Would this not make the Christian God... evil?


I have never heard any hindu whom I know allude to any possible way for "lives" - in the philosophical, BG sense - to end via a mortal's prompt. Admittedly I did not ask, and since I believe LG pretends at whatever philosophy blankets him in obtuse quotations to attempt to bamboozle the reader, I shall investigate.

what do you mean by prompt?
I think it is quite obvious that a person endeavoring for spiritual perfection with knowledge stands to make more progress than one who is not. Plenty of quotes in the BG - literally in every chapter

BG 2.39

BG 3.31:

BG 11.55:

BG 15.20:

etc etc
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for a materialist to retreat from death means to retreat from life, hence I can appreciate your dilemna

Bizarre. I ask you a simple enough question that you avoid in preference of pretending you actually know me. Now, answer the question please without dragging this discussion into personal statements concerning people you don't know.

Its more a case that in the course of his activities while he was living he made that decision

I see. So all those children with leukemia actually decided in a past life that they wanted to be reborn as children with leukemia?

any number of a wide range of sinful activities - basically misusing an opulence (in this case health) results in it being revoked or impaired sometime in the future

I see, so if.. for instance, you're a smoker in this life, you'll get cancer before ever having a smoke in the next one, even though you probably already got it in this one too?

it illustrates the notion of justice, and justice...

Doesn't look like a yes or no to me.

basically you seem to be arguing that if a person acts willfully yet at a later date has no recollection of the said deeds they are innocent - why do you think even ordinary justice

Basically I seem to be asking you a yes or no question that you seemingly can't answer.

Still, for the sake of discussion.. I'm not arguing that a man that kills someone and then claims to not remember the event should be considered innocent by a court of law, I am saying that in his next life he shouldn't be struck down with leukemia at the age of 3.
yes it is kind of like a mario game, except its like you have unlimited lives - it ends when you get sick of wasting your time with it

as long as one wants to go on eating those mushrooms, the game continues

LG this comparison here is what I was referring to. This, insofar as the Hindu religion is concerned is utter rubbish.

Mortals cannot "get sick of wasting" their time with life and wilfully cease to reincarnate (eating mushrooms). Reincarnation is the process by which one achieves spiritual fulfilment...once there is something you must atone for (i.e. a karma-ic leftover) you will be reincarnated. According to the hindu religion there is no choice in that matter.

The only "choice" that mortals might have...again according to the Hindu religion...is death. The Hindu god of death can grant a mortal an extended life if it is justifiable and even then this is limiting...said mortal has only X points of death in his life timeline, assuming no extenuating circumstances like car accidents, natural disasters etc.

for a materialist to retreat from death means to retreat from life, hence I can appreciate your dilemna

Bizarre. I ask you a simple enough question that you avoid in preference of pretending you actually know me. Now, answer the question please without dragging this discussion into personal statements concerning people you don't know.
nothing to do with your personal issues or needs or concerns - obviously for one who views this life as the all in all, separations between death and life are quite clear since it is a duality such a person has no scope to surmount (issac asimov fictions aside of course)

Its more a case that in the course of his activities while he was living he made that decision

I see. So all those children with leukemia actually decided in a past life that they wanted to be reborn as children with leukemia?
Inasmuch as a criminal decides to receive a 20 year jail sentence the moment they perform a crime

any number of a wide range of sinful activities - basically misusing an opulence (in this case health) results in it being revoked or impaired sometime in the future

I see, so if.. for instance, you're a smoker in this life, you'll get cancer before ever having a smoke in the next one, even though you probably already got it in this one too?
actually you illustrate a nice point - some sinful reactions bear a result even in this life

it illustrates the notion of justice, and justice...

Doesn't look like a yes or no to me.
obviously I am going for a 'yes' but not a 'yes' that favours new born babies as bereft of previous karma

basically you seem to be arguing that if a person acts willfully yet at a later date has no recollection of the said deeds they are innocent - why do you think even ordinary justice

Basically I seem to be asking you a yes or no question that you seemingly can't answer.
basically you are resisting the further investigation and clarification of your inquiries - if you don't have the stamina to discuss answers to difficult questions, perhaps you shouldn't ask them
Still, for the sake of discussion.. I'm not arguing that a man that kills someone and then claims to not remember the event should be considered innocent by a court of law, I am saying that in his next life he shouldn't be struck down with leukemia at the age of 3.
if a person can perform crimes towards a three year old in this life, why isn't it fitting that they receive reactions in their next body as a three year old (not to say that everything that happens to a three year old is perpetuated to the same degree in a previous life - it is however a singular example of how the networks of karma entangle the living entity)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
yes it is kind of like a mario game, except its like you have unlimited lives - it ends when you get sick of wasting your time with it

as long as one wants to go on eating those mushrooms, the game continues

LG this comparison here is what I was referring to. This, insofar as the Hindu religion is concerned is utter rubbish.

Mortals cannot "get sick of wasting" their time with life and wilfully cease to reincarnate (eating mushrooms).
they can however get fatigued of materialistic life and develop a desire for liberation (and if that desire is properly applied, then the process of repeated birth and death in the material world ceases)

numerous quotes to back this up

SB 1.8.26:
Reincarnation is the process by which one achieves spiritual fulfilment...
reincarnation is the result of material desire

once again, numerous quotes to back this one up

BG 8.16:

once there is something you must atone for (i.e. a karma-ic leftover) you will be reincarnated. According to the hindu religion there is no choice in that matter.
there is the choice of getting free from karma however

once again, numerous quotes

SB 7.15.54:

SB 7.15.55:

The only "choice" that mortals might have...again according to the Hindu religion...is death.
actually the only choice one has is t whether one will exploit the resources of the material nature

BG 7.5:

which boils down to

BG 15.7: include the mind.

or engage in the service of god, understanding what is actually meant by the word 'god"

BG 5.29:
The Hindu god of death can grant a mortal an extended life if it is justifiable and even then this is limiting...
true - but such extensions are limited, since even yamaraj (the demigod in charge of death) is subject to death (in other words even he is a mortal)

SB 6.3.12:
said mortal has only X points of death in his life timeline, assuming no extenuating circumstances like car accidents, natural disasters etc.

that may be a view of hinduism but it is not a view of hinduism backed up by the scriptures which hinduism is based

BG 13.20:

once again, many quotes are available on the subject
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LG: what I posted came from a friend of mine who has both learned taught Hindu theism for quite a number of years thus far, backed up by his own authority figure...and old wizened octogenarian pundit with decades of study.

While I personally don't lend any credibility to theisms at all, especially that which seems to follow your process of epistemology (lol), I think his interpretation holds more weight than yours, specifically because theologically and heirarchically speaking it makes more sense. Your interpretation grants humans access to "godly" powers...which no religion has ever alluded to as far as I know. This defeats the whole point of believing in a greater power, if we can access those abilities from time to time.

BTW, reincarnation as a path to spiritual fulfilment is by it's very nature the same thing as reincarnation as a "punishment" to materialistic desire. Tending towards spiritual fulfilment necessarily means a diminishing of materialistic desire - given that we're talking about 'religious measurements' here.

I think we've gone off on much of a tangent tho. The original statement is not even hindu! :)

With regards to the topic, it speaks to the evolution of humanity's moral code. Clearly what we regard as evil now, was regarded as just centuries ago. I would say yes, all the heavenly executions, persecutions and threats can be regarded as quite ... unsociable.

That being said, this behaviour can also be attributed to an omnipotent 2 year old entity. All of the atrocities can be regarded on a cosmic scale as huge temper tantrums, and we're the unfortunate casualties of it. This perspective also affords a parallel to our own evolution of morals i.e. our 'child' version (acceptable biblical-time morals) has no measurement of violence, while our 'young adult' (current) set of morals cause us as a species to cringe at the carnage in the bible.

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obviously for one who views this life as the all in all

Again, under the assumption that you know anything about me.

Inasmuch as a criminal decides to receive a 20 year jail sentence the moment they perform a crime

The criminal being aware of the law concerning his crime right? Up until now I never knew that if I kick a dog that I might get leukemia in some future life. Can you source me to the 'rulebook' concerning this, (only of worth if it goes into actual crimes/punishments). If it just says "do something bad and pay in a future life", it's not going to be of much help considering 'bad' is subjective. We could go by the bible; thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not be a homosexual but then the bible doesn't say anything about future lives or getting leukemia. Is the bible wrong? Can I throw it out with the banana peels? Or did it just omit this important information? Why would it do that?

actually you illustrate a nice point - some sinful reactions bear a result even in this life

I do illustrate a nice point, yes.. But could we put drooling over it aside for a moment and just answer the question?

basically you are resisting the further investigation and clarification of your inquiries - if you don't have the stamina to discuss answers to difficult questions, perhaps you shouldn't ask them

Basically I'm not resisting anything, but if you cannot even manage to answer a simple yes or no question then there's no point going further. If you don't have the stamina to answer questions when posed, don't make posts at all.

if a person can perform crimes towards a three year old in this life, why isn't it fitting that they receive reactions in their next body as a three year old

It seems more 'fitting' to carry out the sentence at that time, not when he has been reborn as a different person with no knowledge of crimes committed when he was his former person. How can it be fitting to punish a completely innocent 3 year old child? (That child, that life has done nothing to anyone).
LG: what I posted came from a friend of mine who has both learned taught Hindu theism for quite a number of years thus far, backed up by his own authority figure...and old wizened octogenarian pundit with decades of study.
then he is either a fool or you are not a reliable medium for communicating his ideas (BTW its not uncommon to encounter persons who are connected to some historical tradition - even I am - what is more uncommon however is to encounter persons who can offer references for their statements (either scriptural or writings by acknowledged authorities on scripture)
While I personally don't lend any credibility to theisms at all,
this would probable make it more difficult for you to transmit ideas on the subject from a third party

especially that which seems to follow your process of epistemology (lol), I think his interpretation holds more weight than yours, specifically because theologically and heirarchically speaking it makes more sense.
its still not clear how you determine whether something is theologically and theologically more sensible - if you are applying it according to how you think the universe should be run (ie using your insignificant sense perception) , we can safely disregard it
Your interpretation grants humans access to "godly" powers...
what on earth makes you say that?
i would have thought that your description would, what with advocating that yamaraj can call the shots on mortality on his own whim
which no religion has ever alluded to as far as I know. This defeats the whole point of believing in a greater power, if we can access those abilities from time to time.
we may get them (and even then they are limited in comparison to god - like we may get wealth, but we don't get all the wealth in the universe) but we can be more certain that we will lose them - and the easiest way to lose them is to misuse them (ie use them in the service of our own sense enjoyment instead of god)

BTW, reincarnation as a path to spiritual fulfilment is by it's very nature the same thing as reincarnation as a "punishment" to materialistic desire.

