Woman throws cat in bin!

correct, animal abuse, along with pryromania and bed wetting, is one of the 3 childhood indicators of serial killers

That would be incorrect, these "Indicators" might actually indicate something else which is common with serial killers, for instance perhaps abuse or negligence from a parent, not having a real parent etc That basically means that people could grow up after having all those indicators and not become a serial killer, on the other hand someone else might not show any of those indicators and go on a killing spree.
It's certainly something to mews about.

I think PJd chose his words well. Indicator is the correct word.
You are fundamentally in agreement.

Main Entry: indicator
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: sign
Synonyms: barometer, beacon, clue, dial, gauge, guide, hint, index, mark, meter, omen, pointer, signal, symbol, warning

From Thesaurus.com
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It's certainly something to mews about.

I think PJd chose his words well. Indicator is the correct word.
You are fundamentally in agreement.

Main Entry: indicator
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: sign
Synonyms: barometer, beacon, clue, dial, gauge, guide, hint, index, mark, meter, omen, pointer, signal, symbol, warning

From Thesaurus.com

It's not the word indicator thats the problem, The problem is the stereotyping made based upon a subset of indicators.
As for the cat saga, I'd still like to see the 15 hours of CCTV footage after the cat was put in the bin, just to make sure it wasn't a hoax.
...She's plainly got some issues, as the video shows...
...should get a fine, maybe have to attend some kind of counseling...

...to wish harm to her is crazy.

Thanks for the voice of reason.!!!

Its not me who is stupid. I have never had a cat disappear or be killed on the road. Never.

It is the owners responsibility to keep their pet as safe as possible and to let your pet roam freely is animal neglect.

Good pont.!!!

What a terribly inane thread.

Much less inane than you'r coment.!!!
Technically she was a mad anti-cat woman.

She could of been a Mad at cat woman, or perhaps she's actually a man... but that would probably mean the cat wasn't a cat but a stunt(ed) midget in a jumpsuit.
The RSPCA will bring charges, so the Police Officer who said she hasn't committed a crime is simply unaware of the law wrt animal cruelty.

She'll get fined and banned from keeping animals herself.
You know there never would have been so much press if the cat threw the woman in the bin.
The RSPCA will bring charges, so the Police Officer who said she hasn't committed a crime is simply unaware of the law wrt animal cruelty.

She'll get fined and banned from keeping animals herself.

She should be banned from having a bin too.

Has anyone noticed the resemblance between Mary Bale the mad cat woman, and Susan Boyle, the mad cat woman who can sing.
Both are Youtube sensations.


Mary Bale, with Lola


Susan Boyle, with Pebbles
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are you seriously this stupid?

so confining a cat in an area that's approximately 2ft by 2 ft by 4 foot is animal cruelty? if u have ever had a pet in an animal carrier than HOW DARE YOU!! and the millions of people that do it
so confining a cat in an area that's approximately 2ft by 2 ft by 4 foot is animal cruelty? if u have ever had a pet in an animal carrier than HOW DARE YOU!! and the millions of people that do it

That is a good point. And i am sure all these people do jus thtat. Sounds like they live by the goden rule...

do as i say, not as i do.
so confining a cat in an area that's approximately 2ft by 2 ft by 4 foot is animal cruelty? if u have ever had a pet in an animal carrier than HOW DARE YOU!! and the millions of people that do it

if it's a trash can, and it's not your cat, and you have no idea what's going to happen to it after you walk away, then yes. even if the animal doesn't end up hurt, it's negligent at best, and malicious at worst.

there aren't any air holes in the side of a trash can, it's dark, she didn't know what was in the can already, and she didn't know what would be put in next. she could have injured the cat just tossing it in, and she had no idea if it would be found.

when i put my cats in carriers, i do so for a reason, and it's not because i think it's "funny". :confused: