Witnesses For UFO Congressional hearing

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CNN Search

Originally posted by fluid1959
Hmmm when i search google and altavista on cnn ufo news nothing comes up ?

tried these combinations

cnn Ufo

ufo cnn


Well I tried to search for this article too..but I guess it is not listed, but I am not making it up
Also I came accross an interesting article in CNN while searching for the above article

P.S. : I did email CNN headline news asking them for information, once I get it I will surely share it with you.
CNN=Controlled Network News

Wasn't implying you didnt see it. Just many news reports exist
one day and are absolutely white washed on the following day.
Well I got the video and I watched it today. Really disturbing stuff, guys. Even more disturbing is the high probability, in my opinion, of it being the truth or close to the truth.

Speaking of truth, has anyone ever seen those anti-cigarrette ads, with hordes of people dying on the street, that sort of thing? If these guys at the Disclosure Project could get their hands on enough cash they would be able to possibly wage an effective ad campaign in order to increase awareness. It's working damn well for the people at truth, I don't know why it shouldn't work for the Disclosure Project.
US ABC news did have a small write-up on the conference, so from what I can gather it did occur. Western press is owned and controlled by a lot smaller group than most people realise, so it would have beeen easy for the government to put pressure on them not to do any follow-ups in major press releases. The question still remains though, why, in 2 1/2 years are they still just showing the same conference video at upcoming events? What happened to the other 380 odd witnesses they claim are willling to testify? Why hasn't there been a follow-up conference? Is it because they didn't get the initial media coverage they were hoping for and have decided not to bother? If this is real, how can it be that there has been little or no reaction? Are people just afraid to be the first to put their hand up and say "I believe them" or is it that no-one does believe them?

I believe their conference impact was over shadowed by the 9-11 event few months after their conference and then the whole media was Hijacked by Bush's Public Relations during the 2 wars to even show all the anti war demonstrations...this was not even in the top 10 agenda items for the media.

These Groups work under lot of pressure, as corporations do not want to associate with them as it might have adverse effect on their credibility on wall street, Govt tries to influence them in canceling their events as anything not sponsored by the incumbent administration is seen as against it ...

I feel these guys are genuine as I have been reading lot on UFOs and it is not funny how people have been stripped of their credibility by charges of Kiddie porn, operating brothels once they are considered as threat ....

Its Human tendency to always want to read a sensational headline such as "UFO group Fakes interviews" but will never read the fine print that the Group had 95% good interviews...few of them were faked may be because of some guy wanting his 15 minutes of fame..


Read this article ... this was never followed up by any press after that... I wonder why?
Guru - if ya do go and check out the disclosure meeting, let us all know how it went. BTW I can't access any of the links below for some reason... What are they?
Right on Pollux.
You got that video fast.
I know what you mean.
I would just like to thank everyone else for posting sites to visit.
I am not finding enough time to find the good sites myself,so thanks again for your active participation in this.
Who care if no one else belives it.
It is all going to come out into the lime light very soon.
It is inevitable.
Once it become public knowledge, you will be able to cut the anxiety of the people with a butter knife.
It's funny to think how many people will probly deny it even after it is right in front of them.:)
As for the direction the Disclosure project is heading I believe they are concenterating more on the concrete benefits of the Zero degree energy machine and making it public and commercial.

This is a much more in our face topic for the state of the world which we are currently in.Without a new source of energy like this,were fucked.Period.
Our children will be anyway.
That's why I think that the alien subject has taken a back seat for now,although Peter does in no way avoid the questions when they come up.
Because of the vast skepticism associated with U.F.O.'s they are focussing more on the zero degree machine at this time.
This in itself will change the world as we know it:)
Makes sense to me.

Peace Out
When the Truth comes out ?

1) Sun Lasco/Soho satellite photos of UFO's in nasa's own released photo's. (research Euro seti) video found on Kazaa

2) Cattle mutilations Approx 30,000 cases or 30,000,000 dollars worth of cattle . Not one arrest. hmmmmmm Did detectives forget how to detect ?

3) Crop circles/landing sites bearing radiation and other odd characteristics
Crop circles have appeared in over 40 countries worldwide. Must be a conspiracy to fool who ?
(must be those crazy british boyz with their ropes and boards they surely get around.)

4) Mars - Pyramids Face tubes etc. anything interesting found is surely an area avoided with nasa probes.. why ?

