
Many "believe" in both. Believing doesn't make it a fact only a way to think about anything, your way.
If something is natural, then is essence it is no differant than I am. If something is supernatural, it is capable of thing I can't comprehend. In my mind it is superior to me and therefore should be praised.
Invert: Feel free to tell me why you believe in bigfoot and not god :p

I never said I did, I only asked what if? ;)

That being said, when I was a child I was visiting my father at his girlfriend's house for the summer. She owned a piece of land way up on a mountain in the middle of the wilderness. There were several strange occurences that occured one particular summer. Dogs going crazy, strange hairy creatures seen down by the pond, doors getting kicked in the middle of the night, strange footprints found. But, I was far too young to recall the incident clearly. And have only the memories of my older siblings to back up my hazy memories. So, it is entirely possible (if not likely) that it was just some hippies or people playing pranks.

So, no I don't really believe in bigfoot. I also think that if it existed, there would have been specimens found by now. The Pacific Northwest does contain quite a bit of virgin forests that have never been tread by man, but there are also a lot of forests that have been infringed upon and we would have found something by now. But, there's always that small chance... :p
No. God is superior to satan, and satan is God's enemy, so therfore I am satans enemy since I am allied with God. I take it you have though.
I take it you have though.

Now, that's just a mean-spirited thing to say. Why would I worship God's failed little angel if I don't believe in god? I'm not sure whether to be more offended that you are trying to say I worship an evil entity or that I believe in it to begin with.

I don't mean to offend you with my question, I was merely following your logic to it's ultimate conclusion. If a supernatural being is superior to you and deserves praise then you must praise all supernatural beings that have ever been put forward in the history of man. Vishnuu, Casper, Gozer the Marshmallow Man.

Obviously, you mean to say that you believe and praise one particular supernatural being because you were taught to believe in it. Unfortunately, that gets us no closer to why you believe in god rather than bigfoot. Except you were taught to believe in god but not bigfoot. So, I guess I answered for you? Sorry about that. ;)
Sorry about the worshiping thing. I honestly didn't mean to offend you, I just wasn't thinking. :(

As to the other beings, I see no evidence for Vishnuu, Casper, Gozer the marshmallow man. I do see evidence of God. Yes, I was taght to believe in God, but I also went through a time in my life when I didn't. I wanted to deny the existance of a supreame being, but when I looked around me I knew that there had to be a God of some sort. That left me as an agnostic. Then I begin looking at my options of belief. there where two I could believe, 1 the once was this thing called the big bang and billions of years after that stuff started evolving, or 2 God created everything. I know you will probably strongly disagree with me on this, but option 2 made so much more sense. It explained all of the questions I had been asking. there's other reasons I believe in God, but that is the main reason. Sorry for the sermon :D
Does any body else think that if something occurs then it has to be natural? And to describe something as supernatural is to say that it doesn't exist because if it existed then it would be natural?

Also, you have said that people often respond by saying "Bigfoot never wrote a book" SnakeLord. I wonder why they say that when god never wrote a book either.

As well, using god as an explanation for the existence of life would be to use him as a placeholder until true understanding of the occurrence of life came to light (though I personally believe life is explained quite sufficiently within our current understanding of things), or; people believe that their life must have some sort of purpose.

Perhaps ones own understanding is limited if they rely on a concept of god to clarify the existence of the universe.


Well the answer seems valid enough..

From what I can gather, Enigma is saying he believes in god because of the evidence he has to support such belief, but does not believe in other beings due to lack of evidence.

My concern with that is how anyone can use the natural to support belief in the supernatural, but this whole answer comes under the subheading of "everything looks cool so it must have been made". It's an incredibly common outlook.

But anyway... For anyone else who feels kind enough to answer, just use "why do you believe in god". I find the complete question is more easily understood, and answerable when voiced instead of written.
MY belief of the creator is the creation itself. Nothing more or less. Any Atheist is just plain ignorant. Not trying to be mean to them, But they just arent thinking is all. They got a mental block or something.. heck I really dont know what to think about them... :bugeye:
Also, you have said that people often respond by saying "Bigfoot never wrote a book" SnakeLord. I wonder why they say that when god never wrote a book either.

Yeah, many answers 'along those lines', such as: "bigfoot doesn't have books written about him thousands of years ago", "bigfoot never sacrificed himself" yada yada.

While we could pull a few funny faces at these answers, it isn't my place to comment on them just yet, or even question them.

In the grand scheme of things, it seems the overwhelming majority will deny the existence of one being by using an old book as leverage for the existence of another. I have even come across, and been given comments of that nature on this very forum.

If I explain the whole thing now, it kind of breaks apart the question- which is why I asked it in such simple manner.

However, I'd still like to hear some other answers. If you want break it into 2 sections:

1) why do you believe in god
2) why don't you believe in bigfoot [feel free to replace bigfoot for something else]
MY belief of the creator is the creation itself. Nothing more or less.

Biblical creation or similar lines to Enigma in that things are so... 'perfect'? that they must have been created?

Further to that, do you believe bigfoot is a possibility in all of this, (maybe one of gods creations), or is he an absolute no-no?
I believe in God because i read The Bible and what is in it is not of this world it is awe-inspiring wisdom. I do not necessarily not believe in big foot the thing might exists, i just have not seen enough evidence for it.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Man needs an explanation of things beyond his comprehension so he invents one. Naturally he invents an explanation that "works", that has all the bases covered. (That's the whole point, after all.) He's so happy with this that he needs to believe that his explanation - his god - is not an invention after all but, instead, a reality. And what does he use as "proof"? The fact that god explains everything. A nice bit of circular thinking in which man conveniently forgets who really created who.

