Why seek proof of God?

Well how dare he not give us proof. Even if we stick around till the end of time and finding proof is not possible then how dare he? Seems like an abuse of power to me.

I certainly ain't gonna worship something unless I know it exists, and that I am convinced it deserves to be worshipped.
KennyJC said:
Well how dare he not give us proof. Even if we stick around till the end of time and finding proof is not possible then how dare he? Seems like an abuse of power to me.

I certainly ain't gonna worship something unless I know it exists, and that I am convinced it deserves to be worshipped.
Do you know why life came on earth?
Why do you need a "why"?
What evidence is there for a "why" to exist?
Why do you feel the need for a meaning to existence?
Would you feel lost without one?

A better question to ask is "how".
Sarkus said:
Why do you need a "why"?
What evidence is there for a "why" to exist?
Why do you feel the need for a meaning to existence?
Would you feel lost without one?

A better question to ask is "how".
Why, it's just like when you come to notice the name of God of gods which is
YHWH, an ineffable one you know that? what about if HWHY effable now? Now how?

Again. Reason is also important not only process.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1
What are you going on about?
You asked a question, I answered with my own questions (and implying therein that there is no evidence of a "why") - and you come back with some stuff about YHWH and being ineffable.
What's it got to do with your earlier question, or indeed my questions of you??? :confused: :bugeye:
Sarkus said:
What are you going on about?
You asked a question, I answered with my own questions (and implying therein that there is no evidence of a "why") - and you come back with some stuff about YHWH and being ineffable.
What's it got to do with your earlier question, or indeed my questions of you??? :confused: :bugeye:

Don't be confused. A lot of my matter here is religious. Religion you know?
"If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:26-27
Therefore, science is used by religious people for their reasonable service to God. Sample article:
It is unsurprising that it plays a central role in many of the World's religions.
Qorl said:
NO1 Regards to you

The one who created matrix created us.
no I think your wrong, Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski had nothing to do with my creation, that was my mum and dad, they might have created there own children, if they have fathered any that is.
The main reason why people seek proof of God is to add a meaning to their acts of good and bad. If people knew for a fact that there was a God, everyone would change into non-sinful, highly religious people who never comit any crimes in order to reserve their place in heaven. If they knew for a fact that there wasn't God, the world would go out of control, and no law or order would be needed, as there is no afterlife, and as there is no meaning to life.

Bottom line is, if there is no God, all we are is a cancer to the Earth.
Bottom line is, if there is no God, all we are is a cancer to the Earth.

Not a cancer really, more of a fungi.

If they knew for a fact that there wasn't God, the world would go out of control, and no law or order would be needed, as there is no afterlife, and as there is no meaning to life.

That would be true of all theists, for they have not the capacity to reason.
Think about it, if there is no god, hence no afterlife... We are born to do exactly what? survive, pro-create, die, and in the middle of all that is something we like to call "life..." 'activities, entertainment and hobbies' and thats that.

I'm not saying i dont like it, i'm just if you think deep down, life is unexplainable... there is no solid theory as to suggest how we came to be, "The big bang theory" aha...? what made the matter that consisted of the big bang? God made it? who made god? ...bottom line is something must have always been there, but how?

P.S: i know its not relevant to the topic but it is related.
We are born to do exactly what? survive, pro-create, die, and in the middle of all that is something we like to call "life..." 'activities, entertainment and hobbies' and thats that.


there is no solid theory as to suggest how we came to be

Evolution, it is a fact.

.bottom line is something must have always been there, but how?

Try reading some posts in the science sections, maybe your question gets answered there. That is, unless you let your beliefs get in the way and you deny them.
Dont get me wrong Q, i dont consider myself religious... i do believe in God to a certain extent, but like most people, if i cant see it...

Q, i wasn't talking about evolution. Yes i guess its plausable to say we evolved from a single-celled organism... but what i was talking about is, how was the universe made? what made the matter of the ever growing in popularity "big bang theory"?

I cannot sit here and say "something was always there" i need a better explination... i need a better answer...
Jan Ardena said:
Cottontop said:
I want to know because I associate so much of the suffering, anger, hate and violence in this world with what is taught, either responsibly or irresponsibly, by the churches of the world.

I suppose you have some examples of this?