Tending towards spiritual fulfilment necessarily means a diminishing of materialistic desire - given that we're talking about 'religious measurements' here.
punishment however does not automatically mean the propensity for materialistic desire diminishes - some people can't even learn the hard way

once again, these terms are actually explained in the Bhagavad-gita so there is no need to speculate - regarding spiritual fulfillment verses material punishment .....

BG 2.59: The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.

even if one is restricted from material desire, material desire remains - material desire only diminishes in the presence of experiencing a higher taste
With regards to the topic, it speaks to the evolution of humanity's moral code. Clearly what we regard as evil now, was regarded as just centuries ago.
I would say yes, all the heavenly executions, persecutions and threats can be regarded as quite ... unsociable.

That being said, this behaviour can also be attributed to an omnipotent 2 year old entity. All of the atrocities can be regarded on a cosmic scale as huge temper tantrums, and we're the unfortunate casualties of it.
once again, assuming that we are a blank slate in terms of sinful history and are acting in strict accordance with god's instructions

This perspective also affords a parallel to our own evolution of morals i.e. our 'child' version (acceptable biblical-time morals) has no measurement of violence, while our 'young adult' (current) set of morals cause us as a species to cringe at the carnage in the bible.

carnage of the bible?
excuse me?
obviously for one who views this life as the all in all

Again, under the assumption that you know anything about me.
well its not like you have kept your disdain of the notion of life after death a secret

Inasmuch as a criminal decides to receive a 20 year jail sentence the moment they perform a crime

The criminal being aware of the law concerning his crime right?
try breaking the law (particularly in a big way) while being unaware what the laws are and see for yourself whether ignorance is any excuse
Up until now I never knew that if I kick a dog that I might get leukemia in some future life.

doesn't matter whether you know or don't know
Can you source me to the 'rulebook' concerning this, (only of worth if it goes into actual crimes/punishments).
there are indications in various parts of the vedas - it all leads however to a discussion of what they call the three modes of material nature (sattva-goodness, rajas - passion, tamas - ignorance) which correlate to moving upwards, sideways or downwards in the next life
If it just says "do something bad and pay in a future life", it's not going to be of much help considering 'bad' is subjective.
subjective to god - that's the point

We could go by the bible; thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not be a homosexual but then the bible doesn't say anything about future lives or getting leukemia.
disease pestilence and famine get a brief mention

Is the bible wrong?

Can I throw it out with the banana peels?
you can if you want, but you might get a reaction for that

Or did it just omit this important information? Why would it do that?
if a person is intelligent they can scope the general principle (namely adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness) and avoid murder, kicking dogs and throwing scriptures out with the garbage

actually you illustrate a nice point - some sinful reactions bear a result even in this life

I do illustrate a nice point, yes.. But could we put drooling over it aside for a moment and just answer the question?
i thought i did answer it - the reaction comes after the action (obviously)

basically you are resisting the further investigation and clarification of your inquiries - if you don't have the stamina to discuss answers to difficult questions, perhaps you shouldn't ask them

Basically I'm not resisting anything, but if you cannot even manage to answer a simple yes or no question then there's no point going further.
some q's particularly if they have a weak theoretical foundation cannot be answered yes or no - like for instance if you ask how many pounds are in the bag I could say do you mean english sterling pounds or a unit of measurement, upon which you could have a hissy fit at my not answering yes or no to a straight forward question
If you don't have the stamina to answer questions when posed, don't make posts at all.

if a person can perform crimes towards a three year old in this life, why isn't it fitting that they receive reactions in their next body as a three year old

It seems more 'fitting' to carry out the sentence at that time, not when he has been reborn as a different person with no knowledge of crimes committed when he was his former person. How can it be fitting to punish a completely innocent 3 year old child? (That child, that life has done nothing to anyone).
just in the same way that the original perpetrator could punish a completely innocent 3 year old - material nature can rise to meet us on the platform of ruthlessness
well its not like you have kept your disdain of the notion of life after death a secret

That depends, but I personally see little value in an eternal life stuck in a Jerusalem made out of gold while knowing that others, (some I might respect or call friends), are burning for eternity. I would have to live with that knowledge every day forever. What if my daughter, for whatever reason, was one of those people burning for eternity? I have just written an article concerning this, which starts with a letter from a daughter to her father. The last line says: "Dear dad, it seems we are both destined to eternal suffering". (she's going to hell, he's going to heaven- he has to live with the knowledge of his daughter burning for eternity, ergo: it's suffering for both of them).

So in that regard, I wouldn't consider myself a fan of an eternal afterlife. I can certainly entertain the notion however.

Of course I now have the dilemma of not just fearing an illness my daughter might get in this life or the burning she might face upon dying, but also that she might live again a gazillion times with every manner of pain inflicted upon her by these space beings of yours from leukemia to progeria etc etc.

try breaking the law (particularly in a big way) while being unaware what the laws are and see for yourself whether ignorance is any excuse

I would submit that there aren't going to be many people that are unaware of the law, (in a big way) - and thus it's a hard one to test. I do know that we were unaware that the child seating laws had changed and got let off when stopped because of that ignorance.

doesn't matter whether you know or don't know

Why doesn't it matter? While you obviously are a fan of complete ignorance, I would submit that everyone being aware of such a perverse law would only help them to be good in this life to save them from that god induced suffering in the next one. Why would the gods not want to inform everyone?

there are indications in various parts of the vedas - it all leads however to a discussion of what they call the three modes of material nature (sattva-goodness, rajas - passion, tamas - ignorance) which correlate to moving upwards, sideways or downwards in the next life

I see, and which way does ignorance take you?

subjective to god - that's the point

So then that god or gods must define what they consider as good and bad in full so that everyone is aware of it- and needs to define it properly. Killing is a bad thing, I assume, and yet can be a thing done with love - ultimately a good thing, (euthanasia [my subjective opinion]). How do the gods feel about assisted suicide? I suppose they would be against it considering they probably gave the person their illness in the first place - not to make life peachy for them, but to induce that abject suffering.

disease pestilence and famine get a brief mention

That's right, yhwh loves his plagues. However, to restate again: the bible does not mention future lives or getting leukemia for past life actions.

“ Is the bible wrong? ”


It's interesting perhaps to note that the bible says nothing against paedophilia or indeed necrophilia. Is that to say that regardless to my moral stance on the issue, the gods do not deem it as a bad thing? Here is the point, how can anyone abide by laws and prevent future lives of abject suffering if they are completely ignorant of the laws of the gods - laws that have not been defined? Your country has a rule book. In it are only two laws: don't kill, don't steal. If you then rape someone you cannot be held accountable as rape hasn't even been defined as being illegal.

you can if you want, but you might get a reaction for that

Why? Furthermore, my dog actually ate one of my bibles.. He ripped it to shreds. Does that mean my dog will be reborn with leukemia, (remember, his ignorance is no excuse)?

if a person is intelligent they can scope the general principle (namely adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness) and avoid murder, kicking dogs and throwing scriptures out with the garbage

And if they're not intelligent?

Further to which, we have already discussed that morality is subjective. Who's "general principle" are we talking about? Forgive me, but I personally don't see anything immoral about throwing a book in a dustbin, it's just a bunch of paper with ink printed on it. I can buy a new one for £3.99 including VAT. I wont do it anymore now I know doing so will get me leukemia, and I will spend the remainder of the year praying to the gods to leave my dog alone - he didn't mean anything personal by it. I suppose that's where you and I differ - My concern is for others, your concern seems purely self centered.

i thought i did answer it - the reaction comes after the action (obviously)

Where in your statement is the answer to; does god/s give kids leukemia, (be it this one or the next)?

some q's particularly if they have a weak theoretical foundation cannot be answered yes or no

So you're saying you can't answer the question? I also fail to see how you could consider the question as having a 'weak theoretical foundation' considering you were the one that brought the issue to light - indeed telling me you saw no problem with my statement that the gods give people leukemia. I just wanted a definitive answer, (yes or no), because you do tend to waffle on with a load of irrelevant verbal sputum.

like for instance if you ask how many pounds are in the bag I could say do you mean english sterling pounds or a unit of measurement

I didn't ask how many pounds are in a bag or anything like it. Does god/s give kids leukemia for actions in their past lives?

just in the same way that the original perpetrator could punish a completely innocent 3 year old

Unless of course that original perpetrator is just punishing the 3 year old for something he unwittingly did in his past life - meaning the 3 year old wasn't innocent at all, (according to you), and thus we should have no sympathy but indeed take it as a lesson learnt. The child deserved to die, deserved to get abused, strangled and dumped in a wood because in his past life he threw a bible in the trashcan, (*shock horror*).

well its not like you have kept your disdain of the notion of life after death a secret

That depends, but I personally see little value in an eternal life stuck in a Jerusalem made out of gold while knowing that others, (some I might respect or call friends), are burning for eternity. I would have to live with that knowledge every day forever. What if my daughter, for whatever reason, was one of those people burning for eternity? I have just written an article concerning this, which starts with a letter from a daughter to her father. The last line says: "Dear dad, it seems we are both destined to eternal suffering". (she's going to hell, he's going to heaven- he has to live with the knowledge of his daughter burning for eternity, ergo: it's suffering for both of them).

