why we need ghosts

Ah. So you now realize that when they were in front of the camera on that TV show, they might not have been the paragons of honesty you make them out to be. Good for you! There is hope for you yet.

Nope..I anticipated that sophistry. That's why I said only when they're behind movie cameras.
Nope..I anticipated that sophistry. That's why I said only when they're behind movie cameras.
He's totally got you there, bill.

Remember when floppy disks had write-protect slots? A little sensor in the drive sensed this slot and prevented the floppy from being overwritten.

Well, little known fact!

That technology has been repurposed for a more noble cause. Actors have a similar slot on their forehead.

Movie cameras have this articulation that fits into the slot, and allows the actor to make stuff up. But only movie cameras have this feature. Regular cameras do not. Without activating the sensor in the actor's head, they are forced to tell only exact truths.

Here is a rare picture of the device in-action (actual footage, not retouched)

This is all real. I have no reason to lie, and I am not making any money off this, so you can definitely believe me.

So you're not saying he is a conniving greedy liar, you're just saying he could be one.
Sure. Anybody could be, in principle. It's not like you actually know Keanu, Magical Realist. You just assume stuff about him because you see him in movies or on TV or in the celebrity press.

Anyway, this is all rather beside the point. Even if Keanu is the paragon of virtue that you want him to be, his anecdote still does nothing useful towards providing evidence for the existence of ghosts. But you already know that.

I note also that you ignored the vast majority of my previous reply to you, thus avoiding addressing matters that you find difficult.
Even if Keanu is the paragon of virtue that you want him to be, his anecdote still does nothing useful towards providing evidence for the existence of ghosts. But you already know that.

Yeah..that's where you're wrong. Normal sane people just sharing personal stories of their lives regarding ghosts in casual TV interviews is quite compelling evidence for the existence of ghosts. Which explains all the twisting and anal semantical gymnastics you have to go thru to try to discredit it all. If it was nothing you wouldn't invest so much time and energy in trying to dismiss it. But you can't accomplish that because you weren't there and they were and that fact alone makes anything you have to say about it pretty much moot.
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Yeah..that's where you're wrong. Normal sane people just sharing personal stories of their lives regarding ghosts in casual TV interviews is quite compelling evidence for the existence of ghosts.
Nah. It's ho hum unpersuasive chatter.

Which explains all the twisting and anal semantical gymnastics you have to go thru to try to discredit it all. If it was nothing you wouldn't invest so much time and energy in trying to dismiss it.
I've invested no time in trying to dismiss Keanu's story. There's no need. It's completely unfalsifiable.

But you can't accomplish that because you weren't there and they were and that fact alone makes anything you have to say about it pretty much moot.
You weren't there either, which makes your claim that Keanu saw a ghost pretty much moot.
If it was nothing you wouldn't invest so much time and energy in trying to dismiss it.
This is classic theist logic.
"You can't prove it's not true, therefore it's true."
Applies to Russell's Orbiting Teapot and Sagan's Invisible Dragon.

Also, by the way, applies to God. This is particularly notable since you identify as atheist.

Now that would be a fascinating thread - exploring how you conclude that there is insufficient evidence for God, when a large fraction of the world (almost all of whom make no money off it and have no reason to lie, and assert their beliefs both casually and through action) asserts that he exists.

One must wonder why you take ghost-experiencers at their word, yet don't take God-experiencers at their word. Whatever happened to sane people don't tend to lie about their experiences?
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You weren't there either, which makes your claim that Keanu saw a ghost pretty much moot.

Nope..Keanu was there and that's what he said he saw. I simply take his word for it. Unlike you, I don't try to tell him what he saw or didn't see.
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You have it backwards. Science- minded people don't give individual eyewitness reports the time of day.

Right..particularly when they conflict with their philosophical worldview...ie. only scientifically explainable phenomena are real.
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