With A Heavy Heart, I Say This to Atheists and Christians


If you believe suffering for what you are and paying the price for being honest and true to yourself is not worth eternal hell, then you have no place being free.
If I’m supposed to suffer for living up to the very things I was created to be by the very creator who created me, supposedly, then when the time comes I’ll spit in His/Her/Its face and endure the price of being human.
Besides, I suspect that nothing can be worse than existence.

I do agree with you.

It is moronic for God to punish a human being for being sinful when He is the one who created the human with a sinful nature in the first place!
The Church has no such authority over the believer and therefore the Church cannot mandate what is orthodox and what is heretic to the faith. You are speaking like a Catholic instead of an objective inquirer. The Bible makes no such claim to verify your verneration of Church to such responsibility.
SouthStar, I have verses in mind; they are not worth arguing over, especially since the verses you've given do not support your conclusions. Paul writes to "uplift" not tear down. What is meant by "we" is himself, along with those who do not loose hope.

The Bible is written in its time, using expressions of its time. Since the "four corners" is a matter expression, the use of the expression does not mean the world is flat.
I didn't ever say the world was flat, I said the Bible supports that claim unmistakeably.

And I suppose you are then saying that Paul was writing only to a specific audience, therefore his gospel cannot apply in modern circumstances?
What I was really going for when I asked what meaning there is to life, I was referring more so to the ultimate purpose.

There is none, and I've come to the conclusion that questions of purpose are meaningless.

If there is no hope of an afterlife in heaven, then all we have is here on earth and therefore we really needn't have any goals.

Wrong. Obviously we still have goals on earth.

A man who eats good food all his days and a baby that starves to death in it's first three days will all return to dust where their lives will have no meaning to them.


Also if our instincts cause us to behave rather antisocially, is it good to repress them in order to conform to the expectations of society?

Not really, but the alternative is way worse.

Must we adhere to the morals of others to find fulfillment in our own lives or should we be our own men and dictate how we live? Futile questions, I know, but the very idea that I could die an hour from now and realize that there really is a hell waiting for me is as equally distressing as dying and that being the end of my existence for ever, regardless of whether I was good or bad in my life.

Can't empathize, the idea of worshipping a psychotic control freak never really appealed to me.
Although, I suppose Har is psychotic and something of a control freak?
But really - would you want to be close to such a God?

Then again, I never had the urge to worship anything, and I presume you have. No offense, but you seem to be either young or the sort of person who needs guidence in their life.

Athiesm is completely amoral. Now the individual athiest may find individual "reasons for life" or things, but they're not going to get that from anyone or anything besides themselves. Maybe you just need time to adjust to this new worldview, but you must realize that athiesm is nothing like Christianity. It's completely nihilistic.

If you're not comfortable with that I think you should consider only - modifying - your opinion of God.

No offense. If you're serious about this, I respect you: for I never thought someone born and raised religious could come to the athiestic standpoint on view of pure reason.

Thanks, I was hoping that was an accurate summary of what I was trying to convey.
Hi, §outh§tar

Yours is truly an amazing post.

Wonderfully written.

Kudos to you §outh§tar! And Congratulations!

I can not say much that hasn’t been said. I used to be a believer. I think it’s almost only natural. However, honestly, the day I discovered the truth I felt the most light-hearted I’d ever felt. I don’t know why? I felt great. Truly Fantastic!!

You’ll soon realize that you now have the opportunity to go further in life than you ever could have before. Study Chinese! Do a Doctorate in Archeology! Travel! Eat raw Fish! Exercise! Move to another country! Go back to school and study Biology! Maybe teach Evolution and Theology at University!

Anyway, I didn’t really think about not living after death. It’s something I didn’t think much about before and still don’t. You know, Chris is going for the freeze. As a neuroscientist I feel there is an opportunity at rebirth there. Memory may be structural protein and that certainly is intact after a freeze. Maybe in 50 year’s it’ll be common place? So don’t worry. As for morals. They are with you now. Could you go out and kill your neighbor? Why not steal something from him? Some people could and do. But that’s not you now is it? No I didn’t think so. I hope ;)

Anyway, take care and good luck,

Best Wishes!
Michael II
Southstar, that is your most lucid post... and I think it just singlehandedly justified the Religious forum.

