Would this not make the Christian God... evil?

to begin with, getting free from the clutches of material illusion is not so simple as dying, since material desire will lead one to another material birth - in other words the problem with material desire (ie displaying a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral) is that one must appear in the material sphere to express such desires

You failed to state what is actually wrong with being attached to the material. However, I can take from your statement that the way to get rid of you permanently is for you to stop caring about anything. Might I ask why you, a religious devotee, has failed to achieve it? Why are you, (you LG, not everyone else), stuck here? It seems to be, from your statements, that you're obviously a materialistic weasel.

lust = material desire (strong attachment to the ephemeral)

Which is a crime.. how exactly? Material liking the material.. yeah, I can see where that's a problem :bugeye:

on something ephemeral

Right, so it's ok to lust after gods or the immaterial and thus lust in and of itself is not a sin. Glad we finally cleared that up.

as indicated earlier in the post, you still have a few hitches with your working definition of lust (haven't quite hooked on the 'ephemeral' quality of it - at a guess it seems you are confusing lust with desire

If there is confusion anywhere it is due to you not noticing what a question is, contradicting yourself, trying to back out of corners you drag yourself down etc etc. However, for the sake of discussion.. what is my definition of lust? I have largely been using yours, (worship and constant meditation), your statement that everyone has lust, your statements showing that all these people - theists and atheist alike wouldn't even exist here on earth unless they had lust/sin etc etc and so on. We're all in the same boat according to you and yet you think anyone should take your advice or heed your words? Whatever for, you're as big a failure and materialistic weasel as everyone else.

I asked a dozen times if lust was a sin. You stated yes even when I mentioned that lust in and of itself doesn't cause harm - but might lead to harm. You adamantly stated that lust is a sin until I used your definition, (worship/constant meditation). Then you quickly backtracked and said "oh, just lust for material stuff". The problem here is you LG. You're making it up as you go along and when you do that you're bound to get caught out a few times.

its not criminal to hold to things that are not one's own?

Not if they were put there for you to use, utilise and enjoy. When my girl goes to Clown Town and plays on the slides and swings etc etc it is not criminal even though she does not own those slides and swings. You're a fool if you think it should be.

So once again: "explain why it is wrong for a temporary mortal being to hold on to temporary things".

love is characterized by service, and if all one has is apparently 'material' things at one's disposal, what do you propose the aspiring theist offer with their service attitude?

Uhh.. love is material? Can one not just love without involving the material?

using is okay - displaying a strong sense of attachment is something else


and your beloved object of meditation is more substantial, eh?

Well, they're real. 1-0 to me. What next, a cup of tea vs fairies?

actually you haven't even offered a real argument why the BG is not real

Well, that wasn't actually the topic of discussion - but who knows, it might just be. You'll have to provide something oooh a wincy bit more pertinent than "it's old" if you want me to believe it.

Do you want to discuss what prasadam is or not?

Generally it's polite to answer a question before asking one in return. You can discuss whatever you want as long as it has relevance to the question asked, (which you never seem to manage). That doesn't mean that I want 10 paragraphs of ancient hindu, but I want you to answer the question by, if you must, using those texts to serve as an answer but in your own words. So for instance: Well you see, the gods don't take all the food, they nibble it and then the food, (now blessed), is eaten by a human..

See, that would suffice, would be an answer and wouldn't contain lots of pointless hindu words.

I would ask as a further question why it even has to be nibbled. These gods of yours are, one would assume, omnipresent. In saying, they're already a part of that apple. They occupy every atom and molecule in the cosmos. It would then have to be established that a nibble had even been taken. However, just incase there's truth in it I have left my tea to the side for a minute and spoke to the clouds. The sky beings have now blessed my cup of tea so I can now finally enjoy the material as opposed to taking LG's advice and disliking it.

so you have to illustrate how there are examples of lust that are not sinful

To do that you'd have to illustrate how lust is a sin in the first place lol.

you have an opportunity to illustrate your brilliance by providing an example of lust that isn't criminal -lol

See above. Lust certainly isn't in the law books as being criminal. LG says otherwise so LG needs to illustrate how it is. Duh..

if all discussion on this site is...

We're not talking "all discussion on this site". I am asking you. Here we go again:

"LG admits that LG is guessing because of what some book that LG can't substantiate says?"

if you think either yourself or myself stand outside of people in general, you had better explain why

You're being purposely foolish. Once again:

Why do you LG, have sin? Can you not follow orders? Why do you fail your gods? Are you not good enough to do as your gods ask? Have they asked too much from you or are you just lazy? Is LG a gross materialist?

if belief is evidenced by direct perception on a regular basis you have a historical continuum

Alas there is nothing to show evidence of direct perception, just a few meaningless claims. You don't have direct perception so your claim that their claims are valid are completely and utterly meaningless. You, not having direct perception, means you can't substantiate anything they or a book says. You're just guessing. "That's true because it says it is". What a lump of old donkey poo.

what do you take as evidence that it is not?


No matter what you do you cannot just sit down and 'choose' to believe in leprechauns. Boy you could squeeze yourself into a coma and still not have any power to 'choose' to believe that leprechauns exist. It is above and beyond you. It's not a free choice, it's an inevitability based upon the sum of who you are. The same goes for everything - you might think you're making a choice but you're not.

If you disagree, good luck with your squeezing.

depends whether we are talking about a majority of persons in the material world or a majority of living entities in the entire creation

Ooh.. (lol this is some funny shit). So, how many entities are there in 'entire creation'?

Of course you'll notice, (or not), that I said "every single person on the planet". A smart person would have figured out I was talking about people in the material world, (oh and animals which are just people in different form).

However, to get back to the point that you conveniently weasled your way out of.. You can't argue that we are not criminally inclined given that everyone on the planet is lusty and are only here because they have failed.

to begin with, getting free from the clutches of material illusion is not so simple as dying, since material desire will lead one to another material birth - in other words the problem with material desire (ie displaying a strong sense of attachment to the ephemeral) is that one must appear in the material sphere to express such desires

You failed to state what is actually wrong with being attached to the material.
I think I have mentioned these things before

but just to refresh

death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc

However, I can take from your statement that the way to get rid of you permanently is for you to stop caring about anything.
if you are asking me whether i agree with the buddhist doctrine that it is possible to cease desiring, my answer is no.
Might I ask why you, a religious devotee, has failed to achieve it?
achieved what?

Why are you, (you LG, not everyone else), stuck here?
You can take it for granted that anyone who is in the material world (except for a handful of saintly persons who are god's direct representatives) is here for the same reason

It seems to be, from your statements, that you're obviously a materialistic weasel.
perhaps, I am dealing with my materialistic weaselly nature by applying spiritual discipline as opposed to cultivating lusty affairs that simply lead one further past the threshold of material weaseliness

lust = material desire (strong attachment to the ephemeral)

Which is a crime.. how exactly? Material liking the material.. yeah, I can see where that's a problem
if one develops an attachment to something that is not one's own which culminates in possession, it isn't criminal?

on something ephemeral

Right, so it's ok to lust after gods or the immaterial and thus lust in and of itself is not a sin. Glad we finally cleared that up.
lust however is specifically designated as a deep roted attachment to something that one has no ultimate relationship with - since we all ultimately have an actual relationship with god, the same word doesn't really apply

as indicated earlier in the post, you still have a few hitches with your working definition of lust (haven't quite hooked on the 'ephemeral' quality of it - at a guess it seems you are confusing lust with desire

If there is confusion anywhere it is due to you not noticing what a question is, contradicting yourself, trying to back out of corners you drag yourself down etc etc.
actually it was due to you assuming that "constant meditation" is the singular quality of lust and the final last word in defining its nature - a maneuver which BTW requires a phenomenal amount of psychological acrobatics
However, for the sake of discussion.. what is my definition of lust? I have largely been using yours, (worship and constant meditation), your statement that everyone has lust, your statements showing that all these people -
what can I say if you insist on examining things with such a rigid determination to take them out of context?
theists and atheist alike wouldn't even exist here on earth unless they had lust/sin etc etc and so on.
theists however are successful in attaining a different state of existence due to their comprehension of the nature of lust
We're all in the same boat according to you and yet you think anyone should take your advice or heed your words?
we may all be in similar boats, but some are headed to shore and some have gaping leaks

Whatever for, you're as big a failure and materialistic weasel as everyone else.
at the very least, I concede that lust is a binding element of material ignorance, and that worship of god deals with this issue
I asked a dozen times if lust was a sin. You stated yes even when I mentioned that lust in and of itself doesn't cause harm - but might lead to harm. You adamantly stated that lust is a sin until I used your definition, (worship/constant meditation).
You just missed out the dozen or so references to meditation on the ephemeral
Then you quickly backtracked and said "oh, just lust for material stuff".
its been right there under your nose since day 1
The problem here is you LG. You're making it up as you go along and when you do that you're bound to get caught out a few times.
Its something most people can get straight of the bat

its not criminal to hold to things that are not one's own?

Not if they were put there for you to use, utilise and enjoy. When my girl goes to Clown Town and plays on the slides and swings etc etc it is not criminal even though she does not own those slides and swings. You're a fool if you think it should be.
But if she starts policing who can and cannot use the slide, or tears up the foundations to reposition it, it becomes criminal
So once again: "explain why it is wrong for a temporary mortal being to hold on to temporary things".
because it frequently leads to exploitation and a false sense of possession (aka - lust)

love is characterized by service, and if all one has is apparently 'material' things at one's disposal, what do you propose the aspiring theist offer with their service attitude?

Uhh.. love is material? Can one not just love without involving the material?
love is characterized by service, and service is characterized by working with "things" - if all the "things" one has at one's disposal are material, what do you propose that the aspiring theist work with?

using is okay - displaying a strong sense of attachment is something else

for a start one is in for a rude surprise when the clown town police get heavy

and your beloved object of meditation is more substantial, eh?

Well, they're real. 1-0 to me. What next, a cup of tea vs fairies?
if you think stinky urinal tracts are delightful you can keep your trophy

Do you want to discuss what prasadam is or not?

Generally it's polite to answer a question before asking one in return. You can discuss whatever you want as long as it has relevance to the question asked, (which you never seem to manage). That doesn't mean that I want 10 paragraphs of ancient hindu, but I want you to answer the question by, if you must, using those texts to serve as an answer but in your own words. So for instance: Well you see, the gods don't take all the food, they nibble it and then the food, (now blessed), is eaten by a human..

See, that would suffice, would be an answer and wouldn't contain lots of pointless hindu words.
I will take that as a "no"
I would ask as a further question why it even has to be nibbled. These gods of yours are, one would assume, omnipresent. In saying, they're already a part of that apple. They occupy every atom and molecule in the cosmos. It would then have to be established that a nibble had even been taken. However, just incase there's truth in it I have left my tea to the side for a minute and spoke to the clouds. The sky beings have now blessed my cup of tea so I can now finally enjoy the material as opposed to taking LG's advice and disliking it.
if you made such an offering with sincerity you are definitely blessed

so you have to illustrate how there are examples of lust that are not sinful

To do that you'd have to illustrate how lust is a sin in the first place lol.
all that it requires if that you provide an example of lust that doesn't have contingent sinful reactions

if all discussion on this site is...

We're not talking "all discussion on this site".
well if you want to transgress the ground rules of any other discussion on the site, what can I say?

Why do you LG, have sin?[/QUOTE
the same reason as you
Bad Intelligence

Can you not follow orders?
a wrong understanding can make things difficult - the subject is even brought up in the BG

BG 6.33: Arjuna said: O Madhusūdana, the system of yoga which You have summarized appears impractical and unendurable to me, for the mind is restless and unsteady.

BG 6.34: For the mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Kṛṣṇa, and to subdue it, I think, is more difficult than controlling the wind.
Why do you fail your gods? Are you not good enough to do as your gods ask? Have they asked too much from you or are you just lazy? Is LG a gross materialist?

to which the answer is

BG 6.35: Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa said: O mighty-armed son of Kuntī, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and by detachment.

if belief is evidenced by direct perception on a regular basis you have a historical continuum

Alas there is nothing to show evidence of direct perception, just a few meaningless claims.
evidence relies on "suitable practice", as mentioned above - if you are too lazy/failure/gross materialist/etc to practice, then your opinion about the claims being meaningless is quite understandable, much like the claims of our beloved high school drop out
You don't have direct perception so your claim that their claims are valid are completely and utterly meaningless.
you also have no direct perception of electrons and atoms - lol
You, not having direct perception, means you can't substantiate anything they or a book says. You're just guessing. "That's true because it says it is". What a lump of old donkey poo.
So all one can talk about is one's personal direct perception? Does that restrict the topics of conversation to female urinary tracts?

what do you take as evidence that it is not?

Is there anyone who in the field of science who has direct perception of the psychological mechanisms that clearly illustrate how free will does not exist?
(please please please - I want to be able to say that I heard it on sciforums first!!!)
No matter what you do you cannot just sit down and 'choose' to believe in leprechauns. Boy you could squeeze yourself into a coma and still not have any power to 'choose' to believe that leprechauns exist. It is above and beyond you. It's not a free choice, it's an inevitability based upon the sum of who you are. The same goes for everything - you might think you're making a choice but you're not.
there aren't accounted incidents of people who have chosen to believe in leprechauns?
If you disagree, good luck with your squeezing.
I can also use my free will not to believe in leprechauns

depends whether we are talking about a majority of persons in the material world or a majority of living entities in the entire creation

Ooh.. (lol this is some funny shit). So, how many entities are there in 'entire creation'?
somewhere around the infinity level, since its the nature of god's potencies to be infinte
Of course you'll notice, (or not), that I said "every single person on the planet". A smart person would have figured out I was talking about people in the material world, (oh and animals which are just people in different form).
seems that you have sciforums amnesia and have forgotten that you were even earlier talking about angels rebelling etc
However, to get back to the point that you conveniently weasled your way out of.. You can't argue that we are not criminally inclined given that everyone on the planet is lusty and are only here because they have failed.
I know

that's why I didn't argue it

I did argue however that criminals seeking rehabilitation (that is conditioned souls dealing with the issue of lust, etc through spiritual practices) get out of the jail like atmosphere at greater odds to those doing the opposite
death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc

So earthquakes and the like only occur because material beings are attached to material things? From there do we move on to state that immaterial beings are attached to immaterial things and thus suffer from immaterial earthquakes? If not, why create the former?

You'll probably go on to mention free will and that people need to choose an immaterial existence - by removing the temptations of material things.. But then in a few statements time you tell me that it is "impossible" to be free from the desires of material things which, well.. kinda leads to a problem. You've been created as a material being to do that which, according to you, is impossible.

You can take it for granted that anyone who is in the material world (except for a handful of saintly persons who are god's direct representatives) is here for the same reason

I see. You're a lusty person. Might I ask what it is you lust after?


1) You said: "lust = material desire (strong attachment to the ephemeral)"

2) You said that it is impossible to cease having that desire.

3) You stated that such desire was "criminal" and have stated that the gods inflict things upon you because of those desires.

4) As it is, (in your own words), impossible to cease from having these desires...

a) How do you ever leave the material existence?

b) Why are you expected to remove these desires if it's "impossible" to do so

c) How can it be considered "criminal" when it is "impossible" to avoid

d) How can you claim "free will" when avoiding these desires is "impossible"

if one develops an attachment to something that is not one's own which culminates in possession, it isn't criminal?

Given your statements we can liken these attachments to blinking. It is "impossible" to not blink, so if some gods/politicians stated it was "criminal" to blink, you'd surely consider the guy a bit of an asshole? You have stated it is "impossible" to not have these attachments, while claiming it necessary to not have them and "criminal" if you do. That's simple idiocy.

lust however is specifically designated as a deep roted attachment to something that one has no ultimate relationship with - since we all ultimately have an actual relationship with god, the same word doesn't really apply

How do you figure that? 10 minutes ago you were telling me we live "under the notion that god doesn't exist".. By your arguments, we hardly have a relationship. However, many people are in relationships with other people - so if they lust after that person that they have a relationship with, lust is ok - and therefore not a sin?

actually it was due to you assuming that "constant meditation" is the singular quality of lust and the final last word in defining its nature

This is where your problem lies.. Inability to read or something similar.

A) I gave more than a singular quality.

B) The qualities used were defined by YOU. If they're not good enough it's directly because of YOU.

what can I say if you insist on examining things with such a rigid determination to take them out of context?

I didn't take anything out of context. YOU stated that I had lust because I "worshipped and constantly meditated.."

I countered that many theists worship and constantly meditate. You're now trying to pull yourself out of one more of those holes you keep digging for yourself.

theists however are successful in attaining a different state of existence due to their comprehension of the nature of lust

But ultimately are just as fucked up because, according to you, it is "impossible" to remove those desires. Let's look at what YOU have said with regards to humanity:

1) We're all stinky mucus bags

2) We all inhabit this stinky mucus bag body because we have sin, (desire for the material).

3) It is "impossible" to not have desire for the material.

4) We die, get disease, get killed by earthquakes because of these desires.

Now.. We can show the following to be factual:

1) Theists die.

2) Theists get old, get diseased and die in earthquakes.

3) Theists cannot get rid of their desires, (it's impossible to do so).

4) Theists just like atheists are failures because they're still living a material existence.

Now, you claim that theists attain a different state of existence even though the above points show that to not be the case. They are just like everyone else and while they might understand that desire for the material is bad, they can't do fuck all about it. We are all in the exact same boat given your arguments. At the end of the day understanding that desire is bad is of no value considering it is "impossible" to stop having that desire. Know or not know, it's irrelevant to anything.

we may all be in similar boats, but some are headed to shore and some have gaping leaks

Incorrect. According to you, it's "impossible" to remove those desires. Thus we're all sinking.

But if she starts policing who can and cannot use the slide, or tears up the foundations to reposition it, it becomes criminal

Sure, so those are the crimes? Actually enjoying the material and having a desire to utilise the material are not sins in any way. I'm glad we agree.

because it frequently leads to exploitation and a false sense of possession (aka - lust)

It can do sure. But then, to state it again, the problem is not with the desire, but with the possible later actions . Knife/murder. Same thing.

love is characterized by service

So, someone can't just love god? He is bound by that love to offer material things and engage in material activities? You're basically saying that it is impossible to love without including the material?

if you think stinky urinal tracts are delightful you can keep your trophy

Stinky urinal tracts heh.. In either case I suppose at least they exist. 2-0.

if you made such an offering with sincerity you are definitely blessed

And the value of being blessed is...? Do these blessed people still die, get old, get diseased, die in earthquakes and find it impossible to remove desire?

all that it requires if that you provide an example of lust that doesn't have contingent sinful reactions

I (apparently) lust after vagina. It has never led to a sinful reaction.

well if you want to transgress the ground rules of any other discussion on the site, what can I say?

