World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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I don't actually get the implication here.
I dont know what implication you expect but the news is rather clear.
Can you summarize in 25 words or less?

If you want to read it go ahead if you dont then dont bother but I think my post hints at what is taking place. I gave a link in support .. its news apparently big news...the accumulated edvidence that truthers complain has been ignored will go before a grand jury...seems exciting to me... but if you are not interested I have no problem just forget I posted anything.
The lawyer in the vid did say that the evidence is compelling such that anyone who actually reviews the evidence, rather than just ignore it, will be convinced the official version is wrong.

The lawyer is ex military who held a not insignificant position.

Anyways if you are not interested dont worry.

In any event this has only happened in the last couple of weeks and has gone out to news services so should get well reported such that you may see it on the evening news soon.
If you do you can say you heard it here first.
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I dont know what implication you expect but the news is rather clear.
I read through the article. The problem is, I didn't really get who the players were. Is it the erstwhile conspirator camp getting a chance to have their suspicions heard before a court?
The problem is, I didn't really get who the players were.

Dave you should watch the vid if you are interested in the least ...the first 30 seconds introduces the folk representing the lawyers and the architects.

If you are happy that there is nothing fishy investigate no further.

Late in the vid the lawyer drops a bomb saying they have irrefuttable evidence of the explosions that everyone said did not happen I think via an Earthquake monitor which no doubt has time stamps to link with witness claims..I was skipping thru to the end and just landed on that bit but that was something I had not heard about until then...anyways she, the lawyer, seemed to think she had the goods and as I said repeated often saying that anyone who actually looks at the evidence will be convinced...and the fact that New York has started down the road to put together a criminal grand jury somewhat suggests the evidence is such that it must be looked at...

They are happy that their evidence, not looked at by the Commision, will go before a criminal grand jury...

As I said Dave if you are interested in the subject look at what is out there as I have no intention of looking at it all then putting a short version here so you can argue with me..if you want post your comments on any vid that you do not agree with do it there...but keep an open mind so many folk have formed opinions and are somewhat stuck in the grove as they say.
I have expressed my views which can live with any outcome.

The other thread was closed and I had taken some time to make a reply which given it is very tame I will put here...I will look at your vid now but interesting what it hints at as I had an idea along those lines...anyways I will look at it...thanks for taking the time to post it...
Blood pressure 130/70 not bad for an old bastard!
Seems not bad at all...mine is very low...probably a little too relaxed.

I'm learning all the time.

Me too but I am forgetting all the time also☺

The main reason I jumped in the deep end with the astrophotography was to learn stuff and hopefully keep my mind active.

Many did not believe that its greatest prediction, gravitational waves would ever be discovered...

I think DrA thought they could not find them and I think he did not believe in black holes either .. I must look into that I always have to check that I did not just dream it☺

.. its all so very interesting.

I dont know how or when but I think we need a quantum explaination of gravity as I expect the only way we will know how mass tells space how to bend is by understanding the communication method which I expect must be via particles.

Now dont interprete that as anything more than it is...interest and curiousity as to where we go next.

As to gravity waves now that they have found them I would like to see resourses applied to something else say a real hunt for life in our solar system..I really dont give a damn about black holes merging billions of light years away and cant see any virtue in the programs...seems like a waste of money and brain power that could be used much better elsewhere.

that this will all die a natural death.

It probably will but that is somewhat the point I would think...if you let folk have their say and give them recognition that often makes them happy.

What's next? A grand Jury examining the faked Moon landing nonsense?

Well why not and have it on tv... it would have to be more interesting than the cooking shows etc☺

I left because of a bloke I once held in high regard but who rightly or wrongly I saw as pandering to the nut brigade and bending over backwards for the nonsense, claims and provocativness of the Q

Well I would encourage you to be forgiving and focus on the good things...and perhaps try to understand that being the meat in the bun means all will chew on you.

So what do you think of the recent discovery of the true site of Atlantis ☺
My idea was different and was more on the lines of alluminium combining with something that enabled it to burn in effect ...

Thanks again.