You raised the issue of sin and others have also commented on it.

Ask yourself this. All manner of living things that reproduce, including even most plants, have male and female counter parts to carry out the process.

Does it make any sense what-so-ever to consider that a god would have created the entire universe and all in it including male and female and then stipulate.

a - We should inherent the earth (reproduce)

b - Don't dally in the garden of Eden or face negative consequences.

c - Claiming sin for having taken advantage of the appendages which he created for the purpose of procreation, by virtue of the bological urges he also created, seems a bit duplicitous and nonsensical. Now I have had other christians challenge this claiming that the sin wasn't having sex but for having had sex when told not to do so.

While not minding God might be punishable, it still makes no sense that God would give such an order except to temp his creation. And that also is an unacceptable attribute for any true God. Especially for one that supposedly knew in advance that they would disobey.

d - Having been born generations hence just how do you suppose this innocent youth should be held responsible and bear the burden of the original sin?

I am afraid the Bible is folklore and not good folklore at that. If you can take a deep breath and relax, you will thouroughly enjoy your newly found freedom of self thought.

You are now free to grant to your God those attributes that you yourself find appropriate for him and you can live by those standards without internal conflict.

This is what I have done. It is somewhat ironic. My wife and I now manage a retirement community (32.5 acres). One of the residents to whom we have gotten fairly close, knows of my distain for religion, yet just yesterday out of the blue he made the following comment "You simply amaze me. You don't believe in church and a God but yet you act more christian than most christians. You treat people the way people should be treated.".

Made me feel pretty good. I am seen good for myself, not because I subscribe to some authority under threat or pretend to be something which I may not be.

I think you will do well. It took a lot of inner strength to face up to your convictions. Don't look back and long for the comfort of hollow promises in return for threats.
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Congratulations buddy, you're a free man and about to start becoming a full, real human being.

Athiest brothers;
Haha, he fell for it, I can't wait to laugh at him in hell.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Congratulations buddy, you're a free man and about to start becoming a full, real human being.

Athiest brothers;
Haha, he fell for it, I can't wait to laugh at him in hell.

Not nice. Not nice. Now you just know should there be such a place where that puts you don't you. :D
Dr Lou Natic said:
Athiest brothers;
Haha, he fell for it, I can't wait to laugh at him in hell.
*maniacal laughter booms in the distance" Bwaaa Haaaw Haawwww . . . . .Prepare the alter of sacrifice .. . . .

Wow §outh§tar! Ya've brought up a lot of points since I was last here. Well, writing responces to these points would be my pleasure.

§outh§tar said:
Does it not bother you that you just might be wrong concerning God and that you might actually end up in hell for eternity? The very possibility that they might be right when they say there is a hell, despite the lack of evidence is something that bothers me..

I won't lie to you. I sometimes think about the fact that Christians have some wild chance of being right. I sometimes think that I'm going to Hell. It does bother me. But ya know what? I think that if God existed, and if He were merciful, like some Christians say, I think He would understand why you have doubts and let you into Heaven anyway. This is a reassuring thought.

And here's another reassuring thought: Christianity is not the only religion that promises eternal punishment for your sins. The Egyptians believed that when you died, the weight of your heart was compared to that of a feather on a balance. If it was heavier, it was gobbled up by some dog-like creature (I don't know that detail very well).

Another thought: there's every chance that another religion is right. Think about this: You decide it's not worth it to risk going to Hell, and you go back to being a devoted Christian. But when you die, you find yourself standing before Hades.

That's something to think about.

It seemed much more comforting to me when I was under the impression that my efforts on earth would be rewarded for all eternity in heaven.

What about just being good for no reason?! All your humanitarian acts performed without expecting a prize at the end is rewarding in and of itself.

If we will have no rememberance of the earth when we die and it's over once and for all after then, it appears to me that we might as well fulfill every sinful desire we can ever have since this is the only chance we get.

