity has a material desire to fulfill

From whence did this material desire appear? When did it create itself?

certainly - you can see them exhibit such desires even in the human form

Guess you keep odd company.

the omnipotent one that all societies are existing under of course

Which is... which god?

the reason we are talking about trucks is because you have a few incorrect ideas about god

You haven't told me which one we're talking about yet.

when two sets of differing rules exist for
both motorcyclists and truck drivers, which set is real? Are they both real?

Try again. When two different sets of rules exist for truck drivers. One says drive trucks only on weekends, the other says drive trucks only on weekdays. Which is the the one to follow?

(answering this analogy, which I trust you are sane enough to give the right answer to, gives the same answer to your puzzling query)

Your analogy is flawed.

Do we have to check our air brakes if we don't even have air brakes

Try, for once, to answer a straight question. Which god?

if you don't know whether you are in a car, motorcycle, truck or on foot, the issue of road safety will be quite bewildering

Purposeful avoidance. Try again:

"What about those that are still on foot, unsure whether they should buy a car, bike or truck? Which god?"

Nowhere in that was it mentioned that the people "didn't know they were in a car or truck".

Kindly pay attention.

Its not obvious?
Why would he create them?

Limit the gods why don't you. You think because they have the power to make things that they need to ultimately be nice to their creation? I've seen people 'create' children only to beat the shit out of them. What rule exactly states that gods must be any different?

but the sins are relative to an individual and not everyone of a particular race or creed

Not from a biblical perspective. In the case of the Noah flood.. everyone had sinned and thus the punishment was given to everyone. The same is true of the Egyptians who kept gods people as slaves. They sinned big time so he punished all of them - including the new borns who hadn't actually done anything, (in that version of life). The same is true of all of us who are only sinners because of the actions of Adam and Eve. Women still to this day have painful childbirth solely because of her sins. Still to this day man must work his nuts of tilling the soil because of the sins of Adam. Sins are most certainly not relative to an individual. Now, is there some legal requirement for a god to undertake his punishments in a certain way? Can he not employ man to do his will?

actually it was more like many cultures mention god, therefore its not exactly clear why this invalidates god

Many cultures mention fairies, therefore it is not exactly clear why this invalidates fairies.

do you want to say why it is exactly that many cultures mention god that it is a cause for deeming the claim invalid?


it appears that the only way you discriminate between a person who is religiou s and a person who is not is according to their claim

? I said a person cannot be faulted for committing a crime that the gods deem illegal if those gods never mentioned it. Example: Would you consider it justified to be sent to hell for wearing a shirt made of both cotton and nylon if a god hadn't have happened to mention it? Where does your above statement come from? Are we even having the same discussion?

or a higher grade of suffering

I guess it's a personal thing. Your statement of course isn't surprising for someone that hates the material.

even though I am sure you would prefer a religion where the priests starve to death

Not at all, I'm not religious - I am an atheist.

but more that the human form of life affords the opportunity to know things not available to the animals, and the nature of gratitude follows.

Why would an omnipotent, omniscient sky being care if we were grateful or not? It seems so petty. Further to which, from a biblical perspective we were supposed to remain like those animals, (unaware we were even naked, no knowledge of right or wrong). What you're now saying therefore is that we should be thankful to a talking snake, (satan), because he's the one that got man to become more than animals.

still the notion of punishment bereft of rehabilitation for humans is alien

Clearly it isn't. The death penalty speaks volumes. Sure, you'll get a few that protest, but that doesn't indicate that it's "alien for humans".

that is empiricism?

Anything you can imagine.. (lol)

what else are you saying if not batman is not real, with a direct parallel to god?

Right, now I see where you went wrong. My 'adversity' is to the idiots that make unsupportable claims. That doesn't ultimately mean that batman does not exist in some alternate universe inhabited by cartoon characters, but that a completely unsupportable claim is idiotic, and I am adverse to it. With me?

In honesty you probably should have picked up on that by now considering I went on to say:

" it wouldn't indicate an adversity to batman, (your claim), but an adversity to people making claims that they can't support."

so you know that god is not real simply because anyone who says so is obviously wrong?

Not at all, you're making a fundamental error. The FSM might exist. It is the claim that it does, bereft of any evidence that I find I have an adversity to. That's not to say that you or I "know" the FSM doesn't exist but that the claim is inherently worthless. Same with your god claims, afterlife claims, multiple life claims, you become a dog claims etc etc and so forth.

you are not saying not that god is false but that all claims regarding the nature of god are false - still begs the question, on what basis do you base such knowledge (given that you are not omniscient etc)

The error continues...

there comes a point in a dogs life where they think..

See, those kind of claims. Does there come a point in a dogs life where they think "this dog business isn't all it's cracked up to be"? How do you know that? What evidence do you have to support that claim?

the reason you don't want to maintain your material existence eternally is because it wears thin and is inherently disgusting

Inaccurate. There's nothing "disgusting" about material existence, but yes - material things do have a shelf life. I wouldn't eat a tin of beans that was ten years old, but it doesn't ultimately make beans "disgusting".
you would get disgusted also by eating tinned baked beans for ten years
The same however would be true if that eternal existence was material or immaterial if I was 'me'.
what exactly do you mean by the word 'me'?

I don't want an eternal existence regardless to the form,

but if I am no longer me, (I'm just a wafty wispy thing with no recollection of who I am), then it doesn't matter because I wouldn't be 'me' and thus we have nothing to discuss. If I am 'me', and aware of that, then I don't want an eternal existence regardless.
l I have to ask, who are you?

true in essence - I disagree about the notion of eternal hell, and can even cite historical references to the development of the bible that gave rise to the whole 'eternal hell' trip

We weren't talking about hell. You were seemingly quite put off by the biblical version of heaven - thus I said welcome to the club.
all you have talked about in terms of heaven is what a drag it is since one's freinds/family would be in (eternal) hell and that eternity in a stinky material body doesn't sound good - thats your version of heaven (and hell)

then why do manufacturers
develop retro designs?

Two reasons: 1) People like to make things, and like to make them look cool and 2) Some people like to buy things that look cool.
which explains why car manufacturers and purchasers interact on the point of "coolness" as opposed to rigid practicality

then why do have to redesign the shape of the car to more closely resemble a ladies backside if it just has a new set of wheels and a gizmo?

The shape of a car is very important in many ways.
yes, for coolness, as you have finally admitted after several posts

I am sure you look forward to many more pleasures/pains in the future

Pleasures certainly, but unlike you I do not perceive a slight computer/car glitch or indeed life as 'pain'.
So if your wife runs a 3 foot scratch down the side of your car or your hard drive accidentally gets reformatted you would be in ecstasy?
Well, I guess we all differ emotionally. Of course it's unsurprising that someone that has a seemingly clear hatred for the material would use the word 'pain' when referring to it.
actually its the common bottom line of practically any line of philosophy you want to accept - there is no possibility of perfect happiness in the material world - anyone who says otherwise is either a fool, on drugs, or lying
Right about now I'd ask you about your childhood, but I'm not going to.
even freud admitted that the id can't win out and must settle for a lot less happiness than desired

thats what my dentist says

Does he indeed?
certainly - does your dentist recommend people have perfect teeth or imperfect teeth?

given that the only existence you can fathom is a material one, I agree

As stated on my first response, it is irrelevant if I am still 'me'.
if you think that the word 'me' is a stinky sack of bile, mucus and air that is subject to frequent embarrassments, I agree

if you have them here and reject heaven because they aren't there, why are you disgusted by the notion of an eternal material existence?

