Witnesses For UFO Congressional hearing

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Is there any way that you could sum up the video? I have a poor connection and will never be able to download the whole thing.

These aliens....if they are hostile, as it appears from what I have been able to garner through reading this, can they be beaten? Can peace be made with them?

Is there any way to radio for help? To hope that another interstellar power player has the benevolence to help us out? If whatever it is you're saying is true, what the hell are we going to do about it?
Originally posted by Pollux V
Is there any way that you could sum up the video? I have a poor connection and will never be able to download the whole thing.

These aliens....if they are hostile, as it appears from what I have been able to garner through reading this, can they be beaten? Can peace be made with them?

Is there any way to radio for help? To hope that another interstellar power player has the benevolence to help us out? If whatever it is you're saying is true, what the hell are we going to do about it?

On the Contrary the Aliens are not hostile. But seem to be concerned with our hostility. Thee only thing they have attacked are nuclear weapons. They have disabled various missile silos as well as during live testing of them they have intercepted and disabled them. We are the hostiles here. Go to http://www.disclosureproject.org/
I beleive you can order a cd relatively cheap and at the same time help out a worthy cause to wake up the sheep population of America.
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Pollux if you have any way at all of down loading this conference then do it.
Borrow a friends computer if you have to.
There is no way to sum up the video and give it justice.
All that will be acomplished is hearing more third hand evidence from a bunch of people you don't even know.
I expect no one to beleive me on my words only.
I am not that gullible myself,so expect none less from others.
Do what you have to.
Become a witness to THE most defining moment in history"next to the actual media exsposed meeting with another race".
While you are watching this,I hope you can get a feel for the significance of this conference.I felt like I was part of this next step in human progress in some small way just by being able to view it before this becomes mainstream, and the fact that this is all going to come down during my life time.
No more words.
You must watch this.

Absolutely,amazing,over the top,holy shit,so obvious,blows my mind.
These are the first words to come to mind while trying to desrcibe this video.
I know Moving.
That is The question.
Why hasn't this recieved more attention?
I am just glad that Fluid was able to share this with me.
Peace Out
Playing Devil's Advocate

On the Contrary the Aliens are not hostile.

Then why do they take random people against their will into their spaceships?

Thee only thing they have attacked are nuclear weapons. They have disabled various missile silos as well as during live testing of them they have intercepted and disabled them.

I heard about this, actually saw it on tv only a few days ago. The History Channel now has a UFO-show day marathon every month or two, and based on the other programming of that show it's quite possible that the channel is just another extension of the US propaganda department. Perhaps the government knows it cannot win and is taking the next course of logical action--by slowly informing the people through means that appear to be run by civilians instead of the government itself.

I know how horrific nuclear weapons are, but my question is, why didn't they disable all of them?

And I will be ordering that video.

Pollux, don't pretend your eyes are open, go back to sleep.

Not exactly sure what you mean by this.

Okay, so these Disclosure Project people--have they gone before Congress, and if they did, what did Congress say. If they haven't gone before Congress when are they planning to?

I'm probably younger than you, moementum, so if it is indeed true then it will likely happen during mine as well.

One last point--wouldn't it be better for our species if we had developed this magical technology on our own? If we had matured enough to create such wonderful miracle machines, as described at their website? How do we know that we are ready for such devices? What would the native americans have done had they been given a chainsaw? What would the Sumerians have done if they had been given airliners?
I understand what you are saying Pollux.
I consider my self to be mature enough to be able to use something,as long as I was taught how to use it.

As for having to wait until we develop the specific devices ourselves before we are ready to use them,
I can use a microwave,a telephone,and a stereo system and I probly would have never invented them myself.
Am I picking up what your putting down?
Please respond.
Peace Out
I thought I might put my 2-cents in here. And that is all that it is,
no one really understands all the implications. I have been interested in the UFO subject for many years. None of this is new to me. I have
read what most of those witnesses said a long time ago. I also
knew of this "UFO Congressional Report" before. My take on it?
I think there is a very good possibility we are being visited. From
what I have read over the years, I don't believe they are hostile.
They don't respond in a hostile way to our aircraft chasing them,
they just evade our craft. If they were interested in taking over
the earth, they would likely have done that years ago. I also don't
think they are benevolent angels, here to cure the earth's ills. I
think they are simply curious. Same as we would be if we were
able to travel to another planet and find a less advanced, but still
intelligent race. A subject of study, no more, no less. Some of the
people in that report have little credibility with the more "scientific"
UFO researchers. Dr. Greer, himself, is considered something of a
nut. Well, maybe a full fledged nut by many, not because of his beliefs
in UFO's, but where he takes his speculation. The subject of UFO's
is filled with wild speculation, distortion of facts, and outright lies.
Don't believe everything you read.
I do not argue with anything you have said 2inquisitive.
And I continue to see the main point of all this dicussion being missed,and that is whether or not there is such a thing as another race of intelligent beings visiting us.
Whether or not they are hostile,friendly,wanting to help us,use us,abduct us,or party,is irrelavant at this time.The main issue should always be whether or not they exist.Period.
Once this is firmly established then it would be rational to move on to the secondary issues of what this all means and they're intentions.
Thats my 2 million dollars:D

Like a quote from the NCAA congress meeting"With all of the tens of thousands of sightings and documentations reported,It only takes one of these to be true,to bring this subject to a level of very important significance."
Peace Out
I consider my self to be mature enough to be able to use something,as long as I was taught how to use it.

