World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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From the Dajcor site.

Step 1: Pre-treatment
The first step in anodizing includes pre-treating the aluminum through degreasing and pickling and providing a visible finish. Either bright or satin finishes can be applied to produce the desired effect. Satin finishing involves light etching to produce an even, matte surface on the aluminum. Bright finishing involves cleaning any heavy metal residue from the aluminum that was not removed during the pre-treatment processes. Bright- and satin-finished aluminum extrusions provide a smooth, clean surface for anodizing.

Step 2: Anodic oxide
The anodizing process requires submersion of the material in an acid electrolyte bath while an electric current passes through. The AAC notes that the “aluminum acts as an anode, so that oxygen ions are released . . . to combine with the aluminum atoms at the surface.” This process is a form of controlled oxidization during which the metal is chemically altered to the desired level. After the aluminum is anodized, colours can be applied using several methods.

Step 3: Colour anodizing
There are several techniques for colour anodizing aluminum. One technique is electrolytic colouring, which involves immersing the anodized aluminum in an inorganic metal salt bath. An electric current is applied to this bath as the metal salts oxidize in the aluminum’s pores. Depending on the chemical conditions of the bath and the length of time immersed, the aluminum colour will vary. Popular anodized colour finishes include gold, black, stainless, clear, brown, bronze, and nickel. Some companies using advanced technology also offer colour matching and custom colour anodizing.

Step 4: Sealing
The final step of the anodizing process is sealing the aluminum to prevent corrosion and water leakage. Sealing the anodized aluminum extrusions can be done in three ways: a cold method, a hot method, or a combination of the two. This also prevents any scratching or staining of the surface.

they can test and calculate, and shut doors to potential explanations

No they cant☺ how would they know the contents of a "potential explanation" or is part of their skill mind reading.
And why would they want to shut the doors on explainations?☺

No they cant☺ how would they know the contents of a "potential explanation" or is part of their skill mind reading.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking here.
If they analyze the evidence and conclude that the shower was most plausibly a slurry of materials including aluminum, then they don't need molten steel (a much more implausible explanation that raises more questions than it answers.)

And why would they want to shut the doors on explainations?☺
Because they're seeking the truth? That's what we're all trying to do here, right?
If they determine that a given explanation (such as, say, molten steel) just can't possibly be true, then they have eliminated one false explanation. That brings us a step closer to the answer.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking here.
Sorry Dave I was just trying to be difficult.
Dont worry I take everything you say as somewhat reliable and please forgive me for trying to pull your leg.
I only got up to answer an old mans water works call.
I was up until 3am and that was 6am and now I will go back to bed and try and get more sleep but when I get back I will show how the molten steel could be mistaken for molten alluminium or maybe the other way about...anyways whatever is the opposite of your position☺
Dont worry about my "cat in a box world" I dont believe the Government, the truthers or the internet as I said many times I know that I dont know and I dont need to know.
Have a nice day.
Like it or not expert evidence somewhat draws upon prior knowledge or experience ...perhaps lab the expert and myself both indulge in speculation as to what colour the molten alluminium could be or should be....
Done. See my #234. All the idiot claims by shills for the Official Story are dealt with in that article. Yep - lab tests invalidating all their unworkable hypotheses.
Hell - just look at the condition of that part of WTC building 2 where the molten iron is pouring from. Is it a raging inferno consistent with bright orange glow? Or rather dark and at most smouldering there? You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.
PS - what on earth would anodizing of aluminum have to do with this?
PS - what on earth would anodizing of aluminum have to do with this?
Well my thoughts were if the molten metal was supposed to be alluminium that has been coloured as suggested by office stuff, such that it does not display the silver I know it to be, I decided to look at how one would colour alluminium and all I could think was maybe anodizing and so I looked at how it was done and posted what I found.

I had hoped to find what could give alluminium a red colour and how difficult the process may or may or be ... as you can see the process is a little complex.

Well my thoughts were if the molten metal was supposed to be alluminium that has been coloured as suggested by office stuff, such that it does not display the silver I know it to be, I decided to look at how one would colour alluminium and all I could think was maybe anodizing and so I looked at how it was done and posted what I found.

I had hoped to find what could give alluminium a red colour and how difficult the process may or may or be ... as you can see the process is a little complex.