I am not 'disgusted', I simply do not want to participate. I do not want to participate in the London marathon, I am not "disgusted" with it. Get over that hurdle and we can move on.
Lets try again - if you say that heaven is a drag because there is no sex drugs and rock and roll, why would you say that the notion of eternal material life is a drag, since these things are quite obviously present here?

actually I was telling you that you are incapable of actually protecting your children no matter how much you worry

Duh. That kinda goes without saying, no?
So ultimately your magnanimous concern doesn't benefit anyone, not even your dog.

what makes you say they are different - if a person wears different clothes than the one they performed the crime in, are they innocent

We're not talking clothes here or anything even remotely resembling clothes. We are talking about the punishment of a child because of something it did when it was a dog, or the punishment of a dog when it did something as a rabbit.
Actually if you were paying attention you would understand that we were talking about sin in relation to humans, since animals don't have that capacity
These are not clothes, they are completely separate lives -
actually they are separate bodies (hence the analogy of separate clothes)
with no knowledge whatsoever of those lives we have apparently lived when we've moved on to the next one.
not for everyone, obviously

BG 15.10: The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.
You might well have been Hitler in a past life, it is absolutely nonsensical to get given leukemia at 3 in this life because you were once Hitler when you never killed anyone or hurt anyone, but someone else did.
if hitler and i are the same person, how is it that I didn't hurt anyone

Someone else you don't know and never will.
perhaps you will never know and never will (at least in this lifetime anyway)
Someone that doesn't share the same looks, thoughts, beliefs or even sperm as you.
hence the living entity is not ultimately their corporeal or subtle (mind, etc) body

they can understand all this in the human form of life -

Who can? Where? What?

BG 15.10: The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.
Look.. do you disagree with: "They have absolutely no recollection of those events, (being a new person), and will not learn anything from it given that they will have no recollection of it in their next life."?
should I quote BG15.10 a third time?
Will a human have recollection of his past lives, the actions he performed in them and the lessons he supposedly learnt from being in that existence?

BG 6.41: The unsuccessful yogī, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.

BG 6.42: Or [if unsuccessful after long practice of yoga] he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Certainly, such a birth is rare in this world.

BG 6.43: On taking such a birth, he revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he again tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru.

BG 6.44: By virtue of the divine consciousness of his previous life, he automatically becomes attracted to the yogic principles — even without seeking them. Such an inquisitive transcendentalist stands always above the ritualistic principles of the scriptures.

If you say yes I will have to say it is not evidenced..
BG 2.29: Some look on the soul as amazing, some describe him as amazing, and some hear of him as amazing, while others, even after hearing about him, cannot understand him at all.

I don't remember being anything before.
SB 3.26.6: Because of his forgetfulness, the transcendental living entity accepts the influence of material energy as his field of activities, and thus actuated, he wrongly applies the activities to himself.

If no, they can't remember anything, then what has been learnt exactly by going through it?
maybe after attaining the human form of life thousands of times after billions of years something will begin to click

That is god's jurisdiction and there is no need for others to lay any extra punishment

Let's just be thankful that society disagrees with you.
you live in a society that punishes persons for crimes performed in a previous lifetime?

it does however indicate how ignorance is no excuse even in mundane affairs of law

But ignorance can be an excuse, we've been through it already.
read it again - ignorance as an excuse is an exception and definitely not the rule

and it is your tendency to over look the general principle that an analogy gives with nit picking

Utter nonsense. You just use crap and largely irrelevant analogies.
(sigh) the moon on the end of a branch, eh?

hence the knowledge that scripture is sacred allows you differentiate between it and the yellow pages and winnie the pooh

Wrong again. It could be someone's cheque book, someone's wallpaper, someone's toilet roll, but not writing on it does not mean that anyone has knowledge that it is 'sacred'.
well you managed to chose the phone book instead of the bible

You're talking out of your rectum.
I am actually talking about the information you have already given
What you're trying to say is that it's someone else property and most people have manners, there's nothing 'sacred' about it.
the phonebook also belonged to him

but not when your financial security is at risk, because you know that scripture is sacred

Inaccurate. I wouldn't write on wallpaper if my financial security was at risk. That's not because I know wallpaper is sacred.
your argument is that the bible is just another book - when given a scenario where you had the choice between writing on a bible or the phone book, you chose the phonebook - I am not arguing that you think that the bible is sacred - I am arguing that you know that the bible is commonly held as sacred by others, and as such you can't claim ignorance, if indeed defacing sacred scriptures is punishable

in the scenario you could lose your money by writing on the telephone directory if the boss's friend said "What the hell are you doing - that is a rare mint condition phone book from pre ww2 worth thousands of dollars" - such a mistake on your part, would have been made in ignorance because you had absolutely no idea what the phone book was.

Sure you would, (at least here). They are handed out freely and I'd know what it looked like. Of course the scenario is kinda silly. If it came down to it I would most likely write on the paper in my wallet because the property is mine. That does not mean his phonebook is sacred, his bible is sacred, his toilet paper is sacred, it's just his property. The reason you mentioned phonebooks is because you're well aware they're freebies that most people forget they even have.
I agree that the scenario is kind of absurd with the pre-WW2 phone book - but it does illustrate the difference between acts done in ignorance and knowledge
I have a phonebook here sitting on the shelf and on the other side of the room where the printer is I have some plain A4 paper. When I'm on the phone and need to write something down I don't write on the phone book.. I walk across the room and get a piece of paper. No LG, the phonebook is not sacred.
the scenario illustrates that you have knowledge that scripture is sacred, since the neither the phone book or the bible belonged to you in the eg

all without him telling you - note how you could not do that in the case of the pre ww2 vintage phone book

Nonsense. You told me he was a devout christian. If you had have told me he collected rare antique phonebooks then the answer would have been different. No LG, phonebooks are not sacred.
you have knowledge why a christian would hold the bible as sacred - that is all the scenario is meant to illustrate, therefore you cannot claim ignorance, as you did with the cop and the traffic infringement

of course - for some reason you thought that introducing winnie the pooh would drastically change things

No, as highlighted above it depends upon the person. If you had have told me this guy collected rare antique phonebooks then I wouldn't write on it - not because it's "sacred" but because it's someone elses property that he wants.
then you would have sufficient knowledge on why an antique dealer would hold his antique phone book as valuable
In saying, if we were talking to a 6 year old it's likely that Winnie the Pooh is of more importance than the adventures of jesus and thus
then you have knowledge why a child would hold winnie the pooh as valuable
- if I had to write on one of them it would be the bible.
but not in the presence of a christian who's whim had the capacity to drastically change your financial status for the worse - why? Because you have knowledge why a christian would hold the bible as sacred
The same is true if this guy was a rare antique phonebook collector as opposed to a devout christian.
thus it illustrates you have knowledge that the bible is sacred, since you wouldn't do such a thing (perhaps you would if you thought you could get away with it) in the presence of a practitioner

even then, as evidenced by the previous analogy, you would know that the bible is sacred - its just that you don't care

Incorrect. You really need to get over this hurdle. My tea cup is not sacred, but I wouldn't expect someone to come round my house and throw it against the wall.
but you can however distinguish between the relative values of a christian's bible and a christian's phonebook

so you and other foolish persons might say

It's not illegal here. That's not foolish, that's fact.
then its a fact they are foolish

the same as any other field of theory - practical application

So.. you met these elephant headed (lol) gods of yours? You witnessed that there are multiple lives? You remember being a dog once?
you asked how do we determine that scripture is valid - I answered practical application - are you asking a different question here?

the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient one

Which is... which god?

how many the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient ones do you know?

and he does so through presenting codes of behaviour in the mode of goodness that enable a person to come to the right decision after ruminating on whether it is ok to have sex with an anaconda despite there being no specific mention on this in the bible

But there is:

Leviticus 18: "Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it"
how about having sex with a plant?

Along with that we have the following:

"Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."