I was careful to use objects in my example to show how they could be used for better or for worse. A chainsaw can be used to help provide shelter for a people, or it can be used to clear entire forests and fuel the demands of an industrialist capitalist society. An airliner can traverse great distances in little time, but it can also be loaded with weapons and used as a weapon itself. Would you trust a Cro Magnon with a pistol, or a police officer from NYC?

As for having to wait until we develop the specific devices ourselves before we are ready to use them,
I can use a microwave,a telephone,and a stereo system and I probly would have never invented them myself.

I meant the species or the most advanced culture within our species, not the individual. You've grown up around such devices, and you're used to them. If FTL travel is possible, and these aliens have it, then they would be speeding our technological advancement ahead by hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Don't they have some kind of a Prime Directive to follow, not to intervene in the affairs of another intelligent species unless that species has FTL travel?

I have been interested in the UFO subject for many years. None of this is new to me.

Same here. I've been interested in UFOs almost all my life, I saw the Disclosure Project's website months ago.

what I have read over the years, I don't believe they are hostile.
They don't respond in a hostile way to our aircraft chasing them,
they just evade our craft.

I've heard about UFOs being violent, don't tell me that you haven't. As I recall there was an airbase somewhere in the US, about fifty years ago that detected a UFO. They scrambled some jets, F-4s, I think, and when they had spotted the object only one guy decided to follow it. They had trouble identifying his corpse in the wreckage, I believe. Do you really think an F-4 could pursue a UFO that's capable of traversing galaxies? We have planes that are used every day that could easily outrun an F-4!

If they were interested in taking over

I'm just trying to play Devil's Advocate here, but let's say they are interested in taking the earth, stripping it of its resources but mainly its labor. We could be used as slaves. However, if we were overpowered and separated, moved across the galaxy, etcetera, wouldn't our population growth decrease exponentially? It's possible that they want as many of us as they can get, and they're going to get us only when they percieve that we have a weapon that could actually defeat them.

Same as we would be if we were
able to travel to another planet and find a less advanced, but still
intelligent race. A subject of study, no more, no less.

Human nature has hardly changed at all, if at all, since the first Europeans found the New World five hundred years ago. They were greeted with smiles, supplies, and friendliness, and how were they repaid? They were enslaved, their cultures destroyed, there are almost no living descendents of the native Caribbeans alive today. Then there's Central America, North America, Australia....the list goes on and on. If humanity discovered another race that wasn't as developed technologically as we were, you can bet your bottom dollar that they'd be enslaved and extinguished before you could say "Columbus wasn't the first to find America."

The main issue should always be whether or not they exist.

I agree. I think that most Americans, though, have a pretty good idea that something wierd is going on.

One more thing--pardon me for asking again, but could you answer this question?

Okay, so these Disclosure Project people--have they gone before Congress, and if they did, what did Congress say. If they haven't gone before Congress when are they planning to?
3 cents worth

First Moememtum

Thanks for the support!

I beleive fully in the "majority" of the witnesses- not all but the majority. That stated I dont know for sure whether any of this stuff is true. But if there is the slightest chance that it is. And I feel that these witnesses have enough legitimate weight in their words, I feel it it is our obligation to pursue the truth as doggedly as "humanly" possible. If there is going to be communication dialogue with other beings, I dont feel comfortable that the parties representing our species have anyones best interest in mind except for their own agenda.

Many probes sent to mars have been disabled when coming into photographic range, Could that be these secret black projects
who actually send our Alien Reproduction Vehicles out to disable these probes ?

Others beleive it is these secret black projects that have been mutilating cattle in an attempt to slowly build enough fear through our society that we would want our military to handle
any UFO contacts. Ever hear of cattle mutilations anywhere but in the US. I havent

What's true whats false .. who the hell knows were in the dark with a pocket full of wet matches.

Until enough people stand up and acknowledge the issue
status quo will remain.

Spread the word lets find out the facts whatever they are ?

One last point i clipped the following from


and beleive that in fact we may have invented some of these things on our own accord.

