Why seek proof of God?

1. Does God exist?
2. Where did we come from?
3. Why are we here?
4. Do we serve a purpose?
5. Do we have any intrinsic value?
6. What happens after we die?

The only solid answer I think you could get is for number 6. After we die nothing functions that allows us to exist in the form of life, unless you count the deterioration of your body as existence.

If the universe was created by God then we know he created the universe to have some sort of mechanism to it. If we somehow transported some place after death I imagine that science could find some mechanism behind it. But nothing happens which leads most people to believe that once you're dead, you've had your one shot at life.
(Q) said:
As for me, I already got the only reliable answers.

In other words, enton, you aren't interested in learning anything. Sorry to have taekn the trouble to provide you with those links after you requested some answers.

Now, FOAD!
I am interested the fact that until now we(christians) are studying the Bible being the inspired book of God. But we select which things to learn to and which things to investigate further. Science is a helpful aspect of man's knowledge as well as philosophy. The Bible has an aspect regarding learning science and philosophy.

To wit from the lawyer St. Paul, apostle to the Gentiles, like Philippines:

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 1Timothy 6:20

Anyone dare to know the meanings of the above verses not interpreting by yourself. You may refer to the preceding verses and/or the succeeding verses for contextual meanings. But don't forget to read either between the lines or beyond the lines.
enton: reading the verses and reading between the lines: only proves Q's point IE:
Q said:
"In other words, enton, you aren't interested in learning anything. Sorry to have taken the trouble to provide you with those links after you requested some answers."
the verses say that your not prepared to accept any knowledge, because jesus is the only knowledge you require, in other words keep you brain empty, and be more godly.
which is exactly what it is to be religious.
it also says
Colossians 2:11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:
have you been circumcised without being touched, I very much doubt it.
so in conclusion you are only here to preach, not debate, so it's time to leave the forum. FOAD!
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the preacher said:
enton: reading the verses and reading between the lines: only proves Q's point IE:
the verses say that your not prepared to accept any knowledge, because jesus is the only knowledge you require, in other words keep you brain empty, and be more godly.
which is exactly what it is to be religious.
it also says

have you been circumcised without being touched, I very much doubt it.
so in conclusion you are only here to preach, not debate, so it's time to leave the forum. FOAD!
Don't hurry. I will wait for the action of the moderators like Cris and James_R. If I can't log-in that means I should have to leave this atheistically administered science fiction forum :eek: .
But we select which things to learn to and which things to investigate further.

Selective learning? Wouldn't that be learning only as far as your beliefs will allow?

But don't forget to read either between the lines or beyond the lines.

That's where things get confusing as ones interpretation between or beyond the lines gets muddled, and may very well be the distinction between worshiping god and killing in the name of god, for example.

The bible should at the very least be sparkling crystal clear when it comes to revealing the word of god. One should not have to read between or beyond the lines. It only shows that the bible was conceived by men.
(Q) said:
But we select which things to learn to and which things to investigate further.

Selective learning? Wouldn't that be learning only as far as your beliefs will allow?

But don't forget to read either between the lines or beyond the lines.

That's where things get confusing as ones interpretation between or beyond the lines gets muddled, and may very well be the distinction between worshiping god and killing in the name of god, for example.

The bible should at the very least be sparkling crystal clear when it comes to revealing the word of god. One should not have to read between or beyond the lines. It only shows that the bible was conceived by men.

Yes, haven't you observed any student there in your area being a selective leaner? Selective learner is also tagged as a specific learner, not a general learner. But in my case, I try to be as much as possible a general studier, but I don't give much attention to myths, fiction, impossible poetry, instead I refer to pros and cons in my religous belief, scientific discoveries of life, ancient and modern.

The fact remains the same, your physical eyes, Q, cannot perceive the Holy Spirit. So if you will use different reading abilities, you will find yourself hilarious, why? Because the Bible is understood only by those whom the Holy Spirit delighted. It does not mean that the Holy Spirit choose people according to His option. It would turn to be "Discriminatory" action. But because the Holy Spirit seaches the very depth of the hearts of men, we'll of course He chooses those which are lovers of righteousness.

By the way, just like a human resource manager, he categorizes employment basis by way of qualification. So, God wants all people to be saved. Like a cook, he wants all tomatoes to be included in a salad, but only the finest, he included. So does the God of peace. The very big possibility of the calling for the fellowship of His begotten Son is towards them who advocate peace, charity, righteousness, mercy, truth and holiness. :bugeye:
Oh gosh!!! I hope I aren't too late to enter this thread.

If one searches for proof of the ultimate truth then it is the truth you search for that is an ultimate lie.
To search for proof of God only disproves God. Because if God requires proving then he aint no God.

To search for a proof of a proof is an act of futility.

Why search for proof of God?
Because we are searching for proof of a lie as the truth requires no proof.
enton said:
haven't you observed any student there in your area being a selective leaner?
yes this one guy holds a broom and leans on that and sometimes he leans on a shovel, I've seen him lean against trees and walls, so I would say he's very selective.
enton said:
but I don't give much attention to myths, fiction,
now come on enton thats a blatent lie.
Myth: A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology
A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal:
A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society:
what do you think religion is.
enton said:
The very big possibility of the calling for the fellowship of His begotten Son is towards them who advocate peace, charity, righteousness, mercy, truth and holiness.
but, which begotten son, the one in the OT KJV Psalms 2,5: Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6: Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7: I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8: Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
or thye one in the NT KJV John 3,15: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

in the early years of the 20th century, Albert Fish of Washington D.C., murdered, and mutilated, and ATE 100 innocent children.
Albert Fish loved to read, and quote out loud from the bible, DO YOU?