"Of the animals that move about on the ground, these are unclean for you: the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard"

So basically what you're saying is that this god decided to tell you not to eat weasels and not to wear clothing made of more than one material but did not bother telling anyone not to sleep with kids and consider this perfectly rational and sane?[/QUOTE]
perhaps it gives an indication of the common sense required to know not to have sex with children

lower than animals actually - even sparrows don't have to work a night shift or take sleeping pills in their nest at night time

Utter nonsense. Food collection, nest building etc.
they do it in the day time however

They work a hell of a lot.
not as much as humans - and they get quicker returns

(Surely that's the reason people work the night shift - food collection/nest building)?
yes - it must take on average about thirty years to own a house

the living entity has a material desire to fulfill

From whence did this material desire appear?
from where does a shadow appear?
When did it create itself?
SB 11.13.7: In a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest. Thus, the fire is automatically calmed by its own action. Similarly, by the competition and interaction of the material modes of nature, the subtle and gross material bodies are generated. If one uses his mind and body to cultivate knowledge, then such enlightenment destroys the influence of the modes of nature that generated one's body. Thus, like the fire, the body and mind are pacified by their own actions in destroying the source of their birth.

certainly - you can see them exhibit such desires even in the human form

Guess you keep odd company.
just go for a walk in your nearest red light district at 1am

the omnipotent one that all societies are existing under of course

Which is... which god?
how many persons do you think can occupy the title of being omnimax?

the reason we are talking about trucks is because you have a few incorrect ideas about god

You haven't told me which one we're talking about yet.
you haven't explained how more than one personality can be omnimax

when two sets of differing rules exist for
both motorcyclists and truck drivers, which set is real? Are they both real?

Try again. When two different sets of rules exist for truck drivers. One says drive trucks only on weekends, the other says drive trucks only on weekdays. Which is the the one to follow?
how is this connected to your argument that different rules for different persons give different results (you are arguing now that different rules for the same persons give different results - its not clear how this correlates to your (mis)understanding of interfaith dialogs

have to go

(answering this analogy, which I trust you are sane enough to give the right answer to, gives the same answer to your puzzling query)

Your analogy is flawed.
should we try again

When two gods (or regulations for different grades of motor vehicle drivers) give differing rules who's do we listen to? Which god (regulation) is real? Are they both real? Who's the one to follow?

Do we have to check our air brakes if we don't even have air brakes

Try, for once, to answer a straight question. Which god?
indeed - choosing which set of regulations to follow is truly bewildering

if you don't know whether you are in a car, motorcycle, truck or on foot, the issue of road safety will be quite bewildering

Purposeful avoidance. Try again:
if you try to unify hinduism,christianity and islam (without coming to the point of being a practitioning hindu, christian or muslim) you will not get far - much like if you try to be a motor cycle rule obeying truck driver you won't get far in the pursuit of road safety - in fact in these situations you would have to ask what sort of madness does the person have that makes them addicted to eclecticism

Its not obvious?
Why would he create them?
I guess you missed it - if an omnipotent seed giving father of all living entities advocates that it is ok to kill any persons of a particular colour or creed it indicates something philosophical askew, hence that understanding is not the omnimax god one is seeking
Limit the gods why don't you. You think because they have the power to make things that they need to ultimately be nice to their creation? I've seen people 'create' children only to beat the shit out of them.
illustrates the difference between god and the living entity

What rule exactly states that gods must be any different?
different from the living entity?
surely you are joking aren't you?

but the sins are relative to an individual and not everyone of a particular race or creed

Not from a biblical perspective.
then either the bible is wrong or your perspective of the bible is wrong - I leave it up to you to make the choice which one it is (But I have encountered numerous christians who don't share such a perspective)
In the case of the Noah flood.. everyone had sinned and thus the punishment was given to everyone. The same is true of the Egyptians who kept gods people as slaves. They sinned big time so he punished all of them - including the new borns who hadn't actually done anything, (in that version of life). The same is true of all of us who are only sinners because of the actions of Adam and Eve. Women still to this day have painful childbirth solely because of her sins. Still to this day man must work his nuts of tilling the soil because of the sins of Adam. Sins are most certainly not relative to an individual. Now, is there some legal requirement for a god to undertake his punishments in a certain way? Can he not employ man to do his will?
basically the reason we are here in the material world is because we are envious of god - and that envy prohibits us from entering the spiritual realm - one of the best ways to come to terms with this envy is to willingly accept the desire of god in this world (which means not becoming a human punching bag - which ironically is what we become if we reject god - but attempting to use one's intelligence to work in a way in this world that god finds pleasing - in other words it is not god's gain if we work for him - he has everything already anyway - but it is us that gain since our envy is diminished)

actually it was more like many cultures mention god, therefore its not exactly clear why this invalidates god

Many cultures mention fairies, therefore it is not exactly clear why this invalidates fairies.
fairies are actually invalidated for reasons other than the fact they appear in many cultures, which begs the question why you brought up the 'many cultures' thing in the first place

it appears that the only way you discriminate between a person who is religiou s and a person who is not is according to their claim

? I said a person cannot be faulted for committing a crime that the gods deem illegal if those gods never mentioned it.
my point is how do you determine what god prohibits - like for instance is it feasible that a truth in religion is what anyone says after reading scripture? Is it feasible that a truth in chemistry is what anyone says after reading a chemistry text book?

or a higher grade of suffering

I guess it's a personal thing. Your statement of course isn't surprising for someone that hates the material.
well ...
he's rich
he's famous
he's talented
.... but his life is a still a drag
(and foolish people envy his fame, talent and riches - beginning with his wife)
... what else could it be but a higher grade of suffering?

even though I am sure you would prefer a religion where the priests starve to death

Not at all, I'm not religious - I am an atheist.
hence why you would appreciate a religion that involves the heads dropping dead from starvation palatable

but more that the human form of life affords the opportunity to know things not available to the animals, and the nature of gratitude follows.

Why would an omnipotent, omniscient sky being care if we were grateful or not? It seems so petty.
I guess at a certain point in the pursuit of opulences one goes beyond the stage of not even passing wind if one things another can benefit from it
Further to which, from a biblical perspective we were supposed to remain like those animals, (unaware we were even naked, no knowledge of right or wrong).
innocent, yes
What you're now saying therefore is that we should be thankful to a talking snake, (satan), because he's the one that got man to become more than animals.
its more like due to envy of god we were obliged to come to the material world to exhibit our animal like desires

still the notion of punishment bereft of rehabilitation for humans is alien

Clearly it isn't. The death penalty speaks volumes.

Sure, you'll get a few that protest, but that doesn't indicate that it's "alien for humans".
you find that places that advocate the death penalty do so as a deterrent to potential offenders (of course you can argue how effective it is) - so rehabilitation - or trying to cultivating a sense of obedience in the criminally inclined, is at the core

what else are you saying if not batman is not real, with a direct parallel to god?

Right, now I see where you went wrong. My 'adversity' is to the idiots that make unsupportable claims.
and if you don't take the support of their claim, what then - like for instance if you insist on being sinful in ways that they insist you not be, on what grounds are the claims 'unsupportable'
That doesn't ultimately mean that batman does not exist in some alternate universe inhabited by cartoon characters, but that a completely unsupportable claim is idiotic, and I am adverse to it. With me?
hence there is no difference between saying god doesn't exist and god is an imagination that cannot be verified (despite one's lacking to fulfill the prerequisites for verification)

In honesty you probably should have picked up on that by now considering I went on to say:

" it wouldn't indicate an adversity to batman, (your claim), but an adversity to people making claims that they can't support."
in other words because the idea is wrong anyone making the claim is wrong - do you see how your first premise is begging the question?

so you know that god is not real simply because anyone who says so is obviously wrong?

Not at all, you're making a fundamental error. The FSM might exist. It is the claim that it does, bereft of any evidence that I find I have an adversity to.
but is there is a claim of evidence being perceivable yet you violate such prerequisites, what then?
That's not to say that you or I "know" the FSM doesn't exist but that the claim is inherently worthless.
if you lack qualification, isn't your claim that the claim is useless also useless?
Same with your god claims, afterlife claims, multiple life claims, you become a dog claims etc etc and so forth.
the next question is whether you fulfill the prerequisites for such knowledge

you are not saying not that god is false but that all claims regarding the nature of god are false - still begs the question, on what basis do you base such knowledge (given that you are not omniscient etc)

The error continues...
do you base it on your current 'understanding'?

there comes a point in a dogs life where they think..

