Woman throws cat in bin!

so confining a cat in an area that's approximately 2ft by 2 ft by 4 foot is animal cruelty? if u have ever had a pet in an animal carrier than HOW DARE YOU!! and the millions of people that do it

The cat was left for 15 hours without water. Animal carriers are used for how log?
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Well, if you were bringing your cat on a Los Angeles to Singapore Flight, say 17 hours.

Miss Bale (I assume she's a Miss) may have contravened US regulations for animals on an air flight. They require that any animal on a flight taking more than 12 hours must be supplied with water. And Food if the journey is over 24 hours.

It was probably thirst rather than any other kind of distress that made the cat start miaowing for help.

I released a cat inadvertently trapped in my Garage many days after I last used it. They are so curious, they will immediately enter any open door, if your back is turned.
Maybe if some technologically savvy shite of a neighbour had been on the ball I would even now be evil cat garage man.
I'd be writing a book with a Million dollar advance.
Why didn't I think of this? :bawl:

Re Cat. (Garage Cat, not Bin Cat) It must have been able to access water, or it would have been raising hell to get out. Cats aren't stupid.

I can't believe the ferocity of the attack on this palpably damaged woman.
Yes. It was wrong.
Yes. She needs help.
Yes. She is going to earn more money through cat-binning than she ever earned in the bank she worked at.

What else?
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The cat was left for 15 hours without water. Animal carriers are used for how log?
And that 15 hours is totally because of the neglectful owners of the cat. They went to bed without checking on the welfare of their cat. They found the cat by accident. Headed for the car. Leaving the house without the kitty being secured indoors.

"He said he had been going out to his car on Sunday morning when he heard her meowing."

OK, lets see.. sunday morning we will guess 10 am. 15 hours so they dumped the cat off outdoors at 7 am Saturday morn and didnt have a clue kitty kitty was stuck in the wheelie bin a few feet from their front door.

""She is a night cat. We sometimes don't see her in the day unless she comes in for food."

OK so was it friday night when the let the cat outdoors? And by sunday morn they still were not concerned for their cat?

Cat probably thinks its name is kitty kitty and has no idea who Lola is.
Nothing more than a lawn ornament.

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And that 15 hours is totally because of the neglectful owners of the cat. They went to bed without checking on the welfare of their cat. They found the cat by accident. Headed for the car. Leaving the house without the kitty being secured indoors.

"He said he had been going out to his car on Sunday morning when he heard her meowing."

OK, lets see.. sunday morning we will guess 10 am. 15 hours so they dumped the cat off outdoors at 7 am Saturday morn and didnt have a clue kitty kitty was stuck in the wheelie bin a few feet from their front door.

""She is a night cat. We sometimes don't see her in the day unless she comes in for food."

OK so was it friday night when the let the cat outdoors? And by sunday morn they still were not concerned for their cat?

Cat probably thinks its name is kitty kitty and has no idea who Lola is.
Nothing more than a lawn ornament.


I think it is safe to say they didn't expect to find her in the bin. :rolleyes:
And that 15 hours is totally because of the neglectful owners of the cat. They went to bed without checking on the welfare of their cat.

Cats in the UK are semi wild. They Roam around like little lions, shitting everywhere.
Dont see how the owner is neglectful. Cats in the UK are left to thier own, they spend most of thier time in other people gardens etc. They only come in to feed, for a little attention, but then bugger off out again. I dont think there are many poeple here with "indoor" cats (unless they live in a large house which most people dont).
wsionynw said:
I think it is safe to say they didn't expect to find her in the bin.
No, they did not expect to find her in a bin. Apparently, they do not expect her to be hit by a car either (note the busy road in front of their flat).

Capt K said:
Cats in the UK are semi wild. They Roam around like little lions, shitting everywhere.
No. Some cats in the UK are semi wild/allowed to roam.


Heres a cat run in west yorkshire:


Cat owners have options. Responsible cat owners make sure their pet is safe. Lazy cat owners let their pets run and dont take responsibility for their pets safety. I dont like having to slam on my brakes for some morons freedom loving cat. I dont like the sound of a cat rolling around under the car, thumping on the floorboard because some idiot thinks cats should be free. I dont blame the cat, I blame the owners.

Why did Brits change to cats vs dogs:

"Nearly a quarter of people kept a cat because they were low maintenance, and 27% said they liked not having to exercise them. "


Lazy. Dont have to exercise them. Turn them loose to crap in the neighbors yard/garden. But I dont think 7 million cat owners let their cats run the 'hood'. I wouldnt guess whether its most/some or a few.