Do you have lust for being an idiot? You will find in any discussion on this site, and most likely this planet, that people can ask other people for their individual answer/thoughts etc without that person having to get all stupid and claim it transgresses ground rules, (lol you're fucking pathetic).

evidence relies on "suitable practice", as mentioned above - if you are too lazy/failure/gross materialist/etc to practice, then your opinion about the claims being meaningless is quite understandable

So, you are too lazy etc etc? You don't have direct perception LG so you must be. In saying, (once again), what is the value in listening to you?

you also have no direct perception of electrons and atoms - lol

Fine, I'll play along..

I have had direct perception of atoms. There are methods to do so including standing wave dipole force traps. I have direct perception, you don't. What is the value in listening to you? Someone that is merely guessing? Everytime you make a claim it is utterly baseless. So now we need to question why you don't have direct perception. So,..... why don't you have direct perception?

Is there anyone who in the field of science who has direct perception of the psychological mechanisms

Direct perception of psychological mechanisms heh.. Lol.

there aren't accounted incidents of people who have chosen to believe in leprechauns?

No. There are incidents of people who have gained a belief in leprechauns based upon life experiences, (old tales/seeing something small and leprechaunish in the undergrowth).

I can also use my free will not to believe in leprechauns

So you're claiming you choose not to believe in leprechauns? Just for the sake of discussion, now choose that you're going to believe in them. Don't panic LG!!! You can choose not to in an hours time once you have chosen to.
death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc

So earthquakes and the like only occur because material beings are attached to material things?
because persons are attached to material things they must enter the atmosphere of the material world, which includes things like earthquakes etc - kind of like if you want to go swimming expect to get wet
From there do we move on to state that immaterial beings are attached to immaterial things and thus suffer from immaterial earthquakes? If not, why create the former?
the spiritual and material worlds operate on different dynamics

You'll probably go on to mention free will and that people need to choose an immaterial existence - by removing the temptations of material things..
its not that material things are not present in the spiritual realm - indeed opulences such as beauty, opulence, knowledge etc are far far greater in the spiritual world - the difference is that persons in the spiritual world are not tempted by enjoying separately from god
But then in a few statements time you tell me that it is "impossible" to be free from the desires of material things which,
impossible to be free from material desire if one is cultivating material desire - why certainly
well.. kinda leads to a problem. You've been created as a material being to do that which, according to you, is impossible.
depends on what you are cultivating

You can take it for granted that anyone who is in the material world (except for a handful of saintly persons who are god's direct representatives) is here for the same reason

I see. You're a lusty person. Might I ask what it is you lust after?
the same as anyone else - wealth, power, opulence or name, fame, distinction and adoration

1) You said: "lust = material desire (strong attachment to the ephemeral)"

2) You said that it is impossible to cease having that desire.
I think you took something out of context to come up with 2)
3) You stated that such desire was "criminal" and have stated that the gods inflict things upon you because of those desires.
so good desires = good results and bad desires equal bad results - its not so much about renunciation (or burning everything you have) but dovetailing things in the service of the god 9and if its not within your capacity to dovetail it, you might want to consider renouncing it)
4) As it is, (in your own words), impossible to cease from having these desires...
hence dovetailing is the solution

SB 2.7.46: Surrendered souls, even from groups leading sinful lives can also know about the science of Godhead and become liberated from the clutches of the illusory energy by surrendering unto the pure devotees of the Lord and by following in their footsteps in devotional service.

a) How do you ever leave the material existence?
SB 5.19.15: Therefore, O Lord, O Transcendence, kindly help us by giving us the power to execute bhakti-yoga so that we can control our restless minds and fix them upon You. We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body, which is full of stool and urine, and to anything related with the body. Except for devotional service, there is no way to give up this attachment. Therefore kindly bestow upon us this benediction.
etc etc
b) Why are you expected to remove these desires if it's "impossible" to do so
hopefully you understand by now that I never said it is impossible to give up material desire and that material desire has contingent issues of unnecessary suffering (compared to the soul's constitutional position of eternity, knowledge and bliss)

lust however is specifically designated as a deep roted attachment to something that one has no ultimate relationship with - since we all ultimately have an actual relationship with god, the same word doesn't really apply

How do you figure that? 10 minutes ago you were telling me we live "under the notion that god doesn't exist".. By your arguments, we hardly have a relationship.
in conditioned life we have an indirect relationship with god(at the very least it wasn't a group of scientists that gave us the air we breath everyday).
Material life (life with no understanding of god) is something like a dream in the sense that it doesn't really mater what one is dreaming about (ie what nonsense one gets up to in material life), when one finally wakes up one's real life has not diminished any (ie one's spiritual life in relation to god has not perished any)
However, many people are in relationships with other people - so if they lust after that person that they have a relationship with, lust is ok - and therefore not a sin?
given that such persons maintain such relationships for as long as the object of lust inhabits a material body (and hopefully doesn't get sick or too deformed before their demise) and as long as they inhabit their own material body (hopefully before they too get similarly sick and deformed) its not clear how they have an actual relationship with substantial entities

actually it was due to you assuming that "constant meditation" is the singular quality of lust and the final last word in defining its nature

This is where your problem lies.. Inability to read or something similar.

A) I gave more than a singular quality.

B) The qualities used were defined by YOU. If they're not good enough it's directly because of YOU.
if I say the sun is hot, it doesn't mean that all things that are hot are the sun.
Similarly if i say lust involves constant meditation, it doesn't mean that all things that involve constant meditation are lusty


theists however are successful in attaining a different state of existence due to their comprehension of the nature of lust

But ultimately are just as fucked up because, according to you, it is "impossible" to remove those desires. Let's look at what YOU have said with regards to humanity:

1) We're all stinky mucus bags

2) We all inhabit this stinky mucus bag body because we have sin, (desire for the material).

3) It is "impossible" to not have desire for the material.

4) We die, get disease, get killed by earthquakes because of these desires.

Now.. We can show the following to be factual:

1) Theists die.

2) Theists get old, get diseased and die in earthquakes.

3) Theists cannot get rid of their desires, (it's impossible to do so).

4) Theists just like atheists are failures because they're still living a material existence.

Now, you claim that theists attain a different state of existence even though the above points show that to not be the case. They are just like everyone else and while they might understand that desire for the material is bad, they can't do fuck all about it. We are all in the exact same boat given your arguments. At the end of the day understanding that desire is bad is of no value considering it is "impossible" to stop having that desire. Know or not know, it's irrelevant to anything.
death is not the end of the day, but the beginning of another one
the successful theist ends up in one particular location by dint of their cultivation of consciousness and all others are somewhere else doing god knows what

But if she starts policing who can and cannot use the slide, or tears up the foundations to reposition it, it becomes criminal

Sure, so those are the crimes? Actually enjoying the material and having a desire to utilise the material are not sins in any way. I'm glad we agree.
if enjoyment is based around a sense of "I" (in regards to the material body) or "mine" (things in relation to the material body) expect a tantrum on the slippery slide

because it frequently leads to exploitation and a false sense of possession (aka - lust)

It can do sure. But then, to state it again, the problem is not with the desire, but with the possible later actions . Knife/murder. Same thing.
lust always finds its avenue in sins of the body words or mind

love is characterized by service

So, someone can't just love god? He is bound by that love to offer material things and engage in material activities?
try sitting on your laurels all day and appeasing your wife with the words "I love you"

You're basically saying that it is impossible to love without including the material?
I am saying its impossible to love without service

if you think stinky urinal tracts are delightful you can keep your trophy

Stinky urinal tracts heh.. In either case I suppose at least they exist. 2-0.
beauty certainly lies in the eye (or nose, as is the case of male dogs) of the beholder

if you made such an offering with sincerity you are definitely blessed

And the value of being blessed is...?
you have moved an increment towards the position of devoting every moment within your 24 hours a day to the service of god

Do these blessed people still die, get old, get diseased, die in earthquakes and find it impossible to remove desire?
compared to the conditioned soul's future - no, no, no , no and no

all that it requires if that you provide an example of lust that doesn't have contingent sinful reactions

I (apparently) lust after vagina. It has never led to a sinful reaction.
so you don't have a body that is subject to death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc

evidence relies on "suitable practice", as mentioned above - if you are too lazy/failure/gross materialist/etc to practice, then your opinion about the claims being meaningless is quite understandable

So, you are too lazy etc etc?
I don't find the claims meaningless

You don't have direct perception LG so you must be. In saying, (once again), what is the value in listening to you?
the same value as listening to any personal opinion on the internet

if that personal opinion however is inline with established knowledge, then it certainly has value

you also have no direct perception of electrons and atoms - lol

Fine, I'll play along..

I have had direct perception of atoms. There are methods to do so including standing wave dipole force traps. I have direct perception, you don't. What is the value in listening to you? Someone that is merely guessing? Everytime you make a claim it is utterly baseless. So now we need to question why you don't have direct perception. So,..... why don't you have direct perception?
so your personal opinion is inline with established knowledge therefore it has value

Is there anyone who in the field of science who has direct perception of the psychological mechanisms

Direct perception of psychological mechanisms heh.. Lol.
nuturedunnit - lol
because persons are attached to material things they must enter the atmosphere of the material world

So, for the record.. you're stating that souls/beings get attached to material things before being part of the material? Why do they choose to do this?

the spiritual and material worlds operate on different dynamics

Do tell: what direct experience of the "spiritual world" do you have? Are you just guessing again?

its not that material things are not present in the spiritual realm - indeed opulences such as beauty, opulence, knowledge etc are far far greater in the spiritual world - the difference is that persons in the spiritual world are not tempted by enjoying separately from god

So.. people in the spiritual world are also attached to the material?

impossible to be free from material desire if one is cultivating material desire

So like impossible to not be listening to music if you're listening to music. Boy you come up with some dumb shit. And surely this leaves us with an inherent problem. These spirits or whatever that we start off as decide for some reason to desire the material. As a result of that desire they end up in the material world. Now, at this stage in the game they are attached to the material and you state it impossible to be free from that desire while in such a state - basically telling me yet again that it is impossible to get free from this desire once you have it.

the same as anyone else - wealth, power, opulence or name, fame, distinction and adoration

Might I ask why? (btw, I desire none of those things - maybe it's just me).

I think you took something out of context to come up with 2)

You think wrong.

You said: "if you are asking me whether i agree with the buddhist doctrine that it is possible to cease desiring, my answer is no"

You disagree that it is possible to cease desiring which means you must be of the inclination that to cease desiring is impossible. It's really quite simple.

So according to you it is impossible to cease having desire but then state you need to cease having that desire to get to where you ultimately want to be going. As such a distinct problem arises.

hence dovetailing is the solution

What exactly is wrong with just burning it all?

We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body

Cheeky buggers. So after all that and it's the gods that make us attached to the material. We're infected.. nice.

in conditioned life we have an indirect relationship with god(at the very least it wasn't a group of scientists that gave us the air we breath everyday)

Certainly wasn't, and it wasn't gods either.

Material life (life with no understanding of god)

So.. you don't understand gods? The people that wrote religious texts didn't understand the gods they were writing about, all those "saintly persons" you have spoken of don't understand gods. Interesting to know.

its not clear how they have an actual relationship with substantial entities

A temporary relationship isn't a relationship? Bizarre notion.

Similarly if i say lust involves constant meditation, it doesn't mean that all things that involve constant meditation are lusty

You espouse that constant meditation and worship are lusty and that every human has lust. In both cases the constant meditation and worship are lusty just for different things - in my case lust for the material, in the other case lust for getting away from the material/becoming one of gods little pets. They both entail lust. Surely you as a theist would admit that you lust to join the spiritual world/be with god yada yada. Meditation and worship in both instances are lust. Plain and simple.


the successful theist ends up in one particular location by dint of their cultivation of consciousness and all others are somewhere else doing god knows what

How do you know? (I said "know"). All you actually know is that every single theist, "saintly person" and wannabe spirit ends up dead, gets disease and gets killed by natural disasters.

if enjoyment is based around a sense of "I" (in regards to the material body) or "mine" (things in relation to the material body) expect a tantrum on the slippery slide

Fine, but if that tantrum doesn't happen it's not a sin.. the sin is the tantrum that might happen. Glad we agree.

lust always finds its avenue in sins of the body words or mind

Only when you ignorantly define lust in itself as a sin. What we've basically gone through is this:

"eating coffee ice cream is a sin"

"no it isn't"

"it certainly is because... eating coffee ice cream is a sin".

Kinda pointless.

try sitting on your laurels all day and appeasing your wife with the words "I love you"

The gods are like my wife? Scary notion.

I am saying its impossible to love without service

Utter codswollop. The "service" comes because of that love. The love comes first and the service only really exists because you want to ensure that you get that love back. So now LG, it's not impossible to love without service, it's a later part of that love.

beauty certainly lies in the eye (or nose, as is the case of male dogs) of the beholder

Certainly, but it exists. 3-0.

you have moved an increment towards the position of devoting every moment within your 24 hours a day to the service of god

And why would one want to do that?

compared to the conditioned soul's future - no, no, no , no and no

So.. unconditioned souls die, get diseased etc etc? I thought souls were eternal?

If that's the case I need to ask it once again..

"Do these blessed people still die, get old, get diseased, die in earthquakes and find it impossible to remove desire?"

so you don't have a body that is subject to death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc

Certainly. Now you would need to show that this stuff only occurs because I like vagina. Good luck.

I don't find the claims meaningless

You don't have direct perception, (which was the point), and thus must be too lazy/a failure/gross materialist etc.

the same value as listening to any personal opinion on the internet

So ultimately.. none? Glad we got that settled.

if that personal opinion however is inline with established knowledge, then it certainly has value

Established? You mean claimed.

so your personal opinion is inline with established knowledge therefore it has value

My 'personal opinion' is in line with direct perception. I have first hand knowledge. You on the other hand don't. You rely solely on the claims of others that you cannot establish as reality, or apparently could if only you weren't so lazy.

[edit] Btw, how did you get along with convincing yourself that leprechauns exist? If that was perhaps too difficult how about you try something easier.. hmm.. Ok, next time you find yourself unwittingly humming the theme tune to say the Flintstones even though you hate the flintstones, try telling your mind to stop humming it. Go on, show yourself how much power you have over your brain. Beg and plead, bargain and offer to your brain to shuttup with the humming. Let me know how far you get.
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“ because persons are attached to material things they must enter the atmosphere of the material world ”
So, for the record.. you're stating that souls/beings get attached to material things before being part of the material? Why do they choose to do this?

--- the desire to be separate from god certainly necessitates entering an alternative medium – there are several explanations why the living entity would desire such a thing, but such explanations basically boil down to the living entity possessing free will and fallibility (ie we can make mistakes) as eternal distinctions between the free will and infallibility of god ---

“ no
the spiritual and material worlds operate on different dynamics ”
Do tell: what direct experience of the "spiritual world" do you have? Are you just guessing again?

--- I think we are in the process of discussing this on a separate thread---

“ its not that material things are not present in the spiritual realm - indeed opulences such as beauty, opulence, knowledge etc are far far greater in the spiritual world - the difference is that persons in the spiritual world are not tempted by enjoying separately from god ”
So.. people in the spiritual world are also attached to the material?

--- no
Living entities in their liberated state are attached to god and god is the source of all opulences – the moment they get attached to the facility offered by god instead of the service of god is the moment they become conditioned---
“ impossible to be free from material desire if one is cultivating material desire ”
So like impossible to not be listening to music if you're listening to music. Boy you come up with some dumb shit. And surely this leaves us with an inherent problem. These spirits or whatever that we start off as decide for some reason to desire the material. As a result of that desire they end up in the material world. Now, at this stage in the game they are attached to the material and you state it impossible to be free from that desire while in such a state - basically telling me yet again that it is impossible to get free from this desire once you have it.

--- maybe I should have put the word “cultivating” in bold italics or something---
“ the same as anyone else - wealth, power, opulence or name, fame, distinction and adoration ”
Might I ask why? (btw, I desire none of those things - maybe it's just me).

--- then there are two options
1) You are a liberated soul
2) You have a different semantic understanding of the words given
... examining your track record with words like “lust”, I would opt for 2)---

“ I think you took something out of context to come up with 2) ”
You think wrong.

You said: "if you are asking me whether i agree with the buddhist doctrine that it is possible to cease desiring, my answer is no"

You disagree that it is possible to cease desiring which means you must be of the inclination that to cease desiring is impossible. It's really quite simple.

So according to you it is impossible to cease having desire but then state you need to cease having that desire to get to where you ultimately want to be going. As such a distinct problem arises.
--- its clear then - You did take something out of context
One needs to cease cultivating material desire (which is the default position of any conditioned living entity) by cultivating spiritual desire---
“ hence dovetailing is the solution ”
What exactly is wrong with just burning it all?

--- how is it possible to renounce something that was never yours?---
“ We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body ”
Cheeky buggers. So after all that and it's the gods that make us attached to the material. We're infected.. nice.

--- the living entity can only desire – the facility to fulfill such desires (whether they be material or spiritual) is granted by god
That’s why the comment you copy/pasted was surrounded as such
Therefore, O Lord, O Transcendence, kindly help us by giving us the power to execute bhakti-yoga so that we can control our restless minds and fix them upon You. We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body, which is full of stool and urine, and to anything related with the body. Except for devotional service, there is no way to give up this attachment. Therefore kindly bestow upon us this benediction.---
“ in conditioned life we have an indirect relationship with god(at the very least it wasn't a group of scientists that gave us the air we breath everyday) ”
Certainly wasn't, and it wasn't gods either.

--- god begs to differ
BG10.8 - "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts."---
“ Material life (life with no understanding of god) ”
So.. you don't understand gods?
---I don’t?---
The people that wrote religious texts didn't understand the gods they were writing about, all those "saintly persons" you have spoken of don't understand gods.
--- they didn’t? .... oh thats right, snakelord (you are in the position of the direct perception that god doesn't exist aren't you?)
“ its not clear how they have an actual relationship with substantial entities ”
A temporary relationship isn't a relationship? Bizarre notion.
--- an illusory relationship isn’t a relationship – for instance if your wife was wearing a red shirt and the next day you found the red shirt in the washing machine and started to lament pitifully that she had drowned, it wouldn’t be a real relationship as such.
Similarly relationships made (and of course eventually broken) in the name of the bodily covering are not real relationships for the soul---
“ Similarly if i say lust involves constant meditation, it doesn't mean that all things that involve constant meditation are lusty ”
You espouse that constant meditation and worship are lusty and that every human has lust. In both cases the constant meditation and worship are lusty just for different things - in my case lust for the material, in the other case lust for getting away from the material/becoming one of gods little pets. They both entail lust. Surely you as a theist would admit that you lust to join the spiritual world/be with god yada yada. Meditation and worship in both instances are lust. Plain and simple.

