World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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Please by careful when flying as so much can go wrong...I will not fly I can not.
I am also a skydiver. But honestly, the most dangerous thing I do on a regular basis is bike to work. In flying and skydiving, I am largely responsible for my own fate. When biking, I have to trust in everyone else on the road. And twice so far, they've gotten me.
I am also a skydiver
I noted that from earlier posts.
But honestly, the most dangerous thing I do on a regular basis is bike to work.
There is no way I would ride on the road.
I used to race moto cross fifty years ago and folk thought it was dangerous but it was not in the least but on the few occassions I rode a motor bike on the road some fool would near take me out.
My road riding I gave up for saftey reasons my racing just became too expensive when I got handy at it...
Please use the car and dont risk death on a bike...its only a matter of time really.
This reminds me of the JFK conspiracy theories: Castro did it. No, Cuban exiles did it. No, J. Edgar Hoover did it. No, The CIA did it. No, the Russians did it. No, the Kennedys did it. There's an endless array of suspects with an endless array of motives.
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This reminds me of the JFK conspiracy theories: Castro did it. No, Cuban exiles did it. No, J. Edgar Hoover did it. No, The CIA did it. No, the Russians did it. No, the Kennedys did it. There's an endless array of suspects with an endless array of motives.
The point being? That if everyone is a suspect then nobody actually did it? Or that one cannot pin down the true culprits coz there's too many notional candidate suspects out there?
My guess is you never were a private detective. That link I repeatedly gave settles the matter beyond any reasonable doubt. Feel free to prove me wrong. But, that won't happen. Because I'm pretty confident you won't be the first one to actually try. The likely powerful demotivater - FEAR.
Couple of things:
The point being? That if everyone is a suspect then nobody actually did it?
'Nobody did it' is not one of the options. Don't feign obtuseness.

Someone did it. Terrorists.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
That's not the way it works, as you know.
It is not on us to prove you wrong.
The onus remains on you to make a case compelling beyond the well-documented scenario involving terrorism and commercial aircraft.

...and to do so rationally, without resort to insults, scare words, sarcasm, pretend-obtuseness or other diversionary tactics.
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Couple of things:

'Nobody did it' is not one of the options. Don't feign obtuseness.

Someone did it. Terrorists.

That's not the way it works, as you know.
It is not on us to prove you wrong.
The onus remains on you to make a case compelling beyond the well-documented scenario involving terrorism and commercial aircraft.

...and to do so rationally, without resort to insults, scare words, sarcasm, pretend-obtuseness or other diversionary tactics.
You must know better than that. Everything relevant, from the clear cui bono motivation (Oded Yinon plan and even earlier). Cunningly formulated 'action documents' e.g. Clean Break, PNAC, and many others all with the same overall theme. To the strategic acquisitions well ahead of time e.g. all relevant security agencies at airports and WTC, leasing of WTC complex itself (oh so very 'lucky' Larry Silverstein & family & associates) etc. To the 5 dancing Israelis of Mossad front company Urban Moving Systems - high fiving each other after being in place and filming the FIRST, North Tower hit. One UMS van was loaded with high explosives and intended to destroy the George Washington bridge. Another UMS van with brazenly painted mural of aircraft crashing into twin towers (apparently a 'diversion' van to confuse and divert authorities)! And on and on and on it goes - the subsequent coverup and who were in charge of that. The push push push for immediate war with Afghanistan (more of Globalist Jews interest there) and Iraq. And a ready-made hit list of other middle eastern enemies of Israel. As Wesley Clark famously detailed in a 2007 interview. Again - cui bono. And of course rushed through creation of draconian domestic authorities and 'emergency/anti-terrorism' laws and provisions effectively stripping ordinary citizens of any protection from arbitrary surveillance, arrest and incarceration, merely owing to arbitrarily designated 'suspicion'. Cui bono.

