Why the skeptics fear UFOs - AKA, The debunkers have something to hide

/I just find it extremely credible, and needs to be put in the unknown pile along with other credible evidence.

I'd agree with that in that I don't think they were necessarily deliberately trying to hoax anyone. Of course I can't be sure of that but I doubt it. I honestly don't think most of the "victims" or people who have had "encounters" are deliberately hoaxing stuff at all.

/I do think there might be some things about this incident that you're unaware of.

/1. There were 5 other guys with Travis Walton at the time.

I knew that. But it's my understanding that they were "in the area" rather than RIGHT with him. Even if he WERE picked up I don't think it's necessarily extra-terrestrial. I doubt the gov has that kind of tech, but if he really got picked up like that, somebody has the tech. It's neither here nor there though without hard evidence to support it.

/2. They have all given the same story as to what they saw. They saw a large craft hovering over their friend shinning a light on him. They then drove off in fear leaving their friend behind.

I thought that was the deal but I couldn't remember. Still, could have been a helicopter, who knows. Maybe they were on mescaline. Maybe it was someone experimenting with illusions. Hard to say. Could have been a third party hoax. That would keep it 'credible'.

/3. They have taken many lie detector test over the years and ALL 5 eyewitnesses (Aside from Travis Walton himself) have passed them all. Travis Walton doesn't remember much of his experience.

I knew that part for sure. Again, I doubt they are purposefully lying.

/4. None of these guys has ever attempted to gain monetarily from this incident. They actually prefer to be left alone about it.

I knew that. But publishers, well, and everyone in the chain of books/movies makers blah blah, everyone in the "industry" actually has a LOT to gain from their misfortune, as it is one of the most popular cases ever.

/Now, abductions is really not my thing. In fact, outside of this one, and a few other interesting cases, I generally don't follow this information. I'm more into the whole Military/Intelligence aspect of the subject. But, this is one abduction incident that has witnesses.

Certainly. It's somewhat interesting, I'm not saying that, it's just that I'd bet the reality of it is much more mundane than I'd prefer it to be.

/Regarding your Elvis joke.... Many of us who've followed this subject over the years have been confronted with those who laugh at the notion of this subject being taken seriously.

Well, I make the jokes because I'm a dork. Did you not read my signature? Hello? Hehe. Come on damnit.

/For those of us who do take it seriously, it gets a little old after awhile. I've heard them all.... the Elvis is with the Aliens, Heavens Gate, ect.... The kooks really give it a bad name.

If you're gonna be involved in this kind of shit, you think it's healthy for you to get offended at stupid elvis jokes? You can't take this shit too seriously or it will chew you up and spit you out. Further, you shouldn't judge a skeptic as a debunker just cuz of a damn elvis joke. You know how much shit I took on the playground for being a redhead? Hell man, you gotta learn to be able to laugh at yourself or you won't get a lot of credibilty with anyone.

/However, not all of us are kooks. I may have jumped the gun in labelling you, but you also did the same with labelling me a fanatic.

Maybe. I smell that you're taking it all way to seriously. IMO, that stinks of fanaticism a little.. but I now see you can be at minimum somewhat reasonable, and my suspicion of your fanaticism is somewhat decreased. I do still think though that you have to be able to joke about yourself as well as you'd joke about anyone else. Maybe you just don't have a dorky sense of humor like myself. If not, then we are bound to clash a bit simply by personality type.

Oh, and YOU might not be a kook, but if you can't see that the topic is at least a little kooky, then I'd suggest you step back and take a deep breath.
Originally posted by wesmorris
I smell that you're taking it all way to seriously. IMO, that stinks of fanaticism a little.. but I now see you can be at minimum somewhat reasonable, and my suspicion of your fanaticism is somewhat decreased. I do still think though that you have to be able to joke about yourself as well as you'd joke about anyone else. Maybe you just don't have a dorky sense of humor like myself. If not, then we are bound to clash a bit simply by personality type.


I think I have a very good sense of humor. I've learned that you have to with this subject.

