Will the real Jesus please stand up?

hmmm who is getting defensive now?

Maybe one day archeologist's will find the person who created the first website that promoted the age of aquarius? Stranger things have happened...

Now you're basically asking for Jesus' birth certificate, hell I can't find mine...
M*W: And Obama can't produce his either...
I agree it's evidence that a particular Jesus existed (along with many others I'm sure). I like the gnostic text where the Goddess Sophia punishes Jehovah by castration for the crime of tricking humans into worshiping only him. Greek Orthodox still hold Sophia in high regard. Not as a Goddess, but, nevertheless still in high regard. Of course, back then, people who could read weren't as stupid as the people who are literate today. They understood that these stories were meant to taken with a grain of salt.
M*W: I think "Sophia" means "wisdom." Was she a real Greek goddess or a metaphor for "wisdom?"
hmmm who is getting defensive now?
M*W: I don't think I was getting defensive. How so?

Maybe one day archeologist's will find the person who created the first website that promoted the age of aquarius? Stranger things have happened...
M*W: Al Gore thinks he invented the Internet. The Age of Aquarius was invented when the first nomads connected the stars and saw a woman/man holding a water jug. The constellation of Aquarius has been several mythical characters: John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, et al.

Now you're basically asking for Jesus' birth certificate, hell I can't find mine...
M*W: I would settle for Jesus's death certificate. After all, he was born in a manger, but his death was supposed to be witnessed by several well-known characters in mythology: Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, Pontius Pilate, Barabbas, et al..
M*W: I don't think I was getting defensive. How so?

M*W: Al Gore thinks he invented the Internet. The Age of Aquarius was invented when the first nomads connected the stars and saw a woman/man holding a water jug. The constellation of Aquarius has been several mythical characters: John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, et al.

Have we got any death certificates for these Nomads?

M*W: I would settle for Jesus's death certificate. After all, he was born in a manger, but his death was supposed to be witnessed by several well-known characters in mythology: Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, Pontius Pilate, Barabbas, et al..

They didn't have time to issue one it seems. Joking aside, why do you expect or ask for ridiculous evidence? As far as I know they didn't even issue death certificates then.
Have we got any death certificates for these Nomads?

They didn't have time to issue one it seems. Joking aside, why do you expect or ask for ridiculous evidence? As far as I know they didn't even issue death certificates then.
M*W: The Romans historically were sticklers for documenting their events. However, there was no documentation of any christian events.

I have always questioned why Mark, the first gospel written around 70 AD, was after Jerusalem fell to the Romans. People scattered for fear of death by the Romans. Jerusalem was flattened. Where were the writers of the gospels then? It doesn't make sense they were in Jerusalem. I believe the gospels were written in Rome, except for John, which may have been written elsewhere, and that's questionable. Why after Jerusalem fell?

Flavius Josephus is a reliable reference about this, but even as a prominent historian of his day, he mentioned nothing about Jesus or christianity. The one small paragraph that was mentioned was later found to be a forgery. It seems that he was among the Jews of Jesus's day, and he said nothing.
M*W: WTF, and you do?????

That is why i dont. I asked you to at least back up something very simple and you chose to only respond to the irrelevant fluff.

That is the second SPECIFIC thing i asked you about which may at least give you something that resembles credibility but now.....

And after all these are your claims, you should at least make an attempt. Now between not reading your own links and not answering your own claims can only mean one thing.
M*W: I understand they are hidden underneath the Vatican. I wish I had known that when I was there.

Oh, you did actually respond.

If they are hidden (ALLEGEDLY (by you), with no proof) then why would you make the claim knowing it was made up?
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Flavius Josephus is a reliable reference about this, but even as a prominent historian of his day, he mentioned nothing about Jesus or christianity. The one small paragraph that was mentioned was later found to be a forgery. It seems that he was among the Jews of Jesus's day, and he said nothing.