Re 'breakthrough new understanding' vid posted in #265. Far better off reading the comments. Most there have their heads screwed on the right way round. And recognize an absurd fantasy puff piece when they see it.
.I will look at your vid now but interesting what it hints at as I had an idea along those lines...anyways I will look at it...thanks for taking the time to post it...

Remember Alex this is reasonably reputable and from Smithsonian, and covers the science behind both tower collapses, the reason why the nutty conspiracy ratbags ignore know, the science ruins there need for mystery, intrigue, and conspiracy!! :p
Here is another longer video that covers many aspects......
Here is another longer video that covers many aspects......
Thank you for taking the time to post the vid...there is only one? Or did you mean to post two but posted the same one twice.
What I picked up which I had not heard was they only spent 16 million for the enquirey which seems too little...I am sure I have heard amounts like double that for other enquiries.

No 7 is the one that I have trouble with ... the fire was at the top but it collapses at the bottom ... in that regard it was not like the two big towers which had the weight of the floors above crushing the ones below...I can see the collapse from the weight on top...but no 7 was not like that at all.
And I cant forget the building owner saying "pull it" such ar the tome I thought they were demolishing it for safty reasons...and that news report that it had collapsed when it had not...well I am no conspiracy theorist but it looked fishy and sounded fishy....anyways I can only work with my impressions and always remember truth is stranger than fiction so maybe it defied all odds and really what else can one conclude...I have not looked at the 57 items of evidence the Lawyers and Architects put together but one I may look into is the claim of evidence of the explosions recorded ...if I have time at some stage...but I am busy stacking images ... the astronomy is keeping me going 24/7 anyways my new interest on utube besides cage fighting is pyramids and how they were built by aliens☺
Thanks again and have a great day.
Re 'breakthrough new understanding' vid posted in #265. Far better off reading the comments. Most there have their heads screwed on the right way round. And recognize an absurd fantasy puff piece when they see it.
The big positive I take from all of this is folk get to express their views and not carried away in the night.
Personally if I was in charge of an inside job to demolish the buildings I would have set charges to cause the buildings to fall to one side so that it did not look like a controlled demo☺
The big positive I take from all of this is folk get to express their views and not carried away in the night.
Personally if I was in charge of an inside job to demolish the buildings I would have set charges to cause the buildings to fall to one side so that it did not look like a controlled demo☺
Cost benefits ratio. Why cause excessive collateral damage to valuable real-estate? And why worry about 'making it look natural' when you have an essentially totally compliant media that relentlessly pushes the Official Story while simultaneously demonizing and ridiculing all opponents of that Official Story? Plus politicians and alphabet agencies etc. in your pocket.
And in focusing on 3 falling buildings, it's conveniently forgotten how many other incriminating factors add to one sane conclusion - the Official Story is utter BS.
Do I need to re-post a link to that WikiSpooks article for iirc what would be the 7th time? Or to other articles collectively destroying the Official Story?