I'm a relative newcomer to this board, but I have been following this subject since I was a kid. I've been laughed at, snickered at, and I even had my ex bring the subject up in court. So, I've heard it all.

The reason I sometimes get irritated about the so-called Elvis jokes is this:

The biggest obsticle this subject faces is the Ridecule factor. Until this is lifted, it will continue to be treated as a fringe issue. It's almost professional suicide for a scientist, teacher, ect... to give this subject any credibility at all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of scientist actually think it's worthy of considerably more reasearch, but they're scared to death to admit it.

The propaganda wagon has been very successful in discrediting this subject. The jokes and snickers need to subside for this subject to get the credibility it needs, and deserves.

Most of us are not screaming 'the aliens are coming'. All we're saying is look at the evidence we do have. Unfortunately, those screaming that the're coming, are getting the majority of the headlines.
Maybe. I smell that you're taking it all way to seriously. IMO, that stinks of fanaticism a little.. but I now see you can be at minimum somewhat reasonable, and my suspicion of your fanaticism is somewhat decreased. (wes)

stupid little fuck. your arrogance and condescension is obvious. your opinion aint worth a damn. trying to impress newbies with your garbage is pathetic .

i see you are living up to your newly acquired "troll" label. that is all you have done in this thread.
Originally posted by spookz
Maybe. I smell that you're taking it all way to seriously. IMO, that stinks of fanaticism a little.. but I now see you can be at minimum somewhat reasonable, and my suspicion of your fanaticism is somewhat decreased. (wes)

stupid little fuck. your arrogance and condescension is obvious. your opinion aint worth a damn. trying to impress newbies with your garbage is pathetic .

i see you are living up to your newly acquired "troll" label. that is all you have done in this thread.

LOL. You're right spookz. I don't know what I was thinking.

Fuck you anyway. ;)

Oh and spooky ooky poo???? My suspicion of your fanaticism hasn't decreased at ALL. Does that work for you shitbag?

Oh, and you're NOT right I was just saying that because you're a fascist and I knew you'd believe it. Viva la not spookz!


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/In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of scientist actually think it's worthy of considerably more reasearch, but they're scared to death to admit it.

That's where we part ways. There is a difference between "research" and "investigations". You can investigate this topic, but you can't research it because there's no hard evidence to investigate.

/The propaganda wagon has been very successful in discrediting this subject.

I'd say that there's just as strong of an argument that a "propaganda wagon" is exactly what has gave this subject matter (the association of ET with UFOs) popularity in the first place.

/The jokes and snickers need to subside for this subject to get the credibility it needs, and deserves.

If there were credible hard evidence I'd imagine the issue would get credibility. It won't until it does, it's that simple.. it's just kind of human nature. I mean, we say "everyone laughed at galileo until he proved the world was round" or whatever... that is because it is human nature to do so until someone has irrifutable evidence.

/Most of us are not screaming 'the aliens are coming'. All we're saying is look at the evidence we do have. Unfortunately, those screaming that the're coming, are getting the majority of the headlines.

But the evidence that's there doesn't DO anything. There's a whole lot of stuff that might have been this or might have been that blah blah blah. I mean, you can rationalize any of it as a number of different things, that's why it can't be credible. You have to be able to isolate the number of things it could be, and with no way to repeat the incedents and no hard evidence, you just get stories. While stories are interesting and even inspiring, they don't DO anything.
by wesmorris:
I mean, you can rationalize any of it as a number of different things, that's why it can't be credible.

OK, wes, you have just made a claim, a common one. Now let's
see you back it up. Don't take this challenge personally, I'd just
like to hear your comments on the thread dealing with the Belgian
reports. I'd like to hear your rational examples of the number of
different things the reports indicate, thus excluding their credibility.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Or keyboard.

Wes, are you up to the challenge?
yeah I haven't had time to read it yet. I think i remember it but I'm not sure if it's the same incident I'm thinking of.

I'm telling you already though it's gonna be the same story.