--- since English is ultimately a bastardized language I guess you can talk about ‘lust’ in such a fashion (lust = desire), however for the purpose of argument (which requires clear definitions) its should be obvious by now what we aim at discussing – if its not, just reread what we have posted ---
“ the successful theist ends up in one particular location by dint of their cultivation of consciousness and all others are somewhere else doing god knows what ”
How do you know? (I said "know").
---First of all I developed a frame work of theory.
Next I developed a frame work of practice
Finally I arrived at the point of conclusion
Any more questions? (lol)---

All you actually know is that every single theist, "saintly person" and wannabe spirit ends up dead, gets disease and gets killed by natural disasters.
--- therefore you find in the frame work of theory the proposition that the material body is not the ultimate designation of the living entity, much like the red shirt of your wife is not her ultimate designation
BG2.22 As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.---
“ if enjoyment is based around a sense of "I" (in regards to the material body) or "mine" (things in relation to the material body) expect a tantrum on the slippery slide ”
Fine, but if that tantrum doesn't happen it's not a sin.. the sin is the tantrum that might happen. Glad we agree.
--- once again, tantrums of the mind, tantrums of the words or tantrums of the actions---

“ lust always finds its avenue in sins of the body words or mind ”
Only when you ignorantly define lust in itself as a sin. What we've basically gone through is this:

"eating coffee ice cream is a sin"

"no it isn't"

"it certainly is because... eating coffee ice cream is a sin".

Kinda pointless.
--- all sins revolve around the notion of forgetting god and all spiritual acts revolve around the notion of remembering god – given that lust is all about perceiving the world as meant for one’s own enjoyment and not god’s (ie not merely just ‘desiring’, but desiring in a certain way that infringes on the constitutional position of god and transgresses the constitutional position of the living entity), it should be clear how lust is inextricably linked to sin.
To run with the ice cream thing, there are ways to determine whether it is sinful or not
Generally –
BG3.13 The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.
However at a certain stage of spiritual cultivation, other things come into play
NO2 - One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required; (2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain; (3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters; (4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically; (5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in God consciousness; and (6) being greedy for mundane achievements.---
“ try sitting on your laurels all day and appeasing your wife with the words "I love you" ”
The gods are like my wife? Scary notion.
--- for the purposes of illustrating how love does and does not function, yes---
“ I am saying its impossible to love without service ”
Utter codswollop. The "service" comes because of that love.
--- regardless of what you consider comes first, it is impossible to talk of love, even the material counterpart that we encounter on a regular basis in the material world, without service---
The love comes first and the service only really exists because you want to ensure that you get that love back.
--- actually that’s the material perversion of love – aka lust (for the purposes of general analogy). It also explains why every other personality falls short of being the object of unconditional love, save and except god and why every personality falls short as the unconditional lover save and except for the saintly person and god

So now LG, it's not impossible to love without service, it's a later part of that love.
--- love without service is like saying the sun globe without sunlight – you can talk about such a thing but it is neither love nor the sunglobe ---
“ you have moved an increment towards the position of devoting every moment within your 24 hours a day to the service of god ”
And why would one want to do that?
--- because our standard procedure of dedicating 24 hours to the service of ourselves satisfies no one, including ourselves---
“ compared to the conditioned soul's future - no, no, no , no and no ”
So.. unconditioned souls die, get diseased etc etc? I thought souls were eternal?

---BG 2.24 This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.
A conditioned soul has a different perception, much like the man who thinks his wife’s red shirt is his wife has a different perception – this is not the case with an unconditioned soul, because their perception is not subject to ‘conditions’---
“ so you don't have a body that is subject to death, old age and disease and the interim period being composed of sufferings caused by other living entities, one's own body and mind and natural disturbances such as earthquakes, floods etc ”
Certainly. Now you would need to show that this stuff only occurs because I like vagina. Good luck.
--- well if material life is expressly punctuated by these faults, its not clear how one, who forms a material conception of themselves and thus starts lusting after the material bodies others, is not implicated---
“ I don't find the claims meaningless ”
You don't have direct perception, (which was the point), and thus must be too lazy/a failure/gross materialist etc.
--- you have direct perception that the statements of saintly persons/scripture is not substantiated? (or are you going to run back to the barracks of defensive atheism again – and no doubt come out again with the same rhetoric when you think no one is looking)---
“ the same value as listening to any personal opinion on the internet ”
So ultimately.. none? Glad we got that settled.
--- hence your statement about having the direct perception of atoms only held value by a credible reference outside of your personal claims (in other words you said you have applied the same process that others before you in the field of physics have applied) . If you didn’t say that, there would be no way for me to see the value of your personal opinion---
“ if that personal opinion however is inline with established knowledge, then it certainly has value ”
Established? You mean claimed.
--- no
I mean established ---
“ so your personal opinion is inline with established knowledge therefore it has value ”
My 'personal opinion' is in line with direct perception. I have first hand knowledge.

--- but you cannot talk diddly about your personal claim unless you do so through the established tenants of knowledge (just try and talk about atoms without referencing the works, terms or bodies of investigation carried out by others---

You on the other hand don't. You rely solely on the claims of others that you cannot establish as reality, or apparently could if only you weren't so lazy.

--- the problem is that you think that there is no substantialness behind the claims of scripture or saintly persons (despite having no compelling evidence for such a claim) thus the whole discussion on ‘evidence for personal claims’ is deeply marred – for instance if I was a high school drop out who was highly critical of the claims of physics and physicists, you would have a hard time establishing the validity of your personal experience of atoms, even if I perpetually whined about what is the basis for your evidence---
[edit] Btw, how did you get along with convincing yourself that leprechauns exist? If that was perhaps too difficult how about you try something easier.. hmm.. Ok, next time you find yourself unwittingly humming the theme tune to say the Flintstones even though you hate the flintstones, try telling your mind to stop humming it. Go on, show yourself how much power you have over your brain. Beg and plead, bargain and offer to your brain to shuttup with the humming. Let me know how far you get.

---Indeed this is the powerless nature of the conditioned soul – no control over their mind or senses

BG 6.6 For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

BG 15.7 The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.

SB1.2.21 Thus the knot in the heart is pierced, and all misgivings are cut to pieces. The chain of fruitive actions is terminated when one sees the self as master.

Etc etc---
--- the desire to be separate from god certainly necessitates entering an alternative medium

There are literally trillions upon trillions of life forms living a material existence. You run the risk right now of stating that all these life forms during their immaterial phase were stupid and ignorant and thus got this desire to be separate from god or we can explore the angle that maybe there is a valid reason to want to be away from this being.

On post 86 you were explaining the difference between a material existence and an immaterial one. For the immaterial you stated:

"a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress"

Now, as a result of this the former statement is unlikely. You're full of knowledge and are bereft of any distress. Being full of knowledge as you claim, you as an immaterial being would know of the problems of being a "mucus bag" and thus these trillions upon trillions of life forms would only engage in such activity if there was valid reason to do so. Of course you only get half the picture. You think this life sucks and want to be immaterial without remembering why you made the choice in the first place. You don't trust yourself now and clearly don't trust how you were as an immaterial being. You seem to be in a right predicament.

One would need to explore why an immaterial being - an eternal being, free from distress and full of knowledge would want to be away from god. Maybe this god of yours isn't all it's cracked up to be or perhaps this god of your made an error when he created these immaterial beings.

Given all your earlier statements concerning material existence I wonder why you would trust your material form when it thinks it wants to be immaterial and with god instead of trusting your full of knowledge immaterial form that doesn't want to be with god. If you were a sane person surely you would trust the latter over the former any day of the week? The time when you were an immaterial being full of knowledge you chose to be away from this god. Now you're but a stinky mucus bag that knows nothing and you choose to be with him. Hmmm.. Think about it.

there are several explanations why the living entity would desire such a thing, but such explanations basically boil down to the living entity possessing free will and fallibility (ie we can make mistakes)

Well excuse me but you said when we're immaterial we're full of knowledge and bereft of distress. If these trillions upon trillions of immaterial beings "made a mistake" then there's something clearly wrong from a creation point of view.

Furthermore, the scriptural passage you quoted showed that it isn't a "mistake" or a "choice" but that god specifically and purposely deludes us into it.

--- I think we are in the process of discussing this on a separate thread---

You think wrong.

We are in the process of discussing what experience you have of god, this is different. I need to know, (in relation to my comments made at the start of this post), whether you actually have any first hand experience of the spiritual world, (that you remember), because if you don't I can only ask again why you trust your ignorant mucus bag material thoughts before trusting your former full of knowledge immaterial thoughts. In short: Maybe you had a damn good reason to escape into a material existence. You don't remember it now and so want to be there... because you don't remember it.

Living entities in their liberated state are attached to god and god is the source of all opulences

So were all us living entities in a liberated state to begin with? Now you need to question why a full of knowledge liberate state being in service of god would want and choose to be away from him. Who do you trust more? You as a mucus bag or you as a liberated full of knowledge spirit?

--- maybe I should have put the word “cultivating” in bold italics or something---

Well, if one is alive and leading a material existence, he's cultivating a material existence. The only way therefore to be free from material desire is to be immaterial. But that is, in your view, impossible unless one removes material desire. Either way you cut it you end up with a distinct problem. You can add as many words as you want, it changes nothing.

--- then there are two options
1) You are a liberated soul
2) You have a different semantic understanding of the words given

3) I'm just different to you. Could you imagine that? Wow. :bugeye:

... examining your track record with words like “lust”, I would opt for 2)---

Ooh that burns.. Lol what a twit.

--- its clear then - You did take something out of context
One needs to cease cultivating material desire (which is the default position of any conditioned living entity) by cultivating spiritual desire---

What is clear is that you're shifting and changing statements because you'd be in the predicament that you are in unless you did so. You stated for the record that you believe it is impossible to cease having material desire. That was it. Now you add and change in order to try and weasel your way out of a problem you created for yourself. Now, in either case whether one is cultivating spiritual issues or material issues, according to your statement you still have material desire which you cannot possibly get rid of. That desire remains, whether you're cultivating it or not.

--- how is it possible to renounce something that was never yours?---

Same way it's possible to give something to god that was never yours.

the living entity can only desire – the facility to fulfill such desires (whether they be material or spiritual) is granted by god

This is irrelevant to what was said. We are purposefully infected by these gods of yours to be attached to the material.

--- god begs to differ

Inaccurate. An old book written by an ancient human begs to differ. Whoopie doo.

---I don’t?---

Apparently not given your statement:

"Material life (life with no understanding of god)"

You live a material life yes? You sum up material life as "life with no understanding of god". Ergo.. you have no understanding of god.

--- they didn’t? .... oh thats right, snakelord (you are in the position of the direct perception that god doesn't exist aren't you?)

Wakey wakey little lg. You stated it lol.

for instance if your wife was wearing a red shirt and the next day you found the red shirt in the washing machine and started to lament pitifully that she had drowned, it wouldn’t be a real relationship as such.

You talk such verbal poop it's astounding.

Whether my wife was in the washing machine or not how would it mean it wasn't a relationship we were having.

--- since English is ultimately a bastardized language I guess you can talk about ‘lust’ in such a fashion (lust = desire), however for the purpose of argument (which requires clear definitions) its should be obvious by now what we aim at discussing – if its not, just reread what we have posted ---

What clearly needs to be done is that you need to stop giving definitions that I happily use, (because you're the one with the crapola beliefs we're discussing), only to then quickly backtrack and whinge at me for using your statements and definitions against you. The problem is I know you do it on purpose.

First of all I developed a frame work of theory.
Next I developed a frame work of practice
Finally I arrived at the point of conclusion

Which is clearly problematic considering your still here as a failed material being. The conclusion you arrived at is complete guesswork - The fact of the matter is that you're in exactly the same place as the rest of us. All that practice and theory got you nowhere.

--- therefore you find in the frame work of theory the proposition that the material body is not the ultimate designation of the living entity

More unsubstantiated drivel.

--- once again, tantrums of the mind, tantrums of the words or tantrums of the actions---

Right, but not lust in and of itself. Glad we agree.

--- all sins revolve around the notion of forgetting god and all spiritual acts revolve around the notion of remembering god

So liking a hamburger means you've forgotten god? (Actually just so we don't run into your usual dishonesty please clearly define "forgetting").

given that lust is all about perceiving the world as meant for one’s own enjoyment and not god’s

So the idea is we just need to make sure god enjoys himself? That's the purpose of our being?

it should be clear how lust is inextricably linked to sin.

Because... god isn't enjoying himself but we are, and that's a bad thing. Got it.

Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.

I understand completely. After all this time and I actually agree 100%. How dare anyone prepare food with the intention of enjoying it. Fuckers should all be ashamed of themselves. Damn them all!!

I always knew there was something I didn't like about Jamie Oliver but I could never quite put my finger on it.

One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required

I've always hated fatties and rich folk.

(2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain;

I've always hated those bastards that go to such lengths to climb up mountains when they're only going to come back down again.

(3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters

You're all bastards! The next time someone dares mention the weather I'm gonna smack him in his stinky mucus bag face.

(4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically

Bloody atheists. Gotta hate them.

(5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in God consciousness;

Yeah kids, don't be talking to atheists!

(6) being greedy for mundane achievements.

Yeah. Damn the oscars, winning the world cup etc etc.

regardless of what you consider comes first, it is impossible to talk of love, even the material counterpart that we encounter on a regular basis in the material world, without service

Love is an emotion, nothing more. Service might and does follow that emotion, but one can talk of an emotion without the service that follows. Look, I'll provide an example:

"I love my wife".

See, I didn't mention service anywhere, I just explained an emotion.

--- actually that’s the material perversion of love – aka lust (for the purposes of general analogy).

Incorrect. Love and lust are two different emotional states. The service is there to aid the other person in having the same emotional state in return.

It also explains why every other personality falls short of being the object..

Worthless verbal flatulence.

love without service is like saying the sun globe without sunlight

Yeah or the moon without craters, or cheese without a cheese slicer, or bananas without banana peel.. I'm with you all the way. Of course, just as a minor side point, none of this is relevant to anything.

Love is an emotion that exists regardless to service. I love my wife without question absolutely regardless to whether I did anything for her or not. Now... because I love her I do things for her, but only because the emotion exists first and foremost. Once again: Your claim that it is possible to love without service is incorrect.

--- because our standard procedure of dedicating 24 hours to the service of ourselves satisfies no one, including ourselves---

Speak for yourself. So tell me, why would one want to move towards devoting every second of their existence to a god? (unless like you they're clearly unhappy with their own existence).

A conditioned soul has a different perception, much like the man who thinks his wife’s red shirt is his wife has a different perception – this is not the case with an unconditioned soul, because their perception is not subject to ‘conditions’---

I see. So like the banana that thinks it's green or the hamster that's a bright fluorescent orange and thinks it's a cat have a different perce.... fucking hell.

Do certain souls die and get disease? Yes or no dipshit.

well if material life is expressly punctuated by these faults, its not clear how one, who forms a material conception of themselves and thus starts lusting after the material bodies others, is not implicated

I would call the 'talking out of your rectum' police if they existed but they don't, so I can't. Let's try again: You would need to show that death, disease, old age, and natural disasters only occur because I like vagina.

you have direct perception that the statements of saintly persons/scripture is not substantiated?

What is this, the twilight zone? I am saying that because YOU don't have direct perception then YOU must be lazy/a failure/gross materialist etc. Clear this up.. WHY don't YOU have direct perception?

hence your statement about having the direct perception of atoms only held value by a credible reference outside of your personal claims (in other words you said you have applied the same process that others before you in the field of physics have applied) . If you didn’t say that, there would be no way for me to see the value of your personal opinion---


Now.. YOU don't have direct perception. I can attest to the claims of those that came before me because I have direct perception to show that their claims are valid. That wont mean much to someone who doesn't, granted. Here's the thing.. (Pay attention lg):

YOU don't have direct perception and thus can't even attest to the claims of those before you because you haven't substantiated those claims even to yourself.

--- no
I mean established ---

No you don't.

--- but you cannot talk diddly about your personal claim unless you do so through the established tenants of knowledge (just try and talk about atoms without referencing the works, terms or bodies of investigation carried out by others---

Again: O....k.

In saying: You cannot say diddly about gods because YOU don't have direct perception.

References, terms, bodies, snotty tissues are all irrelevant to that.

the problem is that you think that there is no substantialness behind the claims of scripture or saintly persons

No, the problem is that you can't even confirm it to yourself because you have no direct perception. You're guessing.

Indeed this is the powerless nature of the conditioned soul – no control over their mind or senses

Oh, that's very interesting.

They have no control over their mind, so even if they wanted to remove lust and desire from their lives, they couldn't possibly do it, (see, it is impossible).

So what we've established basically is this:

1) We decided when we were spirits, full of knowledge that we wanted to get away from god and be material or...

2) The gods delude us into being attached to the material and once we are material..

3) We have no control over our mind or senses.

We can't decide to not like the material because we have no control of our own mind. It is, to say it once again: impossible to remove material desire/lust - That is unless the gods decide to remove that delusion they have put upon us.
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--- the desire to be separate from god certainly necessitates entering an alternative medium

There are literally trillions upon trillions of life forms living a material existence. You run the risk right now of stating that all these life forms during their immaterial phase were stupid and ignorant and thus got this desire to be separate from god or we can explore the angle that maybe there is a valid reason to want to be away from this being.
and what is the precise problem with such statistics?
(how many hundreds of thousands of people in jails through out the world do you think are there for valid reasons?)

On post 86 you were explaining the difference between a material existence and an immaterial one. For the immaterial you stated:

"a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress"

Now, as a result of this the former statement is unlikely. You're full of knowledge and are bereft of any distress. Being full of knowledge as you claim, you as an immaterial being would know of the problems of being a "mucus bag" and thus these trillions upon trillions of life forms would only engage in such activity if there was valid reason to do so.
the "knowledge" is "certainty" - in other words the uncertainty which is a regular part of our material existence is conspicuous by its absence.

Of course you only get half the picture. You think this life sucks and want to be immaterial without remembering why you made the choice in the first place.
why one decided to make the choice is one of the first things that become apparent
You don't trust yourself now and clearly don't trust how you were as an immaterial being. You seem to be in a right predicament.
it certainly was folly to leave the medium of certainty
One would need to explore why an immaterial being - an eternal being, free from distress and full of knowledge would want to be away from god. Maybe this god of yours isn't all it's cracked up to be or perhaps this god of your made an error when he created these immaterial beings.
these things can be discussed and answers can be found, but only amongst persons with a strong foundation of theistic theory and practice - gven that we are struggling with the exact significance of words as primary as "lust" and "desire", venturing into such discussions at this point would kind of be like discussing sin, log and tan with persons who felt 2+2= something between 3 and 6

there are several explanations why the living entity would desire such a thing, but such explanations basically boil down to the living entity possessing free will and fallibility (ie we can make mistakes)

Well excuse me but you said when we're immaterial we're full of knowledge and bereft of distress.
one can still display fallibility however
If these trillions upon trillions of immaterial beings "made a mistake" then there's something clearly wrong from a creation point of view.[/QUOTE
if they are merely a sub group of an infinite set, its less than a drop in the ocean

Furthermore, the scriptural passage you quoted showed that it isn't a "mistake" or a "choice" but that god specifically and purposely deludes us into it.
actually the verse is talking about how the material energy operates in the material world on materially conditioned entities

--- I think we are in the process of discussing this on a separate thread---

You think wrong.