See, those kind of claims. Does there come a point in a dogs life where they think "this dog business isn't all it's cracked up to be"? How do you know that? What evidence do you have to support that claim?
aren't you existing in this world to exploit the resources of this world under the influence of your bodily designation (and don't you frequently fail in the pursuit of such exploitation)?
you would get disgusted also by eating tinned baked beans for ten years

Disgusted is a bit of a heavy word - but I certainly wouldn't be the happiest chappy about it. As stated, it's one of the reasons I wouldn't want to participate in an eternal existence. Now, although you'd have to supply a detailed explanation of an 'immaterial existence', I can say at this point in time that eternal existence to me is something I would rather not partake in. It's not because I am disgusted by the idea, it's perhaps just that the knowledge that life eventually ends is what makes any of it enjoyable.

As a side issue, it's worth noting that when gods people were wandering through the desert, their god fed them nothing but manna. Day in day out, year in year out. Finally the jews asked for something different. They got some meat - but got killed them all before they could eat it because they had dared ask for something different. If this is the being that is the leader, it's one more reason to not want to spend an eternity in the place that he rules.

what exactly do you mean by the word 'me'?

The person responding to you.

all you have talked about in terms of heaven is what a drag it is since one's freinds/family would be in (eternal) hell and that eternity in a stinky material body doesn't sound good - thats your version of heaven (and hell)

They were a couple of short examples, nothing more. Of course if you have some knowledge of heaven that you can show as being more valid than say the biblical version of heaven, the Sumerian version of an afterlife or countless others, and would actually be appealing to 'me', then go for it.

which explains why car manufacturers and purchasers interact on the point of "coolness" as opposed to rigid practicality

Depends entirely on the manufacturer/purchaser. To some it's all about aesthetics, to some it is all about practicality. Such is the way of the world.

yes, for coolness, as you have finally admitted after several posts

Now now, right back at the start of this I mentioned that some have cars for pleasure. However, the actual discussion was that there will be an equal amount of pain with something pleasurable. I would disagree, but then I am quite well known to be a laid back, almost non-caring kinda guy so perhaps it's just me. Surely it would be pertinent to state that the non-pleasurable is bound to be more painful?

So if your wife runs a 3 foot scratch down the side of your car or your hard drive accidentally gets reformatted you would be in ecstasy?

Ecstacy? No. I have noticed with you this tendency to look at everything in black and white terms. If something is not painful it must be ecstacy. It's quite bizarre and needless to say there are actually many greys in between both of those instances.

actually its the common bottom line of practically any line of philosophy you want to accept - there is no possibility of perfect happiness in the material world - anyone who says otherwise is either a fool, on drugs, or lying

Well, that depends on who's subjective opinion on perfection we're talking about. If we were to use your dentists for example, then simply by the fact that my teeth do not have cavities we can now consider them perfect. By using that same line of reasoning simply by the fact that I am not upset about anything then clearly I have perfect happiness. I did even go to lengths to clarify with you that that was what your dentist said. Of course perhaps your dentist is just a fool or on drugs.

certainly - does your dentist recommend people have perfect teeth or imperfect teeth?

See? (check the bit in bold). Now, by using the same reasoning that a lack of cavities equals perfect teeth, a lack of sorrow must equal perfect happiness. My dentist, being neither a fool, liar or on drugs, doesn't ever say "perfect" when he talks about teeth. Clearly his subjective opinion on perfection differs from that of your dentist.

if you think that the word 'me' is a stinky sack of bile, mucus and air that is subject to frequent embarrassments, I agree

Well, if you honestly wanted to know the polite thing to do would have been to ask instead of thinking you can give some sort of answer for me. However, tell me why I would want an eternal existence even if I wasn't a sack of bile and air?

Lets try again - if you say that heaven is a drag because there is no sex drugs and rock and roll, why would you say that the notion of eternal material life is a drag, since these things are quite obviously present here?

Surely you see the difference between 'here' and 'eternal'?

So ultimately your magnanimous concern doesn't benefit anyone, not even your dog.

Ultimately, yeah.

Actually if you were paying attention you would understand that we were talking about sin in relation to humans, since animals don't have that capacity

Why don't animals have that capacity? I have seen dogs very cunningly go and steal food, (your butchers analogy). That is theft. Ignorance is not an excuse.. remember? If ignorance is an excuse because dogs don't understand it why is it not for humans - especially given our discussion and all that time and energy spent on your part trying to dismiss any negating of punishment because of mans ignorance? And it is indeed ultimate ignorance considering the actions performed by this person were done so in a past life that he doesn't even remember having ever lived. Where's the difference exactly?

if hitler and i are the same person, how is it that I didn't hurt anyone

So then why would you not get punished as a dog even though you were once Hitler? Are Hitler and the dog both not you? How can a dog therefore be free from punishment? That dog killed millions. It is ignorant of doing so.. indeed it just sits down and licks its balls all day long, but that surely would not detract from the crimes he committed during a human incarnation?

hence the living entity is not ultimately their corporeal or subtle (mind, etc) body

So.. what exactly is the living entity and what evidence can you provide to substantiate any claim you might make?

should I quote BG15.10 a third time?

Is there specific reason for me to believe the words of ancient Pakistani's that thought god was blue with six arms and had an elephant head?

BG 6.41: The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.

Ah, that's the prize.. being born into a rich family. Gotta love a material existence lol.

maybe after attaining the human form of life thousands of times after billions of years something will begin to click

And then.. I start believing in ancient books and elephant headed gods?

read it again - ignorance as an excuse is an exception and definitely not the rule

Animals outnumber humans to a vast degree. Seems ignorance is the rule. For some undefined reason our ignorance isn't acceptable.

well you managed to chose the phone book instead of the bible

Certainly, under the knowledge that the phone book is a largely unwanted freebie, (especially given 118 118), whereas the bible/winnie the pooh/the wallpaper/the toilet paper was bought by this person. That doesn't make any of them sacred.

your argument is that the bible is just another book

Certainly. And I have justified that statement by showing that I wouldn't write on any other book this man owned - even the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The phone book is something that people generally write on because it's a largely ignored freebie that is replaced 2 months later. You knew this which is exactly why you used it in your analogy. The bible is just another book.

when given a scenario where you had the choice between writing on a bible or the phone book, you chose the phonebook


The phonebook isn't actually a 'book'. It's not bought, it's largely not read, it serves no real purpose, it's free, it gets replaced every few months. When I returned the scenario using Winnie the Pooh I actually wrote in the bible. Where then is your point?

I am arguing that you know that the bible is commonly held as sacred by others, and as such you can't claim ignorance, if indeed defacing sacred scriptures is punishable

Your argument is foolish. I know that the other peoples property - be it the bible, winnie the pooh's adventures or the toaster are other peoples property and can be important to them. Indeed you even recognise the difference because you change tact and say "valuable" when it comes to anything else. I have yet to meet or see one person that regards the bible as anything more than 'valuable'. If the bible was to accidentally get set on fire they wouldn't sacrifice themselves, they'd buy another one. It is just a book. They might view the 'words' in that book as sacred - ergo the original texts, but the actual printed bible in this persons house is just a book - valuable to them, not sacred.

Your statements concerning ignorance are of no relevance. There is no law against burning a bible and I see no personal problem with doing so. If it was illegal to burn bibles then I would never do it - not because I understand that the bible is sacred, but that, as dumb as laws can be, breaking them causes personal problems. The same would be true if the law applied to Winnie.

you have knowledge why a christian would hold the bible as sacred

I tend to disagree, but then here in the UK there are book shops - and religious bookshops where people can buy new bibles. Sacred? No. I understand that a christian might view the words as sacred, not the book.

then you would have sufficient knowledge on why an antique dealer would hold his antique phone book as valuable

Then I too would have sufficient knowledge on why a christian would hold his bible as valuable. Certainly. Valuable = yes, sacred = no.

but you can however distinguish between the relative values of a christian's bible and a christian's phonebook

Certainly. My computer is more valuable to me than my tea cup. Neither is 'sacred'. Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully.

then its a fact they are foolish

Proof please.

you asked how do we determine that scripture is valid - I answered practical application - are you asking a different question here?