I doubt even the shills for Official Story would suggest a miracle electrolysis process was at work there on 9-11. Although just as inane claims are made by that crew.
Now, if you'd care to deal with the rest of my last post.....
My line was to ask how the folk who decided it was molten alluminium with office stuff mixed in came to that conclusion.

The suggestion seems to be that the redness came from stuff mixed in...well I dont know how anything could mix with the alledged molten alluminium but maybe a form of annodizing could take place and so support the notion the colour could be a result of in effect contamination.

It seems colouring alluminium is a complex process from the proceedure described in the link that I posted.

I doubt even the shills for Official Story would suggest a miracle electrolysis process was at work there on 9-11.
Well how else can you colour alluminium☺

There is no need for me to comment really I have made my thoughts available.
Its either molten iron or anodized alluminium.☺
Personaly I am starting to think it was molten gold☺
Well how else can you colour alluminium☺

There is no need for me to comment really I have made my thoughts available.
Its either molten iron or anodized alluminium.☺
Personaly I am starting to think it was molten gold☺
Speaking of gold at WTC on 9-11 - you might find some very interesting hits from doing a StartPage search using 'missing gold bullion at wtc on 9-11'.
Here's an idea: what if we stop guessing?
We're not experts, and we didn't analyze the stuff.

There are experts who did.

Is there some reason why your opinion is more compelling than that of experts who actually did a proper analysis?
There are experts who did.
Hi Dave
No expert analysed the red molten metal coming out of the building...that is a fact.
Thats why I am guessing.
No expert could have (or indeed did) analyse the "rivers" of molten metal that many firefighters said they saw.
It is not a case of going against expert opinion in the areas I mention because there was no study of the red molten metal pouring out early on ... nor of any molten metal reported by any witness.

Is there some reason why your opinion is more compelling than that of experts who actually did a proper analysis?

I assume your question is for me.

I am not going against any expert at all...unless you can show me that an expert tested the stuff we are discussing, in which case I doubt if I would be saying he is wrong, .... as to the molten metal pouring out of the building it could be anything really because no one tested it to see what it was...folk have said..looks like molten iron or steel (probably because it looked red..but I dont know) and others (experts) say no its alluminium and its coloured because of contamination...

No expert or truther is holding a piece of something saying "I picked it up and tested it and it was...." one has said that or can say we guess☺

And even if it can be shown beyond any doubt that it was alluminium all I could then say would be..."well it sure looked like molten iron"...same as building 7 looked like a demo...what am I expected to that you show its definetly not a demo that I now now say ...sure it never looked like a demo?
I can only say what it looked like that is my point.

My inyerpretation can be wrong, I know that, but I can only repeat "thats what it looked like to me"

I am trying to explain why it does not appear silver and could be a different colour to what one could expect it to be.
Keep in mind that in most demonstrations you have seen for molten aluminum, it is heated until it melts and then poured. It melts at 660C (930K.) At 930 kelvin it does not appear to glow in sunlight. At night it appears dull red. Iron melts at 1700K. At 1700K it glows a bright cherry red/orange. (A candle flame is 1850K.)

However, if you heat aluminum to 1400K (the temperature of the fire) it glows quite brightly. Once it cools down it will once again appear silver before it solidifies. So there's no problem with seeing showers of bright red molten aluminum pouring out of the WTC from a physics perspective. (Even assuming it was pure aluminum, which it almost certainly was not.)
Keep in mind that in most demonstrations you have seen for molten aluminum, it is heated until it melts and then poured. It melts at 660C (930K.) At 930 kelvin it does not appear to glow in sunlight. At night it appears dull red. Iron melts at 1700K. At 1700K it glows a bright cherry red/orange. (A candle flame is 1850K.)

However, if you heat aluminum to 1400K (the temperature of the fire) it glows quite brightly. Once it cools down it will once again appear silver before it solidifies. So there's no problem with seeing showers of bright red molten aluminum pouring out of the WTC from a physics perspective. (Even assuming it was pure aluminum, which it almost certainly was not.)
Thanks Billvon.
This is big big news..or is seems New York is going to put the "evidence" assembled by the truther lawyers and architects before a Grand Jury.
Or if you dont want to look at the vid

Hopefully this will put the matter to rest although I expect if the truthers dont get up they wont go away.

It would seem if the disaster was an inside job and was kept quiet (to a large degree) then this latest "enquirey" cant go anywhere.
I dont know but I though folk who have been in this thread and presumably are interested enough to contribute may find the news interesting and perhaps predict the outcome.
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