We are in the process of discussing what experience you have of god, this is different. I need to know, (in relation to my comments made at the start of this post), whether you actually have any first hand experience of the spiritual world, (that you remember), because if you don't I can only ask again why you trust your ignorant mucus bag material thoughts before trusting your former full of knowledge immaterial thoughts. In short: Maybe you had a damn good reason to escape into a material existence. You don't remember it now and so want to be there... because you don't remember it.
once again, discussion of advanced notions from the platform of theory is completely fruitless unless there is practice working along side it - or to put it simply (yet again) what is the point in me answering this if you don't have the ground work in knowledge that is already established?
(What is the point in me asking whether you have direct perception of atoms if i am bereft of the knowledge by which atoms are properly defined, what to speak of the common practices by which atoms are examined?)

Living entities in their liberated state are attached to god and god is the source of all opulences

So were all us living entities in a liberated state to begin with?
Now you need to question why a full of knowledge liberate state being in service of god would want and choose to be away from him.
(BTW do you understand the distinction between "full of knowledge" and "complete knowledge"?)

--- maybe I should have put the word “cultivating” in bold italics or something---

Well, if one is alive and leading a material existence, he's cultivating a material existence.
why is that?
(at the very least, practicing theists disagree)

--- then there are two options
1) You are a liberated soul
2) You have a different semantic understanding of the words given

3) I'm just different to you. Could you imagine that? Wow.
judging by your posts you seem quite predictable

... examining your track record with words like “lust”, I would opt for 2)---

Ooh that burns.. Lol what a twit.
well if you think the platform of being free from lust involves ogling vaginas, one can only wonder what twist you are putting on the words "name, fame, adoration, wealth, power, etc

--- its clear then - You did take something out of context
One needs to cease cultivating material desire (which is the default position of any conditioned living entity) by cultivating spiritual desire---

What is clear is that you're shifting and changing statements because you'd be in the predicament that you are in unless you did so. You stated for the record that you believe it is impossible to cease having material desire.
Actually I didn't state that - I did state that it impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire however
That was it. Now you add and change in order to try and weasel your way out of a problem you created for yourself. Now, in either case whether one is cultivating spiritual issues or material issues, according to your statement you still have material desire which you cannot possibly get rid of. That desire remains, whether you're cultivating it or not.
material desire and spiritual desire are mutually exclusive - the more one cultivates material desire, the less one harbors spiritual desire and vice versa

--- how is it possible to renounce something that was never yours?---

Same way it's possible to give something to god that was never yours.
You can actually give somebody something that is not one's own - it happens at lost and found depots all the time
So can you now please explain how one can renounce something that isn't one's own - like for instance if you walk up to the bank and tell the bank teller that you have renounced the 10 000 000 dollars in the vault, is that a sign or sanity?

the living entity can only desire – the facility to fulfill such desires (whether they be material or spiritual) is granted by god

This is irrelevant to what was said. We are purposefully infected by these gods of yours to be attached to the material.
thats because we desire (in fact plead and beg god) to be infected in such a way

--- god begs to differ

Inaccurate. An old book written by an ancient human begs to differ. Whoopie doo.
and it just happens to be about god
you on the other hand have no clear evidence that god didn't create the natural elements that we require to exist - so 1-0

---I don’t?---

Apparently not given your statement:

"Material life (life with no understanding of god)"

You live a material life yes?
actually no I don't
(I don't live cultivating material desire with no understanding of god)
You sum up material life as "life with no understanding of god". Ergo.. you have no understanding of god.
at a guess I would say you live a material life

--- they didn’t? .... oh thats right, snakelord (you are in the position of the direct perception that god doesn't exist aren't you?)

Wakey wakey little lg. You stated it lol.
if you want you can try and take everything I say out of context, and construct vicious assaults on such a strawman, but it doesn't make your sharpness appear greatly astute

for instance if your wife was wearing a red shirt and the next day you found the red shirt in the washing machine and started to lament pitifully that she had drowned, it wouldn’t be a real relationship as such.

You talk such verbal poop it's astounding.

Whether my wife was in the washing machine or not how would it mean it wasn't a relationship we were having.
if you thought your wife was a red t-shirt, simply because she wore a red t-shirt, it would indicate the substance of your relationship was close to nil (compared to the substance of relationships between persons who can clearly perceive the distinctions between themselves and the t-shirts they wear)
similarly you may rant and rave about how substantial your bodily relationships are, but that is because you have no conception of the substance of relationships between personalities who can clearly perceive the distinction between body and soul
--- since English is ultimately a bastardized language I guess you can talk about ‘lust’ in such a fashion (lust = desire), however for the purpose of argument (which requires clear definitions) its should be obvious by now what we aim at discussing – if its not, just reread what we have posted ---

What clearly needs to be done is that you need to stop giving definitions that I happily use, (because you're the one with the crapola beliefs we're discussing),
we are also discussing the aroma of your beliefs too
only to then quickly backtrack and whinge at me for using your statements and definitions against you. The problem is I know you do it on purpose.
I wouldn't complain if you didn't insist on using convenient metonymic slices of my posts to add a bit of comic relief to your posts
for instance look what can be read into your statement

I happily use, (because you're the one with the crapola beliefs

since you are happy using crappola beliefs, its no wonder what comes out of your mouth

First of all I developed a frame work of theory.
Next I developed a frame work of practice
Finally I arrived at the point of conclusion

Which is clearly problematic considering your still here as a failed material being.
I did?
Actually I am in quite a positive state
(I just took prasadam)
The conclusion you arrived at is complete guesswork - The fact of the matter is that you're in exactly the same place as the rest of us. All that practice and theory got you nowhere.
maybe we are all in the ocean but some are dry in boats while others are sinking

--- therefore you find in the frame work of theory the proposition that the material body is not the ultimate designation of the living entity

More unsubstantiated drivel.
a high school drop out would say the exact same thing (ok maybe not the exact same thing - they would probably say "what a bunch of crappola") in their resistant stance to the science of physics

--- once again, tantrums of the mind, tantrums of the words or tantrums of the actions---

Right, but not lust in and of itself. Glad we agree.
lust is not a tantrum of the mind?

--- all sins revolve around the notion of forgetting god and all spiritual acts revolve around the notion of remembering god

So liking a hamburger means you've forgotten god? (Actually just so we don't run into your usual dishonesty please clearly define "forgetting").
if by liking the hamburger you forget god, yes
forgetting, particularly in regards to god, means that you forget one's relationship with god and the means that are required to maintain one's relationship with god

given that lust is all about perceiving the world as meant for one’s own enjoyment and not god’s

So the idea is we just need to make sure god enjoys himself?
the idea is that we need to make sure we only seek enjoyment through god's enjoyment

That's the purpose of our being?
if we want to actually enjoy, yes
just like if the hand wants to enjoy food it places it in the mouth (and thus gets nourishment/sustenance/etc) - the hand is not in the constitutional position to derive enjoyment from food separate from the mouth)

it should be clear how lust is inextricably linked to sin.

Because... god isn't enjoying himself but we are, and that's a bad thing. Got it.
gods enjoyment is eternally increasing
our material enjoyment fluctuates like winter and summer seasons

Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.

I understand completely. After all this time and I actually agree 100%. How dare anyone prepare food with the intention of enjoying it. Fuckers should all be ashamed of themselves. Damn them all!!
too right
its not like humans are capable of manufacturing food stuff in factories - no doubt they understand this when their sinful reactions build up in the form of drought/famine etc
I always knew there was something I didn't like about Jamie Oliver but I could never quite put my finger on it.
perhaps he wasn't god conscious enough

One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required

I've always hated fatties and rich folk.
perhaps you perceived a lack of serious spiritual intent in their lifestyles

(2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain;

I've always hated those bastards that go to such lengths to climb up mountains when they're only going to come back down again.
no doubt you appreciate the value of the human form of life and can determine better engagements for the few brief years it offers

(3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters

You're all bastards! The next time someone dares mention the weather I'm gonna smack him in his stinky mucus bag face.
careful - sounds like you are endeavoring for mundane things that ar e very difficult to attain

(4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically

Bloody atheists. Gotta hate them.
better to hate the sin and not the sinner

(5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in God consciousness;

Yeah kids, don't be talking to atheists!
do you plan to send to your daughter to a catholic school?

(6) being greedy for mundane achievements.

Yeah. Damn the oscars, winning the world cup etc etc.
all for having a stool that looks like a jewel

regardless of what you consider comes first, it is impossible to talk of love, even the material counterpart that we encounter on a regular basis in the material world, without service

Love is an emotion, nothing more.
an emotion brought to expression by service
just like despair is an emotion brought to expression by loss
Service might and does follow that emotion, but one can talk of an emotion without the service that follows. Look, I'll provide an example:

"I love my wife".

See, I didn't mention service anywhere, I just explained an emotion.
if however you do absolutely nothing for your wife, it raises questions on the validity of your love

--- actually that’s the material perversion of love – aka lust (for the purposes of general analogy).

Incorrect. Love and lust are two different emotional states. The service is there to aid the other person in having the same emotional state in return.
I scratch your back if you scratch mine is not love - it is commerce

It also explains why every other personality falls short of being the object..

Worthless verbal flatulence.
you cannot conceive of any conditions that would cause you to break off your relationship with your wife
(after all, people get divorced all the time)

love without service is like saying the sun globe without sunlight

Yeah or the moon without craters, or cheese without a cheese slicer, or bananas without banana peel.. I'm with you all the way. Of course, just as a minor side point, none of this is relevant to anything.
so you have changed your stance that love can be determined as something bereft of a service attitude betwen now and the previous 2 posts?

Love is an emotion that exists regardless to service. I love my wife without question absolutely regardless to whether I did anything for her or not.
then why do you waste your valuable time doing stuff for her when the relationship of love doesn't ultimately require it?
Now... because I love her I do things for her, but only because the emotion exists first and foremost. Once again: Your claim that it is possible to love without service is incorrect.
My claim?

--- because our standard procedure of dedicating 24 hours to the service of ourselves satisfies no one, including ourselves---

Speak for yourself.
then ditch your wife and family (and your boss too) - they are all taking big slices of the cake that are meant for numero uno
So tell me, why would one want to move towards devoting every second of their existence to a god? (unless like you they're clearly unhappy with their own existence).
it offers the highest standard of happiness (even though it may be difficult for you to conceive of a higher happiness than that of serving your wife and boss)

A conditioned soul has a different perception, much like the man who thinks his wife’s red shirt is his wife has a different perception – this is not the case with an unconditioned soul, because their perception is not subject to ‘conditions’---

I see. So like the banana that thinks it's green or the hamster that's a bright fluorescent orange and thinks it's a cat have a different perce.... fucking hell.

Do certain souls die and get disease? Yes or no dipshit.
no, but if one is the habit of sniffing other people's crotches, its a difficult idea to grasp

well if material life is expressly punctuated by these faults, its not clear how one, who forms a material conception of themselves and thus starts lusting after the material bodies others, is not implicated

I would call the 'talking out of your rectum' police if they existed but they don't, so I can't. Let's try again: You would need to show that death, disease, old age, and natural disasters only occur because I like vagina.
if you like a vagina you must accept the degraded atmosphere that enables you to take such delight.
Just like if you like to eat shit, you would certainly be envious of a pig

you have direct perception that the statements of saintly persons/scripture is not substantiated?

What is this, the twilight zone? I am saying that because YOU don't have direct perception then YOU must be lazy/a failure/gross materialist etc. Clear this up.. WHY don't YOU have direct perception?
wake up
You have brainwashed yourself into thinking I made such a statement

hence your statement about having the direct perception of atoms only held value by a credible reference outside of your personal claims (in other words you said you have applied the same process that others before you in the field of physics have applied) . If you didn’t say that, there would be no way for me to see the value of your personal opinion---


Now.. YOU don't have direct perception.
I don't?
I can attest to the claims of those that came before me because I have direct perception to show that their claims are valid. That wont mean much to someone who doesn't, granted. Here's the thing.. (Pay attention lg):

YOU don't have direct perception and thus can't even attest to the claims of those before you because you haven't substantiated those claims even to yourself.
pay attention
just like there is no scope for you to discuss atoms without
a) relying on the established terms/works/findings of others
b) finding a person somewhat familiar with these things also to discuss these things with


like for instance if everytime you mention the word "atom" I chime in "in your mind dipshit", there is no scope for you to discuss your direct perception.

In the same way, whatever value lies in us discussing this topic lies in the discussion of the theoretical foundation, and not my direct perception, much like whatever value lies in a physics professor having a discussion with a high school drop out is in the theory

--- no
I mean established ---

No you don't.
actually i do

--- but you cannot talk diddly about your personal claim unless you do so through the established tenants of knowledge (just try and talk about atoms without referencing the works, terms or bodies of investigation carried out by others---

Again: O....k.

In saying: You cannot say diddly about gods because YOU don't have direct perception.

References, terms, bodies, snotty tissues are all irrelevant to that.

we have not even arrived at the point of my direct perception

the problem is that you think that there is no substantialness behind the claims of scripture or saintly persons

No, the problem is that you can't even confirm it to yourself because you have no direct perception. You're guessing.
I didn't say it was your only problem
other problems might be you getting the horse before the cart

Indeed this is the powerless nature of the conditioned soul – no control over their mind or senses

Oh, that's very interesting.

They have no control over their mind, so even if they wanted to remove lust and desire from their lives, they couldn't possibly do it, (see, it is impossible).

So what we've established basically is this:

1) We decided when we were spirits, full of knowledge that we wanted to get away from god and be material or...

2) The gods delude us into being attached to the material and once we are material..

3) We have no control over our mind or senses.

We can't decide to not like the material because we have no control of our own mind. It is, to say it once again: impossible to remove material desire/lust - That is unless the gods decide to remove that delusion they have put upon us.
and the first step to god taking that step is when the conditioned living entity realizes the futility of trying to externally manipulate the world when they are internally manipulated at the hands of lust, greed, avarice etc
and what is the precise problem with such statistics?
(how many hundreds of thousands of people in jails through out the world do you think are there for valid reasons?)

I actually pointed out the precise problem, and needless to say it has nothing to do with jails in the world. I shall run you through it one more time:

There are trillions upon trillions of immaterial beings that are full of knowledge and free will, living an immaterial life serving the gods 24/7. These trillions of immaterial beings chose by using their knowledge and free will that they would be better off not serving these gods 24/7 but living a material existence instead.

Nobody remembers why they chose to leave and seemingly wont give thought in the matter the time of day. You were once an immaterial being that served god. You decided that you would be better off elsewhere. You were either an idiot, forced into it, or had a very good reason for doing so. We shall label these possibilities 1, 2 and 3.

So, let's look at 1: You are are an idiot.

If this is the case we can establish certain things. Firstly being an immaterial being is clearly not the most beneficial of places because you're an idiot there. Why would one want to be an immaterial idiot? Secondly you have stated that immaterial beings are "full of knowledge". That knowledge can't be of much value if you cannot even work out that it's better to serve god as an immaterial being 24/7 instead of becoming a stinky mucus bag that dies and gets disease. The problem with 1 is that to claim an immaterial being is an idiot actually negates the claim that they are full of knowledge.

Number 2: Forced into it

Unfortunately this is actually clearly attested to in scripture. This completely negates free will, and means that we are only here living this material existence and suffering because the gods want us to.

Number 3: A very good reason to do so

This is a problem area simply because nobody remembers being an immaterial wafty thingy serving the gods 24/7. It comes down to whether you actually trust yourself. The question is, if you're going to trust yourself as an ignorant stinky mucus bag why would you not trust yourself as a full of knowledge immaterial being? (you need to answer this). I think, if your gods exist, that we all need to answer this. Do we trust us now in our current state or trust the choices we made during our enlightened, liberated, full of knowledge state? To be honest with you, I know which one I would choose.

If you have a serious response to this then it is welcomed. This whole 'you're not a theist so you can't talk about theist issues' and other such garbage that you come out with really isn't wanted or warranted. So, kindly without delving into pointless and largely irrelevant analogies, give me an answer to the question posed in 3, your thoughts on 1, 2 and 3 and anything else that is actually pertinent to this discussion.

the "knowledge" is "certainty" - in other words the uncertainty which is a regular part of our material existence is conspicuous by its absence.

It is quite unsettling how you just casually change the meaning of words when you realise you need to change tact. However for the sake of this nonsense I shall use your current statement and definition.

When you were an immaterial, enlightened, liberated being you were certain that you were better off in a material existence away from the gods. If that certainty was based upon nothing, then there seems to be little value in being an enlightened, liberated immaterial being. You will go through a billion material lives, figure out the problem and then become elevated to immaterial existence once more.. You then find yourself with a certainty that you'd be better off in a material existence and you're up shit creek once again. That certainty has to be based upon something tangible to have any worth.

Let's look at your earlier statement once more:

"if you had the choice of inhabiting a body that is ephemeral, ignorant an d subject to macro, micro and mesocosmic miseries or accepting a body that is eternal, full of knowledge and bereft of any trace of distress, which would you prefer ?"

The problem is that clearly being the latter is of little difference to the former in respect to complete and utter ignorance. Whether a material being or an immaterial one, you would seem to now espouse that you're still just plain bloody ignorant. That's quite the predicament.

why one decided to make the choice is one of the first things that become apparent

Oh really, do tell.

it certainly was folly to leave the medium of certainty

Are you certain about that? So much for leaving the medium of certainty.

these things can be discussed and answers can be found, but only amongst persons with a strong foundation of theistic theory and practice

I don't mind theist idiocy such as a banana being a sign that the universe was created, but I do seriously object to the absolute intellectual cowardice prevalent in quotes such as yours. I need say no more, we're both aware of the idiocy of your escape tactic.

gven that we are struggling with the exact significance of words as primary as "lust" and "desire", venturing into such discussions at this..

I would then strongly suggest that you stop redefining words whenever you stumble blindly into a problem.

if they are merely a sub group of an infinite set, its less than a drop in the ocean

That's a massive "if", and something you know you could never ever support.

actually the verse is talking about how the material energy operates in the material world on materially conditioned entities

And then mentions how the gods specifically and purposefully delude us into desiring the material.

what is the point in me answering this if you don't have the ground work in knowledge that is already established?