Most likely I just won't know what it is and that's that. There is a lot of that with this stuff.

regardless I'll go over there and check it out and say something there.

oh and 2inquistive yeah I know it's a common claim. i can't help that it's what makes sense to me now.
Originally posted by wesmorris
I'm telling you already though it's gonna be the same story.

How can you possibly say this and then expect your opinion to mean anything?

You've already made up your mind without even looking at the evidence. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by fluid1959
Case in point
I take this to mean you don't have a link to the evidence of UFOs joining human formations. Otherwise provide a link. It is unreasonable and stupid to expect everyone on the forum to have the same information. If this way true, we wouldn't have much to discuss.
Originally posted by VRob
How can you possibly say this and then expect your opinion to mean anything?

That's really REALLY rude. My opinion is just my opinion. This wouldn't be a topic of discussion if the issue were settled, so cut the bullshit accusational tone. It's crap.

Originally posted by VRob
You've already made up your mind without even looking at the evidence. :rolleyes:

Because I've already SEEN enough evidence to have the general opinion that little happens that isn't mundane.... and like i said I think I've already seen that case. :rolleyes:

I would suggest that if there were a bunch of triangle things flying around it's almost certain they are man-made or some form of illusion.

However, I wouldn't suggest that I have a real clue about it and would argue that you don't either. There are a bunch of stories about someting happening I won't argue. Exactly WHAT happened is unknown. Have you seen one? Has anyone that you trust beyond reproach seen one? Are you sure you should trust them beyond reproach? Are you aware than many people insist things are real which aren't? Most of the glove believes in god/bible/qu'ran/vishnu, all of which are logically retarded, yet that believe it as irrefutable truth.

You'd believe as you wish, but I won't be swayed by heresay crap. I'll be swayed by demonstrable PROOF.
Originally posted by spookz
i doubt if q can hold a candle to this moron. capped the "proof" too! :D

Hey that's a great argument!

At this pace in a few centuries you could possibly move up to basic logic!

Hey bonehead - you're the one who came here attacking skeptics with this thread. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Oh and spooky ooky poo???? My suspicion of your fanaticism hasn't decreased at ALL. Does that work for you shitbag?

what part of "your opinion aint worth a damn" dont you understand (shitface). your thoughts come out like vomit and is just as distasteful

Oh, and you're NOT right I was just saying that because you're a fascist and I knew you'd believe it.

deep. deep deep shit

Viva la not spookz!



...in your face bitch
mess frikkin porridge

Hey that's a great argument!

its all about perceptions
i see a non negotialble statement
you see an argument

At this pace in a few centuries you could possibly move up to basic logic!
cool. do you plan to catch up anytime soon?
Re: messporridge

/what part of "your opinion aint worth a damn" dont you understand (shitface). your thoughts come out like vomit and is just as distasteful

LOL. thought vomit eh? Hmmmmmm.

No, I'll pass thank you.

/deep. deep deep shit

LOL. whatever fascist troll.


I do try.

/...in your face bitch

Sorry skank, I don't swing like dat.
Re: mess frikkin porridge

/its all about perceptions
/i see a non negotialble statement
/you see an argument

so you're not doing what you accuse me of while you're accusing me of doing it? no wait, yeah, that's what you're doing, eeeeeeeeeeeediot.

/cool. do you plan to catch up anytime soon?

Way ahead of you eeeeeeediot.

Okay, I'm tired of calling you names now.

I know you miss fountain and feel the need to try and pimp someone but stop humping my leg and growling at me at the same time.


Oh man that cracked me up.


Piss off spookz.

Oh and if you need this:

Okay flame war surrendered by the nerd. I yield to the more scorching flames of the spooky one. I am not worthy.

Re: Re: mess frikkin porridge

I know you miss fountain and feel the need to try and pimp someone but stop humping my leg and growling at me at the same time.

actually wes
you implied i was a bunch of nasty stuff (do you need to revisit). if that is to be your mo. expect retaliation. your call

Piss off spookz.

i rather if you did. you came to me. you fuck off


$100 on the nightstand aint gonna cut it. this ho is high class. i expect breakfast