And just so much more there. All with copious footnotes and links to source material. But sure - you just keep plugging your PC line 'no proof'. You mean like all suspects lining up in public and making a synchronized full and detailed confession of guilt? He he he. Sure - there never will be that kind of 'unequivocal proof'. Those with a modicum of brains and backbone don't need or expect such an absurdity. Conspiracy to control societies has always been the norm since the dawn of civilization. Only a fool or a shill would claim otherwise. What led up to and beyond 9-11 is though in a category all its own as to scale and sophistication. Zionist Jew written all over it.

So - it's all there in that linked to article. Pull it to pieces if you can. But - you won't even try. How many times have I said that now? Just keeps being born out. Again:
You can read? Well go to it - pick it apart!
To the 5 dancing Israelis of Mossad
Well, if you have five dancing Israelis, then Israel definitely killed JFK! Thank god you didn't have six.
So - it's all there in that linked to article. Pull it to pieces if you can.
Sure. Post them and we will. You don't get to pull a Jan and say "look it up yourself" - make your case.
Well, if you have five dancing Israelis, then Israel definitely killed JFK! Thank god you didn't have six.
Such a stupid irrelevancy betrays you.
Sure. Post them and we will. You don't get to pull a Jan and say "look it up yourself" - make your case.
You just don't want to get it. It's all laid out there. Point out ANYTHING there of relevance that is demonstrably untrue. Or you expect me to maybe cut and paste the entire article here?!
Here is the vid I mentioned least its the same physist.

I really would be interested to be put straight on this particular vid as I find it compelling and like to know why this guy is wrong.

He seems to be qualified to comment in that he apparently has a physics background if only a teacher.

I dont think any of his claims are not well considered so what do you all think.

However I will understand if no one wants to , as they may think this guy is just another nut and dont want to waste time.
I am not easily conned I like to think but if you can show this guy is a con artist it would be a big help for me.

Building 7 seems to be a controlled demo and as I have just found out it was not the fire chief who said "pull it" but the building owner.
Does anyone have details of the stuff that is said to have hit it that could have caused structural damage ...otherwise if only fire it is actually the only building to have been collapsed due to fire.
Plus if anyone can show it was not the building owner who said to pull it and in fact a fire chief that would be handy.

Another tit bit from another vid said that a BBC reporter announced building 7 had collapsed some 30 minutes before it had collapsed ...
she said it was just a mistake based upon false information that the building had collapsed, presumably someone said it was going to collapse and the mistake was reprting that it had collapsed... but one could think she just read prepared news 30 minutes too early.
In the clip I saw she was teporting the colapse and you could see the building in the background still standing.

Further the molten metal coming out of the building early in the fire appears red which is consistent with steel but inconsistent with alluminium..molyen alluminium always looks silver and never red.

I am not trying to prove anything but if molten steel that has implicantions consistent with truther claims of a demo.

Molten alluminium simply does not appear with a redish colour so how can that be explained.

Perhaps we could have a debate on this vid...

It is very worrying to think that it could be a false flag event but if it is I guess thats what our leaders need do to provide the great life styles we all enjoy.

Sorry I missed the re ent posts.
Re the dancing guys...what are the facts here...were they real if so how could they not be moved to grief seeing such horror.
Could they have been dancing and not been aware of the disaster taking place.

I am not going to google I am only interested in what Billvon, Dave and Q-reeus or membets here have to say.
All this has caused me to think and ask whos side am I on.

When it all boils down it really is them and and them...critising us only helps them...Its finally about Western religion or our culture against Muslms and their culture.

I realise that on the other side their approach, like killing one for blasphemmy, honnor killings and poor treatment of women is much worse than what we have.

Sure we have our nutters but they are our nutters.

We have democracy and although possibly not as good as it could be it has to be better than what the other side presents...
Even though we treat wimen somewhat badly we at least let them drive a car and wear the clothes they like...we dont demand they only go out accompanied with a gaurdian.

So who knows what our leaders have to deal with and what they may do to keep us safe.