5) Witnesses public - Betty and Barney hill The famous case of Betty and Barney Hill was a first for the UFO phenomenon for many reasons. Although it wasn't the first reported abduction, it was the first to be formally investigated and also marked the entrance of hypnosis into UFOlogy. It wasn't however the first mysterious happening in New Hampshire.
also see Betty's Star Map- Marjorie Fish

The allagash 4 "Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention." The account of the 1996 abduction of four men while on a canoe trip in the Allagash Wilderness in Maine. This incident ranks as one of the most compelling abduction accounts because it is supported by multiple witnesses

6) Government Witnesses - project disclosure and it's 450 witnesses in Government Cia FBI NSA Army Navy Marines AirForce
as well as Corporate Testimony

7) Moon Landing or hoax or something in between just a few high resolution pictures of the moons light and darkside would have stamped this out 30 years ago. We can go to the moon but we apparently can't photograph it very well why ?. Think maybe by apollo 16 we would have brought the appropriate camera ? Why do Some beleive .. If we went to the moon it wasn't in a rocket. (do the research)

8) Things for debunkers to read Friedman versus Klass (Klass = Klueless Ass (just my personal opinion)

9) An average of 70,000 ufo sightings reported each year!

10) reported crash sites
Rosewell, New Mexico 4 July 1947
Spitzenbergen, Norway 1952
and many many more ( do the research)

11) Famous Landings
Rendlesham Forest will always be remembered as the UK's answer to Roswell, being as it is the only other UFO incident that has received official recognition from the government and military. It is the most significant UFO incident ever to have occurred in the UK and one of the most significant anywhere in the world.

Debunkers =Dont they need more swamps ? for their swamp gas theories?
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Just a thought,I wonder if allot of those cow mutilations were to bring food for all of the abductees.
You know how we love our burgers. :D
Mars seen

Debunkers state the recent thousands of ufo reports were due to our neigboring planet Mars being so close to us.

Debunkers are yet to explain how mars is making right hand turns
and managing fantastic manuevers.
UFO Debunkers

There was a very good comment by Carl Sagan asking why hasn't there been one Single Cocktail Napkin from these UFOs to prove their existence....but then even the African tribes do not have a piece if Concord or our Satellite to prove their existence...

I believe Debunkers fall in 3 categories

1. Government Sponsored Debunkers who would go to any length to prove what you saw was anything but a extra Terrestrial object

2. Debunkers who would want to prove their Sanity in the world by calling and ridiculing UFO believers... as it would re-assure their current existence in their society as sane and intelligent people ....these were also spun off from the Govt. attempt at creating a aura of ridicule around such sightings right since Mid 40s...

3. Genuine Debunkers who sift through stuff which can be explained and if not then they accept the facts as unexplained and do not go to the length of ridiculing people.

I am actually reading a book by Bud Hopkins which says about the time loss experienced by the Hill couple and it is very interesting to see that we all may have had time loss but must have not realized it ...also I find it scary.

But I should say you have a list of good points about the UFO phenomenon.

Possibilities of Alien visitations?

Alien Life is already here. Stop being Ridiculous. Do you really believe the lights that buzzed the White House in 1952 twice "1 week apart" were caused by temperature Inversion.

Why do you think project blue book was ever created to begin with ?

Haven't any of you seen the film of the 10 mile long tether with ufo's all around it. Do you people even attempt logic?

You really beleive the army couldnt decide that it was a weather balloon until Ramey gave it a glorified look.

Havent You seen the blown up photo of Rameys Letter ?

Havent any of you seen the photo's from space based camera's.
showing ufo's flying all over.
Mexico's mass sightings witnessed by thousands, clues for the clueless?.

You have a better chance to debunk Jesus, theres a lot less evidence.

Theres nothing you cant Debunk if it makes you sleep better at night.
When I lay me down to sleep I pray the aliens have teeth and a ferocious appetite for close minded sheep buttocks. You beleive all the astronauts that came forward with photo's and stories are Liars!.
If Coal miners were the majority of witnesses you might have a case!
Holy cow!relax and enjoy,sit back and breathe in
its just a matter of time for the show to begin

For some,like us,we have had a sneek preview
Let the skeptics be,and do what they do

What good is it talking about a UFO
When they already think,they already know?

Let them find out for themselves what is out there
let them believe in empty space and thin air

Unless those aliens come down on they're own
or contact the skeptics through e-mail or phone

Then do not come across like its all your own fight
A safe change in consciousness,will not happen overnight

I am behind you however,in all that you say
Just save some time for fluid to play:D
Peace Out
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