why we need ghosts

Uh no. Actors don't lie about their life experiences on national TV during interviews because they want to appear "edgy". They tell the truth just like all people do. To say they lie because they are actors is just stupid.
Yer kidding, right? Nobody could be as naive as you pretend to be.

Actors are professional liars. In an interview they are playing a part every bit as much as they are on screen.
It is "hugely cynical" to think that actors want to be seen and be paid a lot? That's reality.

No..actors don't lie about their experiences because they want to be paid more. That's just insane and you know it.


But if you go on Jimmy Kimmel and you say you saw a ghost, and his ratings go up a tiny bit because it's a popular belief, then he will be more likely to have you back. Perhaps Conan or Noah might invite you as well. And the next time you go to an audition, you'll have a leg up on the competition, because you are a more popular, well known actor.

And actors like to succeed.

No..actors don't lie to get more people to see their movies. That's just insane.

What's a wooer? And what is "my crowd?" Science types?

You know what it is.

Not at all. I don't think any less of Bill Murray for playing a Ghostbuster, or Michael Keaton for playing Beetlejuice. I fault the people who think that means that ghosts are real.

They didn't claim to see a ghost. You have already smeared Keanu Reeves reputation just for saying he saw a ghost. What is wrong with you?

Well I saw an interview with him once and he came off as a little nuts. I can tell. (<- just as valid.))

There ya go with the attacking him again,

Now you are getting closer. It is compelling evidence that well known people claim to experience ghosts. And being well known lends them zero credence over someone less well known. Keanu Reeves? Nancy Pelosi? The guy telling ghost stories at that campfire? All have about the same level of credence when it comes to ghost sightings.

Precisely. They are just like us, with no less or more credence than the average joe. And that's why their accounts are so compelling. Because they ARE just like us, with no reason to lie at all.
Yer kidding, right? Nobody could be as naive as you pretend to be.

Actors are professional liars. In an interview they are playing a part every bit as much as they are on screen.

You're full of shit. Actors aren't liars in real life just because they act for a living. In interviews they aren't acting. They are just being themselves.
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You're the one accusing Keanu and I assume also Wanda, and Ellen, and Sting, and Blair, of deviously concocting ghost stories to selfishly enhance their own careers somehow.

... a conniving greedy liar who makes up ghost stories to increase ticket sales of his movies.

As an aside, I find it fascinating to what lengths MR will go to build such straw men. I am pretty sure that no one in this thread has used any of the above words, including - and especially - "liar", except MR.
One has to wonder - if he didn't have to put word in his opponent's mouths - would he have any rebuttal at all.

BTW, in addition to being a straw man, these responses commit the informal fallacy of misleading vividness AKA purple prose.
embellishing with vivid detail ("deviously, selfishly, conniving, greedy") to add a facade of gravity.

Interestingly, Misleading vividness is related to anecdotal evidence, upon which, MR relies heavily.

Wiki has a rather apropos example:

Anecdotal evidence is often unscientific or pseudoscientific because various forms of cognitive bias may affect the collection or presentation of evidence. For instance, someone who claims to have had an encounter with a supernatural being or alien may present a very vivid story, but this is not falsifiable.
As an aside, I find it fascinating to what lengths MR will go to build such straw men. I am pretty sure that no one in this thread has used any of the above words, including - and especially - "liar", except MR.
One has to wonder - if he didn't have to put word in his opponent's mouths - would he have any rebuttal at all.

BTW, in addition to being a straw man, these responses commit the informal fallacy of misleading vividness AKA purple prose.
embellishing with vivid detail ("deviously, selfishly, conniving, greedy") to add a facade of gravity.

Interestingly, Misleading vividness is related to anecdotal evidence, upon which, MR relies heavily.

Wiki has a rather apropos example:

Anecdotal evidence is often unscientific or pseudoscientific because various forms of cognitive bias may affect the collection or presentation of evidence. For instance, someone who claims to have had an encounter with a supernatural being or alien may present a very vivid story, but this is not falsifiable.

LOL! Now using vivid language is a fallacy. Methinks they doth protest too much.:rolleyes:
Yer kidding, right? Nobody could be as naive as you pretend to be.
I have to agree with you here.
MR has fessed up to several whoppers of naivete over the last year or two.
I am almost certain that he gave up being sincere a while back, and is just trolling for reactions at this point.
He had quite a falling out with the mods a few years back, and it is well within plausibility that he is just trying to get their goat.
To recap:

It is MR's assertion that Keanu Reeves talking with Jimmy Kimmel on TV is Keanu being himself and perfectly credible - and when Keanu talks about his unusual experience with Jimmy on-camera, that is tantamount to testimony under oath in a court of law. And thus serves as proof of ghosts.

Just gonna leave that here.
To recap:

It is MR's assertion that Keanu Reeves talking with Jimmy Kimmel on TV is Keanu being himself and perfectly credible - and when Keanu talks about his unusual experience with Jimmy on-camera, that is tantamount to testimony under oath in a court of law. And thus serves as proof of ghosts.

Just gonna leave that here.

Sounds good to me..Truth is truth whether on a talk show or in a court of law.
It's not that important to me whether Keanu or Sting believes in ghosts.

Something about your 20 line posts all about how Keanu could be lying to increase ticket sales or just seriously mistaken belies that claim.

If they ever want to discuss the matter with me, I'll be very happy to try to educate them in the same way I've tried to educate you. They are victims of the education system, same as you are. They are not to blame. Actually, they have a better excuse than you, who has been introduced to skepticism yet refuses to apply what he has been taught.

No, they're not going to discuss anything with you about their personal experiences because they were there and know what they saw. You weren't there and have an agenda to debunk all paranormal experiences. There's nothing you can educate anyone on other than your own biases against this topic. So don't flatter yourself. It comes off as arrogant and amusingly self-serving.
I have done no such thing.

Remember where we started with this. You asserted that Keanu could have no possible reason to lie about seeing a ghost. I merely suggested one possible reason he might, hypothetically, lie about that. I'm notsaying that he did lie, only that he could have a reason to lie, for all we know.

So you're not saying he is a conniving greedy liar, you're just saying he could be one. I'm sure Keanu would still take offense to your weirdly non-commital accusation that is still a groundless accusation and slander of his character. "I'm not saying you murdered your wife. I'm just saying you could have murdered your wife."
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No..actors don't lie about their experiences because they want to be paid more. That's just insane and you know it.
It is an actors JOB to portray fictions. The better they are at it, the more they get paid. Reality.
No..actors don't lie to get more people to see their movies. That's just insane.
Are you that out of touch with reality? Actors lie all the time - about their nationality, their skills, their age, their acting experience - ANYTHING to increase their popularity and get roles.

Good quote from Sandra Bullock on this: "They said, 'We want an older scientist.' I go there and I say I'm 29. After a while, you have no idea how old you are because you've lied so many times. I always said I would never lie, but one time, when I didn't it worked against me. So I figure you just keep them guessing."

Looks like they are keeping you guessing, too.
There ya go with the attacking him again,
That whoosh you heard was the point flying over your head.
Precisely. They are just like us, with no less or more credence than the average joe. And that's why their accounts are so compelling. Because they ARE just like us, with no reason to lie at all.
Except, of course, that they are actors who are paid handsomely to portray fictions.

Look, your threads always end up like this. You state something silly, get cornered when you run out of arguments, start in with the LOL! LOL! thing, then get angry and bitter and start with the personal attacks - "you have an agenda" "arrogant" "self-serving" "you're full of shit." Then you say you are putting people on ignore and go off in a huff for a while before coming back with some new absurdity. Aren't you getting sick of that cycle? Or do you really enjoy all the attention? I am starting to think DaveC is right.
It is an actors JOB to portray fictions. The better they are at it, the more they get paid. Reality.

Nope. Only when they are behind movie cameras. Not in real life.

Are you that out of touch with reality? Actors lie all the time - about their nationality, their skills, their age, their acting experience - ANYTHING to increase their popularity and get roles.

Not about seeing a ghost, which has nothing whatsoever to do with them getting roles.

Good quote from Sandra Bullock on this: "They said, 'We want an older scientist.' I go there and I say I'm 29. After a while, you have no idea how old you are because you've lied so many times. I always said I would never lie, but one time, when I didn't it worked against me. So I figure you just keep them guessing."

Looks like they are keeping you guessing, too.

She lied about her age a few times. So what? There's absolutely no reason for anyone to lie about seeing a ghost.

Except, of course, that they are actors who are paid handsomely to portray fictions.

Only when they are behind movie cameras.

Look, your threads always end up like this. You state something silly, get cornered when you run out of arguments, start in with the LOL! LOL! thing, then get angry and bitter and start with the personal attacks - "you have an agenda" "arrogant" "self-serving" "you're full of shit." Then you say you are putting people on ignore and go off in a huff for a while before coming back with some new absurdity. Aren't you getting sick of that cycle? Or do you really enjoy all the attention? I am starting to think DaveC is right.

You're the one making up shit about actors lying all the time because you don't want to believe in ghosts. Why is this so important to you? They saw a ghost. So what? Your world is not going to crumble. Life goes on, and people keep seeing ghosts all over the world. Deal with it.
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Sounds good to me..Truth is truth whether on a talk show or in a court of law.
I'll start believing in ghost, and little green aliens, when one or the other is called up to the witness box and swear on oath yes they appeared or yes I abducted and probed the person there

These appear to be off-topic. They do not seem to shed light on the opening post as to why we needs ghosts.

Suggest they get split off into their own thread. Suggestions for thread titles?