Why We Need Good Religion...

It is my belief that the struggle of our existance (nowadays anyway)is our own personal struggle with our sense of worthyness..or more to the point a struggle against our feelings of worthlessness,

Wow, that must suck to have been brought up that way. I'm surprised you cling to a religion that denigrates you so. I guess it's battered wife syndrome.

Not every one has that struggle. I've always had a sense of my own inherent worth and the worth of others, even you.
Again you are the one ...

Your word choices are yours to make. I do not control your tongue.

Really? Do I have to assume

You should know better. Existential claims are presumed false until evidence is presented to show they are true.

I don't have to prove Zeus doesn't exist, or unicorns, or tooth fairies, or Santa Claus, or elves, or your absurd god.

Your empty claims are insufficient to prove god. Either present an actual god for consideration or resign yourself to being thought a fool for claiming fairy tales are true.

You forgot to write "according to me....there isn't anything..."

I forgot nothing.

remember that according to other people they may be something to observe and measure.

Then they need to observe, measure and present some actual findings.

Since neither you or they haven't proven your points.You can only honestly clarify that this is your personal observation or opinion.

A fallacious claim. You are engaged in special pleading and begging the question. Look them up.