Witnesses For UFO Congressional hearing

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History of the Debunker

You will not find what is commonly called a UFO Debunker in any other areas of science or discovery. The only anomally simular would be possibly 1539 Copernicus. His theories that the earth revolved around the sun were outlawed. Theoretical evidence for the Copernican theory was provided by Newton's theory of universal gravitation around 150 years later. Copernicus warns the debunker~...Perhaps there will be babblers who, although completely ignorant of mathematics, nevertheless take it upon themselves to pass judgement on mathematical questions and, badly distorting some passages of Scripture to their purpose, will dare find fault with my undertaking and censure it. I disregard them even to the extent as despising their criticism as unfounded.

The dictionary lists debunk as "to disclose to unmask to unshroud". And yet a UFO debunker does exactly thee opposite. In the search for truth, they are the passionate know it alls, who are there to enlighten you . They know everything there is to know about any evidence that ever existed. Unfortunately they don't.

Until the 1950's there was no such thing as the Debunker. When the White House was Buzzed by a large UFO formation in 1952 twice one week apart .The Government realized it must do something to soften the swelling fear in the citizens. So "scientic announcements" were made that the phenenomon was "Temperature Inversion" the UFO Debunker was born. All newspapers reported faithfully the Governments findings. Hearing further outcries for the truth about Flying Saucers. Project Blue Book was created to show our Governments full attempts to clarify all of these flying saucer reports. But unlike it's stated mission. It was more of a Roach Motel for UFO information. Information went in but i't never checked out.
Ridicule keeps it covered!

How can ya have any pudding if you dont eat yer meat!

A variety of airline pilots have on more than one occasion reported two things.

1) Have at times witnessed objects in the skies, that they believe are not normal man made flying objects. Causing major magnetic disturbance related to the their directional equipment.

2) Reported that being truthful about such sighting is job threatening.

Bless me father for its been 7 days since my last con... Post
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I think this thread is too important to be allowed to fall out of sight. I'm currently at work, but I will either download the conference at home tonight, or order the DVD.

Thank you fluid for sharing this information.
Well, I didn't watch the video, but I just finished listening to the 1:55 audio tape of some of the witnesses brief testimonies. All I can say is Wow.

If these people are telling the truth, then we have a very real problem in this country, if not the world. It appears that the Extraterrestial issue is even more vast than I could have ever imagined. I will reserve judgement on the authenticity of all the testimonies until I learn more, but as of now, I will trust that background checks have been made on all of the witnesses. One thing's for sure, if there's even a single charlatin in the group, every last witnesses testimony will be called a fruad. My fear is that there is a Govmt mole among them to discredit them all if the need arises.

I really don't know how to react to the information I've now heard. Over the dozens upon dozens of books I've read, I knew there was plenty of sensationalized information being mixed in with the probable truth. The difficulty was determining what information was true, and what was being included as disinformation to discredit those getting close to the actual truth.

57 different cataloged species?

An actual extraterrestial base on the far side of the moon?

I've read these reports elsewhere, but I've always been a bit leary of them.

All I can say at this time, is my perspective on things has changed since listening to this audio tape. Mostly, my perspective on who really is in charge of our country. If this information is true, then we really do have a secret govmt that's in charge of things. I always try to tread very carefully around these types of conspiracy theories, but for this information can only be kept under wraps if our leadership is not as it appears. The simple fact that 2 of our Presidents couldn't even get clearance to view the data, should be disturbing in it's on right.

I'll comment later after I order and view the DVD.
I agree with you V-rob, the information that has been accumulated on this post is very fundamental and eye opening for those who are ready. I actually have to try and avoid this site now because it just absorbs to much of my time and energy because of the enormous implications of other life and the zero point energy, all truly incredible, the stuff that will take life into the next level of consciousness, or world view, what ever you might call it.
I have just so much on my plate right now that I can't afford to visit as often as I would like.
Hey Fluid....are you still around?
Just giving you a shout out if you are;)
I may visit a bit more often in the next little while as I want to finish listening to the S.E.A.S. interview, awesome stuff.
Thanks to everyone who is contributing.
Peace Out
Aliens and the like...


Have been sitting here reading all of your fantastique very well written post... And I must say it took me a while, it is late here, and all of me cats and dogs think its time to be up and go... lol.. But I must say....

1) I think it is much obvious that they are here. May we remember it in our dreams, or being a child.

2) Yes, it is again obvious that our respective govt. has hidden a lot of info from us (hey that is life)

3) Maybe, just maybe, if we stop talking about it, and beleiving in what we see.... or have seen, it would then become what it has been,

A Reality.

I watched the video and found MOST of it was beleavable BUT when the question was asked to the bloke who said he had seen crashed ufo's "could he describe them" and he replied that it is difficult because there are 57 species catalouged....

I want to beleave it but im having trouble , how can there be 57 types of aleian visiting us , he said it as if the had/were doing tests on them????

Maybe its true , but the mere fact that theres a strong possibility of it being true is Startling and Disturbing....
57 alien species?

You need not worry about conspiracy theories here on Earth - quite clearly, the aliens are the ones conspiring.
Originally posted by (Q)
57 alien species?

You need not worry about conspiracy theories here on Earth - quite clearly, the aliens are the ones conspiring.

If they land at Q's house no need worry bout them running into intelligent life.
Perhaps not 57 seperate civilizations, but 57 different races co-existing. This isn't that hard to believe when we have millions of species co-existing on earth. Maybe there is only 56 intelligent species but they brought the family dog along for the ride...
The extraterrestrial base on the far side of the moon is just an alien stripper club - that's where abductees go to get 'probed.'

A word of caution - the ET veggie burgers are a scam, they actually use mutilated cattle and sheep.

Message for Q

Like yaawl Red Necks say - If you don't like the thread don't visit"
(read to the tune of If you don't like the country then leave)
Message for Q

Like yaawl Red Necks say - If you don't like the thread don't visit

I’m just offering some insight into aliens and alien lunar bases – I wouldn’t want you to become disillusioned of either one.

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