No, same question to same statement. You see, the only possible way that you can determine that a scriptural claim to some elephant headed god is valid is if you've seen it. Have you?

how many the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient ones do you know?

Quite a few. So... which god?

how about having sex with a plant?

No law against it. Thus if you had sex with a plant, (if you could), there would be no justification in handing out punishment. There was a guy on the radio that had sex with cars. As bizarre as that might seem to you and I, there is no law prohibiting him from engaging in such activity. As a result of that no charges could be brought against him.

See.. You can't have sex with animals - gods law says so. He says nothing about bonking children.

perhaps it gives an indication of the common sense required to know not to have sex with children

These very same people full of common sense that couldn't work out not to have sex with their mothers or with animals? So why, if it's left out because humans have common sense, did he mention those other things? Why tell people to bury their poo? It's common sense surely? Why tell people not to eat weasels, bats and lizards? It's common sense surely? People don't have the common sense for that but somehow do when it comes to not bonking children?

they do it in the day time however

Uhh... not those that work nightshifts :bugeye:

yes - it must take on average about thirty years to own a house

In comparison to the sparrow that works solid for a couple of months and only lives for a couple of years?

from where does a shadow appear?

It appears from the lack of ability on the part of light to turn corners. So, now I've done the decent thing and answered your question, try and answer mine.

From where does this material desire appear?

SB 11.13.7: In a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest.

Fascinating but irrelevant... unless you can show that this bamboo has a material desire to set fire to the forest. So, once again.. where does this desire come from? What created this desire in humans?

how many persons do you think can occupy the title of being omnimax?

I wouldn't presume to be that omniscient that my human brain could answer the question. However, if I listen to those humans like yourself that claim they know these things then I would have to say millions, (while not providing any evidence - and there's fuck all you can do about it). *gotta love that shit*. The point however was concerned with specifics.. i.e are we talking yhwh, your elephant headed gods, allah etc etc? The reason I ask and the reason it is important is because they all have different attitudes and personalities. If we're talking yhwh then I should go get a knife and chop a bit of my penis off, if we're talking brahma or vishnu or one of those many gods then I need to go put a red splodge on my forehead.

If I do not follow and abide by the rules of the specific, existing, real 'omnimax' then I could be in deep smegola - and I resent the idea of being in deep smegola all because I didn't rub a raspberry into my head or chop up a perfectly nice looking willy.

you haven't explained how more than one personality can be omnimax

You haven't explained which of those contradictory personalities is the omnimax one.

how is this connected to your argument that different rules for different persons give different results (you are arguing now that different rules for the same persons give different results - its not clear how this correlates to your (mis)understanding of interfaith dialogs

It should be perfectly clear. The rules of allah differ to the rules of yhwh. Two differing rules for the exact same person. It was my argument all along. You changed it to reflect different people/same being when it is actually the opposite. Same person/1 million different gods. Your misunderstanding that your god is the god is what is causing the problem.

Do we have to check our air brakes if we don't even have air brakes

Let's kindly not fall into pointless analogies - which, even if you believe they are good, are not a substitute for the actual subject. yhwh says chop your penis off, zeus says no such thing. Do we abide by yhwhs law here or not do it on the basis that zeus says no such thing? If vishnu or some elephant headed weirdo you believe in gives one rule and yhwh says the opposite, who would you listen to? Sure, if you don't have a penis it doesn't seem an issue, but for the sake of discussion let's pretend that you do.

indeed - choosing which set of regulations to follow is truly bewildering

yhwh/vishnu/allah.. How do you eat yours? So tell me.. on what authority would you choose vishnu over yhwh? By choosing one over the other, what does it say about the other?

if you try to unify hinduism,christianity and islam (without coming to the point of being a practitioning hindu, christian or muslim)

Right. I have yet to meet a practicing christian that recognises any unity with islam or hinduism, (other than muslims mention jesus).

if an omnipotent seed giving father of all living entities advocates that it is ok to kill any persons of a particular colour or creed it indicates something philosophical askew, hence that understanding is not the omnimax god one is seeking

Why? Justify your statement. Kindly show me any law that states that god must like anyone, cannot choose to kill a specific group of humans etc.

illustrates the difference between god and the living entity

Ah, so now you speak for god. Justify your statement.

different from the living entity?
surely you are joking aren't you?

Well, if you found it that funny you wont have any problem whatsoever actually justifying your statements and answering my question.. Go for it.

then either the bible is wrong or your perspective of the bible is wrong - I leave it up to you to make the choice which one it is (But I have encountered numerous christians who don't share such a perspective)

Easy as that heh.. "god can't do such a thing. With all that omnipotence and the guy is incapable. Book's wrong or person's wrong.. because I say so".

No offence pal, but that aint much of an argument.

basically the reason we are here in the material world is because we are envious of god

Who's "we"?

fairies are actually invalidated for reasons other than the fact they appear in many cultures

Such as?

my point is how do you determine what god prohibits

What was it you said? Oh yes.. "scripture is certainly a start".

well ...
he's rich
he's famous
he's talented
.... but his life is a still a drag

Justify your statement. I have met him in person and he seemed perfectly happy.

hence why you would appreciate a religion that involves the heads dropping dead from starvation palatable

I guess you misunderstood the statement. I am an atheist, and thus - unlike a theist - I do not appreciate the death of humans that have differing ideas and beliefs.

I guess at a certain point in the pursuit of opulences one goes beyond the stage of not even passing wind if one things another can benefit from it

Not an answer to the question. Now, you almost flipped your lid when I dared give a human perspective of gods so I would wonder why when it comes down to the crunch you always use analogies about humans when talking about gods. Once again:

Why would an omnipotent, omniscient sky being care if we were grateful or not?

its more like due to envy of god we were obliged to come to the material world to exhibit our animal like desires

Again, what's with the 'we'?

you find that places that advocate the death penalty do so as a deterrent to potential offenders (of course you can argue how effective it is) - so rehabilitation - or trying to cultivating a sense of obedience in the criminally inclined, is at the core

Inaccurate. Someone that is put on death row is never rehabilitated. They might very well want to stop people getting to that point where they are not rehabilitated but that doesn't detract from the fact that these people are not rehabilitated.

and if you don't take the support of their claim, what then - like for instance if you insist on being sinful in ways that they insist you not be, on what grounds are the claims 'unsupportable'

If a jew tells you that you not having chopped a bit of your penis off is a punishable sin.. on what grounds would you demand he support the claim? When he does support the claim, (biblically), what is your excuse?

No beating around the bush please, just answer the question.

hence there is no difference between saying god doesn't exist and god is an imagination that cannot be verified

You are lost in a deep dark void. A god or gods might exist - as might giant invisible banjo playing turtles. Unless someone can show evidence to support the claim of their existence, I will not accept the claim as ultimate truth. Let it soak in.

in other words because the idea is wrong anyone making the claim is wrong

No. How about you stop making up 'other' words and just pay attention to the 'actual' words?

but is there is a claim of evidence being perceivable yet you violate such prerequisites, what then?

If that were the case, then I would still lack evidence to suggest that such a being exists and thus would have no reason to just accept the claim. Nothing changes. Now, if you are trying to convince someone then ultimately you must go to their level - much like god does. When he communicates with humans he doesn't do so in 'god language', he talks in a language that they understand. In science class when you're 12 and lacking any understanding of science whatsoever, they don't go into hardcore science terms - they explain things to you in a way that you will understand. In order to teach, one must know how to talk to the student.

I have never even so much as mowed a lawn in my entire life. I hate gardens and gardening. So the other week my daughter expresses an interest in growing fruit and veg. I take her to B&Q and while walking around I see a 'grow bag'. This will help veggies grow, it says. I then get some seeds.. Plant them 2" deep, 6" apart and put in sunlight. We now have 8 tomato plants and peppers growing. Soon we'll be doing cucumber, corn, courgette, etc etc.

