World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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I can understand folk wanting good evidence but is it not a pity that the demand for good evidence was not insisted upon when everyone bought the weapons of mass destruction cry on much much less.

We had I believe over 2000 architects saying there was something fishy ...experts by the way...who petitioned for a deeper enquirey that were ignored it seems...all nutters no doubt.

As I said I dont care but to reject various experts from architects engineers and physisists as of no consequence and that their views are nonsense is most telling.

Any eye witness of molten metal are dismissed, demolition experts who claim controlled demolition are dismissed , physists who take the time to analyse the fall rate are dismissed.

All who present a case or suggestion are attacked on a personal level and their "reasonable" concerns are dismissed.

And to ridicule folk with a desire to find out what happened and lable them "truthers" is extraordinary as if seeking the truth is some how wrong.

Anyways I dont care I really dont care but to say there is absolutely nothing that raises concern is crazy in my view.

Admittedly the vids vary and there is nonsence in there but so many situations are cloudy.

If the work physics put forward is wrong that would be something...

The mark of a good con job is the victim refuses to tell others or even admit to themselves they have been far I am the only one here to admit the posibility that I could be conned either by the truthers or by "the government".

And I am the mug umongst you...seems I think a little deeper and consider all the posibilities.

Then there is who benefited and who did not.

Following the money is not a new idea nor does it necessarily lead to a guilty suspect but if someone is murdered the first person of interest is the beneficiary of the life insurance policy...and so folk who jump to the conclusion of the beneficiars of the horror are suspect is not unteasonable...but they need proof and one would like to think if someone is guilty they would have been brought to justice years ago.

When I saw no 7 come down on the day I said the building looked like a controlled demo and that was before it was put forward by any "truther" and all in the room thought the same because that is what it looks like.

Have another look now and tell me that to think same is is not...and maybe thats an incorrect view..but that is what it looks like and to say otherwise...well just look at the demo vid I posted...there are many controlled demos not as neat as no 7 and those that tilted did so apparently because the charges went off just milliseconds outta it not reasonable to expect a building with fire here and there and damage here and there may just tilt a little...and then earlier the building owner (it was the building owner and not the fire chief) said on world wide TV " pull it" .... cant you guys who say these truthers are nuts put it all together and wonder...just dont have to agree but this across the board of flat dismissal of experts for me only makes the affair seem very fishy indeed.

But having said all that as I said who knows what our leaders must do to ensure we survive against those who would kill us all if given the chance.

They would kill questions asked...most people in the world hate Americans and tbeir friends...not nice but it is that way.

And one must recognise that Isreal is our cultural capital ... to say otherwise is unrealistic..but heck at least be prepared to understand our side can be guilty of a false flag.

I know if I was playing the game I would be reading and using the art of shame in fact I respect that those leading us are probably that smart.

My annoyance is not at anyone doing the inside job my only annoyance is folk can not admit the possibilty as if its all roses at the top.

So many of the vids are probably fake...thats what folk do...but that does not mean we have not seen a false flag...

Anyways as Sideshowbob said in effect...its all water under the bridge...history has been written...its really does not bear folk here getting upset with each other...

And lets face it we need war, we really do...take the military out of the economy and see how we go...sure not nice but thats the way it is...thats just the way it is.

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I was going to let my reply in #209 be it. But re-reading your above, there are two absurd distortions (red highlighted) of what Sabrosky actually and correctly stated in that vid that I will not let pass. At best, your comprehension and/or retention is very poor. You can either go back and this time pay careful attention, or, simply do an online search using e.g. 'Urban Moving Systems white vans', or 'Dancing Israelis 9-11' etc.
Here's a p1 initial hit for the first (with plenty of excellent additional links further down p1 there):
Take note of the additional links to source material supplied in that article. It's all in the main Wikispooks article I have tried and failed to get anyone here to sensibly comment on btw. Those particular events were and still are WELL KNOWN to the FBI and police. And reported on by the media ON THE DAY and maybe the next. Only subsequently was it excised from any further mention in the Zionist owned and controlled TV, newspaper etc, mainstream outlets. As Sabrosky clearly and correctly stated. Continue to ignore and/or distort and deny those facts if you choose. That I can't help.