Reality is the owner has the responsibility to keep their pet healthy and safe from harm.

Reality is cats can be trained to be on a leash.

Reality is not all cats want to roam, it is learned behavior.

Reality is if your cat is one that likes to be outdoors, it is you who must provide a safe environment for the cat to be outdoors.

Your cat does not have a right to come poo in my yard no more than your dog does, or your kid does. Nor does your cat have a right to come hunt in my yard, just like you do not have a right to hunt in my yard, regardless of whether its hunting season and you have a license.

Pinwheel said:
I dont think there are many people here with "indoor" cats.
If I own a goat in your neighborhood, do I have a right to let it roam in neighbors yards or out on the street. Is it ok if it jumps on other peoples cars? *in case you are not familiar with goats, they love to climb things.

I would venture to guess that the UK has laws similar to the US regarding domestic livestock and fencing is a part of that.

Cats seem to be the only exempt animal in the UK (though I am not sure there are not local ordinances somewhere).

It is a complete myth that cats cannot be trained to be on a leash, or at least confined in a cat run to accommodate the ones who want to be outside for extended periods of time (you cant leave a cat on a lead unsupervised).

While accidental escapes do occur and sometimes the road killed cat is one of those, the majority of them are dead because someone was too lazy to take responsibility for their pet, just like this cat owner.

I would like to know much earlier this person had let their cat out. I have a feeling this cat was out their exposed to the dangers of the world for much longer than the 15 hours it was in the wheelie bin.
I've seen my fair share of cats, but I've never seen a cat run.
Looks like a Bird cage.

The cat run photographed may belong to an extraordinarily careful cat owner, but they are more likely to be owned by a cat breeder or a person who runs a boarding cattery.

Some/many? breeds of pedigree cat are unsuited to running free, but your Common or Garden British moggy has had many centuries to adapt to it.
Nelson will have had a few on his ship, and I doubt he had a cat run on board.

Cats also have the habit of training new people to be their owners.
Some cats have a few people who think they own it.

Milkweed, you don't understand British cats.
They do as they please.
How curious ....

What I find interesting in this thread is that, while I am aware not everyone has pets, I didn't realize just how many people genuinely hate cats. Or just how deeply.
Well, if you were bringing your cat on a Los Angeles to Singapore Flight, say 17 hours.

Miss Bale (I assume she's a Miss) may have contravened US regulations for animals on an air flight. They require that any animal on a flight taking more than 12 hours must be supplied with water. And Food if the journey is over 24 hours.

It was probably thirst rather than any other kind of distress that made the cat start miaowing for help.

I released a cat inadvertently trapped in my Garage many days after I last used it. They are so curious, they will immediately enter any open door, if your back is turned.
Maybe if some technologically savvy shite of a neighbour had been on the ball I would even now be evil cat garage man.
I'd be writing a book with a Million dollar advance.
Why didn't I think of this? :bawl:

Re Cat. (Garage Cat, not Bin Cat) It must have been able to access water, or it would have been raising hell to get out. Cats aren't stupid.

I can't believe the ferocity of the attack on this palpably damaged woman.
Yes. It was wrong.
Yes. She needs help.
Yes. She is going to earn more money through cat-binning than she ever earned in the bank she worked at.

What else?

I don't feel sorry for her, and she does deserve vitriol.

Okay, there are worse things that you can do to an animal, which I don't feel like repeating, as it will only make me angry. But that doesn't make it okay. It's not okay to dump an animal in a closed container where it might dehydrate to death before being found. She needs to be locked up, not helped.

If I left a small child in a dustbin because they were pissing me off, would you all be saying 'Hey guys put it in perspective, yes it was wrong that she shut little Johnny in a dustbin for 15 hours, but she needs help, and there are much worse things that can happen to a child.'