Now, if someone else - entirely ignorant of gardening, came upto me and asked for evidence that a seed grew into a tomato, I could show him with no problem whatsoever - and I am not a gardener.

On the theist front we have everyone in disagreement, we have multiple gods all in disagreement, we have different sects, different beliefs, different claims and so on and so forth. "It's not a tomato, it's a potato", "no it isn't, it's asparagus", "hell no, it's a cabbage" - all of whom claim to be gardeners. So you plant the seed and it is none of them. They claim you're wrong, that they're the best, they're the educated. It's ludicrous. You're just one of them.

if you lack qualification, isn't your claim that the claim is useless also useless?

No, the claim is still ultimately useless to those that lack qualification:

< html> < head> < title> < /title> < /head> <body bgcolor="pink"> < marquee>< p>< /body>< /html>

How worthwhile is that to someone uneducated in webpage design? Useless right? Now, they will never learn what that means unless the teacher is good enough to teach them.

So you see, the only claim that is justified is my claim that their claims are worthless - whether I'm qualified or not. If they want to try and sell me their claim then they need to teach correctly, in a manner that I can understand and connect with. The amusing thing is nobody has ever failed other than those espousing idiocies such as fairies, gods and mermaids.

the next question is whether you fulfill the prerequisites for such knowledge

You're arguing the case into pointlessness. To believe god exists one must believe god exists.. it's idiocy.

aren't you existing in this world to exploit the resources of this world under the influence of your bodily designation

Great... what has that got to do with whether dogs come to a point in their life where they think sucking their own balls aint all that good?
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I guess at a certain level, saying I heard it from a "pundit guy" doesn't really solve issues

I'll grant you that, but neither does your lenghty posts of the same book he learned it from.

Both of us were guilty of appeal to authority, but I figured I'd have taken the wind out of your sails had I said that my friend is taught in the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan, by Prof. H.S. Adesh. He tells me that you're completely incorrect. Since I have absolutely no care in the world to learn about any theism, I figure I'd have let him...as my resident expert...hear what you posted, and respond :)

Also, I think this is waaaaaay too long, kudos to SL for having patience to respond to all of this rhetoric. Plus it has strayed away from the topic lol :p
I'll grant you that, but neither does your lenghty posts of the same book he learned it from.
actually I would argue that when it comes to the discussion of knowledge (any knowledge) you have to establish the theoretical foundation - the reason I had issues with your reference to the 'pundit guy' is similar to the issues a person could have with a person who's argument rests upon 'persons learned to the field' (bereft of reference to who the actual persons are and the field in question0

Both of us were guilty of appeal to authority, but I figured I'd have taken the wind out of your sails had I said that my friend is taught in the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan, by Prof. H.S. Adesh.
at its best, the study of music is a sub branch of the vedas

He tells me that you're completely incorrect.
about what exactly?
Since I have absolutely no care in the world to learn about any theism, I figure I'd have let him...as my resident expert...hear what you posted, and respond :)
well if you feel satisfied for a culturally established indian musician to establish what the conclusion of the vedas are (even at the expense of actually approaching what the vedas say), what can I say ......

Also, I think this is waaaaaay too long,
so do I - actually its a bit of phenomena with SL

kudos to SL for having patience to respond to all of this rhetoric. Plus it has strayed away from the topic lol :p
agreed - i think I will try and bring it back on track
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you would get disgusted also by eating tinned baked beans for ten years

Disgusted is a bit of a heavy word - but I certainly wouldn't be the happiest chappy about it. As stated, it's one of the reasons I wouldn't want to participate in an eternal existence.
that is my point - you view eternal existence with a value system that belongs to the temporary world - hence its not surprising that you have no desire for eternal life
Now, although you'd have to supply a detailed explanation of an 'immaterial existence', I can say at this point in time that eternal existence to me is something I would rather not partake in. It's not because I am disgusted by the idea, it's perhaps just that the knowledge that life eventually ends is what makes any of it enjoyable.
bingo! (can you guess which paradigm this value belongs to?)

actually its the common bottom line of practically any line of philosophy you want to accept - there is no possibility of perfect happiness in the material world - anyone who says otherwise is either a fool, on drugs, or lying

Well, that depends on who's subjective opinion on perfection we're talking about. If we were to use your dentists for example, then simply by the fact that my teeth do not have cavities we can now consider them perfect.
even if one has perfect teeth, there are many more shortcomings of existence to address
By using that same line of reasoning simply by the fact that I am not upset about anything then clearly I have perfect happiness. I did even go to lengths to clarify with you that that was what your dentist said. Of course perhaps your dentist is just a fool or on drugs.
if he thinks the perfect teeth is the be all and end all of perfect existence, most certainly

certainly - does your dentist recommend people have perfect teeth or imperfect teeth?

See? (check the bit in bold). Now, by using the same reasoning that a lack of cavities equals perfect teeth, a lack of sorrow must equal perfect happiness.
My dentist, being neither a fool, liar or on drugs, doesn't ever say "perfect" when he talks about teeth. Clearly his subjective opinion on perfection differs from that of your dentist.
maybe your dentists understanding of perfect teeth is imperfect teeth (imperfect teeth = dentist $$$$!!)

if you think that the word 'me' is a stinky sack of bile, mucus and air that is subject to frequent embarrassments, I agree

Well, if you honestly wanted to know the polite thing to do would have been to ask instead of thinking you can give some sort of answer for me.
given that I could expect a "the guy you are talking to" answer, I hazarded a guess
However, tell me why I would want an eternal existence even if I wasn't a sack of bile and air?
well for a start you wouldn't have to eternally worry about being stinky and embarrassed

Lets try again - if you say that heaven is a drag because there is no sex drugs and rock and roll, why would you say that the notion of eternal material life is a drag, since these things are quite obviously present here?

Surely you see the difference between 'here' and 'eternal'?
well that was your argument - if "here' is eternal I don't want it and if heaven doesn't have the activities of 'here' I don't want to go there

Actually if you were paying attention you would understand that we were talking about sin in relation to humans, since animals don't have that capacity

Why don't animals have that capacity? I have seen dogs very cunningly go and steal food, (your butchers analogy). That is theft.
the butcher punishes them, but god does not, since to have a dogs body in the first place indicates some previous transgression of karma
Ignorance is not an excuse..
hence dog life is the punishment
remember? If ignorance is an excuse because dogs don't understand it why is it not for humans
humans have an obligation to cultivate spiritual knowledge - certainly explains why dogs don't go to church

- especially given our discussion and all that time and energy spent on your part trying to dismiss any negating of punishment because of mans ignorance?
I thought it was clear - humans run the risk of getting a fine if they J walk (even if they are a first time offender), yet an animal never gets fined for J walking

And it is indeed ultimate ignorance considering the actions performed by this person were done so in a past life that he doesn't even remember having ever lived. Where's the difference exactly?
the human performs an act that transgressions their obligation and the animal, by dint of their nature and reduced scope for independence, has no capacity to transgress their obligation (there are some tricks you cannot even teach a new dog)

if hitler and i are the same person, how is it that I didn't hurt anyone

So then why would you not get punished as a dog even though you were once Hitler?
dog life generally = punishment

Are Hitler and the dog both not you? How can a dog therefore be free from punishment?
a dog's life is punishment practically 24 hours a day - (if you were in an environment where you were spontaneously attracted to sniffing the backsides of others, would you call that punishment?)
That dog killed millions.
and perhaps he will have to be a dog for millions of lifetimes
It is ignorant of doing so.. indeed it just sits down and licks its balls all day long, but that surely would not detract from the crimes he committed during a human incarnation?
you don't see that, along with the butt sniffing, as punishment?

hence the living entity is not ultimately their corporeal or subtle (mind, etc) body

So.. what exactly is the living entity and what evidence can you provide to substantiate any claim you might make?
the soul is spiritual by nature - that means it is not matter - in other words you can see, touch, smell, etc matter with your blunt senses - spirit, while having substance, is not like that, since its perceptibility depends completely on one's consciousness - as for the evidence, empiricism certainly cannot be effective - maybe you should clarify your statement - are you asking "what empirical evidence is there for the soul"?

should I quote BG15.10 a third time?