So in that regard, I wouldn't consider myself a fan of an eternal afterlife. I can certainly entertain the notion however.
so it seems you have more of an issue with eternal hell than eternal heaven - but anyway back to the issue at hand, it still leaves you at the default position of any atheist within dualities- namely one's greatest pleasures are one's greatest pains and all the minor losses are merely a lead up to the major loss (namely death) - which is why there is no scope for an atheist to retreat from death, for to do so is to retreat from life
Of course I now have the dilemma of not just fearing an illness my daughter might get in this life or the burning she might face upon dying, but also that she might live again a gazillion times with every manner of pain inflicted upon her by these space beings of yours from leukemia to progeria etc etc.
don't worry - you will have numerous opportunities for grief (and also rejoicing) even in this life - as for how ever many births she will take in the future, there is no need to worry too much about that, since it is unlikely that you were her parent in the previous life, what to speak of the next

try breaking the law (particularly in a big way) while being unaware what the laws are and see for yourself whether ignorance is any excuse

I would submit that there aren't going to be many people that are unaware of the law, (in a big way) - and thus it's a hard one to test.
I do know that we were unaware that the child seating laws had changed and got let off when stopped because of that ignorance.
and if you had plowed into a semi trailer because you weren't aware that it was a one way street, what then? (although point given, just like there is a small threshold for ignorance in minor affairs in everyday law, so too for the laws of karma - namely if one knowingly performs something wrong the reaction is harsher - if the same police man catches you next week would you expect to get away with it? - or to jump ahead to your dog example - your dog doesn't know that the bible is sacred, but you do however, hence the reactions between you and your dog desecrating scripture would be different - PS - I discuss the dog thing in more detail later on, so if you want to address that specifically, better to hold out for a few more paragraphs)

doesn't matter whether you know or don't know

Why doesn't it matter? While you obviously are a fan of complete ignorance, I would submit that everyone being aware of such a perverse law would only help them to be good in this life to save them from that god induced suffering in the next one. Why would the gods not want to inform everyone?
well thats why religion usually plays a dominant role in society - god's representative and god's instruction (through scripture) is there - much like if you throw the instruction manual in the bin and proceed to burn out a new piece of electronics, whose fault is it?

there are indications in various parts of the vedas - it all leads however to a discussion of what they call the three modes of material nature (sattva-goodness, rajas - passion, tamas - ignorance) which correlate to moving upwards, sideways or downwards in the next life

I see, and which way does ignorance take you?
further into ignorance

subjective to god - that's the point

So then that god or gods must define what they consider as good and bad in full so that everyone is aware of it- and needs to define it properly.
people also need to be convinced of the necessity for making spiritual inquiry too - hence its not uncommon for religious institutions to have a preaching wing to fulfill this requirement
Killing is a bad thing, I assume, and yet can be a thing done with love - ultimately a good thing, (euthanasia [my subjective opinion]). How do the gods feel about assisted suicide? I suppose they would be against it considering they probably gave the person their illness in the first place - not to make life peachy for them, but to induce that abject suffering.
practically in all cases suicide is not regarded as a positive alternative - the reason is that one is due an allotted amount of suffering (and also happiness) in one's life, and to try and short cut it simply results in the remainder of one's sinful reactions being delivered in the next (with compounded interest due the sinful act of suicide itself) - that said, if one is artificially maintaining one's life through machines, there is no sin in removing the artificial treatment

but on the topic of killing, it is neither a good thing or a bad thing in and of itself - it does however have its correct and incorrect applications (after all, the BG was spoken on a battlefield)

disease pestilence and famine get a brief mention

That's right, yhwh loves his plagues. However, to restate again: the bible does not mention future lives or getting leukemia for past life actions.

the bible is only one book - the vedas are thousands of books - but the essence is still there in the bible, namely that one can adopt a life in the mode of goodness that is the precursor to transcendental life, and thus be on the same platform as one who has detailed knowledge of reincarnation anyway (there is also the argument that these ideas were originally in the bible, evidenced by origen, but were turfed out by the reformation of constantine for political reasons)
“ Is the bible wrong? ”


It's interesting perhaps to note that the bible says nothing against paedophilia or indeed necrophilia. Is that to say that regardless to my moral stance on the issue, the gods do not deem it as a bad thing?
I guess the bible takes it for granted that the reader has already surmounted such attractions - also you will note that in the BG krishna doesn't tell arjuna that one should not have sex with other people's wives - the reason is that he was already fully aware that he shouldn't and that there were more important things to discuss - you can take it for granted that if a religious personality is establishing rules of conduct such as "don't have sex with children" that persons who have sex with children are prominent (and also that there is the hope that they can refrain from such activities) - in other words by comparing religious texts you can find a whole social graduation
Here is the point, how can anyone abide by laws and prevent future lives of abject suffering if they are completely ignorant of the laws of the gods
"why am I suffering?" is the common catalyst for sincere spiritual inquiry
- laws that have not been defined? Your country has a rule book. In it are only two laws: don't kill, don't steal. If you then rape someone you cannot be held accountable as rape hasn't even been defined as being illegal.
once a person comes to the mode of goodness there is no need for them to have weighty tomes with such things as "don't have sex with anaconda's, don't have sex with antelopes, don't have sex with ants etc etc" because their outlook on life places them on a higher platform of existence

you can if you want, but you might get a reaction for that

the human form of life is a special opportunity to inquire on religious matters - there is a good reason dogs don't attend church
Furthermore, my dog actually ate one of my bibles.. He ripped it to shreds. Does that mean my dog will be reborn with leukemia, (remember, his ignorance is no excuse)?
animals are not subject to the law of karma - they are automatically evolving through the 8 400 000 species of life - just like if your dog jay walks or steals food from the butcher it doesn't get a fine or a jail sentence (it may get beaten by a stick however)

if a person is intelligent they can scope the general principle (namely adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness) and avoid murder, kicking dogs and throwing scriptures out with the garbage

And if they're not intelligent?
they will adopt a lifestyle in the mode of passion or ignorance

BG 18.19: According to the three different modes of material nature, there are three kinds of knowledge, action and performer of action. Now hear of them from Me.

BG 18.20:

BG 18.21:

BG 18.22:
Further to which, we have already discussed that morality is subjective. Who's "general principle" are we talking about?
obviously when we talk of reward and punishment in this world it is god's jurisdiction - of course the implications of action are very complicated in this world, hence the best course of action is to become conscious of god
Forgive me, but I personally don't see anything immoral about throwing a book in a dustbin, it's just a bunch of paper with ink printed on it.
do you throw your pay check in the bin too - after all thats just ink on paper with a few funny numbers on it
I can buy a new one for £3.99 including VAT. I wont do it anymore now I know doing so will get me leukemia, and I will spend the remainder of the year praying to the gods to leave my dog alone -
the result of such an action is that you are cultivating an adversity towards god - and as long as one is adverse to god one must remain in the material world - and as long as one is in the material world one must suffer from the actions of other living entities, from one's own body and mind and from natural calamities such as earthquakes - sometimes you may be experiencing this as a king or greater , sometimes as a dog or lower

he didn't mean anything personal by it. I suppose that's where you and I differ - My concern is for others, your concern seems purely self centered.
maybe your dog's concern for you is more valid

i thought i did answer it - the reaction comes after the action (obviously)

Where in your statement is the answer to; does god/s give kids leukemia, (be it this one or the next)?
Actually you were talking about a smoker getting lung cancer before seriously taking up smoking

some q's particularly if they have a weak theoretical foundation cannot be answered yes or no

So you're saying you can't answer the question? I also fail to see how you could consider the question as having a 'weak theoretical foundation' considering you were the one that brought the issue to light - indeed telling me you saw no problem with my statement that the gods give people leukemia. I just wanted a definitive answer, (yes or no), because you do tend to waffle on with a load of irrelevant verbal sputum.
you assume that your understanding of god's relationship with the living entity is faultless, hence your lack of theoretical understanding leads you to take a joy ride into "... and what did a three year old do to deserve getting leukemia" etc etc)

like for instance if you ask how many pounds are in the bag I could say do you mean english sterling pounds or a unit of measurement

I didn't ask how many pounds are in a bag or anything like it. Does god/s give kids leukemia for actions in their past lives?
thats the point - your question is very much like it, since there are details in your question which have to be examined or clarified if one wants a yes/no answer - if you don't want to discuss it, fine, but it is hardly the manner of discussion

just in the same way that the original perpetrator could punish a completely innocent 3 year old

Unless of course that original perpetrator is just punishing the 3 year old for something he unwittingly did in his past life - meaning the 3 year old wasn't innocent at all, (according to you), and thus we should have no sympathy but indeed take it as a lesson learnt. The child deserved to die, deserved to get abused, strangled and dumped in a wood because in his past life he threw a bible in the trashcan, (*shock horror*).

actually I have indicated that the misuse of a propensity or opulence results in it being withdrawn - I wasn't aware that I had suggested throwing a bible in th bin gives one leukemia - I indicated that it tends to give a result more catastrophic since leukemia is only present in one life, and with or without leukemia, one still has the opportunity to be fully god conscious

As regards the child being innocent, I thought it would be quite clear by now that a person suffering/acting under the laws of karma is not innocent
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God works in mysterious ways - many of which yes are pure unadulterated evil.