Over some dozen posts I asked you if you had direct perception or not. If you honestly did you would have just said yes instead of doing your utmost to avoid answering. I have seen it many times, it is the action of a person that cannot bring themselves to give the truthful answer - stuck between living a lie and accepting who they are. You'll ask an alcoholic if he has a drink problem. Instead of facing up to reality, (yes), or indeed outright denying it, (no), he will mask the subject in a fog hoping that the questioner forgets he asked the question.

You're pulling the exact same tactic and I find it amusing. I've seen it hundreds of times from hundreds of people. You're an open book lg giving away so much but saying so little. I am qualified, you should know better than to try it with me.

I will try one last time in the hope that you can find it in yourself to be honest. It's not important to me that you be honest but it's certainly important to yourself. If you cannot tell the truth to yourself then there is a serious problem. If you can't bring yourself to be honest then just ignore this part. Ignoring it is certainly better than weak excuses and irrelevancies.

Do you have any first hand experience of the spiritual world, (that you remember)?

What is the point in me asking whether you have direct perception of atoms if i am bereft of the knowledge by which atoms are properly defined

As you saw when the issue was actually raised, I told you that I did without hesitation. I explained the hows and whys. Whether you understand what I am explaining is a later issue - and to get to would really require you to answer the question posed.


You state that we all start off as liberated beings which means we are attached to the gods. You state that we are full of knowledge and certainty and yet cannot explain why we then chose to be away from this being that we were attached to. This goes back to the first post in this thread so be very careful not to now contradict yourself.

(BTW do you understand the distinction between "full of knowledge" and "complete knowledge"?)

That's dependant upon how many times you completely redefine every word you use. As an example, 5 minutes ago you changed "full of knowledge" to mean "certainty". Who can keep up when you're clearly so confused?

why is that?
(at the very least, practicing theists disagree)

Cultivate = to prepare and work on.

Every single human being, theists included, fall under this definition. Everything they do and have is material and everytime they use anything in this world they are cultivating the material. When you open your scripture and read it, you are cultivating the material. It's simply unavoidable in a material existence. Btw, you're typing on a computer.. that's cultivating the material. If practicing theists disagree it's because they're idiots. I shall wait for you to redefine it.

judging by your posts you seem quite predictable

Which would therefore prove my point unless you consider yourself as also predictable, in which case your attempted petty insult fails. You see, by me being predictable, (but you apparently not), it means I am different to you. Ergo my very statement that "I'm just different to you. Could you imagine that?"

£1000 says you're not very good at chess.

well if you think the platform of being free from lust involves ogling vaginas, one can only wonder what twist you are putting on the words "name, fame, adoration, wealth, power, etc

Pots, kettles and all that. What I do know that you clearly don't is that there is an observable difference between someone that lusts and someone that likes. Your bullshit just doesn't wash lg.

Actually I didn't state that - I did state that it impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire however

It is impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire. The default position of a conditioned soul is to cultivate material desire and it's impossible to for him to cease having the desire to cultivate that material desire which means he's always up shit creek.

I do apologise for not using the word "conditioned" earlier, I just figured you were smart enough to get what I was saying. My mistake.

You can actually give somebody something that is not one's own - it happens at lost and found depots all the time

Sure, are god and lost and found even remotely similar? (the answer is no). god is everywhere and everything is his. If you pick up an apple it is actually his. It's not a lost apple, it's his property that he is currently occupying. You say: "here you go, have an apple". He already was.

So can you now please explain how one can renounce something that isn't one's own - like for instance if you walk up to the bank and tell the bank teller that you have renounced the 10 000 000 dollars in the vault, is that a sign or sanity?

You would have to show how in this instance that 10 mill isn't yours. You see, all this "it's not yours" is completely unsubstantiated. You've never even seen or heard from a god, so what would you know?

thats because we desire (in fact plead and beg god) to be infected in such a way

Ok, so the gods infect us because we have this desire - which in YOUR words is all we can do, ("the living entity can only desire"). It is impossible for us not to desire. For it to be impossible to avoid, it must have been given to us. In either case, conditioned or unconditioned, it's impossible to cease having desire, (you've argued back and forth on this one with your ever changing opinion). Now, if one should "make a mistake" when he is full of knowledge and attached to the gods, it is impossible for him to cease having a desire for the material and thus cultivating the material, (lust is a sin, not just the action). Therefore to have is to cultivate. I specifically asked you dozens of times and every single time you stated that the lust is the sin aswell as any possible resulting action. You also stated that every being in existence has lust.

In saying, it is an absolute impossibilty to not have a desire, an absolute impossibility to not cultivate that desire and an absolute impossibility to escape from that desire once you have it and cultivate it, (which is always).

Furthermore, the passage you quoted supports no such claim that we have begged and pleaded to be infected in such manner.

and it just happens to be about god
you on the other hand have no clear evidence that god didn't create the natural elements that we require to exist - so 1-0

Which one? Clearly odin didnt create the natural elements, clearly tiamat didn't and clearly brahma or whatever other freaky man-invented being didn't either. The problem here is that you have no evidence. Just a guess, an assumption, a hope and a wish and yet think you can sit there and tell me it's all real while happily instantly dismissing anyone that claims anything else. You are guaranteed to always lose on this basis alone.

actually no I don't
(I don't live cultivating material desire with no understanding of god)

Actually you do. According to you every human has lust. You are currently cultivating a material desire which means you have no understanding of god.

at a guess I would say you live a material life

Certainly. I eat material food, wear material clothes, and type on material computers. I challenge you to name me one person that doesn't.

if you want you can try and take everything I say out of context, and construct vicious assaults on such a strawman, but it doesn't make your sharpness appear greatly astute

"Wakey wakey" is a vicious assault? Lol. Are you perhaps making a mountain out of a molehill? What's amusing is that in your sentence accusing me of making a vicious assault you seemingly try your utmost to assault me. I hereby give you an e-slap: *slaps lg*.

if you thought your wife was a red t-shirt, simply because she wore a red t-shirt, it would indicate the substance of your relationship was close to nil

The substance of our "relationship" heh.. So you are now concurring that there is indeed a relationship. I am so glad we cleared that up.

(compared to the substance of relationships between persons who can clearly perceive the distinctions between themselves and the t-shirts they wear)

So they too are indeed in relationships. I am so glad we cleared that up.

for instance look what can be read into your statement

I happily use, (because you're the one with the crapola beliefs

Seemingly you make up what you "can read" as you go along. A smart man might have been able to figure out that I was stating that I have used your defintions because it is your beliefs we are talking about. I wont make the mistake again.

You did what? I stated that you're still here in a material existence because you're a failure. You still have lust etc etc etc and you can't deny that given your earlier statements. As a result, your theory, practice and whatever else clearly failed.

a high school drop out would say the exact same thing (ok maybe not the exact same thing - they would probably say "what a bunch of crappola") in their resistant stance to the science of physics

Not really, no. Of course if the statements made were unsubstantiated drivel then sure, he might very well say it. The thing is that this high school drop out is currently talking to someone that has clearly shown they have no actual first hand knowledge of the subject. They're guessing based upon personal... desire. I have never seen an atom. I have no actual knowledge concerning atoms. I read some crap in a book. Of what use am I to the high school dropout or to anyone else?

lust is not a tantrum of the mind?

No. It's an emotion that has it's uses. Fear is more a "tantrum of the mind" but also has distinct uses and value.

In both cases, yes.. it can blow all out of proportion - which is exactly why people have written about it. That does not make "lust" or "fear" in themselves an actual problem but shows that they can be dependant upon the person. In itself lust can cause people to try harder and thus get further - whether that be worshipping gods or trying to get a job.

I have already explained to you the distinct problem in your 'black and white' view of the world. This ultimately is where you're going wrong. If we were to sit down and work on your problems, that's where I would focus my attention.

forgetting, particularly in regards to god, means that you forget one's relationship with god and the means that are required to maintain one's relationship with god

Forgetting is clearly a distinct problem with the brain but ultimately isn't our fault. I have never met anyone that purposely decided to forget where they put their car keys. It is an unintentional error due to a flaw in design. So, a person forgets and he's sinned? It's a ridiculous notion that only a twat would come up with. Here's where you undoubtedly redefine the word "forget".

the idea is that we need to make sure we only seek enjoyment through god's enjoyment

I see. So because the gods don't enjoy hamburgers, we can't?

gods enjoyment is eternally increasing

I'm... pleased for him I guess.

too right

You actually agree? Damn that shit lol.

sounds like you are endeavoring for mundane things that ar e very difficult to attain

Horse manure. Punching someone in the face is neither mundane or difficult to attain.

an emotion brought to expression by service
just like despair is an emotion brought to expression by loss

No, love exists before and separate to service. Despair generally only comes about because of someone else. They are largely different emotions. Neither actually requires "service"... unless you're going to redefine service - which is likely, considering its you.

if however you do absolutely nothing for your wife, it raises questions on the validity of your love

Not really. That's the point, we're talking about an emotion, not an action. I would choose to do things for my wife because I love her, but those actions do not affect the emotion, they merely let others see it.

I scratch your back if you scratch mine is not love - it is commerce

Once again: love is an emotion, a feeling.. nothing else. The scratching of backs comes as part of the later service that follows the emotion.

you cannot conceive of any conditions that would cause you to break off your relationship with your wife

Certainly. But see, you said that every other personality falls short except for god. But there's the thing.. trillions of beings left service and love for god to pursue material issues. Indeed we "live under the notion that god doesn't even exist" which shows, when it comes down to it, that your statement is clearly wrong.

Now, I can conceive of reasons that would cause me to break off my relationship with my wife. Ask yourself what reasons there are that you as a full of knowledge, liberated, enlightened, certain, entity would have decided to break off your relationship with god. In both cases you'll probably find that the reason is warranted.

so you have changed your stance that love can be determined as something bereft of a service attitude betwen now and the previous 2 posts?

Eh? All I did was point out that your statement was irrelevant to anything actually said, because.. it was irrelevant to anything actually said.

then why do you waste your valuable time doing stuff for her when the relationship of love doesn't ultimately require it?

Because doing so means I get what I want. I still have the exact same emotion but now also get food and sex.

then ditch your wife and family (and your boss too) - they are all taking big slices of the cake that are meant for numero uno

Not really, no. The sacrifice that is given is generally small potatoes in comparison to the benefits reaped.

You live in a cave with 5 other cavemen. Now, you could kill them all or leave and find your own cave. Alas you're not very good at starting fires, and that other caveman, the one you left behind, was excellent at it. You don't know how he did it, (you're a cave school dropout), and soon find yourself freezing to death because you left. The benefit you get from staying with the others is readily apparent and simply indisputable. You get the sex, get the heat, get the help in killing woolly mammoth.. The benefits outweigh the cake slice.

it offers the highest standard of happiness (even though it may be difficult for you to conceive of a higher happiness than that of serving your wife and boss)

But that is clearly debateable considering trillions of us, (yourself included), decided otherwise. You didn't consider it the highest standard or happiness just before you left it, but now think you're in a position to call it the highest state of happiness when you don't even remember it? I call that stupid.

no, but if one is the habit of sniffing other people's crotches, its a difficult idea to grasp

I said: Do these blessed people still die, get old, get diseased, die in earthquakes and find it impossible to remove desire? ”

You said: compared to the conditioned soul's future - no, no, no , no and no

You claimed that blessed people don't die or get old etc etc but clearly you were lying. They do die, their soul doesn't and yet that's exactly the same for unblessed people. They die, their soul doesn't.

Clearly we hit a snag. Neither the conditioned soul or the unconditioned soul ever dies, gets diseased or dies in earthquakes. The position is the same. All people - atheists and saintly persons die, get disease, get old etc etc. All people's souls - atheists and saintly persons, never die, get disease or old etc. Where is the difference? Of course now you'll say that the saintly person ends up in an immaterial existence which is clearly beneficial.. without then noticing that you, me and all these saintly people decided otherwise some time ago.

if you like a vagina you must accept the degraded atmosphere that enables you to take such delight.

You clearly don't like vagina and are still in the exact same degraded atmosphere. You die, get old etc etc. Now you need to show how my like for vagina is resonsible.

You have brainwashed yourself into thinking I made such a statement

Incorrect. Years upon years of training provided me with the answer. You're a high school drop out, don't expect me to explain it. You can say "thats crapola", but that's typical for a high school dropout.. and you have no choice but to agree considering you said it.

pay attention
just like there is no scope for you to discuss atoms...

Not if I don't have direct perception. There's the problem. You don't have direct perception of gods and yet think you can discuss them and tell others they exist even though you yourself haven't confirmed it.

like for instance if everytime you mention the word "atom" I chime in "in your mind dipshit", there is no scope for you to discuss your direct perception

You're getting confused. That wasn't the point of the question you never answered. Answer it and you'll see the point.

actually i do

No you don't, and without direct perception you never will.

we have not even arrived at the point of my direct perception

Me, (the qualified) has. You, the person that can't even be honest with himself, hasn't. Well you have, you just don't dare voice it.

and the first step to god taking that step is when the conditioned living entity realizes the futility of trying to externally manipulate the world when they are internally manipulated at the hands of lust, greed, avarice etc

That's great, except you already told me they have no control over their mind - so if they ever realise that futility, it was not a choice of theirs.

P.S How's the squeezing going?

P.P.S You know, we've written thousands upon thousands of words to each other. What I don't get is why you didn't just save all that energy and say "only a theist can discuss theist issues" right at the beginning instead of just now. Why do you even talk to atheists? Surely, given your own statements, you'd be better off on a forum where everyone agrees with you?
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“ and what is the precise problem with such statistics?
(how many hundreds of thousands of people in jails through out the world do you think are there for valid reasons?) ”
I actually pointed out the precise problem, and needless to say it has nothing to do with jails in the world. I shall run you through it one more time:

There are trillions upon trillions of immaterial beings that are full of knowledge and free will,
--- actually there are an infinite number, of which trillions upon trillions is less than a drop ---
living an immaterial life serving the gods 24/7. These trillions of immaterial beings chose by using their knowledge and free will that they would be better off not serving these gods 24/7 but living a material existence instead.
---what does it matter to the ocean if you take less than a drop out? ---
Nobody remembers why they chose to leave
---nobody (or hardly nobody) remembers that they spent 9 months in the womb either
and seemingly wont give thought in the matter the time of day. You were once an immaterial being that served god. You decided that you would be better off elsewhere. You were either an idiot, forced into it, or had a very good reason for doing so. We shall label these possibilities 1, 2 and 3.
--- since we gave up something surcharged with eternity, knowledge and bliss to accept something temporary, ignorant and miserable it should clearly indicate our foolishness
BG 2.62/63While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.---
So, let's look at 1: You are are an idiot.
---the difference between you and me is that I accept that and am doing something to remedy the state of idiocy.---

If this is the case we can establish certain things. Firstly being an immaterial being is clearly not the most beneficial of places because you're an idiot there.
--- the only problem is that one makes the decision to enter the realm of idiots (material world) with the view to be just like them ---
Why would one want to be an immaterial idiot?
---if you can make the decision not to join them in the medium of material idiocy, spiritual life remains a cruise---
Secondly you have stated that immaterial beings are "full of knowledge". That knowledge can't be of much value if you cannot even work out that it's better to serve god as an immaterial being 24/7 instead of becoming a stinky mucus bag that dies and gets disease. The problem with 1 is that to claim an immaterial being is an idiot actually negates the claim that they are full of knowledge.
--- I raised it in the previous post that perhaps you couldn’t see the distinction between the terms “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge” – guess we will address this as it arises later---
Number 2: Forced into it

Unfortunately this is actually clearly attested to in scripture. This completely negates free will, and means that we are only here living this material existence and suffering because the gods want us to.
---people are also forced to go to jail, mainly because they utilized their free will in inappropriate ways---
Number 3: A very good reason to do so

This is a problem area simply because nobody remembers being an immaterial wafty thingy serving the gods 24/7.
---conditioned life functions on the principle of ignorance so its hardly surprising, just like its hardly surprising that most people can’t remember being in the womb---
It comes down to whether you actually trust yourself.
--- it comes down to whether one is conditioned or unconditioned by material nature---

If you have a serious response to this then it is welcomed. This whole 'you're not a theist so you can't talk about theist issues' and other such garbage that you come out with really isn't wanted or warranted.
--- then you are warranted to elaborate how one can bypass the platform of theory in the discussion of anything (like say atoms)
If you can’t do that, its clear who is on what side of the garbage pile---

“ the "knowledge" is "certainty" - in other words the uncertainty which is a regular part of our material existence is conspicuous by its absence. ”
It is quite unsettling how you just casually change the meaning of words when you realise you need to change tact. However for the sake of this nonsense I shall use your current statement and definition.

---rather than waste your precious finger tips in speculating on what I am meaning, you should just ask for a clarification (I do it to you regularly, with things like “such as?/why?/etc” and also requests for practical examples of ideas you present)
So, assuming you asked for a clarification, here goes (this is also a good time to make the distinction between the terms “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge”) – in material life we spend 24 hours in uncertainty or ignorance because there is a distinction between the “seer” and the body the seer inhabits (Like for instance we say “my arm´and not “I arm” – if one accepts the body as the self, one must also accept that one is not full of knowledge (we don’t know how many bones we have in our arm for eg .... unless someone teaches us or we empirically calculate it to remedy our constitutional position of ignorance)
In spiritual existence, this uncertainty does not exist – in other words there is no distinction between the seer and the body, thus one is “full of knowledge” – this is distinct from ‘complete knowledge” which is the unique characteristic that distinguishes between god and the living entity in both their liberated and conditioned states
“ why one decided to make the choice is one of the first things that become apparent ”
Oh really, do tell.
No prize for guessing who we were envious of ---
“ it certainly was folly to leave the medium of certainty ”
Are you certain about that?
So much for leaving the medium of certainty.
---certainly it is not at all easy to be certain of everything in the medium of uncertainty---
“ these things can be discussed and answers can be found, but only amongst persons with a strong foundation of theistic theory and practice ”
I don't mind theist idiocy such as a banana being a sign that the universe was created, but I do seriously object to the absolute intellectual cowardice prevalent in quotes such as yours. I need say no more, we're both aware of the idiocy of your escape tactic.
---if that’s your opinion you are obliged to indicate how knowledge can be determined bereft of a substantial slice of theory and practice if you want to be accepted as logical (at the very least it requires 12 years of schooling and about 4 years in tertiary education to be on par with what is happening in the higher rungs of science)---
“ gven that we are struggling with the exact significance of words as primary as "lust" and "desire", venturing into such discussions at this.. ”
I would then strongly suggest that you stop redefining words whenever you stumble blindly into a problem.
---You can always take the humble approach and ask for a clarification, rather than thinking that your knowledge is so great that you can anticipate the a topic before I mention it---
“ if they are merely a sub group of an infinite set, its less than a drop in the ocean ”
That's a massive "if", and something you know you could never ever support.
---if you can follow this
I have $100
I keep my money in my wallet
My wallet is in the car
If I go to the car I can get $100

You can follow this

god’s is not limited.
God’s potencies are not limited
The living entities are a potency of god.
Therefore there is no limit to the number of living entities---
“ actually the verse is talking about how the material energy operates in the material world on materially conditioned entities ”
And then mentions how the gods specifically and purposefully delude us into desiring the material.
---on who? The unconditioned souls in the spiritual realm?
“ what is the point in me answering this if you don't have the ground work in knowledge that is already established? ”
Over some dozen posts I asked you if you had direct perception or not. If you honestly did you would have just said yes instead of doing your utmost to avoid answering. I have seen it many times, it is the action of a person that cannot bring themselves to give the truthful answer - stuck between living a lie and accepting who they are. You'll ask an alcoholic if he has a drink problem. Instead of facing up to reality, (yes), or indeed outright denying it, (no), he will mask the subject in a fog hoping that the questioner forgets he asked the question.