Is there specific reason for me to believe the words of ancient Pakistani's that thought god was blue with six arms and had an elephant head?
the form of god is along way away at the moment - actually we are just talking about the philosophy presented by god - so do you have anything to say in regard to

BG 15.10: The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.

apart from words to the effect of "I am not a fool because I say so"

BG 6.41: The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.

Ah, that's the prize.. being born into a rich family. Gotta love a material existence lol.
If you read the following verses you would understand that being born into a family or rich aristocracy is the booby prize - mainly because the spare time offerred by a rich existence is often not utilized for spiritual advancement but becoming a gross materialist (BTW - do you know that taking birth in a western country and not living hand to mouth and owning a debit card puts you head and shoulders above about 90% of the world's population)

maybe after attaining the human form of life thousands of times after billions of years something will begin to click

And then.. I start believing in ancient books and elephant headed gods?
the stage before that is that one begins to come to grips with one's inimical disposition towards anything remotely familiar with universal intelligence

read it again - ignorance as an excuse is an exception and definitely not the rule

Animals outnumber humans to a vast degree. Seems ignorance is the rule. For some undefined reason our ignorance isn't acceptable.
hence attaining an animal form is the result of ignorance in a human form

your argument is that the bible is just another book

Certainly. And I have justified that statement by showing that I wouldn't write on any other book this man owned - even the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The phone book is something that people generally write on because it's a largely ignored freebie that is replaced 2 months later. You knew this which is exactly why you used it in your analogy. The bible is just another book.
what if it was a gideon bible (the one's given out for free) - what if there was a stack of twenty on his desk next to the one phonebook - which one then?

I am arguing that you know that the bible is commonly held as sacred by others, and as such you can't claim ignorance, if indeed defacing sacred scriptures is punishable

Your argument is foolish. I know that the other peoples property - be it the bible, winnie the pooh's adventures or the toaster are other peoples property and can be important to them. Indeed you even recognise the difference because you change tact and say "valuable" when it comes to anything else.
would a christian hold that a gideon bible is bereft of value because it didn;t cost them any money to acquire?
I have yet to meet or see one person that regards the bible as anything more than 'valuable'.
on what grounds to they hold the bible as valuable? The typography? the illustrations?

Your statements concerning ignorance are of no relevance. There is no law against burning a bible and I see no personal problem with doing so.
I was making the point that the laws of this mundane world have an obvious limitation, and that they actually operate out of a larger paradigm - like for instance it may not be deemed illegal to dump radio active waste in the ocean, but that doesn't stop one developing cancer
If it was illegal to burn bibles then I would never do it - not because I understand that the bible is sacred, but that, as dumb as laws can be, breaking them causes personal problems. The same would be true if the law applied to Winnie.
hence my suggestion that a human law giver is a fool if they transgress foundations established by god, since even persons (and indeed society at large) like yourself follow such persons regardless

you asked how do we determine that scripture is valid - I answered practical application - are you asking a different question here?

No, same question to same statement. You see, the only possible way that you can determine that a scriptural claim to some elephant headed god is valid is if you've seen it. Have you?
I think I said practical application - or are you arguing that nothing can possibly be true unless you think it is true?

how many the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient ones do you know?

Quite a few. So... which god?
then your philosophical sense is quite pliable

how about having sex with a plant?

No law against it. Thus if you had sex with a plant, (if you could), there would be no justification in handing out punishment. There was a guy on the radio that had sex with cars. As bizarre as that might seem to you and I, there is no law prohibiting him from engaging in such activity. As a result of that no charges could be brought against him.
so you agree that at a certain level, having sex with a car or plant is not normal - so in the same way despite god not giving us detailed knowledge about the instances when it is and when it is not suitable to hit oneself in the head with a hammer, an intelligent person can fathom the right answer?
See.. You can't have sex with animals - gods law says so. He says nothing about bonking children.
or hitting oneself in the head with a hammer either

they do it in the day time however

Uhh... not those that work nightshifts
yes - it must take on average about thirty years to own a house

In comparison to the sparrow that works solid for a couple of months and only lives for a couple of years?
it takes them a week, and not half their life

from where does a shadow appear?

It appears from the lack of ability on the part of light to turn corners. So, now I've done the decent thing and answered your question, try and answer mine.

From where does this material desire appear?
so in other words a shadow can only appear behind an actual object - similarly material desire can only appear behind an actual (or spiritual) desire

SB 11.13.7: In a bamboo forest the wind sometimes rubs the bamboo stalks together, and such friction generates a blazing fire that consumes the very source of its birth, the bamboo forest.

Fascinating but irrelevant... unless you can show that this bamboo has a material desire to set fire to the forest. So, once again.. where does this desire come from? What created this desire in humans?
just as forest fires in bamboo forests, material desire is the sum and substance of material life - or to change analogy, its just like jumping in the ocean and asking where did this wetness come from (it came from your decision to jump in the ocean)

how many persons do you think can occupy the title of being omnimax?

I wouldn't presume to be that omniscient that my human brain could answer the question. However, if I listen to those humans like yourself that claim they know these things then I would have to say millions, (while not providing any evidence - and there's fuck all you can do about it). *gotta love that shit*. The point however was concerned with specifics.. i.e are we talking yhwh, your elephant headed gods, allah etc etc? The reason I ask and the reason it is important is because they all have different attitudes and personalities. If we're talking yhwh then I should go get a knife and chop a bit of my penis off, if we're talking brahma or vishnu or one of those many gods then I need to go put a red splodge on my forehead.
I see the extent of your philosophical inquiry - certainly explains why you are bewildered in understanding much on the topic
If I do not follow and abide by the rules of the specific, existing, real 'omnimax' then I could be in deep smegola - and I resent the idea of being in deep smegola all because I didn't rub a raspberry into my head or chop up a perfectly nice looking willy.
it seems you have two possibilities - incredulous belief or incredulous disbelief - assuming that you can actually function in this world, why do you insist on sitting on your brains when it comes to the topic of religion (ie you switch off your sense of discrimination)

you haven't explained how more than one personality can be omnimax

You haven't explained which of those contradictory personalities is the omnimax one.
the fact that you can entertain the idea of several personalities being omnimax indicates that you have no understanding on the significance of the word

how is this connected to your argument that different rules for different persons give different results (you are arguing now that different rules for the same persons give different results - its not clear how this correlates to your (mis)understanding of interfaith dialogs

It should be perfectly clear. The rules of allah differ to the rules of yhwh. Two differing rules for the exact same person.
I always thought they they applied to two different times places and circumstances
It was my argument all along. You changed it to reflect different people/same being when it is actually the opposite.

different time/place/circumstance same being, actually

Same person/1 million different gods. Your misunderstanding that your god is the god is what is causing the problem.
your misunderstanding is that your time/place/circumstance is the same as a million other time/places and circumstances

Do we have to check our air brakes if we don't even have air brakes

Let's kindly not fall into pointless analogies - which, even if you believe they are good, are not a substitute for the actual subject. yhwh says chop your penis off, zeus says no such thing. Do we abide by yhwhs law here or not do it on the basis that zeus says no such thing? If vishnu or some elephant headed weirdo you believe in gives one rule and yhwh says the opposite, who would you listen to? Sure, if you don't have a penis it doesn't seem an issue, but for the sake of discussion let's pretend that you do.
depends whether you identify yourself with a motorcyclist or truck driver, so to speak, since obviosuly not all time/places and circumstances are identical
(a person who is actually familiar with road safety, so to speak, can properly discriminate in a wide range of time/places and circumstances)

indeed - choosing which set of regulations to follow is truly bewildering

yhwh/vishnu/allah.. How do you eat yours? So tell me.. on what authority would you choose vishnu over yhwh? By choosing one over the other, what does it say about the other?
its all about road safety I guess

if you try to unify hinduism,christianity and islam (without coming to the point of being a practitioning hindu, christian or muslim)

Right. I have yet to meet a practicing christian that recognises any unity with islam or hinduism, (other than muslims mention jesus).
also there are motorcyclists unfamiliar of the special requirements for road safety applicable to truck drivers, but if you search carefully they can be readily located

if an omnipotent seed giving father of all living entities advocates that it is ok to kill any persons of a particular colour or creed it indicates something philosophical askew, hence that understanding is not the omnimax god one is seeking

Why? Justify your statement. Kindly show me any law that states that god must like anyone, cannot choose to kill a specific group of humans etc.
BG 9.29: I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.

illustrates the difference between god and the living entity

Ah, so now you speak for god. Justify your statement.
well if you think there is no difference between the living entity and god, what problem would you have with me speaking on his behalf?

different from the living entity?
surely you are joking aren't you?

