Why the skeptics fear UFOs - AKA, The debunkers have something to hide

Re: Re: Re: mess frikkin porridge

actually wes
/you implied i was a bunch of nasty stuff (do you need to revisit). if that is to be your mo. expect retaliation. your call

my call?

FUCK YOU BITCH. You've been implying every nasty bullshit thing in the world about me since your third reply to me:

Heres some of your flavor:

"why you miserable little shit.'

"contrary to your fuckin opinion, i aint no long haired, wild eyed freak"

(as if my comment about being such a think was supposed to mean you are really one, dude, wtf?)

"you fucking trolling my ass? scum!"

"get past the leftist rhetoric moron"

Upon re-reading I think I see that you're a dumbass.


DUDE... I think you misconstrued some of what I said. I probably did a poor job of communicating some of it. You then proceeded to accost me for it. I thought you were doing it intentionally as a joke because i hadn't considered that you'd taken comments like

"Look into it." and

"If you are a pussy enough to let the bullshit be shoved down your throat, you deserve it. Nobody says you have to buy what they're selling. Most people do because they aren't capable of leaving the fold and still maintaining a rational perspective.

differently from how I intended.

the first one I was just being terse, no offence intended and the second was meant to infer that the paradigm is inhernent to the reality of economic value of each member of a the overall system (and I mean including emotional stuff in economics as well). People need to believe certain things as a bridge to allow them to focus on their area of interest. If I haven't sufficiently patched the conceptual hole created by the question 'why do i exist?' or 'is there a god?"then I have conceptual roadblock in the fundamental area.

These quesitions have answers that are part of the paradigm, just like science, etc.... or you can go outside the paradigm to look for answers. My intended meaning was if you leave this paradigm and don't have the strength to stand on your own, you will fall. It is innefficient to the overall good that an idividual member of society fall - from a perspective of surivival... but potentially perfect that if that person goes it alone (or with small peer groups or sub culturess) they should not be able to make it on their own unless they are strong enough to do so. I said it the other way because it that's how it was in my head at the time, in an attempt to amuse you twofold (the hep jive slang and the good point) and myself (with the indulgance in conceptual beebop)

bah. did you do all that just to make me explain that better fucker?