why we need ghosts

Ah. So since there was a character called Casper the Friendly Ghost, ghosts are storybook characters, too. (Indeed, kid's cartoon characters - which is even less believable.)

Or since there was an extraterrestrial in a story named Darth Vader, that means all extraterrestrials are storybook characters. Faulty logic there..
lol I remember one of my first threads had to do with orbs and ghosts. Remember that? I didn't ''know'' anyone here, but recall so many upset members in that thread. I thought, ahhh...it's a science forum, they don't like ghosts here. hahaha

Funny memories.
lol I remember one of my first threads had to do with orbs and ghosts. Remember that? I didn't ''know'' anyone here, but recall so many upset members in that thread. I thought, ahhh...it's a science forum, they don't like ghosts here. hahaha

Funny memories.

Yeah..that was a fun thread. It's still down there somewhere.
I didn't ''know'' anyone here, but recall so many upset members in that thread.

Skeptics generally take any evidence for the paranormal as an attack on their materialist worldview. That's why they devolve so quickly into trolling and making it personal. That have to take out their frustration on somebody, and how better to do that than to shoot the messenger.
Skeptics generally take any evidence for the paranormal as an attack on their materialist worldview. That's why they devolve so quickly into trolling and making it personal. That have to take out their frustration on somebody, and how better to do that than to shoot the messenger.
lol While I don't believe all accounts and eye witness ''testimonies,'' I will validate your ghost beliefs. Not everything has a material explanation, and I stay open to the possibilities.
Skeptics generally take any evidence for the paranormal as an attack on their materialist worldview. That's why they devolve so quickly into trolling and making it personal. That have to take out their frustration on somebody, and how better to do that than to shoot the messenger.

So, let's see you address the argument then, instead of attacking the arguers (as you just did).

You still haven't answered the question put to you: How do you distinguish between an act of God and an act of a ghost (or an act of a hidden trickster) - such as, say, banging a door?

"I don't believe in God" is not a valid response, any more than "I don't believe in ghosts". (Otherwise this thread would be less than one page long.)
For anyone interested, I learned recently that Christianity ''teaches'' that there is no such thing as ghosts, rather demons are likely the culprit if you're ''seeing things.''

It does seem ironic that we tend to be fearful of ghosts, in general. Nearly every movie about ghosts or paranormal occurrences has that fear factor goin' on.
For anyone interested, I learned recently that Christianity ''teaches'' that there is no such thing as ghosts, rather demons are likely the culprit if you're ''seeing things.''

It does seem ironic that we tend to be fearful of ghosts, in general. Nearly every movie about ghosts or paranormal occurrences has that fear factor goin' on.
:) Some people actually enjoy life when presented with mysteries, mystical conspiracies and such. They literally "get off" on such things. They love being scared! :)
I will validate your ghost beliefs. Not everything has a material explanation, and I stay open to the possibilities.
Or simply put, some things are just hard or difficult to explain. That doesn't mean one should then automatically fall back on the supernatural and paranormal.
I've see a UFO wegs. And to this day, it remains a UFO.
When I was a tin lid, I saw the movie, "The Thing; from another world" that was in 1953 and I was 7 years old. It literally scared the living daylights out of me, and I was seeing "things"around my bed every night, and for a time would get up and put the light on, when they quickly vanished.
What I'm trying to say is that if we were being visited by Alien controlled craft, if they were grabbing individuals to perform experiments on, if Bigfoot [ or in Australia case the Yowie, ] was roaming the forests, if ghosts and Goblins did exist, if we were being continually lied to with claims of conspiracies at every turn, or if evil spirits did exist, one would wonder why in hell would we get out of bed in the mornings. :eek:
:) Some people actually enjoy life when presented with mysteries, mystical conspiracies and such. They literally "get off" on such things. They love being scared! :)
Get off ? What is this language? lol

Or simply put, some things are just hard or difficult to explain. That doesn't mean one should then automatically fall back on the supernatural and paranormal.
I've see a UFO wegs. And to this day, it remains a UFO.
When I was a tin lid, I saw the movie, "The Thing; from another world" that was in 1953 and I was 7 years old. It literally scared the living daylights out of me, and I was seeing "things"around my bed every night, and for a time would get up and put the light on, when they quickly vanished.
What I'm trying to say is that if we were being visited by Alien controlled craft, if they were grabbing individuals to perform experiments on, if Bigfoot [ or in Australia case the Yowie, ] was roaming the forests, if ghosts and Goblins did exist, if we were being continually lied to with claims of conspiracies at every turn, or if evil spirits did exist, one would wonder why in hell would we get out of bed in the mornings. :eek:

I'd agree about automatically falling back on thinking everything has a paranormal explanation. Definitely agree, I don't think MR does this...he is of course, only posting about events that he has a sureness about. We don't know all of the other events that he tosses aside because they didn't pass the litmus test. For the sake of these threads, we're only privy to the stories that he deems to be verifiable.