Well, if you found it that funny you wont have any problem whatsoever actually justifying your statements and answering my question.. Go for it.
I think saying that god is the same as the living entity requires more justification than the other way around - hopefully you don't need be to indicate the inherent stinkiness and frequent embarrassments associated with inhabiting a bag of bile

then either the bible is wrong or your perspective of the bible is wrong - I leave it up to you to make the choice which one it is (But I have encountered numerous christians who don't share such a perspective)

Easy as that heh.. "god can't do such a thing. With all that omnipotence and the guy is incapable. Book's wrong or person's wrong.. because I say so".

No offence pal, but that aint much of an argument.
he has no reason to kill everyone of a particular creed, since the time factor, which affects everyone equally is sufficient - malice, envy, hatred etc are qualities of consciousness under the influence of ignorance

basically the reason we are here in the material world is because we are envious of god

Who's "we"?
for a start its not that stinky bile bag commonly referred to as 'me'

my point is how do you determine what god prohibits

What was it you said? Oh yes.. "scripture is certainly a start".
then the next question is why do you derive understandings from scripture that are obscure and contradict central themes

well ...
he's rich
he's famous
he's talented
.... but his life is a still a drag

Justify your statement. I have met him in person and he seemed perfectly happy.
obviously you are not his shrink

Why would an omnipotent, omniscient sky being care if we were grateful or not?
because its the nature of consciousness to reciprocate - for instance if you gave a multi-million dollar beatle star a fruit platter, do you think it is inconceivable for him to be grateful?

its more like due to envy of god we were obliged to come to the material world to exhibit our animal like desires

Again, what's with the 'we'?
everyone in conditioned life

you find that places that advocate the death penalty do so as a deterrent to potential offenders (of course you can argue how effective it is) - so rehabilitation - or trying to cultivating a sense of obedience in the criminally inclined, is at the core

Inaccurate. Someone that is put on death row is never rehabilitated. They might very well want to stop people getting to that point where they are not rehabilitated but that doesn't detract from the fact that these people are not rehabilitated.
but their execution rehabilitates potential criminals - for instance a big argument put forward in the case for some western "drug mules' last year in asia was that the execution had to proceed to deter others

and if you don't take the support of their claim, what then - like for instance if you insist on being sinful in ways that they insist you not be, on what grounds are the claims 'unsupportable'

If a jew tells you that you not having chopped a bit of your penis off is a punishable sin.. on what grounds would you demand he support the claim? When he does support the claim, (biblically), what is your excuse?
this is why i was on about knowledge of road safety and motorcyclists and truck drivers - if a truck driver demands that a motorcyclist check his air brakes (and can quote regulations) what then -
If a truck driver demands that a motorcyclist obeys the speed limit and can quote regulation what then?
In other words knowledge of road safety, the essence of all regulations in the field, is akin to being familiar with the conclusion of religion
No beating around the bush please, just answer the question.
in short, as evidenced by the road safety thing, some things are essential and some things are peripheral - to one who cannot fathom the essential, all they see are the peripheral as the be all and end all (which gives rise to contradictions, fanaticism etc)

hence there is no difference between saying god doesn't exist and god is an imagination that cannot be verified

You are lost in a deep dark void. A god or gods might exist - as might giant invisible banjo playing turtles. Unless someone can show evidence to support the claim of their existence, I will not accept the claim as ultimate truth. Let it soak in.
If a process is also advocated with this claim, we have something to go on

in other words because the idea is wrong anyone making the claim is wrong

No. How about you stop making up 'other' words and just pay attention to the 'actual' words?
well if I said I have seen god, how would you know if I was lying.
and if I said I have not seen god, how would you know if I was lying?

but is there is a claim of evidence being perceivable yet you violate such prerequisites, what then?

If that were the case, then I would still lack evidence to suggest that such a being exists and thus would have no reason to just accept the claim. Nothing changes. Now, if you are trying to convince someone then ultimately you must go to their level - much like god does. When he communicates with humans he doesn't do so in 'god language', he talks in a language that they understand. In science class when you're 12 and lacking any understanding of science whatsoever, they don't go into hardcore science terms - they explain things to you in a way that you will understand. In order to teach, one must know how to talk to the student.
you can still violate prerequisites for science at age 12
I have never even so much as mowed a lawn in my entire life. I hate gardens and gardening. So the other week my daughter expresses an interest in growing fruit and veg. I take her to B&Q and while walking around I see a 'grow bag'. This will help veggies grow, it says. I then get some seeds.. Plant them 2" deep, 6" apart and put in sunlight. We now have 8 tomato plants and peppers growing. Soon we'll be doing cucumber, corn, courgette, etc etc.

Now, if someone else - entirely ignorant of gardening, came upto me and asked for evidence that a seed grew into a tomato, I could show him with no problem whatsoever - and I am not a gardener.

On the theist front we have everyone in disagreement, we have multiple gods all in disagreement, we have different sects, different beliefs, different claims and so on and so forth. "It's not a tomato, it's a potato", "no it isn't, it's asparagus", "hell no, it's a cabbage" - all of whom claim to be gardeners. So you plant the seed and it is none of them. They claim you're wrong, that they're the best, they're the educated. It's ludicrous. You're just one of them.
if however one doesn't care for sin, not so much on peripheral things but for essential things - like for instance if you didn't really care whether scripture (the very means of knowing god) is defaced or not - how do you expect that one can understand god?

SB 1.1.1: .... He is directly and indirectly conscious of all manifestations, and He is independent because there is no other cause beyond Him. It is He only who first imparted the Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahmājī, the original living being. By Him even the great sages and demigods are placed into illusion, as one is bewildered by the illusory representations of water seen in fire, or land seen on water. Only because of Him do the material universes, temporarily manifested by the reactions of the three modes of nature, appear factual, although they are unreal. ....

if even great personalities can be placed into illusion by god, what to speak of a person inimical or disrespectful towards him

if you lack qualification, isn't your claim that the claim is useless also useless?

No, the claim is still ultimately useless to those that lack qualification:

< html> < head> < title> < /title> < /head> <body bgcolor="pink"> < marquee>< p>< /body>< /html>

How worthwhile is that to someone uneducated in webpage design? Useless right? Now, they will never learn what that means unless the teacher is good enough to teach them.

So you see, the only claim that is justified is my claim that their claims are worthless - whether I'm qualified or not. If they want to try and sell me their claim then they need to teach correctly, in a manner that I can understand and connect with.

if you think you already know, what capacity do you have to learn?

the next question is whether you fulfill the prerequisites for such knowledge

You're arguing the case into pointlessness. To believe god exists one must believe god exists.. it's idiocy.
to think that knowledge doesn't have prerequisites (like not being sinful in the case of god, or at least seeing the wisdom in not defacing scripture) is idiocy

aren't you existing in this world to exploit the resources of this world under the influence of your bodily designation

Great... what has that got to do with whether dogs come to a point in their life where they think sucking their own balls aint all that good?
you can't see the common link?