
And the bigfoot thing was disproven when those guys came out and said they made that film clip.
And you believe thats the only evidence of bigfoot?
Why is creating something out of nothing impossible?
The thing is, what created the creator? And why is it possible for him to just appear from nothing but not a universe? If he's allowed to have always existed then why cant the universe have always existed?
And the bigfoot thing was disproven when those guys came out and said they made that film clip.

According to who? The first sighting of bigfoot came back in the 1800's, so a modern day video clips lack of authenticity wouldn't even be an issue.

What I really have a problem with, are people who have the bad habit of using the words "proof", "fact" and other such words in places they don't belong.

Oh and Bruce... Although to be honest I have zero interest in islamic teachings/beliefs, I will do the courtesy of listening to the link you provided as and when you do the courtesy of getting my name right. Really, it's not that difficult.
SnakeLord said:
I know it's probably been asked before, but nobody ever seems to answer the question clearly.

The latest part of my book is taking a look at the 'why' question, and your help in this matter would be much appreciated. Here is the question:

Why do you believe in a god/s, but not bigfoot?

(feel free to replace 'bigfoot' with something along those lines that you are happy to dismiss - and please keep your answer short {a sentence or two})

I have currently asked around 7,000 people, but would like at least 10,000 - so I would be very grateful for your help.

Bigfoots are just ridiculous. I mean... who can believe in such a thing? It obviously doesn't exist. But God can very easily exist. I mean.... anything beyond our universe is completely unknown to us. It is not very hard to believe that God may very well be there. I could even say I'm agnostic, but I actually believe God exists, because along with many things, an infinite universe doesn't make sense as well as a finite universe. I mean... if the universe is infinite, then how can we have time, and present and so on? And if the universe is finite, what created it in the first place? Only God seems to be an answer. Not to mention the Anthropic principle....... :/
I mean.... anything beyond our universe is completely unknown to us.
Most of our own planet is still unknown to us, so how can you say bigfoot is ridiculous?
And if the universe is finite, what created it in the first place?
But what created that which created the universe? Something must have always existed, why is it acceptable that god has always been there but not the universe?
SnakeLord said:
According to who? The first sighting of bigfoot came back in the 1800's, so a modern day video clips lack of authenticity wouldn't even be an issue.

What I really have a problem with, are people who have the bad habit of using the words "proof", "fact" and other such words in places they don't belong.

Oh and Bruce... Although to be honest I have zero interest in islamic teachings/beliefs, I will do the courtesy of listening to the link you provided as and when you do the courtesy of getting my name right. Really, it's not that difficult.

My apologies SnakeLord, fast typing is not really my thing.
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Bigfoots are just ridiculous. I mean... who can believe in such a thing? It obviously doesn't exist.

I think people need to recognise that the whole Bigfoot issue does not rely on any supernatural phenomenon, it can be seen as merely an animal that we have not witnessed very often. People also need to recognise that animals are not publicity seekers, but will mostly do their best to avoid contact with enemies, (and in this respect humans are public enemy number 1).

It's amazing to think that in all my years, and being an Englishman- I have not once ever seen a badger, a mole, red squirrel or an otter. In actuality, I wouldn't even know they existed if it wasn't for nature books. Technically speaking, I have as much reason to believe or not believe in them as I do bigfoot - because my knowledge of all comes solely from text and pictures.

I could then talk about the coelacanth - a creature deemed extinct for the past 300 million years, until fished up a few years ago to the amazement of everyone.

Or we could talk about the 5 entirely new species of monkey found in the 1980's in Brazil alone.

We don't know as much as we think about all the other animals that share the planet with us, and it's safe to say that if they can avoid contact with us- they will.

In saying this, I find your statement of "obvious it doesn't exist", as a bit presumptuous and a little too early in the day.

There have been witness sightings since back in the 1800's - pictures, video and reports. Of course, there are people who would perhaps lie, twist or get confused with their account - but no more than people would have lied, twisted or got confused several thousand years ago during the writing of the bible.

