Why the skeptics fear UFOs - AKA, The debunkers have something to hide

Stupid damn skeptics anyway!

Me, Elvis and Bigfoot are gonna go take a cruise on this loaner saucer, anyone down?

Very typical response from a debunker.

The old Elvis joke..... can't stand up to the evidence, so just attack the subject in general.
Originally posted by VRob

Very typical response from a debunker.

The old Elvis joke..... can't stand up to the evidence, so just attack the subject in general.

Come on, Elvis is cool man.

And yours is typical of retarded fanatic... what's your point?

I think you should relax.

If the aliens wanted to get you, don't you figure you'd already be got? I suppose not eh?

It's SO funny that you label me a "debunker"! I've finally made it to the other side.. woo hoo! LOL.


Oh and further, by labelling me as such, you're basically marginalizing me. In general, I just think it's pertinent to ask reasonable questions and approach this type of problem rationally. I have no investment either way. I actually think it would be pretty cool if there were aliens visiting earth. I'd be totally fascinated to check it out. Their gadgets must ROCK.

I do, however, require pretty strong evidence for such a far-fetched claim. I require myself to ask the hard questions of even my own perception. I now take under full consideration that NO EVIDENCE that I have ever seen has been any other than heresay. Knowing what I know about brains and such, I DO trust heresay in that "something strange probably happened" but I DO NOT TRUST IT in that "that something was extraterrestrial" as that is just the other person's impression of it and there is as of yet no evidence that supports that claim... rather, there is no rational conclusion I can draw from their impression of events other than something strange probably happened. That doesn't tell me a lot.

Further, that Penn and Teller thing I talked about before was GOOD man. Those dudes have their crap together and in 10 minutes debunked suspicions I'd had for years (mind you I didn't believe it, but you should see these LOSERS they interviewed, freakin PATHETIC).
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who the fuck do you think you are fooling punk? your attitude says it all.
you are dogmatic and bordering on religious fervor. that is how you maintain the status quo

fucking no good, stinking piece of shit. if you aint got something positive to contribute, take a fucking hike! cackling idiot!
Originally posted by wesmorris
You know I must be all fucked up. LOL. I have this propensity to think "everything is as it should be". Go figure eh?

exactly. i expect nothing out of your sorry ass. begone turd

penn and fucking teller.... the new gods!
/who the fuck do you think you are fooling punk?

no one.

/your attitude says it all.


/you are dogmatic and bordering on religious fervor. that is how you maintain the status quo


/fucking no good, stinking piece of shit. if you aint got something positive to contribute, take a fucking hike! cackling idiot!

blow me dickweed.

Further, I have begun to suspect over the last few years that there are two major conspiracies happening regarding this issue:

a) the government wants to keep a lid on the hysteria idiots would inevitably cause.

b) a conspiracy to draw provacative conclusions from flimsy bullshit in order to propagate a mystery that results in a cash cow.
Originally posted by spookz
exactly. i expect nothing out of your sorry ass. begone turd

penn and fucking teller.... the new gods!


they're not gods, they're just sharp dudes.


Oh, and hey fucktard: Why are you still posting HERE? I thought you were busy gathering evidence to present in your "I'm gonna prove that aliens kidnapped my brain" thread.. whassup?

Did they keep it?

Originally posted by wesmorris
Why are you still posting HERE?

to rag on your filthy ass? you now think you can dictate my reality. when and where i can post? you make your delusions obvious to all to see!

love the attention tho!
Ivan lying:

Then I kept giving Q "one more chance" for reasonable discourse; only to get sucker punched. From here on I will simply ignore Q.

That is a lie. Over in PF you lied as well and I pointed out that lie. Greg confirmed you were insulting me in a PM he sent me.

You stated you had a degree in physics and then claimed you were unable to figure out a very simply problem. Another lie?

Are all of your statements lies? Is that the only way you feel you can “win” an argument?

You ignore me because you can’t answer my questions just like you can’t answer direct questions here from me or anyone else.

I consider myself to be a smart and reasonable person.

What you consider and what we consider are two different things. You’re inflated ego is getting the best of you.

we find that the debunking arguments can be downright ridiculous

If one firmly believes in ET visiting Earth, as you do, any argument against your belief system will appear ridiculous. The same logic applies in the religious forum.
Originally posted by spookz
to rag on your filthy ass?

*like beavis*

Oh yeah.

That's pretty cool.


Oh, and my ass is not filthy goddamnit. I'm a 'professional', I can't stink or I'd get fired. :)
Originally posted by spookz
spare me you frikking life story boy!

No. I'll spare you my ass from this point forward, but you will listen to my life story and pretend to be interested.

You have been warned.
Guys - you'll get this thread closed. Take it somewhere else.
Originally posted by wesmorris
In general, I just think it's pertinent to ask reasonable questions and approach this type of problem rationally

And you think posting crap like this....

"Me, Elvis and Bigfoot are gonna take a cruise on this loaner saucer. Anyone down?

Makes you sound rational??:rolleyes:

I posted numerous topics that you could attempt to pick apart in a REASONABLE manner if you had the ability. But, you resort to the old Elvis, Bigfoot jokes. I've seen your kind many times Wes. You sling crap at all the nonesense surrounding this subject. But, when you're confronted with things you can't debate, you resort to attacking the subject.
/Makes you sound rational??