You're pulling the exact same tactic and I find it amusing. I've seen it hundreds of times from hundreds of people. You're an open book lg giving away so much but saying so little. I am qualified, you should know better than to try it with me.

I will try one last time in the hope that you can find it in yourself to be honest. It's not important to me that you be honest but it's certainly important to yourself. If you cannot tell the truth to yourself then there is a serious problem. If you can't bring yourself to be honest then just ignore this part. Ignoring it is certainly better than weak excuses and irrelevancies.
---I asked you whether you have directly perceived atoms and you said you had, by an established method – in other words you validated your direct perception by established knowledge (physics) – I also validate my perception (god) according to the established knowledge that goes with it (scripture) – because you have a hang up with scripture/saintly persons, there is no scope for answering such a question, just like there is no scope for discussing atoms with cynical high school drop outs.
I have repeatedly asked you to establish how one can discuss the nature of direct perception outside of the established bodies of knowledge that are surrounded by it or in the association of persons bereft of foundations of theory and practice influenced by tremendous avarice, (since as far as I am aware, its just not possible) to which you have stalled in your pseudo alcoholic drivel.
(btw – on a side note, if there is an absence of foundational knowledge, it is remedied by inquiry and clarification, as opposed to rants fueled by one’s fertile reserves of speculation)---

“ What is the point in me asking whether you have direct perception of atoms if i am bereft of the knowledge by which atoms are properly defined ”
As you saw when the issue was actually raised, I told you that I did without hesitation. I explained the hows and whys. Whether you understand what I am explaining is a later issue - and to get to would really require you to answer the question posed.
---you miss the point – the only way your response made any sense was because I was similarly situated on a platform of theory and practice – since you have repeatedly illustrated that you are bereft of that primary requirement in theistic knowledge, what is the value in pursuing inquiries further afield?
“ certainly ”
You state that we all start off as liberated beings which means we are attached to the gods. You state that we are full of knowledge and certainty and yet cannot explain why we then chose to be away from this being that we were attached to. This goes back to the first post in this thread so be very careful not to now contradict yourself.
---if you haven’t grasped the import of the distinction between the words “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge” should I clarify them again?---
“ (BTW do you understand the distinction between "full of knowledge" and "complete knowledge"?) ”
That's dependant upon how many times you completely redefine every word you use. As an example, 5 minutes ago you changed "full of knowledge" to mean "certainty". Who can keep up when you're clearly so confused?
---asking for clarification is not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of intelligence ---
“ why is that?
(at the very least, practicing theists disagree) ”
Cultivate = to prepare and work on.

Every single human being, theists included, fall under this definition. Everything they do and have is material and everytime they use anything in this world they are cultivating the material. When you open your scripture and read it, you are cultivating the material. It's simply unavoidable in a material existence. Btw, you're typing on a computer.. that's cultivating the material. If practicing theists disagree it's because they're idiots. I shall wait for you to redefine it.
---should we clarify the distinctions between material and spiritual (again)?---
“ judging by your posts you seem quite predictable ”
Which would therefore prove my point unless you consider yourself as also predictable, in which case your attempted petty insult fails. You see, by me being predictable, (but you apparently not), it means I am different to you. Ergo my very statement that "I'm just different to you. Could you imagine that?"

£1000 says you're not very good at chess.
--- you miss the point – weaknesses of character (ie lust, anger, avarice, envy, etc) imbibe predictable responses wherever they are found – in other words if I get lusty or if you get lusty or if the man living in rural china gets lusty, the result is predictable---
“ well if you think the platform of being free from lust involves ogling vaginas, one can only wonder what twist you are putting on the words "name, fame, adoration, wealth, power, etc ”
Pots, kettles and all that. What I do know that you clearly don't is that there is an observable difference between someone that lusts and someone that likes. Your bullshit just doesn't wash lg
---What is the distinction between someone “like” and “lust”? (notice how clarifications are much more succinct than fertilely fueled speculative rants).---
“ Actually I didn't state that - I did state that it impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire however ”
It is impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire.
---If you changed this into a clarification
“Is it impossible for a conditioned soul to cease having material desire?”
I could respond
BG6.35 O Arjuna, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by suitable practice and by detachment.
In otherwords spiritual life is all about the conditioned soul making the transition to the unconditioned

“ You can actually give somebody something that is not one's own - it happens at lost and found depots all the time ”
Sure, are god and lost and found even remotely similar? (the answer is no). god is everywhere and everything is his. If you pick up an apple it is actually his. It's not a lost apple, it's his property that he is currently occupying. You say: "here you go, have an apple". He already was.
---thus material life is characterized not so much by the association of the “material” but the consciousness of “this is mine” when it isn't---
“ So can you now please explain how one can renounce something that isn't one's own - like for instance if you walk up to the bank and tell the bank teller that you have renounced the 10 000 000 dollars in the vault, is that a sign or sanity? ”
You would have to show how in this instance that 10 mill isn't yours. You see, all this "it's not yours" is completely unsubstantiated. You've never even seen or heard from a god, so what would you know?
---Okay, so if you have 10 mil in the bank, what if you walk up and say that you renounce the 1000 mil in the vault
To clarify it further, if you walk up to a bank that has a large sum of money in the vault that is way above what one possesses, are the words “I renounce that money” of value?---
thats because we desire (in fact plead and beg god) to be infected in such a way ”
Ok, so the gods infect us because we have this desire - which in YOUR words is all we can do, ("the living entity can only desire"). It is impossible for us not to desire. For it to be impossible to avoid, it must have been given to us. In either case, conditioned or unconditioned, it's impossible to cease having desire, (you've argued back and forth on this one with your ever changing opinion). Now, if one should "make a mistake" when he is full of knowledge and attached to the gods,
---Should we clarify the distinctions between “full of knowledge” and “complete knowledge” further?---

Furthermore, the passage you quoted supports no such claim that we have begged and pleaded to be infected in such manner.
---you aren’t constantly hoping to be rich, handsome, healthy, etc and the whole 9 yards?---
“ and it just happens to be about god
you on the other hand have no clear evidence that god didn't create the natural elements that we require to exist - so 1-0 ”
Which one?
---The omnimax one of course 2-0 ---
The problem here is that you have no evidence.
---the problem here is that you think evidence can be determined bereft of a foundation of theory and practice, although not, for some strange reason, in fields of science or other knowledge - this tends to indicate bias---
Just a guess, an assumption, a hope and a wish and yet think you can sit there and tell me it's all real while happily instantly dismissing anyone that claims anything else. You are guaranteed to always lose on this basis alone.
---isn’t the notion that god doesn’t exist accepted on the basis of it being a guess, assumption, hope, wish etc, yet you tell me its true while happily dismissing anyone that claims anything else. You are guaranteed to always lose on this basis alone.
Tentative claims are quite boring to refute---
“ actually no I don't
(I don't live cultivating material desire with no understanding of god) ”
Actually you do. According to you every human has lust. You are currently cultivating a material desire which means you have no understanding of god.
---once again, the choice is yours – clarification or wildly speculate – what’s it going to be?---
“ at a guess I would say you live a material life ”
Certainly. I eat material food, wear material clothes, and type on material computers. I challenge you to name me one person that doesn't.
---before I answer such a challenge I guess we should clear up the implications behind the words “material life” and “spiritual life” otherwise we will be delighting in the semantic chasms for eternity – what do you think?
“ if you want you can try and take everything I say out of context, and construct vicious assaults on such a strawman, but it doesn't make your sharpness appear greatly astute ”
"Wakey wakey" is a vicious assault? Lol. Are you perhaps making a mountain out of a molehill? What's amusing is that in your sentence accusing me of making a vicious assault you seemingly try your utmost to assault me. I hereby give you an e-slap: *slaps lg*.
--It was a statement regarding your posting technique in general – one of the reasons people like strawmen so much is that they are easy to slap---
“ if you thought your wife was a red t-shirt, simply because she wore a red t-shirt, it would indicate the substance of your relationship was close to nil ”
The substance of our "relationship" heh.. So you are now concurring that there is indeed a relationship. I am so glad we cleared that up.
---yes – imagination is a substance of sorts –lol---
“ (compared to the substance of relationships between persons who can clearly perceive the distinctions between themselves and the t-shirts they wear) ”
So they too are indeed in relationships. I am so glad we cleared that up.
---did we also clear up the distinction between persons who have imaginary relationships and persons who have actual ones?---
“ for instance look what can be read into your statement

I happily use, (because you're the one with the crapola beliefs ”
Seemingly you make up what you "can read" as you go along. A smart man might have been able to figure out that I was stating that I have used your defintions because it is your beliefs we are talking about. I wont make the mistake again.
---my point is that you take a portion of how I define terms and then fill in every other detail with your speculative reserves – thus its essentially about how you want to define what I define (aka – your beliefs) – in professional circles this is called a poor listening aptitude ---
“ I did? ”
You did what? I stated that you're still here in a material existence because you're a failure. You still have lust etc etc etc and you can't deny that given your earlier statements. As a result, your theory, practice and whatever else clearly failed.
---there is the side issue whether its possible for lust to subside gradually, just as its possible to increase gradually – given that conditioned souls frequently make the transition to an unconditioned state it seems reasonable---
“ a high school drop out would say the exact same thing (ok maybe not the exact same thing - they would probably say "what a bunch of crappola") in their resistant stance to the science of physics ”
Not really, no. Of course if the statements made were unsubstantiated drivel then sure, he might very well say it.
---and if he is completely ignorant and cynical of the body of knowledge that under-rides physics, how do you propose he determines truthful statements from unsubstantiated drivel?---
The thing is that this high school drop out is currently talking to someone that has clearly shown they have no actual first hand knowledge of the subject. They're guessing based upon personal... desire. I have never seen an atom. I have no actual knowledge concerning atoms. I read some crap in a book. Of what use am I to the high school dropout or to anyone else?
---at the very least education systems perceive the value since not so many high school physics teachers have had direct perception of everything they are teaching---
“ lust is not a tantrum of the mind? ”
No. It's an emotion that has it's uses. Fear is more a "tantrum of the mind" but also has distinct uses and value.

In both cases, yes.. it can blow all out of proportion - which is exactly why people have written about it. That does not make "lust" or "fear" in themselves an actual problem but shows that they can be dependant upon the person. In itself lust can cause people to try harder and thus get further - whether that be worshipping gods or trying to get a job.

I have already explained to you the distinct problem in your 'black and white' view of the world. This ultimately is where you're going wrong. If we were to sit down and work on your problems, that's where I would focus my attention.
---I guess this is a prime opportunity for you to clarify “lust” ---
“ forgetting, particularly in regards to god, means that you forget one's relationship with god and the means that are required to maintain one's relationship with god ”
Forgetting is clearly a distinct problem with the brain but ultimately isn't our fault. I have never met anyone that purposely decided to forget where they put their car keys. It is an unintentional error due to a flaw in design. So, a person forgets and he's sinned? It's a ridiculous notion that only a twat would come up with. Here's where you undoubtedly redefine the word "forget".
---you miss the point – forgetting is not the sin – forgetting is the symptom of the sin – like for instance if one gets drunk the night before they forget where they put their keys, forgetfulness is a symptom of their behavior the previous night
“ an emotion brought to expression by service
just like despair is an emotion brought to expression by loss ”
No, love exists before and separate to service.
---then try and talk of love separated from service and see of its value – you have stated that service follows love, but you haven’t established how love can exist separate from service (except perhaps in an etymological sense)
Despair generally only comes about because of someone else. They are largely different emotions. Neither actually requires "service"... unless you're going to redefine service - which is likely, considering its you.
---I never advocated that despair involved service – I did advocate however that it is strange to be in a state of despair that involves no sense of loss, just like it is strange to talk of love that involves no sense of service---
“ if however you do absolutely nothing for your wife, it raises questions on the validity of your love ”
Not really. That's the point, we're talking about an emotion, not an action.
---I am talking about how an action determines the value of an emotion – what are you talking about?---

I would choose to do things for my wife because I love her, but those actions do not affect the emotion, they merely let others see it.
---hence service determines the extent of your love is perceptible by your compliant service attitude---
“ I scratch your back if you scratch mine is not love - it is commerce ”
Once again: love is an emotion, a feeling.. nothing else. The scratching of backs comes as part of the later service that follows the emotion.
---reciprocation is a symptom of love, but that love that continues on regardless of whether one receives reciprocation or not is stronger – for instance if one’s partner pulled one irreconcilable social stunt after another and the other kept on trying to maintain the relationship, it would indicate a higher grade of love than if they simply filed divorce and infested a singles bar ---
“ you cannot conceive of any conditions that would cause you to break off your relationship with your wife ”
Certainly. But see, you said that every other personality falls short except for god. But there's the thing.. trillions of beings left service and love for god to pursue material issues. Indeed we "live under the notion that god doesn't even exist" which shows, when it comes down to it, that your statement is clearly wrong.
---the whole “material world” experience is only a temporary hiatus for the soul’s relationship with god ---
Now, I can conceive of reasons that would cause me to break off my relationship with my wife. Ask yourself what reasons there are that you as a full of knowledge, liberated, enlightened, certain, entity would have decided to break off your relationship with god. In both cases you'll probably find that the reason is warranted.
---we break off our relationship with god because we want to be god (in other words we want to live in an atmosphere where we can be the object/beneficiary of sacrifice/austerity or controller of all we perceive – of course placed in an atmosphere where every living entity thinks that way makes for the complete frustration of that desire – not even the ants will let you eat a piece of cake in peace if they can help it). We do so because we anticipate a better standard of happiness. When we realize that this is not the case we become suitable candidates for returning back to our constitutional position as servant of god (as opposed to ‘god’s competitor’)---
“ then why do you waste your valuable time doing stuff for her when the relationship of love doesn't ultimately require it? ”
Because doing so means I get what I want. I still have the exact same emotion but now also get food and sex.
---surely you ar eintelligent enough to muster cheaper and less time consuming ways to get sex and food---
“ then ditch your wife and family (and your boss too) - they are all taking big slices of the cake that are meant for numero uno ”
Not really, no. The sacrifice that is given is generally small potatoes in comparison to the benefits reaped.

You live in a cave with 5 other cavemen. Now, you could kill them all or leave and find your own cave. Alas you're not very good at starting fires, and that other caveman, the one you left behind, was excellent at it. You don't know how he did it, (you're a cave school dropout), and soon find yourself freezing to death because you left. The benefit you get from staying with the others is readily apparent and simply indisputable. You get the sex, get the heat, get the help in killing woolly mammoth.. The benefits outweigh the cake slice.[/QUOTE]
---are we talking about love or survival? What are you actually reaping and what are you paying?---
“ it offers the highest standard of happiness (even though it may be difficult for you to conceive of a higher happiness than that of serving your wife and boss) ”
But that is clearly debateable considering trillions of us, (yourself included), decided otherwise. You didn't consider it the highest standard or happiness just before you left it, but now think you're in a position to call it the highest state of happiness when you don't even remember it? I call that stupid.
---of course material ambition thrives on the notion of anticipated happiness, much like the dog dropping its bone in the pond seeing its reflection---
“ no, but if one is the habit of sniffing other people's crotches, its a difficult idea to grasp ”
I said: Do these blessed people still die, get old, get diseased, die in earthquakes and find it impossible to remove desire? ”

You said: compared to the conditioned soul's future - no, no, no , no and no

You claimed that blessed people don't die or get old etc etc but clearly you were lying. They do die, their soul doesn't and yet that's exactly the same for unblessed people. They die, their soul doesn't.
---the difference is that one goes on to live a life conscious of their eternal self and the other remains goes through the mill of repeated birth and death (crotch sniffing is just one of the alternatives available)---
Clearly we hit a snag. Neither the conditioned soul or the unconditioned soul ever dies, gets diseased or dies in earthquakes. The position is the same. All people - atheists and saintly persons die, get disease, get old etc etc. All people's souls - atheists and saintly persons, never die, get disease or old etc. Where is the difference?
---a clarification!! I’m impressed!!
You are right – the soul remains ultimately in the same state regardless of one’s conditioned or unconditioned existence, however the nature of being conditioned means that one identifies the body as the self – kind of like a person may dream that they are dying in a dream (and manifest all the symptoms of such an occurrence – fear, despair, etc).... when they wake up it’s a different story ...one moment they identify with the dream, and the next they understand that it is only a dream---
Of course now you'll say that the saintly person ends up in an immaterial existence which is clearly beneficial.. without then noticing that you, me and all these saintly people decided otherwise some time ago.
---the results are perceivable, even in this life---
“ if you like a vagina you must accept the degraded atmosphere that enables you to take such delight. ”
You clearly don't like vagina and are still in the exact same degraded atmosphere. You die, get old etc etc. Now you need to show how my like for vagina is resonsible.
---I didn’t say it was the exclusive reason – just like if you held up a fuel station with a sawn off shotgun and got sent to jail it doesn’t mean that everyone else in jail held up a fuel station with a sawn off shot gun – in other words the transgressions of established norms can be literally infinite, but the consequences of such transgressions can be more easily determined
“ You have brainwashed yourself into thinking I made such a statement ”
Incorrect. Years upon years of training provided me with the answer. You're a high school drop out, don't expect me to explain it. You can say "thats crapola", but that's typical for a high school dropout.. and you have no choice but to agree considering you said it.
---its still not clear what qualification you have that allows you to arrive at the point of realization bereft of the foundations of theory and practice---
“ like for instance if everytime you mention the word "atom" I chime in "in your mind dipshit", there is no scope for you to discuss your direct perception ”
You're getting confused. That wasn't the point of the question you never answered. Answer it and you'll see the point
---its precisely the point – a person who is inimical to the body of theory (characterized by the frequent “In your mind dipshit”’s per minute) is not in a position to venture into the conclusions of practice and realization – even when asked about your direct perception of atoms, you immediately ventured a practice established by the theory of physics – if you think that knowledge can be established bereft of a foundation of theory, please explain and I will rest my case---
“ actually i do ”
No you don't, and without direct perception you never will.
Lol - $1000 that when you are playing a computer at chess and losing you let the computer take over and play itself at a higher rating
“ we have not even arrived at the point of my direct perception ”
Me, (the qualified) has. You, the person that can't even be honest with himself, hasn't. Well you have, you just don't dare voice it.
---I am talking about my direct perception, not yours –--
“ and the first step to god taking that step is when the conditioned living entity realizes the futility of trying to externally manipulate the world when they are internally manipulated at the hands of lust, greed, avarice etc ”
That's great, except you already told me they have no control over their mind - so if they ever realise that futility, it was not a choice of theirs.
---hence the ‘first step’ thing---
P.S How's the squeezing going?
---it makes me wonder how you got yourself into such a small expanse ---
P.P.S You know, we've written thousands upon thousands of words to each other. What I don't get is why you didn't just save all that energy and say "only a theist can discuss theist issues"