This is a little lie that you have allowed into your mind for sheer convenience. Most scholars agree that the passage you declare a forgery is in fact most certainly not.

Gullible is cute, up to a point.
Most scholars agree that the passage you declare a forgery is in fact most certainly not.
Please provide evidence for that assertion. I vividly remember the reports of the discovery of that forgery, and I have seen absolutely nothing since then to refute it, much less a consensus of "most scholars." Not even the Jesuits, who would be honor-bound to tell us if they found Jesus's body.
Originally From Post #18 by Medicine Woman When one realizes that the Epistles of 'Paul' (c.50-70AD) were written before the gospels (...); and the gospels were written after the death of 'Paul', and were also written after the fall of Jerusalem (c.70AD), which makes me think the validity of the gospels could be challenged.
If you follow this logic then we would have to challenge any biography published toady about George Washington. After all, it's been two-hundred years cense his death.
Originally From Post #36 by Medicine Woman Maybe someday an archeologist will find a parchment scroll that was written, or dictated to a scribe, by Jesus himself. As yet, nothing has been found to prove Jesus existed. Everything that has been found to date offers no proof.
This too is faulty logic. My father was a Cherokee Indian (I never met the man) and because of this, my older brother and I should have been able to obtain a collage scholarship reserved for First Nation tribes. When my older brother went to apply for this scholarship he discovered that our ancestors decided to stay back and fight the white man i stead of being forced off their land. Today this is known as the Trail of Tears. Everyone who participated in this exodus had to sign some document before they could enter their newly founded reservation. It is from these documents that scholarships are granted. According to the U.S. government, my ancestors where never part of the Cherokee Nation and they have no official record of their existance. This happened in less than 200 years let alone 2000.
Originally From Post #31 by Medicine Woman The truth you believe in is only concerning the past 2000 years. The truth as I see it goes all the way back to the beginning of human understanding of their place in the universe (such as it wad in the beginning). I say what you and I both believe are simply myths.
That is why i dont. I asked you to at least back up something very simple and you chose to only respond to the irrelevant fluff.

That is the second SPECIFIC thing i asked you about which may at least give you something that resembles credibility but now.....

And after all these are your claims, you should at least make an attempt. Now between not reading your own links and not answering your own claims can only mean one thing.
M*W: John, get back to me when you're not drunk, and ask me SPECIFIC questions. The articles I posted from the web had references at the end of them.
Oh, you did actually respond.

If they are hidden (ALLEGEDLY (by you), with no proof) then why would you make the claim knowing it was made up?
M*W: Someone else on Sciforums stated a while back that things were hidden (as in not available to the public). I had heard that several times and probably read it somewhere that I don't recall.

You, for one, are the worst for not writing anything credible (shall I name sources?). Also, you do realize that sometimes in the manner of writing things are included without being referenced material. You have to know what is prose and what is certifiable documentation. I know you have a problem in this area, so I won't come down so hard on you. Just stick to the easy stuff, John, and you will be okay.
This is a little lie that you have allowed into your mind for sheer convenience. Most scholars agree that the passage you declare a forgery is in fact most certainly not.

Gullible is cute, up to a point.
M*W: This has been discussed plenty of times on this forum. It has undoubtedly been found to be a forgery.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63
(Based on the translation of Louis H. Feldman, The Loeb Classical Library.)

"About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared."


1. H. St. J. Thackeray, Josephus: The Man and the Historian (New York: Jewish Institute of Religion/Ktav, 1929).

2. Louis H. Feldman, Josephus and Modern Scholarship, (New York: de Gruyter, 1984)

3. John P. Meier, A Marginal Jew (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1991), pp. 56-88.

4. Robert Eisler, The Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist According to Flavius Josephus' Recently Discovered "Capture of Jerusalem" and the Other Jewish and Christian Sources, trans. Alexander Haggerty Krappe (Methuen, 1931)

5. Paul Winter, "Josephus on Jesus and James" in E. Schurer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, rev. and ed. by G. Vermes and F. Millar (Edinburgh: Clark, 1973), pp. 428-441