"Research shows that over the past 75 years a number of significant breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have occurred that have been systematically suppressed. Since the time of Tesla, T. Townsend Brown and others in the early and mid-twentieth century we have had the technological ability to replace fossil fuel, internal combustion and nuclear power generating systems with advanced non-polluting electromagnetic and electro-gravitic systems. The open literature is replete with well-documented technologies that have surfaced, only to later be illegally seized or suppressed through systematic abuses of the national security state, large corporate and financial interests or other shadowy concerns.
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These aliens....if they are hostile, as it appears from what I have been able to garner through reading this, can they be beaten? Can peace be made with them?

I thought you were being sarcastic, sorry if you were not :eek:

Okay, so these Disclosure Project people--have they gone before Congress, and if they did, what did Congress say. If they haven't gone before Congress when are they planning to?

The problem is that they can't go before the congress, congress won't hear them.

I myself have had a very un-nerving revelation as to whether or not the E.T.'s will in fact intervene on our part.
They might actually be waiting to see if our race as a whole can save itself first.
Meaning whether or not we"our race has the strength/genetic/ spiritual"capability as a species to stand up and come together to do what is right and not let our present so called "leaders' continue to do what they do,
or if our race does not have the capacity as a whole to enter into the universal arena.A kind of survial of the fittest if you will.

Which begs me to question, are we worth saving as a race?
Or would we be a burden,or even considered dangerous to the rest of the universal neighborhood.

This in my eyes is becoming more of a very real moral dilema for myself.For if I myself with my own experiences and information that I have received,have not yet come to take action in any significant way,why would I believe anyone else would be so brave?

If you do not undersatnd what I am saying please say so and I will try and explain in a little more detail what I am thinking.

Any thoughts?
Lets try and keep this as simple as possible.
Let me say this,this is only speculation,but makes very much, alot of sense to me.
Peace Out
I apreciate any responses to this.

I never thought I would be saying this,but in response to pollux's last thread as to them having some sort of prime directives to follow,I would almost have to say that it would be more of a spiritual and technological standard that must be reached.
Using and harnessing power to be able to enter space,and perhaps our ability as a race to be able to become peaceful.
It might be only when these two criteria are met that intervention might be rational.
Intelligence unfortunately is a sign of technology AND our ability to get along.Spiritual if you will.
If it has anything to do with our ability to get along as a race,...
were fucked.
I hope I am wrong and probly am. :confused:
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Moementum, What your saying does seem to make sense, but I don’t think we can blame most of it on our leaders, we all have a part in what our race is doing. It’s just too hard to speculate since we know so little. Some of my questions would be - how many other races are out there? If there is more than one then are they living in harmony? Did they influence our religions? Billy Meier gives us some answers, but can we believe them? Or are we in a learning process that must be self-taught, and this is why there is no overt intervention?
Yes moving,that is exactly what I am saying.That it is up to us.
Not to sit on our hinies and let the governments speak for us.
In light of this read my post again and see if this meaning comes across.Maybe I worded it that terribly.Sorry.
Peace Out
They could very well be hostile, but merely have an aversion wholesale extermination. Maybe they want to rule over us, but fear that we would develop defenses against them if we were thier subjects. So they might be leading the world into a situation in which it is controlled by one nation(America) and them they would have the simple task of using the white house as a puppet orifice and not even let us know they exist.
This isn't my personal belief, merely an explanation of how they could be hostile and not have already acted against us.

May 25, 2001


According to management of ConnectLive.com, which was airing the webcast of the Disclosure Project press conference, they were hit with sophisticated jamming. They had never experienced anything like it in the hundreds of webcasts they had conducted. It was not hacking and it was not the result of not enough bandwidth capabilities. Approximately 250,000 connections were made to view the live webcast - a record for that site.

As a result of the jamming the webcast was down for about 10 to 15% of the time. They received hundreds of queries as to what the problem was.

This was ConnectLive's May 9th message about the jamming:
"If you are having trouble connecting, do not fear... it will be archived in its entirety for the next 6 months. The archive will be placed online this afternoon. There have been a number of sophisticated attempts to jam the signal, however, we have very successfully managed to get around those attempts and thousands of people have watched the live broadcast. Please keep trying."

Who might want to Jam this program ? And Why ?
Who might want to Jam this program ? And Why ?

We cannot ignore the possibility however remote that they were in fact doing it to themselves to generate more publicity.

Maybe they want to rule over us, but fear that we would develop defenses against them if we were thier subjects. So they might be leading the world into a situation in which it is controlled by one nation(America) and them they would have the simple task of using the white house as a puppet orifice and not even let us know they exist.

That's possible. But what could they have to gain from something like this? We wouldn't be able to be their slaves, for one.
Hey, first post here at sciforums.com. My question; does anyone know if the Disclosure Project video is available in any other format (preferably Quicktime) than that Windows Media Player-format? I'd love to watch it but I don't have access to anything other than Mac OS 9 which doesn't in any way decode that WMP-format correctly. Maybe someone could convert it? :)
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