God works in mysterious ways - many of which yes are pure unadulterated evil.


Got it. Thanks. I suppose if people will believe the Bible, the Quran, the book of mormon or scientology... they will believe anything.
so it seems you have more of an issue with eternal hell than eternal heaven

Not really, no - it was just one pertinent example that used both sides of eternal existence.

namely one's greatest pleasures are one's greatest pains

Please explain this.

which is why there is no scope for an atheist to retreat from death, for to do so is to retreat from life

And this, I don't see much sense in what you're claiming.

don't worry

It is in my nature to care and worry about the wellbeing of my kids. You might find it easier not to, or perhaps better not to - pointless trying to lump it on me.

since it is unlikely that you were her parent in the previous life, what to speak of the next

In a next life someone else will borrow my sperm?

and if you had plowed into a semi trailer because you weren't aware that it was a one way street, what then?

Well, if the driver died that ignorance would save me from getting tried for murder. I'd probably end up with two years max instead of 30.

if the same police man catches you next week would you expect to get away with it?

Certainly not - because he and I now both know that I am not ignorant of the law, which was the point.

your dog doesn't know that the bible is sacred, but you do however

Incorrect. The bible is a book - and not a very good one at that. It can be interesting from a history point of view, but 'sacred'? Lol.

hence the reactions between you and your dog desecrating scripture would be different

Well, I wouldn't eat it - but that's not because of how we view this book, but because I don't particularly like the taste of paper.

well thats why religion usually plays a dominant role in society - god's representative and god's instruction (through scripture) is there

I see. But what of the people that end up with one of these representatives comparable to Kenny's childhood priest? And which god exactly.. instructions vary largely between them.

much like if you throw the instruction manual in the bin and proceed to burn out a new piece of electronics, whose fault is it?

And, to stay with the point, if that instruction manual forgot to include most of the instructions?

further into ignorance

Which is what.. upwards/sidewards/downwards/squigglylinewards?

practically in all cases suicide is not regarded as a positive alternative - the reason is that one is due an allotted amount of suffering (and also happiness) in one's life, and to try and short cut it simply results in the remainder of one's sinful reactions being delivered in the next

Well it wouldn't really matter would it? You've told me it's only temporary - no big deal. The thing is of course, if you don't remember anything about a past life in your next life, you haven't actually learnt anything - and thus the entire process was a complete waste of time. This very discussion is a complete waste of time. You could, (by some miracle), convince me that what you're saying is true... I then go and kick the bucket, come back to life and the whole lot has been forgotten. So what exactly was the point?

the bible is only one book - the vedas are thousands of books

Fine, but something as important as past lives/next lives and karma could have found it's way in amongst all those wasted pages of how to burn a cow surely? (Considering burning cows was a temporary request but the issue of past/future lives seems to be an ongoing thing).

What seems to be the case here is that the bible refers to a different god, and a different set of instructions. In saying, the vedas instructions are of no value - unless you can show why they are.

I guess the bible takes it for granted that the reader has already surmounted such attractions

Your 'guess' is interesting enough but clearly what it's taken for granted was in error.

"why am I suffering?" is the common catalyst for sincere spiritual inquiry

Yeah I know, lottery winners don't go to church - they go out and party. However, the question was how can they prevent suffering in future lives? 'Spiritual inquiry' is pointless because once they're dead they forget it all. They get reborn unaware of anything they have done or learnt in a previous life and thus the value of it is completely negated.

once a person comes to the mode of goodness there is no need for them to have weighty tomes with such things as "don't have sex with anaconda's

I was talking about raping humans, not having sex with anacondas. If your country's lawbook had no such law against raping people, could you be held accountable if you went and raped someone? No is the answer.

just like if your dog jay walks or steals food from the butcher it doesn't get a fine or a jail sentence (it may get beaten by a stick however)

That animal might indeed get a jail sentence. (it gets put in a cage). It's all the same thing.

they will adopt a lifestyle in the mode of passion or ignorance

Therefore doomed to keep reincarnating not because they are specifically bad, but because they're stupid?

obviously when we talk of reward and punishment in this world it is god's jurisdiction

I see. So god does give kids leukemia?

do you throw your pay check in the bin too - after all thats just ink on paper with a few funny numbers on it

I don't get pay cheques, my money just appears in my bank.. It's magical :bugeye: However, to answer the question.. no, that is not just ink - it's food, it's clothing.. it's the way to survive. If you did throw that pay cheque away and thus starved to death, would that not be suicide? (which you say is a bad thing).

the result of such an action is that you are cultivating an adversity towards god

Which god? Of course it's meaningless to someone that lacks belief in those gods, I have no adversity - I just lack belief.

and as long as one is in the material world one must suffer from the actions of other living entities

And the punishment of the gods, (it's their jurisdiction).

sometimes you may be experiencing this as a king or greater , sometimes as a dog or lower

Oh I see, you reincarnate into all manner of things. The "sometimes as a dog" interest me because you said that animals are not subject to the laws of karma. What is the point in being one then?

maybe your dog's concern for you is more valid

Your statement is nonsensical.

Actually you were talking about a smoker getting lung cancer before seriously taking up smoking

The questions were all part of the same bundle. (that the smoker/child will be given a specific illness/disease by the gods in his next life).

you assume that your understanding of god's relationship with the living entity is faultless

I didn't assume anything, I asked you a question, (which, considering it's a question, would actually point at the opposite of your claim).

hence your lack of theoretical understanding leads you to take a joy ride into "... and what did a three year old do to deserve getting leukemia" etc etc)

And that claimed lack of understanding will always be there if you fail to answer questions. Further to which, I don't care what the child did to deserve it, I am asking if the gods inflicted him with it because of what he did. Your lack of understanding what a question is leads you to take a joy ride into irrelevancy.

thats the point - your question is very much like it,

No it isn't.

since there are details in your question which have to be examined or clarified if one wants a yes/no answer - if you don't want to discuss it, fine, but it is hardly the manner of discussion

You've already answered the question several times, I think you're just refusing to say 'yes' here because of some pride issue. It's ok.

I wasn't aware that I had suggested throwing a bible in th bin gives one leukemia - I indicated that it tends to give a result more catastrophic

Righty ho, more catastrophic. K. My apologies for using something more pleasant as an example.

As regards the child being innocent, I thought it would be quite clear by now that a person suffering/acting under the laws of karma is not innocent

And thus.. the person that abuses, strangles and kills him is not doing anything really worth worrying about.
so it seems you have more of an issue with eternal hell than eternal heaven

Not really, no - it was just one pertinent example that used both sides of eternal existence.
so even if hell was only temporary you will still hold a begrudging attitude towards heaven?

namely one's greatest pleasures are one's greatest pains

Please explain this.
name a pleasure and see if it will not be worth an equal amount of pain when it comes under the influence of the time factor

which is why there is no scope for an atheist to retreat from death, for to do so is to retreat from life

And this, I don't see much sense in what you're claiming.
lets try it another way - if the material world is not perfect and if one holds that the existence of a perfect after life is a falsity, where does one place one's desires for perfection?

don't worry

It is in my nature to care and worry about the wellbeing of my kids. You might find it easier not to, or perhaps better not to - pointless trying to lump it on me.
on the contrary such an attitude to parenthood is commendable, but even after all is said and done, your worrying will be insufficient to ultimately protect your child, since no fallible creature can offer protection to an equally fallible one
since it is unlikely that you were her parent in the previous life, what to speak of the next

In a next life someone else will borrow my sperm?
its unlikely

and if you had plowed into a semi trailer because you weren't aware that it was a one way street, what then?

Well, if the driver died that ignorance would save me from getting tried for murder. I'd probably end up with two years max instead of 30.
so inmany cases, particularly when the stakes are high, ignorance is no excuse

if the same police man catches you next week would you expect to get away with it?

Certainly not - because he and I now both know that I am not ignorant of the law, which was the point.
but what if you sincerely couldn't recall the incident even though the policeman was dead certain it was same joe goofing - would ignorance be an excuse?

your dog doesn't know that the bible is sacred, but you do however

Incorrect. The bible is a book - and not a very good one at that. It can be interesting from a history point of view, but 'sacred'? Lol.
so suppose you were attending a conference and there was a friend of your boss who you knew to be devoutly christian - your future economic stability hinged on a favorable outcome between the boss and his friend - suppose you were asked to jot down some contact details and the only writing materials on the desk were a telephone directory and a bible - which would you use?

well thats why religion usually plays a dominant role in society - god's representative and god's instruction (through scripture) is there

I see. But what of the people that end up with one of these representatives comparable to Kenny's childhood priest?
for everything that exists there is always a cheap imitation - an intelligent person can discriminate
And which god exactly.. instructions vary largely between them.
despite encountering a variety of head ache tablets in the supermarket, most people are capable of making a decision before they lose consciousness

much like if you throw the instruction manual in the bin and proceed to burn out a new piece of electronics, whose fault is it?