I've seen my fair share of cats, but I've never seen a cat run.
Looks like a Bird cage.
Yes, it does look like a bird cage. But its not. Its for cats.
The cat run photographed may belong to an extraordinarily careful cat owner, but they are more likely to be owned by a cat breeder or a person who runs a boarding cattery.
No. It was a pet owner who is taking full responsibility for their cat(s). The other seems to be someone who adopted 2 feral cats.
Some/many? breeds of pedigree cat are unsuited to running free, but your Common or Garden British moggy has had many centuries to adapt to it.
Nelson will have had a few on his ship, and I doubt he had a cat run on board.
This is exactly the flawed logic I was trying to dispel by using UK examples. Mutt dogs are not exempt from leash laws.
Cats also have the habit of training new people to be their owners.
Some cats have a few people who think they own it.
Please review the link about why people choose cats.
"Nearly a quarter of people kept a cat because they were low maintenance, and 27% said they liked not having to exercise them. "

I was 9 years old, almost 40 years ago when I saw my first obedience trained cat. No kidding, Sit, stay, come, roll over, a cat on a leash. Just a family that spent time training their cat.
Milkweed, you don't understand British cats.
They do as they please.
Do you think maybe the aussie cats are direct descendents of brit cats? Yet aussies have laws (with more coming online each year) requiring cat owners to act responsibly.


Its not the cats who are doing as they please, its their owners.

"His owner Steve Bateman, a musician, said: "There was just something that drew him to that sub-station, but I thought he would have learned his lesson after what he went through last time.

"I'm totally devastated. I can't believe this has happened after he went through so much last time."


See I read the above article and I dont blame the cat, I blame the owner.
Milkweed, if you have a catflap then your cat can choose to spend time indoors or outdoors. What has traffic, poo in gardens, etc got to do with a woman throwing a cat into a bin?

Since you started on the subject I can tell you my cats have always been rescue cats, and they have chosen to spend time indoors and outdoors. Some have been run over, sure, but they at least enjoyed being well fed, looked after and free to explore while they were still alive. Better than spending a miserable life in a cat shelter, no?
wsionynw said:
Milkweed, if you have a catflap then your cat can choose to spend time indoors or outdoors.
Ah, cant even be bothered to get up to let your cat in/out. So are you one of these two groups?

"Nearly a quarter of people kept a cat because they were low maintenance, and 27% said they liked not having to exercise them. "

wsionynw said:
What has traffic, poo in gardens, etc got to do with a woman throwing a cat into a bin?
This is why so many people hate cats. People are not born hating cats, dogs, etc. to use a common theme; the origins of hate. They have bad experiences with irresponsible pet owners who often use the excuse "cats need to be free" to relieve themselves of the responsibility to provide a safe environment for their pet. The reality is when you let your cat roam, you expose it to people who dont like cats, create additional hostility, along with all the other issues that free ranging cats endure.

wsionynw said:
Since you started on the subject I can tell you my cats have always been rescue cats, and they have chosen to spend time indoors and outdoors. Some have been run over, sure, but they at least enjoyed being well fed, looked after and free to explore while they were still alive. Better than spending a miserable life in a cat shelter, no?
The cats have chosen because you allowed them too under the misguided idea that it is good for the cat/what the cat needs. Additionally, you have experienced the death of your pet and continued to endanger them under the false impression this is good for cats.

Not only that, you show a complete disregard for the people in their cars, exposing them to the horror of running the cat over. I HATE when I hit an animal, and I get pissed at the owners for putting me in that position. I will guess you feel the same way, so why doesnt that stop from exposing your pets, or the other people in the community to this danger and stress?

It is very possible you had no idea cats can be trained, or that cat runs exist, but you continue to try to justify your idealisms by claiming the rescue cats you adopted were better off is just more deflection of responsibilty. Let me point out the flaw in your logic.

Shelters pen the animals to keep them safe from harm. You did not pick your adopted pets via a safari in the backwoods of the shelter did you? Nope. A miserable life in the shelter would have been longer than dying prematurely on the streets under car tires. I could even guess that when you adopted your pet, you signed an agreement that you would not allow your pet to roam, as many of them do make you sign such an agreement.

Obviously, you have feelings for cats or you would not have adopted them from a shelter.

One thing in this thread that has surprised me is how unwilling people are to look at the pet owners responsibility to keep their animal safe. 15 hours in the wheelie bin plus whatever time the cat was unattended before and then found by accident. These people were not looking for their missing cat even after at LEAST 15 hours had gone by. Like I said in my first post, I dont know who to be more disgusted with, the woman on the street or the cats owners.
I'm beginning to agree with you.
We are so used to seeing cats semi wild that we don't think about it.
And that 15 hours is totally because of the neglectful owners of the cat. They went to bed without checking on the welfare of their cat.

Bullshit. The blame lies solely with the spiteful old hag that put the cat in the bin.

Not all cats are the same. Some laze around indoors, some are hardly ever in. I have three cats, and their behaviour varies.