Its a communist saying but the ends really does justify the means.

Even if you assume the worst case that it was an inside job who is not to say the motivation is to protect our culture.
I dont think money is important at the levels of the game that I can only imagine.

I know I sound horrible but maybe reality is horrible.

And the fact is we can say the worst in the West and point the finger but are not silenced for accusing the government of anything and everything.

Try that in other places and see how it goes.

My realisation has me thinking to keep silient rather than fear of being nailed for speaking out...false flag well let me help wave it.

So for me "terrorists did it"

The point being? That if everyone is a suspect then nobody actually did it?
The point is that every conspiracy theorist is sure of his own theory and can prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt". But they can't all be right.

Or that one cannot pin down the true culprits coz there's too many notional candidate suspects out there?
No. The point is that most of the conspiracy theorists are wrong.

And ironically, they can show how the OTHER conspiracy theorists are wrong - i.e. every conspiracy theory can be proven wrong by rival conspiracy theorists.
Point out ANYTHING there of relevance that is demonstrably untrue.
Still not up to us to prove you wrong.

Note, by the way, that not being demonstrably untrue does not mean 'therefore it happened the way we say it did'. That's what makes conspiracy theories conspiracy theories - they follow red herrings, employ half-truths and ignore mountains of evidence that point toward the more likely scenario. None of which is technically untrue.

Look, you've shot your wad. You linked to the argument. That's pretty your whole argument isn't it? 'Read the story'.

This is not an advertizing forum; it's a discussion forum. Discuss. You complain that we won't go do your bidding. In fact, it is you who FEARS to engage in discussion, here.
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Such a stupid irrelevancy betrays you.
Uh - you are the one who posted it. I agree it's a stupid irrelevancy.
You just don't want to get it. It's all laid out there. Point out ANYTHING there of relevance that is demonstrably untrue. Or you expect me to maybe cut and paste the entire article here?!

It is demonstrably untrue that the aircraft that hit the WTC were missiles with holographic generators on them. That was one of the first 9/11 truther claims.

If you don't think that truther claim is valid any more, and would like to propose another, feel free. I am not watching hours of video or reading tomes of documents to do your work for you. Post a relevant claim and we will discuss it. If you can't - well, then I guess there's not much to the claims, is there?
Q-reeus wrote:
You just don't want to get it. It's all laid out there. Point out ANYTHING there of relevance that is demonstrably untrue. Or you expect me to maybe cut and paste the entire article here?!
(emphasis added here)


It is demonstrably untrue that the aircraft that hit the WTC were missiles with holographic generators on them. That was one of the first 9/11 truther claims.

If you don't think that truther claim is valid any more, and would like to propose another, feel free. I am not watching hours of video or reading tomes of documents to do your work for you. Post a relevant claim and we will discuss it. If you can't - well, then I guess there's not much to the claims, is there?
How stupid can you get? Mixing up the meticulous, water-tight presentation in that article I have linked to at least six times now, with fool claims by likely fake 'Twoofers'. Which such fool claims are nowhere endorsed in that article we are supposed to be discussing. Or have you so soon forgotten what I wrote in #168? Probably not. Just a devoted shill for the Official Line.

It saddens to see one in particular 'like' for your idiotic post in #194. But doesn't surprise. The Official 9-11 Conspiracy Theory has had non-stop carte blanche endorsement across all the MMM platforms. And that counts for more than mere overwhelming evidence refuting it.
Once it becomes clear that one's protagonists are thoroughly committed to a particular ideological position, further engagement is both futile and vexatious.
Let each try and live with their own conscience. Mine's clear - certainly on this 9-11 issue.
Was that mine?
I cant see post numbers on my phone.
If it was there is no need to be sad..I probably liked the fact Q-reuss took time to post some vids that enabled me to understand his position.
Just answer your question Alex - no it wasn't your 'like' I was referring to. You don't currently have one in that post.
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