And, to stay with the point, if that instruction manual forgot to include most of the instructions?
then you haven't got a complete instruction manual or you don't have the sufficient resources to deem whether it is complete or not (its not uncommon for people to throw complete instruction manuals in the bin because they think they are incomplete)

further into ignorance

Which is what.. upwards/sidewards/downwards/squigglylinewards?
I though it was obvious - downwards - since most people don't consider ignorance an elevated or stabilizing state

practically in all cases suicide is not regarded as a positive alternative - the reason is that one is due an allotted amount of suffering (and also happiness) in one's life, and to try and short cut it simply results in the remainder of one's sinful reactions being delivered in the next

Well it wouldn't really matter would it? You've told me it's only temporary - no big deal.
even placing your finger in a fire causes temporary pain
The thing is of course, if you don't remember anything about a past life in your next life, you haven't actually learnt anything - and thus the entire process was a complete waste of time.
these things can be understood in the human form of life - of course if you are not interested to know you can go god knows where as you have been doing for god knows how many times
This very discussion is a complete waste of time. You could, (by some miracle), convince me that what you're saying is true... I then go and kick the bucket, come back to life and the whole lot has been forgotten. So what exactly was the point?
the human form of life is the opportunity to get out of repeated birth and death because one has the opportunity to understand god and all other things delightfully discussed on sciforums

the bible is only one book - the vedas are thousands of books

Fine, but something as important as past lives/next lives and karma could have found it's way in amongst all those wasted pages of how to burn a cow surely? (Considering burning cows was a temporary request but the issue of past/future lives seems to be an ongoing thing).
if understanding reincarnation culminates in adopting a lifestyle and if understanding the bible culminates in adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness, where does the difference ultimately lay?
What seems to be the case here is that the bible refers to a different god, and a different set of instructions.
they both refer to a supreme god, omnipotent etc - differences are superficial - just like for a person who does understand what is meant by the words "good health" sees the distinctions between massage. allopathic medicine and surgery as contradictory

In saying, the vedas instructions are of no value - unless you can show why they are.
How do you determine the value of something?

I guess the bible takes it for granted that the reader has already surmounted such attractions

Your 'guess' is interesting enough but clearly what it's taken for granted was in error.
a christian can perform pedophilia and the public won't blink an eyelid?

"why am I suffering?" is the common catalyst for sincere spiritual inquiry

Yeah I know, lottery winners don't go to church - they go out and party.
actually interesting that you bring it up - the general idea of teh materialist is that increased material opulence equals happiness but experience tells otherwise

However, the question was how can they prevent suffering in future lives? 'Spiritual inquiry' is pointless because once they're dead they forget it all.
after inquiry comes action
They get reborn unaware of anything they have done or learnt in a previous life and thus the value of it is completely negated.
therefore a fortunate person, or at least one that is not a lazy oaf, can inquire and act before they die

however even if one is incomplete in spiritual life one does not lose

BG 2.40: In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.

BG 6.38:
BG 6.39:
BG 6.40:
BG 6.41:
BG 6.42:
BG 6.43:

once a person comes to the mode of goodness there is no need for them to have weighty tomes with such things as "don't have sex with anaconda's

I was talking about raping humans, not having sex with anacondas. If your country's lawbook had no such law against raping people, could you be held accountable if you went and raped someone? No is the answer.
if it had a law about transgressing the personal rights of another individual, rape, and a whole host of other crimes would be punishable, without the need of extensive education programs

just like if your dog jay walks or steals food from the butcher it doesn't get a fine or a jail sentence (it may get beaten by a stick however)

That animal might indeed get a jail sentence. (it gets put in a cage). It's all the same thing.

whatever - but animals are not treated with the intent for rehabilitation - the reason is because they are animals

they will adopt a lifestyle in the mode of passion or ignorance

Therefore doomed to keep reincarnating not because they are specifically bad, but because they're stupid?
bad acts and stupidity make good bed fellows

obviously when we talk of reward and punishment in this world it is god's jurisdiction

I see. So god does give kids leukemia?
only to those persons who have allotted sinful reactions due to their past sinful activity

do you throw your pay check in the bin too - after all thats just ink on paper with a few funny numbers on it

I don't get pay cheques, my money just appears in my bank.. It's magical However, to answer the question.. no, that is not just ink - it's food, it's clothing.. it's the way to survive.
you can eat money?
you can wear money?
I admire your resourcefulness
If you did throw that pay cheque away and thus starved to death, would that not be suicide? (which you say is a bad thing).
so it seems that you agree that mere ink on paper can go a long way in certain circumstances

the result of such an action is that you are cultivating an adversity towards god

Which god? Of course it's meaningless to someone that lacks belief in those gods, I have no adversity - I just lack belief.
well if you desecrate scriptures with a zeal that is also not reserved for telephone books, if you take delight in offending persons who are religious, if you applaud people who perform heinous acts on recognized saintly perosns (or make jokes at their expense) etc etc then it seems to be an act of cultivation

and as long as one is in the material world one must suffer from the actions of other living entities

And the punishment of the gods, (it's their jurisdiction).
most criminals also view the punishment that gets dished out to them by authorities as having a cause external to themselves

sometimes you may be experiencing this as a king or greater , sometimes as a dog or lower

Oh I see, you reincarnate into all manner of things. The "sometimes as a dog" interest me because you said that animals are not subject to the laws of karma. What is the point in being one then?
to explore different ways and means of the futile attempt to be content in the material world - there are certainly many types of enjoyments that are exclusive to the animals don't you think (of course in the animal kingdom you generally run the risk of being eaten alive quite frequently too, so there ar ea few cons involved)

maybe your dog's concern for you is more valid

Your statement is nonsensical.
both of you are subject to death, old age and disease (and according to the laws of karma, repeatedly) - what makes your concern any more valid than your dogs (at least your dog doesn't have to perform a day job to survive)

you assume that your understanding of god's relationship with the living entity is faultless

I didn't assume anything, I asked you a question, (which, considering it's a question, would actually point at the opposite of your claim).
and part of that question is the assumption that the child who comes down with leukemia is faultless

hence your lack of theoretical understanding leads you to take a joy ride into "... and what did a three year old do to deserve getting leukemia" etc etc)

And that claimed lack of understanding will always be there if you fail to answer questions.

Further to which, I don't care what the child did to deserve it, I am asking if the gods inflicted him with it because of what he did. Your lack of understanding what a question is leads you to take a joy ride into irrelevancy.
I thought my stance would be quite obvious by now - just like a court gives out jail sentences to guilty parties due to their previous acts, god delivers similar results in the material world, which manifest as poverty, sickness, and other reductions of popularly desirable opulences

thats the point - your question is very much like it,

No it isn't.
prove it

since there are details in your question which have to be examined or clarified if one wants a yes/no answer - if you don't want to discuss it, fine, but it is hardly the manner of discussion

You've already answered the question several times, I think you're just refusing to say 'yes' here because of some pride issue. It's ok.
I think I have already answered it several times already

As regards the child being innocent, I thought it would be quite clear by now that a person suffering/acting under the laws of karma is not innocent

And thus.. the person that abuses, strangles and kills him is not doing anything really worth worrying about.
its not clear why you think like that
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This thread nicely highlights the blind alleys and pitfalls that theistic litteralism always ends up leading you down.

Firstly materialism isnt really uniformly bad, you can enjoy material form, it only becomes bad when it takes over life and over-rides your other needs and the needs of those around you.
Just dont take it to extremes.

Like-wise using any theistic text as a A-Z manual for being 'moral' will just make you end up doing mental backflips in your atempt to get around all the logical inconsistancies that undoubtedly spring up.
You really have to think for yourself when it comes to modern issues like euthenasia or animal welfare.
Second-guessing what God would want wont get you anywhere; the whole point of being a sentient being is that you make your own judgements and create your own systems of value.
That in turn is the whole point of having free-will - its our creative self-agency afforded to us for the purpose of drawing our own conclusions.
By soley deriving ethics from an out of date theistic manual you ultimately end up side-stepping one of the central aspects of being alive, and ultimatley copping out.

You also have to be careful with over-subscribing meaning, there is order in the universe but theres also chaos.
Again its over-litteralism that leads people to believing that every slight and scrape is God whispering in your ear. Some things just dont happen for any reason atall, you can litterally drive yourself insane and become a deeply irrational human being atemping to percieve any illness and injury as God 'punishing people'.
Just look at the Christian right in America, Aids is 'God's way of punishing homosexuals', that's exactly where that type of logic ends up leading you.

Basically extremism and over-litteralism results in verbal cod-shit, middle way ftw.
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then he is either a fool or you are not a reliable medium for communicating his ideas (BTW its not uncommon to encounter persons who are connected to some historical tradition - even I am - what is more uncommon however is to encounter persons who can offer references for their statements (either scriptural or writings by acknowledged authorities on scripture)

No LG, clearly the problem here is you. You have statistically been proven wrong, inaccurate, posturing and even sanctimonious in your responses, usually backed up only by what you perceive to be reality. This is why I told you that he teaches hinduism, after being trained by the pundit dude...who btw IS an authority on hinduism with BI's and whatnot in various Hindu and Indian achievements. I don't care about such 'authority' but you should.

this would probable make it more difficult for you to transmit ideas on the subject from a third party

No...all this requires is a command of the English language.

its still not clear how you determine whether something is theologically and theologically more sensible - if you are applying it according to how you think the universe should be run (ie using your insignificant sense perception) , we can safely disregard it

My goodness LG, am I hitting a nerve? You have not been so critical before. When I say theologically more sensible, I mean comparing it to patterns in religions already invented, since we all know that every single one is a human invention, they should have obvious parallels.

what on earth makes you say that?
i would have thought that your description would, what with advocating that yamaraj can call the shots on mortality on his own whim

So, you're saying choosing to STOP reincarnating isn't accessing 'godlike' powers? And the death thing is more of a begging scenario. Mortals can plea to the death god for an extension, but both his patience and your effect on the timeline has limits, thus the extension of mortality is just that, a temporary loan on life.

we may get them (and even then they are limited in comparison to god - like we may get wealth, but we don't get all the wealth in the universe) but we can be more certain that we will lose them - and the easiest way to lose them is to misuse them (ie use them in the service of our own sense enjoyment instead of god)

*Yawn* self-serving justification. A convenient loophole - mortals can be a little godlike but not fully godlike.

