Why women cannot be priests

Provita said:
Compassionate is an adj. meaning showing compassion...

A noun 1 compassion, pity the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it

2 compassion, compassionateness
a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering

Last time I checked, MW, there are men who feel sorry for other's suffering and want it to stop. Maybe you are just looking in the wrong area. A small area (small in comparison to the world) of men doesnt represent the gender. Now can we go back to the priesthood topic? If you want to keep talking about men and compassion, make a new topic on one of the other forums and send me the link and I will gladly join in the discussion.

M*W: Well, Provita, you're probably right about my generalization of men being the source of all that is evil, but I'm not actually looking for a man. There's one too many around here already.
Rome has Closed Its Ears To Objections And Dissent From Theologians, Bishops, Scholars And Lay People And Has Told Bishops To Suppress Any More Discussion Of This Issue. The Congregation For The Doctrine Of Faith Said Bishops Should Refuse ". . . Any Support To People Who, Either As Individuals Or As Groups, Defend The Priestly Ordination Of Women, Whether They Do So In The Name Of Progress, Of Human Rights, Compassion Or For Whatever Reason It May Be"
Do you have a reference where we can read more on that?
Lawdog said:
Priesthood is likened more to marriage in catholic theology.
Yeah...this is reality though.

Whats wrong with lesbians? It goes against Nature. WAKE UP.
Not really. Homosexuality occurs in nature, thus making it natural. In a way, it's more natural than marriage, the latter being an artificial and arbitrary legal construct.

Lawdog said:
so all religions are equally sound/valid?
They're all equally illogical and implausible, thus they are also all equally sound and valid.

Lawdog said:
Equality is not a right.
According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is.

Lawdog said:
This marriage does not exist
Apparently, it does.

it cannot happen between two of the same gender.
Evidently, it can.

Lawdog said:
Women actually cannot be priests.
Apparently, they can. Go back and look at history.

Lawdog said:
But really, whats the use of using sources at sciforums?
Unless you have evidence to back up your claim, why should we believe you? Just because you say so?

Medicine Woman said:
Hear me now, believe me later! Show me just one!
Frederick II of Prussia.

Medicine Woman said:
Female-dominated societies lived in peace.
Not necessarily. The amazons, a female dominated society, were supposedly fierce and belligerent. Formicids (ants) are a matriarchal society, and they fight each other all the time, constantly conquering each other's colonies and slaughtering the civilians (workers).
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Hapsburg said:
Yeah...this is reality though.

Not really. Homosexuality occurs in nature, thus making it natural. In a way, it's more natural than marriage, the latter being an artificial and arbitrary legal construct.

They're all equally illogical and implausible, thus they are also all equally sound and valid.

According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is.

Apparently, it does.

Evidently, it can.

Apparently, they can. Go back and look at history.

Unless you have evidence to back up your claim, why should we believe you? Just because you say so?

Frederick II of Prussia.

Not necessarily. The amazons, a female dominated society, were supposedly fierce and belligerent. Formicids (ants) are a matriarchal society, and they fight each other all the time, constantly conquering each other's colonies and slaughtering the civilians (workers).

How did we get from talking to human priests to you talking about fucking ants?

Being athiest i couldnt care less but still have no idea why woman cant be able to be priests too, its a man made rule... like all religion...

Lets just say religion is a way of control and they use god as a tool for all the bullshit.
Dug-T said:
How did we get from talking to human priests to you talking about ants?
The whole "women cannot be priests" in catholicism thing is linked with often violent patriarchies, and MW was saying that matriarchy is better. I countered that with evidence of equally violent matriarchies, even in other species, ants being the example. Any situation where one gender rules above another, regardless of which one it is, is not effecient nor is it equal.

Dug-T said:
Lets just say religion is a way of control and they use god as a tool for all the bullshit.
Hapsburg said:
The whole "women cannot be priests" in catholicism thing is linked with often violent patriarchies, and MW was saying that matriarchy is better. I countered that with evidence of equally violent matriarchies, even in other species, ants being the example. Any situation where one gender rules above another, regardless of which one it is, is not effecient nor is it equal.

Yeah so what you're saying is its only woman who create violent matriarchies? and you talk about ants? how can you compare humans with ants? what the fuck.... take a look in the mirror before you spout bullshit, one more note:- i'd let the amazons have their wicked way with me least i'd die with a smile on my face.. :D
I love woman to bits but i'll say one thing about them, THEY LIE TOO FUCKING MUCH
Why not compare the two? We're both animals. We're both violent by nature. The main differences are that ants are a hive-mind creature and are not mammals. The fact is, ant societies are matriarchies, as are the societies of other formicids and, of course, naked mole-rats. They are every bit as violent as patriarchies, indicating that neither methods are viable governing systems for peaceful civilization. That was my point.
Lawdog said:
Oh, so the Monarch of England was not the head of the Anglican Church? Thats a new one. It didnt matter what any bishops council said, they were afraid of losing their heads as in the reign of Henry VIII. That was the unstated threat. Sure, they passed ecclesial rules and so forth, but everything had to be pleasing to the monarch, not to Christ. The Monarch, especally Elizabeth, was supreme authority at the time.

Thats the difference between you and I. You simply repeat what liberal professors have taught you or written in some "scholarly" book. I, on the otherhand, have learned to think critically and think for myself, using my broad knowledge of history to come to a sound understanding. :cool:

I was under the impression we were discussing now, 2006, rather than 400 years ago. If you are a good student of history you will know that prior to Henry VIII, it was of course a sad fact that the (then Roman Catholic) church was very much involved in global politics, repression, torture, murder and all sorts of nasties. It is not surprising that the new Church of England under Henry and later Elizabeth acquired that. In between of course you have the torture and murder of protestants under the Roman Catholic (Bloody) Mary, one of the most hated of all English sovereigns, about whom the 'Mary, Mary quite contrary' nursery rhyme was composed. Add to this the attempt to invade England by the papally supported and sponsored King of Spain (the Armada) and the undoubted existence of Roman Catholic terrorists who became famous rather later for the attempt to stage a coup in King James's tme (the Gunpowder Plot), it is perhaps not surprising that there was a good deal of anti Roman Catholic legislation and strong force from the monarch to retain a separate Church of England.

As time went by of course, the monarch became not only less and less involved in running the country (now done by parliament) but also less and less involved in the direct running of the Church of England, which set up its own system of Synods (to which I referred in an earlier post).

One of the problems with these forums is that what has happened in the past is easily assumed by many to be what is happening now and whilst a knowledge of what has happened in history is useful, the past must not be confused with the present.

The Roman Catholic church of today is clearly (and fortunately) not identical to that of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and neither is the Church of England.


Lawdog said:
What greater gift is there but to be a mother? why must they also be father/priests?

Why do you feel so threatened by women? Why the constant need to dominate? Unless your faith is so weak that the gender of your priest would change it, why would you make such statements?

And what's the point anyway? All that this post had done is revealed your bigotted, prejudiced nature. Your whining isn't going to change anything. Get over it. Feminism is here for good and it's time to accept it. Learn from the history... adapt or die!