---there are atheists in the world who are established in theory, and even atheists established in practice – if you are lacking in theory, obviously I am not going to rewrite scripture for your convenience – for discussion to pass a certain point of progress, its required that one be agreeable to increasing their reserves of theoretical knowledge ... and at a further point its required that this theory be put into practice – in other words everything cannot be revealed unless one is prepared to cultivate theoretical knowledge and even by theory there are some things that cannot be revealed – if you have a problem with this you have a problem with the very nature of knowledge, regardless of your issues with god/religion - in short though, you are kind of keeping up in an atheistic "devil's advocate' fashion with the theory, but its your constant whining about "evidence' when you are obviously far below the mark that approaches the repetitive ---

right at the beginning instead of just now. Why do you even talk to atheists?
---its helpful to receive energetic opposition, especially in disciplines that require one to examine things from different angles of vision – of course there are some topics that are more conducive to being discussed with theists than atheists, or at least persons functioning within the framework of theory – like for instance the discussion of how/why the soul fell from the spiritual world rides a tremendous body of theoretical knowledge, and it just not practical to discuss such things with people bereft of that foundation, much like its not practical to discuss laser cooling atom timing mechanisms with persons not properly familiar with atoms---

Surely, given your own statements, you'd be better off on a forum where everyone agrees with you?
---why? As long as the topic stays within the purview of the knowledge (even if its only theoretical knowledge) capacities of both parties there’s no problem---
I love it...SL and LG are posting so long and so often (with Lightee not getting anything SL is saying) that Scouse Dot (SD) had to use his first post to offer empathy to SL :)

It is amazing how lengthy the posts are, and so off topic...
You know, I figured we could easily continue this game of quote vs quote for years and actually solve nothing or come to agreement. Alas when you avoid questions it does make it a tad harder, but I think it's about time we got to the 'meat' of the discussion. As such I am going to adopt a different tact. I understand that to some this might seem 'off-topic' and it certainly has shaped itself in that manner which was originally unintended, but I still feel it can come to a conlusion within the realm of the topic, (albeit without the 'christian' element).

I will mention in advance that questions contained in this post will be typed in bold and I would request that you answer each in an honest, well thought out and concicse manner. It will ultimately get the discussion somewhere. You have this distinct habit of avoiding questions and to be frank with you it simply makes this discussion a lot more complicated than it need be.

For the sake of this discussion I will allow your claim that there are an 'infinite' amount of souls to stand. It would be unfair of me to do otherwise. If I rejected something on the basis that it is unsubstantiated we'd have nothing to discuss at all. Indeed we would be stuck asking each other how the weather is, and I do not think that's worth the time.

So let's get started..

There are an infinite amount of souls, or spiritual beings. Out of those infinite amount a small drop in the ocean decided/chose, for reasons currently not agreed upon, to leave god - to leave their full of knowledge, full of bliss, liberated existence to instead partake of something that you have spent a great deal of effort to express to me your serious dislike for. We started off with "smelly mucus bag", have gone on through human emotions such as lust and what not, have shown how you are repulsed by everything material from vaginas to McDonalds, and would be the first to admit that the ultimate goal for a material being is to become an immaterial being. On the reverse side of that you have gone to length to express to me the value of being an immaterial being. You have used countless statements to reflect that - from "full of knowledge" to "full of bliss"/"liberated" etc etc and so on.

Now forgive me, but I have several issues that I feel need to be cleared up.

1) You have expressed to me the differences between an immaterial being and a material one and in every single instance have shown that the material version isn't worth it's weight in paper. My question to you now is: why do you trust yourself as a material being more than you would trust yourself as an immaterial being? (given all your arguments).

2) Your ultimate goal as a material being is to become an immaterial being. This leaves a distinct problem the way I see it. Here it comes:

You were an immaterial being. You decided to become a material being. You now strive to become an immaterial being.... (perhaps you see where this is going)?

Kindly answer me this: what makes you think that, having been an immaterial being already, that becoming an immaterial being now would actually change who and what you are? In short, you become immaterial once more. What exactly now stops you from deciding to become a material being again?.

You cannot say that you will have knowledge or that you will be full of bliss or that you will be liberated. You have already used these credits up and still chose to be a material being. You cannot say "well now we worship god" because this card has expired. You already did, you chose against doing that which you now try so hard to achieve.

3) It can clearly be argued that when it comes to knowledge, an immaterial being has a material being beat hands down. You and I made a specific decision. Why?.

I would also like to hear if you agree or disagree with scripture that clearly states that the gods illusion you into being attached to the material. If you disagree I would like to hear an explanation for going against scripture and if you agree I would like an explanation as to why the gods would do such a thing and whether you ultimately consider that a fair manuevre.

From my standpoint, I would be more inclined to trust in myself when I was immaterial than now when I am material. I see little purpose in trying to get myself back to the original stage that I was but chose against. It is as it stands completely ludicrous - especially when what you are now can seemingly not be trusted to make such decisions, unless you are to claim that your material existence is more trustworthy than your immaterial existence in which case the whole thing is negated anyway.

Before answering let me just say that there isn't a wrong answer so to speak but the manner in which you answer will show a great deal about your character. I would just advise that you think that through before answering.


As a second part of the discussion I have to raise issue with 'purpose'. You have stated that the very purpose of our existence is to 'worship and serve god 24/7'. There are many different opinions concerning 'purpose'. At it's basics, and one that is certainly the most apparent, comes the idea that purpose is "genetic survival". Simplistic perhaps, (and definitely fun in practice), but some will be adamant that life comes down to more than reproduction. Many will say the purpose is to get a good job, have a happy life, etc etc. At the very end of this scale we have your statement.

With all due respect, but that statement of yours ranks number 1 in my list of the most disgustingly perverse notions in the history of all humanity. To serve and worship one being for all eternity. It is utterly sickeni.. - to be honest the words fail me. I cannot adequately put into words the serious contempt I have for such a notion. Say it to yourself a few times.. to serve and worship one being forever... that is the sum of your existence.

To put that in another way: The very purpose of your existence is to be a slave.

People like me have long fought against such horrendous nonsense. It is one of the ultimate signs that man has progressed, and yet here you are espousing that this is the very purpose of all of mankind. Christians do have a similar notion, but don't spell it out as serving and worshipping, but generally equate it as 'being equal to', (lion/lamb, that kinda thing).

If one was to ask the question: Is god evil, then the answer would be an undeniable yes based upon your statements concerning our very purpose. As humans we abhor being slaves, but you espouse that this is our life and we will love it while also telling me that we all decided otherwise when we were actually there doing the job.

Now I could say that there's no way I would ever want to be a part of such a thing, to which you would undoubtedly inform me that I am ignorant of it's value which is also the reason I am living a mortal existence. Here is the problem: you are also here living a material existence. I know you love analogy so I am going to use one:

- I state for the record that I do not want to be a deep sea diver. It sounds dangerous, not worth my time or effort and frankly kinda uninteresting.

I think it is fair to state that the both of us right now would agree that such a statement is made from ignorance, indeed it's bigotry. We then look at a man that has been a deep sea diver for 30 years. He states:

- I hate being a deep sea diver. It is dangerous, it is boring and it is not worth the time or effort. I quit.

Now clearly we know that this guy is not ignorant. For 3 decades he has been a deep sea diver. To put it bluntly: He knows the score.

Purely out of interest; which opinion would you trust more?

How it relates:

We have established that you have no knowledge of your life spent as an immaterial being. All we currently know is that you decided you didn't want to do it. When you were an immaterial being you were the deep sea diver, at this moment in time you are the person that has never been diving. Which opinion do you trust more?

The simple fact of the matter is that only a fool would trust more the opinion of the person that has never been diving. He would recognise that he is in a position of complete ignorance and therefore any claim made by him is inherently worthless. Of course both of these people are you. One was full of knowledge, certainty and was "liberated", while the other is ignorant, foolish and stinks. Why do you concur with the ignorant one?

I think this will serve as a good starting point - and although they have each been raised in their own way in the middle of a discussion, they have not been given the attention they deserve, (which is why this approach has been taken). I would ask that you refrain from ad homs and whatnot and just answer the questions stated in bold type.

Many thanks.

birds of a feather, eh?

That's one possibility.

On the reverse side of that you have gone to length to express to me the value of being an immaterial being. You have used countless statements to reflect that - from "full of knowledge" to "full of bliss"/"liberated" etc etc and so on.
Before you gloss over my “countless statements”, you should realize that having clear definitions are integral to understanding – like for instance if you have the wrong understanding of “full of knowledge”, and if you think it means omniscience, as opposed to perceiving no obstacles in determining one’s existential position (we have no innate perception of the bones in our arm, because in material life we are not full of knowledge) you will probably be off target (maybe “full of self cognizance” would be better, if somewhat more wordy?)

1) You have expressed to me the differences between an immaterial being and a material one and in every single instance have shown that the material version isn't worth it's weight in paper. My question to you now is: why do you trust yourself as a material being more than you would trust yourself as an immaterial being? (given all your arguments).
are you asking why the knowledge we had in the spiritual realm was not sufficient for us to determine the shortcomings of the material one, given that we were in a state “full of knowledge”?
If you are, is it answered in the above post?

2) Your ultimate goal as a material being is to become an immaterial being. This leaves a distinct problem the way I see it. Here it comes:

You were an immaterial being. You decided to become a material being. You now strive to become an immaterial being.... (perhaps you see where this is going)?

Kindly answer me this: what makes you think that, having been an immaterial being already, that becoming an immaterial being now would actually change who and what you are?
Its not that one changes – material life is likened to a dream and spiritual life is likened to waking up – if one wakes up from having a dream, they return to their original state before they went to sleep – getting reinstated to one’s original position doesn’t change anything, except perhaps the chaos/surreality of the interim period of dream (which ultimately bears no significance no matter how construed or bewildering it is)

In short, you become immaterial once more. What exactly now stops you from deciding to become a material being again?.
Experience – technically one could come back again, just like technically a child could touch a hot iron on purpose after having done it before – once is usually enough however

2) It can clearly be argued that when it comes to knowledge, an immaterial being has a material being beat hands down. You and I made a specific decision. Why?.
In short, envy of god

I would also like to hear if you agree or disagree with scripture that clearly states that the gods illusion you into being attached to the material.
First of all you have to understand what illusion means specifically (at least from the perspective of the living entity’s sojourn into the material sphere) – illusion (apart from obvious connotations of accepting something that is not factual as truth) means anything conceived of as separate from god (in Sanskrit it is called maya)

HBKLCh13T6 The Supreme Lord, who is naturally pure and absolute, has manifested the material world through false ego, through the total material elements, and through His illusory energy. Ornaments like earrings, bangles, and bracelets are made of gold and are therefore nondifferent from gold. A pitcher and a brick, are made of clay and are therefore nondifferent from clay. Similarly the material world is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord. Know this fact for certain. Maya means ignorance of this fact.

You also have to understand that the living entity has no potency at all – in other words to express themselves through the medium of illusion or knowledge or anything in between, they require the empowerment of god (in other words - we can desire anything we like, but we are dependant on god to provide the environment and opportunity to express that desire)

If you disagree I would like to hear an explanation for going against scripture and if you agree I would like an explanation as to why the gods would do such a thing and whether you ultimately consider that a fair manuevre.

So having understood these two things, perhaps you can understand me when I say that we are attached to illusory things by the influence of god – but only because we desire to be separate from him in the first place – and as a further point, surrender to god breaks this attachment to the illusory

BG7.14 This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.

In other words god does not tempt liberated souls with his illusory energy – when the liberated soul desires to be separate from god is the moment that the illusory energy begins to act (and the moment the conditioned entity develops the desire to be connected to god, is the moment it doesn’t act)

Once again, this is kind of a big topic that rides quite a body of theory – if you’re not up to being presented with scriptural quotes, best not to venture in to the topic of scriptural investigation

This illusory energy maya has created the material universe exactly like an imitation model of the real spiritual variegatedness, but with the added feature of being full of various miseries.
Verse 22
jiva jadi hoilena krsna-bahirmukha
mayadevi tabe ta'r jachilena sukha
If by chance a living entity becomes averse to the Supreme Lord Krsna, then Mayadevi's duty is to voluntarily offer her temptations of material happiness.
Verse 23
maya-sukhe matta jiva sri-krsna bhulilo
sei se avidya-base asmita janmilo
Intoxicated by maya's illusory happiness, the living entity then forgets Krsna. Under the influence of such ignorance, false egoistic selfishness arises.
Verse 24
asmita hoite hoilo maya-bhinivesa
taha hoite jada-gata raga ar dvesa
From such selfishness one becomes raptly absorbed in illusion, and then one develops angry grudges and envious hatred towards other living entities.
Verse 25
ei-rupe jiva karma-cakre pravesiya
uccavaca-gati-krame phirena bhramiya
In this fashion, the living entities are entering the wheel of fruitive activities, oscillating thereupon, and gradually wandering up and down.

cit-tattva hoiya jiver mayabhiramana
ati tuccha jugupsita ananta patana
Then when the fine particle of cognizant truth becomes addicted to the illusory energy, one suffers unlimited defeat at the hands of the very same maya, and thus one is abused and defamed until one falls into an extremely insignificant position.
Verse 28
mayika deher bhavabhave dasya kori'
para-tattva jiver ki kastha aha mari!!
Alas! How wonderfully astonishing it is that the soul, although composed of transcendental energy, has accepted such difficulty by faithfully serving the temporary material body in various ways!

As a second part of the discussion I have to raise issue with 'purpose'. You have stated that the very purpose of our existence is to 'worship and serve god 24/7'. There are many different opinions concerning 'purpose'. At it's basics, and one that is certainly the most apparent, comes the idea that purpose is "genetic survival". Simplistic perhaps, (and definitely fun in practice), but some will be adamant that life comes down to more than reproduction. Many will say the purpose is to get a good job, have a happy life, etc etc. At the very end of this scale we have your statement.

With all due respect, but that statement of yours ranks number 1 in my list of the most disgustingly perverse notions in the history of all humanity. To serve and worship one being for all eternity. It is utterly sickeni.. - to be honest the words fail me. I cannot adequately put into words the serious contempt I have for such a notion. Say it to yourself a few times.. to serve and worship one being forever... that is the sum of your existence.
Lol- it’s the dichotomy of material existence – I mean its hardly surprising that you are repulsed by the notion of surrender to anyone (after all, it’s the number one attraction of the material world – which also explains why happiness in the material world is an impossibility since practically every other living entity in conditioned life has the same view – see verse 24 of the scriptural quote I gave earlier – “From such selfishness one becomes raptly absorbed in illusion, and then one develops angry grudges and envious hatred towards other living entities“)

(BTW – on a technical issue, I said that worship is the initial catalyst – in other words one embarks on one’s relationship with god on the platform of awe and reverence (aka – worship). As the relationship deepens, the nature of the “worship” transforms into more spontaneous expressions)

To put that in another way: The very purpose of your existence is to be a slave.
By constitutional position we must always seek a master – if one is not too wrapped in the notion of god there are other objects of servitude – one’s wife, one’s country, one’s boss, one’s bank balance etc or even an array of subtle things like one’s lust, one’s wrath etc – when the master calls, we get to work –lol (at least god is a kind master)

People like me have long fought against such horrendous nonsense. It is one of the ultimate signs that man has progressed, and yet here you are espousing that this is the very purpose of all of mankind. Christians do have a similar notion, but don't spell it out as serving and worshipping, but generally equate it as 'being equal to', (lion/lamb, that kinda thing).

I am not sure how to respond .... You haven’t really given a reason why the notion of service to god is reprehensible – at the very least, service in the post industrial age hasn’t increased the general public’s jolliness

If one was to ask the question: Is god evil, then the answer would be an undeniable yes based upon your statements concerning our very purpose. As humans we abhor being slaves, but you espouse that this is our life and we will love it while also telling me that we all decided otherwise when we were actually there doing the job.
The reason we abhor being a slave is because in conditioned life we only have experience of material masters – the very use of the word “slave” has automatic connotations of neglect and mistreatment – from here I guess you will try and refute the notion that we are constitutionally servants (regardless of whether we are servants of god or one’s body or things related to the body), so before I continue, lets hear you explain how in material life, there is no foundation of master/servant. (BTW, do you think it is a coincidence that everyone in this world wants to be the master?)

Now I could say that there's no way I would ever want to be a part of such a thing, to which you would undoubtedly inform me that I am ignorant of it's value which is also the reason I am living a mortal existence. Here is the problem: you are also here living a material existence. I know you love analogy so I am going to use one:

- I state for the record that I do not want to be a deep sea diver. It sounds dangerous, not worth my time or effort and frankly kinda uninteresting.

I think it is fair to state that the both of us right now would agree that such a statement is made from ignorance, indeed it's bigotry. We then look at a man that has been a deep sea diver for 30 years. He states:

- I hate being a deep sea diver. It is dangerous, it is boring and it is not worth the time or effort. I quit.

Now clearly we know that this guy is not ignorant. For 3 decades he has been a deep sea diver. To put it bluntly: He knows the score.

Purely out of interest; which opinion would you trust more?

How it relates:

We have established that you have no knowledge of your life spent as an immaterial being. All we currently know is that you decided you didn't want to do it. When you were an immaterial being you were the deep sea diver, at this moment in time you are the person that has never been diving. Which opinion do you trust more?
The deep sea diver is saying it is boring – the vantage point of the soon to be conditioned soul is slightly different – they are ANTICIPATING a GREATER level of HAPPINESS in conditioned life (as opposed to rejecting a greater level of misery – ie “This is boring”)..