Similarly, an online search using 'Dancing Israelis 9-11' brings up plenty of good evidence supporting Sabrosky's take on that, and Chertoff's hand in having it all dismissed. Try this one:

And honestly, so what if that interview was on Iranian owned PressTV? You prefer Zionist owned mainstream propaganda? That did and continues to do it's devious part in leading us into ongoing ruinous wars, largely for Israel's benefit?
I'm not wasting any more time on this obvious twaddle.
I can understand folk wanting good evidence but is it not a pity that the demand for good evidence was not insisted upon when everyone bought the weapons of mass destruction cry on much much less.

We had I believe over 2000 architects saying there was something fishy ...experts by the way...who petitioned for a deeper enquirey that were ignored it seems...all nutters no doubt.

As I said I dont care but to reject various experts from architects engineers and physisists as of no consequence and that their views are nonsense is most telling.

Any eye witness of molten metal are dismissed, demolition experts who claim controlled demolition are dismissed , physists who take the time to analyse the fall rate are dismissed.

All who present a case or suggestion are attacked on a personal level and their "reasonable" concerns are dismissed.

And to ridicule folk with a desire to find out what happened and lable them "truthers" is extraordinary as if seeking the truth is some how wrong.

Anyways I dont care I really dont care but to say there is absolutely nothing that raises concern is crazy in my view.

Admittedly the vids vary and there is nonsence in there but so many situations are cloudy.

If the work physics put forward is wrong that would be something...

The mark of a good con job is the victim refuses to tell others or even admit to themselves they have been far I am the only one here to admit the posibility that I could be conned either by the truthers or by "the government".

And I am the mug umongst you...seems I think a little deeper and consider all the posibilities.

Then there is who benefited and who did not.

Following the money is not a new idea nor does it necessarily lead to a guilty suspect but if someone is murdered the first person of interest is the beneficiary of the life insurance policy...and so folk who jump to the conclusion of the beneficiars of the horror are suspect is not unteasonable...but they need proof and one would like to think if someone is guilty they would have been brought to justice years ago.

When I saw no 7 come down on the day I said the building looked like a controlled demo and that was before it was put forward by any "truther" and all in the room thought the same because that is what it looks like.

Have another look now and tell me that to think same is is not...and maybe thats an incorrect view..but that is what it looks like and to say otherwise...well just look at the demo vid I posted...there are many controlled demos not as neat as no 7 and those that tilted did so apparently because the charges went off just milliseconds outta it not reasonable to expect a building with fire here and there and damage here and there may just tilt a little...and then earlier the building owner (it was the building owner and not the fire chief) said on world wide TV " pull it" .... cant you guys who say these truthers are nuts put it all together and wonder...just dont have to agree but this across the board of flat dismissal of experts for me only makes the affair seem very fishy indeed.

But having said all that as I said who knows what our leaders must do to ensure we survive against those who would kill us all if given the chance.

They would kill questions asked...most people in the world hate Americans and tbeir friends...not nice but it is that way.

And one must recognise that Isreal is our cultural capital ... to say otherwise is unrealistic..but heck at least be prepared to understand our side can be guilty of a false flag.

I know if I was playing the game I would be reading and using the art of shame in fact I respect that those leading us are probably that smart.

My annoyance is not at anyone doing the inside job my only annoyance is folk can not admit the possibilty as if its all roses at the top.

So many of the vids are probably fake...thats what folk do...but that does not mean we have not seen a false flag...

Anyways as Sideshowbob said in effect...its all water under the bridge...history has been written...its really does not bear folk here getting upset with each other...

And lets face it we need war, we really do...take the military out of the economy and see how we go...sure not nice but thats the way it is...thats just the way it is.

