Why women cannot be priests

Women actually cannot be priests.
Its actually an impossibility on a theological level.
In the same way, I, being a male, am unable to be a bride.
I think you mean a semantic level, priest being masculine, priestess being the feminine version.

But it is true that Orthodox Christianity is basically patriarchal with a King at the top, dominating rather than cooperative, and heiarchecal with women at the bottom (so to speak). Thus, having female priests subverts the whole order of that culture. I encourage it.
question: define priest/priestess.

answer: a priest is the one who offers sacrifice to God on behalf of the people.

In christianity there are no priestesses, since that is pagan...and Christ is incarnated male and the Jewish priesthood had always been male.

Now if female priests take over, (and say they take over the Roman Church by sheer numbers), then first Christainity as a whole will crumble as a visible societal cohesive. the protestant denominations will warp the faith (actually they already have) to the point where it is unrecognizable. They will start worshipping a female Jesus or Mary Magdalan etc. It will become pagan.

Wickedness will rule over souls.

The remnant of true believers will be forced underground.
They will be seen as sexist and insane and dangerous.
a few fundamentalist protestant groups may be able to hold out underground as well.

I think that this is what is now just beginning. There are already some twenty or more
women claiming to be Catholic priests. Inspired by Satan, some of the capable ones will gain influence and power. This will spread like a disease through the church and activist groups will purchase old catholic churches that were sold on account of the sex abuse crisis. There will be chaos in the Church because people in this society are not willing to separate from the Church when they are guilty of heresy, but they try to change it! This is unprecendented in history.

The true Catholic Church of Christ will remain an
underground movement like it is in China.

Then Antichrist will come and he (she?) will hunt them down like animals.

the Muslims will invade Italy and France, possibly England
America will fight against foreign troops on her own soil
WWIII is prophesied to destroy a third of the population of the earth,
(something which social scientists and other analysts agree with).

Then there will be many things long prophesied
that will come to pass in the world.
Enoch and Elijah will appear and preach repentance.

Armageddon? Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins.
The Antichrist shall seem to raise the dead.

There will be three days of complete darkness that will come over the world
and destroy the wicked
Christ will come and set up a monarchic reign on earth.
All this will likely happen before 2040

I know this because I understand prophesy, whereas others do not.
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Why will listening to a women talk about the teachings of Jesus crumble the cohesion of society?
I understand that many pre-Christian religions worshipped a Goddess, and that this represents something important about those societies. Mostly, they encouraged cooperation and integrity with nature, and were not warlike. There are good things. Unfortunately, one warlike tribe can ruin the whole program, and ever afterwards this trait was shunned. Women became mere beasts to be used as sexual objects, hidden away from public service, their intelligence uncultivated, and equality with them linked to evil forces.

I hope the Church does change, because in this age of mutually assured destruction, unchecked male primate tribalism will mean the death of us all.

Jesus came from the patriarchal Jewish tradition, but I think he aimed to transcend it. It should be noted that Jesus did not create the church, or the institutions of priesthood, nuns, bishops, popes, ect...
pre-Christian religions were not that great. Many required human sacrifice, especially Goddess cults like the Minoan and Greeks and Phoenicians.

The only thing that has stopped mankind from totally annihilating itself already is that men felt that they had to obey their masculine deity's injunction to love one's neighbor and give mercy. Goddess cults do not hold these high ideals.
Lawdog said:
Women actually cannot be priests. Its actually an impossibility on a theological level. In the same way, I, being a male, am unable to be a bride.

M*W: Women can, and women are priests, theologically. And, yes, you could very well be a bride, because you're such a pussy for your religion. Your church has been f*cking you for a long time.
Lawdog said:
pre-Christian religions were not that great. Many required human sacrifice, especially Goddess cults like the Minoan and Greeks and Phoenicians.

The only thing that has stopped mankind from totally annihilating itself already is that men felt that they had to obey their masculine deity's injunction to love one's neighbor and give mercy. Goddess cults do not hold these high ideals.

M*W: You are despicable and ignorant! Male-dominated societies are evil as their warring history has proven. Female-dominated societies lived in peace. You are Satan.
Lawdog said:
pre-Christian religions were not that great. Many required human sacrifice, especially Goddess cults like the Minoan and Greeks and Phoenicians.

The only thing that has stopped mankind from totally annihilating itself already is that men felt that they had to obey their masculine deity's injunction to love one's neighbor and give mercy. Goddess cults do not hold these high ideals.
A human sacrifice? Like Christ?

Data from Catal Huyuk and other Neolithic sites also indicate that in these societies, where women were priestesses and craftspeople, the female was not subordinate to the male. Although the sacred union of female and male was an important religious mystery, the powers that create and govern the universe were generally depicted as a goddess rather than a god.

Finally, dispelling the notion that war is natural, there is a paucity of fortifications as well as an absence in their extensive and considerably advanced art of the scenes so ubiquitous in later art-- of "noble warriors" killing one another in baffles, of gods and men raping women, of "glorious conquerors" dragging back prisoners in chains.

But the archaeological record also shows that, following a period of chaos and almost total cultural disruption, the cultural evolution of societies that worshipped the life-generating and nurturing powers of the universe - in our time still symbolized by the ancient "feminine" chalice or grail-was interrupted. There now appeared on the prehistoric horizon invaders from the peripheral areas of our globe (from the arid steppes of the north and barren deserts of the south) who ushered in a very different form of social organization. As the University of California archaeologist Marija Gimbutas wrote, these were people who literally worshipped "the lethal power of the blade" -- the power to take rather than give life that is the ultimate power to establish and enforce rankings of domination.