The simple fact of the matter is that only a fool would trust more the opinion of the person that has never been diving. He would recognise that he is in a position of complete ignorance and therefore any claim made by him is inherently worthless. Of course both of these people are you. One was full of knowledge, certainty and was "liberated", while the other is ignorant, foolish and stinks. Why do you concur with the ignorant one?
For the record, I don’t have any disagreements with the premises and conclusions you raise with the diver anecdote – I do have 2 issues with its status as an analogy however

1) “Full of knowledge” does not mean “Omniscience” (I have been saying this for the past 3 or 4 posts, but you haven’t responded to it at all – even the Sanskrit word that it derives from, “cit”, has connotations of cognizance as opposed to omniscience).
2) It doesn’t bear any relationship to the fall of the soul from the spiritual world, since such transformations are catalyzed by attachment as opposed to aversion, and all in the mood of anticipation

If the diver was extolling the glories of a land lubber from his vantage of anticipated greater happiness which is not up to scratch (“You get to breathe the wonderful air of NYC and walk down dark alleys at 1am in the morning and say hello to everyone you meet”), I would probably ruminate further afield ...
are you asking why the knowledge we had

No. I am asking exactly what the question asked, which is why you'd trust your opinion as a material being more than your opinion when you were an immaterial one with actual direct perception of the existence you're now trying to get back to. I thought I'd written it quite clearly to be honest.

You keep giving me the old "I didn't say full of knowledge means omniscient", and then trying to fault me for misunderstanding terms that you create your own meanings for. However, it needs to be understood by you right now that I never did imply or say that you said or implied that these spiritual beings were omniscient. Undeniably however you have an advantage as an immaterial being - more knowledge than your material version and direct perception of the realm that you decided to leave. This is where the question comes from. Why trust your opinion now more than yourself when you were in a much clearer position 'full of knowledge' and with first hand knowledge of the realm. (See deep sea diver analogy).

getting reinstated to one’s original position doesn’t change anything, except perhaps the chaos/surreality of the interim period of dream (which ultimately bears no significance no matter how construed or bewildering it is)

So you assert that there is no change from going back from a material existence to an immaterial one? Later on in your post you indicate that we come to this material existence because we "envy god". As nothing changes when we go back surely you are now arguing that when we return to an immaterial existence we are still envious of god. What has been solved?

Experience – technically one could come back again

So an immaterial being has full memory of it's material existence/s?

but only because we desire to be separate from him in the first place

Indeed. Once again why trust your opinion now more? You don't have the direct perception that you did when you were an immaterial being, or the knowledge etc. You really wanted to get away from him, that speaks volumes.

if you’re not up to being presented with scriptural quotes, best not to venture in to the topic of scriptural investigation

Well, my problem relates not so much to a specific quote but to the parts that are worthless like.. "jiva jadi hoilena krsna-bahirmukha". I can't read the language and see no value in you wasting bytes just to paste something that you then paste in English. (22) If by chance.. See, that's more than fine.

The reason I mention it is because it's really off putting. Imagine reading my post but found it was continuously broken up because I kept writing parts in Outer Mongolian. It really boggles the eyes, kindly stick to English.

Lol- it’s the dichotomy of material existence – I mean its hardly surprising that you are repulsed by the notion of surrender to anyone

This is where you make the fatal error. I am not repulsed by the notion of surrender whatsoever.

What I do find repulsive is the notion that a being exists and then creates an infinite amount of other beings to worship and serve it 24/7.

By constitutional position we must always seek a master – if one is not too wrapped in the notion of god there are other objects of servitude – one’s wife, one’s country, one’s boss, one’s bank balance etc or even an array of subtle things like one’s lust, one’s wrath etc – when the master calls, we get to work –lol (at least god is a kind master)

When it comes to bosses, you can quit your job. When it comes to wives, you can get divorced. Answer me this: if you had lost your memory but were told you had divorced your wife/quit your job, wouldn't you trust more the decisions you made when you were actually there instead of your current opinion made from a position of ignorance?

See, you claim "god is a nice master" from a position where you don't know. When you were there and did know.. well... you quit your job.

You haven’t really given a reason why the notion of service to god is reprehensible

I would advise watching Red Dwarf - Kryten, (the start of season 2). Kryten would be humanity, I would be Lister, god would be Rimmer.

The simple fact of the matter is that you clearly found it rephrensible as well, because you quit the job.

The reason we abhor being a slave is because in conditioned life we only have experience of material masters

There is the problem, because you also clearly abhor being a slave in your unconditioned life. You left remember?

(BTW, do you think it is a coincidence that everyone in this world wants to be the master?)

Your statement is highly inaccurate. The majority of people are more comfortable being the sheep, the follower. I suppose it depends on what business you're in. Some you will undoubtedly see more people wanting to lead, but generally I find it to be the opposite.

The deep sea diver is saying it is boring

That's not really relevant or an answer to the question posed. Which opinion would you trust more? Diver or non-diver?

1) “Full of knowledge” does not mean “Omniscience”

I never implied that it did. However, neither of us are going to sit here and claim you have more "knowledge" as a material being or that you have the benefit of being the diver when you're not a diver, (spiritual is in the spiritual world and decides to leave. You want to be there without knowing it).

2) It doesn’t bear any relationship to the fall of the soul from the spiritual world

It relates, (as explained), to you making a specific decision from a position of knowledge and first hand experience while now making a decision from a position of ignorance.

are you asking why the knowledge we had

No. I am asking exactly what the question asked, which is why you'd trust your opinion as a material being more than your opinion when you were an immaterial one with actual direct perception of the existence you're now trying to get back to. I thought I'd written it quite clearly to be honest.
if thats the case and you are not confusing "full of knowledge(cognizance)" with "complete knowledge" I would have thought the answer would have been obvious - if you had the option of trusting yourself in a state of bewildered perception (like say drunkenness or material existence) or clear perception (like say sobriety or spiritual existence), most people would go for clear perception
You keep giving me the old "I didn't say full of knowledge means omniscient", and then trying to fault me for misunderstanding terms that you create your own meanings for.
actually the meanings are already there in scripture - it is actually "your meanings" (or more precisely, your misunderstanding of terms given in scripture - which get back to .... you guessed it... a lack of theoretical foundation)
However, it needs to be understood by you right now that I never did imply or say that you said or implied that these spiritual beings were omniscient.
you certainly did imply it (you even imply it in the next paragraph, which makes me feel that it will still take at least several more posts for you to acknowledge the distinction between omniscience and full of knowledge)
Undeniably however you have an advantage as an immaterial being - more knowledge than your material version and direct perception of the realm that you decided to leave.
This is where the question comes from. Why trust your opinion now more than yourself when you were in a much clearer position 'full of knowledge' and with first hand knowledge of the realm. (See deep sea diver analogy).
If you can perceive the distinction between omniscience and full of knowledge, i can't fathom why you would ask such a question

getting reinstated to one’s original position doesn’t change anything, except perhaps the chaos/surreality of the interim period of dream (which ultimately bears no significance no matter how construed or bewildering it is)

So you assert that there is no change from going back from a material existence to an immaterial one? Later on in your post you indicate that we come to this material existence because we "envy god". As nothing changes when we go back surely you are now arguing that when we return to an immaterial existence we are still envious of god. What has been solved?
the position doesn't change - one's attitude towards the position gets slightly refined however

Experience – technically one could come back again

So an immaterial being has full memory of it's material existence/s?
like we might have a waking impression of a vivid dream

but only because we desire to be separate from him in the first place
that you did when you were an immaterial being, or the knowledge etc. You really wanted to get away from him, that speaks volumes.

Indeed. Once again why trust your opinion now more? You don't have the direct perception
What is frustrating is that you assert (as you have done here earlier )"No No I don't misunderstand the term" and then present something later down the track that clearly indicates you don't understand (and to top it all off, have a hissy fit every time I reiterate the query whether you understand, or the valuelessness of inquiries bereft of foundational understanding).
So my question to you here, is what is the direct perception you are referring to?

if you’re not up to being presented with scriptural quotes, best not to venture in to the topic of scriptural investigation

Well, my problem relates not so much to a specific quote but to the parts that are worthless like.. "jiva jadi hoilena krsna-bahirmukha". I can't read the language and see no value in you wasting bytes just to paste something that you then paste in English. (22) If by chance.. See, that's more than fine.
from a guy who feels no discomfort in composing 10 page rebuttals, I didn't think it would be such an issue
The reason I mention it is because it's really off putting. Imagine reading my post but found it was continuously broken up because I kept writing parts in Outer Mongolian. It really boggles the eyes, kindly stick to English.
continuously broken up?
Mountains out of molehills?
As for the mongolian thing, if it was me I would appreciate it, particularly if my speculations on the ramifications of the translation of it had the habit of being off the mark (as with your "full of knowledge" "lust" etc understandings)

Lol- it’s the dichotomy of material existence – I mean its hardly surprising that you are repulsed by the notion of surrender to anyone

This is where you make the fatal error. I am not repulsed by the notion of surrender whatsoever.
surrender = servitude (or being a slave as you put it)
What I do find repulsive is the notion that a being exists and then creates an infinite amount of other beings to worship and serve it 24/7.
well, there's always the option of the material world if you want a vacation

By constitutional position we must always seek a master – if one is not too wrapped in the notion of god there are other objects of servitude – one’s wife, one’s country, one’s boss, one’s bank balance etc or even an array of subtle things like one’s lust, one’s wrath etc – when the master calls, we get to work –lol (at least god is a kind master)

When it comes to bosses, you can quit your job.
and find another one, yes?

When it comes to wives, you can get divorced.
and find another one, yes?
Answer me this: if you had lost your memory but were told you had divorced your wife/quit your job, wouldn't you trust more the decisions you made when you were actually there instead of your current opinion made from a position of ignorance?
considering I had lost my memory and was living in a cardboard box in a european winter, probably not - similarly, the state of affairs between birth to death, and the prospect of the same deal in the next life, warrants a less hasty decision

See, you claim "god is a nice master" from a position where you don't know.
actually you claim god is not a nice master from you don't know

When you were there and did know.. well... you quit your job.
because we thought we could get more for less somewhere else ... and lo and behold, it was a dumb idea

You haven’t really given a reason why the notion of service to god is reprehensible

I would advise watching Red Dwarf - Kryten, (the start of season 2). Kryten would be humanity, I would be Lister, god would be Rimmer.

The simple fact of the matter is that you clearly found it rephrensible as well, because you quit the job.
I see you didn't post a reply the whole thing about attachment, and how the diver saying the sea is boring is not a valid analogy (we didn't find the notion of god reprehensible - we found the notion of material existence attractive - and needless to say, the experience speaks for itself )

The reason we abhor being a slave is because in conditioned life we only have experience of material masters

There is the problem, because you also clearly abhor being a slave in your unconditioned life. You left remember?
ditto above buddy

(BTW, do you think it is a coincidence that everyone in this world wants to be the master?)

Your statement is highly inaccurate. The majority of people are more comfortable being the sheep, the follower. I suppose it depends on what business you're in. Some you will undoubtedly see more people wanting to lead, but generally I find it to be the opposite.
ok lets put it another way - do you think its a coincidence that everyone in this world has contempt for those they work under?

The deep sea diver is saying it is boring

That's not really relevant or an answer to the question posed. Which opinion would you trust more? Diver or non-diver?

1) “Full of knowledge” does not mean “Omniscience”

I never implied that it did. However, neither of us are going to sit here and claim you have more "knowledge" as a material being or that you have the benefit of being the diver when you're not a diver, (spiritual is in the spiritual world and decides to leave. You want to be there without knowing it).
if you are arguing that making the decision to leave the spiritual world was done from a greater platform of knowledge than the living entity in the material world making the decision to return back, please go back and reread everything

2) It doesn’t bear any relationship to the fall of the soul from the spiritual world

It relates, (as explained), to you making a specific decision from a position of knowledge and first hand experience while now making a decision from a position of ignorance.
and the reason this doesn't relate has already been explained, despite your opening lip service about how you already understand
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I would have thought the answer would have been obvious - if you had the option of trusting yourself in a state of bewildered perception (like say drunkenness or material existence) or clear perception (like say sobriety or spiritual existence), most people would go for clear perception

I thank you for making my case for me. I asked why you would trust the material you as opposed to the spiritual you. You now tell me that you shouldn't trust the material you, (bewildered perception), but should trust the spiritual you, (clear perception).

So.. in attempting to answer my question you just agreed with what I had said but still haven't managed to tell me why, (given this quote above), you trust your material being more than your immaterial being. When you were am immaterial being you decided to leave. You now, with your "bewildered perception" want to go there. Apparently you agree entirely with me that you should trust the decision you made during your spiritual existence, (clear perception).

Thank you very much.

actually the meanings are already there in scripture - it is actually "your meanings" (or more precisely, your misunderstanding....

Clearly it is your confusion, (and boy do you seem confused, no wait.. 'bewildered').

you certainly did imply it (you even imply it in the next paragraph, which makes me feel that it will still take at least several more posts for you to acknowledge the distinction between omniscience and full of knowledge)

Actually no. Your level of confusion is running rampant. I merely restated the qualities that you claimed - under whatever definition you would like to assign to them. You used the terms you did clearly to indicate some form of superiority as a spiritual being, (and I'm sure you wont argue against this and claim that material beings are in fact superior). In saying, 'full of knowledge' is clearly a benefit that we lack and that gives it an advantage. You have further gone on to state that spiritual beings have a 'clear perception' and material beings have a 'bewildered perception' to which I need once again ask why you then trust your bewildered material you more than your clear spiritual you. You decided not to answer that but to focus on pointless word games by putting a definition on me that I never stated.

If you can perceive the distinction between omniscience and full of knowledge, i can't fathom why you would ask such a question

You can't fathom it heh? Have a lie down for a while then come back when you're ready. If you want to know why I ask.. Well, hmm... I'll let you tell you:

"if you had the option of trusting yourself in a state of bewildered perception (like say drunkenness or material existence) or clear perception (like say sobriety or spiritual existence), most people would go for clear perception"

So.. why trust yourself more in your state of bewildered perception more than your state of clear perception? What are you gonna do now, argue that you misunderstood your own statement?

the position doesn't change - one's attitude towards the position gets slightly refined however

Right, so there is change. That clears that up.

What is frustrating is that you assert (as you have done here earlier )"No No I don't misunderstand the term" and then present something later down the track that clearly indicates you don't understand..

Clearly the problem lies with you. We've gone through dozens of posts and me asking why you trust your material opinion more than your spiritual one just for you to eventually turn around and think you answered the question by stating that one shouldn't trust their material existence.

And you continuously do this, and then try and blame me because you argue for and against yourself non-stop. One minute spirits don't change the next they do etc etc. That is frustrating. Get your beliefs clear in your own head before engaging in debate about those beliefs. It will save this hassle.

So my question to you here, is what is the direct perception you are referring to?

If you had have read what was written it would have been obvious. You have no direct perception of the spiritual realm. When you were a spiritual being you did, and decided to leave, (with that clear perception of yours). You now want to go there without having direct perception and in a state of "bewildered perception". Why trust your opinion now more?

from a guy who feels no discomfort in composing 10 page rebuttals, I didn't think it would be such an issue

Do I compose those 10 page rebuttals in a language you can read?

well, there's always the option of the material world if you want a vacation

I see. So you found it as repulsive as I do?

considering I had lost my memory and was living in a cardboard box in a european winter, probably not

That's quite silly. Regarding Henry might be a film worth watching.

actually you claim god is not a nice master from you don't know

Then it stands that we both don't know but did once and decided to get away from it.

because we thought we could get more for less somewhere else ... and lo and behold, it was a dumb idea

But you don't know that, you can't compare the two while only having direct perception of one, (material existence) - especially with your current "bewildered perception".

and how the diver saying the sea is boring is not a valid analogy

But it clearly is a valid analogy. The analogy wasn't about whether it was 'boring' or not, it was about position of ignorance vs position of first hand knowledge. When your confusion clears we can discuss it better.

do you think its a coincidence that everyone in this world has contempt for those they work under?

Again I am forced to disagree. There are those that do have contempt for their superiors, those that don't, those that love their superiors, those that like their superiors but hate the job etc etc. I would also advise that you refrain from saying "everyone in this world", it's a serious problem statement.

if you are arguing that making the decision to leave the spiritual world was done from a greater platform of knowledge than the living entity in the material world making the decision to return back

Again you're getting confused. However, I will ask if you as a material being have a greater platform of knowledge than the spiritual entity you used to be.

I would have thought the answer would have been obvious - if you had the option of trusting yourself in a state of bewildered perception (like say drunkenness or material existence) or clear perception (like say sobriety or spiritual existence), most people would go for clear perception

I thank you for making my case for me. I asked why you would trust the material you as opposed to the spiritual you. You now tell me that you shouldn't trust the material you, (bewildered perception), but should trust the spiritual you, (clear perception).

So.. in attempting to answer my question you just agreed with what I had said but still haven't managed to tell me why, (given this quote above), you trust your material being more than your immaterial being. When you were am immaterial being you decided to leave. You now, with your "bewildered perception" want to go there. Apparently you agree entirely with me that you should trust the decision you made during your spiritual existence, (clear perception).

Thank you very much.
its clear that you don't understand the words material existence and spiritual existence.
Its also clear clear you don't want to discuss these definitions in any way except how you understand them.
- so its not clear what direction this topic should take.:shrug:

So my question to you here, is what is the direct perception you are referring to?

If you had have read what was written it would have been obvious. You have no direct perception of the spiritual realm. When you were a spiritual being you did, and decided to leave, (with that clear perception of yours). You now want to go there without having direct perception and in a state of "bewildered perception". Why trust your opinion now more?
having experiences that enable a comparison between the material and the spiritual is certainly a prerequisite (and, as I have mentioned previously, also a catalyst for making the transition to unconditioned existence)

from a guy who feels no discomfort in composing 10 page rebuttals, I didn't think it would be such an issue

Do I compose those 10 page rebuttals in a language you can read?
but if it was the nature of those 10 page rebuttals to be composed out of misconceptions on what the significance of words were, a small excerpt in the original language might be appreciated, since it could save one's valuable finger tips some time in the posts to come

well, there's always the option of the material world if you want a vacation

I see. So you found it as repulsive as I do?
you also find the material world repulsive?

because we thought we could get more for less somewhere else ... and lo and behold, it was a dumb idea

But you don't know that, you can't compare the two while only having direct perception of one, (material existence) - especially with your current "bewildered perception".
hence its not uncommon for a theist to have some experience on the subject

if you are arguing that making the decision to leave the spiritual world was done from a greater platform of knowledge than the living entity in the material world making the decision to return back

Again you're getting confused. However, I will ask if you as a material being have a greater platform of knowledge than the spiritual entity you used to be.
if you think its just an issue of geography that distinguishes the use of the words "material" and "spiritual" there is not much point in trying to answer your question.