6. J. Neville Birdsall, "The Continuing Enigma of Josephus' Testimony about Jesus," BJRL 67 (1984)

7. Ch. Martin, "Le Testimonium Flavianum. Vers une solution definitive?" Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 20 (1941), pp. 409-46

8. Shlomo Pines
, An Arabic Version of the Testimonium Flavianum and its Implications, (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1971)

9. L. H. Feldman, "Josephus", in The Anchor Bible Dictionary (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1991)

10. Josephus, the Bible, and History (Detroit: Wayne State University, 1988), Louis H. Feldman and Gohei Hata, eds. See pp. 430-435, "A Selective Critical Bibliography of Josephus."

11. Karl H. Rengstorf, A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus (4 vols.; Leiden: Brill, 1973-1983)

12. Steve Mason, Josephus and the New Testament (Hendrickson, 1992)

13. James H. Charlesworth, Jesus Within Judaism (Doubleday, 1988)

14. Geza Vermes, Jesus the Jew (New York: Macmillan, 1974)

15. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel of Luke, X-XXIV, The Anchor Bible, Vol. 28a (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985)


Marshal Gauvin [1818 - 1978] writes:

"Such is the celebrated reference to Christ in Josephus. A more brazen forgery was never perpetrated. For more than two hundred years, the Christian Fathers who were familiar with the works of Josephus knew nothing of this passage. Had the passage been in the works of Josephus, which they knew, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen an Clement of Alexandria would have been eager to hurl it at their Jewish opponents in their many controversies. But it did not exist. Indeed, Origen, who knew his Josephus well, expressly affirmed that that writer had not acknowledged Christ. This passage first appeared in the writings of the Christian Father Eusebius, the first historian of Christianity, early in the fourth century; and it is believed that he was its author. Eusebius, who not only advocated fraud in the interest of the faith, but who is known to have tampered with passages in the works of Josephus and several other writers, introduces this passage in his "Evangelical Demonstration," (Book III., p.124), in these words: "Certainly the attestations I have already produced concerning our Savior may be sufficient."

The article below offers a lot of peer-reviewed scientific publications. This was much too long to copy and paste.

THE CHRIST-MYTH. Translated from the Third Edition
(revised and enlarged) by C. Delisle Burns, M.A. T. Fisher
Unwin, London ; 1911.
This is a little lie that you have allowed into your mind for sheer convenience. Most scholars agree that the passage you declare a forgery is in fact most certainly not.

Gullible is cute, up to a point.
M*W: No, that would be you.
If you follow this logic then we would have to challenge any biography published toady about George Washington. After all, it's been two-hundred years cense his death. This too is faulty logic. My father was a Cherokee Indian (I never met the man) and because of this, my older brother and I should have been able to obtain a collage scholarship reserved for First Nation tribes. When my older brother went to apply for this scholarship he discovered that our ancestors decided to stay back and fight the white man i stead of being forced off their land. Today this is known as the Trail of Tears. Everyone who participated in this exodus had to sign some document before they could enter their newly founded reservation. It is from these documents that scholarships are granted. According to the U.S. government, my ancestors where never part of the Cherokee Nation and they have no official record of their existance. This happened in less than 200 years let alone 2000. :cheers:
M*W: The dates the NT books were written is common knowledge among historians. This cannot be compared to George Washington.

I'm sorry about your Cherokee ancestors. My ancestors hid out in the hills and caves and avoided the Trail of Tears, but I'm sure some of them were rounded up. Because of their great fear of being found out, they integrated into White society and never told anyone. My great grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee, but she died before I was born. She integrated into a Southern family, and nothing else was ever said about it. I wish I knew.

I agree with what you are saying about the Cherokee. There are babies being born today by the undocumented aliens who don't get birth certificates. My ancestors were immigrants, so I'm passionate about the plight of the illegals.