Lots and lots of different gods popping up throughout time, the one consistent factor being man's need for one.
MacZ said:
Man needs an explanation of things beyond his comprehension so he invents one. Naturally he invents an explanation that "works", that has all the bases covered. (That's the whole point, after all.) He's so happy with this that he needs to believe that his explanation - his god - is not an invention after all but, instead, a reality. And what does he use as "proof"? The fact that god explains everything. A nice bit of circular thinking in which man conveniently forgets who really created who.

Lots and lots of different gods popping up throughout time, the one consistent factor being man's need for one.

That is a mighty generalization, especially to apply to all concerning the spiritual.

Try your self therapy elsewhere ;)
I believe in a God because so far, I have no proof either for his existence nor against his existence. Basically, I believe in a God for the sake of completness of logical argument: if you don't know for sure whether something is there or whether it isn't there, you have to accept that it could be there.

The rest is a matter of attitude: What attitude do you have towards things you don't know? Should you be indifferent? Should you worship it? Should you despise it?
I try to be humble and friendly.
As a matter of interest, there is actually more evidence for the existence of bigfoot than god.
The fact it wouldn't require magic for bigfoot to exist in itself makes the idea more plausable than the idea of god. Bigfoot might just be an animal, we know animals exist, in fact we have fossils of an animal that looked alot like bigfoot so it really isn't such a stretch of the imagination that the descendents of those fossils are still around. Lets not even start on the video footage or footprint casts, bigfoot basically has it all over god. Keep in mind there are actually zero pieces of evidence supporting god, hearsay won't hold up in court.

And don't even try to compare believing in god to believing in UFOs. UFOs have mountains of evidence, god would kill for 1% of the backing UFOs have. And again, its comparitively not an outrageous assumption to believe living organisms from other planets are visiting earth and doing deals with the government. Oh it's outrageous, just not AS outrageous as god. We know living organisms exist, and we know there are lots of planets so its not that far fetched that out of all the life harbouring planets that are bound to be in the universe there is 1 or 2 which have evolved animals that have interstellar travel capabilities and are searching for other intelligent lifeforms.
Again, its out there, but it is within the bounds of reality. God can make no such claim. We have no evidence for magic occuring in this universe. No evidence for all powerful entities, or anything spiritual whatsoever.
A reasonable assumption is that the universe was birthed by some other universe or something. From what we've seen thats how things come about.
Things aren't created, we as a species make things using our hands by molding and sticking pieces of our environment together. And we only do this because we developed parts on our bodies for holding onto things, and eventually we figured out to hold onto 2 things at once and stick them together.
Thats not the way things come about though, and there doesn't need to be some guy that stuck the universe together. Only the most simple minded homo sapien would even think like that, I'm sorry but its true. It's like "I make things therefore everything was made". Its the first assumption something that didn't know anything would make. But we do know things.
I just wish people would get their act together and think rationally using the actual knowledge that our species has collected.
SnakeLord said:
I know it's probably been asked before, but nobody ever seems to answer the question clearly.

The latest part of my book is taking a look at the 'why' question, and your help in this matter would be much appreciated. Here is the question:

Why do you believe in a god/s, but not bigfoot?

(feel free to replace 'bigfoot' with something along those lines that you are happy to dismiss - and please keep your answer short {a sentence or two})

I have currently asked around 7,000 people, but would like at least 10,000 - so I would be very grateful for your help.


I belive in god for many reasons. Here are some.

First of all, when I think of the world in the material sense, the galaxies, the stars the precision I don't believe that that can be attributed to chance. It has to be attributed to intellect.

Secondly When I look at the condition nessecary for our mere existence and our survival I think that they beat the odds. It has been arranged for us.

Thirdly when I look at how fine tuned our body is and how it is superbly supplemented by nature, radiations from far stars. And when I see the same things in other species of animal and plants ..etc. I can't help but to think that that is the work of someone whose knowledge encompasses all.

When I contemplate life, death, happiness and other emotions, especially Guilt I think that we are more that just material particals. And so all the self-proclaimed substitues man made to negate the possibility of a God are blown away, as far as I am concerned.

When I think of the world, and when I go beyond "I think, so I exist" I figure that there must be Someone giving structure to this reality. I may doubt that other people truly exist but I know that there is Someone making sure the illusion is running smooth

When I go the railroad central station and I see the hundreds of men and women and childeren going by, and when I try and see the meny many, many thoughts that must be crossing their minds I again say that that can be no product of chance.

When I contemplate the precise reasoning of the Quran, the wisdom of his laws. I undestand that something so wise, so true cannot be the myths of ancient peoples. And I thank that God for it.

When I see how men had become true men, and not just alpha-males, Thanks to that man called Muhamad -peace be upon him- and the good he had done to man-kind and again the logic of what he stated and the laws he received I believe him.

I hope this helps.
From what I can gather, Enigma is saying he believes in god because of the evidence he has to support such belief, but does not believe in other beings due to lack of evidence.

Enigma'07 is trying to say that he believes in God as his savior because there is evidance of his supernatural powers. bigfoot has no evidence of supernatural powers, so therefore it doesn't matter to him wheather or not bigfoot exists. In his mind there is nothing special about bigfoot. Enigma'07 has also had a personal experiance with God, whereas nothing like that has come from bigfoot.