Liked your assessment in first part there Alex. But that last part, smacking of resignation/fatalism and 'war is good' bit, spoiled it badly imo. To each their own.
Liked your assessment in first part there Alex. But that last part, smacking of resignation/fatalism and 'war is good' bit, spoiled it badly imo. To each their own.
Thanks Q-reeus.
Is not easy sitting on the top of an uncomfortable fence☺.
Sure my heart is not in the war is good approach.
I wish the world could be just so much different but lets face it war creates jobs, and that is all that is important ... forget the poor victims ... it is jobs that matter.
Thats our unfortunate reality because that is the way it is structured at the moment.
The only hope we have is if unfriendly aliens are discovered and humans can unit to make war on them.
The military economy would have their "them" and perhaps such a threat could unite humans and bring a realisation that we are really one big family that should not depend on victims from within.

Imagine we could have battle stars patroling the outter regions of the solar system and move war away from the planet.
Honestly I do have a fatalistic attitude but really can you blame me given our history.
We had the first world war...the war to end all wars...well maybe not that one but ww2 you would think would remind us of the horror...but no ... its part of who we are.
The peaceful folk have no say in the next war or the one after it.
There is little hope really if one is realistic.
How many times have you heard someone say, when the economy is a little flat "oh we need a good war" sure...war on drugs, war on poverty, war on cancer...its the perfect solution.
And you are only killing those other folk ... and the dead on our side all heros.

As I have said before "I wonder how its done on other planets"

Thanks Q-reeus.
Is not easy sitting on the top of an uncomfortable fence☺.
I can well imagine. Really sore arse. :(
Sure my heart is not in the war is good approach.
I wish the world could be just so much different but lets face it war creates jobs, and that is all that is important ... forget the poor victims ... it is jobs that matter.
Thats our unfortunate reality because that is the way it is structured at the moment.
Beneficiaries being mostly oligarch industrialists. Body bags and vet suicides and millions of refugees pouring into 'the West' is not much chop for the unwashed masses.
The only hope we have is if unfriendly aliens are discovered and humans can unit to make war on them.
The military economy would have their "them" and perhaps such a threat could unite humans and bring a realisation that we are really one big family that should not depend on victims from within.

Imagine we could have battle stars patroling the outter regions of the solar system and move war away from the planet.
Well if 'they' are merely a few thousand years ahead technologically, it's over Rover. Take heart though - Fermi's Paradox.
Honestly I do have a fatalistic attitude but really can you blame me given our history.
We had the first world war...the war to end all wars...well maybe not that one but ww2 you would think would remind us of the horror...but no ... its part of who we are.
The peaceful folk have no say in the next war or the one after it.
I have posted the link (or equivalent) before several times:
This formerly trusted insider moved among the Zionist movers and shakers involved in Treaty of Versailles after WW1, and on up till just after WW2, when he broke from them. The address is obviously dated in some ways, but the overall message and insights into intrigue remains perfectly valid today.
There is little hope really if one is realistic.
Giving in to despair is not an option imo. Easier said than done admittedly. Given a big push underway to control the internet and de-platform 'Twoofers' on YouTube, Vimeo, twitter, and many lesser platforms - even ones boasting 'total freedom of speech' have been caving in to Zionist pressure groups. Fog horn and long compromised Alex Jones was merely the highly visible tip of the iceberg.
How many times have you heard someone say, when the economy is a little flat "oh we need a good war" sure...war on drugs, war on poverty, war on cancer...its the perfect solution.
And you are only killing those other folk ... and the dead on our side all heros.