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enton said:
The fact remains the same, your physical eyes, Q, cannot perceive the Holy Spirit. So if you will use different reading abilities, you will find yourself hilarious, why? Because the Bible is understood only by those whom the Holy Spirit delighted. It does not mean that the Holy Spirit choose people according to His option. It would turn to be "Discriminatory" action. But because the Holy Spirit seaches the very depth of the hearts of men, we'll of course He chooses those which are lovers of righteousness.

By the way, just like a human resource manager, he categorizes employment basis by way of qualification. So, God wants all people to be saved. Like a cook, he wants all tomatoes to be included in a salad, but only the finest, he included. So does the God of peace. The very big possibility of the calling for the fellowship of His begotten Son is towards them who advocate peace, charity, righteousness, mercy, truth and holiness. :bugeye:
Enton, this elitist cr4p!
"We are the finest! We are the righteous! Only we will be saved!"
What an utter load of hogwash.

Peace, charity, righteousness, mercy and truth are NOT the domain solely of your religion, nor even of the religious in general. If you think they are then you are more a deluded fool than I originally thought. You would be the worst kind of fanatic, that puts himself on a pedestal above the others, and the kind that drives people toward intolerance - not of the religion but of the person.
the preacher said:
but, which begotten son, the one in the OT KJV Psalms 2,5: Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6: Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7: I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8: Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
or thye one in the NT KJV John 3,15: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Which begotten Son? The answer is the One from Proverbs 8:30

Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; By the way for the sake of general readers, there is none other Begotten in the Bible but the Christ who was mentioned Emmanuel (in Old Testament) and Jesus, son of Mary (in the New Testament). He was the One referred to by David in Psalms 110:1 Psa 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Still confused?
But because the Holy Spirit seaches the very depth of the hearts of men, we'll of course He chooses those which are lovers of righteousness.

That would be me, yet I've not been chosen. What's wrong with that picture?

Like a cook, he wants all tomatoes to be included in a salad, but only the finest, he included. So does the God of peace.

That IS discriminatory - you've contradicted yourself.
enton said:
Which begotten Son? The answer is the One from Proverbs 8:30

Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; By the way for the sake of general readers, there is none other Begotten in the Bible but the Christ who was mentioned Emmanuel (in Old Testament) and Jesus, son of Mary (in the New Testament). He was the One referred to by David in Psalms 110:1 Psa 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Still confused?
no confusion here, but cant say the same for you, where in proverbs 8 does it mention a begotten son, the first is psalm 2,5-8 is david
and the other is jesus, and where in the psalm of david does it mention begotten so, the psalm of david is about david as are most of the psalms.
not jesus and jesus was'nt heard of in the ot, you would think an all knowing god would get is sons name right Emmanuel, immanuel, david, Melchizedek, jesus.
enton if a fly flew through your in ear into you head, when it buzzed the echo woulld kill it, and if that did'nt work it would die of lonelyness.
wesmorris said:
I don't seek proof of god.
M*W: Hello, big guy! It's better not to seek proof of god, although I did it myself for more than 30 years. As long as we seek the proof of god, we remain in denial in that we must believe the proof is out there to be found, and a searching we will go.

When I came to the conclusion that there was no god out there, I experienced fulfilling relief that my search was finally over. When that day comes, everything falls into place, and it all becomes clear.

The atheists on this forum have probably had a similar experience, but the theists who believe there is a god out there who continue to seek it and pray to it, are unable to reconcile the truth because of the fiction they believe.

Reading christian posts on this forum leaves so much unresolved belief. If you notice, they highly employ the use of metaphor to describe their god when, in reality, they don't have the slightest idea of the god they created!

They protect the presumed existence of their god out of their own fear of death, and their god's existence is nothing more than a delusion of their mind.

You're right. Seeking proof of god is the denial of self. When someone seeks god, they're only looking for their own preconceived idea of what they think their god should be like. It's too bad they don't look between their ears, because that's the only place god will be found.
My dear, that's the only place anything will be found.

You exist in my head.

My kids exist in my head.


I hope my head stays intact, so you won't cease to exist. :)
(Q) said:
But because the Holy Spirit seaches the very depth of the hearts of men, we'll of course He chooses those which are lovers of righteousness.

That would be me, yet I've not been chosen.
God calls and God chooses. The prophet Jeremiah in the Bible and St. Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles are just few of the examples of pre-destined people. But even if God calls one to come unto his Son for a fellowship, but the one called doesn't respond, then he is just righteous in his own eyes or what I may state is " He is just a sage by himself."

(Q) said:
[What's wrong with that picture?
What picture?

(Q) said:
[Like a cook, he wants all tomatoes to be included in a salad, but only the finest, he included. So does the God of peace.

That IS discriminatory - you've contradicted yourself.
There is no contradiction. Do you want to include in a group of holy the advocates of lies, thieves, adulterers, killers of humans and lovers of vices such as the rapists, the lust lovers, the gluttons and the greed of money?
Do you want to include in a group of holy the advocates of lies, thieves, adulterers, killers of humans and lovers of vices such as the rapists, the lust lovers, the gluttons and the greed of money?

Apparently your Christ did. What does that say about you?
wesmorris said:
My dear, that's the only place anything will be found.

You exist in my head.

My kids exist in my head.


I hope my head stays intact, so you won't cease to exist. :)
M*W: Wow! That's mighty powerful! I didn't realize how easy it would be to keep enton out!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Wow! That's mighty powerful! I didn't realize how easy it would be to keep enton out!

Pesky neighbors damnit. They suck. :)

I've been gone too far in this whole "reality is an image in your brain thing", for a while due to some other threads I've been pimping. It seems correct enough, but it doesn't keep the neighbors from being bigoted asshats hell-bent on suing the neighborhood because of their own paranoid, politically correct stupidity. So yeah.

At least here it's easier though cuz there's a button for it. :)