Then we move on to the second part of your post:

But God can very easily exist. I mean.... anything beyond our universe is completely unknown to us.

This is pretty much the key problem, and I will quote two words you've used: "completely unknown". Everything we know about life can currently be explained by natural means. This isn't a guarantee that god doesn't or cant exist - but merely to state that at our level of knowledge, there is no need to include it as any form of explanation. By the same token, Bigfoot itself could have created the universe - but you can see how worthless a statement that is. As a lot is "completely unknown", there is no place to assign an answer to any of it.

but I actually believe God exists, because along with many things, an infinite universe doesn't make sense as well as a finite universe. I mean... if the universe is infinite, then how can we have time, and present and so on? And if the universe is finite, what created it in the first place? Only God seems to be an answer.

This is a very often used "excuse", to which there's a simple enough answer- that Lemming3k has supplied for you.

Either way, thanks for your response.
Lemming3k said:
Most of our own planet is still unknown to us, so how can you say bigfoot is ridiculous?
Because bigfoot is defined as "half man, half animal" and that is just ridiculous.... :rolleyes: :D

But what created that which created the universe? Something must have always existed, why is it acceptable that god has always been there but not the universe?
If God is beyond our universe, He is also beyond time. It doesn't make sense to define God in terms of time, because God doesn't experience time in the first place. There is no problem of an infinity of time for God, simply because for God, time does not exist. :)

Ok. About the bigfoot, the same I said to Lemming. It is ok if the "bigfoot" is an animal, but to say that he is half man, half animal is just ridiculous....
SnakeLord said:
This is pretty much the key problem, and I will quote two words you've used: "completely unknown". Everything we know about life can currently be explained by natural means. This isn't a guarantee that god doesn't or cant exist - but merely to state that at our level of knowledge, there is no need to include it as any form of explanation.
I agree with that.... but remember that I'm talking about stuff that is beyond our universe.....

By the same token, Bigfoot itself could have created the universe

- but you can see how worthless a statement that is.
Well.... definetely not "bigfoot created universe"... :D

As a lot is "completely unknown", there is no place to assign an answer to any of it.
It is not a matter of assigning an answer, it is a matter of thinking about all the possibilities and finding out that there is no way the universe could have been created without God. Perhaps it is that way, but we would need to assume how the "outer universe" is. Since we cannot know for sure what is going on outside our universe, any answer that we can come up with will be assigned - even if it is scientific. If we cannot prove it, it is just a hypothesis and falls in the "belief" category .

This is a very often used "excuse", to which there's a simple enough answer- that Lemming3k has supplied for you.
Check out my answer to him, then... ;)
Because bigfoot is defined as "half man, half animal"
Bigfoot has been defined as many things, and it may never be known how rediculous these things are.
that there is no way the universe could have been created without God
That makes the assumtion it was created, and still that leaves you with a magical being that defies time itself as the most likely thing to have simply always been, even more likely than the universe simply having always been, i find it more logical that which we can observe may have always been than that which can never be observed.
Since we cannot know for sure what is going on outside our universe,
That assumes the universe is not infinite.
SnakeLord said:
I know it's probably been asked before, but nobody ever seems to answer the question clearly.

The latest part of my book is taking a look at the 'why' question, and your help in this matter would be much appreciated. Here is the question:

Why do you believe in a god/s, but not bigfoot?

(feel free to replace 'bigfoot' with something along those lines that you are happy to dismiss - and please keep your answer short {a sentence or two})

I have currently asked around 7,000 people, but would like at least 10,000 - so I would be very grateful for your help.


hey snakelord,

i believe in God, and i believe that bigfoot could exist. nothing is impossible.

Ok. About the bigfoot, the same I said to Lemming. It is ok if the "bigfoot" is an animal, but to say that he is half man, half animal is just ridiculous....


I don't mean to push you, but it does take more than "it's ridiculous". Please... give some reasons.

I agree with that.... but remember that I'm talking about stuff that is beyond our universe.....