Letting go of Christianity does make you free to fulfill every sinful desire you have. This is where common sense and a personal moral code comes in. Decide if it will hurt anyone (including yourself). If it won't, then go ahead and fulfill that desire!

I am only saying that is it not possible to be a little more "loose" in life since it is the only life you have and any reservations you have will only be your loss since once you die that is it?

I am not saying go and kill millions or anything like that. Participating in a threesome and going to college parties is more of what I had in mind.. ;) perhaps the Hitler analogy was a little too extreme. All I mean to say is not living life according to what society deems acceptable since it is the only life you have and when you die, you wouldn't care anyway.

You would care when you are alive, wouldn't you?

You can be loose. You can defy what society deems sinful. Live life! You can have a ménage à trois! You can watch 24 hours of porn! You can masturbate the entire 24 hours (there really isn't a social stigma around that anymore, but still)! Again, this is where common sense and your personal moral code comes in!

I can see you know very little about the mother who raised me up with Christian fundamental written all over my forehead...

That doesn't matter! You're still her son. I know she'll still love you. Okay, I can give you the fact that she may not like it. But deep down, she'll still love you!

Must we adhere to the morals of others to find fulfillment in our own lives or should we be our own men and dictate how we live?

Dictate how you live. Be your own man!

It seems like everything is happening so fast and yet there is no God or Bible to latch on to..

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: personal moral code! That's something worth latching onto!

Oh, and don't forget about us! See how helpful we've been?

(notice how I have not dropped the habit of capitalizing "him" :D )

Hehe. I made the habit of doing that. I figured it was a sign of respect. Ya can find posts where I capitalize "he".

okinrus, the master of apologetics, says that God reveals himself to those who seek him earnestly. How long now have you been waiting for a sign which has never come? You might think your answer is far too long, but just put that in perspective of Christianity waiting over two thousand years and during that waiting period, bickering and burning each other.

That's one of the reasons why I'm an atheist. God should have given me a sign that He is there and that I should follow Him like a sheep (ugh, I hate that analogy). And He should have given me a pretty damn obvious sign too, because I'm very bull-headed.

Well, there have been no signs. So I see no reason to believe.

It is moronic for God to punish a human being for being sinful when He is the one who created the human with a sinful nature in the first place!

Amen! :D

Hang in there! Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness!

Before I go on to personally reply to posts, I just want to ask these to the atheists/agnostics who have replied: Does it not bother you that you just might be wrong concerning God and that you might actually end up in hell for eternity? The very possibility that they might be right when they say there is a hell, despite the lack of evidence is something that bothers me..

See, now this is where knowledge of religions come into play. When you think with the mindset of just one religion such as you're doing now with Christianity, you only think of the only two possibilities of being: go to heaven, or go to hell. Christianity is not the only religion so it's not a Christianity vs Athiest issue where the odds would be 50/50 of there being a Hell or not. That's unacceptable. With those odds, it is NOT "very possible" that there is a Hell.

Why ask that question towards us of it may be bothering us if we're wrong in our beliefs? Obviously it's not. You should be asking that question to yourself if *you* are wrong. Realize that there are numerous religions that each have their own beliefs on what happens when we die. Odds are, every single one of us are wrong in our beliefs and that's the silly part.

Another question I would like to ask. Why do/did you feel that Christianity has/had the correct views of everything? The only real reason is because that's the religion in which you were brought up as and that's the only religion you know anything of. What else could the reason be? Christianity isn't the most recent religion nor is it the oldest so that can't be the reason. Expand your knowledge about God and you will soon see that most likely nobody is correct in their views. With all the beliefs of what happens when we die, the odds are against Christianity and every other religion, a LOT more than a thousand to one, more like a million to one, heck, multi-billions to one if you count every single man and woman's varying thoughts since the begining of time.