No it makes me sound like a dude making elvis jokes at people with an emotional investment in their belief in aliens and such.

/I posted numerous topics that you could attempt to pick apart in a REASONABLE manner if you had the ability.

Seriously? I hadn't noticed. Please give me an example.

/But, you resort to the old Elvis, Bigfoot jokes.

As if that is some sort of horrific thing? Lighten up dickweed.

/I've seen your kind many times Wes.

YOU DON'T KNOW MY KIND. Your attempts to lump me into "a type" or "a debunker" only make you look desperately clingy to your presumption. Show that you can be skeptical of yourself and you gain much respect.

/You sling crap at all the nonesense surrounding this subject.

You are a fucking IDIOT if you consider me making an elvis joke "slinging crap at all the nonsense around this subject". I'm a joker. I make jokes. Fuck off if you don't like it.

/But, when you're confronted with things you can't debate, you resort to attacking the subject.

So you've just stereotyped me into your classical debunker eh?

Hmm... funny. Kind of like you stereotype any evidence that can't be explained into evidence of extra-terrestrial visitation? Nah. You probably don't do that right?

Oh, and I also appreciate how easy it is for you to ignore any comments that don't support your opinion of me as your classical debunker. Man, that's good denial you got going there brother. Care to share? I want to pretend I dont' have to pay my mortgage and I don't have quite the phychosis to pull it off... got a little to spare?
Originally posted by VRob
Why is it that the debunkers always bring up the hoaxes, fruads, lights in the sky...ect... when debunking this topic.

Why do they never address the:

Washington incident of 1952?

Rendelsham Forest incident of 1980?

The Belgium incident in the mid 80's?

The Travis Walton incident in the mid 70's?

The Thomas Mantell incident in the mid 50's?

The Mexico flap in the late 80's with thousands of video's and 10's of thousands of eyewitnesses? This is one of the best IMO.

The photo's taken by the Brazilian naval officers?

The hundreds of CREDIBLE military/intelligence eyewitnesses who have come forward with their stories of 1st hand ET reports?

I really want to know. Why won't you address the real evidence?

Here is my post with some topics for you to discuss in your reasonable manner Wes. Why don't you give it a shot.

A typical debunker/skeptic response is to make the Elvis, bigfoot comparisons to this subject. I've seen it many times. It's usually accompanied by an ignorant grin.

As far as me making assumptions about you, why don't you try that hat on for size. You've accused me of being a fanatic. Of not being critical of the evidence. Where have I shown evidence of this? You, on the other hand have shown with your most recent posts on this thread that you either don't know the subject very well, or have already made up your mind to dismiss all evidence. I presume it's a combination of both.
Originally posted by VRob
You, on the other hand have shown with your most recent posts on this thread that you either don't know the subject very well, or have already made up your mind to dismiss all evidence. I presume it's a combination of both.

But your post didn't have any details.

You just posted "this incident, that incident".

I'm familiar with Travis Walton's case.

I have no explanation.

I don't believe it was aliens.

I have no idea what happened to him. I'm pretty sure something happened to him, but what? I dunno. I wasn't there.

I would think it most plausible that his imagination was dicked with by psychologists and basically it became real, as an explanation for a random kidnapping, or a fuge(sp?) state or who knows what happened to that poor dude. It was obviously tramatic. Generally, the human mind has an incredible propensity to make input match some stuff that it thinks it should match based on its input. Blah blah, I dunno for sure, but it seem the most rational hypothesis is that he had a highly traumatic experience based on either a psychotic episode or kidnapping or something.

Note though, that I cannot explain it and freely admit it. To me though, syaing "aliens did it" is about the same as any random statement you could put there like "it was mighty mouse" or whatever. It's not that that it's impossible, just as far as can be PROVEN, highly improbable.

Why is that unreasonable?
Originally posted by wesmorris
Note though, that I cannot explain it and freely admit it. To me though, syaing "aliens did it" is about the same as any random statement you could put there like "it was mighty mouse" or whatever. It's not that that it's impossible, just as far as can be PROVEN, highly improbable.

Why is that unreasonable?


That's not unreasonable. In fact, I've never stated or assumed anything about this topic. I just find it extremely credible, and needs to be put in the unknown pile along with other credible evidence.

I do think there might be some things about this incident that you're unaware of.

1. There were 5 other guys with Travis Walton at the time.

2. They have all given the same story as to what they saw. They saw a large craft hovering over their friend shinning a light on him. They then drove off in fear leaving their friend behind.

3. They have taken many lie detector test over the years and ALL 5 eyewitnesses (Aside from Travis Walton himself) have passed them all. Travis Walton doesn't remember much of his experience.

4. None of these guys has ever attempted to gain monetarily from this incident. They actually prefer to be left alone about it.

Now, abductions is really not my thing. In fact, outside of this one, and a few other interesting cases, I generally don't follow this information. I'm more into the whole Military/Intelligence aspect of the subject. But, this is one abduction incident that has witnesses.

Regarding your Elvis joke.... Many of us who've followed this subject over the years have been confronted with those who laugh at the notion of this subject being taken seriously. For those of us who do take it seriously, it gets a little old after awhile. I've heard them all.... the Elvis is with the Aliens, Heavens Gate, ect.... The kooks really give it a bad name. However, not all of us are kooks. I may have jumped the gun in labelling you, but you also did the same with labelling me a fanatic.