Would God be Cruel to an Innocent?

God is loving, but God's love requires God's justice. Many people struggle with this. Now, how could a loving God command the destruction of all those "innocent" people? The argument sounds good, but it isn't. The unstated assumption is that the people who God ordered destroyed were morally equivalent to the Jews, who replaced them. Deuteronomy 9:5 and Deuteronomy 12:31 talks about the "wicked" people.

How "wicked" could those people have been? Well, how about killing their own sons and daughters by burning them in sacrifices to their gods. These people are not quite as innocent as some atheists would like you to believe.

This was the exception to the rule. God killed for the least or greatest offense, with prejudice. Starting at Numbers 16:30, you will read how God killed folks for . "wicked" people as you might say. The Isrealites are scared because of the spectacle, and complain about how Moses had played a part in the execution. So, God killed 14,700 Isrealites by plague for complaining. It was really a heartless act, as these people were confused, scared, and sad. It is perfectly normal for a person to feel anger towards the judge who puts their guilty son in the chair. God had no mercy in this case.
Let me help him.

Would rabies attack a fluffy little doe eyed puppy dog?

Would it make him lather at the mouth, fear water and eat away his brain until he goes slowly painfully tortuously mad?

Of course. But your analogy assumes that God is mindless.
Something mindless cannot be cruel.
Now clearly as I've said before, God is in this universe. He's nowhere else right?

I don't think any claims of 'God' specify where it is located (inside the universe or outside).

Well anyways, if a innocent is considering "God", and considers something of his, and doesn't like it. Would that person suffer because of it.

Of course. Basically if you don't accept the existence of and worship the correct 'God' then it will punish you for all 'eternity'. In many cases that punishment involves non-stop torture (ex. being ripped to shreds by fanged beasts, regenerating, and repeated for all 'eternity').
Hey, don't forget about what your God told Abraham to do to his son, KILL HIM! The son had done nothing wrong and was only a snall child. What's up with that anyway?
"Would God be Cruel to an Innocent?"

God isn't cruel, he's righteous.
Of course. But your analogy assumes that God is mindless.
Something mindless cannot be cruel.

So you never use antibiotics?

:bugeye: Of course they do.

And if you don't think so, why don't you inject those carcinogens into yourself ?

So you don't use any medicines generated by animal research?

Because its cruel and mindless?

Hey, don't forget about what your God told Abraham to do to his son, KILL HIM! The son had done nothing wrong and was only a snall child. What's up with that anyway?

Its the choice between subjective passion and objective truth. God stands for truth and wants to be chosen above base passions. The son is a symbol of all you hold most dear. Would you sacrifice all you hold most dear for the truth?

A practical example would be, if you found out your son was a serial killer, would you help him or give him up?

You can see a similar lesson in the Bhagwad Gita when Krishna tells Arjun that even if he has to fight/kill his own brothers for what is right, he must be steadfast.
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A practical example would be, if you found out your son was a serial killer, would you help him or give him up?

It would depend upon the circumstances at the time. Say he was in my house, armed and threatened to kill me or his sister who was there. In that case I wouldn't turn him in but wait until he left. Since he hasn't been tried in a court yet he is presumed innocent until he has been tried and found guilty. He is still my son and I would stay by his side until whatever happens...happened.;)

You can see a similar lesson in the Bhagwad Gita when Krishna tells Arjun that even if he has to fight/kill his own brothers for what is right, he must be steadfast

Depends upon what is "right". Say he thought there was no water under the ground but his brothers say there is. Is it worth killing over such matters? Why not find the truth before there's any violence and then there wouldn't be a need for killing. To many times people kill without thinking things through.:)
It would depend upon the circumstances at the time. Say he was in my house, armed and threatened to kill me or his sister who was there. In that case I wouldn't turn him in but wait until he left. Since he hasn't been tried in a court yet he is presumed innocent until he has been tried and found guilty. He is still my son and I would stay by his side until whatever happens...happened.;)

So you already picked your side.:shrug:

Depends upon what is "right". Say he thought there was no water under the ground but his brothers say there is. Is it worth killing over such matters? Why not find the truth before there's any violence and then there wouldn't be a need for killing. To many times people kill without thinking things through.:)

What is right is usually a matter of individual conscience. If you don't know what is right, you're already in trouble.
This was the exception to the rule. God killed for the least or greatest offense, with prejudice. Starting at Numbers 16:30, you will read how God killed folks for . "wicked" people as you might say. The Isrealites are scared because of the spectacle, and complain about how Moses had played a part in the execution. So, God killed 14,700 Isrealites by plague for complaining. It was really a heartless act, as these people were confused, scared, and sad. It is perfectly normal for a person to feel anger towards the judge who puts their guilty son in the chair. God had no mercy in this case.

From what I understand the leader Korah, and his army, although died in that way, (swallowed up by the earth), while in the midst of their decent into shoel, suddenly began their ascent into heaven, due to the prayers of a woman named Hanna.

God, rid the earth of something so evil, he commanded the priests not to touch anything belonging to these people, and they eventually ascended into heaven.
It also says that God sent every possession of Korah, including linen, into hole along with him.

This is a crude explanation of those events, but it should give you a different perspective.

So, God does not destroy the righteous along with the evil.

Oh so children aren't people? What about the first born son of all of the Egyptians during passover? It wasn't the son's fault their parents didn't blood on their door. Why didn't God kill the people who actually were holding his people captive instead of their children? The God of the Old Testament was not a very nice guy. Jesus loved the children, why didn't his Father?
From what I understand the leader Korah, and his army, although died in that way, (swallowed up by the earth), while in the midst of their decent into shoel, suddenly began their ascent into heaven, due to the prayers of a woman named Hanna.

God, rid the earth of something so evil, he commanded the priests not to touch anything belonging to these people, and they eventually ascended into heaven.
It also says that God sent every possession of Korah, including linen, into hole along with him.

This is a crude explanation of those events, but it should give you a different perspective.



You are talking about the 250 deaths preceding the event in question. I am talking about the 14,700 Jews that were killed for complaining because they were scared, confused, or just hurting from the loss of human life. They pointed at Moses and Aaron for playing a part in the 250 deaths. And he did! Weather or not the 250 deaths were justified is another matter.

The natural human response to seeing the "ground swallow" up 250 people is a variety of things. I don't know if the 14k people deserved death, but the Bible does not hint to any crime except complaining. When someone complains about something it's most likely that they don't understand the situation. You don't kill the ignorant nor the misinformed. Or, do you?