You're a funny storyteller, for what it's worth. I can see sitting around a campfire, roasting s'mores ...listening to your 'lore. :wink:
So, let's see you address the argument then, instead of attacking the arguers (as you just did).

You still haven't answered the question put to you: How do you distinguish between an act of God and an act of a ghost (or an act of a hidden trickster) - such as, say, banging a door?

"I don't believe in God" is not a valid response, any more than "I don't believe in ghosts". (Otherwise this thread would be less than one page long.)

I already gave you my answer. Your question assumes God exists. I don't assume that because I don't believe in God. So for me objects moving by themselves can't be acts of God because God doesn't exist any more than Darth Vader does. That's my answer. Deal with it.
I already gave you my answer. Your question assumes God exists. I don't assume that because I don't believe in God. So for me objects moving by themselves can't be acts of God because God doesn't exist any more than Darth Vader does. That's my answer. Deal with it.
And objects moving by themselves probably have a variety of other explanations.
Get off ? What is this language? lol

I'd agree about automatically falling back on thinking everything has a paranormal explanation. Definitely agree, I don't think MR does this...he is of course, only posting about events that he has a sureness about. We don't know all of the other events that he tosses aside because they didn't pass the litmus test. For the sake of these threads, we're only privy to the stories that he deems to be verifiable.
I have no doubt that MR would reject many of the accounts of paranormal and/or supernatural events that he comes across...some are easily explained, others are more difficult to explain, and some remain unexplained. The 5% or so that remain unexplained, does not mean automatically supernatural or paranormal. And if UFO's ghosts or whatever were "verifiable" don't you accept that it would be far more controversial and/or accepted? Simply put wegs, I borrow from Carl Sagan, "extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence"
You're a funny storyteller, for what it's worth. I can see sitting around a campfire, roasting s'mores ...listening to your 'lore. :wink:
:pI've had a so far long and fruitful life wegs [75 years anyhow] and I plan on being around for a lot longer yet. All true stories by the way, and plenty more, three of which maintains to bullies that I have experienced in my life and how I have dealt with them. :p But that;s for another day.
This is one case where I agree with the "logic" of what MR is saying.

I could be a rock music fan and not like the Stones.

He believes in ghosts and not in God. I don't see a problem there.
Or since there was an extraterrestrial in a story named Darth Vader, that means all extraterrestrials are storybook characters. Faulty logic there..
No, not at all.

You are saying that because you don't believe in one specific God (say, the Yahweh of the Christian religions) that there is no such thing as God. That is the same as saying since you don't believe in one specific space alien (i.e. Darth Vader) that there is no such thing as a space alien.
I already gave you my answer. Your question assumes God exists. I don't assume that because I don't believe in God. So for me objects moving by themselves can't be acts of God because God doesn't exist any more than Darth Vader does. That's my answer. Deal with it.

You just shot your own foot off.

All of the above statements are exactly applicable to ghosts.
  • Your postings assume ghosts exist.
  • We don't assume it because we don't believe in ghosts (without sufficient reason).
  • So objects moving by themselves can't be acts of ghosts because ghosts (probably) don't exist.
What falls out of that is that your belief in ghosts is every bit as supported - or unsupported - as someone else's belief in God.

And the problem with that is that - just as someone coming to SciFo and declaring 'God exists' and 'it's a foregone conclusion' - so you are doing with ghosts. In other words, you are not here to present objective evidence - you're here to preach your beliefs, like any bible-thumper might do.

In fact, you are worse than the skeptics you deride so often. Skeptics don't say "There are no ghosts." they say "Show me the evidence".
You don't even have that. You simply declare "God doesn't exist". You're not even open to discussion about it. All you have is a foregone belief. Very much like your foregone belief in ghosts.

Your stance on ghosts is hypocritical in light of your stance on God.