As I have said before "I wonder how its done on other planets"
How is it done on other planets you ask? Here I CAN help! YouTube to the rescue again. Recall this 1955 Technicolor documentary - gifting us important interplanetary survival lessons?:
Something in there really Big Bugs me though.:eek:
Giving in to despair is not an option imo
Its the only option☺
I am out under the stars and happy as capturing the Horse Head nebula and will look at the vids tomorrow whilst stacking.
Thanks for the links I look forward to them.
Goto go..changing from red to blue filter☺
As I have said before "I wonder how its done on other planets"
I'm guessing much the same

I would consider Darwin's survival of the fittest to be Universal

Along with that drive I consider it part of "what's mine is mine, what's yours I want"

The diversity produced would be much the same diversity seen here on Earth

Both in terms of types of life and the grouping of the dominant species into the Jans and Alexies

Probably, out there, your doppelgangers are in discussion with you saying God IS and Jan saying it is a bunch of stories made up long time ago when the people didn't know where the sun went at night

I would consider Darwin's survival of the fittest to be Universal
You would think so.
Although in a world where everything is in abundance maybe they evolve to be caring ☺
But then everything was in abundance here ...once a long time ago.
What I do wonder is if "they" are brain dead like so many humans and have a god or gods.
Imagine a planet where the creatures were rational and free of "sin"☺
Imagine if they ate their young ... probably we would find that hard to accept.
Do they have male and female? Maybe they reproduce without the need for sex.

How is it going?
All the intimate details please☺
Well, how about THE TRUTH being known - by enough in key areas of authority - enabling it to then be effectively actioned upon. You know - like bringing the perpetrators to real justice.
That isn't going to happen because of a few misinformed nuts making half-assed accusations on the Internet.

How about THE TRUTH being known and widely known, then allowing society as a whole to recognize how it got to such a level of corruption and on-going evil consequences. And to then take effective measures to stop it, roll it back, and ensure it doesn't repeat.
Look at a real conspiracy, like Watergate, to see how incompetent conspirators usually are.
I dont want to be difficult but "stuff" does not mix in molten metal at all it floats on the surface and I find such a conclusion not in keeping with any observation that I have ever made.
Melt some alluminium and try to mix in some "material" and you will find what I say is the truth.
Such a statement could not be attributed to anyone who knows what they are talking about in my view as it is just nonsence to say such a thing.
Indeed. Which strongly indicates it's not straight molten metal.
i.e. you're still comparing it to ideal, known circumstances - as if, somehow, melting a purified form of metal in a crucible is in any way comparable to the chaotic collapse of a 100-story building.
That isn't going to happen because of a few misinformed nuts making half-assed accusations on the Internet.

Look at a real conspiracy, like Watergate, to see how incompetent conspirators usually are.
I'm minded to compile a compendium of typical shill slogan responses. Thanks for contributing a sample or two. But don't get too chuffed. You have lots of competition here at SF.
you're still comparing it to ideal, known circumstances
Yes I thought I was rather clear on that point.

I certainly dont know if the circumstances of the building fires produce coloured molten alluminium but you could think that not even an expert would know that it would and that perhaps the point...upon what basis would they draw such a conclusion if they were commenting upon an event that they had never experienced.

Like it or not expert evidence somewhat draws upon prior knowledge or experience ...perhaps lab the expert and myself both indulge in speculation as to what colour the molten alluminium could be or should be.
There is a process called anodizing where alluminium is given a surface colour so maybe that is where an answer could be found.
If I get the time I will look into the process and report back.
Yes I thought I was rather clear on that point.

I certainly dont know if the circumstances of the building fires produce coloured molten alluminium but you could think that not even an expert would know that it would and that perhaps the point...upon what basis would they draw such a conclusion if they were commenting upon an event that they had never experienced.

Like it or not expert evidence somewhat draws upon prior knowledge or experience ...perhaps lab the expert and myself both indulge in speculation as to what colour the molten alluminium could be or should be.
There is a process called anodizing where alluminium is given a surface colour so maybe that is where an answer could be found.
If I get the time I will look into the process and report back.
Read billvon's link. It goes into comprehensive detail about molten substances.
The thing is, the experts doing the analysis don't need to rely on prior experience (though they can use that as a jumping-off point); they can collect data (such as the other sources of aluminum that Conspiracists don't mention), they can test and calculate, and shut doors to potential explanations.
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