- N
Pascal's Wage, Athelwulf. There are only a finite number of religions out there. Latter I'll give a fuller explanation, answering common complaints about the Wager. I'm going to rephrase this better; if you have anything to add, please share. You cannot really believe that your life's material experiences has an infinite value.
To atheists/agnostics
okinrus, the master of apologetics, says that God reveals himself to those who seek him earnestly. How long now have you been waiting for a sign which has never come? You might think your answer is far too long, but just put that in perspective of Christianity waiting over two thousand years and during that waiting period, bickering and burning each other.

It all depends on what one means by God "revealing" himself to those who seek him. It may be visions, it may be seeing him in the sky, or something else, but the revelations of God I've had was mere enlightenment. I don't believe in a material God in the traditional sense nor do I believe that God has any part in my life, but one can still have things revealed without any intervention from him. The more I studied and the more I seeked to learn about everything, one day some things just "clicked" and made sense even if my ideas may differ from others. That was my moment of enlightenment which would be along the same lines as other people's revelations of God

Remember, there are many ways in which things can be revealed to someone. While you are used to dreams and visions due to reading about them with your Christian background, it doesn't mean that's the only way. Become more knowledgable and you will hear about more ways of revelations. Who knows, you may one day hear of a way to see a sign of God by hoola-hooping while rubbing your tummy and patting your head and repeatedly saying "Bubbly Bubba, Boogies Badly". ;) So for me, I would say that knowledge is the best way to have God reveal himself to you.

- N
Wow, I must say, the atheists/agnostics I once saw as enemies have shown me more solace than all the Christians on the board.

okinrus said:
Pascal's Wage, Athelwulf.

I think I had addressed that in my response to §outh§tar. And here it is:

Âðelwulf said:
I think that if God existed, and if He were merciful, like some Christians say, I think He would understand why you have doubts and let you into Heaven anyway. This is a reassuring thought.

And here's another reassuring thought: Christianity is not the only religion that promises eternal punishment for your sins. The Egyptians believed that when you died, the weight of your heart was compared to that of a feather on a balance. If it was heavier, it was gobbled up by some dog-like creature (I don't know that detail very well).

Another thought: there's every chance that another religion is right. Think about this: You decide it's not worth it to risk going to Hell, and you go back to being a devoted Christian. But when you die, you find yourself standing before Hades.

Therefore, Pascal's reasoning is flawed.
SouthStar, many doubts will certainly be in your head now, however the choice you've made takes time. You for instance have cut the unbelical cord sort of speak, so you will have feelings of regret, doubts, sadness, joy, happiness, anxiety, and fear.

Relax this is normal your only human, to use Xev's line:

Athiesm is completely amoral. Now the individual athiest may find individual "reasons for life" or things, but they're not going to get that from anyone or anything besides themselves. Maybe you just need time to adjust to this new worldview, but you must realize that athiesm is nothing like Christianity. It's completely nihilistic.

Remember you have no authorative religion over your head now, it is you as an individual that must set the course of your own life, fact is it has always been your choice, wether you were a Christian or an Atheist, agnostic, or whatever. Your choices are not a matter of faith, or lack there off, your choice to do good, is for your own gratitude. A Hitler a Mao, or some other dictator had choices too, however they were mongrells who got off on destruction, and human suffering. Mysticism is so deep, even an atheist can be a mystic. Mysticism is your enemy, realize this, you have made just a baby step, sortofspeak, a big step for someone who has been brought up as we have, I know. I've been an atheist for 23 years, Id be lying to you if I said I've never had doubts or made wrong choices, that is all part of being human.

§outh§tar said:
Wow, I must say, the atheists/agnostics I once saw as enemies have shown me more solace than all the Christians on the board.


Yes, hmmm . . .

Maybe we're not so bad after all. :)
Athelwulf, I'll answer this, along with analysis latter but this "fallacy" taken from the infidels site. In short, this is not what's wrong with Pascal's Wager. What is wrong with Pascal's wager is that it assumes that nonbelief in God will never be awarded by a God who exists. I think this is reasonable assumption.

It's not sufficient to say that there are more than one religion, millions even. Loosely speaking because there can be only a finite so many of these religions, it can only multiply the expected value of the atheist's position by a constant factor. This is only if an atheist viewpoint is somehow more rewarding than a believers. I'll give more analysis later.