Woman throws cat in bin!

Regarding cats being let out.
Some people express surprise that the cat was out on the street.

Let me tell you that in the UK, cats spend 90% of their time wandering about, and only return home for mealtimes.

When they feel like a crap, they jump out of their home gardens and poo it into a neighbours garden.
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All the reactions are ridiculous. She's plainly got some issues, as the video shows, but given the outcome she should get a fine, maybe have to attend some kind of counseling from the UK SPCA, just to make sure she understands how a simple stupid act can be cruel.

But to wish harm to her is crazy. I guess it's part of the whole internet anonymity that people can spout out things like she should die some way. It's so easy to post without thinking.

As has been pointed out, there's far, far worse things just in the realm of animal cruelty that need more attention than this, and certainly worse things going on right now outside of that as well. But this was an easy target to vent on.
Wouldn't mind being a cat myself, actually.
They're cool:)

I DO NOT like them pooing in my garden though.

I can provide an answer to the question posed about why the cat was not discovered for fifteen hours.
Reason was that the cat was totally unconcerned about being in a bin for the first 14 hours.

Yes you would be and I would be, but the cat probably wasn't.
Dark, warm. It probably slept. They spend 15 hours a day snoozing anyway.

When the cat felt distressed, it started to make a huge amount of noise.
Oh, here comes a rescuer.

They didn't get the reputation of having nine lives for nothing.
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She is getting police protection after receiving threats for putting the Cat in the green bin where it was been stuck for 15 hours. She has not committed any criminal offense.

source: Link


Leaving an animal to die in the trash isn't a crime?

Wow. Just wow.

I assume if I kick this woman into a trash container and seal her in, that's not a crime either? :mad:
Even more amazing than the stupidity here is how outraged people are over this when much more horrible things go on all the time.

Wow. I didn't know there was a rule that says we can only get outraged about certain specific issues on a list, and the rest are off limits.
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Sad to say this but people do far more fucked up things to cats.

Microwave 'experiments' etc. This woman was mild by comparison...
Even more amazing than the stupidity here is how outraged people are over this when much more horrible things go on all the time.

imo it's the exact same sentiment that causes horrible things to go on all the time.
Sad to say this but people do far more fucked up things to cats.

Microwave 'experiments' etc. This woman was mild by comparison...

yeah, they say that's how a lot of serial killers start out.
REALLY? I like playing with fire, not in a sinister way, I just like playing with it. Iys fascinating stuff. And I admit I did wet my bed as a kid. Never had the urge to kill someone though...
are you serious?
I have never had a cat disappear or be killed on the road. Never.

I have three cats, 14, 10 and 5. One is not allowed outside because she was never trained to be on a leash and she has no desire to go outside. The other two are leashed outside. One is so good on a leash, she can be taken on walks just like a dog.

That said, any moron who lets his cat wander freely deserves to lose it. It is the owners responsibility to keep their pet as safe as possible and to let your pet roam freely is animal neglect.
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What a terribly inane thread.

Woman abuses cat. Deplorable? Yes. Criminal? No.

As has already been said, there are far worse atrocities to be concerned with at this time.
Officer Dibble needs to be moved onto the case.
Or Officer Dribble in your case Lori.

correct, animal abuse, along with pryromania and bed wetting, is one of the 3 childhood indicators of serial killers

I'd be a bit nervous about drinking a cup of tea she made, PjDude.
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What a terribly inane thread.

Woman abuses cat. Deplorable? Yes. Criminal? No.

As has already been said, there are far worse atrocities to be concerned with at this time.

Some of us can be concerned with many things at the same time. I don't remember there being a limit set on how many terrible things a person is allowed to be upset about. :rolleyes:
Yes you would be and I would be, but the cat probably wasn't.
Dark, warm. It probably slept. They spend 15 hours a day snoozing anyway.

When the cat felt distressed, it started to make a huge amount of noise.
Oh, here comes a rescuer.

They didn't get the reputation of having nine lives for nothing.
Yes, sir.
Breaking News:

About 5000 cats are put to sleep every day in the US....

Just so you know...

*(just pulled out of my ass, lazy to look it up)

You don't even want to know the number of dogs that truckers run over (possibly on purpose)

animal abuse is not a criminal offense in the UK?

perhaps the outrage regarding, and media coverage of this incident will prompt new legislation.

If it hasn't already been stated the UK has the RSPCA which will investigate animal abuse and bring abusers to the courtrooms. It's obviously a costly process and the RSPCA usually find themselves undermanned and lacking in budget to chase everyone.

The Camera footage in this instance is of course evidence, if it was just here say that the cat had been rescued from a bin 15 hours later, they might of not of had enough evidence to prosecute.

There are many aspects to cover on this particular subject, for instance "Was it a setup?", I mean did the woman know full well she was on CCTV and do the task of putting the cat in the bin as proportion of some youtube viral 15 minutes of fame?

It wouldn't take much to portray, the posed story of "the cat not being found for 15 hours" just being created to get all the animal rights activists and haters to draw even more attention to it.

The only way you could prove this was not an attention seeking "con" would be to actually watch 15 hours of footage of the bin not being opened or the owner not finding the cat. It would also have to identify that nobody else walked past the bin without hearing a cat and that the owner hadn't walked past it themselves during that time.
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