Here is some proof, This is a quotation fro mthe website of the Catholic church which makes it seem like the inquisition was totally OK and benifiting to Humanity:

Catholic Church Website said:

(Lat. inquirere, to look to).

By this term is usually meant a special ecclesiastical institutional for combating or suppressing heresy. Its characteristic mark seems to be the bestowal on special judges of judicial powers in matters of faith, and this by supreme ecclesiastical authority, not temporal or for individual cases, but as a universal and permanent office. Moderns experience difficulty in understanding this institution, because they have, to no small extent, lost sight of two facts.

On the one hand they have ceased to grasp religious belief as something objective, as the gift of God, and therefore outside the realm of free private judgment; on the other they no longer see in the Church a society perfect and sovereign, based substantially on a pure and authentic Revelation, whose first most important duty must naturally be to retain unsullied this original deposit of faith. Before the religious revolution of the sixteenth century these views were still common to all Christians; that orthodoxy should be maintained at any cost seemed self-evident.

However, while the positive suppression of heresy by ecclesiastical and civil authority in Christian society is as old as the Church, the Inquisition as a distinct ecclesiastical tribunal is of much later origin. Historically it is a phase in the growth of ecclesiastical legislation, whose distinctive traits can be fully understood only by a careful study of the conditions amid which it grew up.

Now that you have read that Curch sponsored crap, read the results of this holy act:

The Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer), first published in 1486, is arguably one of the most infamous books ever written, due primarily to its position and regard during the Middle Ages. It served as a guidebook for Inquisitors during the Inquisition, and was designed to aid them in the identification, prosecution, and dispatching of Witches. This book helped the slaughter of 9,000,000 "witches"

The Thirty Years War
The most bloody of the religious wars was without doubt the Thirty Years War. It was called such because it lasted thirty years, from 1618 to 1648. It all started when the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II (1578-1648), tried to suppress Protestantism in his empire. The Protestants resisted and formed the Protestant Union. The Catholics in their turn, formed the Catholic League.

At first, the Protestant army was no match for the Catholics. A large scale slaughter of the Protestants ensued. Things would have ended there had Ferdinand been satisfied with what he had accomplished. But this victory in battle was not enough, he wanted to eradicate Protestantism completely from his land. He outlawed the religion and initiated cruel and systematic persecutions of Protestants. The Protestants appealed for foreign help. Eventually Denmark, Sweden and France joined the war. With this the war entered a phase where the more or less evenly match forces could not achieve much except slaughter one another. [10]

An example of the cruelty which was characteristics of the German religious wars, can be seen in the massacres of the Protestants of Magdeburg. The city who had a population of thirty thousand, was almost completely Protestant. After the a six month siege the Catholic forces managed, on May 20th 1631, to over-run the city. [11] The description of the carnage by Brain Bailey, from his excellent book Massacres, is given below:

The enraged Catholic League troops then set about annihilating Magdeburg...Children were thrown into flames and women were raped before being butchered. Fifty-three women were beheaded in a church. No one was spared, regardless of age or sex, and twenty-five thousand of the city’s population were either massacred or burnt to death...[Count von] Tilly [1559-1632; commander of the Catholic forces] held a solemn mass in the cathedral [of Magdeburg] and boasted that no such great victory had occurred since the destruction of Jerusalem. [12]

The loss of life in this war was tremendous. It reduced the population of Germany, according to conservative estimates by at least a third; this put the death toll at six million. Some estimates put the number as high as fourteen million. Peace was finally negotiated in Westphalia in 1648. The positive contribution of this peace was that it finally secularized the western politicians. After this, the pope no longer wielded the secular power that his predecessors had enjoyed. The power of the religion to do harm was reduced tremendously.
"Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know." (big bang theory)
Why did i go to check out that website? i dont know.
(Q) said:
Try these and then fire off the questions to anything you don't understand:


1. Does God exist?
2. Where did we come from?
3. Why are we here?
4. Do we serve a purpose?
5. Do we have any intrinsic value?
6. What happens after we die?

I hope that you people here in sciforums got already the only reliable answers of the above 6 questions. :confused: As for me, I already got the only reliable answers. :)
As for me, I already got the only reliable answers.

In other words, enton, you aren't interested in learning anything. Sorry to have taekn the trouble to provide you with those links after you requested some answers.

Now, FOAD!