But I wouldn't even if asked. Having observed your imo evident strategy here, never again will I get sucked in thinking you really wanted help to clear up the issue.
As an ex-lawyer, the outward show of confused ambivalence is imo too out of character with that background that implies mental sharpness way above not below average. Hence such apparent confused ambivalence is actually covering for a personal game of some sort I'd rather not try and dissect in detail.
As you well know, and is clear here, I've never been out to win friends and allies. Just truth as I see it. Cheers.
Cost benefits ratio. Why cause excessive collateral damage to valuable real-estate? And why worry about 'making it look natural' when you have an essentially totally compliant media that relentlessly pushes the Official Story while simultaneously demonizing and ridiculing all opponents of that Official Story? Plus politicians and alphabet agencies etc. in your pocket.
And in focusing on 3 falling buildings, it's conveniently forgotten how many other incriminating factors add to one sane conclusion - the Official Story is utter BS.
It's a bloody wonder you can get out of bed of a morning with all this conspiring out to get you! [nudge nudge, wink, wink] Wow! your paranoia is even surprising me!
Do I need to re-post a link to that WikiSpooks article for iirc what would be the 7th time? Or to other articles collectively destroying the Official Story?
Oh bullshit my friend......The official story stands, and you boringly doing a Fat Freddy here, changes nothing in actual fact and never will. The same of course goes with your usual crusade against mainstream science and GR....all hot air and bluster.
As you well know, and is clear here, I've never been out to win friends and allies. Just truth as I see it. Cheers.
:D:D:D Oh dear Lord, give me strength! The only truth that is evident is as you say, "as you see it" which is nothing more then fabricated ideas in your mind and bullying others into obligingly and blindingly accepting it..
It appears you have failed.
Personally if I was in charge of an inside job to demolish the buildings I would have set charges to cause the buildings to fall to one side so that it did not look like a controlled demo☺
Yep, that amongst many many other things. Again analogous to creationists plugging the gaps in science with their magical spaghetti monster of choice commonly known as "the god of the gaps"
These conspiracy nutters and the odd professional with some agenda afoot, likewise see the opportunity in grabbing the gaps in the official version and putting their conspiracy god/interpretation in there.
Do I need to re-post a link to that WikiSpooks article for iirc what would be the 7th time?
And do I need to say yet again that I have seen all the stuff...I have seen it all I will bet you.
What do you expect of me? To come here and retell the story contained in each vid and as messenger get shot.
I have expressed my 7 looks like a demo and the molten metal looks like molten iron and if its an in side job I will still support my side on the basis that those on the other side are probably worse and those at our top do the best for them which finally trickles down to each of us..sure it could be different but you have to stand back and look at the culture...80% christians means their capital is not found in the USA ..I think that is a rather radical position maybe nutty but I have been honest in outlining my thoughts.

I know what you think and what you believe ...I have taken your message on board. You think I have missed a single detail...well I have not it is what it is whatever it may be...

Have you got more from others here?

As an ex-lawyer, the outward show of confused ambivalence is imo too out of character with that background that implies mental sharpness way above not below average.

Well how can I argue with someone who insists that I am smarter than I make out...I can only agree with you of course.

I am 72 (almost) and left law at about 30 and then a career in real estate which I retired from over twenty years ago...I am just a mug and have nothing in mind except a chat really and I dont plan on letting anything that goes on here upset me in the least.

I wont take on the local drug lord so dont expect too much from me.
. Just truth as I see it.
Well I hope that is our common ground.
All the best.
And do I need to say yet again that I have seen all the stuff...I have seen it all I will bet you.
What do you expect of me? To come here and retell the story contained in each vid and as messenger get shot.
I have expressed my 7 looks like a demo and the molten metal looks like molten iron and if its an in side job I will still support my side on the basis that those on the other side are probably worse and those at our top do the best for them which finally trickles down to each of us..sure it could be different but you have to stand back and look at the culture...80% christians means their capital is not found in the USA ..I think that is a rather radical position maybe nutty but I have been honest in outlining my thoughts.

I know what you think and what you believe ...I have taken your message on board. You think I have missed a single detail...well I have not it is what it is whatever it may be...

Have you got more from others here?

Well how can I argue with someone who insists that I am smarter than I make out...I can only agree with you of course.

I am 72 (almost) and left law at about 30 and then a career in real estate which I retired from over twenty years ago...I am just a mug and have nothing in mind except a chat really and I dont plan on letting anything that goes on here upset me in the least.

I wont take on the local drug lord so dont expect too much from me.

Well I hope that is our common ground.
All the best.
What finally swung my opinion was reviewing the responses: from my #234 -> your #239 -> my #245 -> your #249 and beyond. Evasion on your part was imo quite clear.
If it genuinely wasn't then you are too alien a being for me to fathom.
And do I need to say yet again that I have seen all the stuff.
What finally swung my opinion was reviewing the responses: from my #234 -> your #239 -> my #245 -> your #249 and beyond. Evasion on your part was imo quite clear.
If it genuinely wasn't then you are too alien a being for me to fathom.
Proper interpretation of that Alex is if you dare question my beliefs, and do not agree 100% with me, then I will spit the dummy and you will be subject to all my venom and arrogance. :D
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