Well here's the problem... None of us, (including you), knows anything about anything "beyond our universe", and none of us can even say there is anything "beyond our universe". In fact, the statement itself is completely without worth or merit.

While I appreciate the opinions, I hope you understand it has no value whatsoever... to anything.

It is not a matter of assigning an answer, it is a matter of thinking about all the possibilities and finding out that there is no way the universe could have been created without God.

According to who? C'mon TS, we haven't even established that the universe ever was created to begin with. Not to mention that there are many ways, as debated often by the most intelligent people on the planet. Yet for some reason here you are, dismissing anything they have to say on the subject because you would personally prefer to assign it all to some being you know nothing about - but presume to know so much about, (as we'll see shortly).

Check out my answer to him, then...

Ok. Here it is:

It doesn't make sense to define God in terms of time, because God doesn't experience time in the first place. There is no problem of an infinity of time for God, simply because for God, time does not exist.

May I ask who gave you this information? Did you sit down and have a chat with god and listen to him tell you time does not exist for him etc?

No offence, but your statements all come down to simple guesswork and make believe. You have absolutely nothing with which to give your statements any credibility, from your opinions about the universe to your assumed knowledge of a god being.

In short what you're saying is "I have no idea".

What I question is why people bother going through all the bollocks in the first place when they might aswell just start with "I have no idea".
What I question is why people bother going through all the bollocks in the first place when they might aswell just start with "I have no idea".

It's not that they have no idea, It's just difficult to explain to some one who thinks the earth is flat that it is actually round.
Enigma'07 said:
It's not that they have no idea, It's just difficult to explain to some one who thinks the earth is flat that it is actually ovular.
M*W: Why is it so complicated? Christians believed the Earth was flat well into the 15th century! Not only is the Earth not flat, humanity reigns as God. Is there anything else you need to know?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Why is it so complicated? Christians believed the Earth was flat well into the 15th century! Not only is the Earth not flat, humanity reigns as God. Is there anything else you need to know?

Why do you hate Christ?
Bigfoot actually does exist. As a matter of fact I'm having a drink with him right now. What a lush...he drank all my wine. Ate all my chips too. Whatapig!
It's not that they have no idea, It's just difficult to explain to some one who thinks the earth is flat that it is actually round.

It's not difficult at all. You can fly them around the planet, show them photographs and use many other methods to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this planet is actually "round".

That is why there is not one sane person who says the planet is otherwise.

On the other hand there is nothing but personal opinion and assumption- which is what makes the difference.

They have no idea, you have no idea and I have no idea. If you actually have something with which to refute that, then kindly present it here and now. I dare you. I triple dare you.
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Think back to the 1400's when people thought the earth was flat and try using the technology they had then. Then fast- forward to 2000. It is clear that the earth is round to us right? well, religiously, we are in the 1400's. 2000 is when every knee will bow, and tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 2000 is judgement day.
Think back to the 1400's when people thought the earth was flat and try using the technology they had then. Then fast- forward to 2000. It is clear that the earth is round to us right? well, religiously, we are in the 1400's. 2000 is when every knee will bow, and tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 2000 is judgement day.

What a wonderful sermon... :rolleyes:

The two issues are completely unrelated, but as you seemingly want to try and put them together, (pretending they have relevance to each other), let me point out something..

In the 1400's people thought the earth was flat.. until technology proved that was just a load of old cobblers.

You state that religiously speaking, you're in the 1400's.. I guess it's just a matter of time before that's shown to be a load of old cobblers aswell.

I'd be inclined to agree that religious people are back in the 1400's - actually, way way before then, and it's only when you start progressing, moving forward, and evolving that you'll realise for yourself that it is all cobblers.

Still, what you state as going to happen, (either due to some seriously powerful psychic ability of yours, or perhaps god told you), has no chance whatsoever unless for some bizarre reason humans forget all about the need for evidence and facts.

Either way my challenge stands. Can you give me anything other than personal opinion and assumption to claim your god or beliefs as real or valid? If not, my question over why you believe in god but not bigfoot still stands.