Very clearly. Extremely clearly. Brilliantly clearly. Indubitably clearly. Should I be any more clear LG?

It has been repeated often that the perception of good and evil has changed over time. It was entertainment for lethal gladiatoral sports to exist, and now swords have been swapped with cushioned sticks. It was considered holy to have women in a servile role...even have more than one wife, now they run giant corporations and rule countries alongside male counterparts...and certainly don't stand for infidelity (usually). Just 2 examples off the top of my head that morality has evolved.

Come now LG, do we have to assume you've travelled thru time from the year 781 or something?

once again, assuming that we are a blank slate in terms of sinful history and are acting in strict accordance with god's instructions

You seem to accept that the sins of the father must be paid for by the son. Pitiful LG. Pitiful.

carnage of the bible?
excuse me?

LG hunny, don't be coy. We've done the death and destruction in the bible ad nauseam on other threads. Start with the thread that god killed 2M people as opposed to satan's 10, and go backwards.
so even if hell was only temporary you will still hold a begrudging attitude towards heaven?

Begrudging isn't really the word I would use. I wouldn't personally want to be there if such a place existed, (and was eternal). I have no quarrels with those that do. I don't personally really want to go to Toys R Us either.. does that mean I have a begrudging attitude towards it? No LG it doesn't, it just means I don't want to be there.

name a pleasure and see if it will not be worth an equal amount of pain when it comes under the influence of the time factor

Can you cite me an example please, I'm unsure exactly what you're referring to.

if the material world is not perfect and if one holds that the existence of a perfect after life is a falsity, where does one place one's desires for perfection?

Who's the one with desires for perfection?

but even after all is said and done, your worrying will be insufficient to ultimately protect your child, since no fallible creature can offer protection to an equally fallible one

An inability to protect someone wasn't really the point.

its unlikely

So uhh, how else is someone going to be her parent? Unless she's not who she is now.. In which case the whole thing's a waste of time.

so inmany cases, particularly when the stakes are high, ignorance is no excuse

But it is. That ignorance changes a life sentence into a minor sentence or perhaps no sentence at all, (some community service or something). It happens quite a lot in England at any rate.

but what if you sincerely couldn't recall the incident even though the policeman was dead certain it was same joe goofing - would ignorance be an excuse?

Perhaps if you could prove that you had no recollection of the former incident. It's unlikely you'd be able to do so however.

so suppose you were attending a conference and there was a friend of your boss who you knew to be devoutly christian - your future economic stability hinged on a favorable outcome between the boss and his friend - suppose you were asked to jot down some contact details and the only writing materials on the desk were a telephone directory and a bible - which would you use?

The question is loaded: (i.e the owner in your example was a devout christian. As such I would use the phone directory - not because I have any respect for the bible but A) I generally put others feelings first and B) Apparently my future economic stability relies on me not pissing him off.

If, to use a better analogy, I was at home and some guy phoned up with some details I needed to jot. If the only thing present was a bible and my hand I would use the bible - I can't stand ink on my skin.

Needless to say, many people - yes even theists - do write in their bibles, (notes on specific passages and whatnot). At one of these church meetings back in March the priest even encouraged it if it helps people.

for everything that exists there is always a cheap imitation - an intelligent person can discriminate

Any old idiot can discriminate - and they do. Something you deem as wrong you'll instantly go against, (and for some bizarre reason consider yourself intelligent for doing so), while not understanding that there are many equally and more intelligent people that consider you wrong. It's easy for you, anonymous on the internet, to think and be under the delusion that you have the say on what is and what isn't, and anyone that disagrees with you clearly only does so because they're not intelligent. No offence, but it's naive.

despite encountering a variety of head ache tablets in the supermarket, most people are capable of making a decision before they lose consciousness

Didn't answer my question. Which god? You could just wildly choose a tablet, but then find yourself still with a headache because you didn't choose the right tablets. Instead of curing your headache you actually got laxatives and now spend the next 4 hours shitting constantly. Headache's still there. So.. which god?

then you haven't got a complete instruction manual or you don't have the sufficient resources to deem whether it is complete or not

An incomplete instruction manual is pointless.

(its not uncommon for people to throw complete instruction manuals in the bin because they think they are incomplete)

If you say so, can't say I spend much time asking people what they do with instruction manuals. Are you perhaps projecting what you do onto everyone else?

I though it was obvious - downwards - since most people don't consider ignorance an elevated or stabilizing state

Clearly it wasn't obvious, I thought the answer would be sideways. (up - heaven, down - hell, sideways - reincarnation. Surely if one is ignorant he must keep going until he loses that ignorance)?

even placing your finger in a fire causes temporary pain

Not if you're wearing special heat resistant gloves.

these things can be understood in the human form of life - of course if you are not interested to know you can go god knows where as you have been doing for god knows how many times

I don't see the relevance of your statement to mine. If you reincarnate without any memory of your past lives then anything learnt in those lives is a complete waste of time.

the human form of life is the opportunity to get out of repeated birth and death because one has the opportunity to understand god and all other things delightfully discussed on sciforums

And that helps me how if I die and get reincarnated?

if understanding reincarnation culminates in adopting a lifestyle and if understanding the bible culminates in adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness, where does the difference ultimately lay?

The difference lies in the fact that they feature different gods and different rules.

they both refer to a supreme god, omnipotent etc - differences are superficial

No they're not, only to someone that cannot give a decent answer regarding the fact that these entities are largely different beings.

How do you determine the value of something?

The question isn't really relevant. I was saying that as the vedas are not connected in any way to the bible, the instructions in the vedas are worthless to someone that believes in the bible and the biblical god. How many christians do you think have honestly sat down and paid any attention to the vedas or the collection of blue, 6 armed, elephant headed gods therein?

a christian can perform pedophilia and the public won't blink an eyelid?

What year?

actually interesting that you bring it up - the general idea of teh materialist is that increased material opulence equals happiness but experience tells otherwise

Unfortunately the news report mentions lottery winners but then does a survey with nobody that's won the lottery. Instead they use a bunch of students, (who it is quite well known are generally piss poor). So, when asked what they enjoyed most in the last month it's unlikely to be "spent loads of money", because they don't have any. If you're a student, and thus most likely struggling financially, the very thought of spending money tends to make one unhappy.

therefore a fortunate person, or at least one that is not a lazy oaf, can inquire and act before they die

Fortunate people.. I see.

This is my doubt, O Kr?s?n?a

Why the question marks? Forgot the dude's name?

if it had a law about transgressing the personal rights of another individual, rape, and a whole host of other crimes would be punishable, without the need of extensive education programs

If the only laws, as explained earlier, were murder and theft, could you be accountable for raping a person? No is the answer.

whatever - but animals are not treated with the intent for rehabilitation - the reason is because they are animals

Neither were the convicts sent to Australia and in many cases neither are the people in prison cells around the world right now.

only to those persons who have allotted sinful reactions due to their past sinful activity

So that's a yes?

you can eat money?
you can wear money?
I admire your resourcefulness

Ok, I wasn't under the impression that you were an intelligent individual, but c'mon..

so it seems that you agree that mere ink on paper can go a long way in certain circumstances

The paper merely goes to the bank, you get paid, the paper goes in the bin. Bible gets read, you had brief amusement, bible goes in the bin. Btw, wasn't an answer to my question.

well if you desecrate scriptures with a zeal that is also not reserved for telephone books, if you take delight in offending persons who are religious, if you applaud people who perform heinous acts on recognized saintly perosns (or make jokes at their expense) etc etc then it seems to be an act of cultivation

I suppose that depends. If you're that uptight and have no sense of humour then ok. Even the priest down the road writes in his bible, and probably on his phone book too.. and he can take a joke and even make a joke at his own expense. Perhaps you're just a bit... tender LG.

However this is largely irrelevant.. I have no adversity to gods, I simply lack belief in them. Should be easy for an intelligent person to grasp.

most criminals also view the punishment that gets dished out to them by authorities as having a cause external to themselves

Not the ones I have spoken to and treated. You'll know more than me on the subject undoubtedly. Spend much time with criminals?

to explore different ways and means of the futile attempt to be content in the material world

And how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?

and part of that question is the assumption that the child who comes down with leukemia is faultless

Must be one of those magical invisible parts. Furthermore it should be plainly obvious that the question makes no such assumption considering the line just after that states: "I am asking if the gods inflicted him with it because of what he did." The 'because of what he did' shows beyond any doubt that the preceding question does not assume he is faultless. Quite simple really.