Why is that you wnat to go back to this? should we go back to women slaving over the corn grind all day as well?

The idea of an early utopian feminine earth-worshipping societies has been proven erroneus. Its a hold over from the noble savage idea combined with material absolutism like marx. It returned as a pre-cursor to Nazism in the 1930s Germany.

if you keep playing around with gender roles....
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You are despicable and ignorant! Male-dominated societies are evil as their warring history has proven. Female-dominated societies lived in peace. You are Satan.

Are there any female-dominated societies around today to verify this? Have there been any societies where sex didn't matter?
Silly Lawdog. Hell is a place ruled by women? How can you hate women so much?

An interesting point is that people assume a society not dominated by men was dominated by women. This is not the case. In fact, the non-patriarchal societies represented by Catal Huyuk were not matriarchal. Women and men worked together based on their respective talents, and no one dominated. This is the partnership model. Gender roles were by no means eliminated.
Lawdog, are you suggesting that God is male? So he has a penis? Or no, ofcoarse you dont need one to be male... but does he create half the chromosomes needed to create life? If not than how is he male? By DNA? God has DNA? Oh, please elaborate! Next you will say God is white... *rolls eyes*

Hell on Earth? HELL ON EARTH!? Look at history you ignorant biggot! Last time I checked this place wasnt necessarily HEAVEN. AIDS. Poverty. HIV. STDs. Avian Flu. West Nile Virus. Massive slaughteringss. Genocides. Torture. Uncountable amounts of war over petty differences or land. Corruption. Civilizations falling. Global Warming. Energy Crisis. Two massive world wars!!! 37,508,686 people died in WWI (http://www.greatwar.nl/frames/default-casualty.html)!!!! Between 40,000,000 and 60,000,000 people died from WWII (http://www.faqfarm.com/Q/How_many_people_died_in_World_War_2) !!! Vietnam: anywhere between 1,055,000 to 5,059,000 people died!!! (http://www.faqfarm.com/Q/How_many_people_died_in_the_Vietnam_War) Supposedly
2,448,095 in Korea (http://www.faqfarm.com/Q/How_many_people_died_in_the_Korean_War)

Thats a lot of deaths in just this century... and thats just American. This sure as hell isnt a heavenly place. And no religion could stop it. All religion has done is sturr up the Middle East, killed thousands (if not millions) worldwide, and caused pain and suffering to hundreds (if not thousands) of non-believers. And I 'aint just talking about Christianity.

Women ruling isnt hell on earth. Besides, I cant see the world getting much worse, you just cant see it because you live in a fancy rich country which thinks its safe when the airports are barely any safer than before and a terrorist could EASILY get through and blow up another place. Its been almost 5 years and already most americans have forgotten about 9/11. It sickens me.

So dont you DARE say that women becoming priests is hell on earth, because its been done before, and I dont rememeber Satan appearing. Males arent a symbol for dominance anymore. Get with the times, or your religion will die.

Oh, and beleive it or not, having to wear a "tent" on your head, as you said about Muslim women, isnt demeaning to them. Most of them freely accept it and are suprised that the Western world sees it as male dominance. Do some research before you make such stupid claims.

Why women cant be priests: the same reason why women cant work outside the house, blacks cant own land, women cant divorce their husbands, blacks cant drink from the same fountains as whites, untouchables must hit a stick when walking in public to tell everyone they were an untouchable, Samaritans arent allowed in the Temple, homosexuals arent allowed to go to heaven, etc. ... that answer being: Stupidity... stupidity... stupidity...
Domination is not authority.

First of all, i dont believe that any gender should dominate. you have tried to suck me into an argument where you have re-designed my position to look like I am against matriarchy. I am not against matriarchy. I am FOR matriarchy. in fact, I am ready for a female president. However, with sacred things such categories do not apply. A priest must be male for certain reasons so that Christianity works. Christianity is the bedrock of culture and truth.

If its so right, for example, that females should be priests, then why didnt Queen Elizabeth make females priests when she was the head of the Church of England?
She had total power and was very much feminist. She could have done it easily.
Answer: She had wisdom enough to know not to play around with sacred things too much.
Zephyr said:
Are there any female-dominated societies around today to verify this? Have there been any societies where sex didn't matter?

There are many nations in History that had been controlled by a woman. Ironically, many of them were loopy...
Lawdog said:
If its so right, for example, that females should be priests, then why didnt Queen Elizabeth make females priests when she was the head of the Church of England?
She had total power and was very much feminist. She could have done it easily.
Answer: She had wisdom enough to know not to play around with sacred things too much.

Sources to uphold that argument? Or did you just make that up?
However, with sacred things such categories do not apply.
You say that, but you don't seem to believe it.

I am FOR matriarchy.
I am not. As I explained, matriarchy is just another dominator model. A female president or queen alone does not make a society matriarchal.

A priest must be male for certain reasons so that Christianity works.
I don't think even you realize why.
Well, I suppose no one ever asked the question before.
But really, whats the use of using sources at sciforums?

Their ideas of a source is some heretical text or
archeological data that is totally unsubstantiated,
or some bogus work done by radical liberal university professors.

No one needs to be a historian to figure that out.
So you made it up? Or do you have a link? Next time someone says something, you can always ask for a link, and if the link seems bogus, say so. Thats part of debating... deciding whether the evidence used in the debate is reliable or bias or total shit ;)
You are just making excuses not to take something seriously.

...One of the most important concerns during Elizabeth's early reign was religion; she relied primarily on Sir William Cecil for advice on the matter.

... The Queen assumed the title "Supreme Governor of the Church of England", rather than "Supreme Head", primarily because several bishops and many members of the public felt that a woman could not be the head of the Church. [wiki]