why we need ghosts

And again, your person is not being attacked. Your argument - only what you have presented, here - is being attacked. Your own logic - as you have presented it, here - is contradictory.

What argument? I posted a video of a fire hose compartment door slamming by itself, and told you why I don't believe it is an act of God. I haven't attacked anyone's beliefs at all. Much as you have been doing.
What argument? I posted a video of a fire hose compartment door slamming by itself,
OK, so you grant that it's off-topic for a thread about ghosts.

I'll make a note to the mods that you derailed the thread for 93 posts with something that has nothing to do with the thread topic.
OK, so you grant that it's off-topic for a thread about ghosts.

I'll make a note to the mods that you derailed the thread for 93 posts with something that has nothing to do with the thread topic.

You're coming off as desperate and obsessive Dave. What's wrong with you? It's just a harmless little video of paranormal activity. Why the conniption fit?
What is it about, Lincoln, that he's a ghost?

Why might we need him as a ghost?

It's probably just a moving 3D image of him etched upon the subtle electromagnetic field pervading the White House. Not really an intelligent ghost. I like to think Lincoln's spirit headed straight for the light when he died.
For anyone interested, I learned recently that Christianity ''teaches'' that there is no such thing as ghosts, rather demons are likely the culprit if you're ''seeing things.''

It does seem ironic that we tend to be fearful of ghosts, in general. Nearly every movie about ghosts or paranormal occurrences has that fear factor goin' on.
You might also be interested in knowing in Catholic religion it is a sin to be superstitious

You might also be interested in knowing in Catholic religion it is a sin to be superstitious


Ah that’s right, they have Rosary beads and “holy water” to protect them.

I was raised in that cult, and grateful to be free. No love lost, there.

@ Dave - I hear ya but I’ve always interpreted MR’s threads on the paranormal to be told from his viewpoint. In fairness, this sub forum should be a little more lax (imo) in comparison to the hard science sections.
I never said that. I said just as I don't disbelieve in extraterrestrials because I don't believe in Darth Vader, so too do I not disbelieve in spirits because I don't believe in God. If you are still having trouble with this, go back and read the original post.
I'm not having trouble at all - but I think you are.

To clear this up for you, let's start with your beliefs:

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in God?
No..I already explained this to you. I'm not going over again.
MR is right of course. There's really no need to go over this again. It's settled.

MR has granted that "I don't personally believe in X, therefore it can't be because of X" is a perfectly acceptable argument to him.

Therefore, any poster can simply say "I don't personally believe in ghosts, so it can't be ghosts." and that ends the thread discussion - as it did when MR chose not to defend his assertion that God can't be an explanation. He accepts, by his own actions, that such an assertion need not be defended.

There's really nothing left to say.
No..I already explained this to you. I'm not going over again.
Just as I thought. You've contradicted yourself, you can't explain it without contradicting yourself again, so you are going to refuse to answer even simple questions.

Funny, I always assume that perhaps this time you'll be consistent. Foolish of me.
that’s right, they have Rosary beads and “holy water” to protect them.

They also have lots of Jesus and Mary tortillas.

I’ve always interpreted MR’s threads on the paranormal to be told from his viewpoint.
What are you implying about Magical here?
In fairness, this sub forum should be a little more lax (imo) in comparison to the hard science sections.
In fairness no one is forced to be here.
Magical likes to have fun posting links, others like to have fun asking Magical questions about those links.
What's wrong with that?