I thought my stance would be quite obvious by now - just like a court gives out jail sentences to guilty parties due to their previous acts, god delivers similar results in the material world, which manifest as poverty, sickness, and other reductions of popularly desirable opulences

Fine, so god gives kids leukemia. Wasn't so hard now was it?

its not clear why you think like that

It should be plainly obvious.
Enterprise D

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
then he is either a fool or you are not a reliable medium for communicating his ideas (BTW its not uncommon to encounter persons who are connected to some historical tradition - even I am - what is more uncommon however is to encounter persons who can offer references for their statements (either scriptural or writings by acknowledged authorities on scripture)

No LG, clearly the problem here is you. You have statistically been proven wrong, inaccurate, posturing and even sanctimonious in your responses, usually backed up only by what you perceive to be reality.
actually I back up my statements with quotes from the vedas - your stance is basically "I told some guy what I think you think and he said what you think is wrong" - without some clear authoritative reference its not clear how the discussion would progress (and a discussion related to hinduism would be inextricably connected to the vedas don't you think?)
This is why I told you that he teaches hinduism, after being trained by the pundit dude...
and as I said earlier, like him there are thousands, but until you can venture into the specifics of the "pundit dude' or even what his exact stance was, it sa bit difficult to discuss anything but hearsay
who btw IS an authority on hinduism with BI's and whatnot in various Hindu and Indian achievements.
actually who is qualified to speak or teach the vedas are established in the vedas

NoI 1: A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

BG 18.42:

actually its a whole thing how academic circles of hinduism are thoroughly corrupted by imperial british syllabuses aimed at making indian culture subservient or inferior to eurocentric versions

at the very least, you won't find mention in the vedas of persons to be accepted as vedic authorities if they have BI's and whatnot in various Hindu and Indian achievements

I don't care about such 'authority' but you should.
if you want to talk about authorities in the vedas why not consult the vedas?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
this would probable make it more difficult for you to transmit ideas on the subject from a third party

No...all this requires is a command of the English language
and I guess the internet is an indication of the clean cut pathways of communication in this regard eh?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
its still not clear how you determine whether something is theologically and theologically more sensible - if you are applying it according to how you think the universe should be run (ie using your insignificant sense perception) , we can safely disregard it

My goodness LG, am I hitting a nerve? You have not been so critical before. When I say theologically more sensible, I mean comparing it to patterns in religions already invented, since we all know that every single one is a human invention,
we already know that all religions are invented by humans?
what body of knowledge are you referring to here?
I would have thought that to determine that the concept of god is a human creation would require at least omnipotence and/or omniscience - lol
they should have obvious parallels.
if you have no understanding of religion as a foundation, how would you determine parraleles - like if you have no conception of good health, how would you determine the parralels between massage, surgery and allopathic medicine?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
what on earth makes you say that?
i would have thought that your description would, what with advocating that yamaraj can call the shots on mortality on his own whim

So, you're saying choosing to STOP reincarnating isn't accessing 'godlike' powers?
stopping repeated birth and death requires coming to the platform of liberation which involves surrender to god (which is the essence of any religion BTW) - in other words it is a benediction offered by god, as opposed to a result that one wrings out by manipulating the world

And the death thing is more of a begging scenario. Mortals can plea to the death god for an extension, but both his patience and your effect on the timeline has limits, thus the extension of mortality is just that, a temporary loan on life.
therefore it is not recommended that the solution to death is to appease yamaraj (who is a demigod) - there are recommendations however to appease visnu or his pure devotees

BG 3.10:
SB 1.2.26:
SB 1.2.27:
SB 1.2.28-29:

etc etc

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
we may get them (and even then they are limited in comparison to god - like we may get wealth, but we don't get all the wealth in the universe) but we can be more certain that we will lose them - and the easiest way to lose them is to misuse them (ie use them in the service of our own sense enjoyment instead of god)

*Yawn* self-serving justification. A convenient loophole - mortals can be a little godlike but not fully godlike.

humans can be godly but not god (obviously)

and god can possess some qualities (omnipotent, omnipresence etc) that the living entity cannot

and there are some qualities of god that are unique to his his topmost original form, even amongst other forms of godhood

Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, after consulting various scriptures, has enumerated the transcendental qualities of the Lord as follows: (1) beautiful features of the entire body; (2) marked with all auspicious characteristics; (3) extremely pleasing; (4) effulgent; (5) strong; (6) ever youthful; (7) wonderful linguist; (8) truthful; (9) talks pleasingly; (10) fluent; (11) highly learned; (12) highly intelligent; (13) a genius; (14) artistic; (15) extremely clever; (16) expert; (17) grateful; (18) firmly determined; (19) an expert judge of time and circumstances; (20) sees and speaks on the authority of Vedas, or scriptures; (21) pure; (22) self-controlled; (23) steadfast; (24) forbearing; (25) forgiving; (26) grave; (27) self-satisfied; (28) possessing equilibrium; (29) magnanimous; (30) religious; (31) heroic; (32) compassionate; (33) respectful; (34) gentle; (35) liberal; (36) shy; (37) the protector of surrendered souls; (38) happy; (39) the well-wisher of devotees; (40) controlled by love; (41) all-auspicious; (42) most powerful; (43) all-famous; (44) popular; (45) partial to devotees; (46) very attractive to all women; (47) all-worshipable; (48) all-opulent; (49) all-honorable; (50) the supreme controller. The Supreme Personality of Godhead has all these fifty transcendental qualities in fullness as deep as the ocean. In other words, the extent of His qualities is inconceivable.

As parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, the individual living entities can also possess all of these qualities in minute quantities, provided they become pure devotees of the Lord. In other words, all of the above transcendental qualities can be present in the devotees in minute quantity, whereas the qualities in fullness are always present in the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Besides all of the above-mentioned fifty qualities, Lord Kṛṣṇa possesses five more, which are sometimes partially manifested in the persons of Lord Brahmā or Lord Śiva. These transcendental qualities are as follows: (51) changeless; (52) all-cognizant; (53) ever fresh; (54) sac-cid-ānanda (possessing an eternal blissful body); (55) possessing all mystic perfections.

Kṛṣṇa also possesses five other qualities, which are manifest in the body of Nārāyaṇa, and they are listed as follows. (56) He has inconceivable potency. (57) Uncountable universes generate from His body. (58) He is the original source of all incarnations. (59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. (60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Lord Kṛṣṇa.

Besides these sixty transcendental qualities, Kṛṣṇa has four more, which are not manifest even in the Nārāyaṇa form of Godhead, what to speak of the demigods or living entities. They are as follows. (61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (62) He is surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead. (63) He can attract all living entities all over the universes (64) He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in the creation.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic

Very clearly. Extremely clearly. Brilliantly clearly. Indubitably clearly. Should I be any more clear LG?

It has been repeated often that the perception of good and evil has changed over time. It was entertainment for lethal gladiatoral sports to exist, and now swords have been swapped with cushioned sticks. It was considered holy to have women in a servile role...even have more than one wife, now they run giant corporations and rule countries alongside male counterparts...and certainly don't stand for infidelity (usually). Just 2 examples off the top of my head that morality has evolved.
change is one thing - to say that what is considered evil and what is considered good are interchangable and fully capable of granting an environment that is progressive certainly does not sound intelligent

Come now LG, do we have to assume you've travelled thru time from the year 781 or something?
well if I assume that eating new born babies is evil does that mean it will be good in another thousand years or so?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
once again, assuming that we are a blank slate in terms of sinful history and are acting in strict accordance with god's instructions

You seem to accept that the sins of the father must be paid for by the son. Pitiful LG. Pitiful.
actually its more along the lines that the sinful acts of the living entity in a previous life will come to fruition in a future life - maybe now you can see why I am doubtful of your capacity to represent me to another person in hinduism, and then transmit their reply back

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
carnage of the bible?
excuse me?

LG hunny, don't be coy. We've done the death and destruction in the bible ad nauseam on other threads. Start with the thread that god killed 2M people as opposed to satan's 10, and go backwards.
maybe you should consider what the hell the living entity is doing in the material atmosphere in the first place (people are dying everyday by the thousands - they are also being born too) - the time factor reigns supreme

BG 11.32:
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so even if hell was only temporary you will still hold a begrudging attitude towards heaven?

Begrudging isn't really the word I would use. I wouldn't personally want to be there if such a place existed, (and was eternal). I have no quarrels with those that do. I don't personally really want to go to Toys R Us either.. does that mean I have a begrudging attitude towards it? No LG it doesn't, it just means I don't want to be there.
well all you have given us as to why an eternal heaven is the pits is because it would be along side an eternal hell - i suggested what if hell wasn't eternal (which means that the only avenue for eternal existence would be heaven) - you are still yet to say why you think that wouldn't work, or what is seriously wrong with such a notion

name a pleasure and see if it will not be worth an equal amount of pain when it comes under the influence of the time factor

Can you cite me an example please, I'm unsure exactly what you're referring to.
ok how about owning a new car

if the material world is not perfect and if one holds that the existence of a perfect after life is a falsity, where does one place one's desires for perfection?

Who's the one with desires for perfection?
so you are happy to see people die and have your molars rot?

but even after all is said and done, your worrying will be insufficient to ultimately protect your child, since no fallible creature can offer protection to an equally fallible one

An inability to protect someone wasn't really the point.
do you worry that your daughter is not protecting you then?

its unlikely

So uhh, how else is someone going to be her parent? Unless she's not who she is now.. In which case the whole thing's a waste of time.
I thought it would have been quite obvious that reincarnation pertains to the life force in the body and not the body itself

so inmany cases, particularly when the stakes are high, ignorance is no excuse

But it is. That ignorance changes a life sentence into a minor sentence or perhaps no sentence at all, (some community service or something). It happens quite a lot in England at any rate.
only in minor affairs - if you start talking about things like fraud, national security and murder the stakes are quite constant - in the same way when you start talking about leukemia and the like, ignorant or not is not really an issue

but what if you sincerely couldn't recall the incident even though the policeman was dead certain it was same joe goofing - would ignorance be an excuse?

Perhaps if you could prove that you had no recollection of the former incident. It's unlikely you'd be able to do so however.
hence even in minor affairs ignorance can be no excuse

so suppose you were attending a conference and there was a friend of your boss who you knew to be devoutly christian - your future economic stability hinged on a favorable outcome between the boss and his friend - suppose you were asked to jot down some contact details and the only writing materials on the desk were a telephone directory and a bible - which would you use?

The question is loaded: (i.e the owner in your example was a devout christian. As such I would use the phone directory - not because I have any respect for the bible but A) I generally put others feelings first and B) Apparently my future economic stability relies on me not pissing him off.
so its not inconceivable to you that the bible is sacred - in other words if desecrating scripture is a sin, you couldn't offer some sort of excuse like you did to the police officer in regard to the seating of children in vehicles - of course you may not think the bible is sacred, but that is just like you thinking that the new changes to the law are no so important

for everything that exists there is always a cheap imitation - an intelligent person can discriminate

Any old idiot can discriminate - and they do.
hence there is intelligent discrimination and unintelligent discrimination - to determine the difference requires an examination on the foundation they lie
Something you deem as wrong you'll instantly go against, (and for some bizarre reason consider yourself intelligent for doing so), while not understanding that there are many equally and more intelligent people that consider you wrong. It's easy for you, anonymous on the internet, to think and be under the delusion that you have the say on what is and what isn't, and anyone that disagrees with you clearly only does so because they're not intelligent. No offence, but it's naive.
if you inquire how one determined that a person was a saintly person in whom one should invest one's faith and all they can come up with is that he was in a particular institution and wore a particular type of uniform (and if one cannot cite scriptural references as to the qualities of a saintly person) that doesn't come across as intelligent

despite encountering a variety of head ache tablets in the supermarket, most people are capable of making a decision before they lose consciousness

Didn't answer my question. Which god? You could just wildly choose a tablet, but then find yourself still with a headache because you didn't choose the right tablets. Instead of curing your headache you actually got laxatives and now spend the next 4 hours shitting constantly. Headache's still there. So.. which god?
so headache tablets have certain qualities and laxative tablets have certain qualities - they also share some similar qualities too, but those similar qualities are superficial - just like a person familiar only with the superficial qualities of head ache tablet could make such a mistake, a person only superficially familiar with the qualities of god, religion or a saintly person could make such a mistake

then you haven't got a complete instruction manual or you don't have the sufficient resources to deem whether it is complete or not

An incomplete instruction manual is pointless.
more pointless is a person who thinks a complete instruction manual is incomplete (in other words does a scripture require intrinsic information of every single facet of material creation to be complete or does it require the necessary instructions on how to surrender to god bereft of material desire to be complete?)

(its not uncommon for people to throw complete instruction manuals in the bin because they think they are incomplete)

If you say so, can't say I spend much time asking people what they do with instruction manuals. Are you perhaps projecting what you do onto everyone else?
I have a friend who works on a customer complaint line - its a common trend

I though it was obvious - downwards - since most people don't consider ignorance an elevated or stabilizing state

Clearly it wasn't obvious, I thought the answer would be sideways. (up - heaven, down - hell, sideways - reincarnation. Surely if one is ignorant he must keep going until he loses that ignorance)?
one keeps on down in ignorance until they come to passion (sideways) or even better, goodness (upwards)

these things can be understood in the human form of life - of course if you are not interested to know you can go god knows where as you have been doing for god knows how many times

I don't see the relevance of your statement to mine. If you reincarnate without any memory of your past lives then anything learnt in those lives is a complete waste of time.
hence understanding this, an intelligent person can develop the desire to understand things that are eternal and absolute, rather than temporary and phantasmagorial

the human form of life is the opportunity to get out of repeated birth and death because one has the opportunity to understand god and all other things delightfully discussed on sciforums

And that helps me how if I die and get reincarnated?

BG 2.40: In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.

if understanding reincarnation culminates in adopting a lifestyle and if understanding the bible culminates in adopting a lifestyle in the mode of goodness, where does the difference ultimately lay?

The difference lies in the fact that they feature different gods and different rules.
what is different about the gods?
why would different rules involve different results? (for instance there are different rules for different license holders but they all culminate in road safety)

they both refer to a supreme god, omnipotent etc - differences are superficial

No they're not,
prove it

How do you determine the value of something?

The question isn't really relevant. I was saying that as the vedas are not connected in any way to the bible,
its just a coincidence that they both deal with the nature of the absolute controller of the universe and how to know him?
the instructions in the vedas are worthless to someone that believes in the bible and the biblical god. How many christians do you think have honestly sat down and paid any attention to the vedas or the collection of blue, 6 armed, elephant headed gods therein?
quite a few (obviously you are not a big fan of attending inter-religious dialogs)
I recall seeing the brahma samhita recited by the boys quoir in the vatican a few years ago

a christian can perform pedophilia and the public won't blink an eyelid?

What year?
preferably from an era that can be sufficiently historically analyzed

actually interesting that you bring it up - the general idea of teh materialist is that increased material opulence equals happiness but experience tells otherwise

Unfortunately the news report mentions lottery winners but then does a survey with nobody that's won the lottery. Instead they use a bunch of students, (who it is quite well known are generally piss poor). So, when asked what they enjoyed most in the last month it's unlikely to be "spent loads of money", because they don't have any. If you're a student, and thus most likely struggling financially, the very thought of spending money tends to make one unhappy.

do you know that in the states it is mandatory for lottery winners to attend classes on how to utilize their money just so the lottery companies can be legally protected from being sued by persons claiming winning the lottery ruined their lives?

therefore a fortunate person, or at least one that is not a lazy oaf, can inquire and act before they die

Fortunate people.. I see.
arm chair philosophers tend to lack a certain something

if it had a law about transgressing the personal rights of another individual, rape, and a whole host of other crimes would be punishable, without the need of extensive education programs

If the only laws, as explained earlier, were murder and theft, could you be accountable for raping a person? No is the answer.
hence codes in religion indicate a general principle that an intelligent person can comprehend (and that a miscreant can misrepresent to suit their needs)

whatever - but animals are not treated with the intent for rehabilitation - the reason is because they are animals

Neither were the convicts sent to Australia
actually they could get a "ticket of leave" after doing a certain amount of time

and in many cases neither are the people in prison cells around the world right now.
hence they are subject to lobbying by human rights movements

only to those persons who have allotted sinful reactions due to their past sinful activity

So that's a yes?
is your middle name "lightning"?

you can eat money?
you can wear money?
I admire your resourcefulness

Ok, I wasn't under the impression that you were an intelligent individual, but c'mon..
I am also equally unaware how a person can view any printed medium as merely ink on paper (unless they have been brought up somewhere in an isolated part of the amazon basin)

so it seems that you agree that mere ink on paper can go a long way in certain circumstances

The paper merely goes to the bank, you get paid, the paper goes in the bin. Bible gets read, you had brief amusement, bible goes in the bin. Btw, wasn't an answer to my question.
so if its all about going to the bin why bother taking it to the bank first?

well if you desecrate scriptures with a zeal that is also not reserved for telephone books, if you take delight in offending persons who are religious, if you applaud people who perform heinous acts on recognized saintly perosns (or make jokes at their expense) etc etc then it seems to be an act of cultivation

I suppose that depends. If you're that uptight and have no sense of humour then ok.
so as a parent you can roar with delight about pedophile jokes involving young girls or does the issue of bad taste arise?

Even the priest down the road writes in his bible, and probably on his phone book too.. and he can take a joke and even make a joke at his own expense. Perhaps you're just a bit... tender LG.
I am sure he doesn't throw it in the bin, take delight in offending persons who are religious or applaud those who perform heinous acts to recognized saintly persons

However this is largely irrelevant.. I have no adversity to gods, I simply lack belief in them. Should be easy for an intelligent person to grasp.
if you were truly neutral to the subject, you wouldn't be actively cultivating an adversity towards it, as previously mentioned

most criminals also view the punishment that gets dished out to them by authorities as having a cause external to themselves

Not the ones I have spoken to and treated.
no doubt you are involved in helping them process their grief (if they could process it without you, your assistance wouldn't be required)
You'll know more than me on the subject undoubtedly. Spend much time with criminals?
yes - at least a 2 year stint on prison rehab

to explore different ways and means of the futile attempt to be content in the material world

And how does that help when as a dog you wont understand anything and once you're dead and reincarnated you wont remember having been there?
one down and another 8 399 999 other species of life to examine

and part of that question is the assumption that the child who comes down with leukemia is faultless

Must be one of those magical invisible parts.
certainly according to a reductionists view of the phenomena of consciousness, yes
Furthermore it should be plainly obvious that the question makes no such assumption considering the line just after that states: "I am asking if the gods inflicted him with it because of what he did." The 'because of what he did' shows beyond any doubt that the preceding question does not assume he is faultless. Quite simple really.
then your next line is no doubt - "and what did the three year old do to deserve it?"

I thought my stance would be quite obvious by now - just like a court gives out jail sentences to guilty parties due to their previous acts, god delivers similar results in the material world, which manifest as poverty, sickness, and other reductions of popularly desirable opulences

Fine, so god gives kids leukemia. Wasn't so hard now was it?
Snake "lightning" Lord

its not clear why you think like that

It should be plainly obvious.
obviously not